DR :: Volume #3

#211: The accident/surprise likes propriety, the click delivers!

Feels the space that all around transmits to fluctuate, Zhan En has prepared for and anticipation, he opens the eye, is gazing at the void dark space, is waiting for the arrival of brand-new summon. To be honest on Zhan En does not know that what existence will summon. Even if Zhan En can control the percentage to be full , but actually to have what rare unit is actually not he decides, this was still Zhan En at present the only pleasure. 感受到四周传来的空间波动,詹恩已经做好了准备和期待,他睁大眼睛,注视着虚空黑暗的空间,等待着全新的召唤物的到来。说实话就连詹恩自己都不知道会召唤出什么样的存在。就算詹恩能够控制百分百出稀有,但是究竟出什么稀有单位却不是他说了算,这也是詹恩目前唯一的乐趣了。 Drop honk & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “滴嘟————!!” But when the Zhan En waiting summon appearance, near his ear heard a rapid warning suddenly, this makes Zhan En have a scare immediately. Also without he responded, saw only the present system contact surface then to jump impatiently, glittered crazily is showing own existence feeling to Zhan En. 而就在詹恩等待召唤物出现的时候,他的耳边忽然传来了一声急促的警告声,这顿时让詹恩吓了一跳。还没有等他反应过来,只见眼前的系统界面便迫不及待的跳了出来,疯狂的闪烁着向詹恩表现自己的存在感。 Examines destiny goods & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Does Fire Origin Heart, activate?】 【检测到命运物品———火源之心,是否激活?】 Fire Origin Heart? What gadget? 火源之心?什么玩意儿? Saw this system message, Zhan En stares, the destiny goods he knows actually, as Dungeon Master, the player will certainly recycle many spoils of war. But some spoils of war, because the age is ancient, or the attribute is close, can when the player conducts Major Summon is used to stimulate and assist the summon. But Zhan En does not remember do oneself have with what hand/subordinate is the Fire Origin Heart gadget ......... that is actually what thing? 看到这个系统信息,詹恩不由愣了一下,命运物品他倒是知道,作为地下城主,玩家当然会回收很多战利品。而其中有一些战利品因为年代古老,或者属性相近,可以在玩家进行大型召唤时用来激发和辅助召唤。只不过詹恩一点儿都不记得自己手下有拿过什么叫火源之心的玩意儿………那究竟是什么东西? However said no matter how, the destiny goods are the good thing, has the special effect regarding the summon. Therefore Zhan En not hesitant, quick clicked on the confirmation. The warning stops, later in front of Zhan En's, three great hands opens again slowly, then Zhan En then sees bright red. Similar egg same exists to reappear in in the air. 但是不管怎么说,命运物品都是好东西,对于召唤来说也是有特殊效果的。所以詹恩也没有怎么犹豫,很快就点击了确认。紧接着,警报停止,随后在詹恩的面前,三只巨手再次缓缓张开,接着詹恩便看见一个鲜红色的。类似卵一样的存在浮现在空中。 Originally is it?! 原来是它?! Until personally sees thisFire Origin Heart & R dquo ;. Zhan En recalls this thing finally the origin. That is at first he , in Underdark the camouflage status assists Templar to clean up Fire lizard, when tidying up the Fire lizard den, Zhan En discovered this thing in the river of lava, although does not know is anything, but seemed like thing therefore Zhan En to accept. After taking, Zhan En gives Elise to study this red egg, but Elise has not studied what achievement. Therefore Zhan En then did not care this gadget again. Finds a place to throw there casually is covered with dust. 直到亲眼看见这颗“火源之心”。詹恩才终于回想起这个东西的来历。那还是最初他在幽暗地域里伪装身份协助圣堂教会去清理火蜥蜴的时候,在收拾火蜥蜴的老巢时,詹恩在熔岩之河里发现了这个东西,虽然不知道是什么,不过看起来就像是好东西所以詹恩就收下了。在拿回去之后,詹恩将这颗红色的卵交给伊丽丝去研究,但是伊丽丝也没研究出什么成果来。于是詹恩便再没有把这玩意儿放在心上。随便找个地方扔在那里吃灰。 But he has not thought, this thing that seems like not useful, unexpectedly can be destiny goods? 而他没有想到,这个看起来没有什么用的东西,居然会是一件命运物品? It seems like so long as is the gold, sooner or later can shine ......... 