DR :: Volume #3

#212: Specialized professional school, but also is flies in circles blue

Goes to Hard rock city these days in Zhan En, the world is also deferring to own rule revolution as before. Some City of Gold that side people invade, but Lydia monastery here also welcomed several up-and-comers. Most of them are Elinster have Witch's child of disability equally inborn, but the characteristics of everyone are not quite same. Some people are unable to walk, some people are unable to hear the sound, some people are the eye cannot see, can say, they are the burdens. When arrived here, the situation of everyone is very bad, several even are on the verge of Death. However what is lucky is Lydia good that very they look, not only asked Priest to come for them to treat wounded and sick, gave back to they quite sumptuous food. This lets these girls almost affected crying & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Must know that they long are so big, the first second quality item tastes so delicious food, they even felt, can eat this meat, next moment wants dead is worth. 詹恩前往坚石城的这段时间里,世界也依旧在按照自己的规律运转。黄金之城那边有人入侵,而丽姬娅的修道院这里也迎来了好几位新人。她们大多都是和艾琳丝特一样天生有残疾的魔女之子,只不过每个人的特点不太一样。有人无法走路,有人无法听到声音,有人则是眼睛看不见,可以说,她们都是累赘。在来到这里的时候,每个人的情况都很差,有几个甚至都濒临死亡边缘。不过幸运的是丽姬娅把她们照顾的很好,不但请牧师来为她们治疗伤病,还给了她们相当丰盛的食物。这让那些女孩们几乎感动的落泪———要知道她们长这么大,还是第一次品尝到如此美味的食物,她们甚至觉得,能够吃到这一口肉,下一刻要自己去死都值得了。 So far, was delivered to Witch's child of monastery including Elinster, only then five people, but as arrived here Elinster at first, naturally took on quest that was responsible for considering the later generation. In fact she has gradually been used to that seemingly severe training and education now, moreover displayed was also better than before. 到目前为止,被送到修道院的魔女之子包括艾琳丝特在内只有五人,而作为最初来到这里的艾琳丝特,自然就担当起了负责照顾后辈的任务。事实上她现在已经逐渐习惯了那看起来严苛的训练和教育,而且表现也比以前好了许多。 „ The progress of Elinster is very big, master. & R dquo ; 艾琳丝特的进步很大,主人。” Stands in the balcony, looks under is pushing the wheelchair, the young girl who takes care of other children, Lydia opens the mouth said. 站在阳台上,望着下方正在推着轮椅,照顾其他孩子的少女,丽姬娅不由的开口说道。 She now already completely familiar, and adapted to you for the goal that she establishes, coming out that can look, she was full of the trust to us. I think that this is a very good start, moreover Elinster in study also very diligently ............ & R dquo ; “她现在已经完全熟悉并且适应了您为她制定的目标,可以看的出来,她对我们充满了信任。我认为这是一个非常好的开始,而且艾琳丝特在学习方面也非常努力…………” Can look. & R dquo ; “可以看得出来。” At the same time is listening to the explanation of Lydia. Zhan En looks at the same time to below young girl. 一面听着丽姬娅的说明。詹恩一面望向下方的少女。 Underwent so many days recuperation. Elinster is healthier, although in the foreheads can also see past thin and pale vaguely, but she is at the development period after all, so long as the nutrition can with on, making up is not but actually difficult. 经过了这么多天的调理。艾琳丝特的身体已经好了许多,虽然眉宇之间依稀还可以看见往日的憔悴,但是她毕竟正处在发育期,只要营养能够跟的上,补回来倒也不算多么困难。 Zhan En still remembers oneself first time time of seeing Elinster, she is dirty and smelly, a flax color hair fluffy like bird nest. Because the skin also has not cleaned, but dirty filthy, the put on clothes are tattered, almost the clothes does not obstruct the body. Moreover the whole person is thin, even can pass her clothes following crack clear seeing girl's rib. 詹恩还记得自己第一次见到艾琳丝特的时候,她可是又脏又臭,一头亚麻色的头发蓬松的像鸟窝一样。皮肤也因为没有怎么清洗而肮脏污浊,穿着的衣服破破烂烂,几乎衣不遮体。而且整个人骨瘦如柴,甚至能够通过她衣服下面的破洞清晰的看见女孩儿身上的肋骨。 