CF :: Volume #27

#2621: Would-be sovereign Eighth Layer, again with witch Lieyang

Chapter 2494 第2494章 Would-be sovereign Eighth Layer, again with witch Lieyang 准皇八重,再遇巫烈阳 In Mountains and Rivers Diagram Void Space, Chu Yunfan sits cross-legged to sit down again! 山河图空间内,楚云凡再度盘腿坐下! Although he just Breakthrough to would-be sovereign Seventh Layer, but at this time Breakthrough to would-be sovereign Eighth Layer is also the successful matter. 他虽然刚刚才突破到准皇七重,不过此时突破到准皇八重也是水到渠成的事情。 He regarding the comprehension of World principle, has exceeded would-be sovereign realm, cannot Breakthrough also merely be only the disparity on resources. 他对于天地法则的领悟,早已经超越了准皇境界,不能突破也仅仅只是资源上的差距。 Innumerable Yuanyang pill floods into Chu Yunfan within the body crazily, changed into strong Energy, causes in his body each cell keeping Breakthrough, a change. 无数的元阳丹疯狂的涌入楚云凡的体内,化为了强劲的能量,使得他的身体之中每一个细胞都在不停的突破,不停的发生一种变化。 The accurate sovereign Ninth Layer day, soars to the heavens, each transformation, like having ascending to heaven changes. 准皇九重天,一层一冲天,每一次的蜕变,都如同有登天之变。 Only by doing so, can smooth by grinding king Jing Peak and difference between Heaven and Earth of sovereign boundary. 唯有如此,才能磨平王境巅峰和皇境的天差地别 king Jing Peak and disparity of sovereign boundary at all is not day and the disparity of place, but is the different Void Space disparities. 王境巅峰和皇境的差距已经根本不是天与地的差距,而是不同空间的差距。 Each one step must have the consciousness of ascending to heaven, each one step disparity is similar to ascends to heaven general! 一步都要有登天的觉悟,每一步的差距都如同登天一般! Each Breakthrough, Chu Yunfan can feel time, oneself can on at least powerful several times. 每一次的突破,楚云凡都能够感觉到,自己起码能够强大上数倍。 Has earth-shakingly changes! 有翻天覆地之变! originally this is patient and persistent work, but innumerable Yuanyang pill's flooding into, instead reduced this time, smoothed by grinding the disparity in time. 原本这是水磨工夫,但是无数元阳丹的涌入,反而缩短了这个时间,磨平了时间上的差距。 Various sovereign short dozens years has can to become Huang, pounds with the Endless resources. 诸皇短短数十年的时间都有能够成皇的,就是用无尽的资源砸出来的。 But Chu Yunfan time needed already far exceed this number, because he does not have so many resources to be used to build, does not have the innumerable tyrannical peers to fight. 楚云凡所花费的时间已经远远超过了这个数,因为他没有那么多的资源用来堆砌,更没有无数强横的同辈争锋。 In antiquity period, even some antique bloodlines leave behind, innumerable existences, had shocked Era, has sparkled starry skies. 在上古时期,甚至还有一些太古的血脉遗留下来,无数的存在,都曾经震撼过一个时代,闪耀过一片星空。 That Era, is worse than the present environment, however regarding powerhouse, that is the best environment, like raising the gu is ordinary, strongest that gu king, is Sovereign of final achievement. 那个时代,远比现在的环境还要恶劣,然而对于强者来说,那是最好的环境,如同养蛊一般,最强的那一只蛊王,就是最后成就的皇者 Now after plundering the wealth of evil god, Chu Yunfan final weak point also obtained making up, happen to can attack higher realm. 现在掠夺了邪神教的财富之后,楚云凡最后的一个短板也得到了补齐,正好可以冲击更高的境界 The Chu Yunfan swallowing day bit definitely at this time, displayed function that was above the imagination. 楚云凡的吞天噬地决在这个时候,发挥出了超乎想象的作用。 Innumerable Yuanyang pill changes to the air/Qi of rich Yuanyang, swamped into the body of Chu Yunfan with the huge regular strength, each cell is seething. 无数的元阳丹化作浓郁的元阳之气,带着庞大的规则之力涌入了楚云凡的身体之中,每一个细胞都在翻腾。 