Dragon Springs CountysouthwestBian Jing/frontierregion, Abjection Mountainappearance of the mountainjust likefly one's own colours, particularly attention grabbing.龙泉县西南边境地带,落魄山山势宛如独树一帜,格外瞩目。Groupaccording tocustom, after the Dragon Springboundary, then the choicewalksconscientiouslyhence, notcontrolling wind and soaring into skyor the governingswordgraze, latertheymustenter the mountain, exploresthatDragon Spine Mountain that producesDragon Beheading Platform, thatwill beeastTreasure Bottle ContinentgreatestSharpening Sword Stone, even ifwill be divided intothree, will carry the same placealone, will beso.
一行人按照规矩,临近龙泉地界后,便选择脚踏实地地行走至此,并未御风凌空或是御剑飞掠,之后他们就要入山,去勘探那座出产斩龙台的龙脊山,那将是东宝瓶洲最大的一块磨剑石,哪怕一分为三,单独拎出一块,亦是如此。Regardingcultivator of thisthesefourfamily backgroundcontinentSchool of Militaryfounder's temples, the walkmountainlakes, cannot be regardedon footwhathard job, after allWind and Snow TempleSchool of Militarycultivatoralwaysregards as importantto quench the Body Refinementmortal form, thisis steelingcultivation base, sincecultivates the strengthalsoto cultivate the mind.
对于这这四位出身一洲兵家祖庭的修士而言,徒步行走山岳湖泽,算不得什么苦事,毕竟风雪庙兵家修士一向看重淬炼体魄,这本身就是在砥砺修为,既是修力也修心。Whenfourpeople of the form that seesdistant placeMaster Ruan, steps outin abundance, holds the fist in the other handto salutetothisSect Gatesenioron own initiative. Ruan Qiongcannot be regardedin the Wind and Snow Templeranktoohigh, but the reputationis excellent, opensthatbecomes famous the north-southlengthafter the swordfurnace, for the same sidecastsword more than ten, hadmanygoodreasons and burning incensesentiments.
当四人看到远处阮师的身影,纷纷加快脚步,主动向这位宗门前辈抱拳行礼。阮邛在风雪庙辈分算不得太高,但是口碑极好,开辟出那座蜚声南北的长距剑炉后,先后为同门铸剑十余把,结下了许多善缘和香火情。ButmakesRuan Qiongobtain the commonapproval of Wind and Snow Templesix pulsesinfluencetruly, isbigdisturbance, ineasternTreasure Bottle Continent the like the sun at noonwatersymboldynasty, the black inkmountain villageisImmortals residencesecond to none, the natural talentoutstandingyoungoldancestor, justbroke the boundaryto riseislandSword Immortal, lacks a while convenientweapon, hearsRuan Qiongto cast the technique of swordto reach the pinnacle, visitspersonally the Wind and Snow Templegreenpuddle, asked the swordtoRuan Qiong, promised a hugeadvantage, butRuan Qiongcompliedto beat that time a Wenqingpeakyounger generationcasts the sword, needsto lastseveral years, no matter how thatnatural dispositionunrulySword Immortalpersuaded, Ruan Qiongonlysaid that wascasts the swordonly. Spokefirst come first served, hecanbuild a swordfor the black inkmountain villagefree, but after can only beimmediatelythat the swordcame out, for this reasonyoungSword Immortalthought that Ruan Qiongshamed itselfintentionally, was in a rageto attack brutally, Ruan Qiongat that timewas onlyNinth Floorcultivator, put together the severe woundnot to lower the head, became famous from one battle.
The black inkmountain villagepaid the inestimablehugepricefor this reason, was detainedexceptthatlandSword ImmortalinWind and Snow Templesubjects to a penalty for 50years, during the shortsixyears, the Wind and Snow Templesix pulseshave a person of goingblack inkmountain villageto challengerespectively, hit the black inkmountain villagefirstSect Gate that deservesfrom the watersymboldynasty, fallssets the baseto the second-classinfluence, has not recovered consciousness.
