( Eveningalsohasonechapter.)
The groupgo southalong the dragon whiskerstream and ironsymbolriverslowly, but the dayline more than 60li (0.5 km), Li BaopingandLi Huaiwere the children who the strength of legswas at variance with the average man, althoughLin Shouyi the straw sandalrubbed throughtwopairs, was the wealthy familyjuniors, is not willingto complain of hardshipto admit defeatbeforetwoLichildren, actuallyboiling, Chen Ping'anwas teachinghim the earthmethod that in additionused the herbal medicineto spread the foot, wasclenches teethto live througheventually, in the teamhadwhiteLv and horseshelps conduct the back the thing, thereforewalkeddoes not calculatetoodifficultly.
The Chen Ping'anheartadmiresLi Baopingthesethreechildrenvery much, thereforestudies away from hometwocharacters, as well asscholarname, in the straw sandalyoungstermind, the weight/quantityeven moreaggravates.陈平安心底很佩服李宝瓶这三个孩子,于是游学两个字,以及读书人这个称呼,在草鞋少年心目中,分量愈发加重。Dragon Springs Countysubordinatesin the Great LiYongjiacounty, long ago, easternTreasure Bottle Continentalldynastiesissued an imperial ordertogether, if the worldstateprefectures and countiesleddragoncharacter, allneedsto evadeto revise, exchangesothercharactersto replace, now the Dragon Springs Countyestimatebenefits fromBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, canmake an exception.龙泉县隶属于大骊永嘉郡,在很久之前,东宝瓶洲所有王朝一起下诏,天下州郡县如果带龙字,皆需要避讳修改,换上其它字顶替,如今龙泉县估计是沾了骊珠洞天的光,才得以破例。
The place of shatterGrotto-Heavenair planting, compared with the hangingposition, alreadydisplacedtowardsouthpreviously, southBian Jing/frontiercountrymanpass/testfromGreat Li, if the carriages and horsestake the major roadpost road, actuallymoon/monthtime.
破碎洞天落地生根之处,比起早先悬空位置,已经往南偏移了很多,距离大骊南部边境的野夫关,若是车马走官道驿路,其实不过月余时间。Zhu HeinGood Luck and Fortune StreetLi Family, shouldglance throughmanyprivatebook collections, knowsmanyout of the doormatters, Chen Ping'anhas the matterto be all rightasks for advicewithZhu He, otherwiseZhu Heis also gladto consultto enter the well-manneredway that with the youngster the mountainlaunches, whyA'Liangdoes not know, the number of times of drinkingwere many, speechtimewas short, after Lin Shouyisincehas drunk the strong liquor in silverbottle gourd, followsnearlyA'Liang, alwayswithhimaskedvery much east asked the west, hadto become the trend of youngdrunkard.朱河在福禄街李家,应该翻阅过许多私家藏书,知晓许多门外事,陈平安有事没事就跟朱河讨教,反之朱河也乐意跟少年请教一下入山下水的规矩门道,阿良不知为何,喝酒的次数多了,说话的时候少了,林守一自从喝过银葫芦里的烈酒后,跟阿良走得很近,经常跟他问东问西,同时有成为小酒鬼的趋势。In the Li Baopingsmallbook box, is suspending a colored drawing on potteryversionprefectures and countiesgeomancyatlas of Great LiImperial Courtpromulgation, according to logiconly then a stateprovincial governoryamenhas the qualificationsarchiveto hide away. According to the atlasshowed,theymustclimb up a namedchesspillarmountainquickly the mountain range, the mountain roadis more than 300li (0.5 km), wayYongjiaandwhite cloudsfourcounties.李宝瓶小书箱里,摆着一部大骊朝廷颁布的彩绘版郡县堪舆图册,照理只有一州刺史衙署才有资格存档秘藏。按照图册显示,他们很快就要攀爬一条名为棋墩山的山脉,山路长达三百余里,途径永嘉、白云在内四郡。
The grouptake a restin the footslightly, Li Huailooks at the wideRiding Dragon Lanealley, dumb as a wooden chicken, the shocklaterturns the headto curse angrily: „A'Liang! Thisis the post road that you said that Guanma Main Road that Great LiImperial Courtconstructsespecially?! Chickenintestinesequallythinbrokenroad, calculates the major road?”
