In the ironsymbolriver watersurfacethesealreadychange into the bigmonster of human formandstablesoul, does not know why mustretreatin a panic, in the Zhu Hehand the ting of bronze bellalsostands stillnaturally, butZhu Hewas worried that thesebroad daylightdare the walkworldbigmonster, causedwhatcamouflage, thenmakes the A'Liangseniornot go southalong the river watertemporarilyeagerly, heraisedthatskewer of seal scriptplainbronze bellshigh, in the ironsymbolriverdownstream direction, spanned the river surfaceunceasinglyrepeatedly, wandered aroundin big strides, toguard the monstercharmto go into hidingin the hidden placewaits for an opportunityto injure someone.
铁符河水面上那些个已经化为人形、稳固魂魄的大妖,不知为何要仓皇撤退,朱河手中铜铃的铃声自然而然随之停歇,只是朱河担心那些光天化日就敢行走人间的大妖,使了什么障眼法,便让阿良前辈暂时不急于沿着河水南下,他高高提起那串篆文古朴的铜铃,在铁符河下游方向,不断反复跨越河面,大踏步四处游荡,以防妖魅隐匿在暗处伺机害人。Therefore after Chen Ping'anonegroup of tidy upsalutes, completelytreats in same place, lookshelplesslyZhu Heheadless flyscurrying aboutLi Huaiis overjoyed, Lin Shouyifills with the curiosity, butZhu Lufeelsdisgraceful, wishes one couldto entrain the father, do not mess aboutto give the personto laughagain, is the facehidesthingirl.
于是陈平安一行人就这么收拾好行礼后,全部待在原地,眼睁睁看着朱河无头苍蝇似的乱窜李槐乐不可支,林守一是满怀好奇心,而朱鹿则觉得丢人现眼,恨不得把爹拽回来,别再这么瞎折腾给人笑话了,到底是脸皮子薄的少女。Chen Ping'andiscovered the A'Lianglookis tranquil, has not looked likeslightlyteasedin the pastlike thatteasesZhu He, after seeing the line of sight of Chen Ping'an, A'Liangtakes off the liquorbottle gourd, asked with a smile: „Reallydoesn't drink?”陈平安无意间发现阿良神色平静,丝毫没有像以往那般调侃打趣朱河,看到陈平安的视线后,阿良摘下酒葫芦,笑问道:“真不喝?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head, A'Liangthenturns the headto askLin Shouyi, „boy, met the uncommonmonster, moreoveris not1-2, is very rare, candrink a liquorto help get over a shock?”陈平安摇摇头,阿良便转头问林守一,“小子,遇见了不常见的妖怪唉,而且还不是1-2,很难得的,要不要喝口酒压压惊?”WhyLin Shouyidoes not know, it is estimated that the first time is the entire lifemetmonster in legend, broadens the outlook, in the youngsterheartsomemeaningsmove, the unprecedentednodsaid: „drink a mouthfulgives a try.”林守一不知为何,估计是生平第一次遇到传说中的妖物,大开眼界,少年心中有些意动,破天荒点头道:“喝一口试试看。”A'Liangshoots a look atChen Ping'anslantingly, the normal state that restoresto look down on the worldfinally, „has a look atothers, had the luck of having good things to eat, yourboyhas not been lying down the life of enjoying happiness.”阿良斜瞥一眼陈平安,总算恢复玩世不恭的常态,“看看人家,有口福了,你小子就没躺着享福的命。”Lin Shouyireceivedsilversmall bottle gourd, raised headsippedonegently, reddened all over the faceinstantaneously, the exhaltedyoungster the skinwas fair, was even more glowing with health, youngsterwithout delaycovered the mouthwith the palm, so as to avoidspurted, throatboiling hot, after into the belly, the five main internal organs (entrails)seemed like burning, the whole personis trembling, drank for the first time camedemonstration of authority, the youngsterwas in an extremely difficult situation, was seeing with own eyesLi Huailaughed loudly, self-respectextremelystrongLin Shouyiclenched teeth, mustdrink a mouthful, not thinkagainA'Liangalreadyput out a handto bring backsmall bottle gourd, a gentlyholding downyoungstershoulder, beaming said: „Drinksis not over-fond of winehas the pleasure, laterevery daygivesyoudrink a mouthful, guaranteesinthisworldto be manyhenceforth a free and unfetteredforgetting sadperson.”林守一接过银色小葫芦,仰头轻轻抿了一口,瞬间满脸通红,养尊处优的少年本就皮肤白皙,愈发红光满面,少年赶紧用手心捂住嘴巴,免得一口喷出来,喉咙滚烫,入肚后,五脏六腑都像是在燃烧,整个人都在打颤,第一次喝酒就来了个下马威,少年狼狈不堪,眼见着李槐捧腹大笑,自尊心极强的林守一咬咬牙,就要再喝一口,不曾想阿良已经伸手拿回小葫芦,一手轻轻按住少年肩膀,笑眯眯道:“喝酒不贪杯才有乐趣,以后每天给你喝一口,保证这世上从此多出一个逍遥忘忧人。”
