CF :: Volume #27

#2677: Rallies various Tianwan the flying upwards system

Chapter 2552 第2552章 Rallies various Tianwan the flying upwards system 重整诸天万界的飞升体系 A piece is silent, in Void Space crack that opens together, Chu Yunfan walked slowly. 一片寂静无声,那一道打开的空间裂缝之中,楚云凡缓缓走了出来。 Void Space crack in Chu Yunfan vanishes slowly, then the battlefield in chaos also finally ends. 空间裂缝在楚云凡的身后缓缓消失,那在混沌之中的战场也终于落幕。 A piece dies the general silence. 一片死一般的寂静。 Had finished, from the antiquity starting, ten big Sovereign ruled Era to end last years finally. 结束了,从上古末年开始,十大皇者统治古界时代终于终结了。 starting from the antiquity years, this rule was similar to dark clouds covers entire ancient boundary/world, all genius elites who pressed cannot breathe. 从上古年间开始,这个统治就如同一片黑云笼罩住了整个古界,压的所有天才精英们喘不过气来。 Although in the antiquity that terrifying turmoil, in war of various sovereign the dusk, ten big Sovereign has stood firm the final world fragment last years, is nowadays ancient boundary/world. 虽然在上古末年那一场恐怖的动乱,诸皇黄昏之战中,十大皇者稳住了最后的世界碎片,也就是现如今的古界。 Has given many people by the opportunity that survives! 给了许多人以一个存活下去的机会! That time ten big Sovereign had contribution(s) regarding the world, however more in the future more will degenerate, these Sovereign degenerated into hindrance on all person lines of advance. 那时候的十大皇者对于天下都是有功劳的,然而越往后越堕落,这些皇者一个个已经沦为了所有人前进路上的阻碍。 But now, the nightmares of all people also eventually ended. 而现在,所有人的噩梦也终于结束了。 Will not have person thorough domination of above them, stops up road that they go forward. 再也不会有一个人彻彻底底的凌驾于他们之上,堵塞住他们前进的路。 All people during the feeling feels relieved, has genuinely realized, long Era, since among the antiquity years continue until now Era, finally ended. 所有人在感觉如释重负的同时,也真正意识到了,一个漫长的时代,自从上古年间延续至今的时代,终于落幕了。 Brand-new Era was born. 一个全新的时代诞生了。 However all people were also worried, Chu Yunfan after cleans ten big Sovereign, oneself will become a brand-new iron curtain, will cover in the top of the heads of all people. 但是所有人也很担心,楚云凡在将十大皇者扫除之后,自己会成为一个全新的铁幕,笼罩在所有人的头顶上。 Perhaps at the Chu Yunfan present age, wants to boil him, that is at all not the matter that is possible to achieve. 楚云凡现在的年纪来说,恐怕想要熬死他,那是根本不可能做到的事情。 However what is good because of being, finally has not evolved the worst environment that everyone thinks. 不过好在的是,最终没有演变成众人所想的最为恶劣的环境。 After having eradicated these Sovereign, influence starting of Chu Yunfan subordinates cleans up each Sovereign death to be loyal. 铲除了这些皇者之后,楚云凡麾下的势力开始清理各个皇者的死忠。 Although many powerhouse hate the road that these Sovereign prevented them to go forward, has prevented their to become sovereign opportunity. 虽然许多强者怨恨这些皇者阻挡了他们前进的路,阻挡了他们成皇的机会。 However still has large quantities of each Sovereign deaths to be loyal, for these years, each Sovereign naturally impossible trusted aide not to have. 但是依然有大批个各个皇者的死忠,这么多年来,各个皇者当然不可能一点心腹都没有。 In fact, in each influence, the major Sovereign trusted aides were overwhelming majorities, although many people understood the situation clearly, does not dare to continue to revolt against Chu Yunfan. 事实上,各个势力之中,各大皇者心腹占据了绝大多数,虽然有许多人认清了形势,不敢继续反抗楚云凡 After all including in their hearts to think that Gods various sovereign died in the hand of Chu Yunfan, let alone was they, their revolts regarding Chu Yunfan, without any significance. 