The post road, is namedGuanma Main Road, links up a completeprefectures and counties of dynastyterritorymutually, the post roadlooks like the human bodymeridians, onceblocks, Qi and bloodwill not pass, placeson the country, is the government orderis not good.
驿路,俗称官马大道,将一座王朝疆土的全部郡县相互衔接,驿路就像是人体经脉,一旦阻塞,就会气血不通,放在国家身上,就是政令不行。A'Liangsitson the roadsidetogetherrotten woodblock, after raising headto drink, saidlaughingly: „Post roadalsodivides the rank, the Great LisouthernBian Jing/frontiercountrymanpass/test, threepost roadsto the north, the chesspillarmountainpost roadaresmallestone, usesto utilize the chinaware, tea leaves and refined salt, before was very crowded lively, nowBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfallstoward the ground, blockedoriginally the north-southchannel, thispost roadabandonsnot to usetemporarily, brokemanypeople of source of income, manycargosstagnatethat side a chesspillarmountainmountain rangeriver cargo port, called the red candletown/subdues, un, therepleasure boat, mostlywas the boats of 2-3people, onetoevening, brilliantly illuminated, Elder sister on shipis smart, sitsin the bowor the stern, white and shinythighs, revealintentionallytoyoulook, incross-straitwine shop0.1potliquoroneplate of shelled peanuts, does not spend to look atonewhite/in vain.”阿良坐在路旁一块朽木墩子上,仰头喝过酒后,笑哈哈道:“驿路也分等级,大骊南部边境的野夫关,有三条驿路通往北方,棋墩山驿路属于最小的一条,多用来运用瓷器、茶叶和精盐,以前人来人往很热闹,如今一座骊珠洞天这么往地上一摔,阻断了原本南北通道,这条驿路就暂时弃而不用了,断了好些人的财路,许多货物都停滞在棋墩山山脉南麓的一座水运码头那边,叫红烛镇,嗯,那里的花船,大多是2-3人的小船,一到晚上,灯火通明,船上的姐儿俏得很,坐在船头或是船尾,一条条白花花大腿,就那么故意露给你看,在两岸酒铺子点一壶酒一碟花生米,不花钱就能白看一宿。”servant girlZhu Luwithout delaybends the waistto coveryoung lady'sear, in order to avoidby the dissolutespoken languagedirt of thislecherear, herscowl: „Wedo not pass the nightinthatred candletown/subdues!”婢女朱鹿赶紧弯腰捂住自家小姐的耳朵,以免被这个登徒子的浪荡言语污了耳朵,她怒容道:“我们不在那红烛镇过夜!”A'Liangreferred tonearbyChen Ping'anwith the liquorbottle gourd, saidgrinningly: „Passes the night, mustaskhim, hemanagesGod of Wealth of ourpurse.”阿良用酒葫芦指了指一旁的陈平安,笑嘻嘻道:“过不过夜,得问他,他才是管咱们钱袋子的财神爷。”
The Zhu Lulookis swift and fierce, murderous intentionnumerous, probablyChen Ping'andaresto nodsheto dareto kill people.朱鹿眼神凌厉,杀机重重,像是陈平安敢点头她就敢杀人。Chen Ping'anthinks, the complexionsaidearnestly: „Certainlymuststayin the small town, acquiresto supplement that somemust the goods, as forprobablypass the nightin that side, mustlook that sideinnhotelreceives moneyto be expensive, ourpeopleare many, if the pricedoes not fair, can only consider as finished.”陈平安想了想,脸色认真道:“肯定要在小镇停留,添置补充一些必须物品,至于要不要在那边过夜,得看那边客栈旅舍收钱贵不贵,我们人多,如果价格不公道,就只能算了。”
