DR :: Volume #3

#210: Vainly hopes for the young girl, optimization

Zhan En's had a premonition that is correct. & ua R R ; 詹恩的预感是正确的。↑ While suppressing these chirp likely lark bird young girls noisy speaking voice, he also turns on the information column immediately, examined the information about at present these young girls. But after seeing the detailed information of these young girls, Zhan En was immediately speechless. 在强忍着这些叽叽喳喳像百灵鸟儿般的少女们嘈杂的说话声的同时,他也立刻开启了信息栏,查看了一下关于眼前这些少女的信息。而在看见这些少女的详细信息之后,詹恩顿时就无语了。 Alice( golden Elite SR)】 爱丽丝(黄金精英sr)】 Quantity: 235 people 【数量:235人】 Rank: Level 1 【等级:1级 Attack: 【攻击: Defense: 【防御: Special Ability: Night slayer( if you really love me, can die for me? & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Non- dark attribute dead characteristic)】 特殊能力:暗夜杀机(如果你真的爱我,可以为我而死吗?——非暗属性即死特性)】 Special Ability: The light returns alive( they are so lovable, God of Death does not endure to put out a hand & mda S h ; & mda S h ; When the bitter experience must attack deadly returns alive surely)】 特殊能力:光明生还(她们是如此可爱,以至于死神都不忍伸手——遭遇必死攻击时必定生还)】 Special Ability: The magic accomplishment( they are born from the fantasy, growth & mda S h in mysticalness ; & mda S h ; The magic power consumption cuts in half)】 特殊能力:魔术素养(她们从幻想中诞生,在神秘中成长——魔力消耗减半)】 Note: Everyone has own goddess, the spirit exceeds the material, the missing rule reality. They are born in the world of thought that gathered the whole world to fantasize regarding the female happily. They forever are the most innocent young girls, will become most powerful Dream elf.】 【注:每个人都拥有属于自己的女神,精神超越物质,思念统治现实。她们诞生于思想的世界,集合了整个世界对于女性最美好的幻想。她们将永远都是最纯真无邪的少女,也会成为最强大的梦幻精灵。】 Has characteristic: Spiritual exchange( regarding thought that space is not hindrance)】 【持有特性:精神交流(对于思想来说,空间不是阻碍)】 Maintains the consumption: 300 unit 【维持消耗:300单位 Mutual question and answer that in talked after these young girls, Zhan En then understood this race outcome what's the matter. They come from a mysterious inner world. Exceeds the material likespirit that in the information writes, ideological rule reality & R dquo ; It may be said that is I thinks, therefore I in ultimate edition. But these young girls areAlice & R dquo ;, This not somebody's name. But is the entire race name. She is Alice, they are also Alice. These young girls just like its. Congealed everyone's aggregate to the female happy fantasy, they are naive. Free of evil intention, beautiful, lovable, open, lively, has to conform to all masculine dreams the ideal characteristics. 在和这些少女你一言我一语的相互问答之后,詹恩这才明白了这个种族究竟是怎么回事。她们来自于一个神奇的精神世界。就像信息里所写的“精神超越物质,思想统治现实”可谓是我思故我在的终极版本。而这些少女则是“爱丽丝”,这并不是某个人的名字。而是整个种族的名字。她是爱丽丝,她们也是爱丽丝。这些少女正如其名。是凝结了所有人对女性美好幻想的集合体,她们天真。无邪,美丽,可爱,开朗,活泼,拥有符合一切男性梦中理想的特点。 Moreover, from their shy semblance that just started to grow, Zhan En is certain the man in that world absolutely is completely lolicon. 不仅如此,从她们那青涩的刚刚开始发育的外表来看,詹恩可以肯定那个世界的男人绝对全部都是萝莉控 They are calledDream elf & R dquo ;, The name sounds very beautiful. But seems like these young girls also indeed to be similar to Angel to be lovable from the surface. Since they will be summoned Zhan En's Dungeon & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Evil, the gloomy, terrifying place, this had explained their essence. In fact, these Dream elf very terrifying great poisons, as from complete fantasized the race that during is born, they need massive magic power to maintain oneself existence. Moreover these Dream elf no good and evil senses of right or wrong, they are indeed simple-hearted. But sometimes simple-hearted is not a good adjective, a lovable girl is naturally simple-hearted. When she squats by the ant nest, patient also crawls ant one that from the nest is only run over and dies brings same naive and pure. 