看来只要是金子,迟早还是会发光的啊……… When Zhan En indulges in flights of fancy, the brilliance that bright red egg sends out is even more bright, Zhan En even can smell the aura of flame and sulfur. The quick, void scenery starts to change, looks up, can see during dark infinite is void the big piece red cloud as well as bright red luminous that appear. The temperature also started at this time gradually becomes high. Even becomes somewhat dry and hot. The flame ejaculation, covered all. 就在詹恩胡思乱想的时候,那颗鲜红色的卵散发出的光辉越发明亮,詹恩甚至可以闻到火焰与硫磺的气息。很快,虚空中的景色开始改变,抬头望去,可以看见在黑暗的无限虚空之中所浮现出来的大片火烧云以及鲜红的光亮。温度也在这个时候开始逐渐变高。甚至变得有些燥热。紧接着,火焰喷射而出,笼罩了一切。 The flame and high temperature that the front surface throws make people somewhat frightened, but regardless of Zhan En or Enoya have not retroceded, they stand in same place, gazes at that group to erupt, but flame. After low and deep similar thunders bellow. The flame soars to fly, then two person's shadows appeared in front of Zhan En's like this. 迎面扑来的火焰和高温让人有些恐惧,可无论詹恩还是埃诺娅都没有后退,他们只是站在原地,注视着那团爆发而出的火焰。紧接着在一声低沉的类似打雷般的轰鸣声之后。火焰腾空飞起,接着两个人影就这样出现在了詹恩的面前。 Waits for ............ two? 等等…………两个? Sees this, blinking of Zhan En surprise, but the fact told him clearly, this indeed was two people. What's all this about? Did summon two rare unit one time? This matter Zhan En also has to hear, but he himself has not met, although has listened to many times rumors, but Zhan En has not placed these rumors at heart. However now seems like, these also are not only only the rumor are so as if simple. 看见这一幕,詹恩诧异的眨了眨眼睛,但是事实却明明白白的告诉他,这的确是两个人。这是怎么回事?一次召唤出两个稀有单位?这种事情詹恩也不是没有听说过,但是他自己从来没有遇到过,所以虽然听过很多次流言,可是詹恩都没有把这些流言放在心里。但是现在看起来,那些似乎也不仅仅只是流言这么简单。 First appears in front of Zhan En, is one 15-16 years old. It seems like the age almost big young girl with Zhan En, she has a bright red long hair, puts on magnificently, filled gothic style black formal clothes, two curving sharp corners/horns from sending the silk gap appear, direct impact horizon. A pretty face unemotional gaze Zhan En, is looking somewhat indifferent. The giant bright red pair of wings that but Zhan En opens from her behind, as well as that did not only live is moving the tail to see her real status. 首先出现在詹恩面前的,是一个15-16岁。和詹恩看起来年纪差不多大的少女,她有着一头鲜红的长发,穿着华丽,充满了哥特风格的黑色礼服,两只弯曲的尖角从发丝的间隙中浮现,直冲天际。一张俏丽的面孔面无表情的注视着詹恩,看起来有些冷漠。只不过詹恩从她身后张开的巨大鲜红的双翼,以及那只不住甩动着的尾巴就已经看出了她的真实身份。 But in young girl behind, is one has the black hair, seemingly about 20-year-old calm female. Unlike putting on the young girl of magnificent formal clothes, the present female puts on quite sexy, the brown leather whip is fettering her slender waist, only then the most important part was covered. Pair of jet black long tube leather boots and leather armor make her look somewhat wild, completely does not look that good-natured like the surface. 而在少女身后的,则是一个有着黑色头发,看起来大约20多岁的沉稳女性。与穿着华丽礼服的少女不同,眼前的女性穿着相当性感,棕色的皮鞭束缚着她那纤细的腰肢,只有最重要的部分被遮挡起来。一双漆黑的长筒皮靴和皮制护甲让她看起来有些狂野,完全不像表面上看起来那么温厚。 But Zhan En also obtained the information about these two people from the personal information quickly. 詹恩也很快就从个人信息上获得了关于这两个人的情报。 Yu dragon master & mda S h ; Agatha( gold)】 【育龙师—阿加莎(黄金)】 Race: Human 【种族:人类】 Battle efficiency: ( each Kamanche Yu dragon masters must undergo strict training, to resist these wild, and appeases anger variable lifeform)】 【战斗力:(每个卡曼奇育龙师都要接受严格的训练,以对抗那些狂暴并且息怒无常的生物)】 Management: ( even most fearful demon, will still obey in her director completely)】 【管理:(即便是最可怕的魔物,也会完全服从于她的指挥)】 Influence: ( when she gave warning, your only choice was obeys)】 【影响力:(当她提出警告时,你唯一的选择就是听从)】 Loyalty: ( only then the most outstanding ruler can her giving loyalty to)】 