The Zhu Lucomplexionis gloomy, aggressive, „, ifcheap, wedo wantto livein that type of fireworkspowderdirtyplace? Chen Ping'an! Youhave thought that Missmy family, withLin ShouyiishalfConfucianismjuniors, is the Mountain Cliff Academyscholar, howcanlive close to each otherwiththeseimmoralwomen, even ifcannot seethesefeeling sickpictures, wouldhearingsomebeing revolting to the eardecadent music!”朱鹿脸色阴沉,咄咄逼人,“如果便宜,咱们就要住在那种烟花脂粉的肮脏地方?陈平安!你有没有想过,我家小姐,和林守一都算是半个儒家子弟,还是山崖书院的学子,怎么可以与那些伤风败俗的女人毗邻而居,哪怕看不到那些作呕画面,总会听到一些不堪入耳靡靡之音!”Chen Ping'anbraces oneselfto reply: „Saidto the small townagain.”陈平安硬着头皮答道:“到了小镇再说。”Zhu Luis infuriated, Zhu Heblocks the daughter, „deferred toPing'an(safe and sound) saying that do not draw the conclusionabsurdly, lookedto that sideagain,wewere notmustpass the nightin the red candletown/subdues.”朱鹿火冒三丈,朱河拦住女儿,“就按照平安说的,不要妄下定论,到了那边再看,我们又不是一定要在红烛镇过夜。”Zhu Luputs out a handto point atChen Ping'an, stillwas sayingpanting: „Luckilyyouare not a scholar, otherwisethesesaints and sagesbooks are really becauseyouare shamed!”朱鹿伸手指着陈平安,犹然气咻咻道:“幸好你不是读书人,要不然那些圣贤书真是因你蒙羞!”Chen Ping'anthisall the wayis literateto be literatewithLi BaopingandZhu He, looks athave a strong sense of righteousnessZhu Lu, the youngsteris somewhat defeatedimmediately.陈平安这一路上跟李宝瓶和朱河识字认字,看着大义凛然的朱鹿,少年顿时有些败下阵来。Chief criminalA'Liangtakes pleasure in others' misfortunesin the one side.
罪魁祸首阿良在一旁幸灾乐祸。Zhu Lushoots a look at a youngsterheadjasperhairpin of finallyslantingly, feels is really an eyesore, says with a sneer: „Worthless person in imposing attire!”朱鹿最后斜瞥一眼少年头上的碧玉簪子,觉得真是碍眼,讥笑道:“沐猴而冠!”Zhu Heshoutedlightly: „Zhu Lu!”朱河轻喝道:“朱鹿!”Li BaopingandLin Shouyisimultaneouslyknitting the browshead.李宝瓶和林守一同时皱了皱眉头。A'Liangdrank a liquorlazily, the goodliquor, has drunknot to havetaste, changes mindto thinkred candletown/subduesferments the apricot blossomnewlyspring, someanticipations, is thinkinghowto deceive a moneyto come the mouthaddictionfromChen Ping'an.阿良懒洋洋喝了口酒,再好的酒,一直喝下去也没甚滋味,转念想到红烛镇的新酿杏花春,就有些期待,想着怎么从陈平安那边骗点银子来过过嘴瘾。Chen Ping'anstarts to speak but hesitates, finallyhas not opened the mouth, hastheirmountaineeringsilently.陈平安欲言又止,终于还是没有开口,默默带着他们登山。
Before entering the mountain, the straw sandalyoungsterto the pastlike that did obeisancethreeto do obeisanceas before.
只是入山之前,草鞋少年依旧向以往那般,拜了三拜。Thisis the old rule that Old Man Yaohands down from generation to generation, butneverwith the Chen Ping'anexplanationreason, Chen Ping'antheseyearsalwayscompliesdoes not harm.
这是姚老头传下来的老规矩,但是从不跟陈平安解释缘由,陈平安这些年始终照做不误。A'Liangsnorts contemptuously, Chen Ping'andoes not wanthimto sit the treeblockcasually, neverpays attention, tiredsat down, is so casuallike the present.阿良对此嗤之以鼻,就连陈平安不要他随便坐树墩子,也从不理会,累了就一屁股坐下,就像现在那样大大咧咧。Chen Ping'anis notthattypelikes the person who ownfondnessimposes one's views on others, after having urgedtwice, A'Lianghas stuck to one's own way of doing things, no longeradvises . Moreover the linealso is not improper, Chen Ping'anwill not talk too much.陈平安不是那种喜欢把自己的喜好强加于人的人,劝过两次后,阿良一直我行我素,也就不再劝阻,而且一路行来也无不妥,陈平安就更不会多嘴。Thenthissection of longmountain road, althoughis the post road that the multi-blue stonespave, actuallyquiteawkwardline.
