CF :: Volume #24

#2388: Giant book collection treasure house

Chapter 2265 第2265章 Giant book collection treasure house 巨大的藏书宝库 The undercurrent surges. 暗流涌动。 Chu Yunfan has become being the target of public criticism, but he actually like is a bystander, does not care about these differences the vision. 不知不觉之间,楚云凡已经成了众矢之的,不过他自己却像是没事人一样,并不在乎这些异样的目光。 Does not know nothing, but has the absolute confidence to own strength! 并非一无所知,只是对自己的实力有绝对的信心! These people think that nothing but wants one step ahead before him to achieve the domain boundary, then copes with him. 这些人所想的,无非是想在他之前先一步达到领域境,然后再来对付他。 However when the time comes whose one step ahead strides in domain boundary, that was two says! 不过到时候先一步跨入领域境,那还是两说呢! Dong 当! Long dings resound, the form appeared together slowly in Void, everyone fixed the eyes on looked that was one is tall, a middle-aged man of magnificent long gown. 一声声悠悠钟声响起,一道身影缓缓浮现在了虚空之中,众人定睛一看,那是一个身材高大,一身华丽长袍的中年男子。 This middle-aged man country character square features, the color/look of eyebrow belt dignity, has the potential of looking disdainfully world, is only static standing erect above Sky, has a pressure numerous Heaven's Proud power and influence. 这个中年男子国字方脸,却眉带威严之色,有睥睨天下之势,只是静静的矗立在天穹之上,就有威压一众天骄的威势。 Has seen too Sir Wei!” “见过太尉大人!” Numerous present age Heaven's Proud of influence in abundance set out to salute, but these Ancient Era inheritance Heaven's Proud also along with it saluting. 一众当世势力的天骄纷纷起身行礼,而那些古代传承的天骄们也都随之行礼。 Comes the person is not others, is now big summer dynasty military First, appoint, big summer Taiwei. 来人不是别人,正是当今大夏皇朝军方第一任,大夏太尉。 Is a look, made many Heaven's Proud feel the huge pressure, many people finally thought at this time, in the big summer dynasty pressure present age situation, can become military number one person. 仅仅是一个眼神,就让诸多的天骄感受到了巨大的压力,许多人此时才终于想起来,在大夏皇朝威压当世的局势之中,能够成为军方第一人 This big summer too Wei Juedui is not like that merely has the attainments to the military tactics that many people think, the strength also absolutely can be called present age one of the strongest ranks. 这大夏太尉绝对不是许多人所想的那般,仅仅只是对兵法非常有造诣,本身的实力也绝对称得上当世最强的行列之一。 Only feared that is Sect Master of ten big influences cannot catch up with big summer too Wei's tyrannical. 只怕是十大势力的宗主都赶不上大夏太尉的强横。 Chu Yunfan is estimating the big summer too Wei's strength secretly, before he and big summer too Wei Shili differed too far, just like day and the place is ordinary, he cannot realize the tiny bit big summer too Wei's strength. 楚云凡暗自揣摩着大夏太尉的实力,以前他和大夏太尉实力相差太远,犹如天与地一般,他根本不能察觉到一丝一毫大夏太尉的实力。 both sides radically not in a level. 双方根本就不在一个层次之中。 However now is different, although the disparity of both sides is still very big, but gradually has actually pulled closer. 然而现在却不同,虽然双方的差距依然很大,但是却已经逐步拉近了。 At least Chu Yunfan can feel that big summer too Wei's, but before, Chu Yunfan can only feel summer Taiwei is similar to the abyss generally is greatly immeasurably deep. 起码楚云凡已经能够感觉到大夏太尉的强,而以前,楚云凡只能够感受到大夏太尉如同深渊一般深不可测。 By the Chu Yunfan sensation, big summer too Wei's strength in Situ profound above, there is a possibility is titled as King powerhouse, even if not, definitely is domain boundary Peak. 