Water depthsilent, raingreatlyallshort.
水深无声,雨大皆短。ThisrainstorminChen Ping'anandA'Liangturn backunder the big treeshortly, turnsonalreadylightlydrainings the light rain, the raindropdropsfrom the leafunceasingly, the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misswhenChen Ping'anreturns tounder the tree, the whole faceconcealed worry, Chen Ping'ansmiledbrightly, rubbedherbeing all right. The little misscomplexiononeis brightsuddenly, after such aswipes the accidental/surprisedrainrainbow, is cleanmakes the will of the peopletremble. At this moment, Chen Ping'ansomewhatis suddenly guilty, suddenly but how does not knowto open the mouth, manyspoken languagesstop up at heart, thenhaveto practice the swordfurnaceto set up the pilesilently.
这场暴雨在陈平安和阿良走回大树下没多久,就已经变成淅沥沥小雨,雨珠不断从树叶上滴落,红棉袄小姑娘在陈平安回到树下的时候,满脸隐忧,陈平安灿烂一笑,揉了揉她的没事了。小姑娘脸色呼啦一下蓦然灿烂起来,如一抹令人意外的雨后彩虹,干净得让人心颤。这一刻,陈平安突然有些愧疚,只是一时间不知如何开口,许多言语堵在心里头,便只好默默练习剑炉立桩。A'Liangseesthissecretly, smiles, butLi Huaia few wordsgave up the A'Lianggoodmoodquickly, A'LiangA'Liang, listening toChen Ping'an saying that youwerego tomountain topto defecate, becausethiscannot needto clean up. A'Liangaskedwith a laugh, was really Chen Ping'ansays? Li Huaishot a look at the eyeto standinChen Ping'an of not far away, wasfor fear thatA'LiangconfrontswithChen Ping'anprobablyface to face, studied the A'Liangtoneheheto smile, saidChen Ping'an, althoughhas not said that butIthought that hedefinitelythinks, Ithought certainly that A'Liangyouwere notsuchperson, IalsogaveElder SisterZhu Luto explainspecially, striking one's chestto guarantee that yourA'Liangwas notthis. A'Liangpulls taut the ear of Li Huaigently, lowers the headasked with a smile? Li Huaihates bitterly saying that A'Liang, blamesChen Ping'an, was not too a thing, wantedmeto scoldhimforyou? A'Liangmakes an effortto twistto transfer the ear of thisyoungbastard, whenmyA'Liangis easily swindled? The Li Huaighostcalled, no oneis only willingto pay attention topitifully, Li Huaitrimmed one's sailsimmediately, A'LiangA'Liang, Ihad an elder sister, calledLi Liu, the namewascoarse a point, the personmaybe attractive, thisdid not deceiveyouabsolutely, Lin Shouyi and Lin Shouyi liangs pervert, likedmyelder sistersecretly, Dong Shuijinghas the matterto be all rightgoes toourhometo dine, sawmyelder sistereach time, bigperson, but alsoblushed, was really the nausea. A'Liang, Ithought that youcompared withDong Shuijing, the person the gracefultemperamentis good, rides the donkeyto drink the liquor, wantslaterto helpyouandmyelder sister, knew?阿良看到这一幕后,会心一笑,但是李槐一句话很快打消了阿良的不错心情,阿良阿良,听陈平安说你是去山上拉屎了,因为这样可以不用擦屁股。阿良笑呵呵问道,真的是陈平安说的?李槐瞥了眼就站在不远处的陈平安,大概是生怕阿良跟陈平安当面对质,也学着阿良的语气呵呵一笑,说陈平安虽然没有说出来,但我觉得他肯定是这么想的,我当然觉得阿良你不是这样的人啊,我还专门给朱鹿姐姐解释过,拍胸脯保证你阿良不是这样的。阿良轻轻扯住李槐的耳朵,低头笑问道,哦?李槐痛心疾首道,阿良,都怪陈平安,太不是个东西了,要不要我替你骂他?阿良使劲拧转这个小王八蛋的耳朵,当我阿良好骗是吧?李槐鬼叫起来,只可惜没有人愿意理睬,李槐立即见风转舵,阿良阿良,我有个姐姐,叫李柳,名字是难听了一点,人可漂亮了,这个绝对不骗你,林守一个色胚,就都偷偷喜欢我姐姐,董水井有事没事就去我们家蹭饭,每次见到我姐,恁大一个人了,还脸红,真是恶心。阿良,我觉得你比董水井强多了,人帅脾气好,骑得起驴子喝得起酒,要不要以后帮你和我姐,认识认识?A'Liangwithout delayloosens the Li Huaiear, both handsplaceson the Li Huaishouldergently, pressesdownward, says with a smileweto squatto chatslowly.阿良赶紧松开李槐耳朵,双手轻轻放在李槐肩膀上,往下一按,笑道咱们蹲下来慢慢聊。
Before Chen Ping'anarrives at the Zhu HeZhu Lufather and daughterbody, asked: „Did UncleZhu He, can or cannotchat?”陈平安走到朱河朱鹿父女身前,问道:“朱河叔叔,能不能聊一下?”
