9 : 00 am.
上午9点。Shuhangtwo peoplesatelectric train that went to the Jiangnan districtuniversity city. Theirluckis very good, when 8.45arrive inJ-CityBlack Elephant Station, will happen to haveelectric train at exactly 9 : 00 opening.书航两人坐上了前往江南区大学城的动车。他们运气很好,8点45时抵达j市黑象站,正好有动车将在九点整开启。Bon voyage.
When arrives inJiangnan University Campusalready at exactly 12 : 00.
抵达江南大学城时已经十二点整。„Cango to my to play?”Song Shuhangasked the sentencestemming from the politecustom. Justasked when herememberedSoft Feathersuddenlyis nothisthesegood friends, butwasonejustknew a day of miss, thissayingwas somewhat offensive.
“要去我那玩玩吗?”宋书航出于礼貌习惯问了句。刚一问出时他突然想起羽柔子可不是他的那些好友,而是一个刚认识一天的姑娘,这话有些唐突。„Thanks the senior, laterif have some timeImustask the seniorto play. HowevernowImustgo homea bit faster, thisonlySpirit Ghost Contractfirst. Moreover, perhaps the latewordsdadcame back, thatis not good.”Soft Feathersaid with a smilesweetly.
“谢谢前辈,以后有空的话我一定要找前辈玩。不过现在我要快点回家,将这只灵鬼契约了先。而且,再迟的话说不定阿爹就回来了,那就不好了。”羽柔子甜甜笑道。Song Shuhangsaid with a smile: „Thenbye, youcanride the electric train stationexit|to speaktaxito go to the Jiangnan districtairportdirectly, personno problem?”宋书航笑道:“那么再见吧,妳可以直接乘坐动车站出口的出租车前往江南区机场,一个人没问题吧?”„no problem . Moreover the airplane ticket of return tripalsosubscribedearly. So long asIarrive in the airport to go backsmoothly. Rightsenior, yourmailing addressismany, Ialsoneedto sendtwobox of medicinal herbsto giveyou ne!”Soft Featherremembered itselfto pledgesuddenlyfrom the beginning.
The goodmiss who shelives up to one's words, the compliedmatterwill achieveabsolutely.
她可是说到做到的好姑娘,答应的事就绝对会做到。„Thatjust forget about it, laterhad free timeto sayagain.”Is pinchingin the handthisbeing known as‚sealspirit ghost’Ice Pearl, Song Shuhangfeltfaintly, the medicinal herb that perhapsSoft Feathersaidcannotbeforehimimaginessimple.
“那个就算了吧,以后有空再说吧。”捏着手中这枚号称‘封印着灵鬼’的冰珠,宋书航隐隐感觉,或许羽柔子说的药材不会象他之前想象的那样简单。„Seniorpleasedo not makemebe a going back on wordperson, ourSpirit Butterfly Island'spersonone word worth nine sacred tripods'!”Soft Featherearnestly said.
“前辈请不要让我做个食言的人,我们灵蝶岛的人一言九鼎的!”羽柔子认真道。„Good...... ”Song Shuhangsaw unable to reject, hasto pull outnotebookalong, wrote downownmailing address, tore downto giveSoft Feather.
“好……吧。”宋书航见拒绝不了,只好掏出随身的笔记本,写下自己的邮寄地址,撕下交给羽柔子。Soft Feathergently and cautiouslythisnotepadcollection, waves goodbyetowardShuhanglater.羽柔子小心翼翼的将这便笺收藏,随后朝着书航挥手告别。Song Shuhanggazes afterherto depart, thisrelaxes.宋书航目送她离去,这才松了口气。„Finishedfinally, wantsto comeprobably notto have happening togetherwiththisgirlsagain?”Song Shuhang scratched his head, Ha Hasmiles: „Went back!”
“总算结束了,想来和这姑娘间应该不会再有交集了吧?”宋书航抓了抓头,哈哈一笑:“回去了!”FutureSong Shuhang, must certainlyfeel gratefulSoft Feathertoday'sinsistence!
