The dormitory in schoolis a verymarvelousplace, female studentdormitorythatis the restricted area of male student, the male studentdaresto jump overThunder Lakeonestepis the death penalty.
学校的宿舍是个很奇妙的地方,女生宿舍那是男生的禁地,男生敢越雷池一步就是死刑。However the male studentdormitoryto the female student is actually the vegetable garden, wants to come then come, wants to leave then leave. ThereforeSong Shuhangleads a younger sisternot to meettook officewhatstopto the dormitory.
但是男生宿舍对女生来说却是自家菜园子,想进就进,想出就出。所以宋书航带一个妹子到宿舍没有遇上任何阻拦。In additionSundayreason, in the dormitorybuildingmostschoolmatesgo out the relaxingamusement, or the dwellingplaysin the dormitory. When ShuhangbringsSoft Featheris coming back, has not aroused the interests of too many.
The Shuhang'sdormitoryinsecond floor, the dormitoryhas the elevator. However the person in theirdormitorywalks the staircasegenerally. A building, walked the staircase to compared with the elevatorquickly.书航的宿舍在二楼,宿舍配有电梯。不过他们宿舍的人一般都走楼梯。才一楼,走楼梯比电梯要快多了。„Needsmeto helpyouraise the suitcase?”Shuhanglooks in the Soft Featherhandis drawing the bigsuitcase, as the man, mentions the matter that the baggageandhandbagmay notdeclineforlady.
“需要我帮妳提下行李箱吗?”书航望着羽柔子手中拉着的大行李箱,作为男人,替女士提一下行李和包包是不可推辞的事。„Troublesomesenior.”Soft Feathersmiles, pushes toSong Shuhang the bigsuitcase.
“麻烦前辈了。”羽柔子腼腆一笑,将大行李箱推向宋书航。Song ShuhangseesSoft Featherto draw the bigsuitcaseall the way, whenpassing bysomeunevensections will also even be raising the suitcasein the past, very relaxedappearance.宋书航一路上看到羽柔子拉着大行李箱,在路过一些凹凸不平的地段时甚至还会提着行李箱过去,很轻松的样子。Thereforehissubconsciousnessthinks that thisbigsuitcaseshouldnot pack, weightprobably notis too heavy.
所以他潜意识以为这大行李箱应该没有装满,重量应该不会太重。Whenhishandgrips the suitcasehandle, makes an effortto raiseupwardly, the facesuppressedred!
当他的手握住行李箱拉手,向上用力一提,顿脸都憋红了!Hearoused the strengthto raise the suitcaselittle, the pitfather--thisboxhad more than 50-60kilogramsat least, close to a body weight of adult male!
他鼓足了力气才将行李箱抬高了少许,坑爹呢——这箱子起码有50-60多公斤,接近一个成年男子的体重!Hestaredin a big way the eyeto stare atSoft Feather, is staring at the delicate hands of her flexible as if boneless. Is thisyounger sister, the femaleman of diving? Does take120-130jin (0.5 kg)thingall the waywalk as if flying, does not bringto gasp for breath?
他瞪大了眼睛盯着羽柔子,盯着她那柔若无骨的纤手。这妹子,是个潜形的女汉子?一路上拉提着120-130斤的东西健步如飞,还不带喘气的?Oneselfactuallyalsothink that naivelyshequitedoes kidnap and sell? Depending on this strength, whomustkidnap and sellher to firstprepare the coffin.
自己竟然还天真的以为她好拐卖?就凭她这力气,谁要拐卖她都得先准备好棺材。„Senior?”Soft Featherdoubtsis looking at the senior.
“前辈?”羽柔子疑惑的望着前辈。„cough!Let's goelevator.”Song Shuhangquicklydecided that said--raisesthisboxto go upstairsdepending onhisstrengthisno problem, but will be very tired.
“咳!我们走电梯吧。”宋书航迅速决定道——凭他力气提这箱子上楼是没问题,但会很累的。„oh.”Nod that Soft Featherappears to understand but not really understand, beforehas mentioned, sheis a goodmiss, should notaskwill not ask. Moreoveras the guest, shewill not interfere with the decision of master, guest does as the host pleases.
The elevatorrisesslowly, this timefewuses the elevator, does not needto wait.
……Inbedroominnot a soul in sight.
The roommatescomein34 : 00 pmgenerally, sometimesin the eveningcomes back.
