CF :: Volume #24

#2389: The harvest is significant

Chapter 2266 第2266章 The harvest is significant 收获匪浅 God knows in this, actually many books, many are the outside rarely seen valuable things, even there are in the outside already has been lost this one. 天知道这里面,究竟有多少书籍,许多都是外界难得一见的珍品,甚至有在外界已经失传了的孤品。 Sees these many inheritance classics, the eyes of all people have shone, even if has keen eyesight in withstand/top these youngster supremely and extremely Heaven's Proud also in abundance thinks at present one bright. 看到这么多的传承经典,所有人的眼睛都亮了,哪怕是眼高于顶的那些少年至尊和绝顶天骄也都纷纷觉得眼前一亮。 This is once in a thousand years good opportunity, particularly regarding many Ancient Era inheritance youngster supreme, is once in a thousand years opportunity, their inheritance early already destruction in endless time river. 这可是千载难逢的好机会,尤其是对于许多古代传承的少年至尊来说,更是千载难逢的机会,他们的传承早已经在漫漫的时间长河之中覆灭。 If not this time opportunity, simply possibly has not had such good opportunity, can glance through these classical ancient books. 如果不是这一次的机会,根本没有可能获这么好的机会,可以翻阅这些经典典籍。 Almost was needless to say anything, among the moments, presented all youngster to without a trace that vanished at your convenience. 几乎不用多说什么,片刻之间,在场所有的少年至尊便都消失的无影无踪。 During twinkles, Chu Yunfan appeared before a bookshelf, to avoid conflicting, each youngster Heaven's Proud, youngster to your home tacit separated the different places to watch. 一处闪烁之间,楚云凡已经出现在了一个书架之前,为了避免冲突,各个少年天骄,少年至尊门默契的分开到了不同的地方观看。 The time are not much, only then one month, but by youngster to Cultivation Base of your home, one month, enough will want to see saw. 时间不多,只有一个月的时间,不过以少年至尊门的修为,一个月的时间,足够将自己想要看到的都看到了。 Chu Yunfan discovered quickly, the book above bookshelf, unexpectedly completely is domain boundary the personally written letters of cultivation comprehension, other high realm, or the low realm books do not have. 楚云凡很快就发现,在书架之上的书,竟然全部都是领域境的修行感悟的手札,其他高一层的境界,或者低一层的境界的书籍统统都没有。 This indicated that after these books should be reorganized, or the Imperial Family book collection treasure house very much may have many, is putting the different level realm books. 这说明,这些书籍应该都是被整理之后的了,又或者说,皇家藏书宝库很有可能有很多个,放着不同层次境界的书籍。 In this case, some people need to consult each time, only needed to put them to enter in the different Imperial Family book collection treasure house to be OK. 这样的话,每次有人需要查阅的时候,只需要放他们进入不同的皇家藏书宝库之中就可以了。 However such words, Chu Yunfan has a feeling with amazement regarding the book collection of imperial family. 不过这样的话,楚云凡对于皇室的藏书就更是有一种骇然的感觉。 A book collection of influence has many, to a great extent manifested this influence to have how formidable. 一个势力的藏书有多少,很大程度上就体现出了这个势力到底有多么的强大。 If with being without change of Chu Yunfan guess, then greatly the hideaway strength of summer imperial family is a very astonishing situation. 如果和楚云凡猜测的一般无二的话,那么大夏皇室的隐藏实力将会是一个十分惊人的地步。 However Chu Yunfan thinks is also, the big summer imperial family put down the world outstanding heroes to establish big summer dynasty starting from the great-grandfathergreat-grandmother, did not know multi- youngster. 不过楚云凡想想也是,大夏皇室从太祖扫平天下群雄建立大夏皇朝开始,也不知道过去了多少年 The inside story that accumulates does not know to have many, every year the income part of fixed packing of world since storehouse, but these resources also transform became greatly the inside story of summer imperial family. 