The Li Huaipersonlittle rascalessence, sees throughA'Liangwith a smile, „does not hateto giveLin Shouyito drinkspeaks frankly.”李槐人小鬼精,笑着拆穿阿良,“不舍得给林守一多喝就直说。”A'Liangshrinksfrom the Lin Shouyishoulderreaches behind the back, sighs, „cannot love dearly, my liquorhistoryis enormous, the priceis extremely expensive, the key does not have the cityvaluably. Lin Shouyihitgreat luck.”阿良从林守一肩膀上缩回手,叹了口气,“能不心疼嘛,我这酒来历极大,价格极贵,关键是有价无市。林守一是撞了大运。”
The Li Huaiexploratory natureasked: „Givesmedrink a mouthful?”李槐试探性问道:“给我喝一口?”A'Liangwithout delayinotherwaistnice winebottle gourd, „too young, Qi Palacehas not formed, is not suitabledrinks the strong liquor, will otherwise go badyourrootbone.”阿良赶紧在腰间别好酒葫芦,“年纪太小,气府尚未成形,不宜喝烈酒,否则会坏了你的根骨。”Li Huaigawkedstaring, immediatelystamps one's footshouts abuse: „A'Liang! Damn! Mythe year before lastNew Year supper, candip the liquorto drinkwith the chopstickssecretly, thatisoursmall townfiercestLiquor, evenmy fathersaid that myalcohol capacityalong withhim, whodoes not know that my fatheris the small towndrinks the most ominousman, saidagain, Istarting fromthe spring of last year, mustbe lostbymy fatherevery monthin the medicated winebarrelam soaking, lowers the head to drink the liquor, do yousaythistomenow?”李槐愣了愣,随即跳脚破口大骂:“阿良!干你娘!我前年的年夜饭,就能用筷子偷偷蘸酒喝了,那可是咱们小镇最厉害的烧酒,连我爹都说我酒量随他,谁不知道我爹是小镇喝酒最凶的汉子,再说了,我从去年春开始,每个月就要被我爹丢在药酒桶里泡着,低头就能喝到酒,你现在跟我说这个?”A'Liang, shot a look at the eyethreateningkidaiyuimmediately, thought that no wonder, the smallagecankeep up with the footsteps of bigteam, a soleboardblisterdoes not havesteadily, the bodyobviouslyalsowantsonstronglycompared withLin Shouyimany, shouldbe the reason of thismedicated winehardshipbody and spirit.阿良哎呦一声,随即瞥了眼气势汹汹的小屁孩,心想难怪,小小年纪就能够跟上大队伍的脚步,脚底板连个水泡也没长过,身体明显比林守一还要强上不少,应该就是这药酒打熬体魄的缘故了。A'Liang first have a relishsizes upLi Huaicarefully, does not lookdoes not know,looksto have a scare, byquitegoodmilitarystudyDivine Ability, was covered upchild'swithin the bodymeteorologyunexpectedlyintentionally, nowA'Liangwantsto look,naturallythendid not havethesefanbarriers, thereforein the field of vision of bamboo hatman, thenpresents a scenerysituation map of mysteriousalternative, goes toitsbody, onlylooked that the whole bodyacupointsceneandQi and bloodwalk randomly, has the pale purpleair/Qito ascendindistinctly, the mountain rangeis vigorousandreliable, the appearance of the wateris turbulentandsteady, finallyhundred rivers convergeinplaceacupoint, steamingDaisawa, cannot be underestimated.阿良头一回饶有兴致地仔细打量起李槐,不看不知道,一看吓一跳,竟然是被人以相当不俗的武学神通,故意遮掩了孩子的体内气象,如今阿良想要看,自然便没了那些迷障,于是在斗笠汉子的视野中,便呈现出一副玄妙另类的山水形势图,去其皮肉,只看全身窍穴景象和气血游走,隐约有淡紫气升腾,山脉雄健且牢固,水势汹涌且平稳,最终在一座窍穴内百川汇流,气蒸大泽,不容小觑。A'Liangexpressed admiration: „Has not really thought that myroadsiderecognized a father-in-lawcasually, but alsosupports not general, perhapsLi Huai, your fatheris surnamedreallyfamous, myherefriendrecognizes.”阿良啧啧称奇道:“真没想到我路边随便认了个老丈人,还挺不一般啊,李槐,你爹姓甚名甚,说不定我这边的朋友认得。”Li Huaiis suddenly silent, walks awaylistlesslyalone, is not willingto respondA'Liang.李槐突然沉默下来,病恹恹独自走远,不愿意搭理阿良。