The bedroomis not big, fourpeoplelive. Although the sparrowis small, is fully equipped. Has the bathroom, balcony and washboard and small scalekitchen.
寝室不算大,四人居住的。麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。配有卫生间、阳台和洗衣板以及小型厨房。„Firstsits a meeting, whatwantsdrink some?”Song Shuhangturns on the computer, makingSoft Feathersit down.
“先坐一会吧,要喝点什么?”宋书航打开电脑,让羽柔子坐下。Soft Featherobedientsitting down, replied: „Jade Spirit Vein Tea.”羽柔子听话的坐下,回道:“灵脉碧茶。”„?”Song Shuhangdoubts.
“?”宋书航疑惑。Jade Spirit Vein Tea? Gadget? Newdrink? Hasn't helistenedcompletely?灵脉碧茶?嘛玩意?新出的饮料吗?他怎么完全没听过?Hegawked the moment, is quickheto rememberthislong legbeautystatus--not to lookat presentheryouthwas pretty, was actually the deepXianxiaChuunibyoupatient!
他愣了片刻,很快他想起了眼前这长腿美人的身份——别看她青春靓丽,却是个深度的仙侠中二病患者啊!So-calledJade Spirit Vein Tea, shouldbein the crowd the Chuunibyoupatientsbrainmakes up the setting the thing.
所谓的灵脉碧茶,应该是群里中二病患者们脑补设定的东西吧。Song Shuhangonlyfeltownliverstartsto pain.宋书航只感觉自己肝又开始隐隐作痛。„Heredoes not havethesethingstemporarily, butthere is the orange juice, a pure water, Cola and milk, youchooseonetype.”Song Shuhangwas directmultiple-choice question, hefeared that Soft Feathera whilewantedhimto deliver‚makes up the dragon bloodteagreatly, phoenixfluid’and so on terriblething.
“我这里暂时没有那些东西,不过有橙汁、纯净水、可乐和牛奶,妳选一种吧。”宋书航直接出选择题了,他怕羽柔子一会儿又要他送上‘大补龙血茶,凤凰液’之类可怕的东西。Soft Featherstares, seniorherein additionJade Spirit Vein Tea?羽柔子一愣,前辈这里加灵脉碧茶都没有?Mustknow that Jade Spirit Vein Teaiscultivatorsis usedto entertain the guestmost commonly usedspirittea.
要知道灵脉碧茶是修真者们用来招待客人最常用的灵茶。Implicationspiritual qiis few, but the tea aromaoverflows, flavorrichnot dispersing for a very long time, is the entertaining a guestperformance-to-price ratiohighestspirittea. Moreover, is all rightoneselfto drink can also strengthen the physiqueslightly, althoughcannot comparemedicine pillto be mysterious, but the Jade Spirit Vein Teapricedoes not knowcheapmanyten thousandtimescompared withmedicine pill. So long asiscultivator, necessarythisthing?
蕴含的灵气很少,但茶香四溢,味道浓郁久久不散,是待客性价比最高的灵茶。而且,没事自己喝也能稍稍增强体质,虽然比不上丹药神奇,但灵脉碧茶的价格比丹药不知便宜多少万倍。只要是个修真者,必备这东西吧?wait, I understand!等下,我知道了!Seniorthis is living in seclusion, deafening noise of mundane, sameliveswith the average person. It is saidsomeseniorsfor the informed and experiencedoneselfdisposition, hiddenwill livein the ordinary peopleevery 150 years, liveslike the trueaverage person, thisis‚experiencing the world of mortals’! Althoughunablestrengthensownstrength, can actually strengthen the will, letsownspiritual platformpure brightness!
前辈这是在隐居,大隐隐于市,和普通人一样生活。据说有些前辈为了历练自己的心性,每隔150年就会隐于普通人群中生活,像个真正普通人一样生活,这叫‘红尘历练’!虽然无法增强自己的实力,却能坚定心志,让自己灵台更加清明!„Seniorpleasegivemeto select the orange juice, thanks.”Soft Feathershows the delightfulsmile.
“前辈请给我点橙汁吧,谢谢。”羽柔子露出甜美的笑容。„Good, wait a bit.”
After the moment, Song Shuhang the orange juice of bigcuphanded overfrom the kitchenrefrigerator.
