Erlang LaneYuanHome, the Cui Chanwhole bodyis bathed in bloodto siton the chair, both handstie the Baopingseal, protectsthisleather bagto be insufficientto collapsedifficultly, this is not only becausethisleather bagis extremely difficultto search, lies inthisbodylike a shackles, locked inhissoul, in a short time, let alone before the resembles, like thatGreat LiCapital CityandbetweenDragon Springmountains and rivers, the state of mindtravels far, once the bodyruins, hebecomes the soulseparation and incompletepersonthoroughly, reallymustdegenerate into the bogfish and shrimp that Five Middle Boundariessets the basefor a lifetime, beforecrawledthesedholeevildoersleopardstremblingunderhisfoot, must killhimiseasy to do.
二郎巷袁家祖宅,崔瀺浑身浴血坐在椅子上,双手结宝瓶印,艰难护住这副皮囊不至于崩溃,这不仅仅是因为这副皮囊极难寻觅而得,更在于这具身躯就像一座牢笼,锁住了他的魂魄,短时间内,别说像之前那般大骊京城和龙泉山河之间,神魂远游,一旦身躯毁掉,他就彻底成为魂魄分离、残缺之人,真的就要一辈子沦为中五境垫底的泥塘鱼虾,以前战战兢兢匍匐在他脚底下的那些豺狼虎豹,如今要杀他已是轻而易举。Although the body and mindis all seriously battered, but after Cui Chanputs outbloody water, stillheldarm rest, the hands and feetshiveris standing up, heis well aware, isso, the one breathmore does not fall, Cui Chanlooks upto the courtyard, thereoncehad the School of MilitarySaintRuan Qiongvoiceto fall, magecraftDivine Ability that butat this timehisalreadycontinuallyandRuan Qiongtalked in whispers, has lost.
虽然身心皆遭受重创,但是崔瀺吐出一口血水后,仍是扶着椅把手,手脚颤抖地站起身,他心知肚明,越是如此,一口气越是坠不得,崔瀺抬起头望向天井,那里曾经有兵家圣人阮邛的嗓音落下,只是此时他已经连与阮邛窃窃私语的术法神通,也已失去。Cui Chanhoarsesay/way: „Comes out.”崔瀺沙哑道:“出来。”
A lookfinebusyyoungsteropens the doorto go outfrom the leaningroom, the whole faceis terrified, before arriving at the Cui Chanbody, helpless.
The Cui Chantrustis dormantsubordinatespychildperson ready dead insmall town, butbelievestheirloyal and devotedtooneselfthisGreat LiImperial Teacher, butCui Chandid not feel relievedtotheirstrengths,did not expecttheycanescort itselfto return toCapital Citysafely, perhaps the small townhas not gone out, Song ChangjingorthatfemaleplaceinsomeGo piece of foursurnametenclans, will wait for the opportunity to act.崔瀺信任蛰伏在小镇上的麾下谍子死士,但只是相信他们对自己这位大骊国师的忠心耿耿,但是崔瀺对他们的实力一点都不放心,根本不奢望他们能够安然护送自己返回京城,说不定小镇还未走出,宋长镜或是那个女子安插在四姓十族的某颗棋子,就会伺机而动。ThereforeCui Chanorderedto the youngster: „Went to the blacksmithshopto findMaster Ruan, askinghimto comehere, said that directlymyCui Channeeded help fromhim, is willingto make a bulk bargainwithhim, was the relatedGraceful Spirit Mountainimperial edictseals the Mountain Godincident, don't forget, invited. IfRuan Qiongis not willingto come, youlaterdid not needto return tothishouse, yourwithin the bodydrew inthatsoul that placedbymetemporarily, could not withstand the washouts of severaldays of Yang Qiwinds in the upper heavens.”
所以崔瀺对少年下令道:“去铁匠铺子找到阮师,请他来这里一趟,就直接说我崔瀺有求于他,愿意跟他做一笔大买卖,是有关神秀山的敕封山神一事,别忘了,是请。阮邛如果不肯来,你以后就不用回到这栋宅子了,你体内暂时被我收拢安放起来的那点阴魂,经不起几天阳气罡风的冲刷。”Youngstercomplexionsnow white, makes an effortto nod.
少年脸色雪白,使劲点头。Cui Chansits the chairdejected, urged: „After going out, the looknaturally, a facedo not dieparents'disheartenedtype, otherwise the idiotalsoknows that Ihave problems.”崔瀺颓然坐回椅子,叮嘱道:“出门之后,神色自然一点,别一脸死了爹娘的丧气样,否则白痴也知道我出了问题。”Youngstershynods, departsquickly.
少年怯生生点头,快步离去。HoweverCui Chanjustclosed the eye, is really funny, reducestoinhibiting somebody's activities, deadlocked the soulexit|to speak, now must help the sewing and mendingunexpectedly, is the sewingartisan of thisshackles.
但是崔瀺刚刚闭上眼睛,真是滑稽,沦落到画地为牢的境地,锁死了魂魄出口,现在自己竟然还要帮着缝缝补补,做这座牢笼的缝补匠。Familiarfootsteps sound, Cui Chanopens eyessuddenly, will scoldthismanagementdisadvantageouspuppetloudly.
