DR :: Volume #3

#213: Templar meeting, best helper

Regarding Howard Bishop, this is a day for peace ratio gets up does not have any early morning of difference. He leads the followers to go to church, extols Holy Light. Then provides the black bread for these homeless people, this is Bishop is ordinary ordinary day of start & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; At least before the invitation of that bronzing arrives at own desk, Howard Bishop indeed thinks. 对于霍华德主教来说,这是一个和平日比起来没有任何区别的清晨。他带着信徒们做完礼拜,赞颂圣光。接着为那些无家可归者发放黑面包,这是一个主教非常普通平凡的一天的开始———至少在那份烫金的邀请函来到自己的书桌前时,霍华德主教的确是这么想的。 However now ............ 但是现在嘛………… „ Is here that the monastery in hearsay? & R dquo ; “这里就是那所传闻中的修道院?” Is looking iron gate that at present the big city wall and shuts tightly, went down old Bishop of carriage to trace the gray beard, in the eye flashed through several points of curious color. Regarding here hearsay, Howard Bishop naturally also has hear, after all this matter has spread in the entire Passus area . Moreover the lower classes want to come is very interested regarding this rumor, therefore Howard Bishop regarding this is also very clear. 望着眼前高大的城墙和紧闭的铁门,走下马车的老主教摸了摸自己花白的胡子,眼中闪过了几分好奇的色彩。对于这里的传闻,霍华德主教自然也是有所耳闻的,毕竟这件事在整个帕苏斯地区已经流传开来,而且下层民众对于这种流言想来都很有兴趣,所以霍华德主教对此也是很清楚的。 But looks like in old Bishop, this actually being nothing important matter, others like doing the good are others matter, moreover he also acknowledged, compared with these ordinary orphans and refugees, the Abandoned by Gods fate is more pitiful. If this Blake wife is the sincerity wants to do good, then he will also give certain support. 只不过在老主教看来,这其实算不了什么大事,人家喜欢做善事是人家自己的事情,而且他也承认,比起那些普通的孤儿和难民来说,神弃者的下场要悲惨许多。如果说这位布莱克夫人是真心想要做好事的话,那么他也会给予一定的支持。 But the folk rumor is not a rumor, after all Abandoned by Gods was not waited to see is world common sense, the average person hides to hide regarding these gods of plague, but now this Madame Blake the meeting is willing to adopt these Abandoned by Gods unexpectedly, difficult insurance to have the doubts. Also because of this, Howard will raise the question to the Lydia actions. But Howard Bishop actually also spoke thoughtlessly, only if really summoned what devil devil. Otherwise Templar Order is impossible to go to search forcefully. The relations between religious and politics are very always sensitive. In Holy nation Seth was no exception, to be needless to say Skaar federation place. 只不过民间的流言也并非空穴来风,毕竟神弃者不被人待见是世间常理,一般人对于这些瘟神躲都躲不及,而现在这位布莱克夫人居然会愿意收养这些神弃者,难保不会让人产生疑惑。也正因为如此,霍华德才会对丽姬娅的所作所为提出疑问。只不过霍华德主教自己其实也只是随口说说,除非真的召唤出了什么魔鬼恶魔。否则圣堂教团也不可能强行去进行搜查。宗教和政治之间的关系总是很敏感的。就连在圣国塞斯都不例外,就不用说斯卡尔联邦这种地方了。 But what makes Howard not think, the response such rapidness of opposite party, the letter invited him to go to the monastery to visit unexpectedly unexpectedly, even must and he conducts one round to talk over thoroughly on this issue. This makes Howard feel when is surprised somewhat is also curious, actually every so often the aristocrat does not treat sees Templar Order, but now the opposite party will invite himself unexpectedly. Makes Howard somewhat accidental/surprised. However since the opposite parties invited, truth that then he naturally cannot have. Therefore quick Howard accepted opposite party's invitation, took the carriage to arrive at this monastery. 