CF :: Volume #25

#2484: Human Race inside story

Chapter 2360 第2360章 Human Race inside story 人族的底蕴 Quick, the origin of this ominous king of beasts was dug came out, this is an ominous beast that the previous generation prairie old perspiration king rears in a pen since childhood. 很快,这一头凶兽王的来历就被挖了出来了,这是上一代草原老汗王所从小圈养的一头凶兽。 On fights up and down the country along with rising of old perspiration king can say, has established perspiration horse contribution(s). 伴随着老汗王的崛起可以说的上是南征北战,立下了汗马功劳 Afterward went into seclusion along with going into seclusion of old perspiration king, but compared with Human Race powerhouse, the life of ominous beast wanted long many. 后来伴随着老汗王的隐退而隐退,但是和人类强者比起来,凶兽的寿命要漫长的多了。 Old perspiration king Nianlao goes into seclusion, but regarding that ominous king of beasts, the life was just in the Peak time. 老汗王年老才隐退,但是对于那一头凶兽王来说,人生刚刚处于巅峰期。 Before old perspiration king died in the hand of Chu Yunfan, this ominous king of beasts just Breakthrough to king Jing, came to retaliate. 之前老汗王死在楚云凡的手上,这一头凶兽王刚刚突破到王境,就前来报复了。 Is only thinking revenging king Jing had terrifying how, quick has shown, in the north side crazy destruction of big summer dynasty. 一尊只想着报仇王境有多么的恐怖,很快就展现了出来,在大夏皇朝的北边疯狂的破坏。 king Jing expert makes a move, but is within very short time, can destroy a big city. 一尊王境高手出手,不过是很短的时间之内,就能够摧毁一座大城市。 In a big city, at least some tens of millions people, for several days, countless people had died a tragic death in the hand of this ominous king of beasts. 一座大城之内,起码有数千万人,短短几天的时间,就已经无数人惨死在了这一头凶兽王的手中。 Suddenly, the world in an uproar, the world is furious. 一时间,天下哗然,天下震怒。 Since big summer dynasty has established, has not had such matter, never has the person to be able in the big summer dynasty so dissolute. 自从大夏皇朝建立以来,还从来没有发生过这样的事情,还从来没有人能够在大夏皇朝如此的放肆。 If in usually, only feared that during the big summer dynasty any King made a move, can suppress the ominous king of beasts who this had just promoted the King with ease. 如果是在平时,只怕大夏皇朝之中任何一尊王者出手,都可以轻松镇压了这个刚刚晋升王者的凶兽王。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” In Im­pe­r­ial Capital hears the person of king Fennu angry roaring sound, but he is unable to make a move, he was diverted. 帝都之中传来人王愤怒的怒吼声,但是他无法出手,他被牵制住了。 Not is only in demon clan the most formidable demon Lord, had Monster Race, reckless clan, the uncivilized nationalities, all king Jing expert in Ocean Race throws above Im­pe­r­ial Capital the formidable aura, this was do not meddle in the warning person king. 不仅仅是魔族之中最强大的魔主,更有妖族,胡族,蛮族,海族之中的各方王境高手都将自己强大的气息投到了帝都之上,这是在警告人王不要插手。 Even assumed personal command also to be diverted in regional big summer dynasty king Jing expert. 甚至就连坐镇在各地的大夏皇朝王境高手也都被牵制住了。 Suddenly, big big summer dynasty could not find one to restrain existence of this ominous king of beasts unexpectedly. 一时间,偌大的大夏皇朝居然找不到一个能够克制这个凶兽王的存在。 Compared with slaughtering of ordinary demon clan army, this ominous king of beasts for calamity, because during the big summer dynasty even linked contends with his existence not to have slightly. 比起普通魔族大军的屠戮来说,这一头凶兽王为祸更甚,因为大夏皇朝之中甚至连稍微抗衡一下他的存在都没有。 Half-Step king Jing compares, eventually is also only Half-Step king Jing, but is not king Jing, even if one group of Half-Step king Jing on together, absolutely is not king Jing the match. 