CCG :: Volume #1

#23: Venerable Spirit Butterfly's method

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Opposite party the imagination of strength far ultra Altar Master, completely does not fall into the same ranking with him. 对方的实力远超坛主的想象,和他完全不是一个等级的。 The miss casual palm lays out, might on big fearfulness. Paper of spirit ghost that powerful talent golden Shield such as under the miss small hand stick is frail. 那姑娘随便一掌拍出,威力就大的可怕。灵鬼那强悍的天赋金盾在姑娘小手下如纸糊般脆弱。 Moreover, when coping with two spirit ghost that miss also pulls out the golden spell. That high-level goods, he is intimate a round also to go to half life. 不仅如此,在对付两个灵鬼时那姑娘还掏出金色的符咒。那种高级货色,他挨上一发也要去半条命。 At least is the Second Stage True Master peak strength, even possibly is Third Stage Rebirth Battle King in legend. Moreover is so young.” Altar Master only felt own old age lived dog body. “至少已经是二品真师巅峰的实力,甚至可能已经是传说中的三品后天战王。而且还如此年轻。”坛主只感觉自己这一把年纪都活到狗身上去了。 Strength or treasure, he by far is not the opponent of that miss. If his take action sneak attack, the result will not compare two spirit ghost good many. 无论是实力还是宝物,他都远远不是那姑娘的对手。如果他出手偷袭的话,结局不会比两个灵鬼好多少。 No, if he dares take action, compares two spirit ghost to be miserable absolutely. Because spirit ghost also has by the value of use, he does not have a value to Soft Feather. The enemy of trivial, sending in the tomb was appropriate. 不,如果他敢出手的话,绝对比两只灵鬼要惨。因为灵鬼还有被利用的价值,他对羽柔子来说却没一丝价值。没价值的敌人,送入坟墓再妥当不过了。 That seemingly ordinary man, he cannot induce the strength or true qi tiny bit qi and blood from body of opposite party. Is such a ordinary man, sits at will, found that terrifying seal great array's array core. When most essential, started great array, two spirit ghost thorough seals. 还有那个看似普普通通的男人,他从对方的身上感应不到一丝一毫的气血之力或是真气。偏偏就是这么一个普通男人,随意一坐,就找到了那恐怖封印大阵的阵眼。又在最关键的时候,启动了大阵,将两只灵鬼彻底封印。 When this eyesight and self-confidence, in addition his 'senior' status, lets Altar Master recalls, the leg somewhat becomes tender. 这份眼力和自信,再加上他那‘前辈’的身份,让坛主回想起来时,腿都有些发软。 He is a discretion, or timid man. 他本来就是个谨慎,或者说胆子很小的男人。 Because is discrete, he can practice expelling evil spirits evil law, make evil spirit and evil ghost everywhere, actually still completely undamaged lived for more than 170 years. 正因为谨慎,他才能修炼‘驱鬼’邪法,四处制造邪灵恶鬼,却还完好无损的活了一百七十余年。 However, is unwilling. 但是,不甘心。 60 years, he consumes 60 years of time on Ghost Lantern Temple and spirit ghost! Before 60 all sorts plan, 60 years of waiting, trades comes to naught finally. 六十年啊,他在鬼灯寺灵鬼上消耗六十年的光阴!六十前的种种谋划、六十年的等待,换来的终是一场空。 Regardless of he again how timid, impossible is resigned. 无论他再怎么胆小,也不可能甘心。 Altar Master felt that own chest is quite stuffy, his raise head looks up to the starry sky, voice is sorrowful: You took your spirit ghost, leaves behind my spirit ghost actually gives back to me.” 坛主感觉自己的胸口好闷,他抬头仰望星空,声音悲恸:“你们取走了自己的灵鬼,倒是将我的灵鬼留下还给我啊。” Two spirit ghost in Ghost Lantern Temple, one is only the Venerable Spirit Butterfly seal. Another, is actually this Altar Master! 