她们被称为“梦幻精灵”,名字听起来很美。而从表面上看起来这些少女也的确如同天使般可爱。但是既然她们会被召唤到詹恩的地下城———一个邪恶,阴森,恐怖的地方,这就已经说明了她们的本质。事实上,这些梦幻精灵可是非常恐怖的巨毒,作为从完全幻想之中诞生出来的种族,她们需要大量的魔力来维持自己的存在。而且这些梦幻精灵毫无善恶是非观念可言,她们的确天真无邪。但有时候天真无邪并不就是一个好的形容词,一个可爱的女孩自然是天真无邪的。但是当她蹲在蚂蚁窝旁边,耐心的把从窝里爬出来的蚂蚁一只只碾死的时候也带着同样的天真与单纯。 RegardingAlice & R dquo ; All pendulums are they are used to absorb magic power in their front lives, maintains the life food. As fantasy lifeform. Their instinct understood how to tempt the opposite party, making them obey. Even can sayAlice & R dquo ; The behavior that makes is not they subjectively intentionally, but despite that. Their every action and every movement, frown and smile. Still has the fatal attraction, making these be willing for them to give on own magic power and vitality for the person who it is crazy. Even if these people rip open oneself belly in the front of these young girls. Shows own heart to offer to her, Alice will not have a big shock, because to her, food offered to give itself his all is really a too normal matter. She does not think that person, for killed his family member, and even offers own life this point to have any tiny bit not normal and frantic place. 对于“爱丽丝”们而言,所有摆在她们面前的生命都不过是她们用来吸取魔力,维持生命的食物。作为幻想生物。她们本能就了解如何去引诱对方,使他们就范。甚至可以说“爱丽丝”们所做出来的行为并非是她们主观故意的,但是即便如此。她们的一举一动,一颦一笑。依然带着致命的吸引力,使得那些为之着迷的人愿意为她们奉献上自己的魔力和生命力。而就算是那些人在这些少女的面前撕开自己的肚皮。拿出自己的心奉献给她,爱丽丝也不会大惊失色,因为对她来说,食物将他的一切奉献给自己实在是太正常不过的一件事了。她根本就不认为那个人为了自己杀死了他的家人,乃至奉献出自己的生命这一点有任何一丝一毫的不正常和狂热的地方。 This seemed the person dead will return to the land to become the nutrient of plant to be the same, perfectly justified natural. No matter he is the unpardonably wicked evil person, is a noble and pure saint. No matter his Death caused cheering of many people, stirred the sorrow of many people, regarding the nature, this is a circulation. 这就好像人死了会回归大地成为植物的养分一样,天经地义理所当然。不管他是十恶不赦的恶徒,还是一个高洁的圣者。不管他的死亡引起了多少人的欢呼,又引发了多少人的悲痛,对于自然本身来说,这不过是一个循环。 Regarding Alice is also same. 对于爱丽丝来说也是一样。 In addition, Zhan En also discovered characteristic, that as the energetic race, the thought and exchange of Alice is interlinked! They indeed are retaining own independent personality, but actually also exchanges each other sensation and information in brain with others. This also means that if Zhan En wants to look for somebody, so long as he Alice A said one to himself, then this information immediately in entireAlice network & R dquo ; In spreads, then some x will find the opposite party to transmit the Zhan En's order from goal recent Alice. This strange construction made Zhan En remember Githyanki and Illithid, the seems like fine Spiritual God can the race of department more or less have to have this special characteristics. Naturally, this regarding Zhan En naturally was also quite convenient. Because the Zhan En's spiritual connection can only affect on his own summon, is not so convenient in other person of there. But now the appearance of Alice, makes him be able to be many actually some choices. 除此之外,詹恩还发现了一个特性,那就是作为精神种族,爱丽丝们的思维与交流是相通的!她们的确保留着属于自己的独立人格,但是却也同样与其他人交换彼此脑内的感知与情报。这也就意味着,如果詹恩想要找某个人的话,他只要给自己身边的爱丽丝a说一声,那么这个信息就会立刻在整个“爱丽丝网络”里传开,然后某个距离目标最近的爱丽丝x就会找到对方来传达詹恩的命令。这种怪异的架构让詹恩不由的想起了吉斯洋基人夺心魔,看来精神灵能系的种族或多或少都会有拥有这种特质。当然,这对于詹恩来说自然也算是相当方便了。因为詹恩的精神联系只能够作用在他自己的召唤物上,在其他人那里就没这么方便了。而现在爱丽丝们的出现,倒是让他能够多一些选择。 Moreover, magic power of these young girls are also quite powerful, do not look that Alice have a face of Angel, in fact but they use, but dark attribute magic. Moreover, their magics also bring dead characteristic. In addition during they can from probably attack characteristic that survives deadly, looks like in Zhan En, this simply is an invincible army! 不仅如此,这些少女的魔力也相当强大,别看爱丽丝们有着一副天使的面孔,但是事实上她们使用的可是暗属性的魔法。