CF :: Volume #23

#2269: Invincible? I do not approve!

This has blown everyone thoroughly, this time Chu Yunfan was too fearful, a fist bang kills Slaughter God. 这一幕彻底将众人镇住了,此时的楚云凡太可怕了,一拳轰杀杀神子。 That has deterred several Era terrifying characters! 那可是震慑了数个时代恐怖人物! In the past Heaven's Chosen War field opening time, will not have too many youngster to come in supremely, 2-3 came is extraordinary, moreover was the king does not see the king. 以往天骄战场开启的时候,并不会有太多的少年至尊进来,一次有两三位进来已经是了不得了,而且彼此之间也是王不见王。 The age that Slaughter God enters almost sweeps away, simply does not have any match, rushes to the big statement in the Heaven's Chosen War field. 杀神子进入的年代几乎就是横扫,根本没有任何对手,在天骄战场之中闯下过偌大的声明。 Let alone with or is later than Era these Heaven's Proud for Era him with him, more or less had heard his terrifying. 更别说和他同为一个时代或者比他晚一些时代的那些天骄,都曾经或多或少听闻过他的恐怖 That has ruled a Era character seriously, was actually killed by Chu Yunfan so easy cutting. 那当真是统治过一个时代的人物,却被楚云凡这般轻而易举的斩杀。 Even if Slaughter God is not good at slaughtering directly, but this does not excel supremely also compared to youngster with realm. 即便杀神道并不擅长正面厮杀,但是这个不擅长也只是相对于同境界少年至尊而言的。 If Ordinary Top Level Heaven's Proud, even if the positive/direct storm can also hang to hit these Top Level Heaven's Proud easily. 如果是寻常顶级天骄,就算是正面强攻也可以轻易吊打那些顶级天骄 However hits, Slaughter God was actually killed by a Chu Yunfan fist bang, this grade of terrifying strength, does he walk really in youngster Gods in world? 然而真打起来,杀神子却被楚云凡一拳轰杀,这等恐怖的实力,难道他真的是行走在世间的少年神明么? In many person hearts has cannot help but emitted such thought that youngster supremely is the unsurpassed appraisal, even can say, is comments not to be possible to comment. 许多人心中不由得冒出了这样的念头,少年至尊已经是无上的评价,甚至可以说,已经是评无可评。 But if said, is more supreme than youngster also fearsome, but also is fierce, that is not Gods of youngster time. 但是如果说,比少年至尊还要可怖,还要厉害,那可不就是少年时期的神明 But the Gods immortal the looking for a long time, that is various sovereigns must compete for such opportunity, youngster Gods dominates in youngster supremely above, is natural. 神明长生而久视,那可是就算是诸皇都要争夺那样的机会,少年神明凌驾于少年至尊之上,也是理所当然的吧。 When everyone also shocks at a Chu Yunfan fist bang kills youngster is supreme, Chu Yunfan once again moved, is only this time, his has the extremely dazzling ray, Qi and Blood in body rolling to surge from top to bottom. 众人还震撼于楚云凡一拳轰杀一个少年至尊的时候,楚云凡再度动了,只是这一次,他的浑身上下都带着极为耀眼的光芒,身体之内的气血滚滚涌动。 It seems startled big wave strikes the shore, is quite scary. 就好似惊涛拍岸,极为骇人。 He changes the blood imperial prince who the vision presented first. 他将目光转向了最先出现的血皇子。 During many youngster are supreme, the blood imperial prince appears first, a strength is astonishing, the startled day blood wave Yang Yang's crush that raises gets down, if not load-bearing has formidable Array and Barrier, only feared that early already by collapsing that Blood Sea presses. 在诸多的少年至尊之中,血皇子是最先出现的,一身战力惊人,掀起的惊天血浪乌央乌央的碾压下来,如果不是承重有强大的阵法结界,只怕早已经被血海压的垮塌下来。 dragon Shou ominous Crocodile San person hit retreat in defeat successively, with hardship support! 龙首凶鳄三人被打的节节败退,苦苦支撑! Arrived their this situations, is spare no effort, after all they are only false youngster are supreme, is not true youngster is supreme, that completely is two matters. 