CF :: Volume #25

#2485: Three days later, cuts the king of beasts

Chapter 2361 第2361章 Three days later, cuts the king of beasts 三天后,斩兽王 Chu Yunfan forceful saying, in his heart already had plan, this ominous king of beasts clarified came to him, in addition inside and outside Human Race, countless people added fuel to the flames, wish made him die. 楚云凡铿锵有力的说道,他的心中早就已经有了谋划,这一头凶兽王摆明了冲着他来,再加上人族内外,无数人推波助澜,想要让他死。 This game, he is evades not to be possible to evade, is impossible to make concessions again. 这一局,他已经是避无可避,不可能再退让。 If continues to make concessions, Chu Yunfan was even worried, own say/way heart will vacillate. 如果继续退让的话,楚云凡甚至担心,自己的道心都会随之动摇。 This is compared with anything must a more serious matter, once his say/way heart vacillates, perhaps again possibly Sovereign, possibly is unimportant including titled as King. 这是比什么都要更加严重的事情,一旦他的道心动摇,恐怕就再也没有可能封皇,连封王可能都根本不重要。 cultivation to this realm, any talent, any bloodlines, anything inherited, is not most important, most important is one marches forward courageously, sweeps away the invincible say/way heart. 修行到了他这个境界,什么天赋,什么血脉,什么传承,都已经不是最重要的,最重要的就是一颗勇往直前,横扫无敌的道心。 Once the heart were vacillated, then on the disaster of equivalent to calamity. 一旦道心被动摇,那么就相当于天塌地陷的灾难。 Therefore even if he clearly knows that this is a trap, must go. 所以他哪怕明知道这是一个陷阱,也是非去不可。 What means do you have?” Situ Xuan sees the Chu Yunfan appearance, as if has confidence, immediately opens the mouth to ask. “你有什么办法么?”司徒玄见楚云凡的样子,似乎是非常有把握,当即就开口问道。 You help me announce, after three day, I and he at a Beyond Heaven war!” “你帮我公布出去,三日之后,我与他在天外一战!” Chu Yunfan opens the mouth to say slowly. 楚云凡缓缓开口说道。 If he has not been willing to give up, that please leave the Human Race inside story to cut him!” “如果他还不肯善罢甘休,那就请出人族底蕴斩他!” Situ Xuandun, said: I, although does not know that you have anything to plan, since this is your decision, I promise you!” 司徒玄顿了顿,说道:“我虽然不知道你有什么打算,但是既然这是你的决定,我答应你!” Quick, Chu Yunfan three days later must meet the ominous king of beasts, disappears without a trace in News of Beyond Heaven universe, quick becomes all person focuses. 很快,楚云凡三天之后要约战凶兽王,就在天外宇宙的消息就不胫而走,很快就成为所有人关注的焦点。 All people are very strange, why Chu Yunfan will propose the views of three days of wars. 所有人都很奇怪,为什么楚云凡会提出三天之战的说法。 Three days, three days later what can change?” “三天,难道三天之后就能够改变什么么?” He now immediately Breakthrough, three days of also insufficiently from Half-Step king Jing Breakthrough to king Jing!” “就算他现在马上突破,三天的时间也不够从半步王境突破到王境吧!” „Does he plan to do? Can use these three days of processing things to do after death?” “到底他打算干什么?难道是要利用这三天处理后事么?” Many people are shocked, does not know that actually Chu Yunfan has what goal, various guesses suddenly, on noise dust. 许多人都震惊,不知道楚云凡究竟有什么样的目的,各种猜测一时间,喧嚣尘上。 But flying immortal sect high and low is shocked all, particularly three days later, after Chu Yunfan must goes to News of war ominous king of beasts to spread, suddenly, thinks in front of Chu Yunfan honored and popular the character, goes to the startled cloud peak to see Chu Yunfan. 而飞仙宗上下无不为之震惊,尤其是三天之后,楚云凡就要前往大战凶兽王的消息传出之后,一时间,自认为在楚云凡面前有头有脸的人物,都纷纷前往惊云峰要见楚云凡 Chu Yunfan is the hope that our flying immortal sect rises up and down, how can such obvious scheme!” 