但让霍华德没想到的是,对方的回应居然如此之快,居然来信邀请他前往修道院参观,甚至还要就这个问题和他进行一轮深谈。这让霍华德感到惊讶之余也有些好奇,其实很多时候贵族也不是那么待见圣堂教团的,而现在对方居然会邀请自己。着实让霍华德有些意外。不过既然对方都邀请了,那么他自然也没有不去的道理。所以很快霍华德就接受了对方的邀请,乘坐马车来到了这座修道院。 Is looking at the present monastery, the old Bishop mood is also somewhat complex, when he is young once and Holy Song Monastery Monk have had to do, is not strange regarding here. However when now he stands again here, actually the surprised discovery monastery already and completeness in the impression was different. Big, neat city wall, spacious city gate. Inside building also becomes even more magnificent elegant. It can be said that during present Holy Song Monastery, is not remembers completely ............... 望着眼前的修道院,老主教的心情也是有些复杂,他年轻时曾经和圣颂修道院修士们打过交道,对于这里也不算陌生。但是现在当他再次站在这里时,却惊讶的发现修道院已经和自己印象之中的完全不同了。高大,整洁的城墙,宽大的城门。里面的建筑物也变得越发华丽典雅。可以说,现在的圣颂修道院,已经完全不是自己记忆之中的…………… Hello, are you Howard Sir Bishop? & R dquo ; “您好,请问您是霍华德主教大人吗?” At this time, an resembles lark persuasive nice voice resounded, interrupted the old Bishop train of thought. He has turned the head the place that turns toward the sound to send out to look. Then sees to stand a wear blue bottom white lace maid dress in the entrance, like the Angel lovable young girl. But after seeing the present young girl, the heart of Howard also jumped jumped, the reason did not have him, was really this young girl long was extremely lovable, moreover her grinning expression lively granddaughter is gazing at oneself grandfather to be the same probably, was full of naive and children's enjoyment energy. This made Howard relax, stood side him, originally look serious seemed like must bring death two Paladin that has not displayed extremely stodgily facing the present young girl. But quite revealed the quite genial vision. 就在这个时候,一个像百灵鸟般婉转动听的声音响起,打断了老主教的思绪。他转过头向着声音发出的地方望去。这才看见在大门口正站着一个穿着蓝底白色花边女仆裙装,像天使般可爱的少女。而在看见眼前的少女之后,就连霍华德的心也是不由的跳了一跳,原因无他,实在是这位少女长的太过可爱了,而且她笑嘻嘻的表情就好像一个活泼的孙女正在注视着自己的爷爷一样,充满了天真与童趣的活力。这让霍华德不由的放松了许多,就连站在他身边,原本神色严肃的像是要去送死的两个圣骑士,面对眼前的少女也没有表现出太过死板。而是颇为露出了颇为和善的目光。 Yes, I am Howard. & R dquo ; “是的,我是霍华德。” Facing young girl's inquiry, old Bishop reorganized under own front piece, then has the gentle smile to nod to the present maid. But hears his reply, the young maid raised the skirt swayed cleverly, to him good a ritual. 面对少女的询问,老主教整理了下自己的衣襟,然后带着慈祥的笑容对眼前的女仆点了点头。而听到他的回答,小女仆乖巧的提起裙摆,对他行了一礼。 Hello, Sir Bishop, welcome your arrival, the master had waited there for some time, please with me. & R dquo ; “您好,主教大人,欢迎您的到来,主人已经恭候多时了,请跟我来。” Is saying, maid gave the hand signal of invitation, then brings old Bishop and two Paladin entered in the monastery. 一面说着,女仆一面做了个邀请的手势,接着便带着老主教和两个圣骑士走进了修道院里。 Although had looked that outside the monastery has changed completely greatly, but only enters, will discover inside change in a big way. The path that the spacious smooth square, the white flagstone paves, the stair of marble, as well as that luxurious elegant monastery main building, all these make Howard exclaim & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; To be honest, he feels even Templar Order in the Eagle Plateau headquarters, still without here attractive. 虽然在外面就已经看出来修道院已经完全是大变样,但是只有进入其中,才会发现里面的变化有多大。宽大平整的广场,白色石板铺就的道路,大理石的台阶,以及那豪华典雅的修道院主楼,这一切都让霍华德惊叹不已———说句实在话,他觉得就算是圣堂教团雄鹰高原的总部,也没这里漂亮。 