接下来这一段漫长山路,虽是多青石铺就的驿路,却颇为难行。Late spring the season, the mountains and plainsvegetationnotlate in lifeair/Qi, the vegetationis deep, the flowertreeis in full bloom, full of vitality, the probablythis year'sspringis especially long, is not willingto break up.
The mountain roadis curving, circleson, no matter the group the size, on the legbound the cotton fabriclineto entangle, with grow the strength of legs, had a woodenstickevery, naturally the straw sandal of Chen Ping'anestablishment, the travel baghad the Zhu HeZhu Lufather and daughter of severalsolidbootspersonally, was no exception.
山路弯曲,盘旋而上,一行人不管大小,腿上都裹了棉布行缠,用以增长脚力,人手持有一根木杖,当然还有陈平安亲手编制的草鞋,就连行囊备有好几双结实靴子的朱河朱鹿父女,也不例外。Zhu Luis not willing, to shut outfrom the beginningextremelyuglilypoor, afterwardentered the mountainto meet the rainy day, the mountain roadis muddy, the soleslipsfrequently, Zhu Luisreaching highest knowledgemartial artist, althoughis insufficientto be surrounded by perils, actuallyalsostaggersembarrassedly, finallyhas totake the straw sandalfromher fatherhand, exchangessilently, Li Huaiis cheerful, made an effortto step onbybecoming angry out of shamegirlin the mud, martial artist of twoboundarypeaks, is intentionalto step on, the natureis rudely, splashesat the scene the Li Huaihalf-lengthmud.朱鹿一开始死活不肯,嫌弃太过丑陋寒酸,后来入山遇上雨天,山路泥泞不堪,经常脚底打滑,朱鹿是登堂入室的武人,虽然不至于险象环生,却也踉跄难堪,最后不得不从她爹手中拿过草鞋,默默换上,李槐偷着乐呵,被恼羞成怒的少女一脚使劲踩在烂泥里,二境巅峰的武人,有意为之的一脚踩踏,自然势大力沉,当场溅得李槐半身泥浆。
The childis poor, had not broughtseveralclothes, immediately in the stamp the sadplace, cryingto be thincrash-bang, pantingLin Shouyiis not willingto mixthisboothrottenmatter, paused, whensiderestedrolled the eyes. Zhu Heis the tempersimple and honestperson, even if fiveboundarymartial artist, stillbore the temperto apologizewith the child, compliesto become an official the small town, certainlyboughtone set ofbrand-newclothingforhim, but the matter of childcaring, waspoverty-strickenfeels sorry, sawthatservant girltemperamentwas so hot, the sidealsofollowed a richfather, the childonlyfeltoneselfput saltby the wound, criesrendingly, the both feetmade an effortto step on the muddyground, quickwithyoungmudskipper, in the course of contacts, everyonewas moodily, Chen Ping'ancame up the persuasion, Li Huaiis not willingto listen, Chen Ping'anwas implicatedonequickly. The bodyclay, the Chen Ping'ananythingsufferingdisaster, had not flown into a ragefortunatelyactually, is onlya littlehelpless.
孩子家境贫寒,本就没带几身换洗衣物,立即戳中了伤心处,哭得稀里哗啦,气喘吁吁的林守一不愿掺和这摊子烂事,停步在旁休息的时候翻白眼。朱河是性子淳朴的人,哪怕已是五境武人,依然耐着性子跟孩子赔礼道歉,答应出了山进了市镇,一定给他买一整套崭新衣物,可孩子在意之事,就是自家穷苦自己可怜,一看到那婢女脾气这么坏,偏偏身边还跟着一个有钱的爹,孩子只觉得自己被伤口撒盐,哭得更加撕心裂肺,双脚使劲踩着泥泞地面,很快就跟一只小泥猴似的,一来二去,所有人都心烦气躁起来,陈平安上去劝说,李槐不愿听,陈平安很快就被连累得一身黄泥,所幸陈平安什么苦头灾殃没受过,倒是没急眼,只是有点无奈。Zhu Luseizes the chanceto agitate, look, does not haveto reportwith good intention, Chen Ping'an, yourwithout delaythrew downthistype of mindlessthing.朱鹿趁机煽风点火,看吧,好心没好报,陈平安,你赶紧把这种没心没肺的东西丢下得了。Li Huaicrieshard.李槐哭得更加厉害。Li Baopingscoldedno matterloudlyalsoused.李宝瓶大声呵斥也不管用。Chen Ping'anthinks it over, finallyhas the exploratory natureto ask: „Li Huai, Ithenhelpyoumake a smallbamboobox, what's wrong?”陈平安思来想去,最后只得试探性问道:“李槐,我回头帮你做一只小竹箱,咋样?”
