CF :: Volume #27

#2627: The evil collapse, rushes on ahead to run away crazily

Chapter 2500 第2500章 The evil collapse, rushes on ahead to run away crazily 邪界崩溃,夺路狂逃 various Huang the life span is very long, but is actually not the genuine immortal but looking for a long time! 诸皇的寿命很漫长,但是却不是真正的长生而久视! Even if various Huang, will face the situation of passing away. 即便是诸皇,都会面临老死的情况。 In antiquity Era, various types the method of prolonging the life span was invented, has prolongs the life span by Medicine Pill, has prolongs the life span by Divine Ability, there are to swallow the source to prolong the life span again. 在上古时代,各种延长寿命的方法都被发明出来,有以丹药延长寿命的,有以神通延长寿命的,也有以吞噬本源而再延长寿命的。 Sovereign was too strong, formidable to is not the Sovereign source with Level simply does not have the situation of any use. 只是皇者太强了,强大到了不是同级别皇者本源就根本没有任何用处的地步。 Because of the Sovereign life essence, approached the degree of principle, the Ordinary flesh life regarding them, simply does not have any significance. 因为皇者的生命本质,已经接近了法则的程度,寻常的血肉生灵对于他们来说,根本没有任何意义。 To swallow the source, can only be the Sovereign source with Level has the possibility! 想要吞噬本源,只能是同级别皇者本源才有可能! However in antiquity time, this is at all not the matter that is possible to achieve! 然而在上古时期,这是根本不可能做到的事情! First because in the antiquity time, all Sovereign was born in that Era, the age was quite relatively young, besides few parts, was majority of insufficient to face truly passes away, but can also close right up against the time of proclaiming lengthens itself to survive unceasingly. 一来是因为在上古时期,所有的皇者都是在那个时代诞生的,年纪相对比较轻,除了少部分之外,大部分还不至于真正要面临老死,还可以靠着自封不断延长自己存活的时间。 Comes again is also because that Era Sovereign were too many, this matter too suspect abstained from. 再来也是因为那个时代皇者太多了,这种事情实在是太犯忌讳了。 If four Sovereign hunted and killed Sovereign in antiquity Era, possibly these four people must face chasing down of 40 Sovereign. 如果有四尊皇者在上古时代猎杀一个皇者,可能这四个人就要面临40尊皇者的追杀。 Runs away is useless to Above the Heavens and under the Earth! 逃到天上地下都没用! Because does not have Sovereign to want to become others' prey! 因为没有一个皇者想要成为别人的猎物! Always is they becomes Hunter, others are their prey, now some people regard the prey them, by the arrogance of various sovereign, is absolutely unsupportable. 历来都是他们成为猎人,别人是他们的猎物,现在有人将他们当成猎物,以诸皇的高傲,是绝对不能忍受的。 At the past various Huang quantity, can discover ten times to counter-attack in Sovereign of this quantity easily. 以当年诸皇的数量,可以轻而易举的找出十倍于此数量的皇者进行反击。 However to this Era, even if other remaining five big Sovereign collectives opposed, perhaps also not necessarily how these four big Sovereign. 但是到了这个时代,即便是其他剩下的五大皇者集体反对,恐怕也未必奈何的了这四大皇者 The disparity of quantity is not obvious, nobody can prevent these Sovereign! 数量的差距并没有那么明显,已经没有人能够阻止的了这些皇者了! Therefore only then will had these time has made Chu Yunfan look like fills strange collaboration. 所以才会有了这一次让楚云凡看起来充满诡异的联手。 Chu Yunfan had realized perhaps a point, various Huang really entered the old stage, moreover perhaps felt the threat of death truly, wish of only then will such using both fair and foul methods extended the life. 楚云凡更是意识到了一点,恐怕诸皇已经真的步入了老年期了,而且恐怕是真正感受到了死亡的威胁,才会这么不择手段的想要延命。 Four big Sovereign through these time besieged the evil sovereign to gain enough advantage obviously! 四大皇者显然都通过这一次围攻邪皇获得了足够的好处! Can prolong a quite long life span! 