CCG :: Volume #1

#10: a brief interlude while strolling in the streets

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Before Shuhang, thought a long time, where thought Luo Xin Block this name has heard, but cannot think. Originally here, illustrious glutton heaven! 书航之前想了老半天,觉的罗信街区这名字在哪里听说过,但却怎么也想不起来。原来在这里呢,赫赫有名的吃货天堂! It is not right, Luo Xin Block that in the group that Soft Feather said not in J-City? But here Jiangnan district. 不对啊,群里那羽柔子说的罗信街区不是在j市吗?这里可是江南区啊。 could it be did Soft Feather remember incorrectly the place? 难道羽柔子记错了地点? Also or J-City and do Jiangnan district have Luo Xin Block? 又或者j市江南区都有一个罗信街区 This is also very normal, will rarely repeat like the city name and district. 这也很正常,像市名、县名很少会重复。 But town/subdues name, block, village and so on redundant on many. The place that Soft Feather must go to definitely is J-City's that comes probably not to Jiangnan district. 但镇名啊、街区啊、村落啊之类的重复的就多的去了。羽柔子要去的地方肯定是j市的那个,应该不会江南区来。 Because is comes out to relax, therefore Shuhang no longer thinks. 因为是出来散心的,所以书航不再多想。 He walks while eats, eats while strolls. 他边走边吃,边吃边逛。 Also does not know how long strolled, after feeling somewhat tired, bought two brittle chicken rolls, on the person for the seat that rested sits down near the block, rests. 也不知逛了多久,感觉有些累了后,又买了两份脆鸡卷,在街区边上供人休息的座椅上坐下,休息起来。 ...... ...... ...... ...... The opposite of breathing place is a Luo Xin Block big square, crowded, unusually bustling with noise and excitement. 休息处的对面是罗信街区的一个大广场,人来人往,热闹非凡 The weather just now warms up, unable has actually stopped the instinct that the women like to look good. 天气才刚转暖,却已无法阻拦女人们爱美的天性。 Everywhere is dazzling spaghetti strap top, midriff tops and miniskirt, low waist hot-pants, high heel and pointy-tipped sandals. Charming jade neck and cleavage and slim waist jade leg, was the Luo Xin Block square increases thousand Graceful Wind, to be tender and beautiful. 到处是眩目的吊带衫露脐装、迷你裙,还有低腰热裤、高跟尖足凉鞋。迷人的玉颈高胸蛮腰玉腿,为罗信街区的广场增添了千种风情、万般娇艳。 So long as sits in the rest area, can see that the innumerable slender thighs are sparkling ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray. 只要坐在休息区,就可以看到无数修长大腿在闪耀着万丈光芒。 Song Shuhang at will choice rest area, good place-- at his side that looks at the beautiful woman to have three buddies, the big long leg allocation of in deadly earnest's beautiful women. 宋书航随意选择的休息区,正是个看美女的好地方——在他身边就有三个哥们,一本正经的美女们的大长腿打分。 did you see that, under the left electronic large screen curtain corner/horn that red skirt, that stature, that leg little said 80 points.” The fat buddy of wears Houhou eyeglasses points at that red skirt form to say. 看到了没有,左边电子大屏幕下角那个红裙子,那身材,那腿少说80分。”戴厚厚眼镜的胖哥们指着那红裙子身影道。 Ah Xu, your vision must practice again. 73 points cannot be many, her leg is very long, but overall some were too thin. Moreover calf proportion obviously was slightly short, affected overall artistic.” The man of nearby very cool sunlight shows the stance of expert very much. 阿虚,你眼光还要再练练啊。73分不能再多了,她的腿是很长,但整体有些太瘦了。而且小腿比例显的稍短,影响了整体美观。”边上一个很帅很阳光的男子摆出专家的架势。 Right?” The eyeglasses fatty grasped scratching the head, carefully looked that also really such as the sunlight man said. However carefully does not look unable to look. “是吗?”眼镜胖子抓了抓头,仔细一看还真如阳光男子所言。不过不仔细看根本看不出来啊。 I think can hit for over 77 points, after all in the reality such beautiful leg is extremely rare. Cannot makes the standard with the online thigh star or leg model.” Last short hair man face upwards leans on the chair, said reluctantly. “我觉的可以打77分以上,毕竟现实中这样的美腿已经极难得了。不能拿网上的大腿明星或腿模做标准。”最后一个短发男子仰靠在椅子上,懒懒道。 