The innumerable principles, took shape in the Chu Yunfan surroundings, changed to a domain! 无数的法则,在楚云凡的周围成型,化作了一个领域! Compared with the Ordinary domain, must gradually evolve to become piece of small World. 只是和寻常的领域相比,已经逐渐要演化成为一片小天地了。 Becoming Sovereign to be different from various sovereign Era that swift and violent one breath Breakthrough, Chu Yunfan chose a safer method, the transformation of one step one step! 和诸皇时代那种迅猛的一口气突破成为皇者不同,楚云凡选择了更加稳妥的方法,一步一步的蜕变! This was the cultivation method of present mainstream, Era was also different, was naturally no comparison between them. 这也是现在主流的修行方法,时代不同了,自然不可同日而语。 Because does not have that Era background! 因为已经不存在那个时代背景了! How long also did not know, when Chu Yunfan opened the eye again, without a trace that on him all phenomenon vanished. 也不知道过去了多久,当楚云凡再度睁开了眼睛的时候,他身上所有的异象都消失的无影无踪。 Would-be sovereign Eighth Layer, finally to!” “准皇八重,终于到了!” Chu Yunfan revealed wiped the smile. 楚云凡露出了一抹微笑。 Chu Yunfan obviously feels, own strength was also powerful on several times. 楚云凡明显感觉到,自己的实力又强大上了数倍之多。 Really the accurate sovereign Ninth Layer day, a First Layer day, according to the present strength, can hang to hit ten me before least!” “果然准皇九重天,一层一重天,按照现在的实力,起码可以吊打十个以前的我!” The Chu Yunfan sensation, Nirvana God Tree had also attracted completely various path Zhunhuang powerhouse corpses, now had arrived at a saturated condition, only after waiting for the final transformation, can strengthen the Chu Yunfan strength enormously. 楚云凡感知了一下,梵天神树也已经吸满了各路准皇强者的尸首,现在已经到了一个饱和的状态,只等最后的蜕变之后,就能极大的增强楚云凡的战力。 According to the estimate of Chu Yunfan, even if did not have Breakthrough to the mature period, Chu Yunfan after it fuses completely, even can contend with certainly sovereign Ninth Layer day existence. 按照楚云凡的估计,就算还没有突破到成熟期,楚云凡与之完全融合之后,甚至可以抗衡准皇九重天的存在。 when the time comes, only if meets Sovereign to act personally, otherwise Chu Yunfan has nothing fearfully. 到时候,除非遇到皇者亲自出手,否则楚云凡就没什么可怕的了。 Until now, entire world is also ten Sovereign, but passed today, perhaps will be few. 到现在为止,全天下也不过是十尊皇者,而过了今天,恐怕会再少一个。 In other words, person who at this time, entire world threats him sufficiently, are getting fewer and fewer. 也就是说,此时,全天下足以对他构成威胁的人,已经越来越少了。 Basically was extremely rare, died year to year Sovereign during except for that several, others very difficulty to constitute anything to threaten to him. 基本上就是凤毛麟角了,除了那几个常年长眠之中的皇者,其他人已经很难对他构成什么威胁了。 The Chu Yunfan figure in a flash, vanished in same place. 楚云凡的身形一晃,就消失在了原地。 When he appeared outside again, at this time, the defense line of evil god has creakied, accurate, had been punctured several giant loopholes, formed a colander. 当他再度出现在了外面的时候,此时,邪神教的防线已经摇摇欲坠,准确的来说,已经被打穿了好几个巨大的漏洞,形成了一个漏勺。 Many powerful would-be sovereigns taking advantage of these loopholes, enter evil. 许多实力强大的准皇都借着这些漏洞,杀入邪界内部。 These accurate sovereign numbers are not many, but each has extremely strong destructive power. 这些准皇数量不算多,但是每一个都拥有极为强大的破坏力。 In Chu Yunfan heart one tight, must speed up recycling Nirvana God Tree, which would-be sovereign discovery if otherwise by, that issue may on the big strip. 楚云凡心中一紧,必须要加快回收梵天神树了,不然万一被哪个准皇发现,那问题可就大条了。 when the time comes estimated that does not have the would-be sovereign to let off Nirvana God Tree! 