The childstops the weeping soundimmediately, cancels the tearsnasal mucuscarelessly, askedearnestly: „Big?”
那孩子立马止住哭声,胡乱抹去眼泪鼻涕,认真问道:“多大的?”Chen Ping'anreplied: „Cannotbe too big, yourstatureis small, carrying unable to feel that heavyis good, if not comply, whenIhad not said,youcontinueto cry, thenwecontinueto hurry along, follownot to followas you like.”陈平安回答道:“不能太大,你个子小,背起来不能觉着重才行,要是不答应,就当我没说,你继续哭,然后我们继续赶路,跟不跟上随你。”Li Huaigrinsto say with a smile: „Small, mustdoesattractively! LeastalsowantsandLi Baopingthatbook boxis equally attractive!”李槐咧嘴笑道:“小可以,一定要做得漂亮点!最少也要跟李宝瓶那只书箱一样好看!”Zhu Lusaid: „If the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous, the smallage, learned the swindling and abducting, how the parentsconduct, did not lookapparent. Reallygoodfamily tradition!”朱鹿啧啧道:“上梁不正下梁歪,小小年纪,就学会坑蒙拐骗了,爹娘品行如何,不看便知。真是好正的家风!”Li Huai that the bambooboxwill soon succeed in obtainingwinks, is almost madZhu Luseethes with rage.
竹箱即将到手的李槐挤眉弄眼,差点把朱鹿气得七窍生烟。Chen Ping'anturns the headto saytoLin Shouyi: „Givesyoualsoto make a book box?”陈平安转头对林守一说道:“给你也做一只书箱?”Hesmiles, „in any case is also convenientlywhile convenient.”
他笑了笑,“反正也是随手顺便的。”Lin Shouyijust about toshakes the head the rejection, after back hearing those words, hesitant, nods.林守一刚要摇头拒绝,听到后边那句话后,犹豫了一下,点点头。
The summitscene of chesspillarmountainextremelystrange, probably a small towncommonhugenessexposes to the sunvalleyChang, the groundis smooth, putshere, ifthenImmortalpares the standing tall and erectmountain topto be the samewith the sword.
The childrenjump for joy, Zhu Hetake a broad view atnorthlooking out into the distance, is quite completely relaxed, wishes one couldto cry loud and longseveral.
孩子们雀跃不已,就连朱河放眼远眺北方,也颇为心旷神怡,恨不得长啸几声。Chen Ping'anis the person who sees the mountain top, particularlyfinallythatwalks into the mountain, mountain topspass throughstep by step, at this momentinsteadappears the relativelookto be calm.陈平安是见惯山头的人,尤其是最后那趟进山,一座座山头一步步走过,此刻反而显得相对神色从容。Tonightmustpass the nightin the summit, Zhu HeZhu Lustarts the tent, Li HuaiandLin Shouyirunsto collect the flammablefirewood, Chen Ping'anandLi Baopingbuilds the stoveto cook a mealwith the pebble, nowrice and dried vegetables in severaltravel baghave eatenalmost, trulymustseekbustling streetssupplies, Chen Ping'ansee the medicinal herbfor this reasonall the way, takes offto put in the back-basket, because of the going over hill and dalefamiliar house, the leg and footis agile, even ifneedsto detourto climb upmountain cliff, canfollow the teamequallyquickly, will not delay the traveling schedule, nowalreadyaccumulates the rare and preciousherbal medicine that the less than halfback-basketseasons, strivingcanlittlespend a savingsis.