毕竟连他们心中以为神明的诸皇都死在了楚云凡的手上,更别说是他们了,他们的反抗对于楚云凡来说,没有任何意义。 However still many people have the dead will, but these are each have hired oneself the goal that Chu Yunfan powerhouse have cleaned up. 但是依然有很多人心存死志,而这些就是各个已经投靠了楚云凡强者们清理的目标。 Simultaneously each Sovereign world, after they died, collapsed, the inside innumerable resources entirely were also whirled away by Chu Yunfan, the world that has not formed also carried off by Chu Yunfan. 同时各个皇者本身的世界,在他们死了之后,也崩溃了,里面无数的资源也被楚云凡统统卷走,那未成形的世界也被楚云凡带走。 These turns over in full the war has continued for over a hundred years, ancient boundary/world the order has been established. 这一场清缴战足足持续了上百年的时间,古界的秩序才重新建立了起来。 Took the Heavenly Dao city to be established as the absolute core entire singu order. 一个以天道城为绝对核心的全新古界秩序被确立了下来。 Under this order, takes the Heavenly Dao city that Daoist deity clear/pain sovereign assumes for the absolute core, various attachment in each influence of Heavenly Dao city are the branches, the strength of such control has spread the entire universe. 在这个秩序之下,以道君楚皇所坐镇的天道城为绝对的核心,还有各种依附于天道城的各个势力为分支,这样支配的力量遍及了全宇宙。 Not only ancient boundary/world! 不只是古界! Because of ancient boundary/world nowadays the universe true core, in the universe cultivation in cultivation who has, the final home to return to is also ancient boundary/world. 因为古界正是现如今宇宙的真正核心,在宇宙之中修行有成的修行者,最后的归宿也是古界。 Beforehand each Sovereign does not hope to present other Sovereign, therefore does regarding receiving and instructing of each world is not good. 只是之前各个皇者并不希望出现其他的皇者,所以对于各个世界的接引做的也非常不好。 Even has not received and instructed, does not have a complete system. 甚至根本就没有接引,也没有一个完整的体系。 However after the Chu Yunfan high-rank, did to the entire universe on starting has planned each world, the star, according to the technical side, the cultivation side classified respectively. 但是在楚云凡上位之后,就开始对全宇宙做了规划各个世界,星球,按照科技侧,修行侧各自分门别类。 The technical side also possibly presents powerhouse, in these hundred years, cleans up the entire universe in the process, Chu Yunfan also saw in the past had not seen technical side powerhouse. 科技侧也可能出现强者,在这百年的时间之中,清理全宇宙的过程中,楚云凡也见到了以往从来没见过的科技侧的强者 But is different from powerhouse of Ordinary cultivation side, powerhouse of technical side takes developing the science and technology as the premise, after the life sciences developed the pinnacle, fed back to the body of individual. 只不过和寻常修行侧的强者不同,科技侧的强者是以发展科技为前提,在生命科学发展到了极致之后,反馈到其中个体的身上。 The overall quality is high, is not inferior in the cultivation side world, if naturally this technological progress very high degree may achieve. 整体素质非常高,并不逊色于修行侧的世界,当然这要是科技发展到非常高的程度才有可能做到的。 Even some can contact cultivation side the technical side star of world to have the massive branch military Dual Cultivation situation, one such as beforehand Earth and Kunlun World. 甚至有的能够接触到修行侧的世界的科技侧星球出现了大量科武双修的情况,一如之前的地球昆仑界 Formidable Civilization of these technical sides are ruling the length and breadth boundless world, its Energy utilization is even wiser than the cultivation side. 这些科技侧的强大文明统治着广袤无垠的世界,其能量的利用方式甚至比修行侧还要高明。 Even also presented accurate sovereign Level expert extremely, but that is also the limit, does not have the comparability with the core of this various Tianwan. 甚至其中也出现了准皇级别的绝顶高手,但是那也已经是极限了,和古界这种诸天万界的核心还是没有可比性。 