大墨山庄为此付出了不可估量的巨大代价,除去那名陆地剑仙被拘押在风雪庙受罚五十年,短短六年之间,风雪庙六脉各有一人前去大墨山庄挑战,打得大墨山庄从水符王朝当之无愧的第一宗门,掉落到二流势力垫底,至今尚未缓过来。Ruan Qiongholds the fist in the other handto return salutetofourpeoplewith a smile, the Wind and Snow Templenotover-detailed formalities, were the younger generationfacingthesecultivation baseexceedingly higholdancestors, the etiquette are still sosimple.阮邛笑着向四人抱拳还礼,风雪庙并无繁文缛节,便是晚辈面对那些修为通天的老祖,礼仪仍是如此简单。Ruan Qionghad saidwiththemsomeDragon Spine Mountainmatters concerned, as well asGreat LiImperial CourtinDragon Springs Countyslightlydeploysgreatly, thenspoke thoughtlesslyto ask: „„ daoist immortalstageWei Jin, this does is or isn'ttravel togetherto go northwithyou?”阮邛与他们说过了一些龙脊山事宜,以及大骊朝廷在龙泉县的大略部署,然后随口问道:““神仙台魏晋,此次是不是与你们同行北上?”White clothinglost/carryingswordold mansaid with a smile: „The Sect Gatemidwaygave the flyingswordnews, Uncle-Master Weithistimehad truly gone north, buthas not actually travelled togetherwithus, probablyheard that Fairy HethisachievementDaoismspokesman, enteredthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, the one's teacher's older brotheris then willingto catch upto join in the fun. Without the accident/surprise, shouldalreadyseesouththatto turn over toSect GateFairy He.”
一位白衣负剑老人笑道:“宗门中途有传递过飞剑讯息,魏师伯这次确实北上了,只是却没有与我们同行,好像听说贺仙子此次作为道家代言人,进入了这座骊珠洞天,师伯这才愿意赶来凑热闹。如果没有意外的话,应该已经见过了那位南归宗门的贺仙子。”Ruan Qiongasked: „Have yoursomepeopleseenWei Jin?”阮邛问道:“你们有人见过魏晋吗?”Fourpeopleallshake the head, „has not seen the appearance/portrait.”
四人皆摇头,“不曾见过真容。”Lost/Carryingswordold manasked: „Master Ruanhasthisto ask, butthere is a matterto happen?”
负剑老人问道:“阮师有此问,可是有事发生?”Ruan Qiongbeckons with the handto saywith a smile: „Curious, ifIhave not remembered incorrectly, Wei Jin40 years old, hold on toTenth Floorrealmonalready, the daoist immortalstagealsotrulyneedssomepeopleto stand, shoulderOld Ancestor Liulineage/vein the summer beam.”阮邛笑着摆手道:“只是好奇而已,如果我没有记错,魏晋堪堪四十岁,就已经坐稳十楼境界,神仙台也确实需要有人站出来,挑起刘老祖一脉的大梁。”Fivepeoplewalktogetheron the secludedmountain road, lost/carryingswordold manrankandcultivation baseare highest, otherthreepeopleshouldcallWei JinareGrand Uncle-Master Wei, old manandMaster Ruanwalk side-by-side, the Wind and Snow Templesix pulses, are frailbydaoist immortalstagemostburning incense, almostdegenerates intoearthlinessdynastyseveralgenerations of sole lines of descent the drearyscene, is the daoist immortalstagecontributesgreatesttoWind and Snow Templeexactlyin 300 years, greenpuddle that thereforeMaster Ruanwas once , the giant salamanderditch that oldsword cultivatoris, responds with the heartfeltgood intentions and anticipationto the daoist immortalstage, even if the Wind and Snow Templeinternalsixmountain topshave the disputerespectively, but if the family traditionis rigorous, the inheritanceordereddaoist immortalstagedissipatesthoroughly, that. Whichlineage/veinno mattertoWind and Snow Temple, being doomedis not the good deed.
五人一起行走在僻静山路上,负剑老人辈分和修为都最高,其余三人则该称呼魏晋为魏师伯祖,老人与阮师并肩而行,风雪庙六脉,以神仙台最为香火单薄,几乎沦为俗世王朝数代单传的惨淡景象,恰恰又是神仙台在300年中对风雪庙贡献最大,所以阮师曾经所在的绿水潭,老剑修所在的大鲵沟,都对神仙台报以由衷的善意和期待,哪怕风雪庙内部六座山头各有争执,但是如果门风严谨、传承有序的神仙台彻底消逝,那么不管对风雪庙哪一脉,注定都不是好事。old manheard after the word, caressesmustsay with a smile: „Uncle-Master Weihaving god-given wisdomrare talent, see the head of the divine dragon but not its tail , won the bigreputationon the rivers and lakes, perhapsnext timewill meet, waseastusTreasure Bottle ContinentyoungestUpper Five Floorsbigcultivator.”老人闻言后抚须笑道:“魏师伯天纵奇才,神龙见首不见尾,在江湖上也赢得偌大名声,说不定下次见面,就是咱们东宝瓶洲最年轻的上五楼的大修士了。”Ruan Qiongsaidin a soft voice: „High position invites criticism, isso, is more careful.”阮邛轻声道:“树大招风,越是如此,越要小心啊。”
The oldswordmasterturns the headto look at the Master Ruandignifiedlook, immediatelyunderstands clearly, sinkingsound said: „Waits formatters, returned toWind and Snow Temple, Iwill state opinionwithSect Master, stroveto recallSect GateUncle-Master Wei, Uncle-Master Weino matter how, after bestwait untilsuccessfullyto advance intoUpper Five Floors, againtravel through the rivers and lakes.”