鬼灯寺中的两只灵鬼,有一只是灵蝶尊者封印的。另一只,却是这位坛主的! Is why mature as for two spirit ghost, doesn't he actually take these two spirit ghost? Wants, when Soft Feather they do come? 至于为什么两只灵鬼早已成熟,他却迟迟不取走这两只灵鬼?非要等到羽柔子她们过来? It is not he does not want to take spirit ghost, after spirit ghost is mature several years, his simply is thinking always from the Huang Dagen grave comes out belt/bring of spirit ghost! 并不是他不想取走灵鬼,在灵鬼成熟后的几年时间里,他简直无时无刻都想着将灵鬼黄大根的坟中带出来! However, he cannot achieve! 但是,他做不到! Original Ghost Lantern Temple, all around of grave of present Huang Dagen, unexpectedly hidden of completely crazy and ridiculous seven powerful to make the blood boil array. Except that trapped/sleepy spirit array and Song Shuhang of that swayed on outwardly initiates Poisonous Dragon Grass array core outside array, the surroundings of grave of Huang Dagen are also hiding five terrifying array. Is that type to array that he in 1000 cannot break. 鬼灯寺,现在的黄大根之坟的四周,竟然丧心病狂的隐藏着七个强大到让人发指的阵法。除了那个摆在明面上困灵阵法宋书航引发的‘毒龙草阵眼阵法外,黄大根之墓的周围还隐藏着五个恐怖阵法。属于那种给他一千年也破不了的阵法 Once these array were activated, when needs the Venerable Spirit Butterfly bloodlines successor to come, can open independently. So long as this skewer of array had not been broken, no one can take inside spirit ghost! 这些阵法一旦被激活,就需要有灵蝶尊者血脉传人前来时,才能自主打开。只要这一串的阵法没被破去,就没人可以取走里面的灵鬼 spirit ghost, can enter cannot leave! 阵内的灵鬼,能进不能出! Yes, this is place-- spirit ghost that Altar Master most hates can put, actually cannot take. 是的,这是坛主最恨的地方——灵鬼能放进去,却不能取出来。 In the past, he had not discovered that array of hidden, thinks pushed Ghost Lantern Temple then to break trapped/sleepy spirit with the hand of Huang Dagen. Then very happy regards own it's in the bag Ghost Lantern Temple, waits for spirit ghost to be mature. 当年,他没发现隐藏的阵法,自以为借黄大根之手推了鬼灯寺便破了困灵阵。然后美滋滋的将鬼灯寺当成自己的囊中之物,等着灵鬼成熟。 Perhaps this Luo Xin Block is really his blessed land. Here lives in seclusion for several years later, under his accident of sorts also obtained one not to have mature spirit ghost. Then, in the grave of delighted load Huang Dagen nourishes. 或许这罗信街区真是他的福地。在这里隐居几年后,他机缘巧合下又得到了一只没成熟的灵鬼。然后,欢喜的送入黄大根之墓中滋养。 But when spirit ghost is mature, when he wants to take out spirit ghost, discovered that is hiding six great array. 但当灵鬼成熟时,他想取出灵鬼时,才发现了那隐藏着的六个大阵 This is cheats absolutely. 这绝对是坑人啊。 Actually, so long as uses the brain to think how slightly-- said also for the training spirit ghost's place that the daughter prepares, how will Venerable Spirit Butterfly be also careless? Draws back several steps, how even if Venerable cannot have a liking for spirit ghost again. But since he has bought this place, regards as the 's in the bag this spirit ghost, that impossible only throws trapped/sleepy spirit array to be in-situ certainly! 其实,只要稍稍动下脑子就应该想到——怎么说也是为女儿预备的培养灵鬼的地方,灵蝶尊者又岂会草率?退几步来讲,就算尊者再怎么看不上灵鬼。但他既然已经买下了这块地,就是将这灵鬼视为囊中之物,那就绝不可能只扔个困灵阵法在原地! What a pity, such simple truth, 60 years ago has not actually thought by greedy blurred Altar Master of eye. 