CF :: Volume #27

#2624: The bang kills accurate sovereign Eighth Layer, the five elements gate

Chapter 2497 第2497章 The bang kills accurate sovereign Eighth Layer, the five elements gate 轰杀准皇八重,五行 witch gate the accurate sovereign was absorbed by the Chu Yunfan powerful strength! 那巫门准皇被楚云凡的强大实力所摄! He self-examines a strength, early is established accurate sovereign Eighth Layer expert, Chu Yunfan before for several years, any strength, now unexpectedly can be a worthy opponent with him, no, accurate, must exceed above him, what strength this is, lets the person simply with amazement. 他自问一身实力,早已经是老牌的准皇八重高手,楚云凡数年前才什么实力,现在居然能和他匹敌,不,准确的来说,是还要超越他之上,这是什么样的实力,简直让人骇然。 He does not believe such matter from the start! 他压根就不相信有这样的事情! It is not willing to believe Chu Yunfan to be able formidable to this situation! 更不愿意相信楚云凡能够强大到这个地步! This has completely violated his cognition! 这已经完全违背了他的认知! You think impossible, that was your cognition is too narrow!” “你觉得不可能,那是你的认知太狭隘了!” Chu Yunfan grins to smile, only thought that the witch gate accurate sovereign of present looks like so laughable, is similar to a laughable joke is ordinary. 楚云凡咧嘴笑笑,只觉得现在的这个巫门准皇看起来是如此的可笑,如同一个可笑的笑话一般。 Chu Yunfan aura also gradual strengthen, after Breakthrough, he unceasingly is still recruiting Yuanyang pill. 楚云凡身上的气息还在逐渐的变强,突破之后,他还在不断的吸收元阳丹。 Before this is him, matter that is impossible to achieve, because this was really too luxurious. 这是他之前根本不可能做到的事情,因为这实在是太奢侈了。 However now, Chu Yunfan can actually easy unceasing promotion own strength. 不过现在,楚云凡却可以轻而易举的不断提升自己的实力。 Is recruiting Yuanyang pill every time, the cultivation speed at least compared with absorbing Spiritual Qi between World wants quick ten thousand times. 每时每刻都在吸收元阳丹,修行速度起码比吸收天地间的灵气要快万倍。 If no such method, perhaps the ordinary person is the accurate sovereign, exhausts cultivation to the life span, simply does not have means Cultivation to Sovereign realm. 如果没有这样的手段的话,恐怕一般的人就算是准皇,修行到寿命耗尽,也根本没有办法修炼皇者境界 But in his opposite, the accurate sovereign of that witch gate is also at the extreme shocking condition not. 而在他的对面,那个巫门的准皇还处于极度的震惊的状态不。 His Cultivation Base to going against, however Chu Yunfan Cultivation Base actually also in unceasing promotion. 他的修为已经到顶了,但是楚云凡修为却还在不断的提升当中。 This is most fearful, unceasing feeble, weakens unceasingly, but yet another unceasing strengthen. 这才是最可怕的,一个不断衰弱,不断变弱,而另外一个不断的变强。 No, this is impossible, my witch gate accurate sovereign impossible to be defeated with realm, this is impossible!” “不,这不可能,我巫门的准皇不可能在同境界之中被人击败,这根本不可能!” In this witch gate accurate sovereign look is glittering killing intent, he in angry roaring. 这巫门准皇眼神之中闪烁着杀意,他在愤怒的咆哮。 „Is the accurate sovereign of witch gate invincible? This obviously is a fraud, but you were deceived!” Chu Yunfan sneered, at least you cannot hit me!” “巫门的准皇无敌么?这显然就是一个骗局,而你们被骗了!”楚云凡冷笑一声,“起码你们就打不过我!” The Chu Yunfan strength still in the unceasing enhancement, however in his look flashes through several points of anxious look, above Sky, the fight entered intensified Stage. 楚云凡的实力还在不断的增强,但是他的眼神之中闪过几分焦虑的神色,天穹之上,战斗已经进入了白热化阶段了。 More and more after many expert Breakthrough evil god defense line, appeared in evil. 越来越多的高手突破了邪神教的防线之后,出现在了邪界之中。 Leaves the Chu Yunfan time not to be many. 留给楚云凡的时间不多了。 