到时候估计没有准皇会放过梵天神树 Even also possibly triggers the attention of Sovereign, Nirvana God Tree rare, even Sovereign will be greedy. 甚至还可能引发皇者的关注,梵天神树的稀有性,即便是皇者都会眼馋。 Therefore leaves the Chu Yunfan time is not many, he stays here, is in itself very risky action. 所以留给楚云凡的时间也不多了,他留在这里,本身就是非常冒险之举。 Once because the evil sovereigns and four big Sovereign fights between decided the victory and defeat, perhaps then including four big Sovereign to arrive in evil. 因为一旦邪皇和四大皇者之间的战斗分出了胜负的话,那么恐怕连四大皇者都会降临邪界之中。 By that time, the Chu Yunfan discovered probability considerably will increase. 到那个时候,楚云凡被发现的几率就会大大增加。 Even if Chu Yunfan achieved the pinnacle regarding the control of Mountains and Rivers Diagram at this time, however his Cultivation Base is limited, insufficiently looked in the Sovereign front radically, still has very big possibility to be discovered. 即便楚云凡此时对于山河图的掌控达到了极致,但是他本身的修为有限,在皇者的面前根本不够看,依然有很大可能性被发现。 Must converge as soon as possible!” “必须要尽快汇合!” Chu Yunfan said that when he converged Nirvana God Tree, the strength can upturn on several times in present Foundation, even can contend with certainly existence of sovereign Ninth Layer. 楚云凡道,等他汇合了梵天神树,战力又能在现在的基础上翻上好几倍,甚至可以抗衡准皇九重的存在。 Chu Yunfan, haven't you died unexpectedly?” While unexpectedly, Chu Yunfan must walk, not far away, several forms had reappeared. 楚云凡,你竟然没死?”蓦地,正当楚云凡要走的时候,不远处,几个身影已经浮现了出来。 That is several witch gates would-be sovereigns, is one person of head, is not others, is witch gate the gate Lord, witch Lieyang. 那是几个巫门的准皇,其中为首的一人,不是别人,正是巫门的门主,巫烈阳。 Chu Yunfan narrowed the eye, if before, a light witch fierce positive makes him be critical situation sufficiently. 楚云凡眯了眯眼睛,如果是之前,光一个巫烈阳都足以让他如临大敌。 witch Lieyang the strength is would-be sovereign Seventh Layer, behind him that several people, no strength is fiercer than positive the witch is low, even also has would-be sovereign Eighth Layer certainly generation of expert. 巫烈阳的实力就已经是准皇七重,他背后的那几个人,没有一个实力比巫烈阳要低,甚至其中还有一个准皇八重的绝代高手 The status only feared that fierce positive is also not the least bit off compared with the witch. 其地位只怕比起巫烈阳也是丝毫不差的。 Because in ten big influence such colossi, there is various Huang existence, therefore even if witch gate the gate Lord, is not supreme existence. 因为在十大势力这样的庞然大物之中,有诸皇的存在,所以哪怕是巫门的门主,也不是至高无上的存在。 Even witch gate the gate main besides somewhat draws in the resources the advantage, not everyone is willing to go to work as. 甚至巫门的门主除了有些收拢资源的好处之外,也并不是人人都愿意去当的。 Even many people will also feel, after choosing to become the gate main, will be implicated the Cultivation Base advancement. 甚至许多人还会觉得,选择成为门主之后,会被拖累修为进程。 What's wrong, the gate main hopes very much I did die?” “怎么,门主很希望我死去么?” Chu Yunfan grins to smile to say. 楚云凡咧嘴笑笑说道。 Until now, his Cultivation Base and just joined witch gate initially time, has been no comparison between them. 时至今日,他的修为和当初刚刚加入巫门的时候,已经不可同日而语。 If were initially he facing this aspect, perhaps at the scene if wants the means to flee, even just wanted to flee is very difficult. 如果是当初他面对这种局面,恐怕当场就要想办法逃离,甚至光是想要逃离就很困难了。 However now, he is fearless! 然而现在,他根本无所畏惧! When moves to the world to be easy! 时移世易! „The gate does advocate you to kill me from beginning to end?” “还是说,门主你从头到尾就是想杀我呢?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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