片刻后,宋书航从厨房冰箱中倒了大杯的橙汁递上。Soft Featherreceived the orange juice: „Thanks the senior.”羽柔子接过橙汁:“谢谢前辈。”„don't mention it.”Song Shuhangsaid. Is a goodmiss, good, was polite, it is a pity thatChuunibyou. Hesitsbefore the computer, is connected including the above the network.
“不客气。”宋书航道。是个好姑娘,性格好,有礼貌,遗憾的是中二了点。他坐到电脑前,连上网络。SkilledopeningBaidu Maps, inputsJ-CityandLuo Xin Block.
熟练的打开百度地图,输入j市、罗信街区。Quick, on the mapsectioned out the J-CityLuo Xin Blockposition.
很快,地图上标出了j市罗信街区的位置。„Ichecked, hereleavesJ-CityLuo Xin Blockto be a little far.”Song Shuhangsaid.
“我查了下,这里离j市罗信街区有点远。”宋书航说道。Went to the J-CityLuo Xin Blockwordsto take about fivehoursfrom the Jiangnan districtairportwhile the hiring. ButSoft Featherwent astray the destination. Is goodborders onbecause ofJiangnan University CampusandJ-City, has not defeated the purpose, butturnedanotherto sayin the halfway.
原本从江南区机场乘出租前往j市罗信街区的话需要五个小时左右。但羽柔子走错了目的地。好在江南大学城和j市接壤,倒没有南辕北辙,只是在半路拐到另一条道了而已。NowshefromJiangnan University Campus, drive a cargoes toJ-CityLuo Xin Blockto takethree -and-a-half hours, moreoverthisisunder the premise that does not consider the state of roads. In fact, thissection of roadstate of roadsout-of-tolerance, trueneedtime about fivehours.
现在她从江南大学城出发,开车前往j市罗信街区需要三个半小时,而且这还是不考虑路况的前提下。事实上,这段路的路况超差,真正需要的时间在五个小时左右。Soft Feathercollected, after seeingsuchlongdistance, spits the tonguesecretly: „Senior, suchlongdistance can taxi?”羽柔子凑了上来,看到这么长的距离后,不由暗暗吐了吐舌头:“前辈,这么长的距离出租车能到吗?”„Arrivedcan, butis willingto openfearsfew.”Song Shuhangsaid.
“到是能到,不过愿意开的恐怕没几个。”宋书航说。ThenheexplainedtoSoft Feather.
然后他向羽柔子解释。Fivehours of driving distanceis somewhat far, althoughinJiangnan districtnearbyseveralurban districttaxican the cross-cityoperation, butmosttaxihave the shift relief.
五个小时的车程有些远,虽说在江南区附近几个市区出租车可以跨市营运,但大部分出租车是有交接班的。Moreovergoes for fivehours, coming backisfivehours, tenhours of distances, can thisalsomatchseveraldrivers? Thisis the richnottooeasy to domatter.
而且一去五小时,回来又是五小时,十来个小时的路程,这还得配好几个司机啊?这是有钱也不太好办的事情。„Then what do we do?”Soft Featherasked.
“那我们怎么办?”羽柔子问道。„Sitselectric train, happen toJ-Cityhas a siteinLuo Xin Blocknot far away, Black Elephant Station. Nearbyouruniversity citystand. Sits the electric trainspeed is also quicker than the hiring, mosttwohourscanarrive.”Song Shuhanganswered.
“坐动车吧,正好j市在罗信街区不远处有个站点,黑象站。我们大学城附近就有一个站。坐动车的速度也比出租要快,最多两个小时就能抵达。”宋书航解释道。„Wewhen?”Soft Featherboth eyesshines.
“那我们什么时候出发?”羽柔子双眼发亮。„It is not anxious, electric traincanonlinebook the same dayticketnow. Ilooked, arrives atBlack Elephant Station Group electric trainfrom the university citystandis4 : 00 pm. Therefore3 : 30 pmcheckingentered the stationenough.”
“不急,动车现在可以网上订当天的票。我看了一下,从大学城站出发到达黑象站的动车是下午 4 点出发。所以下午 3 点半检票进站就够了。”yí? wait!咦?等下!Wewhen? We?
我们什么时候出发?我们?Thismissis notthinks that Iwill accompanyherto gotoJ-CityLuo Xin Block?