But in his opposite, witch gate the accurate sovereign also is very anxious, the time leaves his are not much. 而在他的对面,那巫门的准皇也很焦急,时间留给他的也不多了。 If continues, the Chu Yunfan strength will be only getting stronger and stronger, at that time, how can he defeat Chu Yunfan? 因为如果继续下去的话,楚云凡的实力只会越来越强,到那个时候,他要如何击败楚云凡 Even if he knows, with the lapse of time, he obtains the probability of reinforcements is very high, the probability that but he was killed by Chu Yunfan directly is higher, he does not have the means to take risk, this danger does not have the means to brave, therefore he has no alternative. 即便他知道,随着时间的推移,他得到援军的概率也很高,但是他被楚云凡直接打死的概率更高,他没有办法冒险,这个险是没有办法冒的,所以他别无选择。 Kills!” “杀!” This witch gate accurate sovereign roaring, can not despise like this, the directly-burning own life span, within the shortest time, has promoted the limit that oneself can reach. 这巫门准皇大吼一声,受不得这样的轻视,直接燃烧了自己的寿命,在最短的时间之内,提升了自己所能够达到的极限。 His palm also restored! 他的手掌也已经恢复了过来! His body has an invincible invincible might, there is an invincible heart. 他的身上有一种无敌的神威,有一种无敌的心。 In the witch gate each is expert, particularly witch gate the accurate sovereign, is one by one is more formidable. 巫门之中各个都是高手,尤其是巫门的准皇,更是一个比一个更加强大。 Bang!” “轰!” His time, he launched the attack by the fist directly, strikes to penetrate World, the bang broken mountains, this fist is quite fearful. 他这一次,他直接以拳头发动了攻击,一击击穿天地,轰碎山川,这一拳极为可怕。 But Chu Yunfan is more fearful, his imposing manner suppressed this witch gate accurate sovereign completely, he has made a move directly, a fist rumbled, the fist vigor has crushed the vault of heaven. 楚云凡则更加可怕,他的气势完完全全压制住了这个巫门的准皇,他直接出手了,一拳轰出,拳劲粉碎了苍穹。 This fist direct bang has broken to pieces all of this witch gate accurate sovereign at the scene! 这一拳当场直接轰碎了这个巫门准皇的一切! Only one fist decided the victory and defeat. 只一拳就已经分出了胜负。 Even if this witch gate accurate sovereign has burnt own life span, promoted a situation own strength extremely, but faced Chu Yunfan time, still did not have any odds of suc­cess. 这个巫门准皇即便燃烧了自己的寿命,将自身的实力提升到了一种绝顶的地步,但是面对楚云凡的时候,依然没有任何的胜算 His entire arm was beaten, was hit to explode. 他的整条手臂都被打烂了,被生生打爆了。 The blood sprays! 鲜血喷洒而出! He feels dejected, to be how possible, in the contest of realm during, he failed, thorough failure. 他黯然神伤,怎么可能,在同境界的较量之中,他失败了,彻彻底底的失败了。 Before this is him, has not thought that their witch gate pride, as the pride of witch gate accurate sovereign, unexpectedly hit torn to pieces in such Confrontation, he failed. 这是他之前从来没有想过的,他们巫门的骄傲,身为巫门准皇的骄傲,居然就在这样的交锋之中被打的支离破碎,他失败了。 The Chu Yunfan whole body is sending out the immortal light layer by layer, looks like Gods that is similar to is alive is ordinary. 楚云凡浑身在散发着一层一层的仙光,看起来如同在世的一尊神明一般。 Chu Yunfan that at this time the black hair hangs loose looked like was extremely really fearful, was similar to walks among Demon God in World. 此时黑发披散的楚云凡看起来着实太过可怕了,如同行走在天地间的一尊魔神 Who are you? Is impossible, among World is impossible born your such character!” “你到底是谁?不可能的,天地间不可能诞生出你这样的人物!” The accurate sovereign thorough hysteria of witch gate, complete does not dare to believe. 那巫门的准皇彻彻底底的歇斯底里了,完完全全的不敢置信。 You do not need to know!” “你没有必要知道!” Chu Yunfan evolved own domain, in an instant that witch gate accurate sovereign wrapping. 楚云凡演化出了自己的领域,刹那间将那一尊巫门的准皇给包裹进了其中。 