不仅如此,她们的魔法还带着即死特性。再加上她们能够从必死攻击之中存活的特性,在詹恩看来,这简直就是一只无敌的军队啊! However he also knows, this presumptuously thinks. The Alice defense attribute only has a star unexpectedly half, can say that they compared general human from the defensive power many. Do not say the legendary domain powerhouse, even if the Grandmaster peak estimated that can have it all them. Although said not the dead attribute, when your army hand/subordinate only has 1 HP to be crooked, even if didn't die can be useful? 不过他也知道,这不过是妄想。爱丽丝们的防御属性居然才只有一星半,可以说从防御力上而言她们比一般的人类都强不了多少。不要说传奇领域的强者,就算是大师巅峰估计都能够把她们一锅端了。虽然说有不死属性,可是当你手下的军队只剩下一点hp歪七扭八的时候,就算一直不死又能够有什么用呢? However what is lucky, has Zhan En's Dungeon to provide magic power in this world to them, therefore does not need to be worried that Alice attack others. In fact they also never attack anybody & mda S h on own initiative ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; So long as because they ask for it, these will be delivered on own initiative by their fan the fellow of being oneself. It seems these love goddesses simp to be the same, the goddess hand has not even traced obviously. When the goddess said that she likes ip8, they will put out themselves to accumulate economically in everyday spending five months of wages bought one well give to her. Then looked that she takes ip8 and another man who is buying newly talks and laughs merrily ......... the love manifestation is many and varied. 不过幸运的是,在这个世界有詹恩的地下城给她们提供魔力,因此倒不用担心爱丽丝们去袭击别人。事实上她们也从来不主动袭击任何人———因为只要她们开口请求,那些被她们迷的神魂颠倒的家伙就会主动送上门去的。就好像那些迷恋女神的**丝一样,明明连女神的手都没有摸过一下。但是当女神说她喜欢ip8的时候,他们还是会省吃俭用的拿出自己攒了五个月的工资买一台更好的送给她。然后看她拿着新买的ip8和另外一个男人谈笑风生………爱情的表现形式是多种多样的嘛。 In addition, these Alice have the skill in their labor of duty very much. This since they have characteristic Takes care to be expert On can look. In fact Zhan En has also felt. Although after oneself meet, these young girls appear very lively noisy, but is not loathful, moreover they understand to watch a person's every mood very much, has not created to oneself any puzzles & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; What is more fearful will be this is not the day after tomorrow learned, but will be these young girls is inbornbrings & R dquo ; Talent. 除此之外,这些爱丽丝们在她们本职工作上还是很有本事的。这从她们持有特性【服侍专精】上就可以看出来。事实上詹恩也已经感觉到了。虽然在和自己见面之后,这些少女都显得很活泼吵闹,不过倒不惹人烦,而且她们很懂得察言观色,没有给自己造成任何困扰———更可怕的是这并非是后天学会的,而是这些少女天生“自带”的天赋。 Perhaps in the battlefield, they have no function. But is the maid in the Zhan En's manor, is actually a quite good choice. 或许在战场上,她们没什么作用。但在詹恩的庄园里做女仆,却是一个相当不错的选择。 Had these maids, in addition Elder Fairy obtained from Clarice there. Zhan En maid hand/subordinate has more than 500 people probably, this already enough hismanor & R dquo ; Use. 有了这些女仆,再加上从克拉莉丝那里获得的大妖精詹恩手下的女仆就大概有五百多人,这已经足够他的“庄园”使用了。 After summoned Alice, outside Zhan En made them go standby, but these chirp the little fellow was also very obedient, clever greets after Zhan En left. From this can see how these Alice indeed understand the command prompt very much, moreover they display clever and lovable also beckoning. Zhan En also quite appreciates and satisfies their performance. 在把爱丽丝们召唤出来之后,詹恩就让她们去外面待机,而这些叽叽喳喳的小家伙也很听话,乖巧的冲詹恩打了声招呼之后就离开了。从这就能够看出这些爱丽丝的确很懂得如何服从命令,而且她们表现出来的乖巧与可爱也让人心动。就连詹恩也相当欣赏和满意她们的表现。 However Zhan En not like others easy for their heart movement, if he is human, north perhaps also confused being able to find. But Zhan En was demon, in The lower world tempts the degeneration soul demon is really many. From this, Zhan En is long-tested warrior, he impossible, because Alice clever obedient will be obedient to them. In fact Zhan En had not forgotten, oneself is a master. But they are only oneself retinue, nothing determining the master-slave relationships is more important. 