CCG :: Volume #1

#22: Accidental/Surprised gift

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It looks like from the Soft Feather's vision: 羽柔子的视觉看来: In two spirit ghost charge into Shuhang fiercely, actually sees Senior Song to be unhurriedly, bends the waist to pick up the cell phone that brings to a conclusion, then pulls out Poisonous Dragon Grass. 就在两只灵鬼狰狞冲向书航时,却见宋前辈不慌不忙,谈定的弯腰捡起手机,然后将一株毒龙草拉出。 The senior is this is what kind of unflustered, as if plunges his two fierce spirit ghost at present, is only trash same not worth mentioning! 前辈是这是何等的从容不迫,就仿佛眼前扑向他的两只狰狞灵鬼,只是渣渣一样不值一提 Poisonous Dragon Grass actually not what precious medicinal herb, but...... this Poisonous Dragon Grass obviously not wild, but was some people planted in the past specially! As bringing up the rear array core. 毒龙草倒不是什么珍贵药材,但是……这株毒龙草显然不是野生的,而是当年有人特意种下!作为押阵阵眼 After one was allocated, then has the invisible array counterfort to launch. 一被拨出后,便有无形的阵法护壁展开。 That two want to attack Song Shuhang's spirit ghost to run upon the invisible array counterfort, as if the fly ran upon the electrical network to be the same, after pā pā made noise, fell down, began cannot. Obviously had lost the strength of resistance. 那两只想攻击宋书航的灵鬼撞上无形阵法护壁,就仿佛苍蝇撞上了电网一样,啪啪作响后,摔倒在地,再起不能。显然已经失去了抵抗之力。 Good...... to be good to undergo the evil!” In the Soft Feather heart exclaimed in surprise. “好……好历害!”羽柔子心中惊叹。 She is sighing the Senior Song's eyesight! 她是在感叹宋前辈的眼力! She arranged for quite a while here, had not discovered that here is also hiding an array unexpectedly! When does Senior Song discover? 她在这里布置了半天,都没有发现这里竟然还潜藏着一个阵法宋前辈是什么时候发现的? That Poisonous Dragon Grass, is powerful array's brings up the rear array core. With provides the array ability array core to be different ordinary, bringing up the rear array core is the an array switch, once were allocated, array starts! 那株毒龙草,是一个强力阵法的押阵阵眼。和普通提供阵法能力的阵眼不同,押阵阵眼乃是一个阵法的开关,一旦被拨出,阵法就启动! This should be her father's arrangement before more than 60. 这应该是她父亲在六十多前的布置。 Evidently, her father supposed two layers seal array in Ghost Lantern Temple in the past. One is very simple trapped/sleepy spirit array, only limits the spirit ghost activities. In temple, as Ghost Lantern Temple was opened, already expired. 看样子,她父亲当年在鬼灯寺设下两层封印阵法。一层是很简单的困灵阵法,只限灵鬼活动范围。设在寺内,随着鬼灯寺被拆,已经失效 Another is actually powerful seal array, usually situated in hiding status. So long as dragon grass allocates will activate, this is used for great array that vanquishes spirit ghost to use, this opens, spirit ghost in Ghost Lantern Temple will be vanquished, seal! 另一层却是强力封印阵法,平时处于隐藏状态。但只要龙草一拨出就会激活,这是用来降伏灵鬼所用的大阵,此阵一开,鬼灯寺中的灵鬼就会被降伏、封印! Did Senior Song come to discover this second array? He seems like that actually chooses to sit near array core at will, guards against her to have the accident/surprise. 宋前辈是一过来就发现了这第二阵法吧?他看似随意却选择坐在阵眼边上,防备她出现意外。 Worthily is the senior, my also many places must learn/study! 不愧是前辈,我还有好多地方要学习啊! Soft Feather is so thinking, simultaneously an arrow step flushed, steps on two weak spirit ghost in the under foot. 羽柔子这般想着,同时一个箭步冲了上来,将两只虚弱的灵鬼踩在脚下。 Afterward, she stresses two bead that from oneself that big box is exuding the cold air. 随后,她从自己那大箱子中抓出两枚泛着寒气的珠子。 Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl, this is the seal spirit ghost's treasure, spirit ghost place, prepares contract related array again, can sign the contract with spirit ghost! 封魂冰珠’,这是封印灵鬼的宝物,将灵鬼封处其中,再准备契约相关的阵法,就能和灵鬼订下契约! When Soft Feather to guard against the seal the mistake, having many Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl to come. 羽柔子为了防备自己封印时出差错,带了好多枚‘封魂冰珠’过来。 She clamps two Ice Pearl in referring, both hands pinched several hand seal rapidly. 她将两枚冰珠夹在指间,双手迅速掐了好几个手印 Seals!” Light shout. “封!”一声轻咤。 spirit ghost of two severe wounds do not have strength to fight back, was sealed in two Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl respectively! 