CF :: Volume #27

#2676: various Huangquan extinguishes, new Era arrives

Chapter 2551 第2551章 various Huangquan extinguishes, new Era arrives 诸皇全灭,新时代降临 After the strength strengthens double again, Chu Yunfan can withstand more serious backlash, but the style use of this law of causality, generally not direct feedback, but will lose the destiny. 实力再度增强一倍之后,楚云凡可以承受更严重的反噬,不过这种因果律的招式的使用,一般都不会直接反馈,而是会损耗气运。 Let person starting in good condition walk the mildew to transport! 让一个人好端端的开始走霉运! However by the power of Chu Yunfan destiny, has withstood to kill backlash that two Sovereign suffer sufficiently. 不过以楚云凡自身气运的强盛,已经足以承受住杀死两个皇者所遭受的反噬了。 But at this time, in the chaos is bustling, Mountains and Rivers Diagram flew directly, flew back to the Chu Yunfan top of the head. 而此时,混沌之中一片沸腾,山河图直接飞了出来,重新飞回到了楚云凡的头顶上。 But from the chaos, two forms flushed. 而从混沌之中,两道身影冲了出来。 Eight big Sovereign finally remaining two Sovereign. 正是八大皇者最后剩下的两道皇者 For Breakthrough Chu Yunfan locking of Mountains and Rivers Diagram, they spent the innumerable methods. 为了突破楚云凡山河图的锁定,他们可谓是花费了无数的手段。 With great difficulty as soon as possible, Breakthrough blockade of Mountains and Rivers Diagram, but they came late, even if they were actually also prevented time of small part by Mountains and Rivers Diagram. 好不容易才在最短的时间内,突破山河图的封锁,但是他们还是来晚了,哪怕他们其实也只是被山河图阻挡住一小部分的时间。 However did not hinder Chu Yunfan to tidy up the moon sovereign and solar sovereign two Great Expert in such a short time. 但是也不妨碍楚云凡在这么短的时间内收拾了太阴皇和太阳皇两大高手 Two big Sovereign ran out of the chaos, appeared in the above of Heavenly Dao city, ignorant a face compelled looks that Chu Yunfan received in the corpse of moon sovereign Mountains and Rivers Diagram Void Space. 两大皇者冲出了混沌,出现在了天道城的上方,一脸懵逼的看着楚云凡将太阴皇的尸首收入了山河图空间之中。 As if still cannot believe, Chu Yunfan such cutting easily killed the solar sovereign and moon sovereign unexpectedly. 似乎仍旧不敢相信,楚云凡居然这么轻易的斩杀了太阳皇和太阴皇。 At this time, their facial expression first transformation, only felt that the back sends coolly. 此时,他们的神情一变,只感觉后背发凉。 Eight big Sovereign set aside to come, that is what kind of power and influence, even facing the Chu Yunfan such domineering promising youth, they still felt oneself have the absolute strength, absolute confidence. 八大皇者计提前来,那是何等的威势,就算是面对楚云凡这样强势的后起之秀,他们也觉得自己拥有绝对的实力,绝对的信心。 However now, eight big Sovereign had only had them. 但是现在,八大皇者就已经只剩下了他们两人了。 It can be said that in the past swept away the world's top ten Sovereign, besides the evil sovereign, unexpectedly seven Sovereign died in the Chu Yunfan front directly. 可以说,当年横扫天下的十大皇者,除了邪皇之外,竟然有七个皇者都直接死在了楚云凡的面前。 Seriously is a Sovereign end matter! 当真是一个皇者终结者啊! Below arrived at you, demon sovereign, poisonous sovereign!” “下面到你们了,魔皇,毒皇!” Chu Yunfan looks at the two, a middle-aged appearance, the whole body is sending out the middle-aged man of astonishing demon air/Qi, is not others, demon sovereign who in the legend commands demon. 楚云凡看着那两人,其中一个中年模样,浑身散发着惊人魔气的中年男子,不是别人,正是传说中统领魔界的魔皇。 Initially Chu Yunfan led the Sino-Turkey divine land also and demon has had astonishing Confrontation, but at that time, the demon sovereign is not in demon, but in ancient, established the demon clan. 当初楚云凡率领中土神州也曾经和魔界发生过惊人的交锋,不过那个时候,魔皇早就已经不在魔界之中,而是在古界中,成立了魔族。 Becoming in running amuck world one of the ten big Sovereign. 