一阵熟悉的脚步声响起,崔瀺猛然睁眼,正要大声呵斥这个办事不利的傀儡。Afterseeing the chinawareyoungsterunexpected visitor, Cui Chanexchanges a faceimmediately, said with a smileto the youngster: „GivesOld Senior Yangto move a chair, carries the cupteaagain.”
只是当看到瓷器少年身边的不速之客后,崔瀺立即换上一副脸孔,对少年笑道:“去给杨老前辈搬条椅子,再端杯茶水来。”old manis smoking the tobacco smoked dry, carry one hand behind the back, look around, does not look atfatepitifulyoungsterImperial Teacher, saidwith a laugh: „ThisplacebanisyourCui Chanarrangespersonally, nowsome of myquitepeopleburst , the masterstillinwhistlingrestsunexpectedlygreatly. Did SirImperial Teacher, whatis or isn'tmeetto trouble? Needsmeto lend a hand?”老人抽着旱烟,一手负后,环顾四周,不去看下场凄惨的少年国师,笑呵呵道:“此地禁制是你崔瀺亲手布置,如今我相当有人破门而入,主人竟然还在呼呼大睡。国师大人,是不是遇上了什么麻烦?需要我搭把手吗?”
The Cui Chancomplexionis usual, shakes the head saying: „Does not need.”崔瀺脸色如常,摇头道:“不必了。”old mansitson the chair that the youngstermoves, heineast side, Cui Chansitsinnorth-facing, to the great hallinscribed horizontal tablet of Yuan. old manlooked at the lookcautiousandcuriousyoungster, deeply movedsaid: „Regarding the state of mindincident, yourattainments is really good.”老人坐在少年搬来的椅子上,他在东边,崔瀺则坐在坐南朝北,正对着袁家的大堂匾额。老人看了眼神色拘谨又好奇的少年,感慨道:“对于神魂一事,你的造诣真是不错。”Cui Chanasked: „Nowwespeak, Ruan Qiong does hear or not hearobtain?”崔瀺问道:“现在我们说话,阮邛听不听得到?”Old Man Yangsaid with a smile: „Ruan Qiongwhatdisposition, ate to the fullsupportedis peepingyoursound, ifwere notyouprovokesagain and again, youthink that heis willingto respondyou?”杨老头笑道:“阮邛什么脾性,吃饱了撑着才来偷窥你的动静,如果不是你三番两次挑衅,你以为他愿意搭理你?”Cui Chansinkingsound said: „Drivesten thousandyears of shipcarefully!”崔瀺沉声道:“小心驶得万年船!”These words, the second time areCui ChansaidtothisOld Senior Yang, firsttimeinoldporcelainmountain.
这句话,是崔瀺第二次对这位杨老前辈说出口,第一次是在老瓷山。old manis smoking the tobacco smoked dry, „reasonable.”老人抽着旱烟,“有道理。”
After Cui Chanawaits calmly the moment, „was OK?”崔瀺静待片刻后,“可以了?”old mannodsgently, „CuiImperial Teacherspoke freely is.”老人轻轻点头,“崔国师畅所欲言便是。”Cui Chanwith the blood that the back of the handcleaningarguingcorner/hornseeps out, asked: „Should IcallbigMisteramAzure Child Heavenly Monarch? Famebiggerthat......”崔瀺用手背擦拭掉嘴角渗出的鲜血,问道:“我该称呼大先生为青童天君?还是名气更大的那个……”old manbreaks the Cui Chanwordsunemotionally, „enough.”老人面无表情地打断崔瀺话语,“够了。”Cui Chanhas not continued, sobbeddeeply moved saying: „to tell you the truth, thatwar, younger generationmindtowardit.”崔瀺果真没有继续说下去,唏嘘感慨道:“实不相瞒,那场战事,晚辈心神往之。”Cui Chaninexplicablesmilesto make noise, „does not hate is not seengodMonarch, onlyhatesgodMonarchnot to seeme. ThisisIwhen the Misterhanger-onstudies, for the first time contactsheartfeltdeeply moved after inside story, at that timeMistercriticizedmenot to know the immensity of heaven and earth, talks irresponsibly. Nowwantsto come, Misteris right, Iam wrong.”崔瀺莫名其妙笑出声,“不恨未见诸神君,唯恨神君未见我。这是我在先生门下求学之时,第一次接触到内幕后的由衷感慨,当时先生就批评我不知天高地厚,信口开河。如今想来,先生是对的,我是错的。”old manbeckons with the hand saying: „YourmasterMenneimaster and disciplequarrelis also good, fellow apprenticeshand and footremnant, Iam not interested.”老人摆摆手道:“你们师门内师徒反目也好,师兄弟手足相残也罢,我可不感兴趣。”Cui Chansays with a sneer: „Youcome tohere, butlooks atmyjoke?”崔瀺讥笑道:“那你来这里,只是看我的笑话吗?”Old Man Yangasked: „Iam somewhat curious, Great LiseigniorSong Changjing, a willinmartial artist of Martial Dao11boundaries, youwhywithhissoas incompatible as fire and water?”