CF :: Volume #27

#2623: The bang kills entirely

Chapter 2496 第2496章 The bang kills entirely 统统轰杀 witch Huang, this is witch gate the unscrupulous basic energy is at! 巫皇,这才是巫门肆无忌惮的根本底气所在! Ten big influences are one by one wildly arrogant! 十大势力一个比一个骄狂! Has not paid attention to these Rogue Cultivators, even said that kills kills, a point does not care, its basic reason is behind them is standing Sovereign. 根本没将这些散修放在眼里,甚至说杀就杀,一点都不在意,其根本原因就是他们背后站着皇者 Otherwise is the silliest person also knows to win over the will of the people, Achieving the Dao helps, loses to get little support. 不然就算是最傻的人也知道拉拢人心,得道者多助,失道者寡助。 This truth puts all sea all, only has in ancient does not permit! 这个道理放之四海皆准,唯有在古界是不准的! Even if because you have won over 100, 1000 accurate sovereigns, facing Sovereign, is a matter of palm of the hand. 因为即便你拉拢了100个,1000个准皇,面对皇者,也不过就是一个巴掌的事儿。 Without any significance! 没有任何意义! Simply speaking, is the matter that repeatedly asks to treat worthies and scholars with courtesy and so on, in the witch gate and other in the eyes of big influences, that is gaudy, a point with does not have! 简单来说,就是三顾茅庐礼贤下士之类的事情,在巫门等十大势力的眼中,那就是花里胡哨,一点用都没有! If these Rogue Cultivators wait for the control honestly, that then considers as finished, as long as there is a slight disloyalty, that directly pats! 这些散修如果老老实实等待主宰,那便算了,但凡有丝毫异心,那就直接拍死! In any case ten big influences are this idea, does not allow to present any to threaten existences of ten Sovereign. 反正十大势力都是这个想法,不允许出现任何一个能够威胁到十位皇者的存在。 Chu Yunfan cannot accommodate for the witch gate the witch gate, goes to other influences to be also without change, will not have any distinction. 楚云凡在巫门这边为巫门所容不下,去其他势力也是一般无二,不会有任何分别。 entire world does not have their places of taking shelter. 全天下都没有他们的容身之处。 Trades to be the common accurate sovereign, is impossible to have such thought that even wants unable to think! 换做一般的准皇,都根本不可能有这样的念头,甚至想都不敢想! However Chu Yunfan dares think, dares such to do! 但是楚云凡敢想,也敢这么做! Today who dies has not known!” “今天谁死还不知道呢!” Chu Yunfan did not fear, opens the pupil, the whole body had the golden light to glitter, he has revealed the strong slender body. 楚云凡并不惧怕,睁开了眸子,浑身有金光在闪烁,他露出了健硕修长的身体。 Compared with mortal body of witch clan, he is only not weak! 比起巫族的肉身来说,他也是只强不弱! Unexpectedly, at this time, Chu Yunfan directly has made a move, opens greatly gathers greatly, arrived in front of this witch gate accurate sovereign directly. 蓦地,就在这个时候,楚云凡直接出手了,大开大合,直接来到了这个巫门的准皇面前。 A fist rumbles! 一拳轰出! Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” In an instant, both sides have fought dozens times, that witch gate accurate sovereign was rumbled to fly, the body of his entire arm near together with right half was broken, torn to pieces. 刹那间,双方交手了几十次,那个巫门准皇被轰飞了出去,他的整条手臂连同右半边的身体都被震碎了,支离破碎。 His say/way heart by the collapse that Chu Yunfan hits, was rumbled loose. 他的道心被楚云凡打的崩溃,生生被轰散。 But Chu Yunfan pursued directly once again, a foot changed to Underworld to trample. 楚云凡直接再度追了上去,一脚化作黄泉生生践踏了下来。 split second steps on mortal body of this accurate sovereign is split up, this witch gate accurate sovereign in an instant, stepped on lethal. 一瞬间就将这个准皇的肉身踩得四分五裂,这个巫门准皇刹那间,就被踩踏致死。 All these, mentioned are long, the regulations were only the matter that split second had, even draws near the situation that these witch gate accurate sovereigns without enough time prevented. 