CF :: Volume #27

#2625: Side by side accurate sovereign Ninth Layer

Chapter 2498 第2498章 Side by side accurate sovereign Ninth Layer 比肩准皇九重 Do not look has missed finally one step, but that finally one step, is day and the place general disparity, the final result is the disparity between accurate sovereigns and true Sovereign. 别看只是差了最后一步,但是那最后一步,就是天与地一般的差距,最后的结果就是准皇和真正皇者之间的差距。 Differed is really extremely huge! 相差实在是太过巨大了! But the accurate sovereign of that five elements gate, has accurate sovereign Ninth Layer day Cultivation Base unexpectedly! 而那五行门的准皇,居然有准皇九重天的修为 It can be said that the five elements big method cultivation to the pinnacle situation, should be in the five elements gate is next to five elements main existence. 可以说,将五行大法已经修行到了极致的地步,应该是五行门之中仅次于五行之主的存在。 If no Cultivation Base of such five elements big method not to have Nirvana God Tree that the means use earth escapes. 如果不是有这样的五行大法的修为也没有办法使用土遁的梵天神树 Had been discovering the Nirvana God Tree First time, the accurate sovereign of this five elements gate has abandoned own match, crazy hot pursuit. 在发现了梵天神树第一时间,这个五行门的准皇就抛弃了自己的对手,疯狂的紧追不舍。 Wonderful of Nirvana God Tree, the average person possibly knows are not many, but to the level of accurate sovereign, who does not know that who does not understand. 梵天神树的神妙,普通人可能知道的不多,但是到了准皇的层次,谁人不知谁人不晓。 Nobody meets to want giving up Nirvana God Tree easily. 没有人会想轻易的放弃梵天神树 On the Chu Yunfan face has shown several points of anxious look, after Nirvana God Tree was directly related with him a series of deployment, cannot have to lose. 楚云凡脸上露出了几分焦急的神色,梵天神树直接关系到了他之后的一系列的部署,是万万不能有失的。 Nirvana God Tree, hahahaha, is really the huge good fortune!” 梵天神树,哈哈哈哈,真是天大的造化!” Above evil Sky, accurate sovereign laughed heartily of five elements gate, has locked has been using Nirvana God Tree that the earth escapes, a dive dug in the land directly. 邪界天穹之上,一个五行门的准皇哈哈大笑了起来,锁定了正在使用土遁的梵天神树,一个猛子直接扎入了土地之中。 He also excels at the soil series Magic, by the speed of raising dust escaping, compares compared with Nirvana God Tree such construction Spirit is also not slow. 他也非常擅长土系的法术,论起土遁的速度,比起梵天神树这样的土木精灵相比起来也是丝毫不慢。 The five elements gate is in itself primarily cultivation of strength of five elements, although his starting majors is not the soil series principle, waited till afterward, he was not bad regarding the research of soil series principle. 五行门本身就是以五行之力的修行为主,虽然他一开始主修的并不是土系的法则,不过等到后来,他对于土系法则的研究一点也不差。 The five elements gate wants to change into the chaos unable finally to have the leaning branch, all five elements Cultivation Base degrees are the same can achieve five elements to be balanced. 五行门最后想要化为混沌是不能够有偏科的,所有的五行修为的程度都是一样的才能够达成五行平衡。 five elements balanced becomes the key of accurate sovereign from king Jing Peak Breakthrough. 五行平衡才是从王境巅峰突破成为准皇的关键。 But must be in one strength of five elements from five elements balanced again, finally the road of achievement Sovereign. 而从五行平衡又要重新将五行之力合为一体,最后成就皇者之路。 But if he can obtain Nirvana God Tree, will have without a doubt a huge promotion regarding the understanding of five elements. 而他如果能够得到梵天神树的话,毫无疑问,对于五行的理解也会有一个巨大的提升。 He is accurate sovereign Ninth Layer existed, if can enter one step, perhaps hopefully becomes the Lord of five elements after the second sovereign who in the five elements gate is born says expert. 