Lin Shouyiexplainedin a low voice: „Li Huaihis fathernamedLi Er, is the drunkardcharlatan who the small townbecomes famous, all year roundignores a proper occupation, in the school, Li Huaihad not been short, becausehis fatherwas ridiculed, from the beginningLi Huaialsoquarrelled, probablyalsohas hitseveraltimes, afterwardwas supposingthoughthis fatherwasreallyunpromising, gradually, did not matter.”林守一低声解释道:“李槐他爹名叫李二,是小镇出了名的酒鬼混子,一年到头不务正业,以前在学塾,李槐没少因为他爹被人嘲笑,一开始李槐也跟人吵架,好像还打过几次,后来估摸着是觉得他爹是真没出息,久而久之,就无所谓了。”A'Liangcannot help smilingsay: „Young animaldoes not appreciate one's own good fortune.”阿良忍俊不禁道:“小崽子身在福中不知福啊。”Wordhas no intention, the listenerhas a mind, Lin Shouyitakes downsilently.
言者无意,听者有心,林守一默默记下。Roughly after halfdouble-hour, Zhu Hereturnsfinally, says with a smile: „Surrounding areaintenli (0.5 km), the bronze belldoes not have the difference, wecanleave.”
约莫半个时辰后,朱河终于返回,笑道:“方圆十里之内,铜铃没有异样,咱们可以动身了。”Li Baopinghands over a canteen, said with a smile: „Uncle Zhuwas laborious.”李宝瓶递过去一只水壶,笑道:“朱叔叔辛苦了。”Zhu Hereceived the canteen, repliesonecarelessly, „young lady, thisis the job.”朱河接过水壶,大大咧咧回复一句,“小姐,这本就是分内事。”Zhu Lulooksin the eye, the lookis gloomy, has turned the head, looksto the ironrune/symbolriverwaterfallflood, sheis biting the lip, keeps silent.朱鹿看在眼中,眼神晦暗,转过头,望向铁符河的瀑布大水,她咬着嘴唇,默不作声。girlthoughtsmood, such asmountain breezelikemist, evasive.少女心思情怀,如山风如水雾,不可捉摸。Chen Ping'anlooks at steadilyto look in the Zhu Hehandthatonlyto shake the monsterbell.陈平安目不转睛看着朱河手中那只震妖铃。Except forMiss Ningthatcan the coming flying, flying awaysword, the bronze bell in Zhu Hehand, be the Chen Ping'anshort distancehas personally seensecondtype of magical treasure, thereforelooksespeciallydedicated.
除了宁姑娘那把能够自己飞来飞去的剑,朱河手中的铜铃,是陈平安近距离亲眼见过的第二样法宝,所以就看得格外专注。Zhu Heis not the mean-spiritedperson, naturalgives the youngsterthatbronze bell, explained: The treasure of „before beinggoes out , the ancestorrewards, the ancestorsaid that thisthingin the middle ofImmortalmagical treasure, rankcannot be regardedhigh, buthas the monstercharmdemon who every timetransforms the human formapproaches, the bellfrom the sound, will then shake the intermittentvoiceless soundcalmly, making one not be attracted, there is an effect of securityreminder, the ancestoralsosaid that intermittentting, haseffect of the purifying the mindwith rapt attention, ifbravepoint the person of cultivated, canoccupywithmonstergreatlyneighboringly, taking advantage ofthistingtrainingdisposition, naturally, the premise is to make monster of neighbornot to have the heart of offending somebody, meanwhilemustbe ableto withstand the tingunceasinglymaking a harassing attack, socultivation baseHigh, temperamentgoodmonsteris not easyto look, therefore the ancestoralsouses temporarily as the joke.”朱河不是小气人,大大方方就将那只铜铃交给少年,解释道:“是出门前老祖宗赏赐下来的宝贝,老祖宗说此物在仙家法宝当中,品秩算不得高,只是每有幻化人形的妖魅精怪靠近,铃铛便会无风自响,震荡出阵阵清音,使人不受魅惑,也有警戒提醒的功效,老祖宗还笑称那阵阵铃声,有凝神清心之效,如果胆子大一点的修行之人,大可以与妖物相邻而居,借此铃声修养心性,当然,前提是做邻居的妖物无伤人之心,同时还要能够承受铃声的不断袭扰,如此修为高、脾气好的妖物不好找,故而老祖宗也只是权当笑谈而已。”