Moreover, makes Howard feel that what sigh is here these aristocrats has not decorated and designed ostentatiously, the entire monastery comes across is quite clean, bright, is very comfortable. Although internal decoration is also very luxurious, but the entire atmosphere feels is quite comfortably peaceful, Howard does not certainly think that the decoration is more luxurious has what wrong, in fact in the Templar meeting many churches will also try hard oneself temple decoration is more magnificent. But they do not have too much money, is not naturally able to make this effect. From this perspective, Howard regarding this Madame Blake someenvy, jealousy, hate & R dquo ;. 不仅如此,更让霍华德感到感叹的是这里并没有那些贵族浮华的装饰与设计,整个修道院给人的感觉相当干净,明亮,很舒服。虽然内部的装饰同样很奢华,但是整个气氛给人的感觉相当安宁舒适,霍华德当然不会认为装饰豪华些有什么错,事实上圣堂教会里很多教堂也会努力把自己的圣殿装饰的华丽一些。只不过他们没有太多钱,自然无法做成这种效果。从这角度来说,霍华德对于这位布莱克夫人还是有些“羡慕嫉妒恨”的。 But this old Bishop also indistinct some doubts, the Blake family is only goes down in the world the aristocrat in the local area, this madame before marrying is also only a daughter of merchant, does she possibly have so much money? Moreover underwent his careful observation a moment ago, Howard also discovered before here has many, greets own maid age almost big girl, they also wear the maid clothing/taking, is doing own work. According to the observation of old Bishop, these maidsquality & R dquo ; It is high, this did not say that they are very attractive, because and they are doing very skilled work. Holds an office in many years of Bishop as one in the Passus area, Howard also quite understands the aristocrats. To be honest, the quality in his opinion many aristocrat others eldest young lady of these maids cannot compare continually, but here, are they actually merely only the retinues? 只不过这位老主教也隐隐约约的有些疑惑,布莱克家族在本地只是个落魄贵族,这位夫人在嫁过来之前也不过只是一个商人的女儿,她怎么可能有这么多钱呢?而且刚才经过他的仔细观察,霍华德还发现这里有很多和之前迎接自己的女仆年纪差不多大的女孩儿,她们也都穿着女仆服,正在做着自己的工作。根据老主教的观察来看,这些女仆的“素质”都很高,这不是说她们都很漂亮,而且还因为她们都做着很熟练的工作。作为一个在帕苏斯地区任职多年的主教,霍华德对于贵族们也是颇为了解的。说实话,这些女仆的素质在他看来连很多贵族人家的大小姐都比不上,但是在这里,她们却仅仅只是仆从? This is really one goes down in the world the aristocrat to achieve? 这真的是一个落魄贵族可以做到的吗? Has such question, Howard to pass through the clean neat bright corridor and magnificent hall. Finally. Before he arrived at a leaf of heavy/thick door . But stood first gave a hand signal in the front maid to them, this turns around, knocks on a door gently. 带着这样的疑问,霍华德走过干净整洁明亮的走廊以及华丽的大厅。最终。他来到了一扇厚重的房门前。而站在前面的女仆则是先对他们做了个手势,这才转过身去,轻轻敲了敲门。 Master, Howard Sir Bishop came. & R dquo ; “主人,霍华德主教大人来了。” Asked them to come. & R dquo ; “请他们进来吧。” The one who stems from Howard Bishop to be unexpected, what spreads from the gate during is not he imagines the voice of Madame Blake, but is a young male. What rhythm is this? 出乎霍华德主教意料之外的是,从门内传出的并不是他想象之中布莱克夫人的声音,而是一个年轻的男性。这是什么节奏? Has such question, Howard to frown. Finally, he takes a step to enter the present room. 带着这样的疑问,霍华德皱了下眉头。最终,他举步走进了眼前的房间。 