CF :: Volume #27

#2626: The evil sovereign is defeated, swallows the Sovereign source

Chapter 2499 第2499章 The evil sovereign is defeated, swallows the Sovereign source 邪皇落败,吞噬皇者本源 This has been above his unexpected, during his imagination, this is radically the unlikely matter! 这就已经超乎了他的意料之外了,在他的想象之中,这是根本不可能发生的事情! However this unlikely matter occurred radically! 然而这样子根本不可能发生的事情还是发生了! The Chu Yunfan strength has promoted a scale instantaneously! 楚云凡的实力瞬间提升了一个档次! However this scale, strength has at least promoted several times! 但是这一个档次,战力起码提升了好几倍! Arrived can with his such accurate sovereign Ninth Layer high below degree, this be most astonishing all of a sudden! 一下子到可以和他这样的准皇九重一较高下的程度,这才是最为惊人的! Is Nirvana God Tree, you and Nirvana God Tree combined!” “是梵天神树,你和梵天神树合二为一了!” Scarlet flame god Monarch responded all of a sudden, immediately in his look has flashed through the blazing and greedy look. 赤炎神君一下子就反应了过来,随即他的眼神之中闪过了炽热又贪婪的神色。 Chu Yunfan is existence of accurate sovereign Eighth Layer, combines with Nirvana God Tree can with him side by side, if trades to do is he, can perhaps with various Huangbai the wrist/skill. 楚云凡不过是一个准皇八重的存在,和梵天神树合二为一就能够与他比肩,如果换做是他的话,说不定能够和诸皇掰掰手腕。 Already cultivation to this realm, if not long for regarding realm of various sovereign, that was telling the lie without doubt. 都已经修行到了他这个境界,如果说,对于诸皇的境界一点都不渴望的话,那无疑是在说假话。 That is impossible! 那是根本不可能的! Even can be said as the incomparable hope! 甚至可以说是无比的渴望! Do not look that he is in the five elements gate ranks first ten influential figure, however in fact, in the five elements gate true control, five elements the main front radically completely is not the match. 别看他已经是五行门之内排名前十的大人物,然而实际上,在五行门真正的主宰,五行之主的面前根本完全不是对手。 A Lord of palm of the hand five elements can pinching easily die he. 五行之主一个巴掌就可以轻易的捏死他。 He at all is not a match! 他根本不是对手! But if there is Nirvana God Tree, he is insufficient in the front of various sovereign, complete is not the match. 但是如果有梵天神树的话,他不至于在诸皇的面前,完完全全不是对手。 Most at least, he can also strength promote many, existence of Ordinary from accurate sovereign Ninth Layer, turns into genuine outstanding person all of a sudden. 最起码,他也能够战力提升许多,一下子从准皇九重之中寻常的存在,变成其中的真正的佼佼者。 whatever the case, in which advantage were too many, cannot give up absolutely easily! 无论如何,其中的好处都太多了,绝对不能轻易善罢甘休! Thinks of here, in his look has flashed through several points of scary killing intent. 想到这里,他眼神之中闪过了几分骇人的杀意 In an instant, the Endless five elements immortal light has released, has stuffed this piece of World. 刹那间,无尽五行仙光释放了出来,充塞了这一片的天地 Strength of split second five elements evolved that to roam through the Azure Dragon of vault of heaven, pouncing upon suddenly galaxy white tiger, in Black Tortoise that in the universe enjoyed a trip , the vermilion bird of rebirth in the flame, protected the myriad things source Qilin. 五行之力一瞬间就演化出了那遨游苍穹的青龙,猛扑星河的白虎,在宇宙中畅游的玄武,在火焰中重生的朱雀,还有守护住万物本源的麒麟。 Phenomenon split second of these five Great God beasts, have released completely! 这五大神兽的异象一瞬间,全部都释放了出来! These five Great God beasts, antique Era before antiquity Era, already existed, already is existence of Sovereign Level. 这五大神兽,在上古时代之前的太古时代,早就已经存在了,早就已经是皇者级别的存在。 