杨老头问道:“我有些好奇,大骊藩王宋长镜,一个志在武道十一境的武人,你为何跟他如此水火不容?”Cui Chanshakes the head saying: „It is not Imustput togetheryou dead Ito perishwithSong Changjing, butisourGreat Lihas a fiercewoman, cannot accommodatehim, initiallybrokeChen Ping'anthelifeporcelain, isshepersonallyin the writing skill of secretplan, has not sought after the riches and honorAlmond Blossom LaneMa Familyto be willingto act, there isLiu FamilySong Familyand so on. For makesher soneasierto holddestiny, naturally, Idid not deny,laterIuseChen Ping'anto aim atQi Jingchun, istakes advantage of opportunity, butis. Indeedis one of the ICui Chanthis whole lifefewbrushes, Qi Jingchunis better, Iadmit defeat, butIstilldid not feelthischesson the difference.”崔瀺摇头道:“不是我跟宋长镜要拼个你死我亡,而是咱们大骊有个厉害娘们,容不得他,当初打破陈平安的本命瓷,就是她亲自在幕后策划的手笔,没有贪图富贵的杏花巷马家愿意出手,也有刘家宋家之类的。为的就是让她的儿子更容易抓住机缘,当然,我也不否认,之后我用陈平安来针对齐静春,是顺势而为。的确是我崔瀺这辈子寥寥无几的神来之笔之一,齐静春棋高一着,我认输,但我依然不觉得这一手棋就差了。”Old Man Yangis spitting the smog, narrows the eye saying: „Thislifeporcelainonebroken, thatMud Vase Laneyoungsterlikecandlelight, especiallyfocuses attention on, is naturally easy the situation that accomplishesto like a moth to the flame, thatfemale who yousaidexpectswell, if this is not the case, thatTrue Dragonremainingdivine willessencecondensesgirl that becomes, from the beginningrushes toChen Ping'anto goby the instinct, butsheescaped fromthatlockdragon well, toMud Vase Lane, swayedto get to the two familycourtyardentrance, shedetected that inoriginalSong Jixinroom, hasrichdragonQi, thisto hersimplyis the world's most deliciousfood, thereforegoes all outalso to knockhiscourtyard door, onlymay. Conserved one's strengthnot to catch, tumblesin the Chen Ping'andoorsnow drift. Afterward, nothing butwasChen Ping'ansavesher, but after shewoke up, naturallyis not willingwith the ordinarypersonsigningcontract of suchnaked eyeeveryembryo, thatto be no different than the suicideafter all, thereforeshesaid that wasSong Jixinnewly-arrivedservant girl, Chen Ping'ansillythisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-HeavengreatestGreat Daodestiny, both handspresents. On the other hand, that timeChen Ping'an, like the disobedient son of large clan, the great nation the counterfeudal official, by the Heavenly Daoinvisiblesuppression, could not truly be detainedanyluckyreason.”杨老头吐着烟雾,眯眼道:“本命瓷一碎,那个泥瓶巷少年就像一盏烛火,尤为瞩目,自然而然就容易造就出飞蛾扑火的情况,你说的那个女子所料不错,若非如此,那条真龙残余神意精气凝聚而成的少女,一开始是凭借本能奔着陈平安去的,但是等她逃出那口锁龙井,到了泥瓶巷,摇摇晃晃走到两家院子门口,她才察觉到原来宋集薪屋子里,有着浓郁龙气,这对她来说简直就是天底下最美味的食物,所以拼了命也想要去敲他的院门,只可惜力所未逮,跌倒在了陈平安房门口的雪堆里。后来,无非是陈平安救下了她,可她醒来后,当然不愿意与这么个肉眼凡胎的普通人签订契约,毕竟那无异于自杀,于是她就自称是宋集薪家新到的婢女,陈平安就傻乎乎将这份骊珠洞天最大的大道机缘,双手奉送出去了。话说回来,那个时候的陈平安,如同大族之逆子,大国之逆臣,确实是被天道无形压制,留不住任何福缘。”old man, shakes the headat this point, „can see, unable to feel, cannot grasp.”老人说到这里,摇摇头,“看得见,摸不着,拿不住。”
After Cui Chansecurelistens quietlynarration of old man, re-enters the subject, „Your Majesty Emperoralsobelievesyounger brotherSong Changjing, is not always interestedinDragon Throne. Onlypitifully, once, your majestyconsults the Chinese chesstome, the femalealsoobservesinside, help outtoyour majesty, in order to avoidGo boardfinishedearly.”崔瀺安静听完老人的讲述后,重回正题,“就连皇帝陛下也相信弟弟宋长镜,从来对龙椅不感兴趣。只可惜,有一次,陛下向我请教围棋,那女子也在旁观战,给陛下支招,以免棋局早早结束。”„Your majestyaskedmesuddenly, his meritdid not have can the battlefieldseignior who mayseal, one daylead troopsto killsuddenlytoGreat LiCapital City, in the knifewithhandasked that hewantedthatchair.”