After entering the room, old Bishop has not gone too to pay attention to these splendid elegant decorations, but looks quickly to front & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; On the sofa of his front not far away, is sitting young people at this moment. It seems like him as if also less than 20 years old, very young, wears the formal clothes of aristocrat, has the dashing semblance, seems like these young aristocrats has no difference from Howard in has usually seen. In his is standing behind a beautiful young girl who wears the black formal clothes. In his left, then sits aristocrat young married woman & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Howard had seen one side the opposite party at the new year rite, clearly, this is Madame Blake. 走进房间之后,老主教并没有去太多关注那些富丽典雅的装饰,而是很快就望向前方———就在他面前不远处的沙发上,此刻正坐着一个年轻人。看起来他似乎还不到二十岁,非常的年轻,穿着贵族的礼服,有着英俊潇洒的外表,看起来和霍华德平日里所见过的那些年轻贵族没什么区别。在他的身后站着一位穿着黑色礼服的美丽少女。则在他的左边,则是坐着一位贵族少妇———霍华德曾经在新年祭典上见过对方一面,很明显,这正是布莱克夫人。 Hello, Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “您好,霍华德主教大人。” Sees Howard to walk, that young people also stand up. Graceful toward him good a ritual. But Howard also quickly returns salute. His in the depths of ones heart also somewhat beats a drum, does not know that actually this young people where brave. Because of before then, him had not heard also has the man in this monastery, moreover is the so young aristocrat. Thinks of here, Howard looked at Lydia one, does not know that is thinking anything. 看见霍华德走进来,那个年轻人也是站起身来。优雅的向着他行了一礼。而霍华德也急忙还礼。只是他内心深处还有些打鼓,不知道这个年轻人究竟是从哪儿冒出来的。因为在这之前,他从来没听说过在这个修道院里还有男人,而且是如此年轻的贵族。想到这里,霍华德不由的望了丽姬娅一眼,不知道在想些什么。 Looks at the old Bishop twinkle uncertain look, Zhan En shows a faint smile at present, he knows certainly that the opposite party is thinking anything. However this regarding Zhan En is not the issue, in fact, so long as this Howard Bishop arrived here. Then the Zhan En's plan has succeeded. Therefore he has not started talking immediately, but after is other Alice is several guests finishes attending the tea leaves, this puts out a hand to push the eyeglasses, later revealed wiped the smile. 看着眼前老主教闪烁不定的眼神,詹恩只是微微一笑,他当然知道对方在想什么。但是这对于詹恩来说不是问题,事实上,只要这位霍华德主教来到这里。那么詹恩的计划就已经成功了。因此他并没有立刻开口说话,而是等爱丽丝为几位客人上完茶离开之后,这才伸出手去推了推眼镜,随后露出了一抹笑容。 I think that you are very certainly curious to me, in fact I also indeed should do to introduce oneself & mda S h for you ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; I called Zhan En. Bassammens, is the Bassammens family's member. & R dquo ; “我想您对我一定很好奇,事实上我也的确该为您做一下自我介绍———我叫詹恩.巴夏侬门斯,是巴夏侬门斯家族的成员。” Zhan En. Bassammens .........? & R dquo ; 詹恩.巴夏侬门斯………?” Is tasting the black tea of delicacy, old Bishop muttered is mumbling this name, he always thought where this name has heard probably, but could not think suddenly. But looks expression that old Bishop racks brains, his behind Paladin is actually lowers the head, said to him in a low voice. 一面品尝着美味的红茶,老主教一面喃喃自语的嘟囔着这个名字,他总觉得这个名字好像在什么地方听到过,但一时间想不起来。而看着老主教苦思冥想的表情,他身后的圣骑士却是低下头去,低声对他说道。 Sir, if I have not remembered incorrectly, Bassammens should be that makes entire Hard rock city not to peaceful ......... & R dquo ; “大人,如果我没有记错的话,巴夏侬门斯应该就是那个闹得整个坚石城不得安宁的………” Is he?! & R dquo ; “是他?!” Hears here, old Bishop stares, then immediately recovers. Mentioned also laughably, Zhan En arrived at Passus to have nearly a half year, he has handled in this period of time the matter were also many. But makes his reputation spread outside, actually before is, Hard rock city that farce on the eve of Skaar federal convention, he not only directly destroyed the Hard rock city front door, but also direct sword handle sword Saint Stryker swept to fly, immediately shocked the entire Skaar federation, after that the Zhan En's name started gradually to spread in the high levels. 