The heavy rainpoundson the two peoplethin bamboo stripbamboo hat, makes noise.
大雨砸在两人的竹篾斗笠上,啪啪作响。Chen Ping'ansinkingsound said: „Thishairpinveryordinary, is only the ordinaryjadematerial.”陈平安沉声道:“这根簪子很普通,只是普通的玉材。”A'Liangis staring at the seriousyoungster, probablyhears in the worldgreatestjoke, looks fierce, bearswith great difficultydoes not smileto make noise, „yousaiddoes not calculate.”阿良盯着一本正经的少年,好像听到一个天底下最大的笑话,龇牙咧嘴,好不容易才忍住不笑出声,“你说了不算。”
The Chen Ping'anforeheadseeps out the sweat, butquickwas splashed the rain washonface, looks atthatman, asked: „What do youwant?”陈平安额头渗出汗水,但是很快就被溅在脸上的雨水冲刷掉,看着那个男人,问道:“那你到底想要什么?”A'Liangasked with a smile: „Youris or isn'tfelt are oneselfdying?”阿良笑问道:“你是不是觉得自己要死了?”Chen Ping'aninthis moment, suddenlyfeelsverydesperate.陈平安在这一刻,突然感到很绝望。BecauseMaster Ruanhas come, walked.
因为阮师傅来过,又走了。Butat presentthismanalsostandsinoneselfat present.
而眼前这个男人还站在自己眼前。A'LiangthatsmilingA'Liang, is conducting the armthatgreenbamboo bladeslantingly.阿良还是那个笑眯眯的阿良,斜挎着那把绿色竹刀。Thismansmilesto look at the youngster, not highstature, frailclothing, solidstraw sandal, naturallythatpaint a dragon and dot in the eyesjasperhairpin.
这个男人笑望着少年,不高的个子,单薄的衣衫,结实的草鞋,当然还有那根画龙点睛的碧玉簪子。Ifhe did not remember incorrectly, on the hairpin the seal cuttinghas the attractiveeightsmall characters.
The Chen Ping'anlipis pale, fluttersto ask: „Your does can or cannotlet offthem?”陈平安嘴唇铁青,颤声问道:“你能不能放过他们?”A'Liangdid not speak.阿良不说话。Chen Ping'anlights a lampto stay up latein the previousnightjust before leaving, imaginesalldifficult positionsas far as possible, hehasto think, thistimegoes toMountain Cliff Academyto study, on the roadwill meet the every large or smallridge, because is only hisenemy, onhasRosy Clouds Mountain, Old Dragon City and Righteous Yang Mountainthree partiesoutwardly, without exceptionisinmountain topdaoist immortal the person, actuallywithhimsince birthdyingbigenmity, thereforeChen Ping'anwas worriedvery muchbecause ofownreason, implicatesredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss the road of studying.陈平安在临行前一夜点灯熬夜,就尽可能想象所有困境,他不是没有想过,此次前往山崖书院求学,路上会遇到大大小小的坎,因为光是他的仇家,明面上就有云霞山、老龙城和正阳山三方,无一例外都是山上的神仙中人,却都跟他有生死大仇,所以陈平安很担心因为自己的缘故,连累到红棉袄小姑娘的求学之路。On that daymentionedwithLi Baopingunendurable, was not the youngster who roughly the childhoodwalked into the mountainwantsto complain, wantsto put on the airs ofLittle Master-Uncleimposing, butwasChen Ping'anwantsto tell the little miss a matter, was they go tothatalreadyto moveGreat Suiacademy, the distancedefinitelywalked into the mountainto pick the medicinehimto be farther than in the past. Ifsome dayhe, without the meansdid not accompanysideher, butLi Baopinghopes that went tothereto study, becauseshedid not have the confidencetooneself, thenChen Ping'anhopes that shecanlook likethattimewalked into the mountainin the past, walkedseveralsteps, is walking, perhapsarrived.
那天跟李宝瓶说起自己小时候进山的坎坷难熬,并非少年想要诉苦,想要摆小师叔的威风架子,而是陈平安想告诉小姑娘一件事情,就是他们去那座已经搬去大隋的书院,路程肯定比他当年进山采药更远。如果有一天他不在了,没办法陪在她身边,而李宝瓶又希望去那里读书,只是因为她对自己没信心,那么陈平安希望她能够像当年那次进山,多走几步,走着走着,说不定就走到了。Butthesewordsran up to the mouthat that time, Chen Ping'ansuddenlythought that twotalentsstartto travel far, said that thiswords too wretched, is inauspicious, thereforeonlysaidhalf, swallows the belly the other half, changeshopes that shecanbecome the firstlittlemaster, female teacher. Appeases the fickle fates, trulyexpectation of Chen Ping'antolittle miss.