The Ruan Qiongnodsaid: „Thisisexperiencedseeing, by rights ought toso. BelievesWei Jinin the rivers and lakeswanderermanyyears, experiences the will of the people dangerous, canunderstand the Sect Gatepains.”阮邛点头道:“这是老成之见,理当如此。相信魏晋在江湖闯荡多年,也见识过人心险恶,能够理解宗门的苦心。”old manstarts to speak but hesitates.老人欲言又止。Ruan Qiongshakes the head saying: „Finally is Wei Jinwillingto return toWind and Snow Templecultivated, thatwashis owndecision.”阮邛摇头道:“最后魏晋愿不愿意回到风雪庙修行,那就是他自己的决定了。”Ruan Qionglookssuddenlyto the small town, cups a fist and says: „my familyXiuxiuaccidentsentiment, Imusthave a look, notwitheveryone journey together.”阮邛突然望向小镇那边,抱拳道:“我家秀秀出了点事情,我得去看看,就不与诸位同行了。”Lost/Carryingswordold manselects the brow, is the whole bodymurderous aura, „Master Ruan, if not facilitateto act, greeted, handed overbyme. Whodaresto bullyourXiuxiu, exactlychattyisn't?!”
负剑老人一挑眉头,已是满身杀气,“阮师,若是不方便出手,打声招呼,交由我来。谁敢欺负咱们秀秀,活腻歪了不是?!”Ruan Qiongsmiles, said: „Minor matter.”阮邛会心一笑,道:“小事而已。”
The Ruan Qiongfigurerises straight from the ground, disappears.阮邛身形拔地而起,转瞬即逝。
Some other Wind and Snow Templethreepeople of surprise, did not know when old manlikedfavorsto drownRuan Xiu, mustknow that these more than tenyears of old manheld a swordtravelling far, has not treatedinmountain top, howcould not naturally be regardedwiththatlittle missfamiliar, evenwas well belowtheirthree. The giant salamanderditchQinancestor, truly was very actually earlyholds in high esteemto the little miss.风雪庙其余三人有些诧异,不晓得老人何时如此喜爱宠溺阮秀了,要知道这十多年老人多仗剑远游,不曾待在山上,与那位小姑娘自然算不得如何熟悉,甚至远远不如他们三个。倒是大鲵沟秦老祖,确实很早就对小姑娘刮目相看。
The oldswordmastercomplexionis tranquil, leads the wayslowly, but the mindappearedunceasinglysaying a word in privatethislineage/veinQinancestor, „the Wind and Snow Templetemplewas too small, cannot accommodateRuan Xiu.”
The clovershop, Ruan Qiongwalks into the shop, hesitant, withoutspokewithdaughterwith the easternTreasure Bottle Continentstandard speechdirectly, althoughthesesmall townwomangirlfor the shopbusiness, onlystudiedtemporarilywith the simplestandard speech that the outsiderhad to do, mayhave the accident/surpriseprobably, Ruan Qiongthenstrikes the counterwith the fingergently, girlraised the headat a loss, the doubtssaid: „Father, howyoucame, todayisn't the non-hammering?”
草头铺子,阮邛走入铺子,犹豫了一下,没有直接用东宝瓶洲雅言与自己闺女说话,那些小镇妇人少女虽然为了店铺生意,暂时只学了一些与外乡人打交道的简单雅言,可保不齐会有意外,阮邛便用手指轻轻敲打柜台,少女茫然抬头,疑惑道:“爹,你怎么来了,今天不是不打铁吗?”Ruan Qiongsupplesound said: „Comes outto speak.”阮邛柔声道:“出来说话。”
The father and daughterleave the shop, walksindesertedRiding Dragon Lane, afterRuan Qiongappears, thatgroup of Great Lispychildpeople ready dead retreatquietly.
父女二人离开铺子,走在行人稀少的骑龙巷,在阮邛出现后,那拨大骊谍子死士就自行悄然撤退。This is transmitting a silentrespecttoSchool of MilitarySaint.
