The black hairmissseeminglymakes the mold20over, butoneselfjust nowreach18years old is not longobviously good. could it bethatobviouslyold? Causes the seeminglygrownuncle?
...... Dao name? Herememberedin the groupimmediatelytheseChuunibyougroupname cards. WhatTrue Monarch Yellow Mountain, Loose Practitioner North River, XXCave LordandXXMansion Lordand so on, feltimmediately the liverpainintensifies.
还有......道号?他马上想起了群里那些中二的群名片。什么黄山真君、北河散人、XX洞主、XX府主之类的,顿时感觉肝痛加剧。„cough cough, youcalledmeSong Shuhang. Moreover...... Dao nameanythingfirstdoes not raise.”Song Shuhangreplied, hedoes not wantto be considered that wasChuunibyou.
“咳咳,妳叫我宋书航吧。另外......道号什么的先不提。”宋书航答道,他可不想被人认为是中二病啊。“Ah?is sorry the senior. Iforgotfor a while. ” Soft Featherembarrassedly said. Ascultivator, whatnotinpersonsurfacepremiseDao nameand so onis the general knowledge, she was too happyfor a whileexcitedlyforgetting.“啊?抱歉前辈。我一时忘记了。”羽柔子不好意思道。身为修真者,不在人面前提道号之类的是常识,她只是一时太开心激动给忘记了。„cough, don't call me senior.”Song Shuhangcoughtwo, hefeltcoldcough that oneselfrestoredgraduallyhas the recrudescenceand a more serioussign.
“咳,也别叫我前辈了。”宋书航咳了两声,他感觉自己原本渐渐恢复的寒咳有复发并更严重的迹象。“Ah.”Soft Feathercomplied with the soundlightly, in the heartactuallysank--thissenior, that not seeming like very goodto contact? Alsoright, after allin the groupis not everyone likeSenior North Riverwarm-hearted.“啊。”羽柔子轻应了声,心中却是一沉——这位前辈,似乎不是很好接触的那种?也对,毕竟群里不是每人都像北河前辈那样热心啊。In additionthisseniorinLuo Xin Block, actuallydoes not make noisein the groupobviously, perhapsis very desolatethatperson, without the planhelps? Thinks ofhere, shesomewhatis depressed.
再加上这位前辈明明就在罗信街区,在群里却不出声,说不定是很冷淡的那种人,没打算帮忙吧?想到这里,她不由有些沮丧。WhenSoft Featherindulges in flights of fancy, Song Shuhangadded: „YoucalledmeSong Shuhangto be OKdirectly.”
正当羽柔子胡思乱想时,宋书航补充道:“妳直接叫我宋书航就可以了。”“Ah?”Soft Feathergawkedstaring: „Thisis not quite good.”“啊?”羽柔子愣了愣:“这样不太好吧。”„PleasemustaskmeSong Shuhangto be OKdirectly, words that myfull name that reallymustthinkcannot call, Shuhang, Little HangandLittle Songup to you.”Song Shuhangfirmly said.
“请务必直接叫我宋书航就可以了,真要觉的我全名叫不出来的话,书航、小航、小宋随便你。”宋书航坚定道。IfSoft Feathercontinues a senioris calling, hewill feel very ashamed, hereis the real world!
要是羽柔子继续一口一个前辈的叫着,他会感觉很羞耻的,这里是现实世界啊!„Book of Song...... senior.”Soft Feathercalledhalf, the feelingwas irritable, added the seniortwocharacters.
“宋书......前辈。”羽柔子叫一半,感觉别扭,还是加了前辈两个字。Howeversheactuallyrelaxesall of a sudden, on the faceisrevealshappysmile--evidentlythissenioris a good person, rather thanthatdesolatesenior. In this case, perhaps the seniorwill helpher!
不过她心里却是一下子放松下来,脸上更是露出开心的笑容——看样子这前辈是个好人,而不是那种冷淡的前辈。这样的话,说不定前辈会帮助她的!Song Shuhang stretched out his handmakes an effortto rub the face, was defeatedthoroughly: „Good, call me whatever you want.”宋书航伸手用力揉脸,被彻底打败了:“好吧,怎么叫随便妳了。”„Senior Song, did you've come to help me?”Soft Featherhappily said.
