CF :: Volume #27

#2622: Gets angry, slaughters

Chapter 2495 第2495章 Gets angry, slaughters 翻脸,杀戮 Hears this words, witch Lieyang the facial expression completely has changed! 听到这个话,巫烈阳的神情已经完全变了! Even including witch Lieyang behind these witch gate would-be sovereign expert, changed the appearance in abundance. 甚至包括巫烈阳身后的那些巫门的准皇高手,也都纷纷改变了模样。 Said anything with such Rogue Cultivators, since he is not willing dead obediently, we deliver him a regulation!” “和这样的散修多说什么,既然他不肯乖乖去死,那我们就送他一程!” At this time, walked in expert of witch fierce positive rear witch gate, above the slender strong body contains the scared terrifying aura, during the look is sharp brings astonishing killing intent. 此时,在巫烈阳的后方一个巫门的高手走了出来,修长强健的身躯之上蕴含着让人胆寒的恐怖气息,眼神犀利之中带着惊人的杀意 Instantaneously, he tore Void Space to arrive at the Chu Yunfan front, shouting, in the body is erupting rich Qi and Blood, soared to the heavens. 瞬间,他就撕裂了空间来到了楚云凡的面前,嘶吼着,身躯之中爆发出浓郁的气血,冲霄而起。 In his eye pupil seems two stars to be ordinary. 他的眼眸之中就好似两颗星辰一般。 Obviously is the flesh and blood, but just like is stars is ordinary, among the graces, makes this piece of World shiver sufficiently. 明明是血肉之躯,但是却犹如是一颗星辰一般,举手投足之间,都足以让这一片天地都为之颤抖。 This is the would-be sovereign Seventh Layer terrifying strength! 这就是准皇七重恐怖实力! Witch sovereign fist!” “巫皇拳!” This witch gate accurate sovereign fist rumbles, in an instant, the fist vigor swept away all, the principle proliferated instantaneously, covered Chu Yunfan directly. 这个巫门准皇一拳轰出,刹那间,拳劲横扫了一切,法则瞬间扩散了开来,直接将楚云凡笼罩了进去。 Bang!” “轰!” This fist bang on the body of Chu Yunfan, said accurately, rumbled in his body surface one foot place, did not have the means to have the slight little advance again. 这一拳轰在了楚云凡的身上,准确的说,是轰在了他的身体表面一尺的地方,就再也没有办法有丝毫的寸进。 The fist of terrifying, crushed all, but actually cannot crush Chu Yunfan protection Barrier. 恐怖的拳头,粉碎了一切,但是却没能粉碎楚云凡的防护结界 terrifying Qi and Blood turns to well up from the body of Chu Yunfan, in an instant, instead shook, instead shook above the arm of this witch gate would-be sovereign directly ruthlessly. 一股更加恐怖气血楚云凡的身体之中翻涌而出,刹那间,就反震了回去,直接狠狠反震到了这个巫门准皇的手臂之上。 Ka scratches!” “咔擦!” A clear bone crashes, later is blood splattering. 一声清脆的骨头碎裂声,随后是鲜血喷溅而出。 This witch gate would-be sovereign retrocedes again and again, a face shocking looks at Chu Yunfan, seemed looking that a monster is the same. 这巫门的准皇连连后退,一脸震惊的看着楚云凡,仿佛在看一个怪物一样。 His entire arm is breaking instantaneously! 他的整条手臂都在瞬间震碎了! Not was only his strength is rebounded, even the strength reverse of Chu Yunfan terrifying rumbled his body. 不仅仅是他本身的力量被反弹了回来,甚至楚云凡身上一股更加恐怖的力量反转轰到了他的身上。 Gave to break his entire arm directly, if were not he shut off the entire arm decisively, that just broke may not be that arm, perhaps his body will be broken livingly. 直接将他的整条手臂都给震碎了,如果不是他果断的切断了整条手臂的话,那刚刚震碎的可就不是那一条手臂了,恐怕他的身躯都会被活生生震碎。 How possibly, how possibly achieves!” “怎么可能,那怎么可能做到!” This witch gate would-be sovereign dumbfounded saying. 这个巫门准皇目瞪口呆的说道。 He felt terrifying aura from the body of Chu Yunfan, even far exceed his imagination. 他从楚云凡的身上感觉到了一股恐怖的气息,甚至远远超过了他的想象。 „Aren't you would-be sovereign Sixth Layer?” This witch gate accurate sovereign dumbfounded opens the mouth of said. “你不是准皇六重么?”这个巫门准皇目瞪口呆的开口说道。 In information that in the witch provides fiercely positive, Chu Yunfan are most is also would-be sovereign Sixth Layer. 在巫烈阳提供的情报之中,楚云凡最多也就是准皇六重 This is soon the beforehand matter. 这还是不久之前的事情。 Because witch Lieyang detected that Chu Yunfan Cultivation Base had reached the limit that their witch gates can tolerate, is would-be sovereign Sixth Layer. 正是因为巫烈阳察觉到了楚云凡修为已经达到了他们巫门能够容忍的极限,也就是准皇六重 If enters one step, this Cultivation Base even can be on par with. 如果更进一步的话,这修为甚至可以与自己比肩了。 The key is, all these completed in several years, this lets him regarding Chu Yunfan dreading. 关键是,这一切都是在数年之内就完成了,这更让他对于楚云凡十分的忌惮。 Chu Yunfan this said is many years ago old monster that proclaims, after de-archiving not long, already Breakthrough to this realm. 楚云凡这个自称是多年前自封的老怪物,在解封之后没有多久,就已经突破到了这个境界 Almost is rides the rocket to promote generally. 几乎是坐火箭一般提升起来。 Continues, sooner or later meets the potential disaster to govern! 继续下去,迟早会势大难治! The intelligent Rogue Cultivators would-be sovereign should learn to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent, many would-be sovereigns to maintain life cultivation to would-be sovereign Fifth Layer, do not only touch witch gate the bottom line. 聪明的散修准皇就应该学会藏拙,许多准皇为了保命也都只修行到准皇五重,并不触碰巫门的底线。 Regarding these people, witch gate only then will turns a blind eye, can avoid be cleaned up. 对于这些人,巫门才会睁一只眼闭一只眼,可以免于被清理。 But limit that Chu Yunfan this astonishing growth, far exceed the witch gate has been able to tolerate obviously. 楚云凡这种惊人的成长速度,显然已经远远超过了巫门能够容忍的极限。 However even, the witch gate has not so paid attention to them actually, even growth big to would-be sovereign Ninth Layer regarding witch gate, is not anything. 不过即便如此,巫门实则也从来没有将他们放在眼里,即便成长大到准皇九重对于巫门来说,也不算什么。 In the front of witch sovereign, any would-be sovereign Ninth Layer is not meaningful. 在巫皇的面前,什么准皇九重都没有任何意义。 The would-be sovereign and Sovereign disparity big to the situation that can completely disregard. 准皇和皇者的差距已经大到了可以完全无视的地步。 Cleans up threatening Chu Yunfan, to prevent eventuality merely. 清理掉有威胁的楚云凡,也仅仅只是为了预防万一罢了。 Since this policy has implemented, never has excessively accidentally/surprisingly, witch gate cannot have a liking for Rogue Cultivators that strength, the would-be sovereign in Rogue Cultivators is not meaningful facing ten big influences. 这个政策实行以来,从来没有过意外,巫门也看不上散修的那点战力,散修中的准皇面对十大势力根本没有任何意义。 However obviously, Chu Yunfan is a First exception. 然而显然,楚云凡第一个例外。 But this exceptional terrifying, was above their imagination by far. 而这个例外的恐怖,也远远超乎了他们的想象。 Witch gate would-be sovereign, only then this degree?” Chu Yunfan indifferently said. These days also was really indebted your witch gate attendance, originally I have not thought to so a war, since you must kill me, endless chasing down, that do not blame me not being impolite!” “巫门的准皇,也不过只有这种程度么?”楚云凡淡淡的说道。“这段时间还真是承蒙你们巫门的照顾了,本来我也没想过非要这般一战,不过既然你们非要杀我,没完没了的追杀,那就别怪我不客气了!” Even you injured me, did not represent my clan is not good!” “就算你伤了我,也并不代表着我族不行!” The would-be sovereigns of that witch clan observed closely Chu Yunfan stubbornly, says. 