CF :: Volume #23

#2271: Kills two big youngster to be supreme continually

Various all sorts of strange and unusual causes of death appeared in the everyone front, everyone only thought scared, such Confrontation was extremely scary, particularly the blood imperial prince tried to counter-attack unceasingly, all kinds of attacks were similarly astonishing, various Divine Ability and Martial Arts of blood sovereign sect displayed in his hand. 各种各样千奇百怪的死法出现在了众人的面前,众人只觉得胆寒,这样的交锋太过骇人,尤其是血皇子不断试图反击,各种各样的攻击同样惊人,血皇宗的各种神通武学都在他的手上施展出来。 Future seed that he can be blood sovereign sect training, as reviving the seed of Sect, naturally is cultivation method of many blood sovereign sect understands. 他能作为血皇宗培养的未来种子,作为复兴宗门的种子,自然是懂的很多血皇宗的功法 However simply does not have any use, how regardless of he struggles, what attack regardless of he uses, is unable how entirely Chu Yunfan, but simple strikes, killed by explosion him. 但是根本没有任何用处,无论他怎么挣扎,无论他用什么样的攻击,统统无法奈何的了楚云凡,只是简简单单的一击,就将他轰死。 That type feels desperate, although the blood imperial prince vertical body radically is Endless Blood Sea, does not lie in the body of dying, the methods of various attacks are not as good supremely compared with other youngster. 那种感觉让人绝望,虽然血皇子的立身根本是无尽血海,是在于不死之身,各种攻击的手段比起其他的少年至尊要差一些。 However that fully has also been the youngster supreme level, is not fierce that they can imagine, however such attack is unable how Chu Yunfan. 但是那也是完全达到了少年至尊的层次的,不是他们能够想象的厉害,但是这样的攻击都无法奈何的了楚云凡 Instead by killing! 反而被一次次的杀死! Whether there is this is also blood imperial prince side Blood Sea, can resurrect unceasingly, but has changed them, so long as strikes, will die. 这也就是血皇子有无边血海,可以不断的复活,而换了他们,只要一击,就会死。 Many people cannot help but record above this person of name the list that cannot provoke absolutely. 许多人都不由得将这人的名字记录到了绝对不能够招惹的名单之上。 Before many people had not favored his destiny, four big influences collaborated to capture to him, he simply does not have the future. 之前还有很多人不看好他的命运,四大势力联手对他追捕,他根本没有未来。 However now many people changed the idea quietly, so strong Chu Yunfan, or can have a bloody road not to be uncertain. 但是现在许多人悄然改变了想法,如此强势的楚云凡,或者能够杀出一条血路也不一定。 His growth was too fast, how long arrives at Heaven's Chosen War field talent, crazily promotes itself. 他的成长速度太快了,来到天骄战场才多久,就疯狂的提升自己。 Looked quickly, Blood Sea quick was dry!” “快看,血海已经快干涸了!” Some person of exclaimed, everyone is separated at this time from various conjectures, at this time they noticed that originally boundless Endless Blood Sea was completely dry at this time. 有人惊呼一声,众人此时才从各种臆想之中脱离出来,此时他们看到原本无边无尽血海此时已经完全干涸了。 Although each attack of Chu Yunfan seems like not studious, regardless of he kills blood imperial prince many times, the blood imperial princes can rebirth many times. 楚云凡的每一次攻击虽然看起来都是无用功,无论他杀死血皇子多少次,血皇子都能够重生多少次。 However in fact his each attack can evaporation good First Year piece Blood Sea. 但是实际上他的每一次攻击都会蒸发好大一血海 This a series of attack, Blood Sea, was dry. 这一连串的攻击下来,血海在不知不觉之间,已经干涸了。 How possibly can like this?” The blood imperial prince does not dare to believe completely, he has not only been defeated, but also by lowering an entire big realm strength has hit to explode. “怎么可能会这样?”血皇子完全不敢置信,他不仅仅是落败了,还被人以低了一整个大境界的实力打爆了。 