“宋前辈,你是来帮助我的吗?”羽柔子开心道。„let's talk while we walk.”Song Shuhangraised the bigbag in hand, twopeopleadded a bigsuitcaseto keep offothers'road, found a peacefulplaceto say.
“边走边说吧。”宋书航提起手中的大袋子,两个人加一个大行李箱挡着别人的路,还是找个安静的地方说吧。Soft FeatherimmediatelyfollowingShuhangsilently.羽柔子马上默默的跟上书航。„Ilooked atchat log in group, the place that youmustgo toisJ City'sLuo Xin Block.”Song Shuhangsaid.
“我看了群里的聊天记录,妳要去的地方是J市的罗信街区吧。”宋书航道。„Un, J City'sLuo Xin Block. wait, the senior, Could it be...”Soft Feathernaturallyisveryintelligent, guessed correctly the factfromSong Shuhang'stone and attitude, sheputs on a long face: „could it be isn't hereLuo Xin Block?”
“嗯,J市的罗信街区。等下,前辈,难道......”羽柔子自然是很聪明的,从宋书航的语气和态度中就猜出了事实,她哭丧着脸:“难道这里不是罗信街区吗?”„HereindeedisLuo Xin Block, buthereisJiangnan area'sLuo Xin Block, rather thanJ City's.”Song Shuhangsaid with a sigh.
“这里的确是罗信街区,不过这里是江南地区的罗信街区,而不是J市的。”宋书航叹了口气道。Red that „......” the Soft Feather'ssmallfacerisesimmediately, thistime is really shy. Long time, sheinquiredin a low voice: „ThatSenior Song, J City'sLuo Xin Blockyouknow how cango?”
“......”羽柔子的小脸顿时涨的通红,这次真是害羞的。良久,她低声询问:“那宋前辈,J市的罗信街区您知道要怎么去吗?”„Ihave not gone tothatplace, but, can younavigation?”Song Shuhangsaid with a warm smile.
“我没去过那地方,不过,妳可以导航吧?”宋书航温和笑道。Soft Featherknockedownhead, hertook out the cell phonepaddlesagain......, howevershejust nowdelimitstwo, the cell phonesuddenly resoundsdelightfulmusical sound, thenscreenonedark.羽柔子敲了敲自己的脑袋,她重新掏出手机划动起来......然而她才刚划了两下,手机突然响起一阵悦耳的音乐声,然后屏幕一暗。Soft Featherlooks uptoSong Shuhang, thatis the bigeye of doubledripping wet: „Senior Song, mycell phonedid not have the electricity.”羽柔子抬起头望向宋书航,那是双水淋淋的大眼睛:“宋前辈,我手机没电了。”„......”Song Shuhangfelt that oneselfliversomefeel painfaintly, thisblack hair is beautysomewhatdull natural?
“......”宋书航感觉自己的肝又有些隐隐发痛,这黑发美人有些天然呆啊?Howeverhehanded overoneselfcell phone: „Withmy.”
不过他还是递上了自己的手机:“用我的吧。”„Thanks the senior.”Soft Featherreceived the Shuhang'scell phonejoyfully, thendelimitedseveral.
“谢谢前辈。”羽柔子欣喜接过书航的手机,然后划了几下。Suddenly, on the cell phoneresounds a forcefulmusic, along with the screen of back handmachinewas also dark.
突然,手机上响起一段铿锵有力的音乐,随后手机的屏也暗下去了。Soft Featherraised the headagain, lookstoSong Shuhang, in the eye of thatpair of dripping wethas taken the mist: „Senior Song, yourcell phonedid not have the electricity.”羽柔子再次抬起头,望向宋书航,那双水淋淋的眼睛中已经带上雾气:“宋前辈,你的手机也没电了。”Song Shuhangthenremembers, when oneselfgo out the cell phoneonly has6%electric quantities. Waited for an opportunity for nearlythreehours, oneselfgot upa moment agomet the net, happen todid not have the electricity.