The mengrinto say with a smile: „Yourthese wordswere very long. Wewalkcasually, rainalready is very in any case small.”
汉子咧嘴笑道:“等你这句话很久了。那我们随便走走,反正雨已经很小。”two peoplegoes out ofthattree shadeshoulder to shoulderin a big waysuch as not the well-knownbig tree of peaks and ridges, does not wait forChen Ping'anto ask, Zhu Heidentified one's role when first coming on stagewith the rootfoot, „Chen Ping'an, the small townhadso manystrangematterbefore, sinceyoucanliveunderRighteous Yang MountainMoving-Mountain Ape, but alsobecameaccompanieswiththat other placegirl the ally, it is estimated thata lotyouralreadyknew, thenIdid not cover-upanything, after allyoung lady'ssafetywasmost important, ourfather and daughterallwere the Li Familychildren of domestic slaves, took the janitorservantsfor generations, asked for a rice bowlto eatinmasterLi Family, althoughlistenedto be very pitiful, actuallyyoudo not want. Thenis miserable, fromcannot seeseveralancestorsall year round, toPatriarch, to our MissBaoping, withoutwhom the personregardsourfather and daughteragainimmediately, particularly the young ladyandmy familydaughter, actuallytheydid not relatecompared withordinary families'blood sistersdifference.”两人并肩走出那棵树荫大如峰峦的不知名大树,不等陈平安开口询问,朱河自己就自报家门和根脚了,“陈平安,小镇之前发生那么多奇怪事情,你既然能够在正阳山搬山猿手底下活下来,还与那位外乡少女成为结伴盟友,估计很多事情你都已经知晓,那么我也不藏掖什么了,毕竟小姐的安危是最重要的,我们父女二人皆是李家的家生子,就是世世代代作为杂役奴婢,在主人李家讨一口饭碗吃,虽然听着很可怜,其实没你想的那么惨,从一年到头也见不着几回的老祖宗,到家主,再到我们这位宝瓶小姐,没谁把我们父女当下人看待,尤其是小姐和我家闺女,其实她俩关系不比寻常人家的亲姐妹差了。”Timeat this point, the middle-aged manturned the headto look at the eyeto standunder the big treeYuanwang'selsewheredaughter, the girlfigurepulled outstrip, has not openedtrulylong, crossedprobablyagain for a year is the truebig miss, hethought that owndaughterwill not compareGreat LiCapital Cityanyprincessto be inferior, certainlyhe has been very proud, after believingdaughterZhu Lu, will blossom in radiant splendorinGreat Li.
说到这里的时候,中年男人转头看了眼站在大树底下远望别处的女儿,正是少女身段抽条的时分,尚未真正长开,大概再过一年就会是真正的大姑娘了,他觉得自己女儿不会比大骊京城的任何一位千金小姐逊色,他对此一直很自豪,坚信女儿朱鹿以后一定会在大骊大放异彩。MustknowGreat Liusuallyto respect the female, the femalejoins in the battlefieldto kill the enemycourageously, Great Li first emperorevenorderedMinistry of Ritesforfemalemartial artistandcultivatorspecially, establishedone set ofmilitarymerittitle, heldbeginning of the continent, oncebyViewing Lake Academywas the Scholarwriter of head, the attack, started a chaoswarwantonly, the spearheadhas pointed to the northernbarbarianGreat Lidynasty, if were not Mountain Cliff AcademyMountain LordQi Jingchunresists opposition, possiblythenEmperoryoungmustunder the government and peoplepolitical discussionpublic opinion, probablythereforetake back the imperial decree.
需知大骊素来尊重女子,不禁女子投身沙场奋勇杀敌,大骊先帝甚至专门下令礼部为女子武人、修士,设置了一整套武勋称号,开一洲之先河,曾经被观湖书院为首的士子文人,大肆抨击,掀起过一场大乱战,矛头直指北方蛮夷大骊王朝,若非身为山崖书院山主的齐静春力排众议,可能当时的年轻皇帝就要迫于朝野清议舆论,就要因此收回圣旨。Zhu Hesaid with a smile: In the pastdiscovered after Ihad the rootbonetalent of practicing martial art, cultivatedmyZhu Heon the expenditurelarge sum of moneywithout delay, thereforeIhave the presentskill, daughterZhu Lu was also similar, ifwere notshedoes not make every effort to succeed, fell shortin the Martial Daosecondboundary, later the achievementbecame the fathercompared with my, highwas not only low, the ancestorafterdiscoveringZhu Luwas a goodseedling of practicing martial art, has saidtomepersonally, Zhu Luarrived at the martial artistseventhboundary in legendhopefully, myZhu He the fifthboundary. ”朱河笑道:当年发现我有习武的根骨天赋之后,二话不说就花费重金栽培我朱河,所以我才有现在的身手,女儿朱鹿也是差不多,如果不是她自己不争气,在武道第二境功亏一篑,以后成就比我这个当爹的,只高不低,老祖宗在发现朱鹿是习武的一颗好苗子后,亲口对我说过,朱鹿有希望走到传说中的武人第七境,我朱河不过才堪堪第五境而已。”At this point, the Zhu Hemoodsomewhatloses, a martial artistriseboundary, withoutwell-matchedopposing the enemyclose quarters fighting, without the life and death of hanging in the balancewhets, is to be doomed is not long-termby the natural talent, once the errorgood opportunity, is unable to climbin one vigorous effortupward, will wear down the spiritmore and more, againhoweverfadesthreeto use up, broke the road of reachingthoroughly.
