The womenselected a brow, the sinkingsound said: „ThereforeMu'erleaves the small town before finally, mustgo to that sideto burn incense, becausehecanhavetoday'sall , because the Great Liimperial familydiedgolden branch, jade leaves and emperor's relatives! Onthatcovered bridgeinscribed horizontal tabletenjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the waterthesefourcharacters, many radicals, diedmanypeople, isthesepeopletradeshisachievementwith the life!”
The Master Ruancomplexionwas gloomy, the thought that did not seem to wantto speak.阮师脸色阴沉,似乎没有想要说话的念头了。
The womenstand upslowly, high-spirited, lowers the headto stare atRuan Qiong, the voiceis low and deep, poisons people's minds, saidslowly: „Master Ruan, iffeelsfourmountain tops, still could not be joined toyouto give a thatyouth'scommitment, might as well, Master Ruanby all meansinitial price, so long asyouare willingto open the mouth, is opento discuss. For exampleGreat Li, after Igo backCapital City, canconvinceYour Majesty Emperor, when foryour daughterin the futureprove the Dao, opens the flood gates. Althoughdoes not knowisanything, butIcancomply withMaster Ruanforyour majesty, Great LiImperial Courtat the appointed timecertainlyvigorouslyto assist! Besideme, Imperial TeacherCui Chan, evenisSong Changjing, canforyour familyRuan Xiuprove the Daoturning point, lend a helping hand!”
妇人缓缓站起身,意气风发,低头凝视着阮邛,嗓音低沉,蛊惑人心,缓缓道:“阮师,要是觉得四座山头,仍然配不上你给那少年的一句承诺,无妨,阮师只管开价,只要你肯开口,都好商量。比如说大骊这边,我回去京城后,可以说服皇帝陛下,为你女儿将来证道之际,大开方便之门。虽然不晓得是什么,但我可以替陛下答应阮师,大骊朝廷届时一定倾力相助!我本人之外,国师崔瀺,甚至是宋长镜,都可以为你家阮秀的证道契机,助一臂之力!”Ruan Qiongsaidindifferently: „Laterdo not enterin the Dragon Springs Countysurrounding areathousand li (500 km), so long aswere discovered, do not blamemeto actbeat woman.”阮邛淡然道:“以后你不要进入龙泉县方圆千里以内,只要被发现,就不要怪我出手打女人。”
The womensighed, „. At the worstsaidRuan Qiongonwait untilGreat LiBian Jing/frontieragain, whenshegoes down the stair, said: „ ThatbamboochairisChen Ping'andoespersonally.”
The womengawkedstaring, misinterprets the implied meaning that Ruan Qiongwantsto saytrulyintentionally, said with a smilecharmingly: „What's wrong, Master Ruanwants saying that youngsternamedChen Ping'an, has touchedmybuttocksindirectly?”
The womenlaughto depart, walks into the curtain of raindirectly, toheavy raindripping wetwhole body.
妇人大笑离去,径直走入雨幕之中,任由大雨淋湿全身。Graceful, the curvereveals completely.
体态婀娜,曲线毕露。Ruan Qiongdoes not visither, unemotional.阮邛并不看她,面无表情。
--Alsoisheavy rain.
又是一场大雨。IsChen Ping'an of youngsterarrives at the summit, sees the backhillside, standsto turn over to the bamboo hatman of sheathbamboo bladeslowly, turns the headto say with a smilebrightly: „Before coming tohere, meetingoneis more interesting than toomanyyoung heroyou, oftenlistens tohimto talk over a poem, is really good, youmight as wellalsolistento look, the countrymangets angryseesdoes not put down the matter, in the attritionchest the eternalblade.”
已是少年的陈平安走到山顶,看到背面山坡,站着一个缓缓将竹刀归鞘的斗笠男人,转头灿烂笑道:“来这里之前,遇到过一位比你有趣太多的少侠,经常听他念叨一句诗,真是好,你不妨也听听看,野夫怒见不平事,磨损胸中万古刀。”Said that isA'Liang of swordsman, moves toward the youngsterslowly, put out a handto refer to the youngstertop of the head, „Iwas not the knight, butfeltpurelythispoem, after verysuitablethisweatherto kill people, withread. Icome tohereto findyourtrueexcuse;first, collectsSword Nurturing Bottle-gourdon the way;second, that hairpin of yourhead. Latterratioformerimportant100times.”
自称是剑客的阿良,缓缓走向少年,伸手指了指少年头顶,“不过我可不是什么侠客,只是单纯觉得这句诗,很适合这种天气杀人后,拿出来念一念。我来这里找你的真正理由,一是顺路收集养剑葫,二是你头上的那根簪子。后者比前者重要一百倍吧。”bamboo bladealreadyturns over to the man of sheathbehindon the hillside, is lying downtwomannerserenecorpses.竹刀已经归鞘的男人身后山坡上,躺着两具神态安详的尸体。AllisGreat Lifirst-gradecultivation baseMartial Artistandcultivator.
皆是大骊第一等修为的武夫和修士。Chen Ping'anasked: „Who are you?”陈平安问道:“你到底是谁?”
The men the line, the palmresistsblade hiltslowly, stops the footstepsbefore the Chen Ping'anbody, lifted the bamboo hat, the smilesaid: „IcalledA'Liang, goodgood.”
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