DR :: Volume #3

#208: System upgrade, brand-new creation

Actually to be credible as for these Elder Fairy, Zhan En is not clear. Although Clarice vowed solemnly that expression they strength weak a little, other are completely strict train the standard of maid to come according to Kulisgain. However Zhan En always thought that Clarice this saying speaks insincerely & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; However this is also normal, knows Clarice to start from him, has not heard a truth of sincerety from this young lady mouth. Considered from this, can believe firmly Clarice definitely also concealed anything things about these Elder Fairy. However the contract signed, now with this said that the matter does not have the meaning, therefore Zhan En decided all things by oneself, this compared with was always fished to be much better by the Clarice hook. 至于那些大妖精究竟靠谱不靠谱,詹恩也不清楚。@虽然克拉莉丝信誓旦旦的表示她们除了实力弱一点儿之外,其他都是完全严格按照库利斯盖因培养女仆的标准来的。但是詹恩总觉得克拉莉丝这话言不由衷———不过这也正常,从他认识克拉莉丝开始,还没有从这位小姐嘴里听到一句真情实意的实话。从这点儿来考虑,可以确信克拉莉丝肯定还隐瞒了什么关于这些大妖精的事情。不过合约都签了,现在拿这个说事也没有意思,所以詹恩还是决定万事靠自己,这总比被克拉莉丝钩来钓去好多了。 As the saying goes good fortune never come in pairs, misfortune never singly comes. However does not know that is because Zhan En now is not the reason of human, the disaster he has not bumped into, actually met double happiness descend on the house. When Zhan En returns to Dungeon is ready to fight to plan to conduct the summon again, the system suddenly gives him two to let the Zhan En delighted prompt. Article 1 the prompt reminds Zhan En, fourth spell has studied, from now on, Zhan En can use Imp (little demon) creation technique Made goblin. Saw that this information lets the Zhan En having tears streaming down the face top of the head blue sky, must know that front that five goblin had been squeezed by him to the extreme, because most starts Zhan En is unable to make goblin, therefore he almost these five goblin, when the grandfather same is supplying, the dangerous place does not dare to make them go, but is a Zhan En and Zhan En liangs person is they escorts in turn in turn. Now was good, had Imp (little demon) creation technique, Zhan En can make a group of goblin to step on the floor, will not appear like City of Gold. Bustling that front kills, streaming with sweat strange scene that behind steps on. 俗话说福无双至,祸不单行。但是不知道是不是因为詹恩现在不是人类的缘故,祸事他还没碰到,却是遇到了双喜临门。就在詹恩回到地下城摩拳擦掌打算再次进行召唤的时候,系统忽然给了他两条让詹恩喜出望外的提示。第一条提示是提醒詹恩,第四个法术已经研究完毕,从现在开始,詹恩就可以使用【小鬼制造术】来制造哥布林了。看到这条信息可是让詹恩泪流满面头顶青天,要知道前面那五只哥布林被他已经压榨到极点了,而且由于最开始的时候詹恩无法制造哥布林,所以他几乎是把这五个哥布林当爷爷一样供着,危险的地方都不敢让它们去,而是詹恩个人轮流依次为它们护航。现在好了,有了【小鬼制造术】,詹恩就可以制造一大群的哥布林来踩地板,再也不会出现像黄金之城那样。前面杀的热火朝天,后面踩的汗流浃背的诡异景象了。 But goblin takes Dungeon unit. Similarly must be restricted by checks on population, now Zhan En are most also just can make 100 ......... to him. This is enough. 只不过哥布林作为地下城单位。同样也要受到人口限制制约,现在詹恩最多也只不过能够造一百个………对于他来说。这已经足够了。 But the second system prompt is reminds Zhan En, Dungeon has risen to five levels, increases to 300 besides all population unit quantities, gave back to Zhan En to bring two brand-new buildings again. 