Song ShuhanginJiangnan district, with the personality of hisgood-hearted person, guidesthisslight effortmatteractually, hewill definitely not reject. Howeverat present, hewantsto helpeven is still the will is there, but not the strength. The university cityleaves the Jiangnanairportto havetwohours of driving distance, howJiangnan districtsaid that is also the county-level city, the domainis big.宋书航倒是在江南区,以他老好人的性格,给人带路这种举手之劳的事,他肯定不会拒绝。不过眼下,就算他想帮忙也是心有余而力不足。大学城离江南机场有两小时的车程,江南区怎么说也是个县级市,地盘不小。Moreover, Shuhangis not ripetoJ-City, thatGhost Lantern Templeislistensnot to listen.
而且,书航对j市不熟,那鬼灯寺更是听都没听过。Heonlyknows that J-CityandJiangnan districtare neighboring, inChina is also very famouscity.
他只知道j市和江南区相邻,在华夏也是很有名的城市。Becausethereis a religionabundantly, the religion of various sorts and varietiesis dazzling. Every year when variousreligious festivals, goes toJ-Cityto go on a pilgrimage the followers who sufficientlyentirecitycrowdednot one drop can trickle through.
因为那里是一处宗教盛地,各种各样的宗教让人眼花缭乱。每年各种宗教节日时,前往j市朝圣的信徒们足以将整个城市挤的水泄不通。Theretempleis as numerous as the hairs of an ox, wantsto look for a smalltemplefromthisplaceis not the easymatter.
那里的寺庙多如牛毛,想从这种地方找一个小寺庙可不是容易的事情。„Said,Luo Xin Blockthisnameis quite familiar-sounding, whereprobablyinlistensto be the same?”Shuhangmuttered.
“说起来,罗信街区这名字好耳熟,好像在哪听过一样?”书航喃喃道。Eats the steamed stuffed bun, Song Shuhang is rockingon the rocking chair. In the mindis thinking deeply about‚Luo Xin Block’, triesto stressthisinexplicablefamiliarityfrom the memory the source.
The brainmemory of person is always very strange, something will reappearinintentin the mind, when butyouwantto holdthis memory, racks brains unable to think.
人的大脑记忆总是很奇怪的,有些东西在不禁意间会浮现于脑海,但当你想抓住这段记忆时,绞尽脑汁也想不起来。„Whatnewsit is estimated thathas listened tothisnamefrom?”Shuhanggives up, notwastebrain cellinthisissue.
**********Soft Featherdrags the bigsuitcaseto arrivehits the taxichannel.羽柔子拖着大行李箱来到打出租车的通道。
The needlessmoment, severaltaximove to the Soft Feather--factto showfast,attractivecheekno matter whereis the perfectadvantage. Otherwiseis her giantsuitcasewill only lethire the thought that the mastercancelsto carry passengers.
不消片刻,就有好几辆出租车快速驶向羽柔子——事实证明,一张漂亮的脸蛋无论在什么地方都是过硬的优势。否则光是她那巨大的行李箱就会让很多出租师傅打消载客的念头。„Does miss, whichgo?”Redtaxioccupiedfirst, the driverwassquare faced uncle, withMandarin of Jiangnan districtvoice.
“姑娘,去哪咧?”红色出租车占到了第一位,司机是个国字脸大叔,操着一口江南区口音的普通话。„Master...... you know where Ghost Lantern Templeis at?”Soft Featheropens the mouthto ask, hervoiceis soft, is completely different from outside of herlivelyyouth. Howeverthishas the contrastto sprout/moe.
“师傅……您知道鬼灯寺在哪吗?”羽柔子开口问道,她的声音软软,和她活泼青春的外面完全不同。但是这样更有反差萌。square faced uncleracks one's brainslong time, shakes the head: „Ghost Lantern Temple, has not listened.”国字脸大叔苦思良久,摇了摇头:“鬼灯寺,没听过咧。”
When seessquare faced uncleshakes the head, in the Soft Featherheartsinks, small face slightly red, disappointed.
