„Thesecurving, I am also think throughnow, interesting, is really interesting! In additionobserversso, authority?”old manlaughssuddenly, evensomecoughs, are patting the thigh, said: „Butauthority were very earlyto look, Qi Jingchunthisscholar, was really dishonest, before youknewhedied, madeanything, ran up tothat sidemeintentionally, afterMountains and Rivers Seal that giving the Chen Ping'antwosidestook a lot of learning, finallyQi JingchunandChen Ping'anwent hand in hand a distance, spokea few words, finallyleftChen Ping'an. Ruan Qiong, do yougo ahead and guess?”
“这些弯弯曲曲,我也是现在才想通,有意思,真有意思!旁观者尚且如此,当局者呢?”老人猛然大笑,甚至有些咳嗽,拍着大腿,啧啧道:“可是当局者却很早就看出来了,齐静春这个读书人,真是一点也不老实,你知道他死前做了什么吗,故意跑到我那边,除了送给陈平安两方大有学问的山水印后,最后齐静春与陈平安结伴同行了一段路程,说了一句话,最后留给陈平安。阮邛,你猜猜看?”Ruan Qiongwas brought back the interestthoroughly, buton the mouthsaid: „The Qi Jingchunthoughts, I may be unable to guess.”阮邛彻底被勾起兴趣,不过嘴上说道:“齐静春的心思,我可猜不着。”Old Man Yangsighed: „Qi Jingchun said that NoblemanweakIsrael.”杨老头叹息道:“齐静春说,君子可欺之以方。”Ruan Qiongthinks,at firstsomewhatthinks otherwise, isa moment later, the complexionchanges, tois the doublefistgrips tightlyfinallyunexpectedly, the whole facebecomes flushed, shakes the head, helplesssaid: „Feels ashamed of one's inferiority, has tobe convinced.”阮邛想了想,起初有些不以为然,可是片刻之后,脸色微变,到最后竟是双拳紧握,满脸涨红,摇头无奈道:“自愧不如,不得不服气。”old mannods, the lookmoves fast, „the firstmeaning, is to make Chen Ping'antellme, oreveryone, in the custom, howcopes withhisQi Jingchun, actuallydoes not matter, the victory and defeatis also good, the life and death, hisQi Jingchunhad completely understood.”老人点点头,眼神飘忽,“第一层意思,是让陈平安告诉我,或者说所有人,在规矩之内,如何对付他齐静春,其实都无所谓,胜负也好,生死也罢,他齐静春早已看透。”old manstands up, sinkingsound said: „The secondmeaning, saidtotenyears, evenishundredyears later Chen Ping'an, toldhim , even after , knew the truth, knowsoneselfkilledhisQi JingchunthatGo piecetruly, does not needto rebuke oneself, becausehisQi Jingchun has long knownall.”老人站起身,沉声道:“第二层意思,是说给十年、甚至是百年之后的陈平安,告诉他哪怕以后知道了真相,知道了自己才是真正害死他齐静春的那枚棋子,也无需自责,因为他齐静春早就知道一切了。”Ruan Qiongsets outsuddenly, departsin big strides, „damn itis really insipid, solemnQi Jingchun, diessuchvexed. ConversionisI, has his cultivation baseskill, has collapsedto put oneasternTreasure Bottle Continent, a fistbrokeVast Domain! Aggrievedaggrieved, drinks!”阮邛猛然起身,大踏步离去,“真他娘的没劲,堂堂齐静春,死得这么窝囊。换成是我,有他那修为本事,早就一脚塌穿东宝瓶洲,一拳打破浩然天下了!憋屈憋屈,喝酒去!”old mansmiles, carry one hand behind the backgoes out of the smalltemple, backthathandshakesgently, the smalltemplevanishesbaseless, was received the old manpalm, gripsgently.老人笑了笑,一手负后走出小庙,背后那只手轻轻一抖,小庙凭空消失,被收入老人手心,轻轻握住。„Great LiImperial TeacherCui Chan, onceConfucianismCulture Sagehead disciple, Ithought that yourmagical skill, sameis not limited to this, right? Iwaited.”
--Littlegoes out ofOld Man Yang of small townextremely, afterstepping ontostone arch bridge, the figureeven moreis humpbacked hunchbacked, the lookis solemn and respectful, wordlessly.
