CF :: Volume #27

#2678: Dao Monarch clear/pain sovereign, through the ages First Sovereign

Chapter 2553 第2553章 Dao Monarch clear/pain sovereign, through the ages First Sovereign 道君楚皇,古往今来第一皇者 Because of this, therefore regarding Chu Yunfan, these people the more better. 正因为如此,所以对于楚云凡来说,这些人越多越好。 genius the more better, genius are more, his strength is also naturally stronger, in the future the road of become a God also will be simple. 天才越多越好,天才越多,他的实力自然也就越强,未来成神之路也就越是简单。 But in the past these few years, Chu Yunfan had also been pondering how to solve this problem. 而在过去的这些年里,楚云凡也一直在思考着如何解决这个问题。 He wants become a God is not a day two days of matters, must make up achieves together, even surmounted the antiquity time, even if there is his spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, was minimum is continues for several thousand years, over ten thousand years of matter. 他要成神也不是一天两天的事情,要补齐达到,甚至超越上古时期,即便有他揠苗助长,也起码得是持续几千年,上万年的事情。 In only depends on Ancient World locally born talented person, although were many, Ten Great Sovereigns was well satisfied. 光靠古界之中土生土长的人才,虽然已经不少,十大皇者都是心满意足了。 However to Chu Yunfan, is too few, are too few, was really too few! 但是对楚云凡来说,还是太少,太少,实在是太少了! Nobody knows in his heart to have the how huge layout, probably also was Tang Siyu of board game piece knows some. 没有人知道他心中到底有多么庞大的布局,大概也就只有身为棋子的唐思雨知道一些了。 However after now Tang Siyu abolish cultivation re-cultivate, only 200 years, re-cultivate to accurate sovereign realm, and approach in Zhunhuang Sixth Layer day realm. 不过现在唐思雨废功重修之后,只200年的时间,又重修到了准皇境界,并且趋近于准皇六重天的境界 Soon is existence of accurate sovereign Peak. 用不了多久又是一个准皇巅峰的存在。 Regarding these, Chu Yunfan does not think to have anything, after all originally Tang Siyu had the accurate sovereign to say the fruit, in addition direction of Chu Yunfan and incline of nearly entire Ancient World resources. 对于这些,楚云凡并不觉得有什么,毕竟原本唐思雨就已经有了准皇道果,再加上楚云凡的指点和近乎整个古界资源的倾斜。 These naturally are very simple matter, Chu Yunfan, although did not teach the world person parsimoniously, the meaning of but actually truly not having treated impartially. 这些自然是很简单的事情,楚云凡虽然不吝啬教导天下人,但是却也没有真正一视同仁的意思。 Even if were to become sovereign, still had the friend or stranger distance. 即便是成皇了,也依然还是有亲疏远近。 The nature is close with him, can gain the advantage. 自然与他相近的,都能获得好处。 In fact, these few years, has powerhouse abolish cultivation re-cultivate one after another, all wants the person of sovereign, this one step must walk. 事实上,这些年,陆续都有强者废功重修,所有想要成皇之人,这一步都必须要走。 Does not arrive at king Jing, abolish cultivation is actually indifferent, because the brand mark of road of beforehand Sovereign is not very deep, if to king Jing, then besides abolish cultivation re-cultivate, did not have other result. 不到王境,废功废功倒是无所谓,因为之前皇者之路的烙印不是很深,但是一旦到了王境,那么除了废功重修之外,就没有别的结果了。 Since Chu Yunfan puts down the world, various group of heroes from various Tianwan is not infrequent, suddenly, makes the people in Ancient World feel that had the enormous threat. 自从楚云凡扫平天下之后,来自诸天万界的各路英雄豪杰不在少数,一时间,也让古界之中的人都感觉有了极大的威胁。 Suddenly, is the millenniums passes! 眨眼间,又是千年的时间过去! These millenniums in a hurry, regarding Ancient World are actually the unprecedented aspects, unprecedented prosperous times were placed in the front of all people. 这千年匆匆,对于古界来说却是前所未有的局面,一个前所未有的盛世摆在了所有人的面前。 Because Chu Yunfan has eradicated Ten Great Sovereigns, therefore regardless of anybody, does not need to be worried that will be suppressed. 