“陛下突然问我,他这个功无可封的沙场藩王,会不会有一天突然带兵杀向大骊京城,用手里的刀子问他要那张椅子。”„Ireplied certainlyhonestly,said the princewill not do that. But, ifreallyone day, under the princethatimportant goodschildmeritorious military servicesplendidgreat generalmartial artist, got upmustmake the thought of feudal official of raising dragon, when the time comesprincealreadytotenth boundary, evenwas the legendin11boundaries, thought that lifedull, sideeveryoneis misleadingto instigatevery muchin addition, might as wellwear the imperial robeto sitDragon Throne, avoidcold the hearts of officers.”
“我当然老老实实回答,说王爷不会这么做的。可是呢,如果真的有一天,王爷麾下那一大帮子战功彪炳的大将武人,起了要做扶龙之臣的念头,到时候王爷又已经到了第十境,甚至是传说在的十一境,觉得人生很无趣,加上身边所有人都在蛊惑怂恿,不如穿穿龙袍坐坐龙椅也可以嘛,省得寒了众将士的心。”„After mythese words saying, thatEmperorGreat Lismiled. FinallyYour Majesty Emperorturns the headto ask that female, ‚you do feel?’ The femaletoldher, ‚the Your Majesty Emperorambitionwas not very big, easthalfTreasure Bottle Continentcanfill the belly, Song Changjingwas different, hisfutureMartial Daoachievementis higher, is more thinkingwalkedtoward the high place.’ After listening tofemalethese words, your majestysaid that ourbotharenonsensical talks, executes the language of heart, destroyingmyGreat Liis unyielding, shoulddragto behead, but the lucky day and time, plays weiqitodaysuitablyis not suitablekills with one's own hand, for the time beingleaves behindinyour two head/number of people.”
“我这句话说完之后,那位大骊皇帝就笑了起来。最后皇帝陛下转头问身边的女子,‘你觉得呢?’那女子就告诉她,‘皇帝陛下野心不够大,半座东宝瓶洲就能填饱肚子,宋长镜不一样,他将来武道成就越高,就会越想着往高处走。’听完女子这番话后,陛下就笑着说我们两个都是无稽之谈,诛心之语,毁我大骊砥柱,应该拖下去砍头,不过今天良辰吉日,宜手谈不宜手刃,暂且留下你们两颗项上人头。”Old Man Yangsaid with a smile: „Song Changjingbumps into your twoopponents , was really but actually the mildew of eightlifetime, a femaleblew the pillowwind, a trusted aidethrewfilthy water.”杨老头笑道:“宋长镜碰到你们这两个对手,也真是倒了八辈子的霉,一个女子吹枕头风,一个心腹泼脏水。”Cui Chandirect and plainspokenasked: „Youlook forme, whatattempts?”崔瀺直截了当问道:“你找我,到底图什么?”Old Man Yangsaidquite bafflingwonderfulcynical remark, „webelieve that the military and political leadersplant, the riches and honorhave the root, the life and deathhas the life. Youdo not believe.”杨老头说了个没头没尾的奇怪话,“我们相信将相有种,富贵有根,生死有命。你们不信。”Related tothismatter, Cui Chandoes not make concessions, absolutelydoes not have the life and deathto holditin others the timidness of hand, sneers saying: „AlthoughIhad not thought where nowthisgrouptogoes, butIdid not think that youwerewhatgood thing.”
涉及到这件事,崔瀺毫不退让,完全没有生死操之于他人之手的怯弱,冷笑道:“虽然我没觉得现在这拨好到哪里去,但我更不觉得你们就是什么好东西了。”Old Man YanglookstoCui Chan, „said that what did Qi JingchunselectChen Ping'anto make?”杨老头望向崔瀺,“说吧,齐静春到底选中陈平安做什么了?”Cui Chanbeaming said: „Do youguess?”崔瀺笑眯眯道:“你猜?”clear and easy to see, Cui Chanwill not say the answer.显而易见,崔瀺绝不会说出答案。BecausethisinvolveshisDao Heartincident.
因为这涉及到他的道心一事。Old Man Yangasked: „Youreallythink that Iwon't killyou?”杨老头问道:“你真以为我不会杀你?”
The Cui Channodsaid: „Youdo not dare. A dog that even ifIraise, for the riches and honorfuture, possiblydaresto killmeat this time, butyoudo not dareonly.”崔瀺点头道:“你不敢。就算我自己养的一条狗,这个时候为了富贵前程,可能都敢杀我,但是唯独你不敢。”Old Man Yangsaid with a smile: „Youare so intelligent, howto lose toQi Jingchun?”杨老头笑道:“你这么聪明,怎么会输给齐静春?”
