„cough cough, the matter that ifSoft Featheryoumusthandlewill not spendtoofor a long time, pouringis not.”Song Shuhanghehesmiles.
“咳咳,若是羽柔子你要办的事情不会花太长时间,倒也不是不可以。”宋书航呵呵笑了笑。But before tomorrow afternoonclassisto begin school, arranges , without the words of specialreasonnot to cancel.
但明天下午的课是开学前就定好的,没特殊原因的话可不会取消啊。Shuhangdoes not wantto pesterinthistopicis too long, immediatelyshifting the topic: „WhatSoft FeatheryoumustgoisGhost Lantern Temple? When words saying yougo out, hasn't could it beset the Ghost Lantern Templeplace?”书航不想在这话题上纠缠太久,马上转移话题:“羽柔子你要去的是鬼灯寺吧?话说你出门时,难道没确定鬼灯寺的地点吗?”
The puremisswas easily shifted the topicvery much: „Un, Ionlyknow that the destinationinJ-CityLuo Xin Block, madeNephew-Apprenticehelpbook the plane ticketto catch up. Never expected thatGhost Lantern Temple is so difficultto look.”
单纯姑娘很轻易就被转移了话题:“嗯,我只知道目的地在j市罗信街区,就让师侄们帮忙订了飞机票就赶来了。没想到鬼灯寺这么难找。”Nephew-Apprentice...... does nowadays have thisthing?师侄……这年头还有这东西?Song Shuhangis thinking, whileknockson the keyboard, inputsJ-City, Luo Xin BlockandGhost Lantern Templein the search box.宋书航一边想着,一边在键盘上敲动,在搜索框中输入j市、罗信街区、鬼灯寺。J-City and Luo Xin Blockinformationhas, butGhost Lantern Templehas no information, on the maphas not marked.j市和罗信街区的信息都有,但鬼灯寺就没任何信息,地图上也没有标记。It is estimated thatis very smalltemple, orhad gone out of businesstemple?
估计是很小的寺庙,或是早已经倒闭了的寺庙?„Senior Song, can the computerusetaking advantage ofme? Ilook for the information, perhaps the north in crowddisperses the senioralsoto have the news!”Soft Feathersaidsuddenly.
“宋前辈,电脑可以借我用用吧?我自己找找情报,还有群里的北散前辈说不定也有消息!”羽柔子突然道。Song Shuhangnods, firstclicksto withdraw fromownchat account, lateris sidewaysto give away the seat.宋书航点头,先点击退出自己的聊天账号,随后侧身让出座位。Soft Feathersweetsmiles, sits the seat, proficientlymountsownchat account.羽柔子甜甜一笑,坐上座位,熟练的登上自己的聊天账号。In the groupLoose Practitioner North Riverhas not respondedas before, the rarethissenioris so long not online. Shuhangalsothinks that the opposite partyis the true24hours of entire journeyonlinestrong person.
群里北河散人依旧没有回应,难得这位前辈这么久都不在线。书航还以为对方是真正的二十四小时全程在线的强人呢。Soft Featheris somewhat disappointed, switches off the chat window, latersearchesLuo Xin Blockandtherealltemplenewson the computer. SheguessedsimilarlythatGhost Lantern Templecannot exist, orhas changed name?羽柔子有些失望,关掉聊天窗口,随后在电脑上搜索起罗信街区和那里的所有寺庙消息。她同样猜测那鬼灯寺会不会已经不存在,又或者已经改名了?Song Shuhanglooked ata whilein the , suddenlyremembered itselfandSoft Feather'scell phonedoes not have the electricity.宋书航在边上看了一会儿,突然想起自己和羽柔子的手机都没电了。„Soft Feather, yourcell phonegivesmeone. Herehas the multipurposechargeconnections, about an hour canfill.”Song Shuhangsaid.
“羽柔子,你的手机给我一下吧。我这里有万能充电接口,一小时左右就能充满。”宋书航道。„Thanks the senior!”Soft Featherpulls outowncell phoneto giveShuhangrapidly.