楚云凡是我们飞仙宗上下崛起的希望啊,怎么可以中这样明显的计谋啊!” This obviously is a trap, Senior Brother Chu goes unable to go!” “这明显就是一个陷阱啊,楚师兄前往不能去啊!” Senior Brother Chu please three think!” 楚师兄请三思啊!” However these want to see the Chu Yunfan people prevented outside. 然而这些想见楚云凡的人统统都被阻挡在了外面。 In outside, those who let all person somewhat surprised is, originally has killed the ominous king of beasts of eye agreed with three days later insanely unexpectedly in the decisive battle of Beyond Heaven. 在外界,让所有人都有些意外的是,原本已经杀疯了眼睛的凶兽王居然同意了三天之后在天外的决战。 As if only revenges this goal to be the same for the old perspiration king. 仿佛是真的只是为了老汗王报仇这一个目的一样。 However has the discerning person to look, only feared that is this ominous king of beasts back person of forces him to agree. 然而有明眼人就能够看得出来,只怕是这一头凶兽王背后的人逼迫他同意的。 If he did not agree, Chu Yunfan simply directly hides in the flying immortal sect does not come out, then their these hope the person who Chu Yunfan dies may probably grasp blindly. 如果他不同意,楚云凡干脆直接躲在飞仙宗之内不出来的话,那么他们这些希望楚云凡死的人可就要抓瞎了。 Once Chu Yunfan Breakthrough to king Jing, then all may thoroughly throw away carelessly. 而一旦楚云凡突破到王境,那么一切的一切可就彻彻底底打了水漂。 Once steps into king Jing, Chu Yunfan will become entire world topest existence, will control the world the rise and fall, perhaps nobody can kill radically again he. 一旦踏入王境,楚云凡就会成为全天下最顶尖的存在,主宰天下的兴亡,恐怕根本没人再能够杀的了他。 Now since Chu Yunfan complies with three days later comes out a war, this is the best result. 现在楚云凡既然答应三天之后出来一战,这就是最好的结果。 As for three days during, what matter does Chu Yunfan possibly make? 至于三天的时间之中,楚云凡可能做出什么事情? All people do not spare a glance. 所有人都不屑一顾。 Three days of can , complete Breakthrough? 三天的时间,难道还能完成突破么? Suddenly, the entire world focuses attention on, the ominous king of beasts retreats, among the world restored several days of tranquilities with great difficulty. Especially the big summer dynasty North common people went south while this opportunity in abundance. 一时间,整个天下都为之瞩目,凶兽王退去,天下间好不容易才恢复了几天的平静。尤其是大夏皇朝北方的百姓更是趁着这个机会纷纷南下。 Although South also has the demon clan to wreak havoc, however compares to slaughtering that ominous king of beasts this does not reason with, even if the demon clan does not have him to be cut-throat. 虽然南方也有魔族肆虐,然而比起凶兽王这样毫不讲理的杀戮来说,即便是魔族都没有他凶狠。 „After this fights, among the world again did not have Chu Yunfan!” “这一战之后,天下间就再也没有楚云凡了!” Present age youngster was planned supremely actually lethal, the will of the people is really in the world ugliest thing!” “一个当世的少年至尊却被算计致死,人心真是天底下最为丑陋的东西!” This is also very normal, explained that he has not assigned, the luck is also part of strength, he does not have that reaching world life, even if there is such talent to be also useful!” “不过这也很正常,说明他没有命,运气也是实力的一部分,他没有那个登顶天下的命,即便有那样的天赋又有什么用!” Even if in Ancient Era Heaven's Proud, the Chu Yunfan matter also has caused the stir. 即便是在古代天骄之中,楚云凡的事情也引起了轰动。 However most people were a pity, this and once linked them also to think incomparably dazzling existence, wanted soon after to be similar to meteor general fallen. 不过大多数人都在可惜,这而曾经连他们也觉得无比耀眼的存在,要在不久之后如同流星一般陨落了。 Three days of blink passes, in all people are similar to the anticipations that experiences one day like a year, three days later arrives. 三天的时间眨眼即逝,在所有人如同度日如年的期待之中,三天之后到来。 