CF :: Volume #25

#2487: You could die

Chapter 2363 第2363章 You could die 你可能会死 The everyone heart jumps, the fearfulness of this ominous king of beasts, is naturally without a doubt, after any life Breakthrough to king Jing, will have the tremendous changes. 众人心头一跳,这一头凶兽王的可怕,自然是毋庸置疑的,任何生灵突破到了王境之后,都会发生翻天覆地的变化。 The jump of life level will be an astonishing degree, and can inherit in the way of bloodlines own tyrannical physique. 生命层次的跃迁将会达到一种惊人的程度,并且可以将自己的强横体质以血脉的方式传承下去。 This is also the origins of these titled as King physique, is their bloodlines ancestors, traces one generation, had left existence of titled as King Level. 这也是那些封王体质的来源,就是他们的血脉先祖,追溯到某一代,曾经出过封王级别的存在。 But this ominous king of beasts, without a doubt, has such ability, can spread his fearful strength in the bloodlines, spreads the later generation. 而这一头凶兽王,毫无疑问,也拥有这样的能力,能够将他的可怕实力流传在血脉之中,流传后世。 Good!” “不错!” This ominous king of beasts opens the mouth to say slowly. 这一头凶兽王缓缓开口说道。 All people a little were startled, didn't expect this ominous king of beasts such directly acknowledged. 所有人都有点怔住了,没想到这一头凶兽王就这么直接承认了。 You can kill him, is representing, in this domain, you truly drew close in the invincibility!” “你能杀死他,就代表着,在这个领域,你确实已经趋近于无敌!” Ominous king of beasts coldly is casting aside Chu Yunfan, like commending Chu Yunfan. 凶兽王冷冷的撇着楚云凡,像是在称赞楚云凡一样。 However Chu Yunfan actually knows, truly he must say in fact is the old perspiration king. 但是楚云凡却知道,他真正要说的实际上是老汗王。 The old perspiration king is in this realm existence extremely, Chu Yunfan can actually easy cuts to kill him, this is not invincible, that anything is invincible. 老汗王已经是这个境界之中绝顶的存在,楚云凡却可以轻而易举的将他斩杀,这不是无敌,那什么才是无敌。 But is useless, I compared with you, compared with you, at this time, you and I said that what with a realm war, do you think meaningful?” Ominous king of beasts coldly has cast aside Chu Yunfan, opens the mouth to say. “但是没有用,我比你强,就是比你强,这个时候,你与我说什么同境界一战,你觉得有意义么?”凶兽王冷冷的撇了一眼楚云凡,开口说道。 In his sound is very callous, as if in looking at a deceased person is the same, he did not deny Chu Yunfan in the great strength in realm, however was formidable, that was also with realm. 他的声音之中无比冷酷,仿佛在看一个死人一样,他并不否认楚云凡在同境界之中的强大,然而再强大,那也是同境界而已。 Facing became king Jing expert, Chu Yunfan simply does not have tiny bit odds of suc­cess. 面对已经成为了王境高手的自己,楚云凡根本没有一丝一毫的胜算 This ominous king of beasts did not oppose unexpectedly, this Chu Yunfan as tyrannical as what situation?” “这凶兽王居然不反对,这楚云凡得强横到什么地步?” This has Chu Yunfan achieved invincible realm seriously?” “这楚云凡当真已经达到了所向无敌的境界么?” He eventually also merely is only Half-Step king Jing, but is not genuine king Jing, otherwise, the ominous king of beasts perhaps not necessarily is his match!” “不过他终究也仅仅只是半步王境,而不是真正的王境,否则的话,凶兽王恐怕未必是他的对手吧!” Some people said. 有人说道。 However his words obtained the approvals of many person. 不过他的话得到了很多人的认可。 At least looks like, the Chu Yunfan present power and influence is astonishing. 起码看起来,楚云凡现在的威势惊人。 Therefore I said, he will choose a war, simply is stupid, he can definitely , after Breakthrough to king Jing, comes out again a war, the gentleman revenges for ten years not to be late!” Appearance that also some people of shook the head, is a pity. “所以我才说,他会选择出来一战,简直是愚不可及,他完全可以等到突破到王境之后,再出来一战,正所谓君子报仇十年不晚!”