而第二个系统提示则是提醒詹恩,地下城已经升到五级,除了所有人口单位数量增加到三百之外,还给詹恩再次带来了两个全新的建筑物。 Dungeon Construction System 地下城建造系统 City Lord: Zhan En 城主:詹恩 Rank: 5 levels 【等级:五级】 Development progress: 230 / 100000 【发展进度:230/100000】 Dungeon number of resources: Ore ( 96100 ), mercury ( 123500 ), gem ( 88240 ), crystal ( 93080 )】 地下城资源数量:矿石,水银,宝石,水晶】 Special resources: Sulfur ( 12280 ), lumber ( 1500 )】 【特殊资源:硫磺,木材】 Subordinate: 203 people 【部下:203人】 Personal family clan: 3 people 专属眷族:三人】 Has the construction: Heart of the Dungeon, study room. Bedroom, nest, Blackstone Watchtower, jail, Dark Temple, forging workshop, great library, training ground, Warp Gate. Fights chess room 【拥有建筑:地下城之心,书房。卧室,巢穴,黑石哨塔,监牢,黑暗圣殿,锻造工坊,大图书馆,训练场,传送之门。战棋室】 Blueprint: Bloody blade tavern( quarrel, fighting is the tavern eternally unchanging subject. Here is the start of legend, was the conclusion of story. Countless people set off the brand-new journey from here, changes their destinies. When you do not throw the wine glass when the head of nearby Ogre carefully. The best apology way the hand has the blade to fall to cut its head immediately, as the matter stands does not need to be worried that this hot tempered guest looked again your troubled) & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Entertainment + 5, quest issues 【图纸:血刃酒馆(争吵,殴斗是酒馆永恒不变的主题。这里是传奇的开始,也是故事的结束。无数人从这里踏上全新的征程,改变他们的命运。所以当你把酒杯不小心扔在旁边的食人魔的头上时。最好的道歉方式就是立刻手起刀落砍下它的脑袋,这样一来就不用担心这位暴躁的客人再来找你的麻烦了)———娱乐,任务发布】 Blueprint: The soul altar( the perfect soul lodges perfectly in **. But the life is a process of eternal evolution. Myriad things normalizing, only then the fusion is the say/way of keeping forging ahead.? Do you discover somewhat strangely your......?) & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Fit evolutionary system opening 【图纸:灵魂祭坛(健全的灵魂寄宿在健全的**之中。而生命本身就是一个永恒进化的过程。万物归一,只有融合才是进取之道。哦呀?你有没有发现你的……有些奇怪?)———合体进化系统开启】 Sees these two buildings. Zhan En relaxing, these two buildings symbolizes that Zhan En's Dungeon will be separated from the initial stage from now on finally. But was in the middle stage. Bloody blade tavern Is an entertainment constructs, but is very big regarding the help of player, it not only can conform with the morale value among each race unit to adjust, but can also issue quest. In these taverns with the surface will issue that similargoes to worn out mine pit exploration & R dquo ;Protection caravan & R dquo ; And so on quest is the same, Bloody blade tavern Also will also issue quest, its quest mostly is Attack village Plundering caravan Kidnaps somebody Thing so forth. 看到这两个建筑。詹恩不由的松了口气,这两个建筑标志着詹恩的地下城从现在开始终于脱离了初级阶段。而进入了中级阶段。【血刃酒馆】是一个娱乐建筑,但是对于玩家的帮助很大,它不但能够整合各个种族单位之间的士气值进行调整,还能够发布任务。就和地表上那些酒馆会发布类似“去废旧矿井探险”“保护商队”之类的任务一样,【血刃酒馆】也同样会发布任务,不过它的任务多半就是【袭击村落】【掠夺商队】【绑架某人】诸如此类的东西了。 Do not despise these quest, as Dungeon Master, Zhan En can appoint own subordinate to receive these quest, then makes them complete. After quest successfully completes, besides can the spoils of war, these operational unit also obtain the system reward Experience Points and extra addition. Because Dungeon is fixed, base that can only expand, to gain Experience Points to raise the operational unit rank on own initiative, that Bloody blade tavern The quest issue is the best choice. After all every so often Adventurer does not certainly come back Dungeon to explore, will come the quantity is not many. In this case, wanted to raise the rank only to initiate an attack. 