DR :: Volume #3

#209: Maids express, the mission must reach

If traded is the initial time, hears itself to return to Black Onyx Stone City, Elise incomparably will certainly jump for joy. » But now, after hearing the Zhan En's speech, Elise in the depths of ones heart first responded that is not joyful, but is terrified. Although said most starts her indeed by the Zhan En half force stays here, but now, after experiencing so many things, Elise had treated as own family/home here completely. Here she not only can study and explore the magic safely the mystery, even can also experience before many can only see in the books, even simply had not seen before thing. Regarding mage, nothing unknown makes her feel excited compared with the exploration and research. For a long time has followed side Zhan En, making Elise already somewhat too happy to think of home and duty, until now is mentioned by Zhan En, she recalled that are not the Dungeon resident, but is the Black Onyx Stone City person. This made her produce for several points not quick as well as far away from the depressed feeling in place of oneself being familiar. 如果换了是最初的时候,听到自己可以回黑玛瑙石城,伊丽丝一定会无比雀跃。》但是现在,在听到詹恩的说话之后,伊丽丝内心深处的第一反应不是喜悦,而是惶恐。虽然说最开始她的确是被詹恩半强迫的留在这里,但是现在,在经历了这么多事情之后,伊丽丝已经完全把这里当做了自己的家。在这里她不但能够安心学习和探索魔法的奥秘,甚至还能够见识到很多以前只能够在书本上见到,甚至以前根本没有见过的东西。对于一个法师来说,没有什么比探索和研究未知更让她感到兴奋的。这么长时间以来跟随在詹恩身边,使得伊丽丝早已经有些乐不思蜀,直到现在被詹恩提起,她才回想起来自己并非是地下城的住民,而是黑玛瑙石城的人。这让她不由的产生了几分不快以及远离自己熟悉之处的郁闷感。 „ Do I want to go back? Masters? & R dquo ; “我一定要回去吗?主人?” Although knows that Zhan En wants to do what has said that but Elise some do not abandon, therefore facing the Zhan En's order, she quite unwillingputs up a last-ditch struggle & R dquo ;. 虽然知道詹恩想来言出必行,但是伊丽丝还是有些不舍,于是面对詹恩的命令,她颇为不甘心的“垂死挣扎”着。 Naturally. & R dquo ; “当然。” But facing the inquiry of Elise, Zhan En nods. 而面对伊丽丝的询问,詹恩点了点头。 Most starts, because we are not familiar with the surface, therefore has not contacted with them temporarily. However now the conditions are ripe, therefore I want you to go back to contact Black Onyx Stone City, having a look at us to return to the surface to reach a cooperation intention. & R dquo ; “最开始的时候因为我们对地表还不怎么熟悉,所以暂时没和他们进行联系。但是现在时机已经成熟,所以我要你回去联络一下黑玛瑙石城,看看我们能不能够就重回地表达成一个合作意向。” Really?! & R dquo ; “真的?!” Hears here, Elise in the eye shines immediately. She thinks Zhan En puts itself oneself to go back to expel Dungeon, now sounds is completely not such matter! In a flash. The brain of Elise starts to rotate, she detects the profound meaning in Zhan En words immediately. However regarding Elise, this indeed is a very good plan. If she can convince oneself fathers and other two people and Zhan En cooperates, then Black Onyx Stone City returns to the desire of surface definitely is achievable! But as the matter stands, the father Sir they achieved the desire, oneself do not need to leave Dungeon, it may be said that is the plan of satisfying both sides not? 听到这里,伊丽丝顿时眼中放光。她原本以为詹恩放自己回去是要把自己赶出地下城,现在听起来完全不是这么回事!一瞬间。伊丽丝的脑子就开始转动起来,她立刻察觉到了詹恩话中的深意。不过对于伊丽丝来说,这的确是个很好的方案。如果她能够说服自己的父亲和其他两个人与詹恩合作的话,那么黑玛瑙石城重归地表的愿望肯定是可以实现的!而这样一来,父亲大人他们达成了愿望,自己也不用离开地下城,可谓是两全其美的方案不是吗? I understood, the master, I will try hard to convince the father Sir they and we cooperates! & R dquo ; “我明白了,主人,我会努力说服父亲大人他们和我们合作的!” If the Elise father hears her these words here, will definitely sob speechless, water that the daughter who as the saying goes marries sprinkles. Elise this did not have on the Zhan En's bed, inside and outside alreadyour & R dquo ; Withtheir & R dquo ; Minute was clear. 如果伊丽丝的父亲在这里听到她的这句话,肯定会无语哽咽吧,俗话说嫁出去的女儿泼出去的水。伊丽丝这还没上詹恩的床呢,里里外外就已经把“我们”和“他们”分的一清二楚了。 Naturally in the dream, Elise has gotten up the Zhan En's bed actually more than once. 当然在梦里,伊丽丝倒是不止一次上过詹恩的床了。 