Song Shuhang is listening, cannot help but looks in the direction that eyeglasses fatty refers. Has female who there wears the red tight-fitting package buttocks one-piece dress travel along, on slender foot crystal sandals. 宋书航听着,不由自主的往那眼镜胖子指的方向望去。在那里有位穿着红色紧身包臀连衣裙的女子正快步行走,修长的脚上着水晶凉鞋。 Dares to put on this tight-fitting dress woman, basically is to own stature confident that. 敢穿这种紧身包臀裙的女人,基本都是对自己身材有信心的那种。 Shuhang has not loved the leg hobby, but must acknowledge that this red skirt female is indeed attractive, the thigh is very white and tender slender , the master of leg pays attention to maintain obviously very much. 书航没有恋腿癖,但还是得承认这红裙女子的确漂亮,大腿很修长还白嫩嫩的,腿的主人显然很注意保养。 Said when the man looks at the woman, the little man looks at the face, grows up again looks at the chest, the mature man will look at the leg. 都说男人看女人时,小男人看脸,再长大些看胸,只有成熟的男人才会看腿。 Shuhang felt oneself have not definitely been mature man--, because he has no feeling to the thigh. Even if sees the full street white and shiny thigh, he still has nothing impulsive, will not have grading like the nearby three buddies the desire. 书航感觉自己肯定还算不上成熟男人——因为他对腿部没啥感觉。就算看到满街白花花的大腿,他也没任何冲动,更不会象边上三个哥们一样产生评分的欲望。 Must kneel to lick the roommate of neighboring country star big long leg regarding several names, Song Shuhang did not understand. 对于几位称要跪舔邻国明星大长腿的室友,宋书航更是万般不理解。 The leg, men have. The leg white spot of woman, tender, has nothing specially? 腿嘛,男人们自己都有。女人的腿不过白点、嫩点,也没啥特殊的嘛? This is his idea at heart, if makes the nearby three buddies know, certainly must spurt his face to fly in circles. 这是他的心里想法,如果让边上三个哥们知道的话,肯定要喷他一脸翔。 Looks quickly, 100 points, 100 points!” Suddenly, that eyeglasses fatty excitedly said, voice cannot help but enlarged. “快看,一百分,一百分啊!”突然,那眼镜胖子激动道,声音都不由自主放大了一些。 „?” The sunlight man asked that although the vision of eyeglasses fatty was not good, but also can be considered as insightful man. 100 points this score cannot hit at will. “哪?”阳光男子问道,眼镜胖子的眼光虽然不算上佳,但也算是有眼光的男人。一百分这分数可不是随意可以打出来的。 The languid short hair men sit the straight body curiously, looks following the direction that the fatty looks. 懒洋洋的短发男子都好奇的坐直身体,顺着胖子望的方向望去。 Under that LED large screen, a Dao Cultivator long pretty form turns as before from the corner. She is dragging the giant box, does not have the strenuous appearance. 依旧在那LED大屏幕下方,一道修长俏丽的身影从转角拐出。她拖着巨大的箱子,却丝毫没有吃力的样子。 Black waist-length hair, such as the waterfall hangs loose after behind, flutters with the wind. 黑色的长发及腰,如瀑布披散在身后,随风飘扬。 Her stature tall, even if only puts on sneakers, can obviously see as before her both legs must grow old first one section compared with the surroundings crowd. She one step takes, has average person 2-3 steps distance. 她身材高挑,就算只穿着运动板鞋,依旧可以明显看出她的双腿比周围人群都要长出老大一截。她一步迈出,就有普通人2-3步的距离 This simply is the inborn movie female main character template, even if stands in the crowd anything does not do, will have a liking a crane among chickens feeling. Inborn is the focus of people line of sight. 简直就是天生的电影女主角模板,即使站在人群中什么都不做,都会有种鹤立鸡群的感觉。天生就是群众们视线的焦点。 Quick that black hair beauty walks, several steps welcomed a moment ago by the red skirt children child who three buddies commented. When all perfect things alone, perhaps will not be dazzling. Once when has the contrast, hundred times will be dazzling. 黑发美人走的很快,几步就迎上了刚才被三个哥们评论的红裙子女子。一切完美的事物单独时,或许不会太耀眼。可一旦有对比时,就会百倍耀眼起来。 At this moment, the red skirt female became contrast. When black haired woman passed over gently and swiftly from her side, two pairs of beautiful legs have the striking contrast, high under stands sentences. The contrast increases the aesthetic sense obviously, the black haired woman both legs even more dazzling. 这一刻,红裙女子就成了衬托。黑发女子从她身边掠过时,两双美腿成鲜明对比,高下立判。对比增大美感,黑发女子双腿显的越发耀眼。 