Everyone grasps one is being the principle, might be considered as earthshaking existence. 每一个人掌握着一系法则,堪称是惊天动地的存在。 But the Lord of five elements has referred to the principles of these five Great God beasts, then deduced the five elements big method, and relied on the five elements big method to become enlightened. 五行之主就是参考了这五大神兽的法则,进而推演出了五行大法,并且凭借着五行大法成道。 Now these five Great God beast split second, have swooped in the Chu Yunfan direction completely. 现在这五大神一瞬间,全部都朝着楚云凡的方向飞扑了过来。 Among World is flooding the strength of five elements, various fearful rays erupted, erupted most fearful Energy, making entire World shake. 天地间充斥着五行之力,各种可怕的光芒都爆发了出来,爆发出了最可怕的能量,让整个天地都在撼动。 Chu Yunfan rumbled one after another a fist vigor of fist another fist, the fist vigor changes to eight gods only to protect this side World, has not made five Great God beasts destroy the stability of this side World. 楚云凡接连轰出一拳又一拳的拳劲,拳劲化作八尊神祇守护住了这一方天地,没有让五大神兽破坏这一方天地的稳定。 Immediately the Chu Yunfan figure in a flash, vanished in same place. 随即楚云凡身形一晃,就消失在了原地。 Walks!” “走!” Chu Yunfan has made decision instantaneously, although his strength can compare favorably with scarlet flame god Monarch now, sufficiently with him side by side. 楚云凡瞬间就已经做出了决定,虽然他的实力现在可以和赤炎神君相媲美,足以与他比肩。 Even can not have the slight defeat with its war dozens years. 甚至可以与其大战几十年也不会有丝毫败相。 However the time does not stand this side him. 但是时间是不站在他这一边的。 Along with the dragging of time, here situation will only attract the attention of more and more accurate sovereign, even absolutely will not be short of existence of accurate sovereign Ninth Layer Level. 随着时间的拖延,这边的情况只会吸引越来越多的准皇的注意,甚至其中也绝对不会少了准皇九重级别的存在。 Once by them were known on oneself has Nirvana God Tree completely, Chu Yunfan conceivable perhaps, when the time comes he will be chased down by one crowd of accurate sovereign Ninth Layer. 一旦被他们得知自己身上有梵天神树,楚云凡完完全全可以想象的到,到时候他恐怕会被一群准皇九重追杀。 The Nirvana God Tree value is without a doubt, even if might as well in the expert value to five elements gate be like that significant, regarding other expert, has the huge function. 梵天神树的价值毋庸置疑,即便不如对五行门之中的高手那般价值重大,对于其他的高手来说,也是有着巨大的作用的。 Only is this, Chu Yunfan does not dare to remain. 光就是这样,楚云凡就根本不敢留下来。 „To walk? How possible!” Scarlet flame god Monarch roaring, under foot his these five Great God beasts, have swooped in the Chu Yunfan direction directly. “想走?怎么可能!”赤炎神君大吼一声,脚下他这五大神兽,直接朝着楚云凡的方向飞扑了过去。 Chu Yunfan simply has not stayed, flies hastily toward evil outside. 楚云凡根本没有停留,连忙朝着邪界外飞去。 At this time he no longer yearned for in evil also the remaining many wealth, only wants to be separated from this battlefield, then finds a nobody's place to prepare Breakthrough to the accurate sovereign Ninth Layer day. 此时他已经不再留恋邪界之中还剩下的诸多财富,只想要脱离这个战场,然后找一个没人的地方准备突破到准皇九重天。 At that time, his strength , not only can excel by far the accurate sovereign Ninth Layer day easily, even if faces chasing down of Sovereign, he is also insufficient completely is not a match. 到那个时候,他的实力非但可以轻易冠绝准皇九重天,就算面临皇者的追杀,他也不至于完完全全不是对手。 Unexpectedly, at this time, above Sky, transmitted roaring of incomparable gigantic, was made in the chaos loophole to hear the angry roaring sound from that. 