看到国字脸大叔摇头时,羽柔子心中一沉,小脸微红,失望至极。Is goodalsoasksbecause ofsquare faced uncleimmediately: „Awarenessinwhichblock?”
好在国字脸大叔马上又问道:“在哪个街区的知道吗?”„Knows,isLuo Xin Block!”Soft Featherimmediatelyreplied.
“知道,是罗信街区!”羽柔子马上又回道。„Luo Xin Block, thisIknow, ripevery much, Ilive inthatregion. However does the miss, youremember incorrectly the name of temple? Ilived for severalyearsin that has not listened toGhost Lantern Temple.”square faced unclerepliedearnestly.
“罗信街区,这我知道,熟的很,我就住那区域的。不过姑娘,你有没有记错寺庙的名字?我在那住了好几年,并没听过鬼灯寺咧。”国字脸大叔认真答道。Hebecause of the reason of occupation, tonearbyregionisknowing things like the back of one's hand. EspeciallyLuo Xin Block that oneselfoccupy, the exaggeratingpoint, the landhashisfootmark every inchs, but the Ghost Lantern Templenamehehas not listenedcompletely.
他因为职业的原因,对附近的地域可谓是了如指掌。特别是自己居住的罗信街区,夸张点来说,每一寸土地都有他的脚迹,但鬼灯寺的名字他完全没听过。Red that the “Ah?”Soft Feather'ssmallfacerises, butshestrengthensrepliedimmediately: „The masteryoucarrymetoLuo Xin Block!”“啊?”羽柔子的小脸又涨的通红,不过她马上又坚定回道:“那师傅您载我到罗信街区吧!”Shepreparesto arrive there to inquireagain, If it's not enough...... she, only thenbraced oneselfto telephonetobaba. Butthatis the plan of one after next, is unless it is absolutely essential unusable.
她准备抵达那里再打听打听,真不行的话……她只有硬着头皮打电话给爸爸了。但那是下下之策,不到万不得已不能用。„Does miss, yourush to time? If not anxious, going toLuo Xin Blockcanride the public transportation. Hits the hiringprepaid creditto usea littleto be expensively small, twohours of driving distance.”square faced uncleanswered.
It is not hedoes not wantto makethismoney, is abouttwohours of driving distancegets down, the expenseis big. The opposite partydo not knowdistancevery muchobviously, if before boarding, did not negotiatecleardistance and price, after reachingdestination, was easyto produce the dispute.
并不是他不想赚这个钱,不过两个小时车程下来,费用不小。对方很显然不知道距离,如果上车前不讲清楚距离和价钱的话,到达目的地后容易产生纠纷。„doesn't matter, youcarrymeto goby all means.”Soft Feathershows the shysmile, moneyDehuato herat all is not the issue.
After square faced uncle confirmed that in the heart was also the great happiness. Thisroadstarts, cangainmuch.国字脸大叔确认后,心中也是大喜。这趟路开下来,能赚不少。„Good, youboard, the suitcaseputstrunk.”square faced unclewas sayingopenedtrunk, howeverboosts the drive a cargatepreparationto get outto helpliftthatbox.
“好咧,那妳上车吧,行李箱放后备箱吧。”国字脸大叔说着打开了后备箱,然后推开车门准备下车帮忙抬那箱子。After allthatsuitcasevolumeis huge, does the strength where thislittle misscomesmove?
毕竟那行李箱体积巨大,这个小姑娘又哪来的力气搬上去?However when square faced unclepushes the drive a cardooroneturn head, the mouthopensbecomeso, for a very long timecannot close.
不过当国字脸大叔推开车门一回头时,嘴巴张成o型,久久合不上。Hesees that seeminglysoftlittle miss, picks up the giantsuitcase...... to pick upsingle-handedly, did not mentionandhugorholds upanything. Butlikeholding a smalltray, dexterouspicks up the suitcasesingle-handed, puts intrunk.
