CF :: Volume #25

#2486: In sharp opposition with king Jing

Chapter 2362 第2362章 In sharp opposition with king Jing 与王境针锋相对 Three days, cannot make the situation of this matter be subsided, instead made the vision of countless person gather at this matter. 三天的时间,并不能让这个事情的事态得到平息,反而让无数人的目光都聚集到了这个事情上。 All people believe, Chu Yunfan these three days are is preparing any matter, but no one believes, these three days, Chu Yunfan can change anything. 所有人都相信,楚云凡这三天的时间是在筹划着什么事情,但是谁也不相信,这三天的时间,楚云凡能够改变点什么。 In universe Void, a incomparable gigantic ominous beast crawls in universe Void, just like a small city is the same, whole body is sending out the dreadful power and influence. 在宇宙虚空之中,一头巨大无比的凶兽匍匐在宇宙虚空之中,犹如一座小型的城池一样,全身上下散发着滔天的威势。 Three days of arrived, Chu Yunfan, comes to lead!” “三天的时间到了,楚云凡,前来领死!” This ominous beast place visited, all demon clan the military compound in universe Void was eradicated, the innumerable demon clans were slaughtered. 这一头凶兽所过之处,所有在宇宙虚空之中的魔族的军营被连根拔起,无数的魔族被屠戮一空。 Although this ominous king of beasts and Chu Yunfan, do not cope with Human Race, did not represent him to look to the demon clan pleasing to the eyes. 虽然这一头凶兽王和楚云凡,和人族不对付,不代表他就对魔族看得顺眼了。 The demon clan is still other entire Sino-Turkey divine land races life and death archenemies. 魔族依然是整个中土神州其他种族的生死大敌。 The demon air/Qi that because their cultivation needs, exactly regarding the ordinary life, is fatal poison. 因为他们修行所需要的魔气,恰恰对于普通生灵来说,是致命毒药 Between other clans and demon clans have the stop battle of tacit understanding, the range control of battle in very small range, that will not represent them to form an alliance. 其他各族与魔族之间有默契的停止争斗,将争斗的范围控制在很小的范围之内,那也并不代表着他们会彼此之间结盟。 reckless clan, Ocean Race, the uncivilized nationalities, Monster Race and other races wants to see Human Race and between the demon clans both sides suffer of battle. 胡族,海族,蛮族,妖族等种族只是想要看到人族与魔族之间争斗的两败俱伤而已。 the demon clan armies like obtained anything to order, retroceded again and again, resigned a huge range, leaves war that will soon have. 魔族大军像是得到了什么命令一样,连连后退,让出了一块巨大的范围,留给即将发生的大战。 Was too fearful, is this power and influence of ominous king of beasts?” Some people almost felt that the whole body is trembling, as if saw any inconceivable matter. “太可怕了,这就是凶兽王的威势么?”有人几乎感觉浑身都在震颤,仿佛看到了什么不可思议的事情。 Roaring of ominous king of beasts, seeped in the Sino-Turkey divine land from universe Void directly. 凶兽王的咆哮,从宇宙虚空之中直接渗透到了中土神州之中。 This is scary Cultivation Power, the entire Sino-Turkey divine land, except for few some areas, the people in other places heard ominous king of beasts roaring of terrifying. 这是何等骇人的功力,整个中土神州,除了少部分地区,其他地方的人都听到了凶兽王的恐怖的咆哮。 Chu Yunfan sees like this, but also dares to appear?” 楚云凡看到这样子,还敢出现么?” Perhaps does not dare, he has any trump card, but faces genuine king Jing existence not to have any significance!” “恐怕是不敢了吧,他就算有什么底牌,但是面对真正的王境的存在也没有任何意义!” Chu Yunfan happens, is brings death!” 楚云凡一旦出现,就是去送死!” Countless people in discuss spiritedly, saw the ominous king of beasts terrifying power and influence, many people are even thinking, Chu Yunfan can escape in light of this, this has the possibility. 无数人都在议论纷纷,看到了凶兽王恐怖的威势,许多人甚至都在想,楚云凡有没有可能就此逃跑,这是非常有可能的。 