只不过当时这些话跑到嘴边,陈平安突然觉得两个人才起步远游,说这种话实在太晦气,不吉利,所以只说了一半,就把另一半咽回肚子,改成希望她能够成为第一个小夫子,女先生。既是讨吉利,也确实陈平安对小姑娘的期望。A'Liangsaid with a smile: „Drew back10,000steps saying that hairpinwas the commonwriterdecorations, also does not belong to you. Drew back100steps saying that Ido not believeQi Jingchuntreated a matter seriouslyto preserveso manyyears the hairpins, the meetinghas not had far-reaching idea, for exampleit was actually unknownsmallGrotto-Heaven, orhadto become the Blessed Landaptitudevaluable land with good feng shuitogether. Ifto say the least, thatwere only fiercer, itmay be the faith token that an arrangementpasses on the torch, like the Head Teacherfaith tokens of Daoismthreebigmain nerves, togetherpeach wood charms, a feather robeandDaoist Cap. If true, the hairpin is really the Qi JingchunMisterfaith token, Chen Ping'an, youthought that wearsinyourtop of the head, appropriate?”阿良笑道:“退一万步说,那根簪子是寻常的文人饰物,也不属于你。退一百步说,我不相信齐静春郑重其事保存这么多年的簪子,会没有暗藏玄机,例如它其实是一座不为人知的小洞天,或是一块拥有成为福地资质的风水宝地。如果只退一步说,那就更厉害了,它有可能是一支文脉薪火相传的信物,就像道教三大主脉的掌教信物,一块桃符、一件羽衣和一顶道冠。如果属实,簪子真是齐静春的先生信物,陈平安,你觉得戴在你头顶,合适吗?”Chen Ping'ansidestep the questionsaid: „A'Liang, your does can or cannotlet offLi BaopingLi Huaithey?”陈平安答非所问道:“阿良,你能不能放过李宝瓶李槐他们?”A'Liangasked with a smile: „Howyoudetermined that Ipromisedyou, afterwardwon't renege on a promise?”阿良笑问道:“你怎么确定我答应了你,事后不会反悔?”Tip of the toefine motion of Chen Ping'an.陈平安的脚尖微动。
The A'Liangboth handslinkchest, said with a smile: „young herodo not impulse, our notinreasonable, the wait untiltruthsaysdoes not pass, beganagain not lately.”阿良双手环胸,笑道:“少侠别冲动啊,咱们这不是正在讲道理嘛,等到道理讲不通了,再动手不迟。”Chen Ping'ankeeps silent, is pale.陈平安默不作声,脸色苍白。A'Liangtook a look at a youngsterup and down, „alsosomewhatresembles.”阿良上下打量了一番少年,“还真有点像。”A'Liangrestrainingplays the smilling expressiontaste, puts out a hand, „hands over the hairpin, Ido not killthem.”阿良收敛玩笑意味,伸出手,“交出簪子,我不杀他们。”
The Chen Ping'anfingershivers.陈平安手指颤抖。A'Liangsaidslowly: „Thisis the Qi JingchunMisterrelic, this is also the Qi Jingchunrelic.”阿良缓缓说道:“这是齐静春的先生遗物,这也算是齐静春的遗物。”Chen Ping'anlifts the arm, reaches the top of the head.陈平安抬起手臂,伸向头顶。A'Liangsaid with a smile: „Youbreak off the hairpinpersonally, Ido not killyou. Ineverdeceived people.”阿良笑道:“你亲手折断簪子,我不杀你。我从不骗人。”Chen Ping'anstops the handsuddenly, the deep breathone breath, withdraws, such aspreys on the gesture.陈平安突然停下手,深呼吸一口气,一脚后撤,如搏杀起手式。A'Liangasked: „Youthoughtdiedin any case, Iwill also let offLi Baopingthey, thereforeyou, even ifdies, mustgive a try, whether to protectthishairpindepending on the skill?”阿良问道:“你是觉得反正自己死了,我也会放过李宝瓶他们,所以你哪怕死,也要试试看,能否凭本事护住这根簪子?”Chen Ping'anwordlessly, twostepstreadlayer on layer/heavily, before rushing to the A'Liangbody, a fistwields.陈平安一言不发,两步重重踏地,就冲到了阿良身前,一拳挥出。
The nextquarter, Chen Ping'ansuddenlydiscovered that at presentalreadydoes not have the A'Liangform.