The Cui Chanparalysis by the chairback, self-ridicules saying: „Qi Jingchunhaswords, canansweryourissue. ‚Worldmatter, the onlypure feelings, cannotprobe.’”崔瀺瘫靠在椅背上,自嘲道:“齐静春有句话,可以回答你的问题。‘世间事,唯有赤子之心,不可试探。’”Old Man Yangshakes the head saying: „Look, thisis you do not believe the life the consequence, inexplicable, illusory, cloudy, does not have the footwithout the root.”杨老头摇头道:“看吧,这就是你们不信命的后果,莫名其妙,虚无缥缈,云遮雾绕,无根无脚。”Cui Chanlaughs heartily, „how, does the seniorwantmeto walk your to say?”崔瀺哈哈大笑,“怎么,前辈想要我走你们那条道?”Old Man Yangasked back: „It is not thinkingreuniting, returns to the peak? Let aloneyouesteem the mattermerittwocharacters, itsessencehas the things in commonwithus.”杨老头反问道:“不想着破镜重圆,重返巅峰?何况你推崇事功二字,其精髓与我们不是没有相通之处。”Cui Chanstretches out a finger, shiversis aiming atOld Man Yang, almostsmiles the tears, ridiculedwantonly: „MyCui Chan, althoughcannot comparemy familythatMister, compared withQi Jingchun, butmustsay that for a so- calledimmortalgolden body, the resultworks as a guarding the familyrunning dog, by the fellow who theseIlooked down upon, shoutingcomes, wieldinggoes, wasIwas insane, was you are insane? The old seniors, were notIsayyou, your did is or isn'tturn to any doctor one can find when critically ill? Withmygeneralposition, brings forth the accidentsuddenly, went badsomepremeditatedlong-timeplan?”崔瀺伸出一根手指,颤抖着指向杨老头,差点笑出眼泪,大肆讥讽道:“我崔瀺虽说比不得我家那位先生,比不过齐静春,可要说为了所谓的一副不朽金身,结果给人当一条看家护院的走狗,被那些原本我瞧不起的家伙,呼之则来,挥之即去,是我疯了,还是你疯了?老前辈,不是我说你,你是不是病急乱投医?还是与我一般境地,突逢变故,坏了某件蓄谋长久的谋划?”Old Man Yangspokea few wordssuperficially, „youthought that whocanshoutto drinktome?”杨老头轻描淡写说了一句话,“你觉得谁能对我呼来喝去?”Cui Channarrows the eyesuddenly, the complexionis solemn and respectful, keeps silent.崔瀺骤然眯起眼,脸色肃穆,默不作声。Old Man Yangsits cross-leggedto sit, is looking atthatcourtyard, the lookis serene.杨老头盘腿而坐,望着那口天井,神色安详。
The worldallwordraises the headthreechi (0.33 m)to have the gods.
世人皆言举头三尺有神明。Actuallydid not haveearly.
The Cui Chandeep breathone breath, „urgedyoura few words, ifhas fudgedonthatyoungster, brokeas early as possible.”崔瀺深呼吸一口气,“劝你一句话,如果在那少年身上有动过手脚,趁早断了吧。”Old Man Yangshakes the head, saidslowly: „No.”杨老头摇头,缓缓道:“没有。”Cui Chansaid with a smile: „It is estimated thatQi Jingchunalsocleans upallheads and tailsbeforedying, in additionyourIam also clean, thatbesidesGreat LiCapital Citythatwoman, possibly will also haveillegal, Chen Ping'anhas no‚keeping aloof’worries about the future consequences.”崔瀺笑道:“估计齐静春在死前也清理完所有首尾,加上你我也算干干净净,那就是除了大骊京城那个娘们,可能还会心怀不轨,陈平安就没什么‘高高在上’的后顾之忧了。”Old Man Yangsaidsuddenly: „Sincecannot makein the person of same belief the person, might as well, wecanmake a fairbusiness.”杨老头突然说道:“既然做不成同道中人,无妨,我们可以做一笔公平买卖。”Cui Chanasked that did not ask, saidwithout hesitation: „Icomplied.”崔瀺问也不问,毫不犹豫道:“我答应了。”
--FirsttookWuli Road, Chen Ping'anletredcotton-wadded jacketlittle missresta while, laterwasfourli (0.5 km), was threeli (0.5 km)roadstops the rest, two peoplesitsin the smoothstone of streambank, two peoplewent southto needto detourtemporarily, because on the wholealongbrooktrend, otherwise the mountain roaddifficultline, Li Baoping unable to followcompletely. Although the little misses the physical strengthis outstanding, the farultracontemporaries, maybe a 8 or 9-year-oldchild, the backgroundhit the goodbody, cannot compare the adulteventually, Chen Ping'ancannotlead the little missto walkbyownstrength of legs.