After all nobody is willing to go such to bring death, in Human Race and has the person can cope the ominous king of beasts, but was diverted. 毕竟没有人愿意去这么送死,人族之中并不是没有人能够对付的了凶兽王,只是被牵制住了而已。 However merely was also diverted, if makes a determined effort, has the possibility killing the ominous king of beasts. 但是也仅仅只是被牵制住了,如果一旦发狠起来,还是非常有可能将凶兽王给干掉的。 This ominous king of beasts just Breakthrough to king Jing? So to be how fearful?” Many people look in universe Void, that ominous king of beasts crawls in Void, the trim universe starry sky is shivering. “这一头凶兽王刚刚突破到王境么?怎么会如此可怕?”许多人看着宇宙虚空之中,那一头凶兽王匍匐在虚空之中,整片宇宙星空都在颤抖。 Many forms flew directly, has flown into universe Void, distant is observing. 紧接着许多道身影直接飞了起来,飞入了宇宙虚空之中,远远的正在观战。 Many people only felt that ice-cold piercing, the killing intent is infinite. 许多人只感觉到冰冷刺骨,杀机无限。 Many people are shivering, involuntary, wish cannot help but retrocedes, avoids the terrifying power and influence of this ominous king of beasts. 许多人都在颤抖,身不由己,不由自主的想要后退,避开这一头凶兽王的恐怖威势。 Unexpectedly, when everyone discuss spiritedly, the terrifying aura broke open to clash from the flying immortal sect together horizontally, crossed universe Void directly, rushed to the front of ominous king of beasts horizontally. 蓦地,就在众人议论纷纷的时候,一道恐怖的气息从飞仙宗内破开了一切横冲而出,直接横穿了宇宙虚空,横冲到了凶兽王的面前。 Entire Void under his power and influence, unexpectedly caved. 整个虚空都在他的威势之下,竟然塌陷了。 That is one wears the black clothes, the double back of the hand after behind slender vigorous form, his pupil looks to the distant place, profound incomparable, as if there is world mesozoic to extinguish in it is the same. 那是一个身穿黑衣,双手背在身后的修长雄健的身影,他的眸子看向远方,深邃无比,仿佛有世界在其中生灭一样。 Chu Yunfan, is really he, he has not evaded unexpectedly!” 楚云凡,真的是他,他竟然没有逃避!” Many people are startled, because looks like in them, the probability that Chu Yunfan does not present was too high, even some people will tacitly approve Chu Yunfan possibly to evade, will avoid this war. 许多人都在吃惊,因为在他们看起来,楚云凡不出现的概率太高了,甚至有些人默认了楚云凡可能会逃避,会避开这一战。 Because of regardless of the future how, but if dies perhaps does not have including the future here. 因为不论未来如何,但是如果死在这里的话恐怕连未来都没有。 Because of this, when saw the Chu Yunfan appearance, all people are being startled, even thinks inconceivable. 正因为如此,所以当看到了楚云凡出现的时候,所有人都在吃惊,甚至觉得不可思议。 You came!!!!!” Ominous king of beasts roared, in eyes was glittering the blood red ray, has observed closely Chu Yunfan stubbornly. “你来了!!!!!”凶兽王一声咆哮,双眸之中闪烁着血红色的光芒,死死的盯住了楚云凡 Was this person has killed the old perspiration king, to it, the old perspiration king simply was its day, two people originally must together Breakthrough become king Jing, who once thinks, the old perspiration king like this died in the hand of Chu Yunfan. 就是这个人杀死了老汗王,对它来说,老汗王简直就是它的天,两人原本是要一起突破成为王境的,谁曾想到,老汗王就这样死在了楚云凡的手上。 finally only then he has completed that transformation, became king Jing. 最终只有他完成了那蜕变,成为了王境。 Good, I came, I killed you!” “不错,我来了,我来杀你了!” Chu Yunfan sneered, looks at the present ominous king of beasts. 楚云凡冷笑一声,看着眼前的凶兽王。 This ominous beast Wang Yuan looked at the past, looked like a azure wolf, was proliferating the hangnail all over the body, seemed like quite fierce and fearful. 这一头凶兽王远远看过去,就像是一头青狼,通体遍布着倒刺,看起来极为狰狞和可怕。 