听到这里,老主教一愣,接着顿时回过神来。说来也可笑,詹恩来到帕苏斯已经有快半年了,他在这段时间里做过的事情也不少。但让他的名声流传在外的,却是之前在斯卡尔联邦会议前夕坚石城的那场闹剧,他不但直接破坏了坚石城的大门,还直接一剑把剑圣斯特尔克扫飞了出去,顿时震惊了整个斯卡尔联邦,也就是在那之后,詹恩的名字才开始在高层之间逐渐流传开去。 As the Templar Order high level, as well as center Bishop of Great Mother Chatti church, Howard naturally also knows this name. Because this name also has complicated relation & mda S h with Templar Order ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; But since he this several years first Hero obtained the awarding a decoration aristocrat title, Zhan En obtained this honor after initially, Templar Order naturally also under all Temple to oneself jurisdiction conducted the notice and propaganda, but Howard naturally also obtained this notice. What makes him not think, will this young awarding a decoration aristocrat run up to Passus unexpectedly? 作为圣堂教团的高层,以及伟大之母查提教会的中枢主教,霍华德自然也知道这个名字。因为这个名字还和圣堂教团有着千丝万缕的联系———他可是这数年以来第一个获得授勋贵族称号的英雄,当初詹恩获得这个荣誉之后,圣堂教团自然也对自己管辖下所有的神殿进行了通知和宣传,而霍华德自然也得到了这个通知。只是让他没想到的是,这个年轻的授勋贵族居然会跑到帕苏斯来? What situation is this? 这是什么情况? I think that you will certainly appear to me here felt has doubts very much. & R dquo ; “我想您一定对我会在这里出现感到很疑惑。” Detected that the doubts of old Bishop, Zhan En shows a faint smile again. Present he displays and these have the aristocrat of good education to have no difference, well-mannered, the elegant bearing, Howard cannot pick up his any problem even. 察觉到老主教的疑惑,詹恩再次微微一笑。现在的他表现的和那些有着良好教养的贵族没有任何区别,彬彬有礼,风度翩翩,就算是霍华德也挑不出他的任何毛病来。 In fact, I arrive purely here am only an accident/surprise, I think that Howard Bishop should know, in beforehand ......... & R dquo ; “事实上,我来到这里单纯只是一个意外,我想霍华德主教应该知道,在之前的………” Is saying, Zhan En before , that takes risk in Underdark, then met with some sad man, becomes the good friend, then entrusted itself to consider wife's story also to say at the point of death to Howard before him. Until he said, Howard then showed being suddenly enlighted expression. He is not does not know that Cotton participated in recruiting of Templar meeting. Must know initially him in the name of oneself here report, but has not thought of the human affairs to be variable, Underdark that dangerous place, is really no one can go. 一面说着,詹恩一面将自己之前那个在幽暗地域冒险,然后和某个悲催男人相遇,成为好友,接着在他临死之前托付自己照顾妻子的故事又对着霍华德说了一遍。而直到他说完,霍华德这才露出了恍然大悟的表情。他不是不知道科顿参加了圣堂教会的征召。要知道当初他还是在自己这里报的名呢,只不过没想到世事无常,幽暗地域那种危险的地方,果然不是什么人都能够去的。 Perhaps you think that the master of this monastery is Madame Blake, but in fact, this monastery is I invests to construct, moreover adopts the request of Abandoned by Gods. Also is I raises. & R dquo ; “或许您以为这座修道院的主人是布莱克夫人,而事实上,这座修道院是我出资修建的,而且收养神弃者的要求。也是我提出来的。” After explained the long and short of the story simply, Zhan En then immediately decisive thorough subject. But heard his speech, Howard Bishop also narrows the eye, he was very clear, following was the key. 在简单说明了事情的来龙去脉之后,詹恩便立刻果断的深入主题。而听到他的说话,霍华德主教也眯起了眼睛,他很清楚,接下来的才是关键。 That, can please ask Mr. Zhan En, why do you want to do that? & R dquo ; “那么,可以请问詹恩先生,您为什么要这么做呢?” Facing the inquiry of Howard Bishop, Zhan En has not replied immediately, on the contrary. He is looking steadily at the present old person, after long time, then says. 