Finally strikes, wants your life!” Chu Yunfan coldly said, in his body, astonishing catching up fluctuations were similar to ripple have swept across. “最后一击,要你的性命!”楚云凡冷冷的说道,他的身体之中,一道道惊人的发力波动如同一道道的波纹席卷了开来。 In an instant, he condensed a point catching up of whole body, rumbled instantaneously. 刹那间,他将全身的发力凝聚到了一个点,瞬间轰了出去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Sky jumps to break to pieces during this strikes. 天穹都蹦碎在这一击之中。 Has spelled, spelled!” “拼了,拼了!” The blood imperial prince also knew has struck finally, the whole body catching up flaming combustion, has made piece of earthshaking blood-colored Frenzy directly, but this piece of blood-colored Frenzy had been rumbled a smashing by a Chu Yunfan fist, then this fist rumbled in the blood imperial prince body. 血皇子也自知到了最后一击的时候,全身发力熊熊燃烧,直接打出了一片惊天动地的血色狂潮,但是这一片血色狂潮楚云凡一拳轰了个粉碎,然后这一拳轰进了血皇子的身体之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” Blood imperial prince mortal body blasts open in the sky, instantaneous tragic death, but this time, he did not have the means to resurrect. 血皇子肉身当空炸裂开来,瞬间惨死,但是这一次,他没有办法重新复活了。 Chu Yunfan received the blood imperial prince corpse, he has narrowed the eye, didn't expect this blood imperial prince is so hard to deal with, wanted to be too many compared with Slaughter God hard to deal with. 楚云凡将血皇子的尸首收了起来,他眯了眯眼睛,没想到这血皇子这么难缠,比起杀神子要难缠太多了。 Slaughter God child was killed by his fist bang, but the blood imperial prince stronger compared with Slaughter God not necessarily, Divine Ability that but this does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, makes Chu Yunfan have a headache very much. 杀神子被他一拳轰杀,而血皇子虽然不见得比杀神子要强,但是这不死不灭的神通,却让楚云凡很头疼。 If trades to make other youngster to be supreme, is impossible how blood imperial prince. 如果换做其他的少年至尊,根本不可能奈何的了血皇子。 Also only has Chu Yunfan so, may to the unceasing writing off blood imperial prince, evaporates his Blood Sea. 也唯有楚云凡这般,才有可能对不断的抹杀血皇子,将他的血海生生蒸发。 Many Thanks High Lord rescues!” 多谢主上相救!” At this time, dragon first Vicious Crocodile and the others go forward to pay a visit Chu Yunfan, on them many wounds, disintegration that even mortal body nearly was hit by the blood imperial prince, their physique also similarly are uncommon, perhaps early died in the blood imperial prince hand. 此时,龙首凶鳄等人纷纷上前拜见楚云凡,他们身上多处伤口,甚至肉身都险些被血皇子打的崩碎,要不是他们的体质也同样不凡,恐怕早已经死在血皇子的手中。 If Chu Yunfan later makes a move, waited for that their is being defeated body dies. 楚云凡如果晚些出手,等待他们的就是落败身死。 Chu Yunfan nodded, has not said anything, these followers' performance, making him feel very satisfied. 楚云凡点了点头,没有多说什么,这些追随者们的表现,让他觉得非常满意。 Because what not attacks is youngster runs away supremely! 没有因为来袭的是少年至尊就逃走! After all everyone knows that youngster supreme fearfulness, is not all people have the courage to make a move to youngster supremely! 毕竟谁都知道少年至尊的可怕,并不是所有人都有勇气对少年至尊出手! I execute cleanly them chat again!” “等我将他们格杀干净再叙话!” Chu Yunfan said, he can feel, Magic Power of his within the body is strengthening every time, goes toward direction Breakthrough of culmination position unceasingly. 楚云凡道,他能够感觉到,他体内的法力每时每刻都在增强,不断朝着中天位的方向突破而去。 Soon, he can complete from small day the transformation of position toward culmination position. 用不了多久,他就可以完成从小天位朝着中天位的蜕变。 Even does not need to continue to close up can also complete, nothing but is the time of expenditure is slightly long, this is he in this year unceasingly consolidates own realm achievement. 