Initially when looks atSoft Feather, the average personcanrememberdefinitelyisherbiglong leg. But after being togethersometime, firstthinks when herthen when is her blushesbashfully the smile, very moe.
初看羽柔子时,一般人能记住的肯定是她的大长腿。但相处一些时间后,第一时间想到她时便是她那羞红脸时的笑容,很萌的。At this time, Tuboandanothertwomale studentsstood, arrived atShuhangsidequickly, quietly asked: „Shuhang, what's the matter ma?”
The threeroommates in Shuhangdormitory, noticed that blackbiglooks forShuhang, someworriessomewhatare also curious.
正是书航宿舍的三室友,看到一个黑大个找书航,有些担心又有些好奇。„Being all right, deliverscourier, hasmytwocourier, Imustreceive and sign.”Shuhangsaid with a smile, turn headasked that Sima Jiangsaid: „Little Jiang, where is the boxhello at?”
“没啥事,是送快递的,有我的两个快递,我要去签收一下。”书航笑道,又回头问司马江道:“小江你好,箱子在哪?”Little Jiang...... suitmancorner of the mouthpulls out, how manyyears does thisnamehaveno oneto dareto be calledhim? Never expected thatstill have a chancehears, moreoveremitsfrom a smallyoungmouth.小江……西装男子嘴角一抽,这个称呼已经有多少年没人敢这么叫他了?没想到还有机会听到,而且是从一个小年轻嘴里冒出。Howeverheisso coolcracks into a smilequickly: „Has putyourdormitoryentrance, waited foryouto approvein the past.”
不过他还是很爽快咧嘴一笑:“已经放到你宿舍门口,就等着您过去验收一下。”„Do wego? Happen toIfinish classto have15minutesto rest.”Song Shuhangsaid.
“那我们去吧?正好我下课有十五分钟休息。”宋书航道。Sima Jiangsaid with a smile: „Icometo wait for your words!”司马江哈哈笑道:“我来就等着你这句话!”
……Male studentdormitorysecond floor, Shuhang the entrance of theirdormitory.
男生宿舍二楼,书航他们宿舍的门口。Fourman in black suitare defending the boxes of two80 * 80sizes, is serious.
四个黑西装男子守着两个80*80大小的箱子,一脸严肃。Shuhangis somewhat flabbergasted: „Has yourAbundant Harvest Express Delivery Service'sservicesobeen good?”书航有些咋舌:“你们丰收速递的服务一直这么棒?”Youservesuchgood, other do courier have the means of livelihood?
你们服务这么棒,其他快递还有活路吗?„Ha Ha, ourservicescontinuouslygood. Howeverthisdelivering goodsguestis quite special, therefore the serviceis better.”Sima Jiangwā hā hāsaid with a smile.
“哈哈,我们的服务一直都棒。不过这次发货的客人比较特殊,所以服务更加棒。”司马江哇哈哈地笑道。„thanks for your trouble.”Song Shuhang said with a nod, arrives in front oftwobigboxes, looked under the courierlist.
“辛苦你们了。”宋书航点头道,来到两只大箱子面前,看了下快递单。Really, the senderplacewrites the 'Soft Feather'name. Howevermailing addressand so on is the blank.
果然,寄信人处写着‘羽柔子’的名字。不过寄件地址之类的全是空白。Thesetwobox of things, shouldbeSoft Feathercomply with the raw material that giveshim‚simplified versionBody Tempering Liquid’refinementto need.
这两箱东西,应该就是羽柔子答应给他的‘简化版淬体液’炼制所需要的原材料。„Needsto openhas a look?” The Sima Jiangpolitenessasked.
“需要打开看看吗?”司马江礼貌问道。In factdoes not needto openlooked,thesetwobigboxesinstalltwodragonhearttigergallbladderstoSima Jiang, hedoes not dareto opensecretly.
事实上根本不用打开看,这两个大箱子给司马江装两个龙心虎胆,他也不敢私自打开。„Ha, no need. Ifthere is an issue, I can also contact withyoudirectly.”Song Shuhangwavesthatname card.
“哈,不用了。如果有问题的话,我也可以直接联系你。”宋书航挥了挥手中那张名片。„Thatisnatural, ifno problem, then, but alsoaskedSchoolmate Shuhangto signhere.”Sima JiangrisestoSong Shuhangfavourabilitygreatly, hepoints atcourierto say with a smileonly.
“那是自然,如果没问题的话,还请书航同学在这里签个字。”司马江对宋书航好感值大升,他指着快递单笑道。„Un.”Song Shuhang stretched out his hand, signsowngiven namefast.