极少走出小镇的杨老头,在走上石拱桥后,身形愈发伛偻驼背,神色肃穆,一言不发。Twopass through the stone bridgeback and forth, allserene, after old mangoes down the stone bridge, moves toward the small town, the complexionsorrow, in the heartdiscussed: „Is could it be thatseriouslyopportunity must not be lost, time won't come again? Presentsto transportfreshMa Kuxuan, hasn't seenyourqualifications? Even ifhebecomesinyourperson of same belief the person, is not the master, isn't good?”
来回两趟走过石桥,皆云淡风轻,老人走下石桥后,走向小镇,脸色悲苦,心中默念道:“难道当真是机不可失,时不再来?就连奉运而生的马苦玄,也没有见到你的资格?哪怕他只是成为你的同道中人,不是主人,也不行?”„Whatpersonyoumustfind, wantsunder0.1? Did not say that beforehandthat in 5000depositionyears, is only existence of Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, onalreadyenough3000 years, 3000 years! Duringlong did such time, how manypresentin the futurein the easternTreasure Bottle Continentbrilliantheroes? Ifthere areyouto help, howtheycannotpossiblyonseveralbuildings? Above11tensecond floor, even ifonlyaddstwobuildings, naturallywhatrealm?”
“你到底要找到什么样的人,才愿意点一下头?不说之前那五千年沉积岁月,光是骊珠洞天的存在,就已经足足三千年了,三千年了啊!这么长的时间当中,出现了多少日后在东宝瓶洲光彩夺目的英雄豪杰?若是有你帮助,他们岂会没有可能更上数层楼?十一十二楼之上,哪怕只加两层楼,那是什么境界了?”Stone bridgesilent.
The bridgebottomhangs the iron sword, is entirely still.
桥底所悬铁剑,纹丝不动。old manexhales the one breathgently, self-ridicules saying: „Goodto transport the hero is not free. Such being the case, yourun its own course, avoidalsoIam worried about the weal and woeto rely on one another, because ofyou, butgoes badthatburning incense that weonlyremained. Then, is the good deed, the smallgamblingis joyful, does not needto be worriedto lose 100 percent.”老人轻轻呼出一口气,自嘲道:“好一个运去英雄不自由。罢了罢了,既然如此,那你就自生自灭吧,也省得我担心福祸相依,因为你而坏了我们仅剩的那点香火。如此一来,也是好事,小赌怡情,不用担心满盘皆输。”
--Chen Ping'anat the back of the neither too big nor too smallback-basket, returnsfrom the smallmountain ridge, on the roaddiscovered that templedisappearsunexpectedly, the youngsterlooks in all directionsat a loss, determinedoneselfhave not remembered incorrectly the position, thatfor the smalltemple that the personrests, indeed seemed like lifted the stone the same as move out. ButChen Ping'analreadyis unalarmed by strange sightsnow, the customis good.陈平安背着不大不小的背篓,从小山岭返回,路上发现那座庙竟然不见了,少年茫然四顾,确定自己没有记错位置,那座供人休憩的小庙,的的确确就像是被人搬石头一样搬走了。只不过如今陈平安已经见怪不怪了,习惯就好。Chen Ping'anarrives at the blacksmithshop, first before going to that piles up the family belongings the clayroom, withshouldtake, staying behindshouldstay behind, thiswent outfoundredcotton-wadded jacketlittle missLi Baoping.陈平安来到铁匠铺子,先去了趟那栋自己之前堆放家当的黄泥屋,拿上该拿上的,留下该留下的,这才出门找到了红棉袄小姑娘李宝瓶。Li Baopingstandsbeforehim, lifts the smallheadhigh, the whole facejumps for joy.李宝瓶站在他面前,高高抬起小脑袋,满脸雀跃。
The little misseshave been hanging at sixes and sevensembroiderybagandsachetchock full, more than78types, the bamboo hat that but alsoat the back of a smallwicker basket, on the side covercankeep out wind and rain, is just usedto cover up the thing in wicker basket. It is estimated thattheseare the little missproposed,then the Ruan Xiuhelptidies up.
小姑娘早就身上满满当当挂着乱七八糟的绣袋、香囊,不下七八样之多,还背着一只小小的箩筐,上边盖着一只能够遮风挡雨的斗笠,刚好用来遮掩箩筐里的东西。估计这些都是小姑娘提议,然后阮秀帮忙收拾出来的。Azure clothesgirlRuan Xiustandsside the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, especiallyjubilation.