After obtaining Zhan En's guaranteed, Elise on overjoyed returned to Underdark to go to and own father contacts. But looks at the Elise exciting expression, Enoya shakes the head the smile in side. Came surface, oneself master looks like and improves regarding the will of the people control ability. Elise simply had not detected, most started Zhan En to say directly made her return to Black Onyx Stone City to play a language play completely, induced her to be mistaken that oneself will be expelled. Then again winding peaks and paths sexually harassed her, finally Elise not only had not detected completely has what difference. Instead overjoyed going was Zhan En works ......... 在得到了詹恩的保证之后,伊丽丝就欢天喜地的回到幽暗地域去和自己的父亲联络了。而看着伊丽丝兴奋不已的表情,埃诺娅则是在旁边摇头微笑。来了地表一趟,自己主人对于人心的操纵能力看来又有所提高。伊丽丝根本没有察觉,最开始詹恩直接说让她回黑玛瑙石城完全就是玩了一个语言游戏,诱导她误以为自己会被赶走。接着又重新峰回路转的调戏了她一把,结果伊丽丝非但完全没察觉到有什么异样。反而欢天喜地的去为詹恩做事了……… Master you these days the technology that deceived the girl in the surface is really to have the progress greatly. & R dquo ; “主人您这些日子在地表骗女孩子的技术真是大有长进。” This is natural, the good and evil also harvested many spoils of war. & R dquo ; “这是当然的,好歹也收获了不少战利品呢。” In the Enoya front, Zhan En does not need to conceal anything, as own adjutant. Enoya must certainly manage the Charming Monster race in the future, therefore he was also quick explained the situations of Lydia and two maids Enoya, then also mentioned Elinster & mda S h that joined the monastery ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally. Wicked interest quest of that system was thrown temporarily by Zhan En one side. 埃诺娅的面前,詹恩也不需要隐瞒什么,作为自己的副官。埃诺娅日后肯定是要管理魅妖种族的,所以他也是很快就把丽姬娅和两个女仆的情况对埃诺娅进行了说明,然后又提到了加入修道院的艾琳丝特———当然。那个系统的恶趣味任务就被詹恩暂时扔到一边了。 It looks like in Zhan En, what Lydia does is not good. What a pity is her talent is limited. Before the transformation is Charming Monster, she was only a merchant was born. Young married woman who marries not the popular going down in the world aristocrat. Perhaps in the past that the aristocrat etiquette and some story knowledge she can also say, however was extremely defective in other aspect Lydia. Zhan En needs a person who has the rich experience leads them, but Enoya obviously is most suitable this position. She is familiar with the aristocrat, familiar demon, knows how to do with demon & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is most important. Because of as a Demon King's family member, Charming Monster will definitely probably have with the opportunity that other demon have to do in the future, if really defers to the Lydia training way, that was not equal to that gave demon to train one fat sheep that was used to have a full stomach? 詹恩看来,丽姬娅做的是不不错。可惜的是她天份有限。在转化为魅妖之前,她只是一个商人出生。嫁给不入流的落魄贵族的少妇。或许在贵族礼仪和一些见闻学识方面她还能够说的过去,但是在其他方面丽姬娅就太过欠缺了。詹恩需要一个有丰富经验的人来引领她们,而埃诺娅显然最适合这个位置。她熟悉贵族,也熟悉魔族,更知道如何与魔族打交道———这才是最重要的。因为作为一个魔王的眷属,魅妖日后肯定少不了和其他魔族打交道的机会,如果真就按照丽姬娅的培养方式,那不就等于给魔族培养了一群用来果腹的肥羊吗? Zhan En does not hope own family member is one group of silly idiots. 詹恩可不希望自己的眷属是一群傻不愣登的白痴啊。 In Zhan En's estimates, Lydia is responsible for giving these Witch's child to lay the foundation, but the Enoya meeting teaches their most core most important part, then Pattilina and Elise can teach these little fellow sword techniques and magics respectively. 詹恩的预想里,丽姬娅负责给那些魔女之子打基础,而埃诺娅则会教授她们最核心最重要的部分,接下来帕蒂莉娜伊丽丝可以分别教授这些小家伙剑术与魔法。 