忠诚度:(只有最优秀的统治者才能够得到她的效忠)】 characteristic 特性 Demon tames & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Place from flame taming skill no one of the may and( morale adjusts + 3, ethnic tension eliminates)】 【魔物驯养———来自火焰之地的驯兽技巧无人可及(士气调整,种族对立消除)】 Elite cultivates & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Kamanche famous saying: Each life contains the unlimited possibility( experience promotes 15%, mutation + 1)】 精英培育———卡曼奇名言:每个生命内部都蕴含着无限的可能性(经验提升15%,异变)】 Skills 持有特技 Exclusive cultivation: May assign single body unit to conduct ability of training 【专属培育:可指定单体单位进行训练的能力】 Formation is expert: Can use the wide scope to assist formation ability 【阵型专精:能够使用大范围辅助阵型的能力】 From the ability, the performance of Agatha does not seem outstanding, but Zhan En is very satisfied. Now he lacks is this type can wide scope auxiliary Heroic units. Enoya and Pattilina single body combat capability is very outstanding, but Dungeon does not compete, copes with the army naturally also to depend on the army, although seems like the Agatha single body combat capability is not strong. However Zhan En is very clear she to be fierce. She not only can speed up the Zhan En hand/subordinate monsters promotion speed and variation attribute, even can also use formation & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The wide scope formation skill in existence that in entire Dungeon System is not exchanged for gold. Must know that the formation system can significantly enhance the demon combat capability. Even some explosive lineups can promote the entire rank all fight unit directly in a short time. If utilizes appropriately, although Zhan En combat unit hand/subordinate cannot say that puts down unmatched in the world, however in main plane, can defeat his existence to be few. 从能力来看,阿加莎的表现似乎并不突出,但是詹恩却很满意。他现在缺少的就是这种能够大范围辅助的英雄单位埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜单体战斗能力方面都很出众,可是地下城不是打擂台,对付军队自然也要靠军队,虽然看起来阿加莎的单体战斗能力不强。但是詹恩却很清楚她有多么厉害。她不但能够加快詹恩手下怪物们的升级速度和变异属性,甚至还能够使用阵型———大范围阵型技能在整个地下城系统里可是金不换的存在。要知道阵型系统可是能够大幅度提升魔物们的战斗能力的。甚至有些爆发性的阵型可以直接在短时间内将所有战斗单位提升整整一个等级。如果运用得当,詹恩手下的作战单位虽然不能说扫平天下无敌手,但是在主位面,能够击败他的存在就已经寥寥无几了。 Do not say that Agatha managed capacity unexpectedly four stars, this almost lets the Zhan En having tears streaming down the face top of the head blue sky, the managed capacity is actually and delivers the income to have the relations. The Zhan En assigned area responsible Hero managed capacity is higher, then the Dungeon income is also higher, the consumption is also lower. Four star management skills regarding Zhan En, are quite good presenting. 更不要说阿加莎的管理能力居然有四星,这几乎让詹恩泪流满面头顶青天,管理能力其实是和产出收入有关系的。詹恩指定地区负责的英雄管理能力越高,那么地下城的收益也就越高,消耗也就越低。四星管理技能对于詹恩来说,已经算是相当不错的馈赠了。 But the following that young lady made Zhan En somewhat strange. 只不过接下来的那位大小姐让詹恩就有些奇怪了。 Red Dragon Princess & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Sofina. Tianis( silver SSR)】 红龙公主——索菲娜.蒂亚尼斯(白银SSR)】 Race: dragon descendents 【种族:龙裔 Battle efficiency: ( the Red Dragon angry flame can melt this world's hardest metal)】 【战斗力:(红龙的愤怒火焰可以融化这世界上最坚硬的金属)】 Management: ( careful is praiseworthy moral excellence, is leads to successfully must choice)】 【管理:(小心谨慎是值得称赞的美德,也是通往胜利必须的选择)】 Influence: ( wealth that the experience of ancient knowledge and predecessor is unable to neglect)】 【影响力:(古老的知识与前人的经验是无法忽视的财富)】 Loyalty: ( respect, will win trust)】 忠诚度:(只有彼此之间的尊重,才会赢得信任)】 characteristic 特性 Purebred ancient dragon & mda S h ; & mda S h ; As the most ancient race