也有人摇了摇头,一副十分可惜的样子。 Regarding many people, Chu Yunfan is during the present age is most likely to attack into various Huang same existence, but wants fallen now here, this is the matter that is a pity. 对于很多人来说,楚云凡是当世之中最有可能冲击成为诸皇一样的存在,但是现在就要陨落在这里,这是何等可惜的事情。 However this is his say/way heart, if he gave up, perhaps his say/way heart collapsed!” Some people saw being in a dilemma, on must die, on words, own say/way heart did not collapse. “然而这就是他的道心,如果他放弃了,恐怕他自己的道心就崩溃了!”有人看出了这其中的两难,上要死,不上的话,自己的道心就随之崩溃了。 These people are cultivation, naturally understands, once the heart collapses, that is the fearful consequence. 这些人都是修行者,自然明白,一旦道心崩溃,那是何等可怕的后果。 Was good, the idle talk said that sufficed!” “好了,废话已经说够了!” The ominous king of beasts sets out slowly, that huge body looked at the past from afar, was similar to a mountain range sets out to be the same, was quite fearful. 凶兽王缓缓起身,那巨大的身躯远远看过去,如同一座山脉起身了一样,极为可怕。 You are strange, that is strange, you were extremely outstanding, want the person who you died to be too many, this Era, should not have your such person!” “你要怪,那就怪,你太过优秀,要你死的人太多了,这个时代,不应该有你这样的人!” The ominous king of beasts opens the mouth slowly, however in his words disclosed that too many information were frightening. 凶兽王缓缓开口,但是他的话语之中透露出了太多的信息让人心惊。 Some people do not want Chu Yunfan to live, no, should say, many people do not think Chu Yunfan to live, will otherwise not release people this ominous king of beasts to kill the north of big summer dynasty to wreak havoc. 有人不想要楚云凡活,不,应该说,有很多人都不想楚云凡活,否则的话也不会放人这一头凶兽王杀进了大夏皇朝的北部肆虐。 Therefore died many lives, does not know many lives, in certain person eyes, so long as can eradicate Chu Yunfan, all these are worth. 因此死去了多少生灵,不知道多少条生命,在某些人眼里,只要能够铲除掉楚云凡,这一切都是值得的。 Bang!” “轰!” This ominous king of beasts angry roaring, entire body starting comes toward the Chu Yunfan long-range raid, that is actually fearful, looks like sparks/Mars hits Earth to be the same, terrifying, almost makes countless people feel that holds the breath to collect the god. 这一头凶兽王一声愤怒的咆哮,整个身体开始朝着楚云凡奔袭而来,那其实可怕至极,就像是火星撞击地球一样,恐怖的一幕,几乎让无数人都感觉到屏息敛神。 No, should say, looking like Sun must hit Earth to be the same, the terrifying power and influence makes countless people shock sufficiently. 不,应该说,就像是太阳要撞击地球一样,恐怖的威势足以让无数人都为之震撼。 The ominous king of beasts has not even used any fearful Divine Ability, is relying on own formidable mortal body merely, sufficiently sweeps away all powerful enemies. 凶兽王甚至都没有使用什么可怕的神通,仅仅凭借着自身强大的肉身,就足以横扫一切强敌。 Bang!” “轰!” Chu Yunfan finally and ominous king of beasts collided on, all these mentioned are long, the regulations were only one instantaneous, the Chu Yunfan First time took the bull by the horns, in the hand grabbed the Mountain and Rivers cauldron, then pounded one with the ominous king of beasts fiercely all of a sudden. 楚云凡终于和凶兽王碰撞上了,这一切说来长,实则不过只是一个瞬间而已,楚云凡第一时间当机立断,手里抓着山河鼎,然后猛地一下子与凶兽王砸到了一起。 Dong 当! After intense collision, is one just like gold/metal Tiejiao calls the general terrifying sound, changed to a Energy mighty current toward to sweep across in all directions, in the surroundings of both sides fighting place, universe hit avalanche, there has become ruined places. 