青衣少女阮秀站在红棉袄小姑娘身边,格外喜庆。Chen Ping'anlooks at the little miss, asked with a smile: „Belteats?”陈平安看着小姑娘,笑问道:“带吃的没?”
The Li Baopingnodtakes undeserved credit saying: „Inwicker basket the larger partis the thing that Sister Ruangives tometo eat! Otherare the books, not heavy...... is not so heavy!”李宝瓶点头邀功道:“箩筐里一大半都是阮姐姐送给我吃的东西!其余都是书,不重……不那么重!”Chen Ping'ansaid: „Whenwas weighed down, saidonetome.”陈平安说道:“什么时候背累了,就跟我说一声。”
The little missesstick out chest, heroicsay/way: „Possiblyto be how tired!”
小姑娘挺起胸膛,豪迈道:“怎么可能会累!”Ruan Xiusupplesound said: „NortheasternTreasure Bottle Continent the situation map, the Great LiGreat Suirespectivestatecountychart, severalsmallermaps, put awayin the Li Baopingback-basket. However after wait untilyougo out ofGreat LiBian Jing/frontier, needsto ask the wayfrequentlyis good, is good, inLi Baopingunderstood that yourGreat LiMandarin/bureaucratic languageandentireeastTreasure Bottle Continentcirculationbigstandard speech, should the issuenot be big. WasIputsomemoney and copper coinagainininside, gavemy father'sAuric Essence Copper Coincompared withyou, they were really notanything, thereforeChen Ping'ando not reject.”阮秀柔声道:“东宝瓶洲北部形势图,还有大骊大隋各自的州郡图,还有几张更小的地图,都在李宝瓶背篓里放好了。不过等到你走出大骊边境之后,需要经常问路才行,好在李宝瓶懂得你们大骊官话和整个东宝瓶洲流通的大雅言,应该问题不大。再就是我放了一些银子和铜钱在里边,比起你送给我爹的金精铜钱,它们真不算什么,所以陈平安你千万别拒绝啊。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smileunderstandingly: „Iam not silly, hasn't wantedtomoney?”陈平安会心笑道:“我又不傻,给钱还不要?”SomeRuan Xiuangrysay/way: „Aren't yousilly?! In order tonot havethem of least bitrelations......”阮秀有些气恼道:“你还不傻?!为了没半点关系的他们……”
The offending somebodywordsjust said that girlregretsin a complete mess, moreoverquickstops, no longersaiddownward.
只是伤人的话刚说出口,少女就后悔得一塌糊涂,而且很快就打住,不再往下说。Because ofnot far away, stands the schooluntaught child that fourpeersare no longer travelling far.
因为不远处,站着四位不再同行远游的学塾蒙童。Chen Ping'an that has been signaling with the eyessecretlyrelaxes, saidin a soft voice: „Thesethings that said yesterday, troubledRuanmissyou.”
The Ruan Xiunodsaid: „Relax, thesekeysIwill receivewell, regularlywill tidy up the room.”阮秀点头道:“放心吧,那些钥匙我会好好收起来的,隔三岔五就会去收拾屋子。”
The Chen Ping'andeep breathone breath, saidtoLi Baoping: „Walked.”陈平安深呼吸一口气,对李宝瓶说道:“走了。”Li Baopingis happy: „Walks!”李宝瓶开心道:“走喽!”one big and one small, the back-basket is also one big and one small.一大一小,就连背篓也是一大一小。Ineveryone'sfield of vision, two peoplemore walks, more is far apart.
在所有人的视野当中,两人愈行愈远。Goes southGreat Sui.
南下大隋。All the way, little missmutterread, had said the small towninteresting rumoramusing thing, spoke of the studying away from homeincidentfinally, saidwithChen Ping'anself-important: „Scholargoes off to studyto study away from home, is older, needsto hold a sword the self-defense, moreover canshow itselfcivil and militaryto have both.”
一路上,小姑娘碎碎念念,说过了小镇趣闻趣事,终于说到了游学一事,跟陈平安老气横秋道:“读书人负笈游学,年纪大一些的,都需要仗剑防身的,而且也能够彰显自己文武兼备。”Chen Ping'anwas happy, „right, naturallyyourscholars, Iam not.”陈平安乐了,“对啊,那是你们读书人,我又不是。”
The little missesgawkedstaring, is all of a sudden silent.
