CF :: Volume #24

#2387: The undercurrent surges, plot for the first time presently

Chapter 2264 第2264章 The undercurrent surges, plot for the first time presently 暗流涌动,阴谋乍现 Chu Yunfan and because records from the material somewhat are similar in various aspects with Sword Dustless that Sword Dustless is Sword Dao expert, but Chu Yunfan now seems like not the Sword Dao member, but regulations in the earlier record, once had a Chu Yunfan Sword Dao Cultivation Base very astonishing record. 因为从资料上所记载的楚云凡和和剑无尘在各方面都有些相似,剑无尘是一个剑道高手,而楚云凡现在看起来并不是剑道修士,但是实则在早年的记载当中,也曾经有楚云凡一身剑道修为十分惊人的记载。 In various types of materials, can deduce a fact, was Chu Yunfan possibly obtained the inheritance of Purple Thunder Sword Sect. 在各种资料之中,可以推演出一个事实,就是楚云凡可能曾经得到过紫雷剑宗的传承。 In other words, Chu Yunfan should also be Sword Dao expert, but performance is not very obvious. 换句话说,楚云凡应该也是一个剑道高手,只是表现的并不是很明显而已。 Thunder that in addition Sword Dustless excels is Divine Ability, this is also Divine Ability has the similarity with the thunder that Chu Yunfan excels. 再加上剑无尘所擅长的雷系神通,这也与楚云凡所擅长的雷系神通有相类似之处。 The idle talk the time of both presenting also has the connection, after Sword Dustless is born, kills destiny sect many expert continually, but destiny sect high and low nobody knows unexpectedly this Sword Dustless is any origin. 更遑论从两者出现的时间也有关联,在剑无尘出世之后,连杀天命宗多个高手,而天命宗上下居然没人知道这剑无尘是什么来历。 By Heaven's Proud of this grade of strength, impossible nobody to know, but emitted such one their destiny sect knowing nothing. 以这等实力的天骄,不可能无人知晓,但是偏偏就冒出了这么一个让他们天命宗一无所知的人。 Even let alone is the destiny sect, these Ancient Era inheritance that inherits last years from the antiquity do not know that actually this Sword Dustless is any origin. 甚至别说是天命宗,就连那些从上古末年传承下来的古代传承也不知道这剑无尘究竟是什么来历。 This itself was very strange, where in the world has the person who any Without Foundation braves, even if unauthentic, not too possible not to have entered the Heaven's Chosen War field. 这本身就很奇怪了,天底下哪里有什么凭空冒出来的人,即便是来路不明,也不太可能没有进入过天骄战场。 But under the search of destiny sect inescapable net, had not discovered unexpectedly Sword Dustless whereabouts, but at this time, Chu Yunfan appeared. 而在天命宗天罗地网的搜索之下,居然都没有发现剑无尘的下落,而就在这个时候,楚云凡出现了。 Martial Arts and being different that although both sides show, but that share imposing manner similar, same powerful, the same invincibility, this in the eyes of destiny sect, had suspiciously. 虽然双方展现出来的武学并不尽相同,但是那一股子气势非常的相似,一样的强势,一样的无敌,这在天命宗的眼里,就已经非常有可疑了。 Although cannot proclaim in mouth, even if merely is only some suspicious, regarding the destiny sect, had to kill the reason of Chu Yunfan. 尽管不能宣之于口,但是哪怕仅仅只是有一些可疑,对于天命宗来说,就已经有必杀楚云凡的理由了。 Ning Wang not vertical, Ning Shacuo, does not let off! 宁枉勿纵,宁杀错,不放过! Chu Yunfan and between destiny sects, decidedly and has any gratitude and grudges, conversely, gratitude and grudges, is enormous! 况且楚云凡和天命宗之间,也决然并不是没有什么恩怨,相反的,彼此之间的恩怨,也是极大的! Before Monarch bestowed by heaven bent down to kill the Chu Yunfan matter, nowadays also publicity, no one believes, Chu Yunfan will treat as has not occurred has been same, when this matter has not occurred. 之前君天赐伏杀楚云凡的事情,现如今也可谓是人尽皆知,谁也不相信,楚云凡会当做没有发生过一样,就当此事没有发生过。 Strength that let alone Chu Yunfan nowadays shows was too astounding, had almost saved the defeat potential of flying immortal sect by strength of the yesterday, even has alarmed the entire destiny sect. 