他已经是准皇九重的存在了,如果可以更进一步的话,说不定就有希望成为在五行之主之后五行门之中诞生的第二个皇道高手 He is chasing down Nirvana God Tree unceasingly, unceasing displaying earth Attribute Divine Ability, tries to block the step of Nirvana God Tree advance. 他不断的追杀着梵天神树,不断的施展土属性神通,试图阻挡住梵天神树前进的步伐。 The speed that however the Nirvana God Tree earth escapes is extremely still fast, each second, must escape over a million li (0.5 km). 但是梵天神树土遁的速度依然极快,每一秒钟,都要遁出去上百万里。 The speed has surmounted the speed of light! 速度超越了光速! Unexpectedly, at this time, he induced, not far away aura has been catching up at an astonishing speed together. 蓦地,就在这个时候,他感应到,不远处一道气息正在以一个惊人的速度赶了过来。 Unexpectedly, he noticed that a big hand has grasped toward earth in directly, goal Nirvana God Tree. 蓦地,他就看到一只大手直接朝着土里面抓了过来,目标正是梵天神树 Is dissolute in my front!” “在我的面前还敢放肆!” Accurate sovereign sneered of this five elements gate, by his Cultivation Base, world mostly can be vertically and horizontally invincible. 五行门的准皇冷笑一声,以他的修为,天下之大都可以纵横无敌。 Can say explicitly, besides that ten big Sovereign, his nobody quite fears radically. 可以明确的说,除了那十大皇者之外,他根本就没有什么人好怕的。 Behind him five Jewel Bead flew all of a sudden, changes to a mighty current, directly that big hand annihilating. 他背后的五颗宝珠一下子飞了出去,化作一股洪流,直接就将那一只大手给湮灭了。 However while this time, Nirvana God Tree all of a sudden emerged as the times require, flies to the upper air. 但是就趁着这个时间,梵天神树一下子破土而出,飞向了高空之中。 „To run away?” On the accurate sovereign face of five elements gate has revealed the color of several points of sneering, pursued instantaneously, the gold/metal Attribute generalization of under foot made a flying sword, the speed of flying sword has drawn near pinnacle, in an instant, has swept away the expansive sky. “想要逃走?”五行门的准皇脸上露出了几分冷笑之色,瞬间就已经追了出去,脚下的金属性法则化作了一道飞剑,飞剑的速度快到了极致,刹那间,就已经横扫过了长空。 Unexpectedly, he saw makes him feel the matter that incomparably shocks, actually sees that Nirvana God Tree huge body more to shrink is smaller, quick turned into a person's shadow size. 蓦地,他就看到了让他都感觉无比震撼的事情,却见那梵天神树巨大的身躯越缩越小,很快就变成了一个人影的大小。 Actually saw the form to break open Void together quickly, then has hit one with Nirvana God Tree directly. 却见一道身影以迅雷不及掩耳之势破开了虚空,然后直接和梵天神树撞到了一起。 But under Nirvana God Tree split second on without a trace of disappearance, only remaining black robe young people of that clothes. 梵天神树一瞬间就消失的无影无踪,只剩下了那个一袭青衫的黑袍青年人。 Big courage, dares to snatch including my scarlet flame god Monarch's thing!” “好大的胆子,连我赤炎神君的东西都敢抢!” Accurate sovereign sneered of five elements gate, he as scarlet flame god Monarch, in the five elements gate, and even in the entire world is illustrious existences, wants to snatch the thing from his hand, but also nobody can accomplish. 五行门的准皇冷笑一声,他身为赤炎神君,在五行门,乃至在整个天下都是赫赫有名的存在,想要从他的手上抢东西,还没有人能够办得到的。 Scarlet flame god Monarch? Originally is he!” “赤炎神君?原来是他!” After Chu Yunfan is startled, actually immediately remembered scarlet flame god Monarch is where sacred, that was really extremely expert in five elements gate, Body Cultivation was formidable to the degree that was hard to imagine. 楚云凡一怔之后,马上就想起了赤炎神君究竟是何方神圣,那真是五行门之中的一尊绝顶高手,一身修为强大到了难以想象的程度。 In a witch Disciple round of material, his strength can arrange absolutely on is in the five elements gate first ten. 在巫门下发的资料之中,他的实力绝对可以排的上是五行门之中的前十。 In the ordinary day often does not see him, basically is not closing up dives to cultivate, is proclaiming stall for time. 