--Cui ChanboughtpotgoodLiquorin the Small townWineshop, shakesslowlytoErlang Lane.崔瀺在小镇酒肆买了一壶上好的烧酒,慢悠悠晃向二郎巷。ArrivedthatYuanHome, Cui Chanunlockingtime, the movementstopped, finallystillpushedto openwith a smile.
到了那栋袁家祖宅,崔瀺开锁的时候,动作停顿了一下,最后仍是笑着一推而开。Hewalks intoquickly, after closing the door, arrives at the basin, looks that standsunder the hallinscribed horizontal tabletman, illusory, shining, Cui Chansitson the pondchair, turns on the wine pot, smells, thisturns the headto say with a smile: „Even if is only left over a wisp of remainingsoul, butis unsolicited, excels atrushing to the private residence, finallynon-Noblemanbehavior, Qi Jingchun, Junior Brother Qi, is right?”
他快步走入,关上门后,走到水池边,看着那位站在正堂匾额下的男子,虚无缥缈,流光溢彩,崔瀺坐在池边的椅子上,打开酒壶,闻了闻,这才转头笑道:“哪怕只剩下一缕残余魂魄,可是不请自来,擅闯私宅,终非君子所为啊,齐静春,齐师弟,对不对啊?”Thatpersonhas turned around, the facial featuresare faintly visible, isbearingelegantschoolschool teacherQi Jingchun, contends with the Heavenly Daobyone's effortMountain Cliff AcademyMountain Lord.
The Qi Jingchunsmilesaid: „On that dayyouandCui Minghuang, onacted in a playoutwardlytoWu Yuanlooked,actuallylookedtome, is tired?”齐静春微笑道:“那天你和崔明皇,明面上是演戏给吴鸢看,其实是给我看,累不累?”Cui Chanmoved a chairto sit down, beaming said: „? What did yousee?”崔瀺搬了张椅子坐下,笑眯眯道:“哦?那你看出什么了?”Qi Jingchunstandsnorth the basin, withsittinginsouthCui Chanface-to-face, asked: „WhyyoufromQi Refinertensecond floorcultivation base, will droprealm, fallstoTenth Floorrealm?”齐静春站在水池北面,和坐在南边的崔瀺面对面,问道:“你为何会从练气士十二楼修为,跌落境界,一路掉到十楼境界?”Cui Chandepends on the chairslantingly, swayswine pot that twofingersgrip, „is also notMister of ourpedantCelestial, whocanthink that youare actually entirely new, thereforeMisteridolunceasinglydownward, you , was not only not affected, insteadrealmhas increasedupward, actuallyI, revolting the finishing an apprenticeshipgateam so long, insteadcannotbe separated from the influence of hisold manSchoolandarrangement. Mostletsmydesperatematter, isIdiscovered that this whole lifedoes not have the hopebyownknowledge, crushesorexceedsMister. What to do? IcannotgiveMisterto be buried along with the deadhelplessly, the issuelies in the idolcollapse of Mister, affectsbig, does not seem likepebbleto poundin the middle of the lake water, butis a mountain peakpours into the lake water, big of spray, except for the person who your alreadycomes ashore, fewcan hide, Iamso. ThereforeIthink a smallmethod, Junior Brother Qi, youthinkis?”崔瀺斜靠着椅子,摇晃着两根手指夹住的酒壶,“还不是咱们那位学究天人的先生,谁能想到你其实早就别开生面了,所以先生的神像不断往下,你非但不受到影响,反而境界一直往上攀升,倒是我,叛出师门那么久,反而一直没能脱离他老人家学派、文脉的影响。最让我绝望的事情,是我发现这辈子都没希望凭借自己的学问,压倒或是胜过先生。怎么办?我总不能眼睁睁给先生陪葬啊,问题在于先生的神像倒塌,影响之大,不像是一颗石子砸在湖水当中,而是一座山峰倒入湖水,浪花之大,除了你这种已经上岸的人,几乎没人躲得掉,我更是如此。于是我就想了一个小法子,齐师弟,你以为是?”