蓦地,就在这个时候,天穹之上,传来一声巨大无比的咆哮,从那被打出了混沌的漏洞之中传来了怒吼声。 That sound is not others, is the roaring sound of evil sovereign. 那声音不是别人的,正是邪皇的咆哮声。 The evil sovereign was roaring! 邪皇在咆哮! Your four are waiting, should not be found the opportunity by me, otherwise, I must kill your several!” “你们四个等着,不要被我找到机会,否则的话,我必杀你们几个!” The evil sovereign is roaring, but sound is actually getting smaller, the aura gradually is weaken. 邪皇怒吼着,但是声音却是越来越小,气息在逐渐减弱。 All person sensations, the evil god is escaping. 所有人都感知到,邪神在逃跑。 Had a bloody road from the hands of four Great Expert unexpectedly. 竟然真的从四大高手的手中杀出了一条血路。 However many people saw by Divine Sense, although the evil sovereign had a bloody road, but he had the most side body to be torn, accurate, only then a head, less than half the upper part ran away, remaining most the body was grasped to crack directly. 但是有许许多多的人以神念看到,邪皇虽然杀出了一条血路,但是他有大半边的身体被撕裂了,准确的来说,只有一个脑袋,还有小半边的上半身逃了出去,剩下的大半边的身体被直接抓裂了开来。 It can be said that has paid the huge price, finally escapes from the attacks of four big Sovereign. 可以说,是付出了巨大的代价,才终于从四大皇者的攻击之中夺路而逃。 Basically has discarded this most side body intentionally, traded that a slim chance of survival. 基本上是故意舍弃了这大半边的身躯,才换得了那一线生机。 The evil sovereign has burnt blood essence of whole body, tore an opening in the chaos instantaneously, then vanished in the chaos. 邪皇燃烧了全身的精血,瞬间在混沌之中撕裂开了一道裂口,然后消失在了混沌之中。 Four big Sovereign are also pursues it to be inferior, has to let off to the pursuit of evil sovereign, has carved up near evil sovereign the body of most. 四大皇者也是追之不及,不得不放过了对邪皇的追击,瓜分了邪皇的大半边的身体。 Chu Yunfan clearly saw by the clairvoyant, four big Sovereign have opened the mouth, changed to Energy to swallow the evil sovereign most side body livingly. 楚云凡分明以天眼通看到,四大皇者张开了嘴巴,将邪皇大半边的身躯活生生化作一股能量吞噬了下去。 After absorbing most of evil sovereign body, Chu Yunfan can feel, four big Sovereign became young. 在吸收完了邪皇的大半边身躯之后,楚云凡能够感觉得到,四大皇者变得年轻了。 Accurate, truly changes was young, the body originally somewhat senile aura was contained, restored unexpectedly. 准确的来说,是确实变的年轻了,身上原本有些衰老的气息被遏制住了,竟然恢复了一些。 Although restored a life span of small part, but by the Sovereign Level long life span, was still very long some time. 虽然只是恢复了一小部分的寿命,但是以皇者级别的漫长寿命来说,依然是非常漫长的一段时间了。 I understood, I understood!” “我明白了,我明白了!” Chu Yunfan all of a sudden is then suddenly enlighted, why four big Sovereign can work as one made a move to the evil sovereign. 楚云凡这才一下子恍然大悟,为什么四大皇者会齐心协力的对邪皇出手了。 Originally at all not for any personal grudge, sweetie pie that even does not look like for evil god Chu Yunfan. 原来根本不是为了什么私仇,甚至都不是为了邪神教这个楚云凡看起来的香饽饽。 This type of thing regarding Sovereign Level, the significance is not big, even has not looked at a value. 这种东西对于皇者级别来说,意义不大,甚至没有多看一眼的价值。 Makes them settle on truly, is itself of evil sovereign! 真正让他们看中的,就是邪皇的本身! They have swallowed evil sovereign the source of Sovereign, resists senilly! 他们吞噬了邪皇的皇者的本源,来抗击衰老! Chu Yunfan instantaneous, anything understood! 楚云凡瞬间,什么都明白了! No wonder four big Sovereign can make a move collectively! 难怪四大皇者会集体出手呢! This was radically unlikely the matter in antiquity Era! 这是在上古时代之中根本不可能发生的事情! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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