何况楚云凡现如今表现出来的实力太让人惊艳,昨天几乎以一己之力挽救了飞仙宗的败势,甚至惊动了整个天命宗。 A night does not have the words, however the back undercurrent surges has not stopped. 一夜无话,但是背后的暗流涌动也从来都没有停止过。 The powerful of flying immortal sect also lets the destiny sect plans to fail, although in the views of many people, present age inherits and between the Ancient Era inheritance the gratitude and grudges is inevitable, unavoidably slaughters, but regarding destiny sect, so long as has defended own basic plate, regardless of other people who wins who loses, finally must fall into the big summer dynasty in the rule. 飞仙宗的强势也让天命宗的许多算计落了空,虽然在许多人看来,当世传承和古代传承之间恩怨不可避免,彼此之间难免厮杀,不过对于天命宗来说,只要守住了自己的基本盘,无论其他人谁胜谁负,最后都要落入大夏皇朝的规则之内。 So long as in rule, is the inheritance of Ancient Era, must change into the present age inheritance. 只要在规则之内,那么就算是古代的传承,也要化为当世的传承。 So long as the choice integrates the present age, then result anything has not distinguished. 只要选择融入当世,那么结局并没有什么分别。 However flying immortal sect supports, instead has disrupted the certain abacuses of destiny sect. 但是飞仙宗撑下来,反而打乱了天命宗的某些算盘。 Let their abacus to become empty/sky. 让他们的算盘成空了。 But these most essential person Chu Yunfan! 而这其中最关键的人正是楚云凡 Any point, sufficiently made the destiny sect produce eradicates the Chu Yunfan thought. 无论是其中的任何一点,都足以让天命宗产生铲除楚云凡的念头了。 He, this Chu Yunfan certainly cannot whether or not let off, otherwise he in the future inevitably is the archenemy of my destiny sect, on the contrary is Huangfu Longhao and the others is not anything, is only Ordinary youngster is supreme!” Gongsun Hong complexion ugly saying. “不论是不是他,这个楚云凡一定不能放过,否则他日后必然是我天命宗的大敌,反倒是皇甫龙浩等人不算什么,只是寻常少年至尊而已!”公孙弘脸色难看的说道。 In his eyes, Huangfu Longhao is not anything, he and Huangfu Longhao had fought repeatedly, although is formidable, but also is only Ordinary youngster is supreme, differs not in a big way with him. 在他的眼里,皇甫龙浩不算什么,他与皇甫龙浩曾经多次交手过,虽然强大,但是却也只是寻常少年至尊,与他相差不大。 However Chu Yunfan is different, the light was only he yesterday that war, eliminated seven to be supreme to youngster that the strength was similar by strength of the, this also merely was his originally hears. 然而楚云凡却不同,光只是他昨天那一战,以一己之力消灭了七个与自己实力相仿的少年至尊,这还仅仅是他原本听说的。 At that time he thought that this is inconceivable, after all is seven youngster is supreme, is not Ordinary Heaven's Proud. 那时候他就已经觉得这是不可思议的,毕竟是七尊少年至尊,又不是寻常天骄 However today sees really understands that yesterday's hearsay was not false. 然而今日一见才真正明白昨天的传闻并不虚假。 Perhaps Chu Yunfan really has to slaughter the youngster supreme ability, although does not know how he is Cultivation to this inhuman degree. 楚云凡恐怕确实有屠戮少年至尊的能力,虽然不知道他是如何修炼到这种非人的程度。 Object who however obviously cannot resist with all one's strength. 不过显然并非可以力敌的对象。 At this time Gongsun Hong somewhat rejoiced, luckily not harebrained going forward, but resorts to the method, making other people the cannon fodder. 此时公孙弘有些庆幸,幸好自己没有冒冒失失的上前,而是动用手段,让其他人成为了炮灰。 Otherwise, now by the whole body scrap that Chu Yunfan pinches, perhaps not to the hot Son of Heaven, but was he. 否则的话,现在被楚云凡捏的全身炸碎的,恐怕就不是离火天王而是他自己了。 Present he already danger, once lets his Breakthrough to the domain boundary, perhaps among the world was difficult to find to govern his person!” Gongsun Hong coldly said. “现在的他就已经十分的危险,一旦让他突破到领域境,恐怕天下间就再难找到能够治他之人了!”