Chen Ping'angrabs the bronze bellcautiously the hand, Zhu Heleads a horsewithitwalking side-by-side, „bigis the bell, smallis a bell, if the Immortalutensil, mostlyhasto exorcise evil spiritsto protect the function of dwelling. Ordinary citizensfamily residencelikesbeing hanging the wind chimesunder the eave, are naturally moreis the decoration, if invitesfrom the templeDaoist templespecially, protects and sustainsby way of the scriptures of gentleman of highmeritcardinal virtue, shouldtrulybe ableto coverBane Qi, reserves the good fortune owing to the merits of ancestors.”陈平安小心翼翼抓住铜铃把手,朱河牵马与之并肩而行,“大者为钟,小者为铃,如果是仙家器物,大多有辟邪护宅的作用。寻常百姓家宅喜欢在檐下悬挂风铃,自然更多是装饰,如果是专程从寺庙道观请来,经由高功大德之士的经文护持,应该确实可以遮挡煞气,蓄留福荫。”Zhu Hesaw that fewyoungsway the bronze belllightly, Zhu Helaughs heartilysaid: „If no monsterto approach, insidetwobellsare not easyto shake, will therefore not have the tingto spread, otherwisemakes the masterbe terribly suspicious and fearfulin vainall day, bybigcrime?”朱河看到少年轻轻摇晃铜铃,朱河哈哈大笑道:“若无妖物靠近,里边两颗铃铛不易撼动,所以就不会有铃声传出了,要不然白白让主人整天疑神疑鬼,岂不是遭了大罪?”Chen Ping'analsothinks through the joint, will return the preciousunusualshakingmonsterbelltoZhu He, discovered that the sleevepulls, the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misswhole faceanticipationlook, saw after Zhu Henodswith a smile, givesLi Baoping, herboth handshold the bronze bell, turnsto gobut actually, carefullystudies, once for a whileputs out a handto make an effortto pullinsidebell, looks atChen Ping'anoneto be flustered, remindedher more carefulunceasingly, do not pullbadly.陈平安也想通其中关节,正要把珍贵异常的震妖铃交还给朱河,发现袖子一扯,红棉袄小姑娘满脸期待神色,看到朱河笑着点头后,就交给李宝瓶,她双手抓住铜铃,翻来倒去,仔细研究起来,时不时伸手使劲扯动里头的铃铛,看得陈平安一阵心慌,不断提醒她小心些,别扯坏了。Chen Ping'anis staring at the little miss, whileaskedcuriously: „Won't Uncle Zhu, river banktheseseductresses/evil spiritsinjure someone? Our does Great Lihaveexistslike thisstrangely?”陈平安一边盯着小姑娘,一边好奇问道:“朱叔叔,河上那些妖精不会害人吗?我们大骊有很多这样的奇怪存在吗?”Zhu Heis not the generation of talking irresponsibly, onlyselected itself the words that listened topersonallyfrom the ancestor saying that telling, „eastusTreasure Bottle Continentwas vast in territory, was only the populationexceeds10 millionhouseholds of hugedynasties, reachedtenseveral, the famed scenerywascountless, all sorts ofwonderfulas a result of circumstance, thesemountainghostfinecharmmonsters, the luckyshape, visited the road of cultivated, was uncommon, howcould not actually be regardedrarely.”朱河不是信口开河之辈,只拣选自己从老祖宗那边亲口听来的话说,娓娓道来,“咱们东宝瓶洲幅员辽阔,仅是人口超过一千万户的庞大王朝,就多达十数个,名山大川更是不计其数,种种妙不可言的因缘际会之下,那些个山鬼精魅妖怪,侥幸化形,踏足修行之路,不常见,却也算不得如何罕见。”„Ourancestorshave then said that unlikeoursmall town, the outsideworld, if it were not for is extremely only remote the unenlightenedeasternTreasure Bottle Continentperson, regarding thismanyheard, althoughnot necessarilyeveryonewitnesses, butoftenlistened to the trivial officialunofficial historyanddaoist immortalto record strange or supernatural events, manytowncommon peoplebelieve,inthesemen's footprints are rareremote mountainancient temples, oftenis occupied by the beautifulmovingfennecwife, is waiting forpoorscholar that went to the capitalto take the civil service exam. Wherealsoorhas the seductress/evil spiritto cause troubleto injure someone, onlyneedscorrespondenceonetoDragon-Tiger Mountain, musthaveHeavenly Master MansionTrue Beingto leapcloudJiahe, but, cutsmonsterMonster Eliminatingfor the localcommon people. There is a well waterplace to haveyoungchildKoukouto praise: Hasdemons and monsterscausing troubleplace, musthaveHeavenly Master MansionTrue Being.”