只是平日里不常见到他而已,基本上不是在闭关潜修,就是在自封拖延时间 In the material that in the witch gate gives out once showing of some Special, bumped into scarlet flame god Monarch such existence, no matter any mission can give up immediately. 在巫门发放的资料之中曾经有特别的说明,碰到赤炎神君这样的存在,不管是什么任务都可以立刻放弃。 Absolutely is existence that among the entire world have several. 绝对是整个天下间有数的存在。 didn't expect will bump into scarlet flame god Monarch here. 没想到在这里会碰到赤炎神君。 However Chu Yunfan has not thought that because root originally is inferior to think, when he ponders, scarlet flame god Monarch has swooped. 不过楚云凡也没有多想,因为根本来不及多想,在他思考的时候,赤炎神君已经飞扑了上来。 That terrifying, the remote terrifying aura all of a sudden proliferated from Sovereign also only remaining one step, then has covered toward Chu Yunfan directly. 恐怖的,距离皇者也只剩下一步之遥的恐怖气息一下子扩散了出来,然后直接朝着楚云凡笼罩了过去。 five elements god palm!” 五行神掌!” Scarlet flame god Monarch roaring, makes a move heartlessly. 赤炎神君大吼一声,无情出手。 His palm has clapped, the strength of five elements evolved a five elements mountain directly. 他的手掌拍了出去,五行之力直接演化成了一座五行山。 The five elements mountain has suppressed toward Chu Yunfan. 五行山朝着楚云凡镇压了下去。 In an instant, the Sky suppressed disintegration comes, various terrifying phenomenon evolved, looks like terrifying. 刹那间,天穹都被镇压的崩碎开来,各种恐怖的异象演化了开来,看起来十分的恐怖 All kinds of rays in the ebullition, must pat in an instant directly livingly Chu Yunfan. 各种各样的光芒刹那间在沸腾,直接将楚云凡要活生生拍死。 Chu Yunfan also refuses to admit being inferior, his domain evolved similarly, simultaneously the five fingers pinch the fist, a fist rumbled toward this five elements mountain. 楚云凡也不甘示弱,他的领域同样演化了开来,同时五指捏拳,一拳朝着这五行山轰了上去。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” five elements mountain five colors god light and eight Tian Long that terrifying mighty current split second knock-on collision. 五行山所化的五色神光和八部天龙所化的那恐怖洪流一瞬间直接碰撞到了一起。 Difficult minute high under! 难分高下! Chu Yunfan has stroked an evenness with that scarlet flame god Monarch, that scarlet flame god Monarch's terrifying striking power before falling the body of Chu Yunfan, by Nirvana God Tree changing into destroyed, digested directly. 楚云凡与那赤炎神君一击打了一个平手,那赤炎神君的恐怖攻击力在落到了楚云凡的身上之前,就被梵天神树给化为了乌有,直接消化了。 Eight Tian Long that simultaneously Chu Yunfan rumbles eight gods faintly are only glittering the B wooden ray, the emerald-green color shines various heaven. 同时楚云凡所轰出来的八部天龙化出的八尊神祇在隐隐闪烁着乙木的光芒,翠绿色的颜色照耀诸天。 This is Nirvana God Tree in attack and defense both sides in the great strength of amplification Chu Yunfan. 这正是梵天神树在攻防两端在增幅楚云凡的强大。 Let the Chu Yunfan strength surmount accurate sovereign Eighth Layer to rush to the accurate sovereign Ninth Layer degree all of a sudden all of a sudden. 楚云凡的战力一下子超越了准皇八重一下子冲到了准皇九重的程度。 Damn, how your strength was enhanced all of a sudden!” “该死,你的实力怎么一下子增强了!” Scarlet flame god Monarch somewhat is strange, just starting that split second is told itself by the aura that he caught obviously, the Chu Yunfan strength should most, only then accurate sovereign Eighth Layer. 赤炎神君还有些奇怪,明明刚开始一瞬间被他捕捉到的气息告诉自己,楚云凡的实力应该最多只有准皇八重而已。 Although also some thorny, but also merely is only some thorny. 虽然也有一些棘手,但是也仅仅只是有一些棘手而已。 When he fights with Chu Yunfan truly discovered that the Chu Yunfan strength can unexpectedly with side by side. 但是当他真正和楚云凡交手才发现,楚云凡的战力竟然可以和自己比肩。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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