公孙弘冷冷的说道 The domain boundary is among the world Cultivation Base extremely, ten big Sect leaders are also such Cultivation Base. 领域境已经是天下间绝顶的修为,十大宗门的掌门人也不过是这样子的修为罢了。 Naturally, they who initially enters the domain boundary, but also does not have compared with the means and these Cultivation many years of old monsters, but also was among world ranks extremely after all. 当然,初入领域境的他们,还没有办法和那些修炼多年的老怪物相比,但是毕竟也已经跨入了天下绝顶的行列。 If wants in view of them again, that was the countless sufferings and hardships. 若是再想要针对他们,那可是千难万难了。 At least compared with the present, on wanting difficult 100 times! 起码比起现在,要难上100倍! After all the god hides the boundary, although is strong, actually can also cope, but the domain boundary was formidable, domain boundary that let alone youngster supreme Cultivation becomes, that is difficult. 毕竟神藏境虽强,却还能对付,但是领域境却非常难对付了,何况还是少年至尊修炼而成的领域境,那就更是难上加难。 By the strength that Chu Yunfan shows now, perhaps is not the manpower can resist!” “不过以楚云凡现在展现出来的实力,恐怕已经不是人力所能够对抗的了!” Has Heaven's Proud of destiny sect fully is panic-stricken saying. 有天命宗的天骄满是惊恐的说道。 The strength that Chu Yunfan shows, has given frighten him, that is far from existence that the Human Race strength can compare. 楚云凡展现出来的实力,已经将他给吓住,那绝非人类的力量能够比拟的了的存在。 Among is the world many life Heaven's Proud of outstanding people are given frighten by Chu Yunfan. 不知不觉之间,连已经是天下间诸多生灵之中的佼佼者的天骄都被楚云凡吓住 Gongsun Hong glanced at this Heaven's Proud, under the heart also understands the outcome that this Heaven's Proud thinks is anything, does not kill people fearfully, what even if kills is youngster is not supremely fearful. 公孙弘看了一眼这个天骄,心下也明白这个天骄所想的究竟是什么,杀人不可怕,哪怕杀的是少年至尊也不可怕。 If Chu Yunfan after a war, cuts to massacre to the hot Son of Heaven and night again unparalleled, even if astounding, actually is also insufficient present this situation. 如果楚云凡是历经一场大战之后,再斩杀掉离火天王和夜无双,那即便让人惊骇,却也不至于到现在这个地步。 However Chu Yunfan was casually has cut to kill two big youngster to be supreme, let alone was these Heaven's Proud, even if were his such youngster is frightened supremely unbearably. 但是楚云凡不过是轻描淡写就已经斩杀了两大少年至尊,别说是这些天骄,即便是他这样的少年至尊都被吓得够呛。 God hides of boundary to be not strong, when I and other Breakthrough to the domain boundary, kill him to be easy as pie!” Saying of Gongsun Hong clenching jaws cannot help but. “神藏境的强不算强,等我等突破到领域境,杀他不过是易如反掌罢了!”公孙弘不由自主的咬牙切齿的说道。 Now makes him look for the trouble of Chu Yunfan, he is not having courage, if strides in the domain boundary, that all are different, the Chu Yunfan present superiority will vanish into thin air. 现在让他去找楚云凡的麻烦,他也没这个胆子,但是一旦跨入领域境,那一切就不一样了,楚云凡现在的优势就会化为乌有。 Waits again, must snatch first Breakthrough before his Breakthrough to the domain boundary, but before then, cannot let him first Breakthrough to the domain boundary, must try to find the solution, disturbs his cultivation!” Gongsun Hong has thought of anything unexpectedly all of a sudden, the corners of the mouth have shown several points of indifferent smiling face. “再等等,一定要抢在他突破之前抢先突破到领域境,不过在此之前,不能让他先突破到领域境,必须要想办法,干扰他的修行!”公孙弘蓦地一下子想到了什么,嘴角露出了几分冷漠的笑容。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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