Actually until now, Zhan En did not have a clear direction regarding own family member. This is also because the Charming Monster family member comes was too sudden, he will not have the time to think the future of opposite party well. A race, not only need serve for own gods, but must be able to make the certain extent to this worldcontributes & R dquo ; Ok. Naturally, Zhan En can also make Charming Monster study drow, illithid and underground dwarf such dwelling plays in Underdark own, but in his opinion this is really one resource. Succubus can tempt a soul of person to degenerate, Sinful demon can subvert a country easily, looks like in Zhan En, even if own Charming Monster cannot compare these two races, but cannot differ too far. But until now, he did not have a clear mentality, this is also Zhan En earnestly hopes that can recall the Enoya reason. He needs this thought clear agile adjutant, will supply ideas for the future of own race. 其实到现在为止,詹恩对于自己的眷属还没有一个清晰的方向。这也是因为魅妖眷属来的太突然了,他没有时间好好想想对方的未来。一个种族,不但要为自己的神明服务,还要能够对这个世界作出一定程度的“贡献”才行。当然,詹恩也可以让魅妖学习黑暗精灵,灵吸怪地底侏儒那样宅在幽暗地域里自己玩自己的,不过在他看来这实在是一种资源浪费。魅魔可以引诱一个人的灵魂堕落,欲魔则可以轻而易举的颠覆一个国家,在詹恩看来,自己的魅妖就算比不上这两个种族,但是也不能相差太远。可是到现在为止,他还没有一个清晰的思路,这也是詹恩迫切希望能够召回埃诺娅的原因。他需要这个思维清晰敏捷的副官,为自己种族的未来出谋划策。 I understood, the master, I will observe them, then gives own view. & R dquo ; “我明白了,主人,我会对她们进行观察,然后给出自己的看法的。” Followed he longest person as Zhan En side, the Zhan En's words just said, Enoya understands his meaning, the quick nod complied. However, she actually frowns slightly. 作为詹恩身边跟随他最久的人,詹恩的话才刚刚说完,埃诺娅就明白了他的意思,很快点头答应了下来。不过紧接着,她却是微微皱起眉头。 Words that but, I and Elise leave, then City of Gold ............... & R dquo ; “可是,我和伊丽丝都离开的话,那么黄金之城这边……………” Worry of Enoya also has the truth, although superficially, she and Elise here and buys the soy sauce to have no difference. „ Believer & R dquo ; Can very good prevents all enemies, would hardly have the accident/surprise to happen. However as adjutant Zhan En's. Enoya naturally cannot let off any dangerous part. She is also very clear, although the believer is seemingly invincible. But if the believer were broken through, then must some people sit a director to be good here. 埃诺娅的担忧也不是没有道理的,虽然表面上来看,她和伊丽丝在这里和打酱油没什么区别。“教徒”可以很好的阻挡所有敌人,几乎不会有意外发生。不过作为詹恩的副官。埃诺娅自然不会放过任何一个危险的部分。她也很清楚,虽然教徒看起来不可战胜。但是如果教徒被攻破的话,那么就必须有人在这里坐阵指挥才行。 I can summon other Heroic units to be responsible for defending here, this you did not need to be worried. & R dquo ; “我可以重新召唤其他英雄单位负责防守这里,这点儿你就不用担心了。” Zhan En this saying said actually filthy rich, but he also has this qualification. Since Elise has studied Imp (little demon) creation technique, Then Zhan En can summon massive goblin to mine the underground resources. Before did not have the means to do that is because in his hand, only then five goblin, besides digging a hole to step on the floor also to maintain the facility, was unbearably busy radically. Now he can make more than 100 goblin anytime and anywhere, is used to unearth Underdark and City of Gold underground resources sufficiently, maintains the consumption is not a problem. Therefore the Zhan En speech is also being unyielding. 詹恩这话说的倒是财大气粗,不过他也有这个本钱。既然伊丽丝已经研究出了【小鬼制造术】,那么詹恩就可以召唤大量哥布林来开采地底资源。以前没有办法这么做是因为他手上只有五只哥布林,除了挖洞踩地板还要维护设施,根本就忙不过来。现在他可以随时随地制造一百多只哥布林,足以用来挖掘幽暗地域黄金之城地下的资源,维持消耗根本不成问题。所以连带着詹恩说话也是硬气了许多。 In the hand has in the grain heart is not unhurried ......... 手里有粮心中不慌啊……… Brings Enoya to arrive at Dark Temple, Zhan En soon starts the preparatory work that summoned again. 重新带着埃诺娅来到黑暗圣殿,詹恩很快就开始了再次召唤的准备工作。 Unlike before, this Zhan En decision summoned continuously three times, except for using Common Summon summoned operational unit to come, but must summon greatly twice, summoned two Heroic units, defense that was used for responsible City of Gold, another den that was responsible for Underdark. He planned that liberates thoroughly Enoya, because Zhan En has discovered. Most times, oneself side needs a familiar adjutant to help be good. But Pattilina only has the enthusiasm to the fight, Lydia does not have this status qualifications, must discuss the confidence level. Enoya obviously is the rightest candidate, put to look after the house her too wastes. 