能够延长相当长的一段寿命了! Also has to sigh with emotion including Chu Yunfan, for immortal, but looking for a long time, even if various Huang is the same will also go all out. 楚云凡也不得不感慨,为了长生而久视,即便是诸皇也是一样会拼命。 Among the life and death has big terrifying, who can look truly puts on, so-called seeing through, but deceives oneself and others the helpless choice. 生死之间有大恐怖,有谁能真正看得穿,所谓的看穿,不过只是自欺欺人无奈的选择罢了。 Opportunity that because the average person simply has not chosen, the opportunity of also not having struggled, can only deceive itself to choose to accept. 因为普通人根本没有选择的机会,也没有挣扎的机会,只能欺骗自己选择接受。 However Sovereign can actually struggle! Can go all out! 但是皇者却可以挣扎!可以拼命! However Chu Yunfan also knows, perhaps passed through this time matter, several other Sovereign must go all out thoroughly, perhaps, again has not trusted. 不过楚云凡也知道,恐怕经过了这一次的事情,其他的几个皇者也都要彻底拼命了,相互之间,恐怕再也没有信任可言。 However now these and Chu Yunfan has not related, he breakneck is escaping. 不过现在这些都和楚云凡没有关系,他正在玩命的逃命。 In his, scarlet flame god Monarch in the crazy pursuer he, scarlet flame god Monarch changed to one group of god fires, by extremely quick speed shuttle Void Space, follows unceasingly. 在他的身后,赤炎神君在疯狂的追赶者他,赤炎神君化作了一团神火,以极快的速度不断穿梭空间,紧随其后。 Blocks him!” “拦住他!” Scarlet flame god Monarch roaring, he discovered pleasantly surprised, in the Chu Yunfan front, is one team of five elements gates army. 赤炎神君一声大吼,他惊喜的发现,在楚云凡的前方,正是一队五行门的部队。 The army of this team of five elements gates is assumed by accurate sovereign Level expert. 这一队五行门的部队由一尊准皇级别高手坐镇。 After hearing scarlet flame god Monarch's words, responded instantaneously, has composed Great Array in the Chu Yunfan front, tries to stop the advance of Chu Yunfan. 在听到了赤炎神君的话之后,瞬间就反应了过来,在楚云凡的面前组成了一个大阵,试图阻拦楚云凡的前进。 How however this can resist the Chu Yunfan speed, Chu Yunfan grasps toward Void, one group of Thunder Energy grasped in the hand, changed to a long sword. 但是这如何能够抵挡得住楚云凡的速度,楚云凡朝着虚空一抓,一团雷霆能量抓在了手中,化作了一口长剑。 Long sword thousands of zhang (3.33 m), split second divided to fall. 长剑化出了千万丈长,一瞬间劈落了下去。 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying occurred, this several tens of thousands people of five elements gates army originally Yang Yang's big piece, limitless blocking above Sky. 恐怖的一幕发生了,这一支数万人的五行门的部队原本乌央乌央的一大片,无边无际的拦在天穹之上。 However under Chu Yunfan the sword, was broken to pieces by the bang. 但是在楚云凡的这一剑之下,被生生轰碎了。 Everywhere is the blood fog! 漫天都是血雾! Several tens of thousands crack troops, were killed by the direct bang together with the accurate sovereign of that five elements gate! 数万精锐部队,连同那一尊五行门的准皇被直接轰杀! even/including Shaowei revolts against unable to achieve! 连稍微反抗一下都根本做不到! The Chu Yunfan strength and they differed were too far, even if were that low rank accurate sovereign, compared with Chu Yunfan, the strength was also difference between Heaven and Earth, was no comparison between them radically. 楚云凡的实力和他们相差太远了,就算是那个低阶的准皇,与楚云凡相比起来,实力也是天差地别,根本不可同日而语。 Chu Yunfan a Spiritual Qi big hand, seizes these blood essence entirely, waters Nirvana God Tree. 楚云凡化出一只灵气大手,将这些精血统统抓走,浇灌梵天神树 Immediately at present a clear, Chu Yunfan accelerates to flee evil. 随即眼前一清,楚云凡加速逃离邪界。 Unexpectedly, he discovered that entire evil unexpectedly collapse inch by inch! 蓦地,他发现,整个邪界居然一寸一寸的崩溃! Evil did collapse unexpectedly?” Chu Yunfan is dumbfounded, his first time saw that a world collapses. “邪界居然崩溃了?”