楚云凡的感知来看,大夏太尉的实力远在司徒玄之上,有可能已经是封王强者,即便不是,也肯定是领域境巅峰 Similarly is Peak, Situ Xuan potential obviously compares to the big summer too Wei's in big truncation on the difference, in other words, big summer too Wei extreme may be the Sovereign physique, before was also youngster supreme one. 同样都是巅峰,司徒玄的潜力明显比起大夏太尉就差上一大截,换句话说,大夏太尉极有可能是封皇体质,以前也是少年至尊中的一员。 Before , compared with the present, at that time youngster supremely without doubt was not extremely rare, Era may not have one. 只是以前不比现在,那时候少年至尊无疑是凤毛麟角,一个时代都不一定能够产生一个。 In that case, in the everyone eye, youngster supremely is also part in Heaven's Proud, is only this Heaven's Proud tyrannical was a little excessive. 在那种情况下,在众人眼里,少年至尊也是天骄中的一部分,只是这个天骄强横的有点过分了。 Only then during present this big world, youngster is born supremely more than one, other divided a social stratum by their strong strengths, made everyone find, above Top Level Heaven's Proud, youngster was supreme. 只有在如今这个大世之中,少年至尊出世不止一个,以他们超强的实力另外划分出了一个阶层,才让众人了解到,在顶级天骄之上,还有少年至尊。 Also has the Sovereign physique above the titled as King physique. 封王体质之上还有封皇体质。 However now the Chu Yunfan strength and summer Taiwei differs greatly too far, these are also only his guess, only if his also Breakthrough to the domain boundary, at that time could find out. 不过现在楚云凡的实力和大夏太尉相差太远,这些也都只是他的猜测而已,除非他也突破到领域境,那个时候或许可以一探究竟。 The gods hide the disparity of boundary and domain boundary big, from this can be inferred. 神藏境和领域境的差距有多大,由此可见一斑。 These Heaven's Proud all are the god hides the outstanding person in boundary, but easily was actually suppressed by too Wei. 这些天骄无一不是神藏境之中的佼佼者,但是却被太尉轻而易举的压制下来。 However Chu Yunfan merely somewhat is also curious, after all he and Wei's relations are good, initially also crossed by too Wei Xiangzhu several times. 不过楚云凡也仅仅只是有些好奇而已,毕竟他和太尉的关系还不错,当初也被太尉相助过数次。 Although regarding too Wei, stems from the dignity of maintenance royal government merely, insufficiently regarding in addition at that time also small and weak Chu Yunfan, is precious. 虽然对于太尉来说,仅仅只是出于维护朝廷的尊严,不够对于当时尚且还弱小的楚云凡来说,就已经是弥足珍贵了。 Therefore Chu Yunfan buys his tack very much, naturally, Chu Yunfan did not have that ability to return the favor now, but Chu Yunfan has the self-confidence, in the future will naturally have such a day. 所以楚云凡很领他的情,当然,现在楚云凡还没有那个能力将人情还上,不过楚云凡有自信,未来自然有那样的一天。 Dispense with ceremony!” Big summer too Wei indifferently said, I know that time is very precious, therefore the unnecessary words, I was not many said that this time, hoodwinked your majesty kindness, Heaven's Proud had the opportunity to enter in the imperial family book collection treasure house to peep the classics!” “诸位免礼!”大夏太尉淡淡的说道,“我知道诸位时间都很宝贵,所以多余的话,我也就不多说了,这一次,蒙陛下恩典,诸位天骄才有机会进入皇室藏书宝库之中一窥经典!” Hopes that you treasure this time opportunity well, to trade this time opportunity, your back Sect, have paid not the small price! We hope that do not disappoint this time opportunity!” Big summer Taiwei said. “希望你们好好珍惜这一次的机会,为了换得这一次的机会,你们背后的宗门,都付出了不小的代价!希望你们不要辜负这一次的机会!”大夏太尉说道。 Chu Yunfan only knows, originally behind also has such transaction, but thinks is also, if not the back has the transaction, why the big summer imperial family makes them have the opportunity to enter in the book collection treasure house. 楚云凡这才知道,原来背后还有这样的交易,不过想想也是,如果不是背后有交易,大夏皇室凭什么让他们有机会进入藏书宝库之中。 