“咱们老祖宗便说过,跟我们小镇不一样,外边天地,只要不是太过偏远闭塞的东宝瓶洲人氏,对此多有所耳闻,虽然未必人人亲眼目睹,但是往往听多了稗官野史、神仙志怪,以至于很多市井百姓坚信,在那些人迹罕至的深山古寺里,往往住着妖艳动人的小狐娘子,等着进京赶考的穷书生。又或是哪里有妖精作祟害人,只需书信一封给龙虎山,必有天师府的真人腾云驾鹤而至,为当地百姓斩妖除魔。以至于有井水处必有稚童口口传颂:有妖魔鬼怪作祟处,必有天师府真人。”„In brief, our line, do not make much ado about nothingis, naturally, is more careful. The ancestorsaidmonster, oncechanges to the human form, rather thanconfuses the human eyewithsomecamouflage, then was equal to the person of halfcultivated, Great LiImperial Courtwas glad to see him succeed, not onlywill not suppresspushes aside, insteadmade an exception the quarrying a mountainverticalfaction of approvalon the domain, onlyneededto hang the caseinMinistry of Ritesthen, butconcerned aboutcertain the customs of being established by usage, the Great Lideliberation hallhas not attracted the monstercharmdemonto be included, the Bian Jing/frontierbattlefield, the rumorhadmonster cultivatoractuallymuchisGreat Liperforms good deeds, usually the dailydaily life, the windcommon peoplesentiment, seemed likedoes not have the difference.”
“总之,我们这一路行去,不要大惊小怪就是,当然,更要小心。老祖宗说妖物一旦化作人形,而不是用一些障眼法迷惑人眼的话,那么便等同于半个修行之人了,大骊朝廷对此乐见其成,非但不会打压排挤,反而破例准许在版图上开山立派,只需要在礼部挂案即可,不过碍于某些约定俗成的规矩,大骊朝堂尚未吸纳妖魅精怪跻身其中,倒是边境沙场,传言多有妖修为大骊建功立业,平时日常起居,风俗人情,看上去跟人已无差异。”Zhu Hethese words saying easy to understand, is interesting.朱河这番话说得通俗易懂,趣味十足。Chen Ping'anhearswith great interest, Li HuaiLin Shouyiraises up the ear, a characteris not willingto miss.陈平安听得津津有味,李槐林守一更是竖起耳朵,一个字也不肯错过。onlywalksinmostfrontA'Liang, wears the bamboo hatto pull the donkey, the palmis whippingblade hiltgently, gentlysnort/humor getting out of tuneforeign landsong.唯有走在最前头的阿良,戴着斗笠牵着毛驴,手心轻轻拍打刀柄,轻轻哼着走调的异乡小曲儿。Walksinteam's finalgirlZhu Lu, is more absent-minded, seemingto exile homeis farther, the homesicknessis thicker.
走在队伍最后的少女朱鹿,更是心不在焉,好似离乡越远,思乡越浓。Afterthisgoing southteamgoes out of a double-hour, in the dragon whiskerstream and thatwaterfall of ironsymbolriverintersection point, a female of middle-agedwomanappearancefigureappearsonrock cliff, sitsin the edge, crowazureblack hairis 56 ten feets, from head to foot, extendstocreek waterunexpectedlyagain, the womanlowers the headis staring at the turbulentriver water under ironsymbolRiver Fallsstubbornly, the lookburning hot, fills the saliva. The womanappearanceis fuzzy, fluctuateserratically, does not seem to finalizedtruly, is waiting for the emergence of someturning point.