“嗯。”宋书航伸手,快速签下自己的大名。„ThenSchoolmate Shuhangsaid goodbye, wishyouto livehappily.”Sima Jiangwaves, bringingfourblack clothed manto turn aroundto leave.
“那么书航同学再见,祝你生活愉快。”司马江挥了挥手,带着四个黑衣人转身离开。Shuhangfelt that thesefivefellowsdo not seem likecourier, each onecoolnon-human.书航感觉这五个家伙根本不像是快递的,个个酷的非人类。Song Shuhangopens the door: „ai yō, forgot that madethemhelpthesetwobox of thingsmove, isn't the heavything?”宋书航打开房门:“哎哟,忘记让他们帮忙将这两箱东西搬进去了,不会是重东西吧?”Heis profoundtoSoft Featherthatbigboximpression, was worriedvery muchthesetwoboxescanhave the tonnagelevelweight.
他对羽柔子那个大箱子印像深刻,很担心这两个箱子会有吨位级重量。Holdstwobigboxes, verygood, is not heavy.
抱起两个大箱子,很好,不重。Hishuggingone after anotherreturns to dormitoryownbed.
他一个接一个的抱回宿舍自己的床上。Closes the door, Song Shuhanga littleturns on the paper cartonimpatiently. In the paper carton, iswoodenfinesmallboxes. In a bigcardboard boxattireLayer 4, a foursmallwooden box. Twobox of 32smallwooden boxes.
In the gently and cautiouslyopeningdevil woodbox, thencansee the neat more than 40types of medicinal herbs.小心翼翼的打开小木盒子,便能看到里面整齐的四十多种药材。Has the ginseng, fruit of the Chinese wolfberry, actinoliteanddaughter understanding of be fragrantand so on;
有认识的人参、枸杞子、阳起石、女儿香之类;AlsosomeShuhangsimplyhave not seen, butwas only hearingfeels the body and mindto be happy, the bodyseems likeby the medicinefragrancetimeis washedmedicinal herb. ShouldbethatFresh Overlord Branch and Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboosliceand so onprofoundimaginarymedicinal herb.
也有书航根本没有见过,但光是闻着就感觉身心舒畅,身体都像是被药香味洗涤过一次的药材。应该就是那鲜霸王枝、九阳赤炎竹切片之类的玄幻药材。Looks atthesetwobox of medicinal herbs, Song Shuhangis somewhat being in a daze......
望着这两箱药材,宋书航有些发呆……Intwobigbox of medicinal herbs, If nothing else, light the ginsengs of allslicespick, is a considerablewealth. ButthatMorning Dew Profound GrassandTyrant King, Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bambooand othertastemedicinal herbs, likely alsowantprecioushundredtimescompared with the ginseng.
两大箱药材中,别的不说,光是将其中所有切片的人参捡出来,都是一笔可观的财富。而那朝露玄草、霸王枝、九阳赤炎竹等几味药材,很可能比人参还要贵重百倍。But the valueis not the reason that Song Shuhangis in a daze.
Is He now only has one thought in his mind_thisthing, ‚Simplified Body Tempering Liquidpill’formulamedicinal herb?他现在心中只有一个念头_这东西,就是‘简化淬体液丹’配方药材吗?Withthesemedicinal herbs, presses the method that inNine Provinces (1) GroupMedicine Masteris introducing, the cauldronboilsstuffily, can the attentioncrucial momentrefine the simplified versionbody temperingpillfluid?
用这些药材,按着九洲一号群中药师所介绍的方法,大锅闷煮,注意火候就能炼出简化版淬体丹液吗?Whateffect the body temperingpillfluidalsohas, reallycanlikeinvariousXianxiaworkstold, making one be reborn?淬体丹液到底又拥有什么效果,真的能像各种仙侠作品中讲述的那样,让人脱胎换骨吗?„Perhaps, canwiththesemedicinal herbsand‚Medicine Master’pill recipe, determined whether cultivationreallyexists!”
A thoughtappearsin the Song Shuhangheart, this thought that is similar to the fire of setting the prairie afire, makinghisbegin to stir, unableextinguish.
一个念头在宋书航心中浮现,这念头一起,就如同燎原之火,让他蠢蠢欲动,无法熄灭。Song Shuhangconfessed that is not the impenetrably thickheadedgeneration, ifBody Tempering Liquidreallyhasin the legendlike that the mysteriouseffect, who hethinksbelieve that cultivation'sexists.宋书航自认不是冥顽不灵之辈,如果淬体液真拥有传说中那般神奇的效果,那他觉的自己就相信修真的存在。But after believing firmlycultivation'sexists, does heneedhowto do?
