„Is all rightwell, Ialsofelt relieved. Iunder the relationSoft Feather, letsherno need to be worriedat the appointed time, avoidsherunstowardH-City.”Reply that Loose Practitioner North Riversendslater.
“没事就好,我也放心了。我到时联系下羽柔子,让她不用担心,省得她往h市跑。”北河散人随后发上的回答。Song ShuhangfeelsLoose Practitioner North Riveras ifoneday24hoursbasicallyonline, does not know that the opposite partyenergy is so how abundant. Does the could it beopposite partysit the breathto be just in time same as hisSong? Therefore when hegets onlineeach timecanmeetLoose Practitioner North Riverjust in time.宋书航感觉北河散人似乎一天二十四小时基本都在线的,也不知道对方怎么精力如此充沛。难道对方坐息正巧和他宋某人一样?所以他每次上线时能正巧遇上北河散人。
When notto...... Song Shuhangonline, heonline. Song Shuhangoffline, healso, becausegets onlineischat log that Loose Practitioner North River that each timeseesleaves behind.
不对……宋书航在线时,他在线。宋书航下线了,他还在,因为每次上线看到的都是北河散人留下的聊天记录。Opposite partysimplyreally no needsleepsto be the same, simplyisholy warrior in network.
对方简直真的不用睡觉一样,简直是网络中的圣斗士。Song Shuhangwas somewhat worried, personso many of becausenowall nightsudden dying, whichday can Loose Practitioner North Riverdiethis waysuddenly?宋书航不由有些担心,现在因为通宵猝死的人那么多,北河散人再这样下去会不会哪天突然就死了?
Before thisalsotakes down...... by that timewait/etc.draw back the group, to urgehimquicklywell.
这条也记下吧……到时候等自己快退群前好好劝劝他吧。Shuhangdraws the chatframecontrolto continueto drawdownward.书航拉着聊天框控制继续往下拉。Su Clan's The Seventhaftersaying, greetsthenoffline.苏氏阿七在说完后,又打了声招呼便下线了。Againthen, wasabout 5 : 00 am, Medicine Mastergets online, sent a picture, adds-onbehindthatpicturequestion mark.
再接着,是凌晨 5 点左右,药师上线,发了张图片,又在那图片后面附加了个问号。Thatis a picture of plant, Shuhanghas not seen.
那是一株植物的图片,书航从来没有见过。Thisplantcurvinggrowth, resembles a Coiling Dragon. But the planthas a row of hangnailstate-of-art, the rhizomeplaceis the purple black, very unusualplant, has the appreciationvalue.
这植物弯曲生长,似一条盘龙。而植物尖端有一排倒刺,根茎处呈紫黑色,很奇特的植物,极具欣赏价值。„Poisonous Dragon Grass, Medicine Master do youwantto use? not long ago didn't youcultivate?”Loose Practitioner North Riveris the person of firstreply.
“毒龙草啊,药师你又要用到吗?前不久你不是培植了一些?”北河散人又是第一个回复的人。„Experimentanddeath ray.”Medicine Mastersent a depressedexpression. Moreoverthatbatch of Poisonous Dragon Grassqualityis notverygood.
“实验、死光了。”药师发了个郁闷的表情。而且那批毒龙草的质量不是很好。„Good, Ihave getting so far aswordsto contact withyou. Others haveto notice that will definitely also informyour.”Loose Practitioner North Riverreply.
“好,我有弄到的话联系你。其他人有看到肯定也会通知你的。”北河散人回复。„Mustlive.”Medicine Masteradds-ona sentence.
“要活的。”药师附加了一句。Poisonous Dragon Grass...... listens to the nameis not the goodplant, should not be used forpill refining? Cankill by poison the person? Song Shuhangwas somewhat worried,alwaysfeelspersonverywill seek death in group?毒龙草……听名字就不是什么善良的植物,不会也要用来炼丹吧?会不会毒死人?宋书航有些担心,总感觉群里的人很会作死啊?wait, haswhat not rightplaceprobably.等下,好像有什么不对劲的地方。Song Shuhang'sstiff, fingerreturns todrawingupward, drawingto the Su Clan's The Seventh'sreplyposition, lookedagain.宋书航的手僵了下,手指往上回拉,拉到苏氏阿七的回复位置,再次看了一遍。‚The average person who several......, dozensdo not know the limitationwas knocked downbyLittle Sixteen, no one died.’
‘就有几个……嗯,有几十个不识相的普通人被小十六打晕了,没出人命。’These words, makingShuhanghave a strangefeeling. Becausehisautomaticallyrememberedthatbypersonwiped out delinquents......
Is this coincidence? If,all theseare the coincidence, mattersome of thatrecentcoincidence were too rather many!
这还是巧合吗?如果说,这一切都是巧合的话,那最近巧合的事未免有些太多了吧!„PerhapsIshouldchange an angleto think,perhapsis not the coincidence, butwasI think too much.”
“或许我应该换个角度去想,或许不是巧合,而是我自己想多了。”„Side People are always like that, when the mind is in doubt about of something, will not then build the matterto rub the same placeactually. Likewhensuspecting a personstoleownmoney, a lotsetsto the opposite partyon, will more look at that the opposite partymoreseems like the suspectto be the same.”