The prairie deep place, a figure giant ominous beast crawls above the prairie, each breath is similar to the Thunder thunderclap is ordinary, the figure is similar to a incomparable gigantic mountain, looks like, is quite fearful. 草原深处,一头身形巨大的凶兽匍匐在草原之上,每一次呼吸都如同雷霆霹雳一般,身形如同一座巨大无比的山岳,看起来,极为可怕。 This is the recent reputation rises up, ominous king of beasts who ominous spreads over the world. 这正是最近名声鹊起,凶名传遍天下的凶兽王。 But in its front, wears the magnificent robe man to bow slightly. 而在它的前面,一个身穿华袍的男子正微微鞠躬。 Your Sect Master made me withdraw from the big summer dynasty three days, I have achieved, you went back to tell you Sect Master, did not need him saying that I must tear to shreds that Chu Yunfan!” “你们宗主让我退出大夏皇朝三天,我已经做到了,你回去告诉你们宗主,不用他说,我也要将那个楚云凡碎尸万段!” Ominous king of beasts angry roaring, sound such as Thunder is ordinary. 凶兽王愤怒的咆哮,声如雷霆一般。 But that magnificent robe men before him only thought that the back sends coolly, in front of this ominous king of beasts every time, must bear the tremendous pressure in mind. 而在他面前的那个华袍男子都只觉得后背发凉,在这一头凶兽王面前的每时每刻,都要承受着心灵上的巨大压力。 As if momentarily possibly was swallowed by this ominous king of beasts one. 仿佛随时都可能被这一头凶兽王一口吞掉。 In fact, this has possibility! 事实上,这是非常有可能的! This ominous king of beasts since innumerable years ago becomes famous starting is the incomparable tyranny, except for previous generation's old perspiration king, is occupied by him who nobody can surrender radically. 这一头凶兽王自从无数年前成名的时候开始便是无比的暴虐,除了上一代的老汗王,根本没有人能够降服的住他。 Then on the help of Your Highness Many Thanks!” This magnificent robe man bows to say slightly. “那就多谢殿下的帮忙了!”这个华袍男子微微鞠躬说道。 „!” “切!” Ominous king of beasts coldly cast aside this magnificent robe man saying: These many years passed by, in your Human Race such love fights, simply does not have any change, no wonder these many years, do not have any progress!” 凶兽王冷冷的撇了一眼这个华袍男子说道:“这么多年过去了,你们人族还是这么爱内斗,根本没有任何的变化,难怪这么多年,都没有任何进步!” Also in because just we like fighting, has given you by the opportunity not?” This magnificent robe man opens the mouth to say reluctantly. “可是也正因为我们爱内斗,才给了您以机会不是么?”这个华袍男子勉强开口说道。 Ha!” Ominous king of beasts laughed heartily, the entire prairie vibrated because of his laughter. „In your Human Race more is likes fighting, is better, you roll, I must kill Chu Yunfan!” “哈哈哈哈哈!”凶兽王哈哈大笑了起来,整个草原都因为他的笑声而震动。“你们人类越是爱内斗,越好,你滚吧,我要去杀楚云凡了!” Ominous king of beasts loudly shouted, in huge eyes glitters excessively astonishingly ominous vast, the terrifying figure has stood slowly, then the under foot treads the astonishing ray to go in the Beyond Heaven day direction. 凶兽王一声大喝,巨大的双眸中闪烁过惊人的凶茫,恐怖的身形缓缓站了起来,然后脚下踏着惊人的光芒朝着天外天的方向而去。 This magnificent robe man has delivered the one breath immediately, facing this ominous king of beasts, the pressure was really too big, obviously he is also domain boundary Peak, however faced the king boundary time, still collapsed at the first blow. 这个华袍男子顿时送了一口气,面对这一头凶兽王,压力实在是太大了,明明他也已经是领域境巅峰,然而面对王境的时候,依然不堪一击。 Frequently can feel, oneself are similar to the ants is common, at all is not the match. 时时刻刻都能够感受到,自己如同蝼蚁一般,根本不是对手。 Chu Yunfan, your good luck to the end, I must make you pay with a life for my son!” 楚云凡,你的好命到头了,我要让你为我儿偿命!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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