这一切,说来长,实则只是一瞬间发生的事情,甚至快到了那些巫门准皇都来不及阻止的地步。 Killed, has killed him!” “杀,杀了他!” The Chu Yunfan actions have enraged these witch gate expert extremely obviously thoroughly. 楚云凡的所作所为显然已经彻彻底底激怒了这些巫门的绝顶高手 These witch gate expert thorough anger extremely, have gotten rid instantaneously. 这些巫门的绝顶高手彻彻底底的怒了,瞬间出手。 In an instant, Qi and Blood soars to the heavens, entire World as if changed into piece of Qi and Blood World, then the innumerable ripple have swept across directly, split second Chu Yunfan camouflaging. 刹那间,气血冲霄而起,整个天地都仿佛化为了一片气血天地,然后无数的波纹直接席卷了开来,一瞬间就将楚云凡给遮蔽了。 But Chu Yunfan also refuses to admit being inferior, Qi and Blood of his whole body erupted similarly, can contend with them unexpectedly. 楚云凡也不甘示弱,他浑身的气血同样爆发了出来,竟然可以与他们抗衡。 By strength of the, the accurate sovereign who resists one crowd of witch gates, this strength, is quite fearful. 以一己之力,对抗一群巫门的准皇,这一身的实力,极为可怕。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Various explosive sounds transmit, unrivalled war broke out, the speeds of all people are quick, vanished in all of a sudden same place, even unceasing tearing Void Space, unceasing launched the astonishing attack in all kinds of methods toward the opposite party. 各种爆炸声传来,旷世大战爆发了,所有人的速度都很快,一下子消失在了原地,甚至不断的撕裂空间,不断的以各种各样的手段朝着对方发动了惊人的攻击。 Bang!” “嘭!” A form was hit, a witch gate accurate sovereign had been hit from the overspeed fight, a blood has spurted, in an instant, his mortal body is split up, Primordial Spirit split second was rumbled broken. 一个身影被打了出来,一个巫门准皇被从超速的战斗之中打了出来,一口血喷了出来,刹那间,他的肉身就四分五裂,元神一瞬间被轰碎。 All these had completed actually already, but after he died by explosion, does not have that super speed again, mortal body only then will collapse leisurely/scatter. 这一切其实早就完成了,只是他被轰死之后,再也没有那种超级速度,肉身才会崩散。 Bang!” “轰!” Also after is a loud sound, was a witch gate accurate sovereign is broken to pieces mortal body from fly upside down to the war by the bang. 又是一声巨响之后,又是一个巫门准皇被生生轰碎了肉身从对战之中倒飞了出来。 These witch gate accurate sovereigns on one after another bang from the super speed came out, each was in the chest a fist, mortal body at the scene has been split up. 紧接着这些巫门准皇就一个接着一个的被从超级速度之中轰出来,每一个都是胸口中了一拳,肉身当场四分五裂。 Strength disparity between they and Chu Yunfan is without a doubt. 他们和楚云凡之间的实力差距毋庸置疑。 The Ordinary accurate sovereign Seventh Layer strength and strength disparity between accurate sovereign Eighth Layer was very astonishing, let alone is they and Chu Yunfan strength disparity, was more astonishing. 寻常准皇七重的实力和准皇八重之间的实力差距就已经很惊人了,何况是他们和楚云凡的实力差距,就更加惊人了。 Above Sky to the form of war are getting fewer and fewer, the little form that visibles faintly are also getting fewer and fewer. 天穹之上对战的身影越来越少,那隐约可见的一点点的身影也越来越少。 !” “噗!” Also the form dropped together, a blood has spurted, is actually not others, is witch Lieyang. 又是一道身影跌落了出来,一口鲜血喷了出来,却不是别人,正是巫烈阳。 In witch Lieyang the look glitters the situation of regret, his didn't expect, is only the several years time, Chu Yunfan can absolutely unexpectedly strong to such situation. 巫烈阳的眼神之中闪烁出懊悔的情形,他万万没想到,只是数年的时间,楚云凡居然能够强到这样的地步。 originally is the low level accurate sovereign who he looks at radically does not glance, can a fist want own life to the present. 原本是他根本看不上眼的低级准皇,到现在可以一拳要了自己的性命。 