今夜要在山顶过夜,朱河朱鹿开始搭帐篷,李槐和林守一跑去拾取易燃的柴禾,陈平安和李宝瓶则用石子搭灶煮饭,如今几个行囊里的米粮和干菜都已吃得差不多,确实是要寻一处闹市补给,陈平安为此一路上见到药材,就摘下放入背篓,因为翻山越岭熟门熟路,腿脚利索,哪怕需要绕路攀援山崖,一样很快就可以跟上队伍,不会耽误行程,如今已经攒下小半背篓晒干的珍稀草药,争取能够少花一点积蓄是一点。Severaldishsaltstainbrined vegetableswere finishing eating the rice, A'Liangbegin the rebellion, bringingLi Huaito knockwhite bowlwith the chopstickstogether, shoutedmusteat the meat to eat the meat.
就着几碟子腌渍咸菜吃完米饭,阿良起头造反,带着李槐一起用筷子敲着白碗,嚷着要吃肉要吃肉。Chen Ping'annods, said that tonightmakesseveraltrapsheaths, looked that tomorrow morningcan or cannotwill catchseveralmountainsto jump the pheasantto break a meatless fast.陈平安点点头,说今夜去做几个陷阱套子,看明早能不能逮几只山跳野鸡来开开荤。
The snakehas a snakemouseto have the mouseroad, the mountain topbeast is so, Chen Ping'anis not strange, so long ascarefullyobserves, discoveredline that very mucheasilysomemountains and forestswild animalslook for foodto drink water, moreoverexquisitetrap that makesby the treesstone, is not complex, practice makes perfect. Dusk, pink cloudsall over the sky, after the youngsterleavesalone the summitlarge open areatries one's luck, in a while, seeing onlyaround the summitpink cloudsassembling and partingis uncertain, the speedis extremely fast, such asturning hostile of stubbornly disobedientchild, but the peopledo not feel the mountain breezeto be swift and violent, at the same time, the open and aboveboardneatmountains and riversscene, brought the gloomyfeeling to the person with high aspirationscovering the haze.
蛇有蛇道鼠有鼠路,山上走兽皆是如此,陈平安对此并不陌生,只要仔细观察,很容易就发现一些山林野兽觅食喝水的线路,而且以树木石块做成的小巧陷阱,并不复杂,熟能生巧。黄昏里,彩霞满天,在少年独自离开山顶大坪去碰运气后,没过多久,只见山巅四周彩云聚散不定,速度极快,如顽劣孩童的变脸,而众人丝毫不觉得山风迅猛,与此同时,原本堂堂正正清清爽爽的山河景象,给有心人带来一种蒙上雾霾的阴森感觉。ThismakesZhu Hewith a heavy heartget upimmediately, does not alarmthreeto meetto recite the studyinguntaught child of booksas far as possible, does not go with sitalonein the daughter who the cliffbankis in a dazegreets, Zhu Hethinks,arrives atno oneto locate, pulls outin the bosom a yellowingold book, turnsto the middle„quarrying a mountain”onepage, the fingerstopsin„mere handful of soilsecret art”neighbor, glances overtheseslightlysuch as the smallbright redwritingcarefully, crossedonepage, is twodesigns, diagrams the hillappearance, butbottommountain rootsuch as the bamboo shootswind, the sideblankillustrationis„the Taishansymbol”, tiessealforboth hands the profoundwonderfulhand signal..
这让朱河立即心情沉重起来,尽量不惊扰三个聚头背诵书籍的求学蒙童,也不去跟独自坐在崖畔发呆的女儿打招呼,朱河想了想,来到无人处,掏出怀中一本泛黄古籍,翻到中间“开山”一页,手指停在“撮壤诀”附近,仔细浏览那些细微如蝇头的鲜红文字,翻过一页,则是两幅图案,一幅绘有小山模样,只是底部山根如竹笋盘结,旁边空白处注解为“太山符”,一幅为双手结印之玄奇手势。vermilionRiver Godsentimentis dignified, meditatesoff and on, continuallydeepens the impression, „takes the mountaineastandsouth the earthrespectivelyonepou, twistingYuecharacteris best, twistsmountainZiyito be possible”, „to burn the ritualto respectMountain Godsymbolone, foot treads the Kuiastraltwocharacters, breathes as when warming the hands, mayborrow a mountaintoMountain Godandland, the air/Qi and placeincluding......”