这是在对一位兵家圣人传达一种无声的敬意。Ruan Qiongnodssecretly, from one small clue one can see what is coming, thinkingGreat Licanhavetoday the powerfulnational strength, has the reason.阮邛对此暗暗点头,见微知著,心想大骊能够有今日强盛国力,不是没有理由的。Ruan Xiuis somewhat annoyed, asks: „WasthatAbundant CityChu Familyrunsto complainwithyou? Beforehandreaches an agreement, before Imake a move, has warnedthatperson of manytime.”阮秀有些恼火,问道:“是那个丰城楚家跑去跟你告状了?事先说好,我出手之前,警告过那人很多次了。”Ruan Qiongsaid with a smile: „LendsAbundant CityChu Familyseveralcourage, does not dareto go to the bothersomefatherwiththistatteredmatter, perhapssomepeoplewill visitto apologizewith the heavyritualquickly.”阮邛笑道:“多借给丰城楚家几个胆子,也不敢拿这种破烂事去烦爹,说不定很快就会有人携重礼登门道歉了。”Ruan Xiuwhispered: „The fellowlooksdisgustingly, with a thatshortwinter melonwelldoing, whole bodykarmic hindrancecause and effect, butis the difference of thickness, after thispersonadvances intoMiddle Five Floors, does not know that mustdamagemanypeople. If not the worryannoystroublesometo the father, Ikilledhimon a palmat that time, avoidwill sinin the future.”阮秀嘀咕道:“那家伙看着就让人恶心,跟那个矮冬瓜一个德行,满身业障因果,只不过是厚薄之差而已,这种人跻身中五楼后,不知道要祸害多少人。如果不是担心给爹惹麻烦,我当时就一掌打死他了,省得将来造孽。”
The Ruan Qiongdeep breathone breath, the foreheadseeps out the sweat, oneselfwill just now urge the Yingodto have the holeluckily, the aurawill put in orderRiding Dragon Laneto cover, alreadyno onecaninvestigatethisplacesound, otherwiseRuan Xiuthese wordswill fall into the person with high aspirationsear, reallyleft a legacy of troubleinfinitely. WorldQi Refinerall kids of schoolscontention, inthe Hundred Schools of ThoughtbyYin-Yang School, mostexcels at the destiny and karmic hindrancenosingperson, buttheseskillabilities, almostallwill beday after tomorrowcultivated, line of Divine Ability, often will also betakes advantage of opportunity, butwill be, likeunravelling, cautiously, Buddhismwill make every effort to keep secret, will only hateto evadeit less. onlySchool of Military, isunscrupulous, whodaresto kill the stance that whomaykill, butthesefloatin the superficialfalse appearance, is thisdaughter, different, is very different.阮邛深呼吸一口气,额头渗出汗水,幸好自己方才驱使阴神出窍,气息将整条骑龙巷笼罩住,已经无人可以探查此地动静,要不然阮秀这席话落入有心人耳朵里,就真是遗祸无穷了。世间练气士百家争鸣,诸子百家中又以阴阳家,最擅长查探人之气运、业障,但那些本事能耐,几乎全是后天修行而成,所行神通,往往亦是顺势而为,如同抽丝剥茧,小心翼翼,佛家对此更是讳莫如深,只恨避之不及。唯有兵家,最是肆无忌惮,一副谁也敢杀、谁都可杀的架势,但这些都只是浮于表面的假象,可是自家这个闺女,不一样,很不一样。Shethencansee through the will of the peoplesince childhood, seestheirseven emotions and six sensory pleasures and cause and effectretribution, ascultivation baseincreases, sheevencancut offcause and effectdirectly, oncekills people, the consequenceisunthinkable.
她自幼便能看穿人心,看到他们的七情六欲和因果报应,随着修为增加,她甚至能够直接斩断因果,一旦杀人,后果更是匪夷所思。Thisis not the body of inbornFire Godcanexplainall.
这绝不是天生火神之体能够解释一切的。Ruan Qiongonlyknowsindaughter'seyes, the color of thisworld, unlikeothers.阮邛只知道在女儿的眼中,这个世界的色彩,与别人不一样。Ruan Qiongleafs through the Wind and Snow Templecollectionancient bookfor this reason, only has a long-lostancientview, canexplain the reasonreluctantly.阮邛为此翻遍风雪庙珍藏典籍,只有一个失传已久的古老说法,勉强能够解释缘由。
The inbornSpiritual God, arises at the historic moment.
天生神灵,应运而生。Therefore before Ruan Qiong, will voluntarily requestto relegateBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, attemptsbeforeRuan Xiugrowstruly, wins60years of camouflagesecrettimeforher.
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