两只重伤的灵鬼毫无反抗之力,被分别封于两枚封魂冰珠之中! ...... …… ...... …… In Song Shuhang stares in the big eye, the azure light group that before that two groups encircled in the Soft Feather side dancing parter, was inhaled two Ice Pearl. 宋书航瞪大的眼睛中,之前那两团围在羽柔子身边伴舞的青色光团,被吸入两枚冰珠 This scene, ultra profound imaginary! 这场面,超玄幻! Any scientific knowledge unable explanation sends all at present. 无论是什么科学知识都无法解释眼前发一的一切。 Song Shuhang lightly swallowed a saliva, world outlook that at this moment, his for 18 years establish, collapsed larger part-- perhaps, in this world really does have ghost exist strangely? 宋书航轻轻咽了口口水,这一刻,他十八年来建立起来的世界观,崩溃了一大半——或许,这世界上有鬼怪存在? Perhaps this type with the thing of science unable perfect explanation, is existing with a special stance in the human world, exists in the folklore? 这种用科学都无法完美解释的东西,或许正以一种特殊的姿态存在于人间,存在于民间传说中? Senior, this time was really thank you. Without you helps, perhaps this two spirit ghost must escape. If ran away by them, they will not return to here again, next time wants to look for them to trouble.” Soft Feather is grateful. “前辈,这次真是太谢谢你了。若是没你帮忙,这次两只灵鬼恐怕都要逃脱。要是被它们逃走,它们就不会再回到这里,下次想找它们就麻烦了。”羽柔子感激无比。 Ha Ha.” Can the Song Shuhang hollow laugh, besides the hollow laugh, what he also say at this moment? 哈哈。”宋书航干笑,这一刻除了干笑外,他还能说什么? Senior, happen to the spirit ghost's quantity has two. I only used one enough, another delivered you! Although may not use by your cultivation base, but you can give to your posterity or the disciple.” Soft Feather is a very natural person. Priceless mid rank spirit ghost, her brow does not wrinkle, puts out a hand to give Shuhang. “前辈,正好灵鬼的数量有两只。我只用一只就够了,另一只就送你了!虽然以您的修为可能不会用到,但您可以送给您子孙后代或是弟子。”羽柔子是个很大方的人。价值连城的中阶灵鬼,她眉头都不皱一下,伸手递给书航 My girlfriends do not have, posterity who where comes? 俺连女朋友都没有,哪来的子孙后代? This thing was too precious, I cannot receive!” Song Shuhang earnestly said-- pit father, what in this Ice Pearl is a ghost! Although he doubtful status, but if in really ghost? “这东西太珍贵了,我不能收!”宋书航认真道——坑爹呢,这冰珠里面的是鬼啊!虽然他还是半信半疑的状态,但万一里面是真的鬼呢? If by some chance this ghost does come out? He what to do? He is only average person one, simply has not coped with the ghost the method, will definitely die by ghost suck dry blood essence! 万一这鬼出来呢?他怎么办?他只是普通人一个,根本没有对付鬼怪的手段,肯定会被鬼吸干精血而死吧! Can't this thing, receive? 这东西,不能收吧? Senior please must accept, tour of senior this Ghost Lantern Temple you helped me too many be too many! If you do not accept this only spirit ghost, my heart difficult secure, to have the influence on later practice!” Soft Feather same earnestly said, then the stopper Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl to the Shuhang hand, did not allow him to reject actually. “前辈请务必收下,这趟鬼灯寺之行前辈你帮助了我太多太多了!你若不收下这只灵鬼,我心难安,对以后的修炼会造成影响的!”羽柔子同样认真道,然后硬是塞了枚‘封魂冰珠’到书航手中,不容他拒绝。 Song Shuhang only feels to start icy coldly, in the burning hot weather, he actually felt that the whole body is cool-- this thing if in the summer the belt/bring in body, is equal to bringing a cold air air conditioning. 宋书航只感觉入手冰凉,在炎热的天气中,他竟然感觉浑身清凉起来——这玩意夏天若是带在身上,等于是自带一个冷气空调。 Walks, we go back.” The Soft Feather show/unfolds face smiles, will arrange the thing near cemetery to take back the baggage box rapidly, near cheerful arriving Shuhang. “走吧,我们回去吧。”羽柔子展颜一笑,迅速将布置在坟场边上的东西收回行李箱子,欢快的来到书航边上。 Shuhang can only Ghost Sealing Ice Pearl stopper to the pocket, this gift, since is the Soft Feather's intention, that then accepts! Should this thing by the seal, not come out in a short time? 书航只能将‘封魂冰珠’塞到口袋,这礼物既然是羽柔子的心意,那便收下吧!况且这东西已经被封印了,应该短时间内不会出来吧? He thinks. 他是这么想的。 Goes back to make up a sleep/felt, then tomorrow morning we will go to the station to have a look at the electric train ticket, the preparation to go back.” Song Shuhang said. “回去补个觉吧,然后明天早上我们去车站看看动车票,准备回去。”宋书航道。 Un.” The goal so achieves smoothly, Soft Feather is happy. “嗯。”