朱河神情凝重,断断续续默念,不断加深印象,“取山之东、南之土各一抔,捻嶽字最佳,捻山字亦可”,“焚礼敬山神符一张,脚踏魁罡二字,呵气一口,可向山神、土地借取一山,气与地连……”Closes the old book, returnsin the bosomcautiously, Zhu Hein the middle ofonepile of yellowtalismanfrom the sleeve, take outyellow paper, startsto rely on the bookto recordeastern and southern Shipingto capture a soilrespectively, Yuecharacter who twists an ancient literary style, namely the mountain, climbs mountainsto be jailed. Zhu Heis just aboutto rubto burnyellowrune/symbol who in the handthatLi Clanoldancestorbestows, suddenlyhas a scare, originallyA'Liangdoes not know when squattedbyhim, the latteris raising the wine pot, saidwith a laugh: „Inyourhandthatcommonmaterial qualityenteringmountainLu, the talisman drawingtechnique of person of starting writing, isgood, buttalismantogether, a difference can not, the papermaterial qualitysuch as the root of bonepersonbe generally important, thereforeit may be unable to withstand‚mountain’ the weight of character, thereforeIurgedyouto writeYuecharacterto be OK, avoidasked the godnot to become, but alsoprovokedMountain GodZhu Heiscontacts the mountain spiritgods and ghosts in legend for the first time after all, was somewhat anxious, saidin a soft voice: „ The A'Liangsenior, does thischesspillarmountainreallyhavethatlandorMountain Godoccupies? Why does that have suchheavyYinBane Qibreath?”
合上古籍,小心翼翼放回怀中,朱河又从袖中一摞黄色符箓当中,抽出一张黄纸,开始依循书上记载去石坪东方和南方各抓取一把土壤,捻出一个古体的岳字,即嶽,上山下狱。朱河正要搓燃手中那张李氏老祖赠送的黄符,突然吓了一大跳,原来阿良不知何时蹲在了他旁边,后者提着酒壶,笑呵呵道:“你手上那张寻常材质的入山箓,下笔之人的画符手法,还是不错的,但是符箓一道,一步差不得,纸张材质如人之根骨一般重要,所以它可承受不起‘嶽’字的重量,所以我劝你写个岳字就可以了,省得请神没成,还惹恼了山神朱河毕竟是第一次接触到传说中的山精神怪,有些紧张,轻声道:“阿良前辈,这棋墩山真有那土地或是山神盘踞?那为何还有这么重的阴煞气息?”A'Liangdrank a liquoreasely, scoffsto say with a smile: „Whosaid the Mountain Godlandtoyou, certainlyis the personalitykindheartedgeneration?”阿良悠悠然喝了口酒,嗤笑道:“谁跟你说山神土地,一定是性情良善之辈?”
The Zhu Hewhole faceis stunned, „not so?”朱河满脸错愕,“不然?”A'Lianghehesaid: „Iwasspeak thoughtlessly a saying, Heaven knowsherehost family, the temperament of entertaining a guestamgoodambad.”阿良嘿嘿道:“我就是随口一说,天晓得这里的主人家,待客的脾气是好是坏。”Zhu Heawakenssuddenlysaid: „It is not good, a Chen Ping'anpersonnotinsummit!”朱河猛然惊醒道:“不好,陈平安一个人不在山顶!”A'Liangnods.阿良点了点头。Zhu Hesaidurgently: „The A'Liangsenior, youlooks forChen Ping'an, Icontinueto completethismere handful of soilto becomeShanjue, how? MyZhu Heis onlyfiveboundarymartial artist, copes with the secularexpertself-confidentlyalsostrength of wrestling, butcopes withthesestrangethings, is really lacks self-confidenceat heart.”朱河火急火燎道:“阿良前辈,你去找陈平安,我继续完成这道撮壤成山诀,如何?我朱河只是五境武人,对付世俗高手自信还有一搏之力,可是对付那些古怪东西,真是心里没底啊。”A'Liangsets outwith a smile, departsswaggering, saysa few wordslight, „thatyourselfare careful.”阿良笑着起身,大摇大摆离去,轻飘飘撂下一句话,“那你自己小心啊。”
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