CF :: Volume #23

#2270: Blood imperial prince floral formula cause of death

The reason is very simple, this is pulling up weeds, eradicates the powerful enemy who on the road of future card say/way possibly can run into, is formidable, possibly encounters many youngster supreme besieging. 原因很简单,这是在拔草,铲除掉未来证道之路上可能会遇到的强敌,越是强大,也是可能遭到诸多少年至尊的围攻。 Was similar to the beforehand Monarch bestowed by heaven also once initiated youngster supreme aiming, emerged one after another incessantly in view of various assassinations of Monarch bestowed by heaven, but Monarch bestowed by heaven has also shown own terrifying talent and Cultivation Base, within the short time, killed the youngster supreme level, then entered one step to stride in the big day position. 如同之前君天赐也曾经引发少年至尊们的针对,针对君天赐的各种暗杀层出不穷,而君天赐也展现了自身恐怖天赋修为,在短短时间之内,杀到了少年至尊的层次,然后进一步跨入了大天位。 At that time, their these youngster reduced supremely to his aiming, is not because does not want to kill him, but did not kill. 到那个时候,他们这些少年至尊才减少了对他的针对,不是因为不想杀他,而是杀不了。 Similarly is youngster is supreme, once the side strided in the big day position, regarding them, is invincible existences. 同样是少年至尊,一旦有一方跨入了大天位,对于他们来说,都是无敌的存在。 But now Chu Yunfan performance must be more astonishing compared with initial Monarch bestowed by heaven, but is only small day position realm, unexpectedly can rumble to kill culmination position realm Peak youngster to be supreme. 而现在楚云凡表现的比起当初的君天赐还要更加惊人,不过只是小天位境界,居然就可以轰杀中天位境界巅峰少年至尊。 Jumps the ranks to go on an expedition, their these youngster are not supremely strange! 越级征战,他们这些少年至尊对此并不陌生! They also once cut realm profound cultivation, more than once. 他们也曾经斩掉比自己境界高深的修行者,不止一次。 Everyone didn't expect, they have become a aimed at side! 只是谁都没想到,他们也成了被针对的一方! This regarding them, simply is the great shame, such person cannot remain absolutely, otherwise they compete for a card hope is a huge joke, joke that is impossible to realize. 这对于他们来说,简直是奇耻大辱,这样的人绝对留不得,否则他们争夺证道的希望就是一个天大的笑话,一个根本不可能实现的笑话。 Sword Dustless, you think you kill I, Blood Sea is not dry, I will not die!” 剑无尘,你以为你杀的了我,血海不干,我就不会死!” Blood imperial prince roaring one, the Sky disruption, the blood of his whole body in the ebullition, this regarding him, is a great shame. 血皇子大吼一声,天穹碎裂,他浑身的血液都在沸腾,这对于他来说,是一种奇耻大辱。 He as youngster is supreme, who dares to despise them, only has Chu Yunfan to dare such to do. 他身为少年至尊,谁敢小看他们,唯有楚云凡敢这么做。 Not the body of dying?” Chu Yunfan sneered, gets down split second, his form disappeared in same place, appeared in the blood imperial prince front, terrifying the strength of Thunder has passed through all together. “不死之身?”楚云凡冷笑一声,下一瞬间,他的身影已经消失在了原地,出现在了血皇子的面前,一道恐怖雷霆之力贯穿了一切。 Bang!” “嘭!” The blood imperial prince mortal body scrap, changed to everywhere blood rain in the sky, basic including Chu Yunfan strikes cannot resist. 血皇子的肉身当空炸碎,化作了漫天的血雨,根本连楚云凡的一击都抵挡不住。 I have said that you could not kill me!” “我说过,你杀不了我!” The distant place, blood imperial prince mortal body condenses, saying of clenching jaws. 远处,血皇子的肉身重新凝聚出来,咬牙切齿的说道。 His facial expression has a bit dignified, because of his sensation to a terrifying fact, that is Chu Yunfan is stronger. 他的神情有几分凝重,因为他感知到了一个恐怖的事实,那就是楚云凡更强了。 