面对霍华德主教的询问,詹恩并没有立刻回答,相反。他盯视着眼前的老人,半晌之后这才开口说道。 I think that Howard Bishop should be very clear , on the main road regarding the Abandoned by Gods attitude is actually always wrong, this does not conform to the Templar Order doctrine, even can say. Is called Abandoned by Gods them is an erroneous report. „ “我想霍华德主教应该很清楚,一直以来,大路上对于神弃者的态度其实是错误的,这也不符合圣堂教团的教义,甚至可以说。将他们称为神弃者本身就是一种谬传。“ This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears here. Howard frowns again, he understands certainly the words that Zhan En spoke are what meaning, but has not waited for him to say anything again, Zhan En has actually continued. 听到这里。霍华德再次皱起了眉头,他当然明白詹恩说的话是什么意思,可是还没有等他再开口说些什么,詹恩却已经继续说了下去。 In fact, when I am very young, I had been the friend with Abandoned by Gods, he is a very strong person. Although the surrounding person loathes him very much, but he is still living oneself life diligently. Just, a life of Abandoned by Gods is very difficult, to be honest. Even if he wants the work to receive in exchange for the reward diligently, some people will not admit his existence. & R dquo ; “事实上,在我很小的时候,我曾经和一个神弃者做过朋友,他是个很坚强的人。虽然周围的人都很厌恶他,但是他依然努力的过着自己的生活。只不过,一个神弃者的生活是非常困难的,说实话。就算他想要努力工作来换取报酬,也不会有人接纳他的存在。” Said here, Zhan En sighed, then he lowers the head. 说道这里,詹恩叹了口气,接着他低下头去。 Actually most starts, I also merely curious, you also know, Howard Bishop, I am an aristocrat, to me, the civilian and Abandoned by Gods difference is actually not big. Moreover I am quite curious regarding these Abandoned by Gods, actually will they why be abandoned by the gods? What did they make? I have wanted to study very well, from the beginning, I treat as her an object who is used for the observational study, Sir Bishop you can also understand that sees the stray cat stray dog probably, will give several meat bones to be the same, is not the important matter. & R dquo ; “其实最开始的时候,我也仅仅只是好奇,您也知道,霍华德主教,我是一个贵族,对于我来说,平民和神弃者其实区别不大。而且我对于那些神弃者相当好奇,他们究竟为什么会被神明抛弃呢?他们做了什么呢?我一直很想要好好研究一下,一开始,我只是把她当做一个用来观察研究的对象,主教大人您也能够理解吧,就好像看到流浪猫流浪狗,会给几块肉骨头一样,并不是什么大事。” At the same time saying, Zhan En revealed a forced smile. But sees his expression, Lydia seems somewhat surprised, but Enoya has not expressed & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Because she is very clear, master great Oscar of performed the time to arrive. 一面说着,詹恩露出了一丝苦笑。而看见他的表情,丽姬娅则显得有些惊讶,而埃诺娅没有丝毫表示———因为她很清楚,主人伟大的奥斯卡表演时间又到了。 But one day, when I go out alone met one flock of wild dogs, then I did not have the powerful strength like the present, is only one flock of wild dogs may also want my life merely, but my companion has frightened ran away, only leaves behind me to wait for death here. But in I think that I will be killed , in these wild dog mouths, was she to/clashes to scatter these fearful wild dogs, then rescued my life. Conceivable, then I was surprised, to express gratitude to her, I gave her a promise, that was my meeting info clerk she enters my family, then became an aide. But that girl is also very happy, naturally, you also know that this is a very difficult matter, therefore I must convince my parents. & R dquo ; “但是有一天,在我独自外出的时候遇到了一群野狗,当时的我还不像现在这样拥有强大的力量,仅仅只是一群野狗也有可能要我的命,而我的同伴则早就吓的跑掉了,只留下我在这里等死。而就在我认为自己将丧命在这些野狗口中的时候,是她冲出来驱散了那些可怕的野狗,然后救下了我的命。