These may be big summer dynasty do not know the valuable thing that multi- youngster collects, regarding an influence, this is the most precious thing, the law of inheritance is the key that an influence can inherit for a long time is at without a doubt. 这些可都是大夏皇朝不知道多少年来搜集的珍品,对于一个势力来说,这毫无疑问是最珍贵的东西,传承的法才是一个势力能够长久传承下去的关键所在。 Numerous Heaven's Proud as if also already knew, therefore is not strange. 一众天骄似乎也早就已经知晓了,所以也并不奇怪。 However on many faces has shown the facial expression of being eager to try, even also somewhat facial expression of provocation, even if obviously is top expert that summer Taiwei such world have several greatly cannot let these Top Level Heaven's Proud, recognizes youngster to your home instigated. 不过其中有许多人脸上都露出了跃跃欲试的神情,甚至还有几分挑衅的神情,显然即便是大夏太尉这样的天下有数的顶尖高手都不能让这些顶级天骄,少年至尊门认怂。 In them always, oneself and big summer too Wei's disparity, merely is only the issue of time, so long as gives their enough time, even if in the future will have side by side also with big summer too Wei possibly. 在他们向来,自己和大夏太尉的差距,也仅仅只是时间的问题,只要给他们足够的时间,未来即便和大夏太尉相比肩也不是没可能的。 But big summer too Wei like has not seen, is eager to try even some facial expressions of provocation to turn a blind eye regarding these Heaven's Proud, or does not care. 而大夏太尉则像是没看到一样,对于这些天骄们跃跃欲试甚至有些挑衅的神情视若无睹,或者也根本就不放在心上。 Was good, when the next ding sounds, is you leave, moreover can not damage in the treasure house any books, otherwise, you must pay the price!” “好了,在下一次钟声敲响的时候,就是你们离开的时候,另外不得损坏宝库之中任何一本书籍,否则的话,你们要付出代价!” Big summer Taiwei opens the mouth to say. 大夏太尉开口说道。 Yes!” “是!” everyone nods in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 Immediately, big summer too Wei waves, incomparable gigantic the gateway of light appeared in the everyone front. 随即,大夏太尉一挥手,一座巨大无比的光之门户出现在了众人的面前。 The light gate opens slowly, incomparable gigantic book stacks appeared in the everyone front, entire book stacks Void Space was huge, even did not have the means by the everyone eyesight one shortly, like by any law Barrier being cut off. 光门缓缓打开,一座巨大无比的书库出现在了众人的面前,整个书库空间庞大无比,甚至以众人的目力都没办法一眼看到底,像是被什么法阵结界给阻隔住了一样。 In the range that the Chu Yunfan naked eye can see rows of bookshelves are similar to long line boundless Endless. 楚云凡肉眼能够看到的范围之内一排排的书架如同一条长龙无边无尽 But above the bookshelf, a books peaceful exhibition of notebook above the bookshelf, was isolated by small Barrier. 而在书架之上,一本本的书籍安安静静的陈列在书架之上,被一个个小型的结界隔离开来。 Big book stacks, want on big several times compared with the book collection treasure house of our flying immortal sect, was really fierce!” Chu Hongcai cannot help but surprised saying. “好大的一个书库,比我们飞仙宗的藏书宝库要大上好几倍,真的是厉害了!”楚鸿才不由得吃惊的说道。 Because he was just allowed to enter in the book collection treasure house of flying immortal sect a while ago a view. 因为他前段时间才刚刚被允许进入飞仙宗的藏书宝库之中一观。 Therefore also most understood the disparities in two book collection treasure houses. 所以对于两个藏书宝库的差距也是最为了解。 The book collection treasure house of flying immortal sect was astonishing, but compares greatly with the book collection treasure house of summer imperial family, completely was pale into insignificance by comparison. 飞仙宗的藏书宝库已经非常惊人了,但是和大夏皇室的藏书宝库比起来,完全就是小巫见大巫了。 Cannot mention on equal terms, stuff entire half plane unexpectedly. 根本不能相提并论,竟然充塞了一整个半位面 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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