However now, her hair does not seem that fluffy, but emits the mild-mannered gloss. Stained the skin of dirt also to start to become white and tender and willowy gets up. Before that skinny small face also gradually brought the lovable baby fertilizer, to be honest, Elinster was actually is not attractive, she and girls of all these ages were equally lovable. Somewhat delicate and steady makings. But was also this degree, Zhan En discovered summon to come hand/subordinate casually many that Elinster was more attractive. However Zhan En does not care, present Elinster also is just an ugly duckling, is far from growing into the swan, but one day, she can carp fish dive Dragon Gate obtain the new life. 但是现在,她的头发已经不显得那么蓬松,而是散发出了柔顺的光泽。原本沾满了污渍的皮肤也开始变得白嫩和有弹性起来。之前那张干瘦的小脸也逐渐带了点儿可爱的婴儿肥,不过说实话,艾琳丝特其实算不上多么漂亮,她和所有这个年纪的女孩子一样可爱。有些清秀和稳重的气质。但也不过就是这种程度了,詹恩手下随便找出一个召唤物来都比艾琳丝特漂亮的多。不过詹恩倒不在乎,现在的艾琳丝特还只不过是一个丑小鸭,远远没有成长为天鹅,但是总有一天,她会鲤鱼跃龙门获得新生的。 At the same time is reporting to Zhan En. Lydia has the complex vision to size up at the same time is standing in his Enoya. Before then the Lydia distinction and Pattilina as well as Elise have met. But both sides have no happening together. However this difference, before Zhan En to words that oneself spoke, this young lady named Enoya will become the highest manager in oneself responsible stretch of area, this made Lydia have to this sudden young girl produce several points of curiosity. She does not have the power eliminated anxious feeling actually, because Lydia is very clear own status, she is the Zhan En's retinue, then Zhan En wanted to be itself to complete. However even so, Lydia were full of curious and question to the appearance of Enoya. 一面向詹恩汇报着。丽姬娅一面带着复杂的目光打量着站在他身边的埃诺娅。在这之前丽姬娅分别和帕蒂莉娜以及伊丽丝见过面。只不过双方并没有什么交集。但是这次不同,按照詹恩之前对自己说的话,这位名叫埃诺娅的小姐将成为自己负责的这片地区的最高主管,这使得丽姬娅不得不对这个突然出现的少女产生了几分好奇。她倒是没有权力被剥夺的焦躁感,因为丽姬娅很清楚自己的身份,她是詹恩的仆从,那么詹恩要自己去做自己就去做好了。不过即便如此,丽姬娅还是对埃诺娅的出现充满了好奇与疑问。 However facing sizing up of Lydia, Enoya but actually seems very calm, she has the light smile. Peaceful standing is gazing below Elinster side Zhan En's, but has not spoken a few words. Even if Lydia said so many, Enoya has not made noise, she has not affirmed to all that Lydia makes, without the expression different opinions, instead makes Lydia somewhat unable to feel the mind, does not know that actually she is thinking anything. 不过面对丽姬娅的打量,埃诺娅倒显得很淡定,她只是带着淡淡的微笑。安静的站在詹恩的身边注视着下方的艾琳丝特,但是却并没有多说一句话。哪怕丽姬娅说了这么多,埃诺娅还是没有出声,她即没有对丽姬娅所做的一切表示肯定,也没有表达不同意见,反而让丽姬娅有些摸不着头脑,不知道她究竟在想些什么。 Why will the system choose Elinster? 为什么系统会选择艾琳丝特呢? Gazes below young girl, Zhan En is also pondering this issue. Elinster very diligently, this coming out that can look at from her present performance. Her every action and every movement, stand and sit down, is not conducting the self- training every time, the stance that this since she stands can look. Every so often, when Elinster still showed the resembles she most to start to come here that stance, after she detected this little, she adjusts immediately, was maintained aristocrat proper that bearing by oneself diligently. Although after a while, will return to the original condition for some reasons, but is quick she to continue to persist in training. Zhan En is certain, this is not Lily they arranges to give her quest absolutely, is completely the Elinster voluntary behavior. 注视着下方的少女,詹恩也在思考这个问题。艾琳丝特很努力,这从她现在的表现都可以看的出来。她的一举一动,站立和坐下,每时每刻不都是在进行自我训练,这从她站立的姿态就可以看出来。很多时候,艾琳丝特依然展现出了像她最开始来到这里时的那种姿态,但是当她察觉到这一点儿之后,她就会立刻进行调整,努力让自己重新保持贵族应有的那种站姿。