可不要小看这些任务,作为地下城主,詹恩可以指派自己的部下去接下这些任务,然后让他们去完成。在任务成功完成之后,除了能够得到战利品之外,那些作战单位还会获得系统奖励的经验值和额外加成。由于地下城是一个固定,只能够扩张的基地,所以如果想要主动获取经验值来提升作战单位等级的话,那么【血刃酒馆】的任务发布是最好的选择。毕竟很多时候冒险者也不是一定回来地下城探险,就算来数量也不会太多。在这种情况下,想要提升等级就只能够主动出击了。 What is more important, these quest not only Dungeon these monsters can do, Zhan En these knights hand/subordinate can also do similarly, therefore Zhan En can definitely brush the experience to promote through the quest system continuously, this can be said as quite cost-effective business & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally, the only flaw is completes quest Experience Points unable to include in Dungeon, rather some minor defect in something otherwise perfect. However this strictly speaking but is actually not what flaw, if Dungeon fight unit chooses the plundering peripheral resources repeatedly, then natural will have the army and Adventurer forms a team to come here to seek for them. By that time, the experience of Dungeon had the whereabouts. 更重要的是,这些任务不仅地下城的那些怪物可以做,詹恩手下的那些骑士也同样可以做,因此詹恩完全可以通过任务系统连续刷经验升级,这可以说是个相当划算的买卖———当然,唯一的缺陷就是完成任务经验值无法算入地下城本身之中,未免有些美中不足。不过这严格来说倒也不算什么缺陷,因为如果地下城的战斗单位多次选择掠夺周边的资源,那么自然就会有军队和冒险者组队前来这里寻找它们。到那个时候,地下城的经验就有着落了。 As for Soul altar, Like its wording in such, is used to conduct the unit synthesis, through fuses two fight unit, thus produces brand-new fight unit. To player, this is to promote low level fight unit to the high-level only method. Naturally, the synthesis later forms is brand-new fight unit, naturally vanished as existence of offering sacrifices thoroughly. 至于【灵魂祭坛】,就像它字面上那样,是用来进行单位合成的,通过将两个战斗单位进行融合,从而产生全新的战斗单位。对于玩家来说,这是把低级战斗单位升级到高级唯一的手段。当然了,合成之后形成的就是全新的战斗单位,作为献祭的存在自然就彻底消失了。 However now Zhan En has not planned to synthesize what new unit temporarily, good that very Dragoon knight display, fight handiness of as always Alien. But under City of Gold in the dark attribute believer covers continuously impregnable , to promote to look from this Dungeon, these intruder take the believer not to have idea completely, can only lying down of obediently deliver the experience in the ground. Is banshee is on the contrary idle, it is estimated that their final fates were also treated as the dog grain of synthesis by Zhan En. 不过现在詹恩暂时还不打算合成什么新的单位,魔装骑士们表现的很不错,异形的战斗一如既往的得心应手。而黄金之城在暗黑属性的教徒笼罩下一直固若金汤,从这次地下城升级就可以看出来,那些入侵者拿教徒完全没辙,只能够乖乖的躺在地面送经验。反倒是女妖无所事事,估计她们最后的下场也就是被詹恩当做合成的狗粮了。 However these two system messages also reminded that side Zhan En City of Gold also some people to wait for itself. Therefore he finished up the work of summon temporarily, but first went to City of Gold through the transmission gate. How has a look at Enoya and Elise situation. 不过这两个系统信息也提醒了詹恩黄金之城那边还有人在等着自己。所以他暂时放下了召唤的工作,而是先通过传送门前往了黄金之城。看看埃诺娅伊丽丝的情况怎么样。 