靠,宋书航这才想起,自己出门时手机已经只有百分之六的电量。待机了近三个小时,刚才自己又上了会网,正好没电了。Awkwardmeetingreturns toowncell phone, Shuhanginquires: „Soft Feather, do yougo toGhost Lantern Templeto rush to time?”
尴尬的接回自己的手机,书航询问道:“羽柔子,妳去鬼灯寺赶时间吗?”„The words of timecatch upactually notvery much, howeverthe quicker the better, thenlatecauses trouble.”Soft Feather'svoiceas beforesoft--late the words, herfamily/homeold dadmustcome backfromSenior Mad Sabre Three Waves, will then catchherto go back.
“时间的话倒不是很赶,但是越快越好,迟则生变。”羽柔子的声音依旧软软的——迟了的话,她家老爹就要从狂刀三浪前辈家回来了,然后就会抓她回去了。Yes, before this is also her, will be perfunctory the Mad Sabre Three Waves'reasonin the group.
是的,这也是她之前会在群里敷衍狂刀三浪的原因。Words that old dadgoes home, shecannotrun away.老爹回家的话,她就不能偷跑出来了。„That , do yougo a dormitorywithme? With the computertoyourroute, yourcell phonealsosufficientunderelectricity, mydormitoryhas more than 20minutes of distancewhile convenient, doesn't become?”Song Shuhangproposed.
“那,要不,妳跟我去趟宿舍?用电脑给妳查查路线,顺便妳的手机也充下电,不过我的宿舍有二十多分钟路程,成不?”宋书航提议。Song Shuhangis a thinking the same wayman, heis growing a face of kindly, in the bone is also a goodold person.宋书航是个表里如一的男人,他长着一张和善的脸,骨子里也是个好老人。Reallythereforecannot make the matter that Soft Featherthrowsone sidenot to manage. In factexcept forgay, many menwill brutally abandonsucha beauty.
所以实在做不出将羽柔子扔到一边不管的事。事实上除了基佬,有多少男人会无情扔下这么一个美人。„Dormitory? Isplace that the seniorlives in seclusion?”Soft Featherboth eyesextraordinary splendoragain and again: „20minutes of distancedefinitely no problem!”
“宿舍?是前辈隐居的地方吗?”羽柔子双眼异彩连连:“二十分钟的路程完全没问题的!”„Thenfollowsme?”Song Shuhangis tryingasking.
“那么跟我走吧?”宋书航试着问道。Soft Feathermakes an effortto nod, pulls up the giantsuitcaseto follow close on Shuhangbehind.羽柔子用力点头,拉起巨大行李箱紧跟在书航身后。Really is a miss who is goodto kidnap and sell, in the Song Shuhangheartis somewhat disconsolate, healwaysfelt that usedtwocandy canesto be ablethismissabduct.
......Had a slang saying that when a man and a woman pair up together, all labour isn't tiring.
有句俗话是这么说的,男女搭配,干活不累。Properly speaking when the man and womanworktogether, meetingtimeis energetic. However when...... Song ShuhangwithSoft Feathertookfiveminutes of road, the feelingbreathsomewhatis rapid, is tired.
按理说男人和女人一起做事情时,会倍有活力。然而......宋书航在和羽柔子走了五分多钟路时,却感觉呼吸有些急促,倍累。Hesmiled bitterlyto look ateyenearbySoft Feather, in the squarethreebuddiesthatsunlightBrother Shuai'swordsappearedin the Shuhangmind: The beautiful womanlegis goodto be long, walkedquitequick, onestepwithstand/topmyseveralsteps. Iran, actuallycannot catch up.
The leglength is really goodto have the advantageto have the woodto have! Onestepwithstand/tophistwosteps!