finally was suppressed, is integrated into various heaven ten thousand boundary/world the system that Chu Yunfan has planned. 最终还是被镇压,纳入到了楚云凡所规划的诸天万界的体系。 The cultivation system of present entire universe looked like in Chu Yunfan is really too chaotic, after cultivation cultivation in many world to pinnacle, absolutely did not have the means to enter one step. 现在的全宇宙的修行体系在楚云凡看起来实在是太混乱了,许多世界中的修行修行到了极致之后,根本就没有办法更进一步 Then is similar to the Sino-Turkey divine land so, some do not know High Level existence of ancient boundary/world from the start. 便如同中土神州这般,有的压根就不知道更高级的古界的存在。 But under combing of Chu Yunfan, each different world, according to the different strengths, divided one to nine levels, each first-level world, can after cultivation to the pinnacle, be received and instructed, goes to the higher world. 而在楚云凡的梳理之下,各个不同世界,按照不同的实力,划分成了一到九级,每一个一级的世界,都可以在修行到极致之后,得到接引,前往更高的世界。 And Chu Yunfan also set up receiving and instructing to cause this position, was held the post by Disciple of ancient Heavenly Dao city directly, the strength of strength far exceed local world, did not intervene the development of other world, but received and instructed powerhouse to go to the stronger world unceasingly. 并且楚云凡还设立了接引使这个职位,直接由古界天道城的弟子担任,实力都远远超过当地世界的实力,并不干预其他世界的发展,只是不断接引更强者前往更强的世界。 The final nine levels of world naturally are ancient boundary/world! 最后的九级世界当然就是古界! This through screening layer upon layer, constantly obtains the supplement of talented person from various Tianwan, but not only depends upon training. 这样就是通过一层层的筛选,不断从诸天万界之中得到人才的补充,而不仅仅是依靠古界本身的培养。 Talented person who is born, possibly is originally ten times, hundred times. 所诞生出来的人才,可能是原本十倍,百倍。 In the expert beginning that in various Tianwan grows, although is not high, but can crawl from world, often is the outstanding people in outstanding person, even must surpass powerhouse that in native place trains. 许多在诸天万界之中成长起来的高手的起点虽然不高,但是能从一个个世界中爬出来的,往往都是佼佼者之中的佼佼者,甚至还要超过古界本土之中培养出来的强者 But in the past, such powerhouse also had, for example, Chu Yunfan, for example hated day Monster King born from various Tianwan, finally relied on own Heaven-Blessed Genius to have a bloody road in ancient, ascended a height to get a broad view extremely. 而以往,这样的强者也是有的,比如说,楚云凡,比如说恨天妖王都是从诸天万界之中诞生,最后凭借着自身的天纵奇才在古界之中杀出了一条血路,登临绝顶。 Hates day Monster King, although is inferior to Chu Yunfan is powerful, but initially first time appeared, when ancient, had been once shocking Era. 恨天妖王虽然不及楚云凡的实力强大,但是当初第一次出现在古界的时候,也曾惊艳过一个时代 expert or there are also many so forth, genius that but is born compared to innumerable various Tianwan, that was extremely rare. 诸如此类的高手还是有不少的,只是相对于无数诸天万界之中诞生的天才来说,那就是凤毛麟角了。 Because many people cannot have the opportunity to go to the High Level world, but passed away life-long in own world. 许多人因为得不到机会前往更高级的世界,而终生老死在了自己的世界之中。 But various sovereigns do not care, no doubt good, has not mattered, genius that is born in any case enough they have urged. 而诸皇对此也并不在乎,有固然好,没有也无所谓,反正古界之中诞生的天才已经足够他们驱使了。 But Chu Yunfan is different, the cause that he wants to establish is incomparable huge, must want various Tianwan, all people one and diligently. 楚云凡则不同,他所想要建立的伟业是无比的庞大,非得要诸天万界,所有人一并努力才可以。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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