在这支南下队伍走出一个时辰后,在龙须溪和铁符河交界处的那条瀑布,一位中年妇人模样身段的女子出现在石崖上,坐在边缘,一头鸦青色青丝竟然长达56丈,从头到脚,再延伸到溪水当中,妇人低头死死盯着铁符河瀑布下的汹涌河水,眼神炙热,充满垂涎。妇人面貌模糊,变幻不定,似乎尚未真正定型,在等待某种契机的出现。River Matron, River God, one character difference, the positionorcultivation base, allaredifferences of cloudmud.河婆,河神,一字之差,无论是地位还是修为,皆是云泥之别。Shemostthen can only swimtowshence, againdownwardwas, may notbe absent without authorizationlike the worldprefectures and countiesofficial, guarded a placegeomancyfor the dynastysceneryRighteous God, wasso, will otherwise triggerflood routingall sorts ofdisasterphenomenon. Nowbecomes the godto near, shewill certainly not go looking for troubleinthiscritical moment, sheonceswam the remote mountainambushto goalongcreek watersecretlyupward, the resultbyGreat LiImperial CourtonenearazureblackMister of waterviewwaterfall, looked at will, onlyfeelsscalpblasting open, after that shedoes not dareto belittle the person of high skilldifferentgentleman outside small town.
她最多便只能游曳至此,再往下就是过界了,就像人间郡县官员不可擅离职守,为王朝镇守一地风水的山水正神,更是如此,否则就会引发洪水泛滥种种灾祸异象。如今成神在即,她当然不会在这个紧要关头自找麻烦,她曾偷偷沿着溪水往上游深山潜伏而去,结果只是被大骊朝廷一位临水观瀑的青乌先生,随意瞧了一眼,就只觉得头皮炸裂,在那之后,她再不敢小觑小镇之外的高人异士。Thisshetags along afterhence, is nothides malicious intent under a fair countenance, buttakes ordersinSaintMaster Ruan, stares atthatnot to knowbamboo hatman who carefullydepth, toguardcareless mistake. Herthesedays and nightsobserves, doesconscientiously, does not dareto haveidlesslightly. Reallyisthatbraceletchanges into the fire dragon the little miss, making the womanfrightenheavily, is occupied unjustlythatGreat ImmortalOld Man Yang of position of River Matronbyoneselfparticularly, after leaking the secret, shefeared that some daydegenerates into the prove the Daoturning point of little miss, wasfearsin the bonesimply.
After becomingRiver Matron, realized that all sorts ofwonderfulDivine Ability, for exampleevery daywere returningalwaysreturns the face, for example the watermiddle reacheswill towall over the bodywill be comfortable, for exampleonheavy rainweather, shecanthrough the ground wateror the courtyardcurtain of rain, examines the small townscenery. For examplethese daysunceasingcollectslaboriously, collectedseveralgood thingin the river bottomvery much, put in the bagcompletelybyher, a jasperring, was wornbyherin the hand, had free timeto take the appreciation, such asthattownwomanwore the goldendecorations, was pleased with oneself.
成为河婆之后,体会到了种种妙不可言的神通,比如每天都在返老还颜,比如水中游曳就会通体舒泰,又比如每逢大雨天气,她就能够通过地下水或是天井雨幕,借此查看小镇风景。更比如这些天的不断辛苦收集,在河底很是搜罗到了几件好东西,全部被她收入囊中,其中一枚碧玉戒指,就被她戴在手上,一有空就拿出来欣赏,如那市井妇人佩戴黄金饰物,沾沾自喜。More is so higher than a common peoplehead, inherbone the deep place, moreisfearsOld Man Yang and surnamed Ruanlittle miss, because ofthistwo people, as ifcanruinherpresentallconveniently.
越是如此高于俗人一头,她骨子里深处,越是惧怕杨老头和姓阮的小姑娘,因为这两人,仿佛随手就能毁掉她现在的一切。Sherestrains the disorderlytrain of thought that look around, nowBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven and Great Literritoryborders on the confusion, Spirit Qiis abundant, becomes70twoBlessed Landgeneralcultivatedgoodplaces, makingforeignmanybirds and beastsstartto flee in all directionstohere, the mountains and plainsdemon who the especially thosespiritwisdomstraightens out, by the instinct, is hoping foracting swiftly to get there first, occupies a sidevaluable land with good feng shuiearly. Is nursing a placegeomancy, the itself/Benis the Mountain GodRiver Godresponsibilityis, shethenalreadyreceivesseveralkoi that in the middle of the dragon whiskerstreamnowgrowsdragon whiskerdoes, usuallygoes on a journey, numerouswater clanmagical things, act asretinuefromfollowingescort, makingherverysatisfied.