那个巫族的准皇死死的盯住了楚云凡,开口说道。 I have to look down upon your witch gate, whatever the case, the witch sovereign is ancient rare person, however the invincible person, without the invincible law, the similar law, in the witch sovereign hand is unmatched in the world, but in your hands, actually collapses at the first blow in my front!” “我么有看不起你们巫门,无论如何,巫皇还是亘古少有的人杰,然而只有无敌的人,没有无敌的法,同样的法,在巫皇手中就是天下无敌,但是在你们手中,在我的面前却是不堪一击!” Chu Yunfan smiles lightly, said. 楚云凡淡淡一笑,说道。 The Chu Yunfan words, enraged these witch gate would-be sovereigns obviously, this from the start not the stance that they watch, thorough enraged, they. 楚云凡的话,显然激怒了这些巫门的准皇,这压根也不曾将他们看在眼里的姿态,彻彻底底的激怒了,他们。 They have an invincible heart, at this time, radical eruption. 他们都有一颗无敌的心,这个时候,彻底爆发。 You prepare on, is on together?” Chu Yunfan both hands hold the shoulder, indifferently said. “你们准备一个个上,还是一起上?”楚云凡双手抱肩,淡淡的说道 His body lent the aura of light danger, the domain aura was gradually releasing, fog that changed to the chaos, Chu Yunfan body in this fog partly visible. 他的身上散发着淡淡危险的气息,领域的气息逐渐释放了出来,化作混沌的雾霭,楚云凡的身躯在这一片雾霭之中若隐若现。 The arm of that witch gate would-be sovereign grew, then launched the attack toward Chu Yunfan instantaneously again, this time, he did not have beforehand at will and general idea. 那个巫门准皇的手臂重新长了出来,然后瞬间朝着楚云凡再度发动了进攻,这一次,他没有了之前的随意和大意。 The accurate sovereign domain releases, Barrier sweeps across, a fist rumbles. 准皇领域释放开来,结界席卷开来,一拳轰出。 This fist rumbles, but he was actually flying upside down at a more astonishing speed. 这一拳轰出,但是他却在以一个更加惊人的速度倒飞了出去。 This time, his entire arm was smashed together with the half body directly. 这一次,他的一整条手臂连同半边身体都被直接砸烂。 The fist vigor of Chu Yunfan this fist, has the might that is inconceivable. 楚云凡这一拳的拳劲,拥有难以想象的威力。 Simple fist vigor, without doping more things. 只是简简单单的拳劲,没有掺杂进更多的东西。 However Chu Yunfan was too strong, complete crush this would-be sovereign Seventh Layer witch gate would-be sovereign. 但是楚云凡太强了,完完全全的碾压了这个准皇七重的巫门准皇。 Struck the heavy losses, Chu Yunfan pursued again. 一击重创,楚云凡再度追击了上去。 No suspense, easy Chu Yunfan will step in his body, under the bombardment of Underworld Nine Treading. 就会没什么悬念,轻而易举的楚云凡就一脚踩踏在了他的身上,在黄泉九踏的轰击之下。 This witch gate would-be sovereign called out pitifully is trod the chest, even Primordial Spirit directly trod smashing. 这个巫门准皇惨叫着被踏碎了胸口,连元神都被直接踏的粉碎了。 All these mentioned are long, was only split second has terminated actually. 这一切说来长,实则只是一瞬间就已经完结。 Chu Yunfan was only split second thorough striking had killed powerful existence of would-be sovereign Seventh Layer. 楚云凡只是一瞬间就已经彻彻底底的击杀了一个准皇七重的强大存在。 You are courting death, you do not know that what existence you provoked!” “你在找死,你不知道你招惹了什么样的存在!” Also is a witch gate would-be sovereign roars. 又是一个巫门准皇咆哮道。 Witch gate will not let off absolutely your, even if you have any trump card, in the front of witch sovereign, collapses at the first blow similarly, you died!” “巫门绝对不会放过你的,就算你有什么底牌,在巫皇的面前,同样不堪一击,你死定了!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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