可惜,这么简单的道理,六十年前被贪婪迷离了眼的坛主却没有想到。 „It is not good, cannot consider as finished. At least...... at least, must take carry back belongs to me that only spirit ghost. Even if pays me all not to hesitate now again.” Altar Master muttered. “不行,不能就这么算了。至少……至少,要将属于我的那只灵鬼拿回来。就算是付出我现在所有的一切也再所不惜。”坛主喃喃道。 So long as there is spirit ghost, he can have the opportunity to break through present Second Stage True Master realm, contacts Third Stage Rebirth Battle King realm, life span that is going to dry up can extend again for hundred years! 只要有一只灵鬼,他就能有机会突破现在的二品真师境界,接触到三品后天战王境界,将要枯竭的寿元就能再延百年! Even if kneels down to offer oneself to be still good, what price regardless, does not hesitate again. 就算是下跪奉上自己一切也好,无论什么样的代价,都再所不惜。 Finally looked at the eye by the grave of Huang Dagen array revolves, Altar Master is sorrowful, treads the serious step to leave. 最后再望了眼被阵法围绕的黄大根之墓,坛主悲痛莫名,踏着沉重的步伐离开。 ...... …… ...... …… After Altar Master leaves, in small grove the big handsome men come. His face languid expression, took out the cell phone dialed a telephone. 坛主离开后,小林子中又有一高大英俊的男子现身。他一脸懒洋洋的表情,掏出手机拨通了一个电话。 Master, junior apprentice sister had successfully found Ghost Lantern Temple, the seal spirit ghost. currently already goes back to rest, it is estimated that in the next two days will return to Spirit Butterfly Island.” Men in very earnest report, but his voice has a sluggishness that disclosed from bone. “师父,师妹已经顺利找到鬼灯寺,封印了灵鬼现在已经回去休息,估计明、后天就会回灵蝶岛。”男子在很认真的报道,但他的声音有一种从骨子里透露出的懒散。 This is good, this girl made one worry, what accident/surprise didn't have in midway?” Telephone another end transmits Venerable Spirit Butterfly's voice. “这就好,这丫头太让人操心了,中途没出什么意外吧?”电话另一端传来灵蝶尊者的声音 Un, nothing accident/surprise.” Male replied. “嗯,没什么意外。”男子回道 Very good , to continue to look after your junior apprentice sister, after arriving in Spirit Butterfly Island, smoothly replies me.” Venerable Spirit Butterfly also said: Tidies up several array that I arrange again, so as to avoid activated array causes every casualties. thanks for your trouble, Jianyi.” “很好,继续照顾着你师妹,顺利抵达灵蝶岛后再回复我。”灵蝶尊者又道:“再将我布置的几个阵法收拾一下,免得被激活的阵法造成凡伤亡。辛苦你了,剑壹。” leave it to me ba, I handle matters you to put the matter!” Male hēi hēi smiles, hangs up the telephone, he shrugs. 交给我吧,我办事您放事!”男子嘿嘿一笑,挂断电话,他耸了耸肩。 Actually small accidental/surprised has, for example that Altar Master, for example that named Song Shuhang's man. 其实小意外还是有的,比如那个坛主,又比如那个叫宋书航的男人。 Looks the form that Altar Master is going far away, Liu Jianyi had a yawn: „, how to say it, this fellow also knows the limitation, without take action, avoid also I begin.” 望着坛主远去的身影,刘剑壹打了个哈欠:“嘛,怎么说呢,这个家伙还蛮识相的,没有出手,也省得我动手。” Altar Master is very lucky, opportunity that he has not waited for the opportunity to act. Otherwise, even if he dares to exhibit to attack the Soft Feather's posture, now sends in the Huang Dagen grave to neutralize on Huang Dagen Path to the Yellow Springs to keep company absolutely. 