The Li Baopingfullsweatsits there, saw that Chen Ping'antakes off the straw sandalsuddenly, curled up the pants legto launch, was roughly the creek waterwaterbreadthmanyreasons, the creek waterhighknee, canseemanyazuresmall fishin all directionsroamingdrag, flexibleexceptionally, manywere the palmlengths.李宝瓶满头汗水坐在那里,看到陈平安突然脱掉草鞋,卷起裤管就下水去了,约莫是溪水水面宽了许多的缘故,溪水高不过膝盖,能够看到许多青色小鱼四处游曳,灵活异常,多是手掌长短。Li Baopingenters the small streamfrom the life for the first time, was vainly hoping for a day cancatch the fish, is the sea-monstercompared with the crabor the freshwater shrimp, wants is too manyslyly, Li Baopingtakesthemnot to have the meansradically, beforealsooncefollowed the example, fells a azure bambooto make the fishing polesecretly, maysimilarlybe the fishing pole and fishhookfishline and earthworm, shealwaysfishes the fish in stream, the little missoftendoes not hideunder the river banktree shade, althoughshecansquatfishingto boil a afternoon, does not have the least bitcrop, othersusedseveralgreen foxtailskewerfullfish, orsmallfish basketwas filled with the achievement, went homedelightedly. Let the parents, the onlylittle misshas no harvest at all.李宝瓶从人生第一次走进小溪,就梦想着自己有一天能抓到鱼,可是游鱼比起螃蟹或是青虾,要狡猾太多,李宝瓶根本就拿它们没办法,以前也曾经有样学样,偷偷砍伐一根青竹做鱼竿,可同样是鱼竿、鱼钩鱼线和蚯蚓,她就从来钓不起溪里的鱼,小姑娘往往躲在河畔树荫下,虽然她能够蹲着钓鱼熬一个下午,却没有半点收成,别人都用好几根狗尾巴草串满鱼了,或是小鱼篓挤满了成果,一个个欢欢喜喜回家让爹娘,唯独小姑娘还是颗粒无收。Thereforein the little missmind, walks into the mountainto launch, charkingto pick the medicineandfishingcatchessnake, probablyomnipotentChen Ping'an, actuallyimageextremelytall. Thesesecrets, shehas only saidtoShi Chunjia.
The little missesnoticedat this timeChen Ping'anfirstlooked foronenear the shoreplace, probably the sea-monstergathersto hideunder here bigblue stone, thenhestartsto constructonein the place of upstreamslightly„dike”, is so almost longwith the Li Baopingstature, inneighbor the big or smallstonewithcreek waterbuildscompletely, should still have the running waterto flowacross the pebbleslitdownward, Chen Ping'annoteagerlystops up the slitwith the crushed stone and sand, butbuildsoneto set uprighttwodikeshorizontally, finallylooks likemakes a smallpond.
小姑娘这个时候看到陈平安先是找了一处临岸地方,好像游鱼多聚集躲藏在这边大青石之下,然后他开始在稍微上游的地方建造一堵“堤坝”,差不多跟李宝瓶个子那么长,全部用溪水里附近的大小石头堆砌而成,依然会有流水穿过石子缝隙往下流淌,陈平安不急于用碎石和沙子堵住缝隙,而是又搭建出一横一竖两条堤坝,最终就像是造出一座小池塘。Li Baopingarrives at the ashore near pondto squat, stares the bigeye, looks that Chen Ping'anstartsto sew the loophole, the movementfast, is full of the aesthetic sense. Li Baopingalsodiscovered that Chen Ping'anlowers the headworks, the complexionis tranquil, looks concentrated, mindimmersionin, takes undivided attention.李宝瓶来到池塘附近的岸上蹲着,瞪大眼睛,看着陈平安开始缝补漏洞,动作飞快,充满美感。李宝瓶同时也发现陈平安低头做事的时候,脸色平静,神情专注,心神沉浸其中,心无旁骛。Studiesin the rural private schoollike the little miss, saw that for the first time Mister Qitakes pen in handto write, the hearthas an unexplainedcomfortablefeeling.
就像小姑娘在乡塾求学,第一次看到齐先生提笔写字,心头就有种说不清道不明的舒服感觉。Asabovethatdikeis nearly strictseamlessly, anhydrousenters, the sidedike is also same, that dike of downstream is only is usedto prevent the sea-monsterto run away, thereforehas not needed the handful ofcreek watersandto cover up the gateway, thereforethis„pisculturepond” the water leveldropsgradually.