未来的宋书航,肯定要感激羽柔子今天的坚持!Withoutherinsistedtwobox of medicinal herbs that mustsendperhaps, the Song Shuhang'slifewantsuch as an average personto be the same, finish the university, looks for a simplework, marries an ordinarywife, liveschild who maylovecute, crossed the ordinarylife.
若是没有她坚持要送来的两箱药材,宋书航的一生恐怕要如一个普通人一样,读完大学,找个简简单单的工作,娶个普普通通的老婆,生个可可爱爱的孩子,渡完平平凡凡的一生了。Because ofSoft Feathertoday'ssupport, the Song Shuhang'slifewill have the tremendous changes.
……Nine Provinces (1) Group.九洲一号群。Loose Practitioner North River: „Did Soft Feather, findGhost Lantern Temple?”北河散人:“羽柔子,找到鬼灯寺了吗?”Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feather( online via mobilestatus): „Found, successfullycompletes the task, currently alreadyon the road of going home.”灵蝶岛羽柔子(手机在线状态):“找到了,顺利完成任务,现在已经在回家的路上。”„Myformergoing astrayplace, toJiangnan districtLuo Xin Block, butImeetSenior Song that in groupunderwentto harmvery much there luck. ThenhehelpedmefindJ-City'sLuo Xin Block, foundGhost Lantern Temple. Alsocompleted the taskwithhishelp!”
“我之前走错地方,到了江南区的罗信街区,不过我在那里幸运遇上了群里的一位很历害的宋前辈。然后他帮助我找到了j市的罗信街区,找到了鬼灯寺。又在他帮助下完成了任务!”„Senior Song in group? Thatsenior is Dao name?”Loose Practitioner North River asked that Songwas the common surname, in the groupseniorseveralsurnamed Song.
“群里的宋前辈?那位前辈道号是?”北河散人问道,宋是大姓,群里姓宋的前辈就好几位。“Ah!”Soft Feathersent the sticking out one's tongueexpression: „Ihave askedhisDao name, hehas not toldme. AfterwardIforgotto askunexpectedly, butIknew the seniorlay familynamedSong Shuhang!”“啊!”羽柔子发了个吐舌头表情:“我问过他道号,他没告诉我。后来我竟然忘记问了,不过我知道前辈俗家名叫宋书航!”„Song Shuhang, thisnamea littlelooks familiarprobably..”WhereSenior North Riverthinksactually unable to rememberinhas listened: „Ha Ha, mustcongratulateSoft Featheryousuccessfullyto completedutyin brief.”
“宋书航,这名字好像有点眼熟。。”北河前辈想了想却又想不起在哪听过:“哈哈,总之要恭喜羽柔子你顺利完成任务哈。”After allhecompliedto help, afterwardhad not actually added onwhatbusy, is a little guilty.
毕竟他本来答应帮忙,后来却没帮上什么忙,有点内疚。„ThankedSenior North River, the senioryoualsohelpsmebe many!”Soft Feathersaid with a smile: „Iboarded the airplane, see you later.”
“谢谢北河前辈,前辈您也帮了我很多!”羽柔子笑道:“我上飞机了,一会儿再见。”On the airplane, Soft Featherswitches off the cell phone, the visionplundersto the aircraft window.
The seniors in group, are very good.
群里的前辈们,果然都很好啊。EspeciallySenior Song, is really a biggood person.
特别是宋前辈,真是个大大的好人。Sparkingbrightgood personcard, evenis away from the long and trying journey, as beforeonfirmsendingSong Shuhang.
********Next day.
On June 4, on Tuesday, extremely hot!
6月4日,周二,酷热!Jiangnan University Campus, in the lecture hall14bigventilatorsrotatecrazily, actuallyonly thenhot blasts that brings, makingpeopledizzier.江南大学城,大教室上十四个大风扇疯狂转动,带起的却只有一股股热风,让人更加头昏脑涨。
The teacher of teachingis streaming with sweat, the strength of evenspeakingwas smaller.