这姑娘不会是以为我会陪着她到j市罗信街区去吧?Iwill have the classtomorrow, Iamstudentone, did not say that casuallycanwalk!
俺明天还有课啊,俺还是学生一枚,不是随便说走就能走的!„Senior, oura bit fasteronlineorder form. NeedsmyID card?”Soft Featherhappily said, shefelt that canmeet the Senior Songsuchhelpfulsenior is really good.
“那前辈,我们快点网上订票吧。需要我的身份证吗?”羽柔子开心道,她感觉能遇上宋前辈这样乐于助人的前辈真是太好了。„cough cough, we?”Song Shuhang'scoldcoughrecurred: „Youweresaid that canbooktwotickets? YouandI?”
Doesn't the “Ah?senioraccompanymetogether? ” Soft Featherstares, immediately afterwardsblushed the face.“啊?前辈不陪我一起吗?”羽柔子一愣,紧接着羞红了脸。Shea moment agoindeedwastooexcited, subconsciousthinks that Song Shuhangwill accompanyherto go toJ-Citytogether, has not asked the opinion of senior, was really disrespectful.
她刚才的确是太激动了,下意识就以为宋书航会陪她一起去j市,都没有问过前辈的意见,真是太失礼了。„Senior, I was too a moment ago disrespectful, actuallyhad not inquired that the opinion of seniorindependently decides. Seniors, can youaccompanymeto go toJ-City'sLuo Xin Blocktogether. Iam...... sense of directionsomeam not really good, Ifeared that could not findGhost Lantern Temple.” The Soft Featherpleasaid.
“前辈,我刚才太失礼了,竟然都没询问前辈的意见就自作主张。前辈,请问您能不能陪我一起去一趟j市的罗信街区。我实在是……方向感有些不好,我怕找不到鬼灯寺。”羽柔子恳求道。Song Shuhangsighed, rejectedher: „Althoughwantsto helpyou, butIam perhaps helpless.”宋书航叹了口气,拒绝了她:“虽然很想帮妳,但恐怕我无能为力。”Fourpointselectric train, after arriving, 6 : 30 pmwere many. Has not known that Soft Feathermustgo tothatto makeanything, whenhandles mattersdoes not know. Butis certain, noon tomorrowwill not definitely hurry back.
四点的动车,抵达后都晚上 6 点半多了。还不知道羽柔子要去那做什么,办完事也不知道什么时候了。但可以肯定,明天中午是肯定赶不回来了。Buthewill have the classtomorrow afternoon!
而他明天下午还有课呢!Soft Featherlosesimmediatelyextremely, sheis a moodwrites the missonface: „Senior don't youhave the time?”羽柔子顿时失落万分,她是个心情都写在脸上的姑娘:“前辈您是没时间吗?”„Un, becauseIwill have the classtomorrow afternoon.”Song Shuhangreplied.
“嗯,因为明天下午我还有课。”宋书航答道。Saw that a facelosesSoft Feather that almostmustkneel, a moment ago of hissuddensleep/feltrejectedcanbe too strong, caninjureto this missfrailmind of?
看到一脸失落差点就要跪的羽柔子,他突然觉的自己刚才拒绝的会不会太强硬了,会不会伤到这姑娘脆弱的心灵?Thinks ofhere, hesupplemented: „If...... mymeaningisifSoft Featheryouare nottooanxious, next FridayIwill have the timeto accompanyyouactuallyto go toJ-City. Inowam a student, on Saturdayandhas the reston Sunday.”
想到这里,他补充了一下:“如果……我的意思是如果羽柔子妳不是太急的话,下周五我倒是有时间可以陪妳去一趟j市。我现在是学生,周六和周日才有休息。”Next Friday? Soft Featherlosesvery much. Althoughshewill not catch up with1-2 days, butfivedaysa littlewere long. Althoughherold dadlikesmaking fun of the person, butwill not playten days to half a monthinMad Sabre Three Wavesthatobviously.
下周五?羽柔子还是很失落。虽然她不会赶1-2的时间,但五天就有点长了。她老爹虽然喜欢捉弄人,但显然不会在狂刀三浪那玩上十天半个月的。Howeversuddenlyshethought ofanything, eyeonebright. Sheaskedearnestly: „Senior Song, I said that ifyouwill not have the class...... Ito supposetomorrow afternoon, youcanaccompanymeto go toJ-City?”
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