说到这里,朱河心情有些失落,武人升境,没有旗鼓相当的对敌厮杀,没有命悬一线的生死磨砺,只靠天资是注定走不长远的,而且一旦错失良机,无法一鼓作气往上攀登,就会越来越消磨意气,再而衰三而竭,彻底断了登顶之路。Zhu Hedepressesin the heart the haze , to continue saying: „Thistimeis escorted the young ladyto leaveGreat Libyus, firstweleftrecently, the skillwas passable, moreoverwas the Li Familychildren of domestic slaves, does not dareto say the skillhigh, leastloyal. Secondlyyoung lady'sfirstgoing far, needs the carefulpersonto consider the personal habits, Zhu Luis the rightcandidate. Third, Missmy familyis the younger generation that the ancestormostloves dearly, actuallythistimeescorted the person who the young ladytravels fartruly, is notothers, ancestorgo into actionpersonally. The Master RuanWind and Snow Templesame side, after thatA'Liangappears, the ancestorreturned to the small town, because the small towndoes not have the bannow, canunashamedlyinfo clerkworldSpirit Qi, be equal to grotto heaven and blessed landcultivated, the ancestorbrokenboundarynearing, opportunity must not be losttime won't come again, hadA'Liangto hold the post ofpersonalretinuein any case, since, shouldnot havewhataccident.”朱河压下心中阴霾,继续说道:“这次由我们护送小姐离开大骊,一来是我们离得最近,身手还算凑合,而且是李家的家生子,不敢说本事有多高,最少忠心。二来小姐第一次出远门,需要细心的人照顾饮食起居,朱鹿就是合适的人选。第三嘛,我家小姐是老祖宗最心疼的晚辈,其实原本这次真正护送小姐远游的人,不是别人,正是老祖宗自己亲自出马。只是阮师的风雪庙同门,那个阿良出现后,老祖宗就返回小镇了,因为如今小镇没了禁制,可以毫无顾忌地收纳天地灵气,等于是在一座洞天福地修行,老祖宗破境在即,机不可失时不再来,反正有阿良担任贴身扈从,应该不会出什么岔子。”Zhu Heslightlymakes the consideration, explained: „Ourancestorvisionsare original , and heartis broad, althoughhits the mindto dote on the drowningyoung ladysorely, isat the young ladytravelling farstudyingincident, the ancestornot onlydoes not keep hold of the young ladyforcefullyin the side, sheltersunder the wing, insteadspoke the small girlnot only need go toMountain Cliff Academy, but also the latter halfdistance, went tobyher own, the Li Familydescendants, shouldhavesuchbreadth of spirit.”朱河略作思量,解释道:“我们老祖宗眼光独到且心胸宽广,虽然打心眼疼爱宠溺小姐,可是在小姐远游求学一事上,老祖宗非但不把小姐强行挽留在身边,庇护在羽翼下,反而明言小丫头不但要去山崖书院,而且后半段路程,就由她自己去走,李家子孙,本就该有这样的气魄。”Zhu Hesmilesto make noisesuddenly, „justat this point, the ancestorwasfacerepressed sadness and anxietyhundredrevolutions of appearances, mutteris saying, butourwife and childrenBaoping, less thanten years old, breadth of spiritanything, is or isn'tcan1 : 00 pmsayagain. Finallyancestoris determinedno longerto followquietly, turns to look back repeatedly at every step, witholdchild, unprecedentedfirst. ThereforeZhu Lutoldmein private, the ancestorto the young lady, isreallygood.”朱河突然笑出声,“只不过说到这里,老祖宗又是一脸愁肠百转的模样了,碎碎念叨着可是咱们家小宝瓶,才不到十岁啊,气魄啥的,是不是可以晚 1 点再说啊。最后老祖宗下定决心不再一路悄悄跟随的时候,一步三回头,跟老小孩似的,破天荒第一回。所以朱鹿私下跟我说,老祖宗对小姐,是真好。”
The Zhu Heintentionfeels grateful: „Young ladytomy familyZhu Lu, good, the young ladylikeschattingwithZhu Lusince childhood, looks atZhu Luto practice martial arts, Zhu Lucanarrive attoday, in fact the young ladymeritis greatest.”朱河心怀感激道:“小姐对我家朱鹿,也好,小姐从小就喜欢跟朱鹿聊天,看朱鹿练武,朱鹿能够走到今天,事实上小姐功莫大焉。”Chen Ping'anrelaxes, „UncleZhu He, hasyou, Ifelt relieved.”陈平安松了口气,“朱河叔叔,有你们在,我就放心了。”That sidesmall town, except forMister Qi, Chen Ping'anuntrustworthyanybody.