The Chen Ping'anbodyhas turned aroundstiffly, sure enough, thatbamboo hatmanstandsthere, butin the handwere many a hairpin.陈平安身体僵硬地转过身,果不其然,那斗笠男人就站在那里,只是手里多了一根簪子。A'Liangsighed, as ifsimplyhad little interest in thathairpin, put out a handto give the youngster, „took.”阿良叹了口气,似乎对那根簪子根本没有太大兴趣,伸出手递给少年,“拿回去。”Chen Ping'anwalksgoing forwardseveralstepscautiously, sincehereceivedthatjasperhairpin, in an instant the youngsteronlythought the top of the headsinks, originallywasbamboo hatmanonly one handpressesgentlyabovehim, two peoplestoodside-by-side, buttwo peoplefacedopposite. Has sighedby the man who the carelessfaceshows, „Chen Ping'an, laterdo not make the foolish matter, in the worldwherehas the thing, is more important than life of person? mustgoes on living, without the meansis livingwell, mustlive, in the worldhas not compared this biggertruth.”陈平安小心翼翼走上前数步,从他接过那根碧玉簪子,刹那间少年只觉得头顶一沉,原来是斗笠男人一只手轻轻按在了他头上,两人肩并肩站立,只不过两人朝向相反。一直以吊儿郎当面孔示人的男人叹了口气,“陈平安,以后别做傻事了,天底下哪有死物,比人的性命还重要?一定要活下去,哪怕没办法好好活着,也要活着,天底下没有比这更大的道理了。”
The bamboo hatmanpatted the head of Chen Ping'an, looks up the darkbackdrop, hesaid with a smile: „Youmustknow, no matterthishairpinvaluable, significancebig, sinceQi Jingchunis willingto giveyou, certainly believesyou, so long asisneedsyouto make the live or die the time, mustelectsto live, cannotelect. Heroicalanddies, goes tofervently, distinguished and accomplisheddiesenjoyably, maydiedied.”
The bamboo hatmanreceivesto reach behind the back, „Qi Jingchunis very disappointedaboutthisworld, naturallyhismatter, yourChen Ping'anisyou, do not studyhim, youhave not experiencedthisworldtrulygoodandis not good. The lifeless thanhundred, often/commonbosom/mind is thousand years old sorrow, the matters of naturallytheirscholar, myA'Liangis not a scholar, yourChen Ping'antemporarilyis not, therefore......”
The menhave not saidfinally„, therefore”lateroriginallycontent, butsaidin a soft voice: „Chen Ping'an, believes that myvision, youcantake very farroadin the future, evencanbe farther than Qi Jingchun.”
男人最后也没有说出“所以”之后的原本内容,只是轻声道:“陈平安,相信我的眼光,你将来可以走很远的路,甚至能够比齐静春更远。”Fewyoungsounds asked that „why?”
The manpalmstrokes gentlybamboo bladeblade hiltgently, said with a smile: „BecauseIamA'Liang.”
男人手心轻轻摩挲竹刀刀柄,笑道:“因为我是阿良啊。”two peoplegoes down the summitfinallytogethersilent.两人最终一起沉默走下山顶。Chen Ping'anasked: „The twopeople of that sidehillside?”陈平安问道:“那边山坡的两个人?”A'Liangthinks, „deceased person?”阿良想了想,“死人?”Chen Ping'anstarts to speak but hesitates, thinks, does not get to the bottominthisissue, changed a topicto ask: „Why don't youtake away the hairpin?”陈平安欲言又止,想了想,还是不在这个问题上刨根问底,换了个话题问道:“你为什么不拿走簪子?”
The A'Liangcorners of the mouthtwitch, the sorrowsighed: „After hairpintakes, knows that conceivedalsoto draw backbadly10,000stepscompared withme, did not make sense, drew backsimplytens of thousandssteps, it was really only a brokenhairpin, what did Iwantitto make?”阿良嘴角抽搐,哀叹道:“簪子拿到手后,才知道比我设想最坏也只是退了一万步,更不像话,简直是退了几万步,它真的就只是一根破簪子,那我要它做什么?”
The youngstercould not speak.