descendant, in her body is flowing the noble bloodlines( the entire attribute strengthens + 1, cold ice resistance + 50, dragon prestige + 10)】 【纯种古龙——作为最古老的种族后裔,她的身体中流淌着高贵的血脉(全属性增强,寒冰抗性,龙威)】 Skills 持有特技 Family member summoned & mda S h ; & mda S h ; When dragon called resounds through the horizon, subject who submitted to in its again corresponding( may summon the Fire lizard approach)】 【眷属召唤——当龙鸣响彻天际,臣服于其的臣民将再次相应(可召唤火蜥蜴进场)】 As fight unit of silver rank, Sofina in the ability compared with Agatha many, is not two star is worth complaining besides all ability values, other places look have no specially powerful place. However Zhan En does not demand, originally is a coup, can have is worth setting off the firecrackers to celebrate, he is also hopeless to summon flash card unit to come out. Moreover the summon family member approach fight of Sofina is also very suitable to defend, her managed capacity is not low, as the matter stands Zhan En can not need to summon again, thus was more economical the resources. 作为白银等级的战斗单位,索菲娜在能力上并不比阿加莎强多少,除了所有能力数值都是三星值得吐槽之外,其他的地方看起来倒也没什么特别强悍的地方。不过詹恩也不强求,本来就是意外之喜,能够有就值得放鞭炮庆祝了,他也没指望能够召唤出个闪卡单位出来。而且索菲娜的召唤眷属进场战斗也很适合防守,她的管理能力也不低,这样一来詹恩就可以不用再次进行召唤,从而节省一些资源了。 But looks at present unemotional Red Dragon Princess, Zhan En somewhat strange, generally Red Dragon may be the short temper, intense big trouble, but Sofina is different, she has almost no words to say facing Zhan En, in fact Zhan En and she talked only heard her to say such several wordshello/you good, I was Sofina. Tianis. & R dquo ;Yes. & R dquo ;Good, I knew. & R dquo ; In addition her almost a few words did not say, has to acknowledge this was too simply unthinkable in the dragon clan, do not say that Sofina was Red Dragon, in fact in the dragon clan, Red Dragon was the warm open or short temper synonym, Zhan En has not always seen so quiet Red Dragon, this Your Highness Princess did not seem like Red Dragon to own feeling, instead was more like White Dragon more. Perhaps she behind the words of pair of wings and system prompt bright red dragon, Zhan En really will also treat as white dragon species her. 只不过看着眼前面无表情的红龙公主,詹恩不由的有些奇怪,一般红龙可都是脾气暴躁,性格强烈的大麻烦,但是索菲娜却不同,面对詹恩她几乎没什么话好说的,事实上詹恩和她交谈的时候只听到她说了这么几句话“你好,我是索菲娜.蒂亚尼斯。”“是的。”“好的,我知道了。”除此之外她几乎一句话都不说,不得不承认这在龙族里简直是太让人匪夷所思了,更不要说索菲娜还是一只红龙,事实上在龙族之中,红龙从来都是热情开朗或者说脾气暴躁的代名词,詹恩还从来没有见过一只如此沉默寡言的红龙,这位公主殿下给自己的感觉不太像是红龙,反而更像是白龙多一些。要不是她身后鲜红的龙之双翼以及系统提示的话,恐怕詹恩还会真的把她当做白龙种了。 Although performance of Sofina unusual hardly seems like Red Dragon, unit that but summoned as the system, Zhan En also felt relieved very much. After pondering one, Zhan En decided that makes Agatha be responsible for own Dungeon core, but Sofina is responsible for the watching service of City of Gold. Regarding this two people have no opinion, therefore Zhan En arrangement but is actually very also relaxed. Naturally, regarding the abilities of these two people, Zhan En is also not very clear. However he believes, oneself can experience to their real strengths before long. 虽然索菲娜的表现反常的几乎不像是红龙,不过作为系统召唤出来的单位,詹恩倒也是很放心的。在思考了一番之后,詹恩决定让阿加莎负责自己的地下城核心,而索菲娜则去负责黄金之城的看守工作。对此两人都没有什么意见,所以詹恩安排的倒也很轻松。当然,对于这两个人的能力,詹恩还不是很清楚。不过他相信,自己过不了多久就能够见识到她们的真实实力的。 But after the affair of Dungeon, Zhan En then had Enoya to return to surface & mda S h together ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This time, his goal still only has one. 而在将地下城的事务处理完毕之后,詹恩便带着埃诺娅一起回到了地表———这一次,他的目标依然只有一个。 That is Elinster. 那就是艾琳丝特
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