小镇那边,除了齐先生,陈平安信不过任何人。Even if Master Ruan, saidtoLi BaopinglikeChen Ping'an, hebelieves is also only a commitment of thissideSaint, iscertaincustoms that Mister Qionceobserved, rather thanMaster Ruanoneself.
哪怕是阮师傅,就像陈平安对李宝瓶所说,他相信的也只是一位此方圣人的承诺,是齐先生曾经遵守的某些规矩,而不是阮师傅本人。Thisis an inexpressibleintuition, it can be said thatis inborn, butmoreboils, like the straw sandalyoungsterto the medicine that Miss Ningfries.
这是一种不可言说的直觉,可以说是天生的,但更多还是熬出来的,就像草鞋少年给那位宁姑娘煎的药。BeforetoA'Liang, toZhu He, wasso, is not all exceptional.
之前对阿良,对朱河,皆是如此,更不例外。Chen Ping'andoes not need to worry about food or clothing, has not endured hardship, thereforesillyis goodtoanyone. The difficulty of life, the ugliness of will of the people, the poortribulation, the pooryoungster, has inscribedonownbone.陈平安不是衣食无忧,没吃过苦,所以傻乎乎对谁都好。生活的艰辛,人心的丑陋,贫穷的磨难,孤苦无依的少年,早就铭刻在自己骨头上。Zhu Hepatted the slendershoulder of youngster, is onlyunder a racket, bonesolidtenacious, surpasses the anticipation of thisfiveboundarymartial artistslightly, butfeels relaxedquickly, if this is not the case, can the upfrontshoulderMoving-Mountain Apehardly? HisZhu Hedoes not havesuchcourage and wisdomabilitycertainly, butthinks ofhere, Zhu Hesobbedunavoidably, oneselfalsoless than40 years old, wore downonalreadylofty aspirations and high idealscompletely, could not compareoneunexpectedlyjustwalking and staggering the youngsteronMartial Dao.朱河拍了拍少年的纤细肩膀,只是一拍之下,骨头之结实坚韧,稍稍超出这位五境武人的意料,但是很快释然,若非如此,能够正面硬扛搬山猿?他朱河就绝无这样的胆识能耐,只是一想到这里,朱河更是难免唏嘘,自己还不到四十岁啊,就已经雄心壮志消磨殆尽了吗,竟然比不得一个刚刚在武道上蹒跚而行的少年。Zhu Hesomewhatis also curious, asked with a smile: „AlthoughIhave not gone out of the small town, does not know the outsiderivers and lakes the custom, when the ancestoroncechattedmentioned, ifran into the rivers and lakesperson of same beliefunder the mountain, this and thatmanytaboos, for example the monkdid not saynot to say the longevity, mayaskmastergate, cannotask the militaryways of running a schoolnumber. HoweverI am very curious, howyouareescapefromMoving-Mountain Ape, yoursmall townthatchases down, Ilisten to the ancestorto mentionafterward.”朱河也有些好奇,笑问道:“虽然我不曾走出过小镇,不晓得外边江湖的规矩,但是老祖宗曾经闲聊时说起,如果在山下遇到江湖同道,有这样那样的众多忌讳,比如僧不言名道不言寿,还有就是可问师门,不可问武学路数。不过我是真的很好奇,你是如何从搬山猿手下逃脱的,你们小镇那场追杀,我只是事后听老祖宗说起。”Chen Ping'anis somewhat embarrassed, „actuallyhas been escaping, has run awayfromMud Vase Laneto the mountain , if notMiss Ning, Ihave died.”陈平安有些难为情,“其实就是一直在逃命,从泥瓶巷一直逃到山里,如果不是宁姑娘,我早就死了。”Zhu Hehesitant, thenremindedin a soft voice: „Musttreasurethesegoodreasons, withthatMiss Ning, andMaster Ruan...... Master Ruan, mustmaintainscarefullystably, do not break.”朱河犹豫了一下,然后轻声提醒道:“要珍惜这些善缘,和那位宁姑娘的,还有和阮师……阮师傅的,一定要小心维持稳固,千万别断了。”SomeChen Ping'andoubts.陈平安有些疑惑。Zhu Hedeeply movedsaid: „Weare onlyBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfrog in a well, everyonedisparityis limited, likeyourme, militarystudycultivation base, supportingis the difference of fiveboundary, as for the status, mychildren of domestic slaves, could it be thatalsohas the qualificationsto look down upon the life experienceto be pureyou? Butin the world outside well, will be different, youlaterwalkfar, will mixfor a long time outside, will understandthoroughly.”朱河感慨道:“我们只是骊珠洞天的井底之蛙,大家差距有限,就像你我,武学修为,撑死了就是五境之差,至于身份,我一个家生子,难道还有资格瞧不起身世清白你?可是在井外的天地,会大不一样,你以后走得越远,在外边混得越久,就会理解得更透彻。”Chen Ping'ansaidsincerely: „Ido not want is so far.”陈平安诚恳道:“我没想那么远。”Zhu Helaughs saying: „Canthinkwell.”朱河大笑道:“可以好好想一想了。”Chen Ping'annods.陈平安点点头。Regardingothers'good intentions, Chen Ping'analwaystreasuresvery much.