This struck compared with a moment ago that fist, was obviously stronger. 这一击比起刚才那一拳来说,明显更强了。 In other words, Chu Yunfan this is in the middle of Breakthrough . Moreover the process is quite smooth, in continuous increasing strength. 换句话说,楚云凡这是在突破当中,而且过程相当顺利,在源源不断的攀升战力。 Initially after he was hears Chu Yunfan closed up, he immediately planned that came to cut to kill Chu Yunfan, can kill the culmination position Peak youngster supreme monster by small day position realm, has no alternative but to make him care. 当初他就是听闻楚云凡正在闭关之后,他就立刻打算前来斩杀楚云凡,一个以小天位境界就能干掉中天位巅峰少年至尊的怪物,不能不让他在意。 In his opinion, is closing up, without a doubt, is the Chu Yunfan weakest time, can go to enter. 在他看来,在闭关之中,毫无疑问,是楚云凡最虚弱的时候,可以趁虚而入。 Even if breaks Chu Yunfan Breakthrough merely, this is also good, delays his Breakthrough time, lets itself first Breakthrough. 哪怕仅仅只是打断楚云凡突破,这也是好的,拖延他突破的时间,让自己先突破 When Breakthrough to big day position, a First matter is cuts Chu Yunfan. 等到自己突破到大天位,第一件事情就是来斩掉楚云凡 However the fact has stemmed from his unexpected completely, Chu Yunfan not only itself certainly, even he also has very formidable follower, although is also not his match, can actually constrain his footsteps. 然而事实完全出乎了他的意料之外,楚云凡不仅仅本身强绝,甚至他还有十分强大的追随者,虽然还不是他的对手,却可以拖住他的脚步。 Won enough time for him, making Chu Yunfan go out, although closed up is broken, but this Breakthrough advancement actually in unceasing carried on, will not interrupt because of making a move of Chu Yunfan. 为他争取到了足够的时间,让楚云凡出关,虽然闭关被打断,但是这种突破的进程却在不断的进行,并不会因为楚云凡的出手而中断。 What does this mean? 这意味着什么? This means that Chu Yunfan Foundation to a shocking situation, Cultivation Base Breakthrough of average person, somewhat the ingredients of some luck, each time Breakthrough has needed disposable Breakthrough in one vigorous effort reliably, otherwise, if wants Breakthrough is very again difficult. 这意味着楚云凡根基已经牢固到了一种骇人听闻的地步,一般人的修为突破,多多少少都有些运气的成分,每一次的突破都需要一次性一鼓作气的突破,否则的话,要想再突破就很困难了。 However Chu Yunfan is different, his Foundation is extremely reliable, any Breakthrough, pushes the boat along. 但是楚云凡不同,他的根基太过牢固,任何的突破,都不过只是顺水推舟。 Even can bit by bit feel that his strengthen, Breakthrough bit by bit to the culmination position, is not towering. 甚至可以一点一点感觉到他的变强,一点一点的突破到中天位,一点都不突兀。 This is most fearful! 这才是最可怕的! The Chu Yunfan strength constantly is enhanced, each second, possibly faces brand-new Chu Yunfan. 楚云凡的战力在不断地增强,每一秒,都可能面对一个全新的楚云凡 Before laughable him, has not discovered this point, but also cuts to kill Chu Yunfan from afar, thinks that Chu Yunfan is the prey, he is Hunter. 可笑他之前还没有发现这一点,还千里迢迢来斩杀楚云凡,以为楚云凡是猎物,他是猎人 However now Chu Yunfan told him by absolute strength, who is Hunter, who is the prey. 然而现在楚云凡以绝对的实力告诉了他,谁才是猎人,谁才是猎物。 Sword Dustless, today's matter, is I am not right, I can depart, give your enough compensation!” 剑无尘,今天的事情,是我不对,我可以离去,给你足够的补偿!” The blood imperial prince opens the mouth to say. 血皇子开口说道。 You are impossible to kill me, like this regarding us, is the best choice!” “你也不可能杀死我,这样对于我们双方来说,是最好的选择!” everyone hears here, in an uproar, they naturally can immediately look, although to the final blood imperial prince in the stern voice and appearance, has still tried to frighten Chu Yunfan. 