不过詹恩并不会像其他人那样轻而易举的为她们心动,如果他是人类,说不定还会被迷的找不到北。可是詹恩魔族,下层界里引诱堕落灵魂的魔族实在是太多了。从这点儿来说,詹恩可谓是久经考验的战士,他不可能因为爱丽丝们乖巧听话就会对她们百依百顺的。事实上詹恩从来没有忘记,自己才是主人。而她们只是自己的仆从,没有什么比确定主从关系更加重要的。 But was summoningAlice & R dquo ; Later, Zhan En has not received the hand. Quick he then opened the summon system again. Because before Zhan En said that after Common Summon combat unit. He must summon twice Heroic units. Now the Dungeon manpower resources are not very sufficient, Hero are also few. Zhan En makes Elise return to Black Onyx Stone City to be responsible for contacting at the same time is because he indeed has the demand in this aspect. On the other hand is Dungeon many Elise few Elise actually differences is not big. She biggest the use Zhan En studies the magic in the library, now was studied along with the fourth magic, Elise quest was also completes temporarily. Naturally, after the Dungeon rise to five levels, Zhan En were also many a spell position, but regarding present him, there are Imp (little demon) creation technique Later, other magic slow slow also no issues. 而在召唤了“爱丽丝”们之后,詹恩并没有收手。很快他便再次开启了召唤系统。因为就像詹恩之前说的,除了普通召唤作战单位之后。他还要召唤两次英雄单位。现在地下城的兵源不够充足,英雄也同样少。詹恩伊丽丝黑玛瑙石城负责联络一方面是因为他的确有这方面的需求。另外一方面就是地下城多一个伊丽丝少一个伊丽丝其实差别不大。她在詹恩这边最大的用处就是在图书馆里研究魔法,现在伴随着第四个魔法被研究出来,伊丽丝任务也算是暂时完成了。当然,在地下城升到五级之后,詹恩又多了一个法术位,不过对于现在的他来说,有了【小鬼制造术】之后,其他的魔法缓一缓也没什么问题了。 Ok! & R dquo ; “好了!” After temporarily these Alice send, Zhan En roused under the spirit, he made an effort to pat the face, buoyed up. But nearby Enoya handed over a towel at the right moment to him, Zhan En received the towel, scratched the hand, then opens the eye. 在暂时把那些爱丽丝打发走之后,詹恩抖擞了下精神,他用力拍了拍脸,振作起来。而旁边的埃诺娅则适时的递了一个毛巾给他,詹恩接过毛巾,擦了擦手,然后睁大眼睛。 Then, went against heaven's will bets the life the time to arrive! 接下来,逆天赌命的时刻到来了! This Zhan En's choice is obvious, he Ore Adjusted lowly 1500, but representative magic attack Mercury Promoted 5000. Meanwhile representative physique and appetite Gem With Crystal May adjust respectively 7000 and 2500. Can see from the investment of this summon material, Zhan En these obviously is time the plan summons a pure demon to attack unit. In fact Zhan En hopes that can summon magic unit is not a day two days of things. Before was because in his hand the resources were insufficient, can only make Elise replace this position, Elise dry/does was very actually good. However she is not considered as at present after all the official Dungeon member, but Zhan En is impossible to depend on a Elise person to conduct the research in magic forever, although Warlock is very rare, but the Elise strength is also not enough to walk sideways in the surface. Now in Zhan En Heroic units hand/subordinate almost is completely the legendary ranks, for example Pattilina, Enoya has also stepped into the legendary domain after advancement. Bixy but is actually a weak chicken, but she lies in constructing the blueprint regarding the contribution of Dungeon, strength is immaterial. Therefore increases the battle efficiency to be imperative. 这一次詹恩的选择非常明显,他将【矿石】调整到了最低的1500,而把代表魔法攻击的【水银】提升到了5000。同时把代表体质和食量的【宝石】与【水晶】可分别调整到了7000与2500。从这个召唤材料的投入上就可以看出,詹恩这一次明显是打算召唤出一个纯粹的魔攻单位。事实上詹恩希望能够召唤一个魔法单位已经不是一天两天的事情了。之前是因为他手中资源不够,只能够让伊丽丝来代替这个职位,伊丽丝干的倒是很不错。不过她目前毕竟不算是正式的地下城成员,而詹恩也不可能永远靠伊丽丝一个人来进行魔法方面的研究,虽然法术士很罕见,可是伊丽丝的实力也不足以在地表横着走。现在在詹恩手下的英雄单位几乎全部都是传奇等级,比如帕蒂莉娜,就连埃诺娅进阶之后也已经踏入传奇领域。比克丝倒还是一个弱鸡,但是她对于地下城的贡献在于建筑图纸,本身的实力无关紧要。因此增加战斗力势在必行。 After determining resource, Zhan En opened Warp Gate again. 在确定了投入资源之后,詹恩再一次开启了传送之门 Quick, the fluctuation of space emerges again ............( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 很快,空间的波动再次涌现…………(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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