对于别人的善意,陈平安一向很珍惜。Regardingothers'evil intention, if no meansto talk clearly the truthwiththesepeopletemporarily, andthatfeels relieved the head, did not forget.
对于别人的恶意,若是暂时没办法跟那些人说清楚道理,那就且放心头,绝不忘记。After all the road is very long.
--Underbig tree, justelder sisterLi LiusellingLi Huai, now he backin front ofA'Liangis very thick, saidcarelessly: „A'Liang, thenImakeChen Ping'anmake the liquorbottle gourdtoyou, yougivemewaistthatsmall bottle gourd, the whole familydid not speak the two familywords, does not treat unjustlyyou, your looksin any caseobviouslyold, cannot be joined tomybrother-in-law'sstatus!”
大树底下,刚刚把姐姐李柳给卖了的李槐,现在他在阿良面前腰杆子特别粗,大大咧咧说道:“阿良,回头我让陈平安给你做个酒葫芦,你把腰间那个小葫芦送给我吧,一家人不说两家话,绝不亏待你,反正你这个看着就显旧,配不上我妹夫的身份!”A'Liangsaidmystically: „Youdo not understand, thisbottle gourdcalledSword Nurturing Bottle-gourd, wasunder all heavensraregood thing, lookscommon, was valuable, how manyelder sisters did youhave? Killsin any caseinsufficientlyalso!”阿良神神秘秘道:“你懂个屁,这葫芦叫养剑葫,是全天下少有的好东西,看着不起眼,值钱得很,你有几个姐姐?反正一个打死也不够!”Saw that A'Liangspoketooneselfin such unyieldingspoken languagerarely, kidsomebeat a drumat heart, is taking a look atthatonlysmall bottle gourdgreedyly, raised the headlongingly, the exploratory natureasked: „How manyelder sistersotherwise do Imake the parentslive? Thismatteris opento discuss that is right?”
看到阿良难得用这么硬气的言语跟自己说话,小屁孩有些心里打鼓,眼馋地瞅着那只小葫芦,恋恋不舍地抬起头,试探性问道:“要不然我让爹娘多生几个姐姐?这事好商量啊,对不对?”A'Liangputs out a handto cover the forehead.阿良伸手捂住额头。
Before having the reasonremembers, to go down the hillsidewithChen Ping'antogether, the youngsterplaces on a parwithZhu He of fifthboundaryoneselfunexpectedly, A'Liangloosens the hand, sighs woefully, picks up a witheredbranchto delimitto rule outon the groundconveniently.
没来由想起之前跟陈平安一起走下山坡,那少年竟然把自己跟第五境的朱河相提并论,阿良松开手,哀叹一声,随手捡起一干枯枝丫在地上划来划去。Li Huaihas poked head to look, is a crookedcharacter, writing the sinceritywas inferiorownthisuntaught childis attractive, could not compareevenMister Qialsoto say not uncouthLin Shouyi.李槐探过头一看,是一个歪歪扭扭的字,写得真心不如自己这个蒙童好看,更比不上连齐先生也说不俗气的林守一了。Li Huaimorelooksmorefeelsdisgraceful, looks at the A'Liangcharacter, looks atagain the silver-whiteliquorbottle gourd of hiswaist, after a Celestialbattles, Li Huaisaid: „A'Liang, youwritesuchugly, Idecided that was notyourbrother-in-law, myparentshope after the elder sister, married the scholar.”李槐越看越觉得丢人现眼,看一下阿良的字,再看一下他腰间的银白色酒葫芦,一番天人交战之后,李槐说道:“阿良,你写字这么丑,我决定还是不做你的姐夫了,我爹娘都希望姐姐以后嫁给读书人的。”A'Liangraised the headslowly, the whole faceis unthinkable, „is very ugly?”阿良缓缓抬起头,满脸匪夷所思,“很难看吗?”Li Huaihas a heavy heart, makes an effortto nod.李槐心情沉重,使劲点头。
The childrenfeelelder sisterLi Liuifnext timedaresto snatch the thingto eatwithoneselfagain, mustscoldhernot to have the conscience, butoneselffor her anythingSword Nurturing Bottle-gourddoes not want.