随着上方那条堤坝近乎严密无缝,无水进入,侧面堤坝也是一样,下游的那道堤坝仅是用来防止游鱼逃窜,所以并没有用上一捧捧溪水沙子来遮掩门户,所以这座“养鱼的池塘”的水位渐渐下降。Li Baopingthatsmallfacebrims with the happyappearance, both handsis gripping tightly the fist, mutterreads, sittingChen Ping'an of stone bridgeresta whileis more anxious.李宝瓶那张小脸蛋洋溢着幸福神采,双手紧握拳头,碎碎念念,比坐在石头休息一会儿的陈平安还要紧张。Chen Ping'anstartsto walk into the pond, withboth handsoutwardbucketwater.陈平安开始走入池塘,用双手往外勺水。Li Baopingsaid: „Chen Ping'an, your calledto kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, was not right, thiswas the derogatory term, shouldremove firewood from under the pot!”李宝瓶啧啧道:“陈平安,你这叫涸泽而渔,哦不对,这是贬义词,应该是釜底抽薪!”Chen Ping'anspoke thoughtlesslyto askwith a smile: „Beforealwayssawyouto treatfishingincreek side, greatestis fishing many longfish?”陈平安笑着随口问道:“以前总见你在溪边待着钓鱼,最大钓过多长的鱼?”Li Baopingsighed, „fishwas too intelligent, I can only deceive the crabfrom the nestwithgreen foxtail, fishingwas quite difficult.”李宝瓶叹了口气,“鱼儿太聪明了,我就只能用一根狗尾巴草把螃蟹从窝里骗出来,钓鱼好难的。”Chen Ping'ancannot help smilingsay: „Fishing poleis or isn't do yourselfdo?”陈平安忍俊不禁道:“鱼竿是不是你自己做的?”Li Baopingmakes an effortto nod saying: „Right, the my familybackyardcornerhas a purple bamboo forest, it is saidismygrandfather'sgrandfatherplants, my father they take strict precautions against cling to tenaciouslyvery much, as soon asI said that must make the fishing poleto be rejected, Icutonewith great difficultycovertly, bit by bitrubbedwith the scissors, dies of exhaustionme.”李宝瓶使劲点头道:“对啊,我家后院角落有一片紫竹林,据说是我爷爷的爷爷种下的,我爹他们严防死守得很,我一开口说要做鱼竿就被拒绝了,我好不容易才偷偷摸摸剪了一根,用剪刀一点一点磨,累死我了。”Watermore and moreturbid of pond, alreadyhas the fishto startto run away, splutters the water splash, Chen Ping'anbecomes accustomed, raised the headto say with a smile: „Thatbamboo was not too thin, did youralsotoppinggo to the tail?”
池塘的水越来越浑浊,已经有鱼开始逃窜,溅射出水花,陈平安对此习以为常,抬头笑道:“那根竹子本来就不算太细,你还去头去尾了?”Li Baopingsaidat a loss: „Right. Ifeared that the fishing poleis too thin, the fishtoobigwords that fishes, what to dobrokeall of a sudden. Goes topurple bamboo forestto look for the fishing poleagain, even ifmy fatherdoes not hitme, Ido not wantto take the scissorsto cope withthesebamboosagain.”李宝瓶茫然道:“对啊。我怕鱼竿太细,钓起来的鱼太大的话,一下子断了怎么办。再去紫竹林找鱼竿,就算我爹不打我,我自己也不想再拿剪刀对付那些竹子了。”HelplessChen Ping'ansaid: „Person of whichusefulbamboostickfishing? The fish in our stream are actually not big, fishing poleonethick, youcould not feel that itswallowed the bait, is rubbing the bait, theirfirstseverallower mandibles, will bewill definitely not bite the fishhook, the fishwill not be stupid, ifyoutoowill fling the fishing poleearly, will not definitely be able to fish. Fishingmustcomplete the thick or thinmoderatefishing pole, but alsodivides the seasontimeandclearrainweather, you must look for the fishnest and pisculturenest, the fishhook and baithavetasteful.”陈平安无奈道:“哪有用竹棍子钓鱼的人?咱们这条溪里的鱼其实都不大,鱼竿一粗,你就根本感觉不到它到底是上钩了,还是在蹭鱼饵,它们前几次下嘴,是肯定不会咬住鱼钩的,鱼可不笨,你要是太早甩起鱼竿,肯定钓不到的。钓鱼要做好粗细适中的鱼竿,还分季节时候和晴雨天气,你还得找鱼窝和养鱼窝,鱼钩和鱼饵都有讲究。”
The redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misslistens toimperial edictto be common, openingmouth. Sheis somewhat embarrassed, actually a mattershehad not saidtoChen Ping'an,hangson the bamboostickendthatfishlinethatfishhook, issheusesfamily'sembroidery needleto break off the curveddistortion, possiblywasslightlybig, thesefishwantto swallow the fishhook is very difficult.
红棉袄小姑娘听天书一般,张大嘴巴。她有些难为情,其实还有一件事情她没有跟陈平安说,挂在竹棍子上那根鱼线尾端的那个鱼钩,是她用家里的绣花针掰弯扭曲而成的,可能是稍稍大了点,那些鱼想吞下鱼钩都很困难。Li Baopingis telling itselfat heart, is all right, youngignorant, excusable.李宝瓶在心里告诉自己,没事没事,年少无知,情有可原的。Chen Ping'ansaw that the little missis somewhat depressed, hasto comfort saying: „Butso manyyears, your fishhas not fishedunexpectedly, Ifeelfiercer.”陈平安看到小姑娘有些闷闷不乐,只好安慰道:“但是这么多年,你竟然一条鱼都没钓上来,我觉得更厉害。”Li Baopingeyeonebright, the little missopenedmanyyears of heartknotprobably, is all of a sudden full of energy.李宝瓶眼睛一亮,小姑娘好像打开了多年心结,一下子精神抖擞起来。Sheaskedcuriously: „Whywantscatch fish, we have so manyto eat.”