“谢谢前辈!”羽柔子迅速掏出自己的手机递给书航。Shuhangreceived, owncell phonetakes awaywhile convenienttogether the charge.书航接过,顺带自己的手机一起拿去充电。
……In the instance that Shuhangturns around, Soft Feather'sboth handson the keyboardfastbounces, pā pā pā pā pā...... explodes the handgreatlyfast. Thatflashherhandfastapmat least900+! Suchhandfast, ifgoesto work as the professionalathleticsplayer, explodes the biggods of variousclass/flowfactions.
就在书航转身的瞬间,羽柔子的双手在键盘上飞快的弹跳起来,啪啪啪啪啪……大爆手速。那一瞬间她的手速apm至少900+了!这样的手速要是去当职业竞技玩家,完爆各种流派别的大神啊。Oncomputer, windowpoppingandclosurefast;Homepagesopenrefresh.
电脑上,一个又一个的窗口飞快的弹出、关闭;一张张的网页打开刷新。Quick, an information of male studentwas moved.
The Song Shuhangnegligenthalf-lengthphotowith a smile, the nearbyishispersonal information.宋书航大咧咧笑着的半身照,边上是他的个人信息。Song Shuhang, Jiangnan UniversitySchool of Mechanical Engineering, Machinery Designs and Manufacturing Faculty's 19th department 43rd class.宋书航,江南大学机械工程学系,机械设计与制造学院19系43班。Afterwardpops up a windowrapidly, thatis the class schedule of Song JiangShuhangclass.
随后又迅速弹出一个窗口,那是宋江书航班级的课程表。Whatimmediately afterwardsspringsisMondayafternooncurriculum...... Professor Renshui.紧接着弹出的是周一下午课程的……仁水教授。That is very young and promising, lookhandsomeprofessor. The highchildis tall and straight, wears the black frameeyeglasses, the corner of the mouthalwaysgentlesmile. Belongsto standinthatcanattract that man of large expanse ofyouthyoung girlheart.
那是个很年轻有为,相貌英俊的教授。高子挺拔,戴着黑框眼镜,嘴角总是柔和的笑容。属于站在那都能吸引成片青春少女心的那种男人。All...... only happen ininstantaneous.
After obtaining the information of wish, Soft Featheris also rapidallpageclosure that on the computersprings.
得到想要的情报后,羽柔子又迅速将电脑上弹出的所有页面关闭。Arrangedcurriculumof course notcancelledat will, the teacher but who in the world many accidental/surprised--for exampleare always responsible forattending classwas damaged the foot, to make a false stepto sprain the footby the car(riage), not carefullyto fallto sprain the foot, to be nipped a woundfootfrom the bedby the puppy...... wait/etcso forth, varioustypessprained the foothospitalizationin brief. Such a, should tomorrow afternoonclass, how manydayssuspendorextendcompletely?
早已定好的课程当然不会随意取消,但世界上总是有很多意外——比如负责上课的老师被车撞伤脚啊、踩空扭伤脚啊、不小心从床上摔下扭伤脚啊、被小狗咬了一口伤脚啊……等等诸如此类,总之各种扭伤脚住院。这么一来,明天下午的课,应该就会暂停或是延尽几天吧?In the Soft Featherheartthinksthisidea that shethinksis very good, inselected a to praiseforoneselfat heartsecretly.羽柔子心中是这么想的,她觉的自己这主意很棒,在心里暗暗为自己点了个赞。********
********Another side, beyond more than tenkilometersteachesin the Master-Husbandhouse.
另一边,远在十多公里外的教师公寓中。Is teasingTeacher Renshuidon't know why that the daughterplaysto hitto tremble, immediately afterwardssneezedseveral. Herubbed the nose: Also are somestudentyounger sistersthinking of the dashingtheteacher?
正在逗女儿玩耍的仁水老师不知为何打了个寒颤,紧接着又打了好几个喷嚏。他揉了揉鼻子:又有学生妹在想念英俊潇洒的本老师了?Thisperson, the longgracefulalsohas the worry, healreadysettle down and start family.
