DR :: Volume #3

#214: Partner, international certification

Regarding words that Zhan En spoke, Howard believed actually 78. 对于詹恩说的话,霍华德倒是信了七八分。∮ First the Zhan En's speech is very clear, steady, has the orderliness, is well-founded, convincing. Secondly his age is suspending here, if an adult, does this matter spoke to also hope words, then Howard Bishop will have suspected somewhat, but the Zhan En's age made him reduce some worries. As an old person, Howard has experienced the world were too many, he also knows, like the young people of Zhan En such big age is the rebel, they despise the authority, tries to change these unfair not things, the warm-blooded heroic feelings of many young people emerged at this time. Such person Howard Bishop has seen much, most of them were defeated finally, but also some people were successful. Moreover Howard Bishop from the Zhan En's tone can also listen to young people unique insolent, this is how regardless of unable to conceal. Before coordinating him , that again toldpast events & R dquo ;, Old Bishop is very easy in in the depths of ones heart molds one when young witnessed the friend unfair bitter experience, thus is determined to change world the image of young people. 一来詹恩的说话很清晰,平稳,相当有条理,有理有据,令人信服。二来他的年龄在这里摆着,如果说是一个成年人,做这种事情说是为了还愿的话,那么霍华德主教还会多多少少有所怀疑,不过詹恩的年纪却让他减少了一些顾虑。作为一个老人,霍华德见识过的世面太多了,他也知道,像詹恩这么大年龄的年轻人最是叛逆,他们藐视权威,试图改变那些不公不正的事情,很多年轻人的热血豪情都是在这个时候涌现的。这样的人霍华德主教见过不少,他们当中大多数最终都失败了,但也有一些人获得了成功。而且从詹恩的语气里霍华德主教也可以听出年轻人特有的张狂,这是无论如何也掩饰不住的。再配合他之前诉说的那段“往事”,老主教很容易就在内心深处塑造出一个因为年幼时亲眼目睹了自己朋友不公正遭遇,从而决心改变世界的年轻人的形象。 He thinks this Zhan En invited itself to come, told own story for and him, simultaneously indicatedhow, regardless of the outside world regarded us, I did not vacillate & R dquo absolutely ; Is the young people unique tenacity and determination. However never expected that Zhan En is saying own bitter experience later thread of conversation one revolution, unexpectedly with him regarding cooperating? 他原本以为这次詹恩邀请自己来,就是为了和他讲自己的故事,同时表明一下“无论外界如何看待我们,我都绝对不动摇”的,属于年轻人特有的固执和决心。但是没想到詹恩在说完自己的遭遇之后话锋一转,居然和他谈起合作来了? Cooperation? Very sorry, Mr. Zhan En, I not am quite as if clear your meaning. & R dquo ; “合作?很抱歉,詹恩先生,我似乎不太明白您的意思。” Old Bishop narrows the eye, traces beard on the chin, the opens the mouth inquiry that then has doubts said. But hears his inquiry. Zhan En nods. 主教眯起眼睛,摸了摸自己下巴上的胡须,然后疑惑的开口询问道。而听到他的询问。詹恩则是点了点头。 Right, I hope that can cooperate with Templar. Completes this matter together. & R dquo ; “没错,我希望能够与圣堂教会合作。一起将这件事做好。” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears here, old Bishop frowns. Although Abandoned by Gods is not considered as that the taboo in Templar meeting. But is also a big trouble. If possible, regarding the matter that Zhan En does, he expressed support for spiritually, is not willing to change into the oral and action in fact. Because teaches to fall into to be troublesome during as the matter stands, but this is Howard Bishop is not willing to see. 听到这里,老主教皱起了眉头。神弃者虽然不算是圣堂教会里的禁忌。但也是一个不小的麻烦。如果可以的话,对于詹恩所做的这件事,他在精神上表示支持,可不愿意化为口头与实际上的行动。因为这样一来教会就会陷入麻烦之中去,而这是霍华德主教所不愿意看见的。 Thinks of here, the old person then opened the mouth to plan to say anything, but has not waited for him to start talking, Zhan En had actually as if detected that his idea raised hand, interrupted the speech of old Bishop. 想到这里,老人便开口打算说些什么,但是还没有等他开口说话,詹恩却似乎已经察觉到了他的想法般举起手来,打断了老主教的说话。 Howard Sir Bishop. I understand your meaning, but I do not create a scene. In fact, I do that will also consider for Templar. & R dquo ; 霍华德主教大人。