激烈的碰撞之后,是一声犹如金铁交鸣一般的恐怖声音,化作一股能量洪流朝着四面八方席卷了开来,在双方交手处的周围,宇宙都被打的崩塌了,那里成了一片破败之地。 Next split second, the Chu Yunfan figure was similar to the kite of line was the same, has flown upside down directly. 一瞬间,楚云凡的身形如同断了线的风筝一样,直接倒飞了出去。 Victory and defeat already difference!” “胜负已分!” In the mind of many people, cannot help but exited these four characters, even some people thought that was really too pitiful. 在许多人的脑海之中,都不由得转出了这四个字,甚至有些人觉得实在是太可悲了。 Even if before is, Chu Yunfan has prepared that many trump card, many methods, however in front of genuine king Jing expert, do not have any significance. 就算是之前楚云凡准备了那么多的底牌,有多少手段,但是在真正的王境高手面前,都没有任何意义。 Absolute strength crush all, even if Half-Step king Jing expert is hit by king Jing expert ruthlessly, has not hit the blood fog city directly is good. 绝对的实力碾压一切,就算是一尊半步王境的高手被一尊王境的高手狠狠撞一下,没有直接撞成血雾都算是不错了。 Basically does not die, must make heavy losses, the five main internal organs (entrails) was rumbled to explode, the four limbs bone fracture, the whole body bleeds. 基本上不死,都要被重创,五脏六腑被轰爆,四肢骨折,全身流血。 This is the terrifying picture that many people imagine. 这就是很多人所想象的恐怖画面。 However what makes their disappointed is, all these have not occurred. 然而让他们失望的是,这一切并没有发生。 Sky has blasted open, however the Chu Yunfan figure after flying not long, to stay. 天穹炸裂了开来,但是楚云凡的身形在飞出去之后没有多久,就停留了下来。 Facial expression white red of Chu Yunfan, this is his within the body Qi and Blood is turning wells up, during the collision, his collided Qi and Blood turned wells up, both hands felt the paralysis. 楚云凡的神情一阵白一阵红,这是他体内气血正在翻涌,在刚才的碰撞之中,他被碰撞的气血翻涌,双手都感觉到麻痹。 king Jing expert hits fully, is such fearful matter. 一尊王境高手全力撞击,就是这么可怕的事情。 However was given to prevent by him. 然而还是被他给阻挡住了。 king Jing expert, mediocre!” Chu Yunfan loudly said, all people with amazement, at this time they responded, can crack-up under a terrifying hit of entire mountain range in that a moment ago, unexpectedly Chu Yunfan has not been similar to they thinks like that caused heavy losses. “王境高手,不过如此!”楚云凡高声说道,所有人都骇然,此时他们都纷纷反应过来,在刚才那能够撞碎一整座山脉的恐怖撞击之下,楚云凡居然没有如同他们所想想的那般被重创。 „Haven't you died unexpectedly?” The ominous king of beasts has observed closely Chu Yunfan stubbornly, in the huge look flashes through several points of accident/surprise, as if also didn't expect this strikes, not only has not killed Chu Yunfan, even makes him cause heavy losses continually cannot achieve. “你竟然没死?”凶兽王死死的盯住了楚云凡,巨大的眼神之中闪过几分意外,似乎也没想到这一击非但没杀死楚云凡,甚至连让他重创都做不到。 „If only such degree, today, you could die!” Chu Yunfan looks at the ominous king of beasts, grasps toward Void, shining Medicine Pill has grasped, swallowed in the mouth. “如果只是这样的程度的话,今天,你可能会死!”楚云凡看着凶兽王,朝着虚空一抓,一枚金灿灿的丹药抓了出来,吞服进了口中。 In an instant, formidable Energy has emitted from his each cell, he seems the volcano that will soon erupt, has the terrifying strength to seethe with excitement in his body. 刹那间,一股强大的能量从他的每一个细胞之中喷吐了出来,他就好似一座即将喷发的火山,有恐怖的力量在他的身体之中沸腾。 Crushes all! 粉碎一切! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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