到了他们这个地步,已经是竭尽全力,毕竟他们只是伪少年至尊,并不是真正的少年至尊,那完全是两回事。 Can insist now, is not a very easy matter, how can continue to contend with such formidable existence. 能够坚持到现在,已经是非常不容易的事情了,如何能够继续抗衡那样强大的存在。 Therefore Chu Yunfan makes a move, the goal is to then point to the blood imperial prince. 所以楚云凡率先出手,目标便是直指血皇子。 Bang!” “轰!” A Chu Yunfan fist rumbles, in an instant, earthshaking, World seethes with excitement. 楚云凡一拳轰出,刹那间,惊天动地,天地都为之沸腾。 This fist rumbles, split second pierced that boundless Endless Blood Sea, the fist front has swept away invincibly, has swept away the expansive sky directly directly, went in the blood imperial prince direction directly. 这一拳轰出,一瞬间就洞穿了那无边无尽血海,拳锋横扫无敌,径直直接横扫过长空,直接朝着血皇子的方向而去。 But the blood imperial prince also already noted Chu Yunfan here change obviously, after all his Cultivation Base, can suppresses dragon first Vicious Crocodile and other people while observes the Chu Yunfan riverside the movement. 而血皇子显然也早就注意到了楚云凡这边的异动,毕竟一他的修为,也是可以一边压制龙首凶鳄等三人一边观察楚云凡河边的动作。 When he saw a Chu Yunfan fist bang kills Slaughter God, the whole person is not good, he knows Slaughter God, although both sides have not fought. 只是当他看到楚云凡一拳轰杀杀神子的时候,整个人都不好了,他知道杀神子,双方虽然没有交手过。 However with is youngster is supreme, Cultivation Base quite, how he possibly did not dread that like this excels at expert of say/way of assassination. 但是同为少年至尊,修为相当,他怎么可能不忌惮这样擅长暗杀之道的高手 Although he has the absolute confidence to himself, but is impossible to guarantee that can such easy defeating even be strikes to kill Slaughter God. 他虽然对自己有绝对的信心,但是也不可能保证能够这么轻而易举的击败甚至是击杀杀神子。 It can be said that Chu Yunfan under this condition, might be considered as an archenemy. 可以说,这种状态之下的楚云凡,堪称是大敌。 Snort!” “哼!” Facing a Chu Yunfan this shocking fist, he did not have to say anything, was only coldly snorted, in his hand, left a blood-colored signal flag, this flag rose in Blood Sea against the wind, but was among the moments, has formed a surrounding area several kilometers huge flag. 面对楚云凡这惊世的一拳,他没有多说什么,只是冷哼一声,在他的手上,多出了一面血色的令旗,这一面旗子在血海之中迎风而涨,不过是片刻之间,就形成了方圆数千米的庞大旗子。 In the blood imperial prince surface left several points of self-satisfaction, because of his self-satisfied Magic Artifact, the blood kills the flag, after this is he accidentally obtained the refiner method of some antiquity, Magic Artifact that extremely refines. 血皇子面上多出了几分得意,因为和正是他的得意法器,血杀旗,这是他偶然获得了某一种上古的炼器方法之后,炼制出来的绝顶法器 In order to refine the hemorrhage kills the flag, he does not know that has consumed many precious material, has slaughtered the innumerable lives, satisfied the refinement hemorrhage to kill the basic condition of flag. 为了炼制出血杀旗,他不知道耗费了多少珍贵的材料,更是屠戮了无数的生灵,才满足了炼制出血杀旗的基本条件。 Has the blood to kill flag Body Protection, an attack and defense body, the Chu Yunfan strength is strong, he has also been in an impregnable position. 有血杀旗护体,攻防一体,就算楚云凡的实力再强,他也已经立于不败之地。 Bang!” “轰!” The fist of Chu Yunfan rumbled directly above this side signal flag, entire signal flag unexpectedly in fierce vibration. 楚云凡的这一拳径直轰到了这一面令旗之上,整面令旗居然都在剧烈的抖动。 It seems the water surface is ordinary, in fierce fluctuation. 好似水面一般,在剧烈的波动。 Thump thump thump!” “噔噔噔!” The blood imperial prince retrocedes again and again, in the look is still complete does not dare to believe that he retrocedes, while coughs up blood, seems damn is the same. 