A A'Liangfaceyouare youngyouinnocentlook, saidwith a laugh: „Howpossibly, is notIto boastwithyou, inonetothisveryfarplace, does not know after manypeopleseethischaracter, gives the thumbs-up.”阿良一脸你年纪小你不懂事的神色,笑呵呵道:“怎么可能,不是我跟你吹牛,在一个离这个很远的地方,不知道多少人看到这个字后,都纷纷竖起大拇指。”
The Li Huaidoubtssaid: „Face to face?”李槐疑惑道:“当面?”A'Liangsaid with a smiledry/does: „I heard that I heard that.”阿良干笑道:“听说,听说。”Li Huaisaid: „Isaid that whohadthatfacial skinto tellyouface to facecan write, Irequestedhimto be the master, it is estimated thateven/includingmy motheralsoscoldedhim.”李槐说道:“我就说嘛,谁有那脸皮跟你当面说写得好,我就拜他为师,估计连我娘也骂不过他。”A'Liangsays with a sneer: „Yourpays respectsare the masters, do othersreceiveyoufor the disciple?”阿良讥笑道:“你拜人家为师,人家就收你为徒啊?”Li Huaisaidseriously: „Doesn't receive? Is heblind?”李槐一本正经道:“不收?他眼瞎啊?”A'Liangcovers the foreheadagain, because the fellowalso is really a blind person.阿良再一次捂住额头,因为那家伙还真是个瞎子。A'Liangis thinkingare shortwiththiswords, raised the headlook around, looks right and left, finallyseesgirlZhu Lu, said with a smile: „Does Zhu Lu, wantto study the sword technique? Icurrentlyhave the interest of someswords......”阿良想着自己还是少跟这个话,抬起头环顾四周,左看右看,最后看到少女朱鹿,笑道:“朱鹿,想不想学习剑术啊?我现在有一些出剑的兴致了……”Not far away, Zhu Luwas worriedownyoung lady.
不远处,朱鹿正在担心自家小姐。Redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missboth handsholdcheek, looksdirection that Little Master-Uncleis departing, browtightwrinkle.
After hearingA'Liangthese words, girlsaidresentfully: „At the same time cool!”
The A'Lianglookis innocentandvacant: „Had just hadsuchheavy rain, youlooked that mywhole bodysoaked.”阿良眼神无辜且茫然:“刚下过这么一场大雨啊,你看我都浑身湿透了。”girldetected that ownmistake, maystillbesneered saying: „Careless, having neither learning nor skill, is not a good person!”少女察觉到自己的失误,可仍是冷笑道:“吊儿郎当,不学无术,不是好人!”A'Liangangrysay/way: „SmallBaoping, Li Huai, Lin Shouyi, myis or isn'tgood person?!”阿良气恼道:“小宝瓶,李槐,林守一,我是不是好人?!”Li Huaihits a person when he is down, „looks like the good person. But if willingto deliverme the liquorbottle gourd, is a good person.”李槐落井下石,“只是像好人。但如果肯送我酒葫芦,就是好人。”Lin Shouyisaiddesolately: „Laterdo not deceivemeto drink, Misterhas said that the writerfightsliquorpoemhundred, is all false.”林守一冷淡道:“以后别骗我喝酒了,先生早就说过,文人斗酒诗百篇,全是假的。”
The redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misssmilestoA'Liangsecretly, A'Liangimmediatelyat heartwarm, gives the thumbs-uptowardher, treated as the neglected advicetauntings of othertwofellows.
The A'Liangrivers and lakes, eventuallyare notwhitemixed.阿良的江湖,终究不是白混的。wait untilChen Ping'anandZhu Heturn back, the groupstart off.等到陈平安和朱河走回,一行人重新上路。Whensoutheast the directionDragon's Tailstreamcircledto the due south, becomesin the Great Liplacecounty annalsbrand-newvermilionPiironrune/symbolriver, immediately the river wateris torrential, the appearance of the waterrises sharply.
The width of river surface, the depth of river water, by farbeforehandsmall streammeteorology.
河面之宽,河水之深,远胜之前的小溪气象。At the suggestion ofChen Ping'an, makes the recuperationslightly, hereboils the meter/riceto prepare food, after having the lunch, hurries along.
在陈平安的提议下,稍作休整,在这里煮米做饭,吃过午饭之后再赶路。Li Huaistandsin the riverside, forks the waist saying: „A'Liang, had youexperienced such bigwaterbefore?”李槐站在河边,叉腰啧啧道:“阿良,你以前见识过这么大的水吗?”A'Liang of formerwhitedonkeylooked at the streamriverintersection point, looked at the eyebehind, finallysaid with a smiletoLi Huai: „Ihave seen the big rivers, the grain of cooked riceare more than youhave eaten.”
前者白色驴子的阿良看了眼溪河交界处,又看了眼身后,最后对李槐笑道:“我见过的大江大河,比你吃过的饭粒还多。”Li Huaiis not gladimmediately, „didn't A'Liang, your is or isn'tdayboaston the whole bodyis uncomfortable?!”李槐顿时不乐意了,“阿良,你是不是一天不吹牛就浑身不舒服?!”A'Liangignores, arrives atside the youngster of buildsimpletop, saidin a soft voice: „Walks, the riversidewalks, somewordsmusttellyou.”阿良置若罔闻,走到搭建简易灶台的少年身边,轻声道:“走,河边走走,有些话要跟你说。”Chen Ping'angawkedstaring, invited the Li Familyservant girlZhu Luhelp, the Li Baopingline, actuallyalreadycanadd onmanybusy, evenhelpedA'LiangfeedwhiteLvalsoto know extremely wellvery much, therefore the hands and feethelpedElder SisterZhu Lucook a mealagilytogether, makingherLittle Master-Unclego to the riversideto take a walkby all means that allwrapped on her the smart-aleckyappearance.陈平安愣了愣,就请李家婢女朱鹿帮忙,李宝瓶一路行来,其实已经能够帮上很多忙,甚至连帮助阿良喂养白驴也熟稔得很,所以手脚利索地帮着朱鹿姐姐一起煮饭,让她的小师叔只管去河边散步,一切包在她身上的俏皮模样。These days, the little missalwaysinsistedoneselfat the back of the back-basket, oneselfhandleallwith every effort.