成为古界之中横行天下的十大皇者之一。 In demon fight of Sino-Turkey divine lands, in his eyes, is not worth mentioning, including makes him care that slightly the value does not have. 对于魔界和中土神州之间的战斗,在他的眼里,根本就不值一提,连稍微让他关心一下的价值都没有。 The Sino-Turkey divine land also merely is only one of world the demon invasion and aims, is not completely. 中土神州也仅仅只是魔界入侵和针对的世界之一而已,并不是全部。 Even if were demon were annihilated, regarding the demon sovereign was also harmless, could not hurt the vitality. 哪怕是魔界全军覆没了,对于魔皇来说也是无伤大雅,根本伤不到元气。 To him, demon provides the talent for him, expands the reserve base of demon clan unceasingly. 对他来说,魔界只是为他输送人才,不断壮大魔族的一个后备基地罢了。 Even without, can still reconstruct! 即便没了,也是可以重建的! Even if Chu Yunfan cut to kill purple clothes fiendish person and the others, cannot alarm the demon sovereign from proclaiming the deep sleep regains consciousness. 即便是楚云凡斩杀了紫衣魔王等人,也没能惊动魔皇从自封沉睡之中苏醒。 However to the present, the demon sovereign actually has to facing Chu Yunfan that the earth divine land emerges, this is Confrontation of fate. 然而到了现在,魔皇却不得不面对从中土神州脱颖而出的楚云凡,这是一场宿命的交锋 A determined fight! 一场命中注定的战斗! This in various Tianwan with the Lord of powerful demon clan Human Race disputes, observing closely Chu Yunfan stubbornly. 这个在诸天万界都在与人族较量的强大魔族之主,正死死的盯住楚云凡 But in his side, is a whole body is twining the gloomy old man of certain toxin. 而在他的旁边,是一个浑身缠绕着某一种毒素的阴沉老者。 The toxin that his whole body twines is the toxin that a principle evolves, even Void Space collapsed by pressure by the toxin, extremely terrifying. 他周身缠绕的毒素是一种法则所演化出来的毒素,连空间都被毒素所压塌,极为恐怖 In using poisonously on together, he went to the unprecedented situation, unprecedented, latter does not have the comer. 在用毒一道上,他已经达到了前所未有的地步,前无古人,后无来者。 Both sides glanced at, fought the split second eruption mutually! 双方相互看了一眼,大战一瞬间爆发了! both sides know, no leeway of alleviation, only has life and death! 双方都知道,根本没有任何缓解的余地,唯有你死我活! Arrived this situation, even remaining two Sovereign, do not think that Chu Yunfan in occupying completely the situation of advantage lets off them, therefore also only had bloody battle road. 到了这个地步,即便是剩下的两个皇者,也不认为楚云凡会在占尽优势的情况下放过他们,因此也唯有血战这一条路了。 Bang!” “轰!” The principle of terrifying shook Void, Chu Yunfan tears Void again, infiltrated in the battlefield the chaos, ancient Jieke could not withstand tosses about. 恐怖的法则震荡虚空,楚云凡再度撕裂开了虚空,将战场重新打入了混沌之中,古界可经不起这么折腾。 everyone only sees in the crack in another chaos, the Chu Yunfan whole body is shining, these rays are not the Ordinary rays, but is the ray that the principle evolves. 众人只看到裂缝之中另外一头的混沌之中,楚云凡浑身都在发光,那些光芒都不是寻常的光芒,而是法则所演化出来的光芒。 Everywhere was the flowers anchorage that Great Dao evolved the chaos, is changing to the mighty current rumbles toward being bewitched sovereign and poisonous sovereign in the past. 到处都是大道所演化的花朵定住了混沌,也在化作洪流朝着魔皇和毒皇轰了过去。 An demon sovereign long and loud cry, in the chaos, evolved one to reach as high as over a million li (0.5 km) high terrifying demon to revere. 魔皇一声长啸,在混沌之中,生生演化出了一尊高达上百万里高的恐怖魔尊。 This terrifying demon revered a foot to raise dreadful Frenzy chaos, then swept away toward Chu Yunfan fiercely all of a sudden. 恐怖的魔尊一脚就将混沌掀起了滔天狂潮,然后猛地一下子朝着楚云凡横扫而出。 Another side, the principle of poisonous sovereign whole body poison evolved, changes to the dreadful monstrous waves to sweep across in the Chu Yunfan direction. 