虽然过一会儿之后又会因为某种原因而恢复原状,但是很快她又会继续坚持训练。詹恩可以肯定,这绝对不是铃兰她们布置给她的任务,完全就是艾琳丝特自愿的行为。 This naturally is a good deed, but Zhan En is worried is not this issue. Looked coming out, Elinster is satisfied regarding the current life, moreover she is also trying hard to continue for oneself to have such life to struggle. These within the Zhan En expectation, but currently speaking, Zhan En has not seen Elinster to have any unique place completely, naturally, this also is too perhaps short with the young girl contact duration with him related. The matter that after all Zhan En must be busy at are too really many, he also saw one side Elinster until now, but perhaps Elinster also stays to the Zhan En's impression in him is on here owner ......... 这当然是件好事,不过詹恩担心的并非是这个问题。看的出来,艾琳丝特对于自己目前的生活非常满意,而且她也在努力为自己能够继续拥有这样的生活而奋斗。这些都是在詹恩预料之内的,但是从目前来看,詹恩完全没有看出艾琳丝特有任何独特的地方,当然,这或许也和他与少女接触时间太短有关。毕竟詹恩要忙的事情实在太多,他到现在为止也只是见了艾琳丝特一面,而艾琳丝特詹恩的印象恐怕也只是停留在他是这里的拥有者上……… However when the Zhan En plan continues deeply to ponder, Lydia actually interrupted his train of thought. 不过就在詹恩打算继续深入思考的时候,丽姬娅却打断了他的思绪。 „ The master, our situations were not too recently good. & R dquo ; “不过主人,最近我们的情况不算太好。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. 听到这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜。 What do you mean? & R dquo ; “什么意思?” Is this, many people produced the suspicion and curiosity regarding our requests, many people including place aristocrat once inquired that actually my is to make anything. Moreover in few days ago, Templar Order also had to send people to come to here, hopes that can we carry on the exchange ......... outside the present to have wide divided opinions on this issue in fact. Has not the good rumor ......... & R dquo ; “是这样的,很多人对于我们的要求产生了怀疑和好奇,包括地方贵族在内的很多人都曾经询问我这究竟是想要做什么。而且就在前些日子,圣堂教团也有派人来这里,希望能够就这个问题和我们进行交流………事实上现在外面众说纷纭。有很多不好的流言………” Lydia said is also the fact. Abandoned by Gods was not good because of the outside reputation, but now construct this orphanage, but also only receives these Abandoned by Gods. This makes many people suspect that they are making any secretive deal, even the rumor said that Lydia collects these Abandoned by Gods, is to conducts some evil blaspheming ceremonies with their blood and human bodies. Regarding this Lydia has a headache, moreover what makes her depressed is, in the aristocrat many people are also very curious. Must know in Klein Continent. Aristocrat community basically wasate to the full supporting & R dquo every so often ; A spokesman of clan, they also heard many rumors, has all that is very curious regarding here. 丽姬娅说的也是事实。神弃者在外面名声本来就不好,而现在自己建造这个孤儿院,还只收这些神弃者。这让很多人都怀疑他们是不是在做什么不可告人的勾当,甚至还有流言称丽姬娅之所以收集这些神弃者,是要用她们的血和肉体来进行一些邪恶的亵渎仪式。对此丽姬娅是颇为头疼,而且更让她郁闷的是,贵族之中不少人也很好奇。要知道在克莱恩大陆。贵族这种群体很多时候基本就是“吃饱了撑的”一族的代言人,他们也听到了不少流言,对于这里发生的一切同样很好奇。 Also outside will have such rumor no wonder, because the Zhan En's request is the entire monastery complete enclosed type management. The bystanders simply do not have the means to enter, the person who even if these transport the commodity for the monastery, still delivers to outside of monastery the commodity, then makes these young girl knights accept. But in monastery, then basically is Lydia, Lily and Jasmine are responsible. Again in addition a squad knight. In addition, they almost always the disagreement/not with contact, gets down like this in the course of contacts, will have so many Gossip no wonder. 也难怪外面会有这样的流言,因为詹恩的要求是整个修道院完全封闭式管理。