After Soft Featherclosurehomepage, turned the headto look atSong Shuhangquietly. Discovered that hestillmeddles the equipment and lineschargein the next door, herrelaxing of quietly, hasto plantat the back of the feeling that the elderplays a dirty trick.羽柔子关闭网页后,悄悄转过头来望了眼宋书航。发现他还在隔壁插手机线充电,她悄悄的松了口气,有种背着长辈使坏的感觉。Meanwhile, aftercheckinga lot ofmaterials, herinstinctfeels...... Senior Song, howmoreto lookmore felt only the average person?
When sherememberedShuhangjustto meet the scenewords: ‚CalledmeLittle SongandShuhang, pleasedo not callmysenior.’
她又想起了书航刚见面时的场面的话:‘叫我小宋、书航都可以,请不要叫我前辈了。’IsSenior Song‚experiencing the world of mortals’ the timeis too profound, has shemisunderstood?
After closingallpages, Soft Feathermovedunderfinger.
关闭所有页面后,羽柔子活动了下手指。Afterward, hervisionfellnearincomputer a notebook of opening. Aboveis the dazzlingmedicinal herbname, Medicine Masterinsimplified versionBody Tempering Liquidpill recipe that inNine Provinces (1) Groupsends.
随后,她的目光落到了电脑边上的一本打开的笔记本上。上面是琳琅满目的药材名字,正是药师在九洲一号群中发上的简化版淬体液丹方。Shuhangcopied down to bringat that timeto go backto give the cousinZhao Yayato study. Howeverabovedoes not haveFresh Overlord Branch, Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboo, Morning Dew Profound Grasswait/etc.to fill with the Chuunibyouaura the medicinal herb.书航当时抄下来想带回去给表姐赵雅雅研究一下的。不过上面没有鲜霸王枝、九阳赤炎竹、朝露玄草等充满中二气息的药材。„Is Senior Songalso studyingthispill recipe?”Soft Feathersecretly said in heart.
“宋前辈也在研究这张丹方?”羽柔子心中暗道。Howeveris quicksheto discover, the formula that Song Shuhangcopies seems to be incomplete? Why did the seniorsonlycopy the simpleordinarymedicinal herb?
不过很快她发现,宋书航抄的药方似乎不齐全啊?前辈为什么只抄下了简单的普通药材?Whydoes not add on the azurerevealprofoundgrassand so onmedicinal herb?
为什么不加上青露玄草之类的药材?Wait, could it be does Senior Songalsowantto improvein the Senior Medicine Master'spill recipefoundationagain? Does even one step furtherreducerefines the Body Tempering Liquid'scost?
等等,难道宋前辈还想要在药师前辈的丹方基础上再进行改进?更进一步降低炼制淬体液的成本?Thinks ofhere, Soft Feather the eyegreatlyis immediately bright.
When coincidentally, Song Shuhanghappen toturned aroundat this time, thensaw that Soft Featherstares atnotebookto look--is not good, whatthataboverecordsisthatChuunibyoupill recipe!很巧,这时宋书航正好转身回来时,便看到羽柔子盯着记事本在看——不好,那上面记载的是那张中二病的丹方!Right now is really the yellowmudfalls into the pants crotch, was not the excrement is also the excrement. Soft Featherthinkscertainlyoneselfwereinherperson of same belief the person, the depthXianxiaChuunibyoupatient.
这下子真是黄泥巴掉进裤裆里,不是屎也是屎了。羽柔子铁定以为自己是她的同道中人,深度仙侠中二患者了。Really, Soft Featheraskslooked like the ChuunibyouaurafullissueinShuhang: „Is senior, youalso studyingSenior Medicine Master'spill recipe? Can your timesucceedseveralfurnaces?”
果然,羽柔子开口就问出了一个在书航看来中二气息满满的问题:“前辈,您也在研究药师前辈的丹方吗?您一次能成功几炉?”Soft Featherhappyasking, is huggingsimultaneouslyto the mentality that the seniorconsults.羽柔子开心的问道,同时抱着向前辈请教的心态。Shepressedpill recipe that Senior Medicine Masteris providingto tryseveraltimes, becauseFire Controlling Secret Artpracticewas not proficient, timeswere ten successfulthreetimes. Leaningshe likes it very muchpill refining, absolutelydoes not have a pill refiningtalent.