Ah Xu, great. This absolutely proper 100 points.” The sunlight man stood immediately, patted the body's clothes, put out a hand to stroke the hairstyle. 阿虚,没得说。这绝对妥妥的一百分啊。”阳光男子马上站了起来,拍了拍自己身上的衣服,又伸手捋了捋发型。 What do you make?” The short hair man asked. “你做啥?”短发男子问道。 Makes! Such perfect woman, meets for a lifetime rarely again. No matter is successful, how regardless of must come up approximately one, otherwise can regret for a lifetime.” The sunlight man reveals the tooth to smile, two rows of Big White teeth sparkle to shine under the sunlight. He indeed has the talent that attracts the younger sister, has the foundation-- sunlight of life winner to be charming. “约啊!这么完美的女人,一辈子都难得再遇上。所以不管成功不成功,无论如何也要上去约一下啊,否则一辈子都会后悔的啊。”阳光男子露齿一笑,两排大白牙在阳光下闪闪发亮。他的确有吸引妹子的天赋,拥有人生赢家的基础——阳光帅气。 doesn't lose anything if failed ; Must really successfully make, his made a big profit! This hundred advantages do not have the matter that harms, why not? 不成功也不会亏;要真成功约到了,那他就赚大发了!这种百利而无一害的事,何乐而不为? The real man, wanted not to fear ashamed, brave on at this time! 真男人,在这个时候就要不惧羞耻,勇敢的上! Afterward, the sunlight handsome fellow pushes in the crowd, pushes in the direction of black long straight beautiful woman. 随后,阳光帅哥挤入人群,朝着黑长直美女的方向挤去。 ...... ...... ...... ...... Then, less than two minutes. The sunlight handsome fellow came back dejectedly. 然后,两分钟不到。阳光帅哥又垂头丧气的回来了。 Was defeated? Such quickly?” Although eyeglasses fatty doubtfully asked-- knows that own companion 90% or higher will be defeated, but how to say own companion also has quite handsome, moreover is can talk really well, failed quickly? By his strength, makes the artillery failure even, chatted with the beautiful woman meets also no problem? “失败了?这么快?”眼镜胖子疑惑问道——虽然知道自己的同伴百分之九十以上会失败,但怎么说自己同伴还有点小帅的,而且能说会道,这么快就失败?以他的实力,就算约炮失败,和美女多聊会也没问题的吧? Does not have the opportunity to make, the beautiful woman leg is good to be long, walked quite quick, one step withstand/top my several steps. I ran, actually cannot catch up.” Sunlight handsome guy has tears streaming down the face. “没机会约啊,那美女腿好长,走的好快,一步顶我好几步。我都一路小跑了,却根本追不上。”阳光帅哥泪流满面。 „......” A short hair man face is speechless. “......”短发男子一脸无语。 On the side of “Chi!” Song Shuhang almost smiles the internal injury, these three buddies are quite funny. “哧!”一边的宋书航差点笑到内伤,这三哥们好逗。 However the words have said that the leg of that black hair beauty, was very a moment ago dazzling. 不过话说过回来,刚才那黑发美人的腿,真的很耀眼啊。 In present era, the network is developed. The various sorts and varieties beautiful woman emerges one after another incessantly, people have aesthetically to beautiful woman weary. 在如今的时代,网络发达。各种各样的美女层出不穷,人们对‘美女’早已经有审美疲劳。 But true gold does not fear fire, truly has the characteristics beautiful woman, forever can make the vision of person be attracted firmly. 真金不怕火炼,真正有特色的美女,永远能让人的目光被牢牢吸引。 For example black hair beauty, after that type looked at one, will remember firmly, type that perhaps in a short time will not forget. 例如刚才的黑发美人,就那种看一眼后就会牢牢记住,恐怕短时间内都不会忘记的类型。 ...... ...... ...... ...... The meeting by chance beautiful woman window-shops a brief interlude while strolling in the streets. 偶遇美女只是逛街压马路的小插曲 Rested some time, Song Shuhang continued to set out to stroll. 休息了一些时间,宋书航继续起身逛了起来。 A while buys eating some snack to go back.” When his secretly said in heart, not long ago cold the roommate has the attendance, since strolls the glutton heaven, has no alternative but to have a intention to go back. “等会儿买些吃的零食回去吧。”他心中暗道,前不久感冒时室友多有照顾,所以既然逛吃货天堂,就不能不带点心意回去呢。 Also does not know that their several like eating anything, various that types delicious brings a portion to go back. 也不知道他们几个喜欢吃什么,那就各种好吃的都带一部分回去吧。
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