与之前不同,这一次詹恩决定连续召唤三次,除了用普通召唤召唤出一只作战单位来,还要大召两次,召唤两个英雄单位,一个用来负责黄金之城的防守,另外一个负责幽暗地域的老巢。他打算把埃诺娅彻底解放出来,因为詹恩已经发现了。在很多时候,自己身边都需要一个熟悉的副官帮忙才行。可是帕蒂莉娜只对战斗有热情,丽姬娅没这个身份资格,要论起信任度来说。埃诺娅显然是最合适的人选,把她放去看家实在是太浪费了。 Quick, along with the Zhan En's movement. Stone of closing up opens again, later. A series of resources information appeared in front of Zhan En's. 很快,伴随着詹恩的动作。合拢的石手再次张开,随后。一连串的资源信息浮现在了詹恩的面前。 Resource Ore ( 300 )】 Mercury ( 500 )】 Gem ( 900 )】 Crystal ( 350 )】 Lumber ( 300 )】. 投入资源【矿石】【水银】【宝石】【水晶】【木材】。 Unlike before, considering that this time summoned unit to be mainly used to handle the internal affairs. Therefore the military force battle efficiency does not need very high, on the contrary, the magic attribute can be higher. But physique Zhan En put the maximum value directly, because of according to his experience, general Zhao the physique the limiting words, the unit quantity will have enhanced several times in the foundation. But as the matter stands, maintains the consumption also to increase, therefore Zhan En had not made this choice before. However now, he did not care about that son to consume. 与之前不同,考虑到这次召唤单位主要是用来处理内务的。所以武力战斗力不需要很高,相反,魔法属性可以高一些。而体质方面詹恩则是直接放到了最高的数值,因为根据他的经验,普召体质过限的话,单位数量也会在基础上提高数倍。只不过这样一来,维持消耗也会增多,所以以前詹恩一直没有做出这个选择。但是现在,他倒不在乎那点儿消耗了。 In addition, Zhan En also joined Lumber Attribute, this is because this time he must summon isnature & R dquo ; The lifeform of kind, therefore joins Lumber Also is natural. 除此之外,詹恩还加入了【木材】属性,这是因为这次他要召唤是的“自然”类的生物,所以加入【木材】也是理所当然的。 【The resource finished, summoned?】 【投入资源完毕,是否召唤?】 Looks at the present system prompt, Zhan En pondered, then he put out a hand, patted. 看着眼前的系统提示,詹恩沉思了一下,接着他伸出手,拍了下去。 Summon. & R dquo ; “召唤。” ........................ “……………………“ Launched stone closes up again , entire dark Temple starts to shiver, the brilliance of magic flickers, thick magic power starts to surge, later ......... in front of Zhan En's, shadows appears. 展开的石手再次合拢,紧接着,整个黑暗神殿开始颤抖起来,魔法的光辉忽明忽暗,浓厚的魔力开始涌动,随后………在詹恩的面前,一个个黑影从中浮现。 The darkness diverges. 紧接着,黑暗散去。 This is ............... & R dquo ; “这是……………” But looks to appear in oneself at present summon, Zhan En is dumbfounded suddenly. 而看着出现在自己眼前的召唤物,詹恩一时间哑口无言。 Appears before him, naturally is one group of young girls, this Zhan En is not strange. They put on the blue bottom white lace the dress, as well as pure white the knee stockings and black leather shoes, the long ear shows them to belong to characteristic of elf, but in these young girls behind, but also has the white wing, seems like the natural race. 出现在他面前的,自然是一群少女,这点詹恩已经不奇怪了。她们穿着蓝底白色花边的裙装,以及纯白的过膝长袜与黑色皮鞋,长长的耳朵展现着她们有属于精灵的特性,而在这些少女的身后,还有着白色的羽翼,看起来就像是自然种族。 However makes Zhan En surprised naturally is not these child lovable beautiful appearances, but is their quantities. 不过让詹恩惊讶的当然不是这些孩子可爱美丽的容貌,而是她们的数量。 Appears this only summons unit before oneself, unexpectedly has 200! Gave to be filled with the entire summon square! 出现在自己面前的这只召唤单位,居然足足有两百只!把整个召唤广场都给挤满了! But what awfully is ............... 而更要命的是…………… Waah, are you our masters? Good to lead! & R dquo ; “哇啊,你就是我们的主人吗?好帅哦!” Master, master! Please dispatch us heartily! & R dquo ; “主人,主人!请尽情的差遣我们吧!” What need master has we to do? Although told! & R dquo ; “主人有什么需要我们去做的吗?尽管吩咐吧!” Master, where do we want to live in? & R dquo ; “主人,我们要住哪里啊?” Master, who are our enemies? & R dquo ; “主人,我们的敌人是谁呢?” Is hearing chirp the sound that transmits from the ear, Zhan En first feeling, oneself can summon the quite serious thing.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 听着从耳边传来的叽叽喳喳的声音,詹恩第一次觉得,自己可以召唤出了相当不得了的东西。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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