The youngstershadowboxeach time the piletime, shewill often accompanysilentlyin the side, following the example, lovely and innocentis lovable.
少年每次打拳走桩的时候,她往往都会默默陪在身边,有样学样,娇憨可爱。two peoplearrives at the riverside, thenparadesdownwardalong the river water.两人走到河边,然后沿着河水向下游行去。A'Liangsincerity saying: „IlikeBaopingthissmall girlvery much, naturally, youwill only likecompared withme.”阿良坦诚相见道:“我很喜欢宝瓶这个小丫头,当然,你只会比我更喜欢。”Chen Ping'anthenlooks, the little missis busyin that side, is the wheelboth legs, the contrastsaidLi Huai that Lin Shouyiandall things that makes the incidentdo not begin, althoughLi Baopingis young, butis full of vitality, even ifvisitsher, likeseeing a happyspring.陈平安回头望去,小姑娘在那边忙来忙去,又是车轱辘似的双腿,对比说一句做一事的林守一和万事不动手的李槐,虽然李宝瓶年纪还小,但是生机勃勃,哪怕只是看着她,就像看到一个美好的春季。Chen Ping'annods.陈平安点了点头。A'Liangalsosaid: „Butyoualwaysthought where is not right, is or isn't?”阿良又说道:“但是你总觉得哪里不对,是不是?”Chen Ping'anun, „, sinceprevioustimechattedwithmeafter the matter of militarystudy, said that isafter that probablyshedid not likespeaking.”陈平安嗯了一声,“自从上次跟我聊了关于武学的事情后,一口气说了很多,可是在那之后,好像她不太爱说话了。”A'Liangasked: „Youris or isn'ttoldher the words that whatexpects, youhopefor example after her, what kind ofpersoncanbecome?”阿良问道:“你是不是跟她说了什么期望的话语,比如说你希望她以后可以成为怎么样的人?”Chen Ping'anturns the headsuddenly, the whole faceis shocking.陈平安猛然转头,满脸震惊。A'Liangdoes not wantto say a wordto offend somebodyprobably, the rarecarefulfermentationexpresses, stops the footstepssimply, squatsin the riverside, throws the pebblegently, in the youngstersquatsafterownside, A'Liangsaidin a soft voice: „Affectionatenon-longevity, the brightnessmustinjureextremely, the average personnaturallydoes not have the qualificationsto apply mechanicallythesetwoviews, butLi Baopingis different, althoughnowis small, the firstpointnaturallydoes not have the shadowmatter, but the secondpoint, shewasalreadywas suitable, youtreated as the dependenceyourChen Ping'an, therefore the language of yourhaving no interest, action of the having no interest, will make the little missdeeplyplaceat heart, wordsthing, was very strange, meets the characterone after anotherwords, fellpiles upon the heart, possiblyyoufelt the old pedantandpedant of my viewcomparisonlikelyhalfbarrelwater, may the truth. Also is really thistruth.”阿良大概也是不想无意间言语伤人,难得小心酝酿措辞,干脆停下脚步,蹲在河边,轻轻丢掷石子,在少年蹲在自己身边后,阿良轻声道:“情深不寿,慧极必伤,一般人自然没资格套用这两个说法,但是李宝瓶不一样,虽然现在还小,第一点当然是没影的事情,可第二点,她是已经适用了,你将你陈平安当做了依靠,所以你的一句无心之语,一件无心之举,都会让小姑娘深深放在心里,话语这东西,很奇怪,是会一个一个字一句一句话,落在心头堆积起来的,可能你觉得我这个说法比较像半桶水的老学究、酸秀才,可道理还真就是这个道理。”Chen Ping'anexhales the one breathgently, „ismymistake, Ifearedat that timeshedoes not have the confidenceto arrive atMountain Cliff Academy, saidIhopeshecanbecomefemale teacher, littlemaster.”陈平安轻轻呼出一口气,“是我的错,我当时怕她没信心走到山崖书院,就说了我希望她能够成为一位女先生,小夫子。”A'Liangsmiles, „‚ismywrong’? Chen Ping'an, youwere wrong.”阿良笑了笑,“‘是我的错’?陈平安,你错了。”
The youngsterdoubtsare puzzled.
少年疑惑不解。A'Liangdoes not look at the youngster, butlookslazilyto the river surface of tranquilnobillows, „youare onlyhave not donewell, rather thanmaking the mistake.”阿良不看少年,只是懒洋洋望向平静无澜的河面,“你只是没有做得更好,而不是做错了。”
The youngsterwonder, these twoviewis different, result that maycreate, notsame?