她好奇问道:“为什么要抓鱼,我们还有那么多吃的。”Chen Ping'anexplained: „Youthink that has a viewto callto sit idle and eat, the mountaincaneatspatially, let aloneisourtwosmallback-baskets. Thereforemustsave, is growingby the escape route.”陈平安解释道:“你想啊,有个说法叫坐吃山空,山都能吃空,何况是我们两个小背篓。所以要省着点,以后路长着呢。”Li Baopingdeep is so, is eager to try saying: „Teaching a man to fish is superior to giving him one, likethismatter, cuts the bambooto make the fishing poleandfishingcatches fish, youlatercanteachme.”李宝瓶深以为然,跃跃欲试道:“授人以鱼不如授人以渔,像这种事情,还有砍竹子做鱼竿和钓鱼捞鱼,你以后都可以教我。”„Then.”Chen Ping'anholds a stoneflatfish of azureredinteractionwith ease, throws to the little misswith a smilegently, looksLi Baoping that is thrown into confusion, said: „Youwere too young, handlematterin one's powerto be OK, did not needanythingto comparewithme. Iamtook care ofyouto go toMountain Cliff Academyto study.”
The little missesboth handsholdthatfishwith great difficulty, the righteousnessexpression: „Made a mistakemade a mistake, Mister Qihad saidwemustread the books, musttravel far and wide. Inmyback-basketonly thenfivebooks, thereforeremainingneedsto go to the academylibrary, howevertravels far and wide, is the matter that the scholarmusthandle. Goes off to studyto study away from home, in other wordsat the back ofbook box, travellingbeautiful country, while the steelingmoralsknowledge, bothcannotlackone, otherwiseis the cripplewalks.”
小姑娘好不容易才双手抓住那条鱼,义正言辞道:“错了错了,齐先生说过我们要读万卷书,也要行万里路。我背篓里只有五本书,所以剩下的需要去书院藏书楼,但是行万里路,也是读书人必须要做的事情。负笈游学,就是说背着书箱,一边游历大好河山,一边砥砺道德学问,两者不可缺一,要不然就是瘸子走路。”„Yoursidehasmanygreen bristlegrasses, canstring togetheracross the fishgillintogether, feared the words that is cut off, can2-3green bristlegrassesgatherin the same place.”
“你身边有很多狗尾草,穿过鱼鳃就能串在一起了,怕断掉的话,可以2-3根狗尾草合在一起。”Chen Ping'anhowteachesherto handle the spoils of war, whileasked: „Goes off to studyto study away from home, saidat the back of the book box? That that is or isn'tDragon's TailcountyChen Songfengcarries? The bambooarranges, isveryattractive. Laterpassed by the words of bamboo grove, Icanmakeonetoyou, just must make a fishing pole, lives on water while being close to it, walksagaindownward, the waterdeeply, cannotusetodaythismethodcatch fish.”陈平安一边教她如何处置战利品,一边问道:“负笈游学,是说背着书箱吗?那是不是龙尾郡陈松风背着的那种?竹子编的,是很好看。以后路过竹林的话,我可以给你做一个,刚好也要做一根鱼竿,靠水吃水,再往下走,水就深了,不能用今天这种法子抓鱼。”
The little missessquatin the shore, was thrownstoneflatfishone by one that comes ashoreto string together that after hearingthesewords, the whole personwas happy that jumps, „really?!”
小姑娘蹲在岸边,将那条被抛上岸的石板鱼一一串起来,听到这些话后,整个人高兴得蹦起来,“真的?!”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „What do Ideceiveyouto make? Oh, carefulcareful, do not jump, fallsin the small streamwith the fishcarefullytogether. The fishcannot run away, what to do the personcaught cold.”陈平安笑道:“我骗你做什么?唉,小心小心,别跳了,小心连人带鱼一起掉小溪里。鱼跑不掉,人着凉了咋办。”Redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misssquattinglower part of the body, smilebrightsay/way: „Happyhappy, Imusthavemysmallbook boxfinally!”
红棉袄小姑娘蹲下身,笑脸灿烂道:“开心开心,我终于要有自己的小书箱了!”Chen Ping'ansquatsincreek water that inalmostbottomsdry, the headis sticking to the stone, puts out a handunder the flagstoneto catch fish, „thisfishseasoned, caneat uncooked, ifyoudislikedirty, Iremove the internal organs, Idid not needbefore.”陈平安蹲在几乎干涸见底的溪水里,头紧贴着石头,伸手到石板底下去捞鱼,“这种鱼晒干了,就能生吃的,你要是嫌脏,我就把内脏去掉,我自己以前是不需要的。”
After a Li BaopingCelestialbattles, shysaid: „Otherwiseremoves the internal organs?”李宝瓶一番天人交战后,怯生生道:“不然还是去掉内脏吧?”Chen Ping'anpulls out a long and narrow stoneflatfish, losesto the thick patch of grass of ashoreingently, „as you like, waited formeto doon the line.”陈平安又掏出一条石板鱼,轻轻丢到岸上的草丛里,“都随你,等下我来做就行了。”In the handraisesLi Baopingwithout delay of threeskewers of fish saying: „Icomemeto come.”
手里提着三串鱼的李宝瓶赶紧说道:“我来我来。”Chen Ping'annods , to continue understone bridgeto catch a fish by hand.陈平安点点头,继续在石底下摸鱼。A moment later, the plump, the little miss in not far awaystandsincreek water, wails.
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