坛主很幸运,他没有伺机而动的机会。否则,哪怕是他敢摆出想攻击羽柔子的架式,现在就绝对被送入黄大根的墓中和黄大根黄泉路上做伴去了。 ...... Very troublesome as for that Song Shuhang! If makes the teacher know that Soft Feather that girl midnight broke into this male room, but also sits by the ambiguous posture in the opposite party chest, have't own teacher can stamp one's foot? 至于那个宋书航……很麻烦!如果让师尊知道羽柔子那丫头半夜闯入了这男子房间,还以暧昧的姿势坐在对方胸口的话,自己的师尊还不得跳脚? Can by that time Teacher Heaven knows arrange one to make him monitor the Song Shuhang's duty? Therefore about this Song Shuhang's information, absolutely do not tell the teacher. 到时候天知道老师会不会布置一个让他监视宋书航的任务?所以关于这个宋书航的情报,绝对不要跟老师说。 Too troublesome, Liu Jianyi is thinking reluctantly. Soft Feather has not fallen root hair in any case, has not lost anything, instead also obtained that Song Shuhang many help. 太麻烦了呢,刘剑壹懒懒想着。反正羽柔子又没掉一根毛,也没损失什么,反而还得到了那宋书航很多帮助。 More importantly, he esteemed to save man-- of spirit he once because of the lazy breath, therefore self-torture Turtle Breathing Art, eventually was for a month only with breathing 2-3 realm. His life objective is, can use a finger solution the matter, will not use two finger absolutely. 重要的是,他可是推崇节约精神的男人——他曾经因为懒的呼吸,所以苦修龟息功,最终达到一个月只用呼吸2-3次的境界。他的人生宗旨就是,能用一根手指解决的事情,绝对不会用两根手指 The matter of going looking for trouble, is will not do absolutely! 自找麻烦的事,更是绝对不会去做! ...... …… ...... …… Soft Feather does not think absolutely she discovered father's personally written letter, and goes to Ghost Lantern Temple, has her father to support in behind silently. Venerable Spirit Butterfly sends the disciple to maintain the daughter all the way, it may be said that thinks through a matter. 羽柔子是绝对不会想到她发现父亲的手札,并一路前往鬼灯寺,都有她父亲在背后默默支持。一路上灵蝶尊者更派弟子保持女儿,可谓是用心良苦。 Actually, even Mad Sabre Three Waves from seeking death, Venerable Spirit Butterfly will not have found other excuses temporarily to leave Spirit Butterfly Island's. 其实,就算狂刀三浪没有自已作死,灵蝶尊者也会找其他理由暂时离开灵蝶岛的 Only can blame Mad Sabre Three Waves happen to hit the muzzle, omitted Venerable Spirit Butterfly to find the time of excuse. 只能怪狂刀三浪正好撞枪口,省去了灵蝶尊者找借口的时间。 ********** ********** Next day. 次日。 On June 3, on Monday, clear. 6月3日,周一,晴。 Song Shuhang was struggling from the bed to eight points. 宋书航一直到了八点才从床上挣扎着起来。 This Soft Feather has not ridden in his chest asks him to get out of bed. 这次羽柔子没有骑在他胸口叫他起床。 This makes him somewhat feel at ease, somewhat loses faintly? The human nature, is violates inexpensively! 这不由让他有些心安,又隐隐有些失落?人性,就是犯贱! After getting out of bed, the bedhead call to give Soft Feather: Got out of bed?” 起床后,拨打了个床头电话给羽柔子:“起床了吗?” Had gotten up, just finished the morningtide hitting the place, does the senior we go back?” Soft Feather soft voice replied. “已经起来了,刚结束晨间打座,前辈我们回去吗?”羽柔子软软的声音回道 First has a breakfast, then goes back.” Song Shuhang replied, the hotel had to provide the free buffet breakfast. “先去吃点早餐,然后就回去。”宋书航答道,酒店有提供免费的自助餐早点。
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