The wastemedicinal herb, byothercultivatorwas so seencertainlymustbe drown to deathshewith the saliva. Howevershehaspowerfulandrichhangingbaba, the medicinal herb of thisBody Tempering Liquidwaste, sprinkles the water spraytoSpirit Butterfly Island, infantgreysamemere trifle.
如此浪费药材,被其他修真者看到肯定要用唾沫淹死她。不过她有个强大又富有的吊爸爸,这点淬体液浪费的药材,对灵蝶岛来说只是洒洒水,毛毛灰一样的小意思。„Ihave not built up.”Song Shuhanghas tears streaming down the face, was really regardedin the person of same belief the person.
“我没炼。”宋书航泪流满面,果然被当成同道中人了。„Why? could it be does Senior Songwantto improveagainbased onSenior Medicine Masterpill recipe?”Soft Featherboth eyesshines, excitedly said.
“为什么?难道宋前辈是想在药师前辈丹方的基础上再改良一下?”羽柔子双眼放光,激动道。„......”Song Shuhangwas silent, originallydirect reactiononeselfpossibleto refinethisstrangeChuunibyoupill recipe. ButseesSoft Featherto sparkle the shiningeye, hefelt that attacksthismissembarrassed.
“……”宋书航沉默了,本想直接回答自己可能去炼这种奇怪中二的丹方的。但看到羽柔子闪闪发亮的眼睛,他又感觉不好意思打击这姑娘。Thereforethoughtfor quite a while, hethought of an honestanswer: „In factisbecauseherelooks for the medicinal herb is not convenient. Becausecomplexreasons, mymedicinal herbdoes not haveon hand, therefore...... Isimplydo not have the opportunityto refine.”
His is the frank talk, the medicinal herb that onpill reciperecords, except these Chuunibyouprofoundimaginarydilantins, the price that othermedicinal herbsgatheris not the smallnumber. Mustknow the Daoistginseng/partakeand so on price of preciousmedicinal herbbytwocomputations.
他这是大实话,丹方上记载的药材,除去那些中二的玄幻药名,其他的药材合起来的价格也不是小数目。要知道人参啊之类珍贵药材的价格都是按两计算的啊。As a student, hecannot afford, sells the kidney unable to afford!
作为一个学生,他根本买不起,卖肾都买不起!“Ah?is sorry the senior, originallyisthisreason. ” The Soft Feathernod said that simultaneouslyinheartonehappy!“啊?抱歉前辈,原来是这个原因。”羽柔子点头道,同时心中一喜!Althoughdoes not know that the Senior SongwhyBody Tempering Liquid'sfoundationmedicinal herbwill not even haveon hand, butonthismedicinal herbSpirit Butterfly Islandpiles up!
虽然不知道宋前辈手头为什么会连淬体液的基础药材都没有,但这种药材灵蝶岛上堆积如山!„Senior, after wait for megoes back, Isendtwobox of medicinal herbsto make the thank-you gifttoyou!”Soft Feathersaid that--thisisshepreparesto the Shuhang'srepayment. In any casein any event, shedecided that mustmakeShuhanghelpherseek forGhost Lantern Temple.
“前辈,等我回去后,我寄两箱药材给你做谢礼吧!”羽柔子说道——这是她准备给书航的报答。反正无论如何,她决定要让书航帮她去寻找鬼灯寺了。Twobox of medicinal herbs, thissayingwhat kind ofaggression.
两箱药材,这话何等的霸气。Translates the direct-viewingpointwords: The seniors, Isendtwobox of ginsengsto make the thank-you gifttoyou.
翻译成直观一点的话:前辈,我寄两箱人参给你做谢礼吧。Ifdislikes the abovetranslationnot is very straightforward, thatreadsthistranslatoredition: The seniors, Isendtwobox of gold barsto make the thank-you gifttoyou!
如果嫌上面翻译还不够直白的话,那看这个翻译版本:前辈,我寄两箱金条给你做谢礼吧!medicinal herbvalue that Soft Feathermustsend, mustbe several times highercompared with the goldabsolutely.羽柔子要寄的药材价值,绝对比黄金要高出数倍。What a pitySong Shuhangdoes not knowin the Soft Feathermouthnow the values of twobox of medicinal herbs, otherwisehehas knelttonouveau riche!
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