半步王境相比起来,终究也只是半步王境,而不是王境,就算是一群半步王境一起上,也绝对不是王境的对手。 I only kill Chu Yunfan, so long as Chu Yunfan died, I retreat!” “我只杀楚云凡,只要楚云凡死了,我就退去!” After slaughters wantonly, this ominous king of beasts has said this words. 在大肆杀戮之后,这一头凶兽王放出了这个话来。 Many people one hear, are suck in a breath of cold air, obviously, this is must persecute to death Chu Yunfan. 许多人将一听,便是倒吸一口冷气,显然,这是要逼死楚云凡 If Chu Yunfan exits, that is the dead end, but he , if not exit, must face denouncing in word and in writing of countless person. 楚云凡若是出去,那就是死路一条,可是他要是不出去,就要面临无数人的口诛笔伐。 This is must persecute to death Chu Yunfan, persecutes to death this Human Race so far most to have possibility Breakthrough becomes king Jing expert. 这是要逼死楚云凡,逼死这个人族目前为止最有可能突破成为王境的高手 Even this is Ocean Race, reckless clan, the uncivilized nationalities, Monster Race, the demon clan and other alien race of the ideas. 甚至这就是海族,胡族,蛮族,妖族,魔族等异族的想法。 Existence of Chu Yunfan, looks like in many people, has become a huge threat. 楚云凡的存在,在许多人看起来,已经成了一个巨大的威胁。 Even if he at present also merely is only Half-Step king Jing, however looks like in many people, sooner or later will promote into king Jing. 哪怕他目前还仅仅只是半步王境,但是在许多人看起来,迟早会晋升成为王境。 When he promotes king Jing, without a doubt, the Human Race strength will obtain the enormous enhancement, this is many people are not willing to see. 等到他晋升王境,毫无疑问,人族的力量会得到极大的增强,这也是许多人不愿意看到的。 Really, after the ominous king of beasts said such words, the wind direction of entire world changed, starting has a view faintly, is makes Chu Yunfan prevent this ominous king of beasts. 果然,就在凶兽王说出了这样的话之后,整个天下的风向都变了,开始隐隐有一种说法,就是让楚云凡去阻止这一头凶兽王。 Because of his relations, has implicated the deaths of big summer dynasty North innumerable life. 因为他的关系,牵连了大夏皇朝北方无数生灵的死亡。 Many people as if thoroughly have forgotten Chu Yunfan for whom, but in thorough prairie! 许多人似乎已经彻底忘记了楚云凡是为了谁而深入草原之中! Was too hateful, they said, isn't wants to force you to fight with that ominous king of beasts?” “太可恶了,他们这么说,不就是想要逼迫你与那一头凶兽王一战么?” In the flying immortal sect, Situ has patted the arm rest of throne unreliably ruthlessly, is in an uncontrollable rage. 飞仙宗之内,司徒玄狠狠拍了一下王座的扶手,怒不可遏。 Chu Yunfan, you do not need to be worried, you keep in the flying immortal sect cultivation, after Breakthrough to king Jing, goes out again, I do not believe that that ominous king of beasts can also kill in my flying immortal sect inadequate!” 楚云凡,你不用担心,你就留在飞仙宗内修行,等到突破到王境之后再出关,我就不信了,那一头凶兽王还能够杀到我飞仙宗内来不成!” Situ Xuan is in an uncontrollable rage, although flying immortal sect the foreign attack strength is insufficient, but has left king Jing expert after all, therefore faced ominous king of beasts this just actually not to fear Breakthrough to expert of king boundary, defended stubbornly or has more than enough to spare. 司徒玄怒不可遏,飞仙宗虽然对外攻击实力不足,但是毕竟是出过王境高手的,所以面对凶兽王这样刚刚突破到王境的高手其实并不怎么惧怕,固守还是绰绰有余的。 He can certainly look, the sinister intention of person this back adds fuel to the flames. 他当然看得出来,这背后推波助澜的人的险恶用心。 Even the North defense line pierces, ignores that ominous king of beasts runs amuck recklessly, even can see the destiny sect that old Sect Master form. 甚至北方防线洞穿,放任那一头凶兽王肆意横行,其中甚至可以看到天命宗那个老宗主的身影。 After all now follows orders to guard the North border is that old Sect Master of destiny sect. 