目的如此顺利达成,羽柔子心情很好。 Two people walk side-by-side, put on small grove. 两人并肩而行,穿出小林子。 ai yō.” Soft Feather cried out suddenly the sound, later she lowers the head to look to approach oneself right foot. The shoes on right foot do not know when the degum, the shoe sole has fallen. 哎哟。”羽柔子突然叫唤了声,随后她低头望向自己的右脚。右脚上的鞋子不知何时已经脱胶,鞋底掉落。 When finally she erupts pursues two spirit ghost, to the shoes causes the damage. 是最后她爆发追赶两只灵鬼时,对鞋子造成损伤。 The Song Shuhang doubts turn the head: Un?” 宋书航疑惑转头:“嗯?” Shoes shattered.” Soft Feather lifts own right leg. The shoe sole falls, reveals her exquisite jade foot, glittering and translucent carving toe cute swaying from side to side. “鞋子坏掉了。”羽柔子抬起自己的右腿。鞋底掉落,露出她小巧的玉足,晶莹剔透的脚趾可爱的扭动。 I hold you, bike just in front. Moreover, I remember that nearby the hotel has a business street, a while first goes to that to have a look at the shoes.” Song Shuhang Ha Ha smiled. “我扶着妳吧,机车就在前面了。另外,我记得酒店附近就有条商业街,一会儿先去那看看有没有鞋子。”宋书航哈哈笑了起来。 After the moment, bike exudes the bellow again, is carrying two people far away from the Ghost Lantern Temple cemetery. 片刻后,机车再次发出轰鸣声,载着两人远离鬼灯寺坟场。 Soft Feather holds the giant suitcase, by Shuhang's behind, corner of the mouth rises, is happy. 羽柔子托着巨大旅行箱,靠在书航的身后,嘴角上扬,心情很好。 ...... …… ...... …… Song Shuhang felt, the business street sells the aunt of sandals is really an elegantly beautiful female. 宋书航感觉,商业街卖凉鞋的大妈真是个冷艳的女子。 Shuhang: Aunt, this double women sandals how many pair of?” 书航:“大妈,这双女式凉鞋多少一双哈?” The aunt knitting the brows head, coldly said: 40.” 大妈皱了皱眉头,冷冷道:“四十。” Quite expensive/noble, do 20 sell?” Song Shuhang is relentless to negotiate. Like class/flow of place this business street, goes shopping negotiates fifty-fifty absolutely not wrong. “好贵,二十卖不卖?”宋书航毫不留情砍价。像这种商业街之流地方,买东西对半砍价绝对没错 Ok.” Aunt coldly smiles: You want the right foot of left leg.” “行。”大妈冷冷一笑:“你要左脚的还是右脚的。” Shuhang: „......” 书航:“……” Ha Ha Ha Ha.” Soft Feather at the same time smiles not to relax. 哈哈哈哈。”一边的羽柔子笑到直不起腰。 Finally Song Shuhang only then obediently pulled out 40 to buy this double women sandals, making Soft Feather exchange. 最终宋书航只有乖乖掏出四十买了这双女式凉鞋,让羽柔子换上。 Two people board, expunges toward the hotel. 两人上车,往酒店开去。 On road, Song Shuhang doubtfully asked: Words said, I did offend that aunt a moment ago? Why always felt that she is sneering to me? Behind smiled me cool whiz whiz.” 路上,宋书航疑惑问道:“话说,我刚才得罪那大妈了吗?为什么总感觉她在对我冷笑?笑的我背后都凉嗖嗖的。” Our anything does not know!” Soft Feather happily said with a smile. “咱什么不知道呢!”羽柔子嘻嘻笑道 Seniors, your experiencing the world of mortals also by far insufficient! In her heart wants to say. 前辈,您的红尘历练还远远不够啊!她心中想道。 Business street, aunt tsundere coldly snorted: Old lady this year is only 29 years old 144 months, actually called my aunt? Has not sold your pair of 250 not bad. Snort!” 商业街,大妈傲娇冷哼:“老娘今年才二十九岁零144个月,竟然叫我大妈?没卖你一双二百五都不错了。哼!” ********** ********** Ghost Lantern Temple cemetery. 鬼灯寺坟场。 Song Shuhang two people, there is a form together to go out from the grove. This form sighed, pulled out cigarette, shivered the ignition, forced smile-- his forced smile is making people feel, even if were widely separated by hundred li (0.5 km), still as before bitter and astringent incomparable. 宋书航两人远离后,有一道身影从林子里走出。这身影叹了口气,掏出一根烟,颤抖着点燃,苦笑——他的苦笑让人感觉即使远隔百里,也依旧苦涩无比。 Form that strange Altar Master, he has hidden in the hidden place waits for the opportunity to act. But to finally, machine that’ he wants has not appeared, wants to move unable to move. 身影正是那个奇怪的坛主,他一直都隐藏在暗处伺机而动。但到最后,他想要的‘机’都没出现,想动也动不起来。 From beginning to end, he hid was being swindled a chapter of audience, helplessly looks at Soft Feather and Song Shuhang carried off spirit ghost. 从始至终,他隐藏在边上当了一回观众,眼睁睁看着羽柔子宋书航带走了灵鬼 He has thought take action captures spirit ghost forcefully, but he does not dare take action. 他想过强行出手夺取灵鬼,但他不敢出手
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