The presentmentality that hethinksperhapsis‚suspectedothersarethief’mentality.
他觉的自己现在的心态恐怕就是‘怀疑别人是小偷’的心态。Cannotthinkagain, wants to fire deviationagainlike the person in group. Song Shuhangstretches oneself, preparesto run a step.
When onedaylies in the early morning, becausefeltownphysiquedrops, smallcough that more than ten days ago coldleaves behindalsocoughs the presentdoes not havethoroughlygood, oftenmeetsoncoughtwo, uncomfortable!
一日之际在于晨嘛,而且由于感觉自己体质下降,十多天前的感冒留下的小咳嗽到现在都没彻底好,不时的还会咳上两声,难受!Thereforehisinterest, decidesearly morningto run1500meters, under the exercise the body.
The goalisto persist inearly morningrunning for a month!
**********At this time, Jiangnan districtairport.
A waist-length hairfemaledraws the giantsuitcaseto go out of the airport. Herskinis white, high, the legis long. On the whiteT-shirt, nextdenim shorts, the slenderboth legsare putting onsneakers, the youthis pretty.
一位长发及腰的女子拉着巨大行李箱走出机场。她肤白,个高,腿长。上着白色t恤,下着牛仔短裤,修长的双腿穿着运动板鞋,青春靓丽。However this durationround of femalefaceworriedcoloris actually looking at the giantairport, talked to oneselfin a low voice: „Wemostdo not likethisbigplace, veryeasygetting lost.”
不过此时长发女子却一脸苦恼之色望着巨大的机场,低声自语:“咱最不喜欢这种大地方,很容易迷路啊。”Then, hertook out the cell phone, provokes above.
**********Early morningrunsto perspire, Song Shuhangfeelsrefreshing.
When goes via the cafeteriabought the steamed stuffed bunandsoybean milkto make the breakfast, after the rapidbreathwas steadier, thenreturned to the dormitory.
路经食堂时买了包子、豆浆作早点,待急促的呼吸平稳些后便回到宿舍。Sundayalso does one time, whatgoodneedto makeall day?
周日还有一整天时间呢,要做点啥好?„Cango tofreeloading booksagain?”Is eating the steamed stuffed bun, Shuhangsecretly said in heart.
“要不要再去蹭书?”啃着包子,书航心中暗道。Heturns on the computerconveniently, mountscampus network--todelinquents the matter that becausewas attacked the stuporsomewhatcares, thereforeheis paying attentioncontinually.
他又随手打开电脑,登上校园网——因为对不良们被袭击昏迷的事情有些在意,所以他在持续关注着。However the campusonlinehad not been reportedby a groupsecond of trackaboutdelinquents, appearance that becausepitifuldelinquentsstill the lying downcorpsein the hospital, not a single onemustregain consciousness.
不过校园网上还没有关于不良们被群秒的跟踪报道,因为可怜的不良们还在医院中躺尸,一个都没有要苏醒的样子。Thereforeis unable to knowthemby anyone or the thingpunchingthis.
所以也无从得知他们是被什么人或东西给揍成这样。According to the schoolmate who goingto visit the sickhas mentioned, eveninstupor, the moan of delinquentsalsooftenemanationpain, because the populationare many, thenby the hospitalarrangementingianthospital ward. Close to70-80people of pitiful yellmoans, thatpicturesimplyis too beautiful, extremely tragic.
据前去探病的同学提起过,就算在昏迷中,不良们还不时的发出痛苦的呻吟,由于人数很多,便被院方安排在巨型病房里。接近70-80人的惨叫呻吟,那画面简直太美,惨绝人寰。„Shouldn't stunnedwords, one day and one nightnot wake? Thesedelinquentswill not make into the vegetable.”Shuhangsecretly said in heart.
“只是被打昏的话,不应该一天一夜都醒不过来啊?这些不良们不会被打成植物人了吧。”书航心中暗道。At the same timeindulging in flights of fancy, another sideselects the groupto chat.
一边胡思乱想着,另一边又点开群聊天。Inhejogsin the time of eating meal, in the group were also manyseveralrecentnews.
在他跑步吃饭的时间里,群里又多了几条新消息。Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feather( online via mobilestatus): „Senior North River, Ihave arrived in the Jiangnan districtairport. That sideSenior The Seventhneedsto help?”灵蝶岛羽柔子(手机在线状态):“北河前辈,我已抵达江南区机场。阿七前辈那边需要帮助吗?”Loose Practitioner North Riverreallyonline, herepliesrapidly: „Soft Feathergot online, The Seventhearly morningtimehas retrievedLittle Sixteen, thenleftH-City. Yourno need to be worriedthey, canfeel relieved that goes toJ-Cityto doyourmatterdirectly.”北河散人果然在线,他迅速回复:“羽柔子上线了啊,阿七凌晨的时候已经找回小十六,然后离开h市了。妳不用担心他们,可以放心直接前往j市做妳自己的事吧。”„Is all rightwell.”Soft Featherreplied, thenalsoadds-onsaid: „Senior The Seventhalready leftH-City?”