Sees Zhan En's to arrive, Enoya and Elise were quite obviously happy. In fact they have not suffered what danger here. Although the indeed several attacks happen. However the believer resists these attacks sufficiently. Naturally, Zhan En also listened to two people report, although said that he indeed receiving more than onceDungeon suffers to attack & R dquo ; Prompt, because that side Enoya without transmitting what situation, therefore Zhan En would have no to go to the manages again. In addition quick receives the information cue that all extinguished after that therefore Zhan En has not cared. However since now came, he naturally must ascertain. 看见詹恩的到来,埃诺娅伊丽丝显然都相当高兴。事实上她们在这里并没有遭受到什么危险。虽然的确有好几次袭击发生。但是教徒本身就足以抵挡住那些攻击。当然,詹恩也听取了两人的汇报,虽然说他的确不止一次的接到“地下城遭受袭击”的提示,但是由于埃诺娅那边并没有传来什么情况,所以詹恩也就没再去管。再加上在那之后很快就收到了全灭的信息提示,所以詹恩也没有在意。不过现在既然来了,他自然也要问问清楚。 But from Enoya there, Zhan En also knew that in City of Gold after matter. 而从埃诺娅那里,詹恩也得知了在那之后黄金之城里所发生的事情。 Initially cut off Kafka of arm to escape by Enoya by luck, after that does not know how he was Ten Towns Alliance says. The opposite party seems like indeed quite attaches great importance to any case. Less than several days, Enoya discovered that several elite scouting armies sneaked into City of Gold to investigate secretly, what pitifully was, hadbeliever & R dquo ; The dual world here, they come but not return inevitably. 当初被埃诺娅砍断了一只手臂的卡夫卡侥幸逃生,在那之后不知道他是怎么和十镇联盟说的。反正对方看起来似乎的确相当重视。没过几天,埃诺娅就发现有数只精锐的斥候部队偷偷溜进了黄金之城进行调查,不过可惜的是,有“教徒”的双重世界在这里,他们必然是有来无回。 But after that detected that own scouting is missing, the opposite party dispatched a elite squad once again, what pitifully is comes not to go out similarly again, moreover gave back to the believer and Dungeon provided quite rich Experience Points. 而在那之后,察觉到自己的斥候失踪,对方又一次派遣了一只精锐的小分队,不过可惜的是同样是进来就再没出去,而且还给教徒与地下城提供了相当丰厚的经验值 After connecting several times. The opposite party as if detected the gravity of situation, therefore they promoted specification & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Then these people dispatched one to say god Holy Knight Regiment that Bishop led to enter City of Gold by the Saint unexpectedly. Their tyrannical strengths and convictions indeed once created the suitable difficulty to the believer, but these fellows threw the street in the dual world finally thoroughly. 在连接几次之后。对方似乎察觉到了事态的严重性,因此他们提升了规格———接下来这些人居然派遣一只由圣言主教带队的神圣骑士团进入了黄金之城。他们强横的实力和坚定的信念的确一度对教徒造成了相当的困扰,不过最终这些家伙还是在双重世界里彻底扑街了。 But the description of Enoya, making Zhan En somewhat curious. 只不过埃诺娅的描述,让詹恩有些好奇。 In fact. The masters, I think that this barrier as if has some new ability. & R dquo ; “事实上。主人,我认为这个结界似乎拥有某种新的能力。” New ability? & R dquo ; “新的能力?” Right, during the beforehand that fight. Although the opposite party is defeated finally, but that to a great extent is because Holy Knight Regiment had the internal strife. Massacres mutually, will therefore be annihilated finally. & R dquo ; “没错,在之前的那次战斗之中。虽然对方最后失败,但那很大程度上是因为圣骑士团内部发生了内讧。彼此之间相互残杀,所以最终才会被歼灭。” „ Isn't this very normal matter? & R dquo ; “这不是很正常的事情吗?” Regarding the report of Enoya. Zhan En feels but actually somewhat strangely, he knows Believer Dual world Is has the spiritual suppression attribute, will go crazy in inside person is not impossible. Most starts that Legendary Mage not pressed being able to bear starts to others? 