因为楚云凡铲除了十大皇者,所以无论任何人都可以,也都不必担心会被打压。 In fact, Chu Yunfan can also can be called regarding their great strength is glad to see him succeed. 事实上,楚云凡对于他们的强大还可以称得上是乐观其成。 Promotes the heroes unceasingly! 不断提拔其中的英雄豪杰! But this type with the former Sovereign completely different attitudes, lets the world outstanding heroes, slightly sighed in relief! 而这种与之前的皇者完全不同的作风,也让天下群雄,稍微松了一口气 Millennium, in all people when is hoping second Sovereign is born. 千年时间,在所有人都在期盼着第二位皇者诞生的时候。 Second Sovereign was born finally, an enormous and powerful pressure sweeps away the present age! 第二位皇者终于诞生了,一股浩荡的威压横扫当世! In entire Ancient World, realized! 整个古界之中,都察觉到了! Suddenly, the world ebullition, this besides Chu Yunfan, second Sovereign, in this process, Chu Yunfan has not gone to prevent after all, this Prove, this road is passes, but Chu Yunfan does not return to prevent. 一时间,天下沸腾,这毕竟是除了楚云凡之外,第二个皇者,在这个过程中,楚云凡也没有去阻挡,这证明了,这一条路是通的,而楚云凡也并不回阻止。 But Sovereign of this new promote from the number flame sovereign, together became enlightened by flame principle, finally finally became enlightened shockingly. 而这一位新晋的皇者自号炎皇,以火焰一道的法则成道,最后终于惊艳成道。 Afterward the flame sovereign all was known by everyone, this is in Rogue Cultivators certainly generation of genius, before innumerable years to avoid the Ten Great Sovereigns point, does not dare to appear, before the remote past proclaims the present. 后来炎皇所有的一切才被众人所得知,这是一个散修之中的绝代天才,之前无数年都为了躲避十大皇者的锋芒,根本不敢露头,从遥远的年代以前就自封到了现在。 Finally bumped into has made him be able to show oneself talent full power Era. 终于碰上了让他能够全力施展自己才华的时代 Then becomes enlightened! 进而成道! After the flame sovereign becomes enlightened, a First matter, then arrived in Heavenly Dao City, has paid a visit Dao Monarch clear/pain sovereign. 炎皇成道之后,第一件事情,便是来到了天道城之中,拜见了道君楚皇。 Congratulates the fellow daoist!” “恭喜道友!” Above Chu Yunfan sitting well cloud bed, but in his opposite, the flame sovereign sits well above white cloud bed, that is a facial features handsome middle-aged man, the whole body is twining the ray of flame principle indistinctly. 楚云凡端坐云床之上,而在他的对面,炎皇端坐在一张白色的云床之上,那是一个面容俊朗的中年男子,周身隐隐约约缠绕着火焰法则的光芒。 clear/pain sovereign was polite!” The flame sovereign opens the mouth saying that originally he also called himself to Chu Yunfan is a fellow daoist, somewhat was pleased with oneself. “楚皇客气了!”炎皇开口说道,原本他还对楚云凡称呼自己为道友,有几分沾沾自喜。 These for a lot of years, the Ancient World situation by a Chu Yunfan control, the world person none who does not takes him as to be alive Gods. 这千百年来,古界形势由楚云凡一手掌控,天下人莫不以他为在世神明 Even if the flame sovereign regulations age is larger compared with Chu Yunfan, but must look up to Chu Yunfan, what is most important, he has the opportunity to get rid of the Rogue Cultivators pitiful fate, since the antiquity, second to become sovereign, has done obeisance Chu Yunfan to bestow in the final analysis. 即便是炎皇实则年纪比楚云凡要大的多,但是也得仰望楚云凡,最重要的是,他有机会摆脱散修的悲惨宿命,自上古以来,第二个成皇,归根结底还是拜楚云凡所赐。 Even if becomes enlightened at this time, in his heart very respects to Chu Yunfan, after his glanced at Chu Yunfan, immediately in heart one startled, because in his eyes. 即便此时成道,他心中对楚云凡还是十分敬重的,但是当他看了一眼楚云凡之后,登时心中一惊,因为在他的眼中。 Chu Yunfan cannot see through also touches airtight, even is similar to is the mortal is ordinary facing the starry sky, vast boundless. 楚云凡根本看不穿也摸不透,甚至如同是凡人面对星空一般,浩瀚无垠。 Generally speaking, this is impossible, Chu Yunfan is Sovereign, he is also Sovereign, Chu Yunfan is early his more than 1000 years becomes enlightened, which can also to go compared with him. 