她收敛杂乱思绪,环顾四周,如今骊珠洞天与大骊疆土接壤混淆,灵气充沛,成为七十二福地一般的修行好地方,使得外方许多飞禽走兽开始向这里流窜,尤其是那些灵智开窍的山野精怪,更是凭借本能,希冀着捷足先登,早早占据一方风水宝地。看护着一地风水,本就是山神河神的职责所在,她如今便已经在龙须溪当中收了几条长出龙须的锦鲤做喽啰,平时出行,众多水族灵物,充当扈从跟随护驾,让她很是满足。Thereforealthoughsheis unable temporarilyroamingRutierune/symbolriver, butmustdefendwaterfallmountain pass, strivesto collectsomeheaven's law and earth's principlepassing by the roadmoney, aboutthismatter, Old Man Yangis the nodapproval, thereforeshehas the energyespecially, bluffs and blustersinthisjustifiablily. But the heart, the natural dispositionovercautiouswomanstillsomewhatis on nettles, for fear thatoutsideCrossing River Dragonsneezes, canbe drown to death this dragon whiskerstreamsmallRiver Matron.
When is not killed violently the long hairwoman of old womanappearance, narrows the eye, looksto the ironsymbolriveropposite shoreis a thieffivepeople.
再也不是毙命之时老妪模样的长发妇人,眯起眼,望向铁符河对岸做贼似的五人。Beforeshehidin the middle ofwaterfalltopcreek water, looked far into the distance, thatfivepeople of threatening, the racksuspendedvery muchfull, looked likeindaoist immortalone by one person, almostmustlet the timidthought that shehadyields and withdraws. The fellow who afterwardthatfivemonster qiweightvaried, does not know why frightensscared shitlessruns away, then, whyno matterthatfivedraw back, in briefherfearlessintent, in the heartinsteadonlyhad the ridiculeandvastproudagain, oneselfpresentnot onlyearnestisSaintMaster Ruanworks, aggravated the air/Qi of chill/yin coldforhiscastingswordwater used, was once stepped onbyXiuxiumissthatfire dragonin the role that under the foot, canbe survivor of disaster!
之前她躲在瀑布顶部的溪水当中,举目远眺,那五人来势汹汹,架子摆得很足,一个比一个像神仙中人,差点就要让她生出退避三舍的怯懦念头。只是后来那五个妖气轻重不一的家伙,不知为何吓得屁滚尿流撒腿就跑,如此一来,不管那五位为何而退,总之她就再无惧意了,心中反而只剩下讥讽和洋洋得意,自己如今不但正儿八经为圣人阮师做事,为他的铸剑用水加重阴寒之气,还是曾被秀秀姑娘那条火龙踩在脚底下、还能劫后余生的角色!This isn't could it be thatproud?
这难道还不值得骄傲?Thinks ofthese, herheartis then steadier, stronglyis been lightbyownfacial features, puts on airsto sitin the bigrock cliffbank, coldlyis looking atfivemonster of creek wateropposite shore, hassilver-hairedold manto wear the rain clothes, oldConfucian Scholar that such as the worldlikesto enjoy the beauties of nature. Has the clothesgorgeousconspicuousplentifulfemale, writes hollow-center strokes the personheart and soulsexy lookpupil. Has the youngvirginyoung childto grasp the black bamboocane, the facial featuresare deep. Pair of monster qiheaviestyoungyoungstergirl, lookshy, hidesinrain clothesold manbehind, does not dareto see the person.
The seductress/evil spiritghost, gives way to traffic, worships on bended kneeswith the god.
妖精鬼怪,遇人避让,遇神跪拜。Handing downthisoncewas the unwrittencustom that eraspread, is onlypresentdaoist immortaldaoist immortal, godsexcept for the golden bodyclay sculpture that thesewere consecrated, spiritlessness, are difficultto see the true body, actuallytownalleyyellowmouthyoung child, knew that mountain toplives inmanyImmortal. HoweverImperial CourtbysceneryRighteous God that jadebookgold/metalZichiseals, even if notkeeping aloofFive Sacred MountainsRighteous God, intypeheterogeneousmountainghostfinecharmeye, only ifcultivation baserealmis higher than the opposite party is too many, otherwiseeven if onlycreekRiver Matron and hillland, as beforeisunattainable, not„government authoritieshonored person who”allowsto offend.