少年更加纳闷,这两者说法不同而已,可造成的结果,不还是一样的吗?A'Liangturns the headfinally, the thoughts that as ifsees through the youngster, shake the head saying: „Very different. Knows why in the worldgood person, does doone by oneaggrievedly? For exampleMister Qi that Qi Jingchun, youknow, canworkobviouslyis happier, mayarrive at the finalresult, is onlythatvexedaggrieved? wait untilyourlook around, probablytheseunprincipled people, actuallyliveconfident and at easeto be merryone by one, before for exampleyou, had mentionedwithmetwoenemies, the Righteous Yang Mountainmountain-protectingape, Old Dragon CityfuYoung City Lord, after theyreturn tooneselfdomain, will truly crossveryenjoyably, a positionis lofty, lies downenjoysrespectablein the record of merits, ambitious, willin the north.”阿良终于转头,似乎一眼看穿少年的心思,摇头道:“很不一样。知道为什么天底下的好人,一个比一个做得憋屈吗?比如齐静春,你们认识的齐先生,明明可以更做事更痛快,可到最后的结果,就只是那么窝囊憋屈?等到你环顾四周,好像那些个坏人,却又一个比一个活得潇洒快活,比如你之前跟我提到过的两个仇家,正阳山护山猿,老龙城苻少城主,他们回到自己的地盘后,确实会过得很舒心,一个地位崇高,躺在功劳簿上享受尊敬,一个野心勃勃,志在北方。”A'Lianglooks at the youngster who is lost in thought that sprinkleshoweversays with a smile: „Therefore, mediationis very tiredmatter, youcannotmediate, withouthas been returned, orobtains the unexpectedanswer, feltoneselfmade the mistake, cannotfeel after oneself, did not work as the good person. This...... isincorrect!”阿良看着陷入沉思的少年,洒然笑道:“所以啊,做好人是很累的事情,你千万不能做了好人,没有得到回报,或者只是得到意料之外的答复,就觉得自己做错了,更不能觉得自己以后再也不当好人了。这样……是不对的!”
The A'Liangcomplexionis serious, with emphasis, redundantlast few words: „Thisisincorrect!”阿良脸色严肃,加重语气,重复最后一句话:“这样是不对的!”A'Liangsmiled, turns intothatall thingsnot to worry about the wavevagabond of head, „naturally, Li Baopingis good , the little missis returningyouby the way that sheis in sole possession, do not think the branch.”阿良笑了起来,重新变成那个万事不挂心头的浪荡子,“当然,李宝瓶好得很,小姑娘只是以她独有的方式在回报你,你可别想岔了。”Chen Ping'anmakes an effortto shake the head saying: „Without.”陈平安使劲摇头道:“没有没有。”A'Liangnods, „, thereforeIam willingto saythesetoyou.”阿良点点头,“所以我才愿意跟你说这些。”Hesitson the groundsimply, traversebamboo bladeinknees, „, Irarelyreasonable, mytruth......”
他干脆一屁股坐在地上,横放竹刀在双膝,“要知道,我很少跟人讲道理的,我的道理……”A'Liangslightlymakes the stop, pattedgreenbamboo blade on knee, „before , insword, nowtemporarilyinthisblade.”阿良略作停顿,拍了拍自己膝盖上的绿色竹刀,“以前在剑,如今暂时在这刀。”Even ifA'Liangdoes not rain, the sunis not big, wearsthattopcommonthin bamboo stripbamboo hat, healong withhand-heldheld the bamboo hat, „, ifyourcharacternottomyappetite, even ifthathairpinsignificancebeforemeimagineslike thatsignificantly, even ifyouareQi Jingchunselect the person, Iwill not talk incessantlywithyouthesewords, at the worstdelivers toGreat Liyou, is happy, throwsyoutoGreat Suidirectlyand that's the end, to me, difficultlywhathas?”阿良哪怕不下雨,日头不大,也会戴着那顶不起眼的竹篾斗笠,他随手扶了扶斗笠,“如果你的性格不对我的胃口,哪怕那根簪子意义跟我之前想象那般重大,哪怕你是齐静春挑中的人,我也不会跟你唠叨这些话,大不了把你送到大骊,心情好的话,直接把你丢到大隋就是了,对我来说,有什么难的?”Thissmilingmanis earnest, has the style, both handswhipsbamboo bladegently, „tomyA'Liang, the lifein the world, the roadwantsto walk, the wordswanted saying that the personwantedto do. IfeelyourChen Ping'an , this, notnecessarilylooks likemecompletely, butwants the backto be straightenough, the fistis bigenough, the boneis hardenough, wants the sword techniqueto be highenough!”
这个嬉皮笑脸的汉子认真起来,别有风范,双手轻轻拍打竹刀,“对我阿良来说,人生于天地间,路要自己走,话要自己说,人要自己做。我觉得你陈平安,也该这样,不一定全部像我,但要腰杆够直,拳头够大,骨头够硬,更要剑术够高!”A'Lianglaughs heartilygets up, „don't forget, the most important thing islivedenoughfor a long time!”阿良哈哈大笑起来,“别忘了,最重要的是活得够久!”
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