对于埃诺娅的报告。詹恩倒觉得有些奇怪,他知道【教徒】的【双重世界】是拥有精神压制属性的,在里面的人会发疯也不是不可能。最开始那个传奇法师不就是被压的受不了对其他人下手的吗? No, the master, this time is not quite same. They as if the opposite party think that is completely the different things, even that Saint said Bishop not to view any issue ......... & R dquo ; “不,主人,这次不太一样。他们似乎完全把对方认为是不同的东西,甚至就连那个圣言主教都没有看出来任何问题………” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow, then he puts out a hand, opens the contact surface, assigned outbeliever & R dquo ; Contact surface. Quick, Zhan En discovered that demonstratesbeliever & R dquo in the information column ; Now has risen 15 levels, moreover obtained the third skill. 听到这里,詹恩挑了下眉头,接着他伸出手去,打开界面,调出了“教徒”的界面。很快,詹恩就发现在信息栏中显示“教徒”现在已经升到了十五级,而且还获得了第三个技能。 The third skill? 第三个技能? Looks at the information of flash, Zhan En stares at present, later assigned out the information column, quick, aboutbeliever & R dquo ; The third skill appeared like this in his front. 看着眼前闪光的信息,詹恩愣了一下,随后调出了信息栏,很快,关于“教徒”的第三个技能就这样浮现在了他的面前。 Special Ability: Shadow of Truth( from dark Abyss to the deep pool of space and time, steps down from the stone steps that the black agate paves, you will obtain about the world myriad things eternal feedback, in your eyes, passing is illusory, opens the eye, you will feel real existence, the ruler from inter-satellite Abyss is gazing at you, lets loose the mind, feels that hysterical/frenzy eternal & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Spirit knowledge curse)】 特殊能力:真实之影(从黑暗深渊到时空之渊,走下黑色玛瑙铺就的石阶,你将得到关于世间万物永恒的回馈,在你的眼中,过往皆是虚幻,睁开眼睛,你将感受到真实的存在,来自星间深渊的支配者正在注视着你,放开心灵,感受那狂乱的永恒吧———灵识诅咒)】 Unexpectedly can be this ability! 居然会是这个能力! Sees here, Zhan En gawked, but he is overjoyed later immediately. „ Shadow of Truth & R dquo ; Isbeliever & R dquo ; In Play-card is most powerful one of the fearful abilities, according to the research of player, this is actually oneincreases & R dquo ; Ability. When the enemy steps intobeliever & R dquo ; When barrier , they will be adhered to stick cohere on oneto know & R dquo spirit ; Buff, but this buff can make them see through these external surfaces, penetrates directly its intrinsic. It seems like Zhan En's Evil eye, If opens the soul pattern, can only see the soul fireballs of fluttering, external ** in his eyes largely completely vanished was the same. 看到这里,詹恩不由愣了一下,但是随后他立刻喜出望外。“真实之影”是“教徒”卡牌之中最强大可怕的能力之一,根据玩家的研究,这其实是一个“增益”能力。当敌人踏入“教徒”的结界时,他们就会被附着上一个“灵识”的buff,而这个buff可以让他们看穿那些外在的表面,直接深入其内在。就好像詹恩的【邪恶之眼】,如果开启灵魂模式的话,就只能够看见一个个飘动的灵魂火球,外在的**在他眼中基本就完全消失了一样。 However Spirit knowledge With Evil eye Stated differently, it is not controllable. This also means that these people from what angle will look the world definitely is unable to know in advance. They are even very likely carefully examine this world through other plane and angles of view again, between the things and real world that as the matter stands, they see will have very big disparity. For example an oil lamp, if the spirit knows the high person to look, will discover that is a burning death head/number of people, or is sending out the flame brilliance devil. Innumerable plane inwill know & R dquo spirit ; At present each other interlocks, forms the hysterical/frenzy the terrifying completely new world. 