另外一边,毒皇周身毒之法则演化了出来,化作滔天巨浪朝着楚云凡的方向席卷而来。 Even if Sovereign does not dare to belittle these toxin, will be corroded by the toxin. 即便是皇者都不敢小觑这些毒素,会被毒素所腐蚀。 However Chu Yunfan radically indifferent, disregarded these toxin directly, the whole body was glittering seven color rays, broke in that poisonous sea, and his body unceasing rose against the wind, in an instant, lengthened by joining the situation that and demon sovereign was almost the same. 不过楚云凡根本就无所谓,直接无视了这些毒素,浑身闪烁着七彩的光芒,冲入了那一片毒海之中,并且他的身体不断的迎风而涨,刹那间,直接长到了和魔皇相差无几的地步。 The demon sovereign cried loud and long, the chaos is vibrating, then a fist went toward the Chu Yunfan bang. 魔皇长啸一声,混沌都在抖动,然后一拳朝着楚云凡轰去。 Chu Yunfan moves also motionless, but a finger selected. 楚云凡动也不动,只是一只手指点了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The fist of demon sovereign incomparable gigantic flew high to blast open, in Chu Yunfan the finger/refers of front, in the sky blasting open, at all was not the opponent. 魔皇巨大无比的拳头凌空炸裂了开来,在楚云凡的这一指的面前,当空炸裂,根本不是对手。 This crack spreads toward the body in the arm together directly on. 紧接着这一道裂纹伴随着手臂直接朝着身体之中蔓延而上。 Bang!” “轰!” Demon sovereign's terrified discovery, own mortal body inch by inch cracks, moreover simply does not have the means to prevent, he started oneself all Great Dao, wants to prevent, but has no use. 魔皇惊恐万状的发现,自己的肉身一寸一寸的崩裂开来,而且根本没有办法阻挡,他发动了自己所有的大道,想要阻挡,但是根本没有任何用处。 Chu Yunfan the finger/refers has the astonishing might, is Great Dao obviously, simple directs, the demon sovereign is unable to withstand. 楚云凡的这一指有着惊人的威力,是大道的显化,简简单单的一指点出,魔皇就无法承受。 After absorbing many Sovereign Great Dao, the Chu Yunfan strength was obviously stronger, moreover powerful is not a tiny bit. 吸收了多个皇者大道之后,楚云凡的实力明显更强了,而且强大的不是一点半点。 „!” “啊!” The demon sovereign called out pitifully, mortal body blasted open on the spot, revealed Primordial Spirit, above that originally powerful Primordial Spirit, had Big Hole unexpectedly. 魔皇惨叫一声,肉身当场炸裂了开来,露出了其中的元神,那原本强大的元神之上,居然有一个大洞 That was exposed Primordial Spirit by the finger of Chu Yunfan, not only penetrated mortal body, but also penetrated Primordial Spirit. 那是被楚云凡的手指点破了元神,不仅仅是穿透了肉身,还穿透了元神 mortal body blasting open, earth-shattering, everything may become vulnerable! 肉身炸裂,天崩地裂,地动山摇! Demon sovereign fallen, mortal body was seized by Chu Yunfan, Great Dao was absorbed by Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan even more powerful, absorbed Sovereign Great Dao unable to spend the time of moment. 魔皇陨落,肉身楚云凡抓走,大道楚云凡吸收,楚云凡愈发的强大,吸收一个皇者大道也花费不了片刻的时间。 But the Chu Yunfan vision turned to the poisonous sovereign, this time poisonous sovereign in his eyes, at all is not anything, the poisonous say/way that he most excels, in the Chu Yunfan front, at all is not anything. 楚云凡的目光转向了毒皇,此时的毒皇在他的眼里,根本不算什么,他最擅长的毒道,在楚云凡的面前,根本不算什么。 Cannot do to Chu Yunfan, even if Chu Yunfan runs amuck in his poisonous sea, still has no issue. 根本奈何不了楚云凡,即便楚云凡在他的毒海之中横行,也根本没有任何问题。 Chu Yunfan looked that did not look, backhands a palm of the hand racket to fall, this poisonous sovereign is cranked up everywhere blood fog in ten big Sovereign ranks end at the scene, immediately fallen. 楚云凡看也不看,反手一巴掌拍落下去,这个在十大皇者之中排名最末的毒皇当场被拍成漫天血雾,当即陨落 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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