讲课的老师早已经汗流浃背,连说话的力气都小了很多。Shuhangsits wellin the classroom, in the burning hotsummer, heactuallyfelt that accidentally/surprisinglyis clear.书航端坐在教室中,炎热的夏日里,他却意外感觉到头脑清晰。Hetookso manyclassesfrom infancy to maturity, the first time issorelaxed. The content that in the classroom the teacherspoke, helistened to be ableto rememberin the heartonetime, canraise one and infer threein the mind, grasp the knowledgemain pointrapidly.
他从小到大上了这么多课,还是第一次如此轻松。课堂上老师讲的内容,他听一次就能牢记于心,更能在脑海中举一反三,迅速掌握知识要点。Evenhealsohasample forcemultitasking, is attending a lecture, while can also divert attentionto indulge in flights of fancy something.
甚至他还有余力一心二用,一边听着课,一边还能分心胡思乱想些东西。side, an originallyis away from the femaleschoolmates of threeseatswithhim, cannot help butclose, approachestohimagain. Finally, wishes one could the bodyto pasteSong Shuhangbodyto gohaveconcave-convex. The lightperfumesiftsinhisnoseunceasingly.身边,一位原本和他隔着三个坐位的女同学,不由自主的向他靠近、再靠近。最后,恨不得将自己凹凸有致的身体都贴到宋书航身上去。淡淡的香水味不断飘入他鼻中。Thisis notSong Shuhang'scharmvalueonenightrises suddenly, butisin the burning hotweather, Shuhangbodyactuallysends out the faint tracecold air, simplyis the human formair conditioning is the same, making one wish one could the postto tightenhim.
这并不是宋书航的魅力值一夜暴涨,而是炎热的天气里,书航身上却散发出丝丝凉气,简直就是人形空调一样,让人恨不得贴紧他。Shuhanglowers the headto look on a neckwas hanging a beadsecretly, yesterdaySoft Featherdelivered his ‚Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl’. Thisbeadwearswhenbody, eliminates the Song Shuhangwhole bodyextremely hotauraautomatically, at his sideformsicy coldprotective layerpersonal.书航暗暗低头望了眼脖子上挂着的一枚珠子,正是昨天羽柔子送他的那枚‘封魂冰珠’。这珠子戴在身上时,自动消除宋书航周身酷热的气息,又在他身边贴身形成一层冰凉的保护层。And, when wearsthisbead, Shuhangfelt that clear, quick-thinking. Evenin the pastmustcarry34abilitiesto rememberEnglishword that looks that nowlistens to be ableto rememberin the heartonetime.
并且,戴着这珠子时,书航感觉头脑清晰、思维敏捷。甚至以往要背三四次才能记住的英语单词,现在看一眼听一次就能牢记于心。This...... istrueacademic tyrantartifact! Hadthisthing, making the tyrantschoolis easy.
这……是真正的学霸神器啊!有了这东西,制霸学校轻而易举。Thistype of thing, has a little exceeded the range that the sciencecanexplainslightly.
When hismindappearedSoft Featherat that time‚sealspirit ghost’ the scene.
他脑海中浮现羽柔子当时‘封印灵鬼’时的场面。„Really, exists?”Song Shuhangmuttered. ThismysteriousIce Pearl, makinghimexistregarding『Cultivation』'shad believed a point.
“真的,存在吗?”宋书航喃喃自语。这枚神奇的冰珠,让他对于‘修真’的存在已经又相信了一分。InthisIce Pearl, does the realsealhavespirit ghost?
Isn't cultivation, really the legend?修真,真的不是传说吗?
Does the immortal of mounting the clouds and riding the mist, reallyexist?
腾云驾雾的仙人,真的存在吗?move mountains and drain seas, really can be done ma?移山倒海,真的能办到吗?Issueone after another, appearsin the Shuhang'smind, is floodinghisbrain.
一个接一个的问题,浮现在书航的脑海,充斥着他的大脑。Ifthesethingshave...... the person in thatNine Provinces (1) Group, is really in the deity the person?