少年说不出话来。A'Liangshakes the head saying: „Truescholarsare poor, youlaterwill understand. Ishould actuallythink that according to the temperament of moralforestthatold man, with the Qi Jingchuntemper, handing down from generation to generationsuchordinaryhairpinisnormal.”阿良摇头道:“真正的读书人都穷,你以后就会明白了。我其实早就该想到的,按照道德林那老头子的脾气,和齐静春的性子,传下来这么根普通簪子才是正常。”A'Liangturns the headsuddenlywith a smile, „knows that youtook awayme the same as think that was the thing of it's in the bag, youknow how manylong routesIdid takefor this reason?”阿良突然笑着转头,“知道吗,你拿走了我一样以为是囊中之物的东西,你知道我为此走了多少的冤枉路吗?”Bamboo hatrainwater, the youngsteris confused.
斗笠一头雨水,少年一头雾水。A'Liangis furious: „Myevenalreadyinsomeplace, carved a character, butin the end, whenIran, the resultwassuchdrearyscene, thereforeyoumustthank my graciousness of notkilling.”阿良气哼哼道:“我甚至已经在某个地方,刻下了一个字,但是到头来,等我屁颠屁颠跑来,结果是这么个惨淡光景,所以你要感谢我的不杀之恩啊。”A'Liangsaid: „You, if, does not have the skill there quarternext2-3characters, looked that Ido not truncateyou.”阿良自顾自说道:“你要是以后没本事在那里刻下2-3个字,看我不削你。”HelplessChen Ping'ansaid: „A'Liang, yourcan or cannotsaidwords that someIcan understand?”陈平安无奈道:“阿良,你能不能说一些我听得懂的话?”„Ok.”
“可以啊。”A'Lianghahasaid with a smile: „IcalledA'Liang, goodgood.”阿良哈哈笑道:“我叫阿良,善良的良。”Chen Ping'anhelpedhimsay that undera few words, „Iwas a swordsman.”陈平安帮他说完下一句话,“我是一名剑客。”At this moment, the A'Liangcorners of the mouthturn upwards, a palm of the handclapsin the youngstershoulder, „thatsettled!”
这一刻,阿良嘴角翘起,一巴掌拍在少年肩头,“那就这么说定了!”Chen Ping'anwonders, „?”陈平安更加纳闷,“嗯?”A'Liangalreadyregardless the topic, „deliversMonarch the thousand li (500 km)to ultimately probablyleave, after Iwill deliveryoutoGreat LiBian Jing/frontierleaves, believes that time, your group of children can also travel farto studyneatly, temporarilywill not have the fishymatteragain, thereforeafter that youmuststrive forfortunately, can or cannotleadsthemto arrive atGreat SuiMountain Cliff Academy, latercan or cannotlivesis returning toGreat LiDragon Springs County, alllooks atyour ownskill.”阿良已经撇开话题,“送君千里终须一别,我会送你们到大骊边境后离开,相信到了那个时候,你们这帮孩子也能够清清爽爽远游求学了,暂时不会再有乌烟瘴气的事情,所以在那之后,你就要自求多福了,能不能带着他们走到大隋山崖书院,之后能不能活着回到大骊龙泉县,全看你自己本事。”Chen Ping'ansaidsuddenly: „Xiexie/thanks.”陈平安突然说道:“谢谢。”Fromfirstmeets by chance, until now, the youngsterstartsto trustthisman who thoroughlysaysA'Liang.
从初次相逢,直到现在,少年才开始彻底信任这个自称阿良的男人。A'Liangshakes the head saying: „All right, Iam making upmyhas a deficit, relates not in a big waywithyou.”阿良摇头道:“没事,我只是在弥补自己的亏欠,跟你关系不大。”Manyyears ago, once the youngsterstudyingcourt attendantsurnamed Qi, after studyingreadwas tired, said that wantedto make a living as a wandering fortune-tellerwithhimtogether, thattime the swordsmannamedA'Liang, without the nodcomplied.
The menfelt, ifslightlymanypatience, thatyoungsterwill not arriveat that timetodaythisstep.
男人觉得如果当时自己稍微多点耐心,那个少年就不会走到今天这一步。A'Liangsaidfinally: „Chen Ping'an, do youknow?”阿良最后说道:“陈平安,你知道吗?”
The youngstersaid: „What?”
少年说道:“什么?”A'Liangsinceresay/way: „Laterto my peerlessexpert, mustproceed from the respect of bottom of one's heart.”阿良语重心长道:“以后对我这种绝世高手,要发自肺腑的尊重啊。”
The youngsteraskedcuriously: „Are youvictoriousZhu He?”
少年好奇问道:“你打得过朱河?”SomeA'Liangheadaches.阿良有些头疼。Thought that thisfellowwas more loathful than pastQi Jingchun.
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