积累下来的底蕴也不知道有多少,每年天下的收入都有一部分固定的填充进入内库之中,而这些资源也转化成为了大夏皇室的底蕴。 No wonder until now has the hearsay, these imperial princes of big summer imperial family, Princess, each generation of there are also many can side by side in the Heaven's Proud list existence of Heaven's Proud. 难怪一直以来都有传闻,大夏皇室的那些皇子,公主,每一代都有不少能够比肩天骄榜上天骄的存在。 Each generation of many imperial prince princesses have such strength, these few years accumulate, must be the astonishing speed, does not dare to imagine simply. 每一代都有许多皇子公主有那样的实力,这些年积累下来,得达到何等惊人的速度,简直不敢想象。 Approximately is also such strength, can coerce present age and Ancient Era two aspects inherits, making them be insufficient for the calamity world. 大约也就是这样子的实力,才能够压服当世和古代的两方面传承,让他们不至于为祸天下吧。 Chu Yunfan put out a book to watch from the bookshelf immediately. 楚云凡当即从书架上拿出了一本书观看了起来。 In an instant, the innumerable information changed to the information the mighty current to integrate in the Chu Yunfan mind unexpectedly. 刹那间,无数的信息竟然化作信息的洪流融入了楚云凡的脑海之中。 For a long time, Chu Yunfan slowly has then opened the eye, the author of this book, was domain boundary expert of antiquity time, he has interpolated in the comprehension of lifetime this book. 许久之后,楚云凡这才缓缓睁开了眼睛,这本书的作者,是一个上古时期的领域境高手,他将自己毕生的领悟写进了这一本书之中。 This is expert of very formidable domain boundary, regarding the comprehension of domain boundary, might be called went to the situation of reaching the pinnacle. 这是一个非常强大的领域境的高手,对于领域境的领悟,堪称已经达到了登峰造极的地步。 Even if Chu Yunfan has the Pill Emperor memory scratch coat, in addition also has in Top Emperor Battle Law many records about domain boundary to take Foundation, still felt that the harvest was significant. 即便楚云凡丹皇的记忆打底,再加上还有皇极战典之中关于领域境的诸多记载作为基础,依然感觉到了收获匪浅。 Really, the learning from others can attack jade, divorcing oneself from reality is intolerable!” “果然,他山之石可以攻玉,闭门造车是要不得的!” Chu Yunfan understands finally why was only only a domain boundary can so many classics stuff in this book collection treasure house. 楚云凡终于明白为什么光只是一个领域境就能够有这么多的经典充塞在这个藏书宝库之中了。 The reason is very simple, because in this book collection treasure house collected from the antiquity years to the present, does not know domain boundary expert classics and personally written letter that multi- youngster accumulates. 原因很简单,因为这个藏书宝库之中搜集了从上古年间到现在,不知道多少年积累下来的领域境高手的经典和手札。 Except that among the antique years, all are at the great antiquity the condition, did not have completely development Civilization, after antiquity, is fighting between Civilization. 除了太古年间,一切都处于洪荒的状态,还没有完全发展处文明,到了上古之后,就是文明之间的争锋。 Only was only among antiquity years, does not know that was also born expert of many domain boundaries, the number did not count clearly, after again, had the Middle Ages, the recent antiquity, is present age. 光只是上古年间,就不知道诞生了多少领域境的高手,数也数不清楚,再之后还有中古,还有近古,然后才是当世。 Among this does not know that multi- youngster, was born expert of many domain boundaries, these expert possibly fallen almost, the ancient book that but they leave behind can actually retain. 这中间不知道过去了多少年,诞生了多少领域境的高手,这些高手可能都陨落的7788了,但是他们留下的典籍却是可以保留下来的。 Even if after flames of war, will still have a large number to be preserved. 即便是历经战火,也依然会有相当一部分被留存下来。 just thinks of here, Chu Yunfan has a feeling with amazement. 