“没事就好。”羽柔子答道,然后又附加道:“阿七前辈已经离开h市了吗?”„When yes, before dawnleft.”Loose Practitioner North Riveralsoasked: „could it beSoft Feather does youris there anything elsesentimentwantto look forThe Seventh?”
“是的,凌晨时就离开了。”北河散人又问道:“难道羽柔子妳还有什么事情想找阿七?”Soft Feathersighed: „Actually...... Ihope that canmeetwithSenior The Seventh, someif possiblepeoplecanaccompanymeto go toJ-Cityto be better. Inot am quite ripetoH-City, Jiangnan districtandJ-City, feared that could not find the destination.”羽柔子叹道:“其实……我倒希望能和阿七前辈碰个头,如果可以的话有人能陪我去趟j市就更好了。我对h市、江南区、j市都不太熟啊,怕找不到目的地。”„Where do youwantto go? The presentcell phonehasnamednavigation function, is very easy-to-use. Has saying that the invention of modern people have is very practical convenient.” The Loose Practitioner North Riverwarmintroduced, in the groupmanypeople'sthingto the modernization is not quite ripe, Loose Practitioner North Riverrevoke settling of accountsonis‚modern agepasses’.
“你要去什么地方?现在的手机都有一个叫导航的功能,很好用的。不得不说现代人的发明有很多都很方便实用。”北河散人热情介绍道,群里很多人对现代化的东西都不太熟,北河散人倒算的上是个‘现代通’。wèi wèi, yourstyleno problem ma? Thisis not the classicalXianxiaChuunibyoupatientstrongly? Youshould notrecommend the ancientmapand so on? compass-classmagical treasure? The high-end, elegant, and classypoint, opens the teleportationdooralsoto acceptagain, onlymobile phone navigationsomewhatacceptscannot.喂喂,你们的画风没问题吗?这不是个古典的仙侠中二病患者的集中地吗?你不应该推荐古老地图之类的吗?或者定位类的法宝吗?再高大上点,开个传送门也可以接受,唯独手机导航有些接受不能啊。„Ihave tried, onplacenavigation that butImustgo tocould not find.”Soft Featherdepressedly said.
“我试过了,不过我要去的地方导航上找不到。”羽柔子郁闷道。navigationshewill certainly use, in factshethis yeara little more than 25, the young people of in certain aspectsandmodernizationhave not distinguished. Compared with the presentyoung peopleunderstand‚really*real world’ the knowledge.导航她当然会用,事实上她今年才二十五出头,在某些方面和现代化的年轻人没有区别。就是比现在的年轻人懂得更多‘真*真实世界’的知识。„Moreover, mysense of directionis a little bad, even iftooknavigation is not possibleto find the destination.”Soft Featheralsoadded.
The Loose Practitioner North Rivercomfortsaid: „doesn't matter, the issue of sense of direction, so long as after wait for youis promoted the Fifth Stagerealmcontrolling qilineempty, standingfar that looks athigh, on the no need to be worriedgetting lost. As for the present, youcanhit a hiring, so long asgenerallyhas a geographic name, Drivertaxicandeliver to the destinationyou. Butmustbe careful that do not get the unlicensed taxi.”北河散人安慰道:“没关系,方向感的问题只要等你晋级到五品境界御气行空后,站的高看的远,就不用担心迷路了。至于现在,妳可以打个出租吧,一般只要有个地名,出租车司机就能将你送到目的地。但要小心不要打上黑车。”„Thanks the senior, I'll give it a try.” The Soft Feathergratitude said that words that no oneprompts, shealmostforgetsalsoto havetaxithisconvenienttransportationway.
“谢谢前辈,我去试试。”羽柔子感激道,没人提示的话,她都差点忘记还有出租车这种便利的交通方式。Loose Practitioner North Riversupplements saying: Place that „Soft Featheryoumustgo to? Ifyoureallycould not findmeto helpask that nearby hasfellow daoist, couldhelpslightlybusy.”北河散人又追加道:“羽柔子妳要去的地方是哪?如果妳真的找不到我可以帮忙问问附近有没有道友,或许可以帮点小忙。”„IsJ-City a place that calledLuo Xin Block, thereshouldhave an ancient templenamedGhost Lantern Temple. Imustgoisthatancient temple!”Soft Featherfastreply.
“是j市一处叫罗信街区的地方,那里应该有个叫鬼灯寺的古庙。我要去的就是那个古庙!”羽柔子快速回复。„GoodI understand. Iinquiredforyou, had the newsIto contact withyou.”Loose Practitioner North Riverreplied.
“好的我知道了。我替妳打听一下,有消息我联系妳。”北河散人回复道。„Senior, is deeply grateful!”Soft Feathertransmitted a smile: „Ilook fortaxi.”
“前辈,感激不尽!”羽柔子发送了个笑脸:“我去找出租车。”Jiangnan districtairport江南区机场Thatwaist-length hairlong legyounger sisterdrags the giantsuitcase, half step the place that hitsto the airportwalks. The prettyform, has allowed to pass through the malelooksto look blank.
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