他看到那看上去软软的小姑娘,一手托起巨大的行李箱……是托起,不是提起、抱起或举起啥的。而是像托着个小盘子一样,轻巧的将行李箱单手托起,放入后备箱。could it bethisboxis seemingly big, but is very in fact light?难道是这箱子看上去大,但事实上很轻?Is thinking, hethenfelt that car rearsinksslightly. The uncledoesDrivertaxialreadymanyyears, has achievedhuman and car unitedrealm. Thiscar rearsinks, hethencanapproximatelyestimate that the objectis how much.
正这么想着呢,他便感觉车屁股稍稍一沉。大叔干出租车司机已经多年,早已达到了人车合一的境界。这车屁股一沉,他便能大约估计出物体有多重。Perhaps does thisbox, have more than 60kilograms? Evenis heavier, about the samewas a weight of adult male.
Does thismisstrain in the weight lifting? Reallyis the inbornsupernatural power, square faced uncleswallowed a salivasecretly. Is goodbecause ofhisitself/Benis the kindhearteddriver, ifmeetsto haveevilintent, the fellow of sparking lustful thoughts, meetsthismissto be ableabsolutelybyinstant kill?
这姑娘练举重的?真乃天生神力也,国字脸大叔暗暗咽了口口水。好在他本就是良善的司机,若是遇上有心生歹意,见色起意的家伙,遇上这姑娘绝对会被秒杀的吧?Soft Featherdoes not knowownactionastonishing, after putting away the suitcase, herstarting to walklegtwostepsreturn to the taxiback rowto sit down.羽柔子并不知道自己无意间的举动有多惊人,放好行李箱后,她迈开腿两步回到出租车后排坐下。„Miss, strengthnot bad, sits firmly.”square faced unclehehesmiles, a footaccelerator, redtaxidrives out of the traffic lane, goestoward the Luo Xin Blockline.
……Nine Provinces (1) Group九洲一号群Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feather( online via mobilestatus): „Senior North River, Iam going toLuo Xin Block, butDrivertaxidoes not knowGhost Lantern Temple. After Iam preparingto arrive inLuo Xin Block, under the inquiry the local residents, maysomepeopleknow.”灵蝶岛羽柔子(手机在线状态):“北河前辈,我正前往罗信街区,不过出租车司机不知道鬼灯寺。我正准备抵达罗信街区后询问下当地居民,或许会有人知道。”„Good, Iaskedseveralpeople, butno oneknowstemporarily. In brief, has the newsIto contact withyou.”Loose Practitioner North Riverreply.
“好的,我问了几个人,不过暂时没人知道。总之,有消息我联系妳。”北河散人回复。„Thanks the senior.”Soft Featherreturned to a smile, makes a fistsecretly. After havingLoose Practitioner North River'sreplied, heruneasymoodslightlyis steadysome-- saying that this is the first time that shewent faralone. Beforehad the fathercompanion, oronlymovedin the Spirit Butterfly Islandnearbyregion.
“谢谢前辈。”羽柔子回了一个笑脸,暗暗握拳。有了北河散人的回复后,她忐忑不安的心情稍稍平稳了些——说起来,这是她第一次独自出远门。以前都有父亲陪伴,或者只在灵蝶岛附近区域活动。Always felt somewhat exciting.
……Abovechat logSong Shuhanghad not seentemporarily......, because is really idling the safe/without matter, hewent tobookstorefreeloading books.
以上这段聊天记录宋书航暂时没有看到……因为实在闲着无事,他又去书店蹭书了。Hugsthickbooks that previoustimerents, thisbookhehas not lookedto the present. To him, bookthing , if not rubis looking, the tastemissed.
抱起上次租来的厚厚书本,这本书他到现在都没有看完。对他来说,书这东西要是不蹭着看的话,滋味就差了很多。Likesimilarlyis‚KangShuaige’instant noodles, eats the flavor that andsoakseatdry/doesiscompletelydifferent.