血皇子连连后退,眼神之中兀自是完完全全的不敢置信,他一边后退,一边咳血,好似见了鬼一样。 He who this fist shakes unexpectedly has encountered backlash. 这一拳竟然震的他遭到了反噬 What monster is this?” He does not dare to imagine simply, in the blood kills under the protection of flag, he can also by Chu Yunfan injuring unexpectedly, this is the matter that he never thinks. “这是什么怪物?”他简直不敢想象,在血杀旗的保护之下,他居然还能被楚云凡给伤到,这是他从未想到的事情。 Even if were these strides in expert of big day position is also so, even in his eyes, expert of these big day positions might as well present Chu Yunfan come was more fearful. 即便是那些跨入了大天位的高手也不过就是如此了,甚至在他的眼里,那些大天位的高手都不如眼前的楚云凡来的更加可怕。 That is one during youngster is supreme might be considered as monster same existence. 那是一个在少年至尊之中都堪称是怪物一样的存在。 However has not waited for him to respond, has not waited for him to kill the flag to receive the blood, the a pair big hand has grasped fiercely all of a sudden, that indestructible blood kills the flag to be torn unexpectedly from the middle. 不过还不等他反应过来,还不等他将血杀旗收回来,一双大手猛地一下子抓了出去,那坚不可摧的血杀旗居然被人从中间生生撕裂开来。 !” “噗!” The blood kills the flag to be destroyed, a blood imperial prince blood spouted, suffered the heavy losses. 血杀旗被摧毁,血皇子一口鲜血喷出,遭受到了重创。 The blood kills the flag simply not to have the means to resist Chu Yunfan, but the Chu Yunfan figure also appeared in Blood Sea, his body in the ascension fearful mist, that was the innumerable blood wave in Blood Sea takes the terrifying scene that his body was evaporated. 血杀旗根本没有办法抵挡得住楚云凡,而楚云凡的身形也出现在了血海之中,他的身上在升腾可怕的雾气,那是血海之中的无数血浪拍到了他的身上被生生蒸发掉的恐怖场景。 This time Chu Yunfan, in the blood imperial prince eyes, too terrifying, obviously is only Ordinary Human Race, however his every action and every movement, make trim Sky shiver. 此时的楚云凡,在血皇子的眼里,着实太恐怖了,明明只是一个寻常人类而已,但是他的一举一动,却让整片天穹都在颤抖。 How possible, how you can achieve this one step, I am invincible, my source formidable to almost can endure compared with expert of big day position, cannot achieve this one step including me, how you achieve!” “怎么可能,你怎么能做到这一步,我才是无敌的,我的本源强大到几乎可以堪比大天位的高手,连我都做不到这一步,你怎么做到的!” Blood imperial prince even somewhat panic-stricken saying. 血皇子甚至有些惊恐的说道。 Invincible? Don't I approve? The invincibility does not have the rival, you have other youngster supreme rivals, therefore you cannot call invincibly, since is not invincible, is failed also has anything to be quite strange!” “无敌?我不认同?无敌就是没有敌手,你有其他的少年至尊的敌手,所以你称不上无敌,既然不是无敌,那么失败又有什么好奇怪的!” Chu Yunfan stands erect in the boundless mist, seems certainly generation of war-gods. 楚云凡屹立在无边的雾气之中,好似一尊绝代的战神。 The blood imperial princes soon exploded with rage, the indifference in Chu Yunfan spoken language, does not pay attention to him, makes him feel what the heart lives to dread, at present this fellow, merely is only small day position realm. 血皇子都快要气炸了,楚云凡言语之中的冷漠,根本不将他放在眼里,更让他觉得心生忌惮的是,眼前这个家伙,仅仅只是小天位境界而已。 Unexpectedly can be culmination Peak he projects on this situation, this is he most dreads. 居然能够将身为中天位巅峰的他打到这个地步,这才是他最为忌惮的。 Why is also that many youngster streams in supremely, with the lapse of time, will also have many expert to catch up. 也是为什么那么多少年至尊纷至沓来,随着时间的推移,还会有更多的高手赶来。
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