我明白你的意思,但是我并非是无理取闹。事实上,我之所以这么做,也是为了圣堂教会着想。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears these words, the opening of eye Howard, took a look at present young people carefully. 听到这句话,霍华德之睁开眼睛,仔细打量了一下眼前的年轻人。 How to say? & R dquo ; “怎么说?” „ Very simple, we are very clear, now world regarding the prejudice of Abandoned by Gods, came from creating the world epic sail Chapter 3 second section & l S quo ; I award thou and others this lands. Henceforth thou in in Manhuang will throw over Jing the line, the front misery and darkness are unable to prevent the pursue bright mind. I spirit of strong body blessings in Fanshi, the fire seed of unyielding mind and wisdom, by all day long country's name of & R S quo earth ; ......... Because of this. The mortals all think that the perfect body is the thing of god blessings, but inborn incompleteness is regarded as by the gods disclaimer, right? & R dquo ; “很简单,我们都很清楚,现在世间对于神弃者的偏见,全部都来自于创世史诗的起帆篇第三章第二小节‘吾将这片土地授予汝等。从此汝将于蛮荒之中披荆而行,前方的苦难与黑暗无法阻挡追求光明的心灵。吾将赐福于凡世之灵强健的身躯,不屈的心灵与智慧的火种,以成天土之国名’………正因为如此。凡人皆认为健全的身躯乃神赐福之物,而天生残缺不全者则被人视为被神明放弃者,对吗?” This ......... indeed is this right. & R dquo ; “这………的确是这样没错。” Hears the Zhan En's speech. Howard surprised staring in a big way eye, careful took a look at present young people. He thinks Zhan En will overflow with a big section fervor. Was full of the ideal speech to instigate itself, never expected that he seemed like a instructor of theological school to start with discuss that unexpectedly created the world epic to come? 听到詹恩的说话。霍华德不由惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,仔细的重新打量了一下眼前的年轻人。他原本以为詹恩会用一大段激情四溢。充满了理想的发言来煽动自己,没想到他居然像是一位神学院的讲师般开始和自己讨论起创世史诗来了? But makes Howard feel what is surprised is. Zhan En said is quite specialized, with a few words in that flash Howard that he exits knows the present young people are not that pure the doctrine back thinks skillfully oneself are the belief devout idiot. With a few words, that is the present young people are not the generation of gaining fame by deceiving people, he understood creates the world epic. 而更让霍华德感到惊讶的是。詹恩所说的都相当专业,用一句话来说就是在他出口的那一瞬间霍华德就知道眼前的年轻人不是那种单纯只是把教义背的滚瓜烂熟就认为自己已经是信仰虔诚的蠢材。用一句话来说,那就是眼前的这个年轻人并非欺世盗名之辈,他是非常了解创世史诗的。 These words saying right, the god indeed blessings in the mortal, give them to survive diligently the necessary blessing in the dark world. But the issue is, creates the world epic not regarding these Abandoned by Gods not tiny bit attention. In fact in the development Chapter 5 first section, has such description & l S quo ; The people to the vanguard, only limping are all hard to start, the person of misery being encumbered is unable to evade the dark evil, only has the redemption of hope light. The inborn crime does not have the amnesty, the shackles that if it can break through the misery, must stand erect on the clouds pledge & R S quo ;. & R dquo ; “这句话说的没错,神的确赐福于凡人,给予他们在黑暗世界努力生存所必要的祝福。但问题在于,创世史诗并非对于这些神弃者没有一丝一毫的关注。事实上在开拓篇的第五章第一小节,就已经有了这样的描写‘众人皆向前行,唯蹒跚之者举步维艰,苦难缠身之人无法逃避黑暗的罪恶,唯有祈求光明之救赎。天生之罪并非无可赦,若其能冲破苦难的枷锁,必可得屹立于云端上者之承诺’。” Said here, Zhan En spread out both hands. 说道这里,詹恩摊开双手。 In other words, created in the world epic actually to have chapter that described Abandoned by Gods, they for various reasons but has not obtained the blessings with enough time, thus was encumbered dark. So long as can break through these is difficult and poverty-stricken, they same can receive the Holy Light blessing of clouds peak with the people of light, not? & R dquo ; “也就是说,创世史诗里其实早就有了描写神弃者的章节,他们因为各种各样的原因而没有来得及获得赐福,从而被黑暗缠身。