witch gate the accurate sovereign also erupted own domain, wanted to contend with Chu Yunfan the domain, but where was the Chu Yunfan match, from the start was not the Chu Yunfan match, the domain livingly is pressed to explode. 那巫门的准皇也同时爆发出了自己的领域,想要抗衡楚云凡的这个领域,但是哪里是楚云凡的对手,压根就不是楚云凡的对手,领域活生生被压爆了。 The blood has sprayed, is sending out the clear ray, is not the blood of Ordinary, is the treasure, is Treasure that the day breeds. 鲜血喷洒了出来,散发着晶莹的光芒,已经不是寻常的血液,统统都是宝贝,是天孕育出来的宝物 But at this time, the Chu Yunfan fist left is similar to long spear has passed through the trim horizon generally, then a fist passed through the chest of this witch gate accurate sovereign. 而这个时候,楚云凡拳出如同长枪一般贯穿了整片天际,然后一拳将这个巫门准皇的胸口贯穿。 The heart fought with the fists to explode directly. 心脏被直接一拳打爆。 Even if formidable were similar to this witch gate accurate sovereign cannot contend with such injury, was crushed Primordial Spirit, suffered a defeat and fled at the scene! 即便强大如同这个巫门准皇也根本抗衡不了这样的伤势,被粉碎了元神,当场败亡! Chu Yunfan sighed in relief, received the corpses of these accurate sovereigns slightly directly, these are very important nourishment. 楚云凡微微松了一口气,直接将这些准皇的尸首收了起来,这些都是非常重要的养料。 Unexpectedly, Chu Yunfan induced existence of Nirvana God Tree. 蓦地,楚云凡感应到了梵天神树的存在。 However at this time, the Nirvana God Tree situation was not good. 不过这个时候,梵天神树的情况非常不好。 Because there is formidable existence to pursue him.. 因为有强大的存在正在追逐他。。 Nirvana God Tree had been discovered by powerhouse, even if the Nirvana God Tree Israel , Turkey escaping technique leaves the battlefield, rapid catches up in the Chu Yunfan direction. 梵天神树还是被一个强者发现了,哪怕梵天神树以土遁术离开战场,飞速的朝着楚云凡的方向赶来。 However in this middle, was discovered by formidable expert. 但是在这个中间之中,还是被一尊强大的高手发现了。 Chu Yunfan through with the induction of Nirvana God Tree, has discovered that that is a stature strong middle-aged man. 楚云凡通过与梵天神树的感应,发现了,那是一个身材健硕的中年男子。 The back of this middle-aged man, has five Jewel Bead, in these five Jewel Bead is containing the strength of five elements, is corresponding Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth separately. 这个中年男子的背后,有着五颗宝珠,这五颗宝珠之中蕴含着五行之力,分别对应着金木水火土 This is the five elements gate expert Peugeot. 这正是五行高手的标致。 School that the Lord of five elements gate five elements founds, gate five elements big method in expert completely Cultivation. 五行门正是五行之主所开创出来的门派,其中门中的高手全部都修炼五行大法。 From Top Emperor Battle Law, Chu Yunfan had also discovered cultivation method of this five elements big method, a Cultivation department, then in then deduces other cultivation method with the say/way of promoting and constraining mutually first. 皇极战典之中,楚云凡也发现过这五行大法的修炼方法,先修炼其中的一系,然后在进而以相生相克之道推演出其他的修炼方法 Finally achieves supreme realm that five elements unites. 最后达成五行合一的至高无上的境界 But also so far, achieves only has a Lord of person who five elements truly five elements has united greatly. 而到目前为止,真正达成了五行大合一的也就只有五行之主一个人。 He is in one strength of five elements truly thoroughly, changes into the chaos terrifying to exist. 他是真正将五行之力彻彻底底合为一体,化为混沌的恐怖存在。 But other accurate sovereigns, are the difference one breaths, not having the means to change into the chaos. 而其他的准皇,都是差一口气,没有办法化为混沌。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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