腿长真是好有优势有木有!一步顶他两步!Soft Featherhas slowed down the stepas far as possible, Shuhangactually must run. Can thisnot be tired?羽柔子已经尽量放慢步伐,书航却还得一路小跑。这能不累吗?„Is senior, yougasping for breathprobably?”Soft Featherdoubfully looks towardsShuhang, probably not? Walked for fiveminutes, how can it bemade a cultivation baseprofoundseniorpant.
“前辈,你好像在喘气?”羽柔子疑惑的望向书航,应该不会吧?才走了五分多钟,怎么可能让一位修为精深的前辈气喘吁吁。„Hū, slowlywalked, did not rush to time.”Song Shuhangadjustmentbreath.
“呼,慢慢走吧,不赶时间。”宋书航调整呼吸。„oh.”Nod of Soft Featherappears to understand but not really understand, shefelt that this'senior'statusseems likesome is not right, probablyhisphysical abilityverybadappearance.
“哦。”羽柔子似懂非懂的点了点头,她感觉这位‘前辈’的状态似乎有些不对,好像他的体能很差的样子。Butsheis a sensiblegoodmiss, pays great attention toothers'privacy. Since the seniordid not say,shewill not talk too muchto askabsolutely, so as to avoid being disgusting.
但她是个懂事的好姑娘,注重别人的隐私。既然前辈不说,那她绝对不会多嘴去问,免得惹人厌恶。ThereforeshecoordinatesSong Shuhangon own initiative, a biglong legstepspanreduces, maintaining synchronisation with Song Shuhang.
于是她主动配合宋书航,大长腿一步的跨度缩小,和宋书航保持同步。Song Shuhangfeltfinallyis more relaxed.宋书航终于感觉轻松许多。Two peoplealready leftLuo Xin Block, increasingly estranged.
两人已经离开罗信街区,渐行渐远。Whatcoincidentallyis, intheirbehind, threebuddies who in the squaregivevariousbeautifulleggradingtakes the sacksmallbagto leaveLuo Xin Blocksimilarly.很巧的是,在他们的身后,广场上给各种美腿评分的三个哥们同样提着大袋小袋离开罗信街区。„yí? 100 points, saw100 points!”FattyAh Xuexcitedis pointing at the Soft Feather'sback.
The sunlighthandsome fellowspunks upimmediately: „Whereis at? Thistimemustcatch up withher!”
阳光帅哥马上打起精神:“在哪?这次一定要追上她!”„Youare hopeless.”Short hairmanlazily said: „Hersidehas the man.”
The sunlightmansawSoft FeathersideSong Shuhang, immediatelyloses: „Precious flowerhasLord, hateful!”
阳光男子看到了羽柔子身边的宋书航,顿时失落:“名花有主啊,可恶啊!”„Precious flower, althoughhasLord, the hoeis more brutal. So long as the hoewieldswell, did not fear that the cornerdigsnotbut actually. Boldon!”Ah Xuhehesaid with a smile.
“名花虽有主,锄头更无情。只要锄头挥得好,不怕墙角挖不倒。大胆的上吧!”阿虚呵呵笑道。„Ihave no interestNTRotherscorner.” The sunlightmanbut actuallyaccidental/surprisedlower limitis in this regard full.
“我没有NTR别人墙角的兴趣。”阳光男子在这点上倒意外的下限满满。Howeversuddenly, sunlightmanboth eyesobserves closely the Song Shuhang'sback: „Hey, Isaid that youdo have the feeling, thatmalea littlelooks familiar?”
不过突然,阳光男子双眼盯住宋书航的背影:“喂,我说你们有没有感觉,那个男的有点眼熟啊?”„Un, looking familiaris normal. Becausewecommented100points of younger sisterin the Luoletter/believessquare at that time, hesitsinourside.” The short hairmancontinuesto sayreluctantly.
“嗯,眼熟是正常的。因为当时我们在罗信广场上评论100分的妹子时,他就坐在我们身边。”短发男子继续懒懒道。„......”FattyAh Xu.
“......”阳光男子。Hesitsinourside, hesitsinoursideinfinitely...... these wordsreverberatesin the sunlightmanear.
The sunlightmankneltdecisively: „Is this legendgod of capturing/raiding?”
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