但是只要能够突破这些艰难与困苦,他们便与光之子民一样可受云端巅峰的圣光祝福,不是吗?” This ......... can indeed explain ............... & R dquo like this ; “这………的确可以这样解释……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Howard is dumbfounded, he read the bible full, creating the world epic naturally was also the back skillfully, he will certainly not forget regarding the content of this section. But Howard never relates the content and Abandoned by Gods of this part, now listened to a Zhan En such saying, as if was really also what is all about?! 听到詹恩的说话,霍华德不由目瞪口呆,他饱读圣书,创世史诗自然也是背的滚瓜烂熟,对于这一小节的内容他当然不会忘记。可是霍华德从来没有把这个部分的内容与神弃者联系起来,现在听詹恩这么一说,似乎还真的是这么一回事?! Looks at the Howard expression, Zhan En puts out a hand to push under the eyeglasses, in the eye flashed through the happy expression that one trivial cannot be checked. 看着霍华德的表情,詹恩伸出手去推了下眼镜,眼中闪过了一丝微不可查的笑意。 This indeed is the gods regarding the view of Abandoned by Gods, being far that but the fact actually thinks with Howard. In fact, this content unimportant is because it is belated action. This seems some people to look that others speculated in the stock market to compensate none to jump from an upper story to commit suicide, why bother then shook the head to sighthis in side is? The one had only known you did not enter the stock market investment real estate to be good initially, yeah, hopes that your descendant can draw the lesson, do not speculate in the stock market again casually, but speculates in real estate with us together, like this we can be the friend ......... & R dquo ; 这一段的确是众神对于神弃者的看法,但事实却与霍华德想的相差甚远。其实说白了,这一段内容之所以不重要是因为它属于马后炮。这就好像有人看别人炒股赔了个精光跳楼自杀,然后在旁边摇头叹气“这是何苦呢?早知如此当初你不进股市投资房地产多好,哎,希望你的后代能够吸取教训,不要再随便炒股,而是跟我们一起去炒房,这样我们大家还是能够做朋友的………” Basically is this meaning. 基本上就是这个意思。 In fact, in Demon World, many higher demon regarding creating the world epic must be more familiar than many devout followers, only then understood that your enemy can defeat your enemy, so-called attacks the shield of child with the child lance, nothing compared with using their beliefs routs them to make demon be excited. To them, the use creates the world epic, tears these Paladin and shield of Priest devout belief, making their souls weep bitterly in front of the dark reality, shivers, degenerates can say that simply most was worth appreciating and joyful entertainment. 事实上,在魔界,很多高等魔族对于创世史诗比不少虔诚的信徒都要更加熟悉,只有了解你的敌人才能够打败你的敌人,所谓以子之矛攻子之盾,没有什么比用他们的信仰击溃他们更让魔族感到兴奋的了。对于他们来说,利用创世史诗,撕裂那些圣骑士牧师虔诚的信仰之盾,让他们的灵魂在黑暗的真实面前痛哭,颤抖,堕落简直可以说最值得欣赏和愉悦的娱乐了。 „ The world all thinks that Abandoned by Gods shoulders the sin, their ideas are unable to change in a short time, I do not want to change. However, since creates in the world epic to have such content, why can't we change the approach? Since they carry the sin, so long as that eliminated their sins is not good? So long as eliminated their sin, can let these Abandoned by Gods on with the average person same life ........., regardless of this merely is only good wishes, is realistic, so long as there is such a goal, regarding current us, is enough. & R dquo ; “世人皆认为神弃者背负罪孽,他们的想法短时间内无法改变,我也没想改变。但是,既然创世史诗里有这样的内容,我们为什么不可以改变一下做法呢?既然他们身负罪孽,那么只要消除他们的罪孽不就好了?只要消除了他们的罪孽,就可以让这些神弃者过上和普通人一样的生活………无论这仅仅只是个美好的愿望,还是现实,只要有这么一个目标,对于目前的我们来说,也已经足够了。” Good that „ you said that young people. However Templar will have the difficulty of Templar meeting, you should understand, we had enough to do ......... & R dquo ; “你说的不错,年轻人。