一般来说,这是不可能的,楚云凡皇者,他也是皇者,楚云凡不过是早他1000多年成道,又能比他强到哪儿去。 Even if cannot say that sees through Chu Yunfan completely, but is impossible is similar to so anything cannot look now. 就算不能说完全看穿楚云凡,但是也不可能如同现在这般什么都看不出来。 Only has a possibility, is the Chu Yunfan strength above him. 只有一种可能,就是楚云凡的实力远在他之上。 Thinks of here, he extinguished which small thoughts in heart immediately. 想到这里,他顿时就熄了心中的哪一点小心思。 Fellow Daoist can become enlightened, my heart is much relieved, my wanting lets all over the world, performs all the gentleman of cultivation, the fellow daoist became enlightened is Prove my road was without doubt feasible!” “道友能够成道,我心甚慰,我欲让普天之下,尽皆修行之士,道友成道无疑是证明了我的路是可行的!” Chu Yunfan said with a smile, he does not want to be too many actually, the flame sovereign becomes enlightened is he who First knows, because the direct feedback in Divine Spark, by Divine Spark, the regulations he comprehended this flame sovereign becomes the say/way of sovereign. 楚云凡含笑说道,他倒是没有想太多,炎皇成道第一个知道的就是他,因为直接反馈到了神格之中,借由神格,实则他已经领悟了这炎皇的成皇之道。 After a lot of years of cultivation, his Cultivation Power even more profound, more than 1000 years ago, does not know on strong many. 经过千百年的修行,他的功力愈发的精深,比起1000多年前,更是不知道强上多少。 The flame sovereign looked certainly that he does not put on, to him, Sovereign that flame sovereign like this just became enlightened, his palm of the hand can clap turns one, does not have the difficulty. 炎皇当然看他不穿,对他而言,炎皇这样子刚成道的皇者,他一巴掌就能拍翻一个,毫无难度。 The flame sovereign does not certainly know that Chu Yunfan thinks, but chitchatted after Chu Yunfan starting Dao Theory, but hence, the flame sovereign truly knew at present fierce of this name heavenshaking next thousand years of Dao Monarch clear/pain sovereign. 炎皇当然不知道楚云凡所想,只是与楚云凡攀谈一番之后开始论道,而至此,炎皇才真正知道了眼前这个名震天下千余年的道君楚皇的厉害。 Regardless of he said anything, Chu Yunfan can join immediately, but to comprehends him regarding the comprehension of Great Dao must deeply be too more. 无论他说什么,楚云凡都能马上接上,而至对于大道的领悟比他领悟的要深太多了。 Even if 35 words sufficiently lets his universality of contradictions, after oneself become an sovereign, the road ahead did not have, can only try to find out, but with the Chu Yunfan Dao Theory several days time, only thinks universality of contradictions. 哪怕是35句话都足以让他茅塞顿开,自己成皇之后,前路已经没有了,只能自己摸索,但是跟楚云凡论道数日时间,只觉得茅塞顿开。 After five day, the flame sovereign leaves, and said to about, Dao Monarch clear/pain sovereign, world First Sovereign, Sovereign was also inferior, had clear/pain sovereign from the world, when I evaded his head. 五日之后,炎皇离开,并且对左右言,道君楚皇,天下第一皇者,古之皇者也不及也,自天下有楚皇,我当避他一头。 The world immediately in an uproar, after all both are Sovereign, from the status, should be equal. 天下顿时哗然,毕竟两者都是皇者,从地位上来看,应该是相等的。 However the flame sovereign confessed is inferior to Chu Yunfan, in his eyes, was inferior to Chu Yunfan including the ancient sovereigns of these vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world, let alone was this new tender Sovereign, even must evade his head. 但是炎皇却自认不如楚云凡,在他眼里,连那些纵横天下的古皇都不如楚云凡,何况是他这个新嫩皇者,甚至还要避他一头。 Low of stance, making the person be flabbergasted. 姿态之低,让人咋舌。 However everyone only considers the flame sovereign to repay Chu Yunfan opens the environment that became enlightened sufficiently for him, to the birth of third Sovereign. 不过众人只当是炎皇为了报答楚云凡为他开辟了一个足以成道的环境,一直到第三位皇者的诞生。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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