可以想象,当时的我有多么惊讶,为了向她表示感谢,我给了她一个许诺,那就是我会收纳她进入我的家族,然后成为一名侍从。而那个女孩对此也感到很高兴,当然,您也知道这是件非常困难的事情,所以我必须要说服我的父母才可以。” „ Then? & R dquo ; “那么然后呢?” Hears here, the Howard Bishop opens the mouth inquiry said, he pours does not think Zhan En is lying. Because this indeed seems like the matter that these young aristocrats can handle, sounds is well-founded, convincing, what is more important is that tone and tone of Zhan En in the explanation brings the thick sadness, listened coming out, he immersed during the recollection truly. 听到这里,霍华德主教不由的开口询问道,他倒并不认为詹恩是在说谎。因为这的确很像是那些年轻贵族会做的事情,听起来有理有据,令人信服,更重要的是詹恩在说明的时候那种语气和口吻都带着浓浓的哀伤,听的出来,他是真正沉浸在了回忆之中。 Not then. & R dquo ; “没有然后了。” Facing the inquiry of Howard Bishop, Zhan En smiled bitterly. 面对霍华德主教的询问,詹恩苦笑了一声。 Although I convinced the father finally, when I found her, she had been killed by one group of tramps, merely is only because did not move onto the turfs of these wanderers carefully, was killed like this, then throwing roadside like trash. & R dquo ; “虽然我最终说服了父亲,但是当我找到她时,她已经被一群流浪汉打死了,仅仅只是因为不小心进入了那些流浪者的地盘,就这样被打死,然后像垃圾一样的抛到路边。” Zhan En stopped, seems like enduring patiently the innermost feelings strongly the sadness and pain. 詹恩停顿了一下,看起来像是竭力在忍耐内心的悲伤与痛苦。 Why in my eye is full of the tears? Because I like this world loving deep! 为什么我的眼中饱含泪水?因为我爱这个世界爱的深沉啊! After that I start to pay attention to these Abandoned by Gods, the folk always said that they are the unclear symbols, but is such an unclear symbol, actually rescued my life. But these cared for by the gods truly, the person of health, actually looks but not see my crisis. From that time, I had the suspicion, to creating the world epic has investigated, therefore I believe, now world regarding the view of Abandoned by Gods is to twist and mistake, regarding this, I must make anything to be good. & R dquo ; “从那之后,我就开始关注这些神弃者,民间总说他们是不详的象征,可是就是这样一个不详的象征,却救了我的命。而那些真正受到神明眷顾,身体健康的人,却对我的危机视而不见。从那个时候,我就对此产生了怀疑,也对创世史诗进行过调查,所以我认为,现在世间对于神弃者的看法是扭曲和错误的,对此,我必须要做些什么才行。” Said here, Zhan En then looked around Lydia. 说道这里,詹恩这才望了一眼旁边的丽姬娅 I ran into Madame Blake just in time, to her encounters me to express deep sympathy, I also told to her my experience, won her understanding and support. Has this opportunity just in time, then I naturally cannot let off, therefore I will come to here, restores this monastery, and admits these Abandoned by Gods. & R dquo ; “正巧我遇到了布莱克夫人,对她的遭遇我深表同情,我也对她讲述了自己的经历,博得了她的理解和支持。正巧有这个机会,那么我自然不会放过,所以我才会来这里,修缮这所修道院,并且接纳那些神弃者。” This is really a sad story ............... & R dquo ; “这真是一个悲伤的故事……………” Until this time, Howard Bishop then opening the mouth said after a sigh. 直到这个时候,霍华德主教这才开口感叹道。 Please forgive, Mr. Zhan En, I have not thought that behind this matter will have such reason ......... your approach indeed to be worth praising unexpectedly, is ............... & R dquo ; “请原谅,詹恩先生,我从来没有想到这件事背后居然会有这样的原因………您的做法的确值得称道,可是……………” I also know, now outside spreads the rumor that some mind are measuring not. & R dquo ; “我也知道,现在外面流传着一些居心莫测的流言。” Hears the speech of Howard Bishop, Zhan En nods, but is quick, he then raised the head, is looking steadily at the present old person. 听到霍华德主教的说话,詹恩点了点头,不过很快,他便抬起头来,盯视着眼前的老人。 Therefore, I want with the Templar Order cooperation. & R dquo ; “所以,我想要和圣堂教团合作。”
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