外人根本没有办法进入,就算是那些为修道院运送物资的人,也只是把物资送到修道院的外面,然后让那些少女骑士接受。而在修道院里面,则基本就是丽姬娅,铃兰茉莉负责。再加上一小队骑士。除此之外,她们几乎从来不和外界接触,这样下来一来二去,也难怪会产生那么多的流言蜚语。 Actually Lydia regarding this radically indifferent, she now is not human, does not care about the human the view. But she was worried, if develops again like this. May plan to have the influence on Zhan En's very much. Therefore she has to report Zhan En. In addition Templar Order has started to pay attention to this matter, this has to make Lydia think some. 其实丽姬娅对此根本无所谓,她现在已经不是人类了,也不在乎人类的说法。可是她担心如果再这样发展下去的话。很有可能对詹恩的计划造成影响。所以她不得不对詹恩进行报告。再加上圣堂教团都已经开始关注此事了,这不得不让丽姬娅多想一些。 Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Heard the speech of Lydia, Zhan En pondered, later he beckons with the hand. 听到丽姬娅的说话,詹恩沉思了一下,随后他摆了摆手。 These aristocrats do not go to manage them, they come to here to estimate that is only wants to satisfy own curiosity, we manage the orphanage, does not open the zoo, does not need to them, when the monkey looks. As for the Templar Order that side ............... & R dquo ; “那些贵族不要去管他们,他们来这里估计只是想要满足自己的好奇心,我们是办孤儿院,不是开动物园,没有必要给他们当猴子看。至于圣堂教团那边……………” Said here, Zhan En put out a hand again, pushed under the eyeglasses. Afterward his corners of the mouth turned upwards slightly, showed a happy expression. In fact when Zhan En decides to do that he knows that Templar Order will meddle sooner or later. Actually the concept of Abandoned by Gods most starts not to pass from Templar Order, moreover time from the beginning their intention is also not true. However every so often information, once starts to spread will change, passed through a lot of years of baptism probably, the modern people completely will be different from the ancient regarding the understanding of Holy Bible, actually many religious doctrines were also misinterpreted. But Abandoned by Gods is one of them, because just the time is too long, now Templar Order does not have the means to transfer again, they must maintain the religion after all in the world front Holy nature, cannot slap one's own face, therefore can only tacitly approve world regarding some views of Abandoned by Gods. 说道这里,詹恩再次伸出手去,推了下眼镜。随后他嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝笑意。事实上早在詹恩决定这么做的时候,他就知道圣堂教团迟早会插手进来。其实神弃者的概念最开始并非是从圣堂教团传出去的,而且一开始的时候他们的用意也并非如此。但是很多时候信息一旦开始流传就会变样,就好像经过了千百年的洗礼,现代人对于圣经的理解与古人都会完全不同,其实很多教义也都被人曲解了。而神弃者就是其中之一,只不过由于时间太长,现在圣堂教团已经没办法再转回来,他们毕竟要维持宗教在世人面前的神圣性,不能够自打嘴巴,所以只能够默认世间对于神弃者的一些看法。 Also because of this, regarding Abandoned by Gods, Templar Order actually is also very contradictory. Why this is also they such quickly Lydia the orphanage to the reason that reacts. Must know that in the countries these aristocrats about the hearsay that hold the evil ceremony is innumerable, what aristocrat young lady to preserve the vigor of youth to kidnap these young girls to let blood takes a bath, what feudal lord Sir summoned the devil secretly, some were the rumors, some were also the truth. However has not seen in member going person each family on a grand scale these Templar Order to search, how Lydia just to begin, did Templar Order pay attention on the impatient expression? 也正因为如此,对于神弃者,圣堂教团内部其实也是非常矛盾的。这也是为什么他们会这么快对丽姬娅的孤儿院做出反应的原因。要知道乡野间关于那些贵族举行邪恶仪式的传闻数不胜数,什么贵族小姐为了永葆青春去绑架那些少女放血洗澡啊,什么领主大人偷偷召唤恶魔啊,其中有些是流言,有些也是真相。