而确信修真的存在后,他需要怎么做呢?„This afternoondoes not have the class, altogether45types of medicinal herbs, eachtypeneedsapproximatelyfiveminutes of words, approximatelywantsthreetofourhours. A afternoon, cantry!”
“今天下午没课,一共四十五种药材,每样需要约五分钟的话,大约要三到四个小时。一个下午,可以试试!”Song Shuhangis the person who wantsto beis, sincesets firm resolve, that the matterline that in the heartmustmake!宋书航是个想做就做的人,既然下定了决心,那就将心中要做的事行出来!„Mustrefinepillfluid the words, firstshouldto have...... pill refining furnace?”
“要炼制丹液的话,首先应该要有个……炼丹炉?”pill refining furnacethisthing, in the markethas not definitely sold;OnTaobaomaysell, butcanbuyabsolutelyis the toys.炼丹炉这东西,市面上肯定是没卖的;淘宝上或许会有卖,但能买到的绝对都是玩具。Ifmustrefine the Body Tempering Liquid'swordsin the afternoon, mustmakepill refining furnaceto be impractical, must therefore look for an replacething.
所以若是下午就要炼淬体液的话,要去弄个炼丹炉不切实际,所以得找个替代的东西。Song Shuhangarrived at the kitchenetteto seek.宋书航来到了小厨房寻找起来。Quick, sawcanboil the medicinal herbstuffily the thing...... hot pot.
很快,看到了一个可以闷煮药材的东西……火锅盆。Butis only the thoughtflashes, he himselfdeniedimmediately: „It is not good, thisthing and pill refining furnacedifferencewere too many.”
但只是念头一闪,他自己马上就否定了:“不行啊,这东西和炼丹炉差太多了。”Hehas not seenpill refining furnace, does not knowthatpillfurnace that inthisthing and movieshootissimilar. Butsaidno matter how, that should also be a stove, hot potbad were also too many.
他没见过炼丹炉,也不知道这玩意和电影中拍的那种丹炉是不是类似。但不管怎么说,那也应该就是个炉子,火锅盆差的也太多了。Puts downhot pot, Shuhangseeksin the kitchenette.
After quite a while, actuallyhas achieved nothing.
The electric rice-cooker, thermo, flat-bottomed panandpressure cooker, nocanreplaceto practicepillfurnace.
电饭锅、热水壶、平底锅、高压锅,没有一个能代替练丹炉的。Although the pressure cookerlooksquitethick, butthisthingis the botulinum cook, in this periodcannotopen. ButrefinementBody Tempering Liquidmustunderevery five minutes the investmentconstantly the medicinal herb.
高压锅虽然看上去比较厚实,但这玩意是高压蒸煮的,其间是不能打开的。而炼制淬体液每隔五分钟就得投入下一味药材。In other words, selecting, only is quite finally appropriate, only thenit--Song Shuhanghelplessobserving closelyhot pot.
也就是说,选来选去,最终唯一比较合适的,也只有它了——宋书航无奈的盯住火锅盆。„, Is used for the stuffyfeverin any case, couldtry?”Heis pinching the chin, 32materials, are defeatedin any caseevenonetime, can still accept!
“呐,反正都只是用来闷烧的,或许可以试试?”他捏着下巴,反正有三十二份材料,就算失败一次,也可以接受!Isfelt that toowill a little waste, after allthismedicinal herbas ifveryvaluableappearance?
就是感觉会有点太浪费了,毕竟这药材似乎很值钱的样子?„Tries, not the trialwordsimpossiblesucceedsforever. Triedwords, evenfailurewhen can still accumulate the experience.”Song Shuhangsets firm resolve.
那下午就来一发!Hopesat the appointed time the roommateswill not care abouthimto incitein the kitchen;Also outside or, should hegoto find a placeto attemptquietly?
希望到时室友们不会在意他在厨房鼓捣;又或者,他应该去外面找个地方悄悄尝试?Howevernow, he must go back the lastclassto finish attendingin the morningis good.
不过现在,他还要回去将早上最后一节课上完才行。Shuhangturns onownstoragebox, twobigbox of pill refiningmaterialboxes of puts in the storagebox.书航打开自己的储物箱子,将两大箱的炼丹材料一盒盒的放入储物箱内。
The schoolconfiguration'sstorageboxsizejust, after hein the originalpersonal belongingwill all pull out, happen tocanload the elixirmaterialtotal.
学校配置的储物箱大小刚好,他将里面原先的私人物品全掏出来后,正好可以将炼药材料全数装入。„Good, otherwiseso manythingshave really not known where musthidegoes.”Song Shuhangsecretly thought.
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