众人听到这里,顿时一片哗然,他们当然看得出来,虽然到了最后血皇子还在声色俱厉,试图吓唬住楚云凡 However obviously is lowers the head to Chu Yunfan. 但是显然已经是对楚云凡低头了。 Through the ages, this is first time, has youngster supremely facing with realm, even realm missed entire big realm yet another youngster to lower the head supremely. 古往今来,这还是头一次,有少年至尊面对同境界,甚至境界差了一整个大境界另外一个少年至尊低头了。 Must want to let these formidable and proud youngster supreme low noble heads, that only had a possibility, Chu Yunfan has threatened his survival. 要想让这些强大又骄傲的少年至尊低下自己高贵的头颅,那就只有一种可能,楚云凡已经威胁到了他的生存 Let him have to lower the head! 让他不得不低头! Many people look to Sky seem war-god general Chu Yunfan, in the heart shocks. 许多人看向天穹之中好似战神一般的楚云凡,心中震惊。 This may set the record of a history, before the youngster supreme king did not see the king, little attacks brutally basically, let alone fallen, then in is very through the ages rare. 这或许会创下一个历史,以前少年至尊王不见王,基本很少大打出手,更别说陨落了,那在古往今来都很少见。 However now because of the particularity of this Heaven's Chosen War field opening, youngster supreme Wang Jianwang, such probability is high. 但是现在因为这一次的天骄战场开启的特殊性,少年至尊们王见王,这样概率就高了。 But Chu Yunfan likely is the person of creation history. 楚云凡很可能就是创造历史之人。 Can't kill you? How does not try to know!” “杀不死你?不试试怎么知道!” Chu Yunfan desolate. 楚云凡冷淡的一下。 You...” Blood imperial prince by the Chu Yunfan spoken language in shocks indifferently, that type keeps aloof, not the look stabbing pain that he paid attention to his self-respect. “你。。。”血皇子被楚云凡言语之中的冷漠所震惊,那种高高在上,不将他放在眼里的眼神刺痛了他的自尊心。 He was submissive, Chu Yunfan has not been willing to let off him unexpectedly. 他已经低声下气,楚云凡居然还不肯放过他。 That comes, a war!” “那就来吧,一战!” The blood imperial prince explodes roars, his voice just fell, Azure Color Thunder long spear pierces him, in an instant, he had then died a tragic death. 血皇子爆吼一声,他的话音刚落,一杆湛蓝色雷霆长枪将他洞穿,刹那间,他便已经惨死。 This was done Thunder long spear to nail tight in Blood Sea! 被这一干雷霆长枪钉死在了血海之中! However under split second, the blood imperial prince condenses again from Blood Sea. 但是下一瞬间,血皇子又重新从血海之中凝聚出来。 I have said that you could not kill me!” “我说过,你杀不了我!” Blood imperial prince coldly said, however his voice just fell, ruthlessly was stepped on by a foot explodes. 血皇子冷声说道,但是他的话音刚落,就被一只脚狠狠踩爆。 Eyes cannot take it all in that everyone looks, they see the blood imperial prince unceasing rebirth, but was killed by Chu Yunfan unceasingly. 众人看的目不暇接,他们看到血皇子不断重生,但是不断被楚云凡杀死。 Broadens the outlook simply, they have never thought that unexpectedly also has such fighting method, particularly the body of this not dying, was really too invincible. 简直是大开眼界,他们从未想过,居然还有这样子的打法,尤其是这种不死之身,实在是太无敌了。 If did not meet Chu Yunfan to have the monster of terrifying strength like this, Ordinary youngster was supreme, even if can defeat blood imperial prince one time, struck to kill his one time, impossible innumerable striking killed him. 如果不是遇到了楚云凡这样拥有恐怖战力的怪物,寻常少年至尊即便能击败血皇子一次,击杀他一次,也不可能无数次的击杀他。 Then, they saw blood imperial prince various causes of death, was killed, was stamped, was nailed tight, was beheaded, cleft in two. 接下来,他们就看到了血皇子的各种死法,被打死,被踩死,被钉死,被斩首,被劈成两半。
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