光是想到这里,楚云凡就有一种骇然的感觉。 Read a itself, makes Chu Yunfan feel oneself harvest significantly. 只是看了一本而已,就让楚云凡感觉自己收获匪浅。 Chu Yunfan does not have any hesitation immediately, has opened the second itself directly, immediately was similar to was ordinary a moment ago, the innumerable information flows emerged in the Chu Yunfan mind, in the Chu Yunfan mind, changed to a person's shadow unexpectedly, was speaking Great Dao to Chu Yunfan. 楚云凡当即没有任何犹豫,直接翻开了第二本,顿时如同刚才一般,无数的信息流涌入了楚云凡的脑海之中,在楚云凡的脑海之中,竟然化作了一尊人影,正在对着楚云凡宣讲大道 Yes, this person's shadow not in speaking technique law, but is spoke that Great Dao of deeper level, is the Great Dao source thing. 是的,这人影并不是在宣讲术法,而是宣讲更深层次的大道,属于大道本源的东西。 The expert records of these domain boundaries time, naturally not only records the writing, but integrated in own vigor the writing. 这些领域境的高手记载的时候,当然不仅仅只是将文字记录下来,而是将自己的精气神融入了文字之中。 So long as the successor examines these writing, can instantaneously understanding essentially. 只要后来者查看这些文字,就能够瞬间从本质上看的明白。 Why does this is also Chu Yunfan clearly understand the different Era writing, but can actually look at the clear reason instantaneously. 这也是楚云凡为什么明明不明白不同时代的文字,但是却能够瞬间看明白的原因。 The writing is only the carrier, true important, is actually original intention. 文字只是载体,真正重要的,却还是其中的本意。 For a long time, this person's shadow spoke entirely the content of this book, this dissipated in Chu Yunfan at present. 许久之后,这一尊人影将这一本书的内容统统宣讲完了,这才消散在了楚云凡的眼前。 Chu Yunfan crossed some little time, finally has opened the eye, felt that has harvested. 楚云凡则是又过了好一会儿,才终于睁开了眼睛,感觉收获了很多。 In a moment ago, him had used Divine Spark, under the help of Divine Spark, the originally arid writing content changed into vivid saying entirely, within the short time, Chu Yunfan entirely has remembered, and unexpectedly can also learn by analogy. 就在刚才,他动用了神格,在神格的帮助之下,原本枯燥的文字内容统统化为了生动的讲道,短短时间之内,楚云凡就已经统统记住了,并且居然还能够举一反三 But are getting more and more along with the book that Chu Yunfan reads, Chu Yunfan originally also has many not clear place regarding the structure domain, is universality of contradictions. 而随着楚云凡看的书越来越多,楚云凡原本对于构架领域还有许多不明白的地方,也是茅塞顿开。 After originally many need to practice, can realize, the issue of discovery, Chu Yunfan ahead of time in the records through these personally written letters understood now. 原本许多需要实践之后才能够察觉,发现的问题,楚云凡现在提前通过这些手札之中的记载已经明白了。 And through the help of Divine Spark, has printed in own brain completely, with being without change that comprehend. 并且通过神格的帮忙,完全印入了自己的大脑之中,与自己领悟的一般无二。 This is the wisdom lifeform ability, looks like front has a big hole, does not need you to step on to know that cannot step on, before has not stepped on, saw knows cannot step on. 这才是智慧生物的能力,就像是面前有一个大坑,并不需要你踩下去才知道不能踩下去,没踩之前,看到了就知道不能踩了。 This is ability of basic deduction. 这是基本的推演的能力。 Moreover can cultivation to the domain boundary, without exception not be Heaven-Blessed Genius, even if not the titled as King physique, but its ability and wisdom is also not the physique can limit. 而且能够修行到领域境的,无一例外不是天纵奇才,哪怕不是封王体质,但是其才智也并不是体质能够限制的了的。 Often many viewpoints and methods, making Chu Yunfan have a feeling of broadening the outlook. 往往许多观点和方法,让楚云凡有一种大开眼界的感觉。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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