但是【灵识】与【邪恶之眼】不同的是,它是不可控的。这也就意味着那些人会从什么角度去看世界完全无法预知。他们甚至很有可能是通过其他的位面与视角重新来审视这个世界,这样一来,他们所看到的东西与现实世界之间就会有很大的差距。比如说一盏油灯,如果灵识过高的人去看的话,就会发现那是一个正在燃烧的死人头,或者一个散发着火焰光辉的魔鬼。无数的位面会在“灵识”者的眼前彼此交错,形成狂乱又恐怖的全新世界。 When whenever their mood produce fluctuate intensely, Spirit knowledge Buff will increase one, but will be more serious to their energetic impacts. Once Spirit knowledge Superimposes to ten, they will be injured doubled and re-doubled, once Spirit knowledge Superimposes to 20, no matter that anyone, collapses immediately, shows „ not controllable & R dquo ; Condition, then blood-curdling screech going crazy, finally Death. 而每当他们的情绪产生激烈波动时,【灵识】的buff就会增加一层,而对他们精神的冲击就会更加严重。一旦【灵识】叠加到十层,他们就会受到成倍伤害,而一旦【灵识】叠加到二十层,那么不管是什么人,都会立刻崩溃,展现“不可控”的状态,然后惨叫着发疯,最后死亡 What awfully is, this is increases buff, will not be regarded to make the curse in the game. Therefore is unable to cancel it through the spell item that relieving the curse and elimination is evil and so on. How although does not know in the reality, since even/including Saint said Bishop to take it not to have the means that then explained should also effective. 更要命的是,这是个增益buff,在游戏里不会被视做诅咒。因此根本无法通过解除诅咒和去除邪恶之类的法术道具来取消它。虽然不知道在现实里怎么样,但是既然连圣言主教都拿它没办法,那么说明应该也还是有效果的。 Zhan En is only had a look at the situation, has not thought that unexpectedly also has such coup, makes him feel really somewhat accidental/surprised and happy. However Zhan En does not have to forget another goal that oneself come. 原本詹恩只是过来看看情况,没想到居然还有如此的意外之喜,着实让他感到有些意外和高兴。不过詹恩倒也没有忘记自己过来的另外一个目的。 Enoya, Elise, from now on, relieves you at the City of Gold duty. & R dquo ; 埃诺娅,伊丽丝,从现在开始,解除你们在黄金之城的职务。” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Hears here, Elise gawked gawked, but Enoya was a slightly nod, has not spoken, because she knows, Zhan En definitely also had as follows. Really quick, Zhan En gave the explanation to them. 听到这里,伊丽丝愣了一愣,而埃诺娅则是微一点头,并没有说话,因为她知道,詹恩肯定还有下文。果然很快,詹恩就对她们做出了解释。 Enoya can go to Passus with me, now there is my domain, to me, nothing is more important than an exceptional adjutant. & R dquo ; 埃诺娅会和我一起前往帕苏斯,现在那里已经是我的地盘,对于我来说,没有什么比一个能力出众的副官更加重要。” I understood. & R dquo ; “我明白了。” Spoke facing Zhan En's, Enoya nods. But Elise gawked, later anxious looking to Zhan En. 面对詹恩的说话,埃诺娅点了点头。而伊丽丝则愣了一下,随后不安的望向詹恩 That, master ......... I? & R dquo ; “那么,主人………我呢?” You? & R dquo ; “你?” Hears the inquiry of Elise, Zhan En has turned the head to look at her meaningfully, but when Elise felt somewhat anxiously, he says finally. 听到伊丽丝的询问,詹恩转过头去意味深长的望着她,而就在伊丽丝感到有些不安的时候,他终于开口说道。 ......... Almost should be the time returns to Black Onyx Stone City. & R dquo ; “………差不多该是时候回到黑玛瑙石城了。” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Hears here, Elise was shocked thoroughly.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 听到这里,伊丽丝彻底愣住了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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