I am not willing!” “我不甘心啊!” witch Lieyang is a blood spouts, after roaring, mortal body is split up directly, was rumbled including Primordial Spirit together broken. 巫烈阳又是一口鲜血喷出,大吼一声之后,肉身直接四分五裂,连元神一同被轰碎。 At this time, in field also only remaining two forms. 此时,场中也只剩下了两道身影。 Besides Chu Yunfan, only then that witch gate strongest accurate sovereign. 除了楚云凡之外,也就只有那巫门最强的准皇。 witch gate the accurate sovereign has observed closely Chu Yunfan stubbornly, looks at own companion by massacring, the anger in heart is in an uncontrollable rage, roars: Chu Yunfan, will you only run away? Dares to fight with me!” 那巫门准皇死死的盯住了楚云凡,看着自己的同伴被一个一个的杀掉,心中的怒火更是怒不可遏,咆哮道:“楚云凡,你只会逃窜么?敢不敢和我一战!” The Chu Yunfan unceasing avoidance, does not fight with him directly, instead while this opportunity, has killed a none remaining his these companions entirely. 楚云凡再不断的躲避,并不和他直接交手,反而趁着这个机会,将他的那些同伴统统杀了个精光。 But is among the moments, was killed a none remaining! 只不过是片刻之间而已,就被杀了个精光! This made his anger erupt instantaneously. 这让他怒火瞬间就爆发了。 Relax, last, to you!” “放心,最后一个了,到你了!” Chu Yunfan unemotionally, what even if faces is a formidable witch gate accurate sovereign, cannot make him have the change of slight facial expression. 楚云凡面无表情,即便面对的是一个强大的巫门准皇,也没能让他有丝毫的神情的变化。 I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” witch gate the accurate sovereign is whooshing, in his body ran out of rays, blood essence in within the body billowing, eyes seems two giant stars, is releasing fearful powerful ability. 巫门准皇嘶吼着,他的身躯之中冲出了一道道的光芒,体内的精血滚滚而出,双眸好似两颗巨大的星辰,在其中释放着可怕的威能 Bang!” “轰隆!” He moved, in the hand presented a long blade, this blade has passed through the expansive sky, has chopped into pieces Void Space, even if Void Space that in evil must stabilize is chopped into pieces by his blade. 他动了,手中出现了一口长刀,这一刀贯穿了长空,劈碎了空间,即便是邪界之中比古界还要稳定的空间都被他一刀劈碎。 powerful ability of this blade can be imagined, has astonishingly how. 他这一刀的威能可想而知,有多么的惊人。 A blade chops to fall, is similar to a Milky Way is divided to fall, has swept across in the Chu Yunfan direction. 一刀劈落,如同一条银河被劈落开来,朝着楚云凡的方向席卷了过来。 Formidable blade glow completely all chopped into pieces nearby Void Space. 强大的刀芒将附近的空间尽皆劈碎了。 powerful ability of this blade is irresistible! 这一刀的威能根本不可阻挡! But the response of Chu Yunfan is quicker, but a simple fist rumbles. 楚云凡的反应更快,只是简单的一拳轰出。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Only heard incomparable gigantic boom sound, Chu Yunfan has made a move, this fist rumbled to rumble directly above this together blade glow. 只听到一声巨大无比轰鸣声,楚云凡出手了,这一拳轰出直接轰到了这一道刀芒之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Sound that blasts open, witch gate the accurate sovereign entire fingers/tiger mouth is disrupts first, the entire palm blasted open. 一声炸裂开来的声音,那巫门准皇整个虎口先是碎裂开来,紧接着整个手掌都跟着炸裂开来了。 witch gate an accurate sovereign face is shocking, retrocedes again and again, his right hand almost by direct scrap, dripping with blood. 那巫门准皇一脸震惊,连连后退,他的右手差点被直接炸碎了,鲜血淋漓。 He almost died, died in the hand of Chu Yunfan! 他差点就死了,死在了楚云凡的手上! Is impossible, your strength how possibly formidable to this situation!” “不可能,你的实力怎么可能会强大到这个地步!” This witch gate accurate sovereign hiss exclaimed. 这个巫门准皇嘶吼道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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