毕竟现在奉命驻守北方边境的就是天命宗的那个老宗主 Behind this who is adding fuel to the flames, isn't that clear? 这背后谁在推波助澜,那还不是一目了然么? Otherwise by the destiny clan elder Sect Master strength, even if were diverted, must block that ominous king of beasts to go south. 否则以天命宗老宗主的实力,即便被人牵制住了,要拦住那一头凶兽王南下还是可以的。 I again have a look, who first cannot bear, once that domestic animal slaughters excessively abundantly, he will become my Human Race high and low public enemy, he died!” “我就再看看,到底谁先忍不住,一旦那一头畜生杀戮过盛,他就会成为我人族上下的公敌,他死定了!” Situ profound facial color pale saying. 司徒玄面色铁青的说道。 He as Human Race most Top Level High Level, naturally knows this point that the Human Race inside story, in the surface sees from afar incessantly, but usually does not appear. 他身为人族顶级高层,自然知道人族的底蕴,远远不止表面上看到的这一点,只是平时并不显现罢了。 Once this ominous king of beasts slaughters excessively abundantly, will cause that the inside story in Human Race sends out, this ominous king of beasts will pay at that time the price. 而一旦这一头凶兽王杀戮过盛,就会引得人族之中的底蕴出动,到那个时候这一头凶兽王就会付出代价。 Ominous king of beasts who trivial just promoted king Jing, if makes entire Human Race have no alternative up and down, that Human Race only feared that already perished. 区区一个刚刚晋升王境的凶兽王,如果就让整个人族上下无可奈何的话,那人族只怕早就已经灭亡了。 In that case, casualty was too serious, every time drags for day, is the massive losses!” “可是那样的话,死伤太惨重了,每拖一天,都是巨大的损失!” Chu Yunfan looks that Situ Xuan said. 楚云凡看着司徒玄说道。 I know, behind some people are adding fuel to the flames, have the person in Human Race, there is the person outside Human Race, the person in Human Race I probably am know that nothing but is that old fogy of destiny sect, these villains led by him!” “我知道,这背后有人在推波助澜,有人族内的人,也有人族外的人,人族内的人我大约是知道的,无非是天命宗的那个老家伙,还有以他为首的那些小人!” Chu Yunfan indifferently said: They already wanted me dead, as for the Human Race future, wants not to come in their consideration scopes, but as for other alien races outside Human Race, that was simpler, they also want taking advantage of this, actually to have a look at the Human Race inside story are anything!” 楚云凡冷淡的说道:“他们早就想要我死了,至于人族的未来,想来不在他们的考虑范围之内,而至于人族之外的其他异族,那就更简单了,他们也想借着这个就会,看看人族的底蕴究竟是什么!” Since you know, that was good, does not want the fell into a trap!” Situ profound quickly said. “既然你知道的话,那就好了,千万不要中计!”司徒玄连忙说道 Sorry, Sect Master!” “抱歉,宗主!” Chu Yunfan stands up, said: Among the world sometimes, something can not be done, something actually must some people be done, my impossible ignores ominous king of beasts to continue to slaughter!” 楚云凡站起身,说道:“天下间有时候,有些事情可以不做,有些事情却必须有人去做,我不可能放任凶兽王继续屠戮下去!” You must bring death!” Situ Xuan has a big shock to say immediately, the hope that their flying immortal sect high and low will rise places the body of Chu Yunfan, how possibly helplessly looks that Chu Yunfan such brings death. “你这是要去送死!”司徒玄顿时大惊失色说道,他们飞仙宗上下都将崛起的希望放在楚云凡的身上,怎么可能眼睁睁的看着楚云凡就这么去送死。 clear(ly) knows that this was a death trap also brings death, was that stupid? 明知道这是一个死亡陷阱还去送死,那岂不是愚蠢么? Relax, this one step, I have thought!” Chu Yunfan said, I do not handle the matter that has not grasped, these time goes to not to bring death, but must cut that domestic animal!” “放心,这一步,我已经想好了!”楚云凡说道,“我可不做没有把握的事情,这一次去也不是为了送死,而是要斩了那一头畜生!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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