如果这些东西都存在的话……那九洲一号群里的人,真的都是神仙中人?Henotliketodayurgentwantsto look at'Nine Provinces (1) Group', wantsto have a look atchats of insidepeople, wantsto look for an evidenceto come outagain.
他从没有像今天这样迫切的想要去看‘九洲一号群’,想看看里面人们的聊天,想从中再找一个证据出来。How the classroomhad not finished, finisheda bit faster.
课堂怎么还没结束啊,快点结束吧。Shuhangsecretly said in heart.书航心中暗道。
……dīng líng líng叮铃铃ringtone of class recessrestresounds.
The students in teachingcheered the soundexcitedly, sets outto leavethissteamerclassroomin abundance, ventilatesto the corridoron.
教学中的学生们兴奋的欢呼了声,纷纷起身离开这蒸笼般的教室,到走廊上透透气。Onlyhasbeside Song Shuhang'syounger sistera littlelonging--sheto feel that Shuhangside is very cool, is more comfortable than the air conditioning. What a pitysheis not the Song Shuhang'sgirlfriend, finished classwas being hard to deal withShuhang.
唯有宋书航身边的妹子有点依依不舍——她感觉书航身边真的很凉快,比空调还舒服。可惜她不是宋书航的女朋友,下课了就不好缠着书航。Ortries, whenSong Shuhang'sgirlfriend? Shelooked atShuhangquietly. Song Shuhangin the classis notthattype the limelightperson, butactuallyhas the manly flavor? Veryexcited, if the hotsummerhugs such a icy coldmanto sleep, absolutelyis the besthuggingpillow?
要不试试当宋书航的女朋友?她悄悄瞄了眼书航。在班级中宋书航不是那种出风头的人,不过其实蛮有男人味的呢?很心动啊,炎炎夏天如果抱着这么一个冰冰凉凉的男人睡觉的话,绝对是个最棒的抱枕吧?„Hello, Schoolmate Song Shuhangin?”At this time, the entranceresoundedsonorousvoice.
“你好,请问宋书航同学在吗?”这时,门口响起一个宏亮的声音。Thisvoiceear-splitting, holdwas occupied by the audiencestudentsall of a sudden.
这声音震耳欲聋,一下子hold住了全场学生。Shuhangraise headlooks, discovered the guy who wears the suit, on the face of devilsactuallyshows the irritablekindlysmile.书航抬头望去,发现一个身穿西装的大汉,凶神恶煞的脸上却露出别扭的和善笑容。
Don't oneselfknowhim?
自己不认识他啊?Hesets outto wave: „Iam, are you? Why are you looking for me?”
他起身挥了挥手:“我就是,请问你是?找我有什么事?”„Ha Ha, IamAbundant Harvest Express Delivery Service's, twoSong JiangSchoolmate Shuhangbigcourierthrough the urgentaerial transport, have sentat high speedat the same night. Becauseis very importantguestsends, therefore after wantsyourpersonallyto receive and sign, canbecome effective.”Thissuitguyhehesaid with a smile, both handshanded over a name cardto giveSong Shuhangrespectfully.
“哈哈,我是丰收速递的,有两个宋江书航同学的大快递已经通过加急空运,快马加鞭连夜送来。因为是很重要的客人寄的,所以一定要你本人签收后才能生效。”这位西装大汉呵呵笑道,双手恭敬的递了张名片给宋书航。Shuhangreceived the name card, looks.书航接过名片,一看。Abundant Harvest Express Delivery ServiceCo. , Ltd., Sima Jiang!丰收速递集团有限公司,司马江!
A verysimplename card, without the positioninformation, iscompanyadds a personal name.
Did nowadayshaveownname card the courierpersonnel?这年头连快递人员都有自己的名片了?Under the Shuhangbookthisname card, in the hearthas doubts. Ownwhatcourier, needs the aerial transportto senddirectly?书航书下这张名片,心中疑惑。自己什么快递,需要直接空运来寄?Is thinkingtime, inhismindspringsSoft Featherthatshysmilesuddenly.
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