但是也没见那些圣堂教团的成员大张旗鼓的去人家家里搜索,怎么丽姬娅这边才刚刚起头,圣堂教团就迫不及待的表示关注了呢? Lydia, I will send some people to come to here to help you several days later, they called Alice, was very good retinue, you can feel relieved dispatched them. & R dquo ; 丽姬娅,过几天我会派一些人来这里帮你,她们叫爱丽丝,是很好的仆从,你可以放心的差遣她们。” Regarding Templar Order, Zhan En has the countermeasure. Moreover now along with the appearance of Alice, he has decided the orphanage following development direction. Has Enoya to be responsible for checking, Lydia is responsible for the professor etiquette and cultural knowledge, in addition Alice and young girl knights' guidance, these Witch's child should no issue. 对于圣堂教团,詹恩已经有了对策。而且现在伴随着爱丽丝们的出现,他已经决定了孤儿院接下来的发展方向。有埃诺娅负责把关,丽姬娅负责教授礼仪和文化知识,再加上爱丽丝和少女骑士们的教导,这些魔女之子应该没什么问题了。 To put it bluntly, Zhan En actually plans to complete a technical college the orphanage, but these Witch's child can have the professional skill through the study, thus decided own future path. During this is also Zhan En plans the essential part, after all the transformation was Charming Monster changed their physique and values, will not increase what skill to them. If before that these Witch's child cannot learn the professional skill, could not find thing that oneself excel, then Zhan En does transform them to come to do? This is not in the game, but also plays the Play-card collection? 说白了,詹恩其实就是打算将孤儿院建成一座技术学院,而这些魔女之子则能够通过学习掌握一技之长,从而决定自己未来的道路。这也是詹恩计划之中不可缺少的一部分,毕竟转化为魅妖只是改变了她们的体质和价值观,不会给她们增加什么技能。如果在那之前,这些魔女之子学不会一技之长,找不到自己擅长的东西,那么詹恩转化她们要来干什么呢?这又不是游戏里,还玩卡牌收藏? So-called professional skill, Eagle Plateau looks blue ......... ............ 所谓专业技能哪家强,雄鹰高原找蓝………咳咳………… „, Is ......... & R dquo ; “啊,是………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Lydia gawked, how is still saying that a moment ago Templar Order issue, now does Zhan En give one in an instant completely with beforehand no answer of connection? However the doubts turn over to the doubts, facing Zhan En's replied that she quickly nods, said no matter how, the master is willing to send people to come to here to help her is also a good deed. Here after all only then their several people, what in these young girl knights ordinary days are more is must protect the monastery, therefore could not give they too many help in the daily aspect. Fortunately now here Witch's child population are not many, coming that their three people can also look. But if the following population were many troubled, after all these Witch's child and common body perfect orphans were different, almost everyone needed the special accommodation to be good. Now some people help themselves, to her is also a good news. However thinks of here, Lydia hesitant, finally asks. 听到詹恩的回答,丽姬娅不由愣了一下,怎么刚才还在说圣堂教团的问题,现在詹恩转眼间就给出了一个完全和之前没有任何关联的答案?不过疑惑归疑惑,面对詹恩的回答她还是急忙点了点头,不管怎么说,主人愿意派人来这里帮她也是件好事。这里毕竟只有她们几个人,那些少女骑士们平日里更多的是要保护修道院本身,所以在日常方面给不了她们太多的帮助。幸运的是现在来这里的魔女之子人数不多,她们三个人还能够照顾的过来。但是如果后面人数多了的话就麻烦了,毕竟这些魔女之子和一般身体健全的孤儿还不一样,几乎每个人都需要特殊照顾才行。现在有人来帮助自己,对于她来说也算是一个好消息。不过想到这里,丽姬娅犹豫了一下,最终还是开口询问道。 But master, about Templar Order ............... & R dquo ; “可是主人,关于圣堂教团……………” This person concerned person will process personally. & R dquo ; “这件事主人会亲自处理的。” Enoya that until this time, had not spoken actually opens the mouth suddenly, is smiling inquiry that broke Lydia. But heard the reply of Enoya, Lydia stopped, later complex looked stood in Zhan En young girl one eyes. 直到这个时候,一直没有说话的埃诺娅却是忽然开口,微笑着打断了丽姬娅的询问。而听到埃诺娅的回答,丽姬娅不由的停顿了一下,随后复杂的望了站在詹恩身边的少女一眼。 Why does not know, she from this young girl, feels a quite intense sense of crisis for the first time. 不知道为什么,她第一次从这个少女身上,感受到一种相当强烈的危机感。
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