甚至不需要继续闭关也能够完成,无非是花费的时间稍微长一点而已,这就是他这一年来不断巩固自身的境界的成就。 If not during this year his time unceasing consolidates own Michimori, he is unable to achieve like this fight Breakthrough that while pushes the boat along enters culmination position realm. 如果不是他这一年的时间之中不断的巩固自身道基,他怎么也无法做到这样一边战斗一边顺水推舟的突破进入中天位境界 Chu Yunfan has put the body of exceedingly high snow ape the vision, the exceedingly high snow ape and above Chu Yunfan several other battlefields of followers, everywhere is one snow and ice World. 楚云凡将目光放到了通天雪猿的身上,通天雪猿和楚云凡的另外几个追随者的战场之上,到处都是一片冰雪的天地 This exceedingly high snow ape staff technique is not only earthshaking, Near Perfection that simultaneously Magic of snow and ice department displays similarly. 这通天雪猿不仅仅一手棍法惊天动地,同时冰雪系的法术同样施展的炉火纯青 This is the short time, unexpectedly transformed the environment that the battlefield was appropriate he to display. 这不过是短短时间,居然就已经将战场转变成了合适他施展的环境。 Chu Yunfan several followers have supported by strenuous efforts, immediately soon could not insist. 楚云凡的几个追随者已经是苦苦支撑,马上就快要坚持不下去了。 Death!” “死!” Exceedingly high snow ape roaring, in the look is somewhat hot tempered, Chu Yunfan solved two youngster to be supreme one after another, making him even more restless, he must solve these Chu Yunfan followers. A long stick in his hand cleans, the Chu Yunfan follower was swept to fly at the scene in abundance, caused heavy losses, crawls unable to crawl, their bones do not know that has broken many roots, spits blood. 通天雪猿大吼一声,眼神之中有几分暴躁,楚云凡接连解决了两个少年至尊,让他越发的不安,他必须要解决这些楚云凡的追随者。他手中的一根长棍扫除,楚云凡的追随者当场被纷纷扫飞出去,被重创,爬都爬不起来,他们身上的骨头都不知道断裂了多少根,纷纷吐血。 But before exceedingly high snow ape must rush horizontally, these people kill, unexpectedly, at this time, huge big hand imprint drops from the sky, direct bang above his long stick. 而通天雪猿就要横冲上前,将这几个人杀死的时候,蓦地,就在这个时候,一个巨大的大手印从天而降,直接轰在了他的长棍之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” The collision of terrifying has formed the astonishing sound wave, gave to tear the incomparable gigantic crack the entire snow and ice world. 恐怖的碰撞形成了惊人的声波,将整个冰雪世界都给撕裂出了巨大无比的裂缝。 The fingers/tiger mouth of exceedingly high snow ape has cracked, one covered with blood, his both arms only felt the hemp. 通天雪猿的虎口都崩裂了,一片血肉模糊,他的双臂只感觉到麻了。 He almost cannot control the long stick in hand, making the long stick fly from the hand. 他差点都控制不住手中的长棍,让长棍从手中飞出去。 What person?” Exceedingly high snow ape roaring, actually sees the form to sweep away together quickly, flaming ray that raises. “什么人?”通天雪猿大吼一声,却见一道身影以迅雷不及掩耳之势横扫而过,掀起的炽盛的光芒。 In this together astonishing ray ruthlessly bang the chest of exceedingly high snow ape. 这一道惊人的光芒狠狠轰中了通天雪猿的胸口。 !” “噗!” Exceedingly high snow ape stuffy, the whole person has flown upside down instantaneously, in his front, is innumerable shatter Array and Barrier ray, he Array and Barrier under body all around arrangement was broken split second. 通天雪猿一声闷哼,整个人瞬间倒飞了出去,在他的面前,是无数破碎的阵法结界的光芒,他在身体周遭布置下的阵法结界被人一瞬间破掉。 Was together the startled day sword glow along with together the Thunder ray, the passing over gently and swiftly expansive sky. 紧接着又是一道惊天的剑芒伴随着一道雷霆的光芒,掠过长空。 Next split second, the head of exceedingly high snow ape took out. 一瞬间,通天雪猿的头颅就被摘去。
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