Before going out, he unexpected happening also has not brought the custom of cell phoneinside--Song Shuhang the cell phonebelt/bringgenerally.
The presentphone functionare getting more and more, volumealsocorrespondingchangesis getting bigger and bigger, nowwantsto look for the sectionconversationfunction the cell phone unable to find. Becausecell phoneis too big, Song Shuhangtakesthisthing, whenlandline telephoneuses.
如今的手机功能越来越多,体积也相应的变的越来越大,现在想找部只有通话功能的手机都找不到。由于手机个头太大,宋书航都拿这玩意当固定电话用的。„7%electric quantities, shouldenoughuse.”
The electric quantityare not many, butanswered the telephoneor the SMSwords, shouldenoughheuse a afternoon.
电量不多,但只是接听电话或短信的话,应该够他用一个下午。Sothinking, himis taking the cell phone, gave a ride the book that rentedto go tobookstorehappyfreeloading books.
The timeflies.
时间飞逝。Approximately after one and a half hours .
大约一个半小时后。„Felt strange, could it bethis morningwaking up posture wasn't right?”Song Shuhangdoubts the hand the thickbooksreturnsbookshelf--he unable to lookunexpectedlyin!
“奇怪了,难道今天早上起床的姿势不对?”宋书航疑惑的将手中厚厚的书籍放回书架——他竟然看不进去!No matter the novel, studies the car(riage)theoretical knowledge, manga and classicalfamous work, hecannot lookentirely. His this lifetimemeetsthismatter for the first time.
不管是小说、学车理论知识、漫画、古典名著,他统统看不进去。他这辈子还是第一次遇上这种事情。„Was weird.”Song Shuhangmuttered, sighs, hepulled outthisbookto goto rent the bookstagecasually.
The words that cannot look, freeloading booksdid not have the significance.
看不进去的话,蹭书就没意义了。Thinks,hedecidednearby the university citystrolls, relaxes.
想了想,他决定到大学城附近逛逛,散散心。Mentions the words that relaxes to sayJiangnan University Campusnearbyparadise--gluttonheaven.
The gluttonheavenis a prosperousgood foodblock, is away fromtwoblockswithJiangnan University Campus, the walktakes more than 20minutes. Butthisdistanceunableblocks the step of gluttonscompletely.
吃货天堂是一个繁荣的美食街区,和江南大学城隔着两个街区,步行要二十多分钟。但这点距离完全无法阻挡吃货们的步伐。Here, spacebelt/bringwingexcept forairplanesandgroundfourlegsexcept for the backless stool, anythingcansee. Satisfies the desires of variousfood and drink.
这里,天上带翅膀的除了飞机、地上四条腿的除了板凳,啥都能见到。满足各种口腹之欲。until nowhereis called‚gluttonheaven’or‚food paradise’, itsoriginalnameinsteadfaded from the memory.一直以来这里被称为‘吃货天堂’或‘美食天堂’,它原本的名字反而被人淡忘。What did herecallto come?
这里叫啥来着?Song Shuhang raised his headlooksto the blocksymbolized that--Luo Xin Blockwelcomeyou, sevenbrightgold/metalcharacterbigsignaturesparkleto shineunder the sunlight.宋书航抬头望向街区标志——罗信街区欢迎您,七个灿烂的金字大招牌在阳光下闪闪发亮。ohwas right, herecalledLuo Xin Block, goodname.哦对了,这里叫罗信街区,好名字呢。Shuhang is so thinking, enters the block.书航这般想着,进入街区。
When walkedtwo, hisfierce. Alsoreturnsunderthatbigsignaturerapidly, observes closelysevenshininglycrosses the gold/metallarge character.
走了两步时,他猛一顿。又迅速退回那大招牌下,盯住七个金灿灿的渡金大字。Luo Xin Blockwelcomeyou!罗信街区欢迎您!Has not misread, Luo Xin Block.
没看错,罗信街区。Song Shuhangwas speechless.宋书航无语了。
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