相传这曾是上古时代流传下来的不成文规矩,只是如今神仙神仙,神祇除了那些被供奉起来的金身泥塑,一尊尊死气沉沉,早已难见真身,倒是市井巷弄的黄口小儿,也晓得山上住着许多仙人。不过朝廷以玉书金字敕封的山水正神,哪怕不是高高在上的五岳正神,在种类驳杂的山鬼精魅眼中,除非修为境界高出对方太多,否则哪怕只是小河河婆、小山土地,依旧是高不可攀、不容得罪的“官家贵人”。IsGreat LiBian Jing/frontiermountains and forestswild cultivator, passed by the treasure trove, pays a visitSirRiver God. ”
是大骊边境的山林野修,路过宝地,拜见河神大人。”Rain clothesold manbows in saluteto do obeisancerespectfully, after setting out , the complexionis grave, „since old timesfamous mountains, whenSaint, ourhistoryis not positive, naturallydoes not dareto pose asSaint, the heart of heartfeltadmiration, Grotto-Heavenopensnowgreatly, weare thinkingcanin the Saintunder foot, honestcultivated, Great Daohavein the future, returns nurturing to parentsthissideworldinevitably, but alsohopes that SirRiver Godcanencroach upontodayoneline.”
蓑衣老人毕恭毕敬作揖而拜,起身后脸色庄重,“自古名山待圣人,我们来历不正,当然不敢以圣人自居,只有由衷的仰慕之心,如今洞天大开,咱们只是想着能够在圣人脚下,老老实实修行,日后大道有成,必然反哺此方天地,还希望河神大人今日能够借道一行。”mountains and forestswild cultivator, isthesemonstersaidcommon,generallymet the modesttone after cultivatedperson of high skill.山林野修,算是这些妖物的常见自称,一般都是遇上了修行高人后的自谦语气。River Matronwomandirect and plainspokensaid: „A person of samegift on first meeting, after handing over, ifIfeelgood, thenleadsyouto go towest side the small townmountainpersonally.”河婆妇人直截了当道:“一人一样见面礼,交出来后,如果我觉得不错,便亲自带你们去小镇西边的大山。”Rain clothesold mangawkedstaring, not seem to think that thisRiver God is so honestly refreshed. Thatholds the stickyoungchildto be resentful the sound said: „Herpresentgod positionishumblestRiver Matron, wepolitely callRiver Godpolitely, givesher the hugeface countenance, daresto demand bribesunexpectedlyface to face, after is not afraid of getting into trouble , a Great LiImperial Courtpapermade, madeherstriking backoriginal form, wandering spiritnot do?!”
蓑衣老人愣了愣,似乎没有想到这位河神如此爽快坦诚。那持杖稚童愤懑出声道:“她如今神位不过是最低贱的河婆而已,咱们客气尊称一声河神,已是给她天大颜面,竟然还敢当面索贿,就不怕事后大骊朝廷一纸令下,就让她打回原形,孤魂野鬼也做不得吗?!”But the women the small townAlmond Blossom Laneshouting abuse in publicexpert, Great ImmortalOld Man Yangtoherbysomebottoms, wherewill fearthesethreatsin addition, insteadsawoutwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted of thatgroup of peopleclearly, the energyis then fuller, lifts the handto wield, sneers saying: „Thenonfastrollsfar, daresto approachin the dragon whiskerstreamhundred zhang (333 m), even ifyourdisobedientGreat Liflowslegitimate, when the time comeslookedwhocould not eatto capture!”
The youngchildflies into a rage, will speak the rebuttal, turned the headbybenign countenancerain clothesold mansuddenly, bites the look of personto starewith raw hateruthlessly, the mountain spirit of youngvirginappearancekeeps silentimmediately.
After burns a joss stick, five„mountains and forestswild cultivator”goesto the Dragon Springs Countylinealongcreek water.
一炷香过后,五位“山林野修”沿着溪水向龙泉县行去。Half-lengthrevealsdragon whiskercreek waterwoman, the bodyhad/leftfivethings, has that originallyyoungchildhand-heldblack bamboosmallstick, glittering and translucent carving, Spirit Qiis abundant.
When the woman who in the creek watermiddle reachestowchucklessecretly, suddenlysomeinexplicablesad.
在溪水中游曳的妇人暗自窃喜之余,突然有些莫名伤感。IfoneselfgrandsonstilllivesinAlmond Blossom Lanewere good, thesegood thingcangive tohimaltogether.
如果自己孙子还在杏花巷住着就好了,这些好东西都能一股脑儿送给他。Does not know that the Year of the Oxhorsemoon/monthcansee the grandson, moreoverhearsIn the cultivation road, onedoes not pay attentionto astray the branch road, body dies and dao vanishes, lucky fellow who growstruly, extremely rare.
只是不知牛年马月才能见着孙子了,而且听说修行路上,一不留神就误入歧路,身死道消,真正成长起来的幸运儿,凤毛麟角。Thinks ofthis, someRiver Matroninterestare not then high, the figureflashesto pass, sneaks the river bottom, sobsquietlyin the water.
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