楚云凡目瞪口呆,他第一次看到一个世界崩溃。 Although is only a microcosm! 虽然只是一个小世界而已! However the collapse of evil made Chu Yunfan feel a deterioration of end. 但是邪界的崩溃还是让楚云凡感觉到了一种末日的衰败。 World presents the crack, the sky seems the mirror breakage is the same, densely packed is the cracks. 天地出现裂纹,天空就好似镜子破裂一样,密密麻麻的都是裂纹。 All people in crazy flees and becomes separated to go outward, does not dare to have the slight stay. 所有人都在疯狂的对外逃散而去,根本不敢有丝毫的停留。 At this time, the armies of major influences did not have the army who the thoughts encircled the evil god. 这个时候,各大势力的大军已经没有心思去围剿邪神教的大军了。 expert of evil god, is expert of all influence, completely in crazy fleeing and becoming separated. 无论是邪神教的高手,还是各方势力的高手,全部都在疯狂的逃散。 The world is collapsing, this and landslide tsunami is different, was the entire world collapsed, collapsed from the regular level. 世界在崩溃,这个和山崩海啸不同,是整个世界崩溃了,从规则层面崩溃了。 Perhaps evil sovereign did not die is very difficult the future!” “邪皇恐怕不死也很难有未来了!” Chu Yunfan understood immediately, evil is the world that the evil sovereign himself domain evolves. 楚云凡立刻就明白了,邪界是邪皇本身领域演化的世界而出的。 Basically must close right up against the evil sovereign to maintain! 基本上是要靠着邪皇来维持的! Now this evil collapsed has also meant that the evil sovereign even continually maintained evil the strength not to have. 现在这个邪界崩溃了也就意味着邪皇甚至连维持邪界的力量都没有了。 Naturally, possibly is shortly evil must fall into the heads of other major influences, the evil sovereign maintained evil the wish not to have continually. 当然,也可能是眼看着邪界就要落入其他各大势力之首,邪皇连维持邪界的意愿也没了。 Perhaps however therefore these resources and wealth in evil must reimburse thoroughly, does not collapse to be destroyed along with the world, is thorough fell into the chaos. 不过因此在邪界之中的那些资源和财富恐怕就要彻底报销了,不是随着世界崩溃而被摧毁,就是彻彻底底的落入了混沌之中。 These were the evil god saved countless year of wealth, Chu Yunfan somewhat was unavoidably regrettable! 这些都是邪神教积攒了无数年的财富,楚云凡难免有些遗憾! However at this time he does not have blank pipe that many, after he ran out of evil directly, back that scarlet flame god Monarch still unceasingly chases down him. 不过此时他可没空管那么多,当他直接冲出了邪界之后,背后的那个赤炎神君依然不断的追杀他。 In back, five Great God beasts unceasing toward Chu Yunfan roared, but. 在背后,五大神兽不断的朝着楚云凡咆哮而至。 Now the evil collapse, the army of your five elements gate loses seriously, haven't you helped? Also can pursue me?” Chu Yunfan said. “现在邪界崩溃,你五行门的大军损失惨重,你还不去帮忙?还要追我?”楚云凡道。 The evil collapse, except for accurate sovereign above expert, other people simply has not resisted the ability that the world collapses. 邪界崩溃,除了准皇以上的高手,其他人根本没有对抗世界崩溃的能力。 Only if can run away, otherwise at the scene will be torn, this evil collapse, has not known that has many people dead, perhaps is also innumerable. 除非能逃出去,否则就会被当场撕裂,这一场邪界崩溃,还不知道有多少人死在其中,恐怕也是数不胜数。 These ants casualty many, with my what does/works, only if you hand over Nirvana God Tree, suffers to death again obediently!” “那些蝼蚁死伤多少,与我何干,除非你交出梵天神树,再乖乖受死!” Scarlet flame god Monarch sneered, simply not pays attention to these ordinary elite and ordinary expert casualties, in the eye only has Chu Yunfan. 赤炎神君冷笑一声,根本没有将这些普通精锐和普通高手的死伤放在眼里,眼中只有楚云凡 killing intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! 杀意纵横! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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