Also does not know that in the bloodlines mixes the bloodlines that what is having fearfully, only then will creates the so astonishing power and influence. 也不知道血脉之中混合着什么样可怕存在的血脉,才会造成如此惊人的威势。 Kills the ominous king of beasts? 来杀凶兽王? Many people only thought that the whole body is shivering, this is the what kind of aggression, who can say such words to come, must know that this is not existence of Ordinary, this is existence of king Jing Level. 许多人都只觉得浑身都在颤抖,这是何等的霸气,谁能够说出这样的话来,要知道这可不是寻常的存在,这可是一尊王境级别的存在。 You are not good, wants to kill me? Ha!” “你不行,想杀我?哈哈哈哈哈!” Ominous king of beasts laughed heartily, his aura of whole body has been similar to this moment bursts a dike vastly, seems the galaxy cracks general, toward sweeping across that Chu Yunfan blots out the sky. 凶兽王哈哈大笑了起来,在这一刻他全身的气息如同汪洋决堤,又好似星河崩裂一般,朝着楚云凡铺天盖地的席卷而来。 That fearful constriction, even makes Chu Yunfan feel, changes including breath starting difficult. 那种可怕的压迫感,甚至让楚云凡感觉,连呼吸都开始变的困难了起来。 Including the Chu Yunfan facial expression cannot help but dignified, in his top of the head, the Mountains and Rivers Diagram turning round rotation , helping the terrifying power and influence that he resists this to blot out the sky to come. 楚云凡的神情都不由得凝重了起来,在他的头顶上,山河图滴溜溜的转动,帮他抵挡这铺天盖地而来的恐怖威势。 Must know, he must kill Half-Step king Jing now time, simply is with hands down, but now facing truly king Jing time, the discovery, simply is actually no comparison between them. 要知道,他现在要杀半步王境的时候,简直是不费吹灰之力,但是现在面对一尊真正王境的时候,却发现,简直不可同日而语。 Half-Step king Jing also can only be Half-Step king Jing, the genuine king Jing fearfulness, is not Half-Step king Jing can by far mention on equal terms. 半步王境也只能是半步王境,真正王境的可怕,远远不是半步王境能够相提并论的。 Many expert complexions of distant place in abundance pale, there are also many is existence of Half-Step king Jing Level, on their faces somewhat is panic-stricken, particularly can Cultivation to Half-Step king Jing existence, that be with the outstanding person in realm. 远处的许多高手脸色都纷纷惨白,其中有不少都是半步王境级别的存在,他们的脸上都有几分惊恐,尤其是能够修炼半步王境的存在,那都是同境界之中的佼佼者。 It is not all people can finally step forward this one step. 不是所有人都能够最终跨出这一步的。 Because this back difficulty was really too big. 因为这背后的难度实在是太大了。 Therefore in their hearts has own proud, now their pride almost directly is actually hit the collapse. 所以他们的心中都是有自己的骄傲的,现在他们的骄傲却差点被直接打崩溃。 Before genuine king Jing, their these Half-Step king Jing simply is a joke. 在真正的王境面前,他们这些半步王境简直就是一个笑话。 Is no comparison between them radically. 根本不可同日而语。 Although supports Half-Step, seems like differs not many, however this Half-Step is the difference between Heaven and Earth same disparity. 虽然支持半步,看似相差不多,然而这半步就是天差地别一样的差距。 Why not kills you, if same realm, I kill you radically with hands down, a palm of the hand can clap you!” “杀你又有何不可,如果是相同的境界,我杀你根本不费吹灰之力,一巴掌就能拍死你!” The Chu Yunfan facial expression is tranquil, has the Mountain and Rivers cauldron to help him resist this terrifying pressure the suppression of king boundary. 楚云凡神情平静,有山河鼎帮他抵抗这一股来自王境的恐怖威压的压制。 He is fearless, fights with this ominous king of beasts relative. 他根本无所畏惧,与这一头凶兽王争锋相对。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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