但是圣堂教会也有圣堂教会的难处,你应该明白,我们本来就很吃力………” Hears here, Howard has to open the mouth. The words that Zhan En spoke are very indeed correct, he has not discovered any incorrect place. He is not but clear, what will he want Templar to help make? 听到这里,霍华德不得不开口了。詹恩说的话的确很正确,他没发现有什么不对的地方。可是他还是不明白,他想要圣堂教会帮忙做什么? I do not request Templar to accept these Abandoned by Gods. & R dquo ; “我并不是要求圣堂教会接受这些神弃者。” Zhan En beckons with the hand actually, gave up the Howard anxiety, later, he then says. 詹恩倒是摆了摆手,打消了霍华德的疑虑,随后,他这才开口说道。 In fact, I have an idea, Howard Sir Bishop. I hope that Templar Order can provide Abandoned by Gods to us. & R dquo ; “事实上,我有一个想法,霍华德主教大人。我希望圣堂教团能够向我们提供神弃者。” What?! & R dquo ; “什么?!” Hears these words, Howard stares suddenly, what is this? Does Templar Order provide Abandoned by Gods for them? Is this possible? Don't they produce this gadget? 听到这句话,霍华德猛然一愣,这是什么意思?圣堂教团为他们提供神弃者?这怎么可能呢?他们自己也不生产这玩意儿啊? Just like you see, is acted the words that by us, then outside will have many anxieties regarding us, although I do not care regarding the views of these country bumpkins, but I do not want multi- stirring up trouble to carry. Therefore I hope that can achieve a mutually beneficial cooperation with the expensive/noble church the agreement, can recruit and collect these Abandoned by Gods by Templar, then transmits to us. As for the reason, like, cleans the Abandoned by Gods sin that on us said that builds a bright future and redemption for them. As the matter stands, we can still make these Abandoned by Gods survive in this severe world, moreover does not need to be worried about these people stupid and ignorant Gossip. & R dquo ; “正如您所看见的,由我们自己出面的话,那么外面对于我们会有很多疑虑,虽然对于那些乡巴佬的看法我根本不在乎,但是我也不愿意多惹事端。因此我希望能够和贵教会达成一个互利合作的协约,由圣堂教会来招募和收集那些神弃者,然后再转交给我们。至于理由,就像我们上面所说的,清洗神弃者的罪孽,为他们营造一个光明的未来与救赎。这样一来,我们依然能够让那些神弃者在这个严苛的世界里存活下来,而且也不用担心那些民众愚蠢又愚昧的流言蜚语。” Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Hears here, Howard lowers the head to start to ponder. To be honest, this is not what major problem, if operates appropriately, but can also become an edifying anecdote. How to treat Abandoned by Gods is the troubles in church, because of sometimes, these will give birth to the Abandoned by Gods family to place that side the church own child secretly, consulting to look. But teaches to receive regarding such trouble is not, does not receive is not. Here after all is not Earth, you can presses shota under body to vent while prayed the forgiveness of gods in the chest picture cross. The gods on Klein Continent exist, if by them is thought you violated vowing of Holy, was finished. 听到这里,霍华德低下头开始思考起来。说实话,这本身也不是个什么大问题,而且如果操作得当的话,还可以成为一桩美谈。如何对待神弃者一直都是教会之中的麻烦,因为有些时候,那些生下神弃者的家庭会把自己的孩子偷偷放在教会那边,请教会来照管。而教会对于这样的麻烦可谓收也不是,不收也不是。这里毕竟不是地球,你可以一边按着身下的正太发泄一边在胸口画十字架祈祷神明的宽恕。克莱恩大陆上的众神可是真实存在的,如果被他们认为你违背了神圣的誓言,那么就完蛋了。 Just ............... 只不过…………… Naturally, considering this regarding the Templar meeting is not an easy matter, to extend appreciation, I am willing to put out 300,000 gold coins to donate money to give the church as the follower. & R dquo ; “当然,考虑到这对于圣堂教会来说也不是件容易的事情,为了表达谢意,我个人愿意拿出三十万金币作为信徒捐款交给教会。” Mr. Zhan En proposition is very meaningful. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生的提议很有意义。” Hears here, Howard is smiling nod, later stands up. 听到这里,霍华德微笑着点了点头,随后站起身来。 I think, we should be able the cooperation to be happy. & R dquo ;( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! “我想,我们应该能够合作愉快的。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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