The Qi Jingchunnodsaid: „Attacks the jadetaking advantage oflearning from others, breaksmeto hold.”齐静春点头道:“借他山之石攻玉,破我执。”Cui Chanlookonecold, stopsto sway the movement of wine pot.崔瀺眼神一凛,停下摇晃酒壶的动作。Qi Jingchunsighed: „The bestresultisyourknowledge, has pressedMisterandmyQi Jingchun, is echoed byworldpersongod, butwas a pityvery muchyoucannot achieve. Next, isyouhopes that Misterthisarrangement, cuts offinmyhand, thentakes overto take awaybyyou, even iftohigh of MisterinCulture Shrine, alwaysfelt betteroneso-calledGreat LiImperial Teacherten milliontimes. Finally, thentakessomebodyasownshadow, then the true bodysits in meditation, makes the Buddhismviewto think, ifthatpersoncanpersevere the conscience, was equal to that youpersevered the conscienceonsomeridge, finallybecameyouto climb upto enter the Great Daoturning points of 11buildingsbyTenth Flooragain.”齐静春叹了口气道:“最好的结果是你的学问,压过先生和我齐静春,得到天地人神的认同,但是很可惜你做不到。其次,是你希望先生这支文脉,断绝在我手上,然后由你接手拿走,哪怕到不了先生在文庙里的高位,总好过一个所谓的大骊国师千万倍。最后,则是以某人为自己的影子,然后真身入定,作佛家观想,那人若是能够坚守本心,就等于你在某一个坎上坚守住了本心,最终成为你重新由十楼登高进入十一楼的大道契机。”Qi Jingchunshakes the head saying: „Cui Chan, is or isn'tfeltownthisbusiness, howisto gainsteadilydoes not compensate? Iknow,youralreadyarranges the subsequent hand, even ifChen Ping'ancanmaintainstate of mindpureclearto be firmas before, yousamewill arrange the subsequent hand, for exampleenlargestheseuntaught childrenas far as possible the shortcomings, loses the Chen Ping'anstate of mindunceasingly, such asbystonegrinding mirror, making the mirror surface unable to withstandroughly, finallyis torn to pieces, thenChen Ping'an, onceis the studyingseed that Iselectto pass on the torch, youcanbe of great success, MisterandmyQi Jingchunarrangementdestiny, allputs in the bag, by farcompared with the thirdmethod, the finalachievement that the Buddhismviewthinks, wantsto be bigger.”齐静春摇了摇头道:“崔瀺,是不是觉得自己这笔买卖,怎么都是稳赚不赔的?我知道,你已经安排好后手,哪怕陈平安依旧能够保持心境纯澈坚定,你一样会安排后手,比如尽可能放大那些蒙童的缺点,不断损耗陈平安的心境,如以石磨镜,使得镜面粗糙不堪,最终支离破碎,那么陈平安一旦是我选中薪火相传的读书种子,你就可以大功告成,将先生和我齐静春的文脉气运,悉数收入囊中,远远比第三种手段,佛家观想的最终成果,要大很多。”
The Cui Chancomplexionis pale.崔瀺脸色铁青。Qi Jingchunsaid with a smile: „You , if willingto choosedropsnow, Icancomplyto makeyouachieve the thirdresult, althoughis relatively worst, buttoyourCui Chan, is the hugegood deed, so manyyear of using up all the tricksshamelessly seeking gain, mustrecompenseto hopefinally.”齐静春笑道:“你如果愿意选择现在放手,我可以答应让你达成第三种结果,虽然相对最差,但是对你崔瀺来说,到底是天大的好事,这么多年机关算尽的蝇营狗苟,总算是得偿所愿了。”Cui Chanstands up, sneers saying: „Qi Jingchun, yoursoonsoul flies away and scattersthing, cruel or ugly person! Alsowithdiscussed the conditionwithme?”崔瀺站起身,冷笑道:“齐静春,你一个即将魂飞魄散的东西,半人半鬼!也配跟我谈条件?”
The Qi Jingchuncomplexionis usual, „finallygivesyouone chance.”齐静春脸色如常,“最后给你一次机会。”
The Cui Chancomplexionis fierce: „Do youdareto go badmystate of mind?!”崔瀺脸色狰狞道:“你敢坏我心境?!”Qi Jingchunlooksad, saidin a soft voice: „Senior BrotherCui.”齐静春神色伤感,轻声道:“崔师兄。”Cui Chanin the wine pot the handpoundssuddenlyon the ground, treadsforwardonestep, puts out a handto aimto be away from a Qi Jingchun of groundbasinandheavens abovecourtyard, said with a severe look: „Ido not believeyourQi Jingchun to winme!”崔瀺猛然将手中酒壶砸在地上,向前踏出一步,伸手指向隔着地上一座水池、天上一口天井的齐静春,厉色道:“我不信你齐静春能赢我!”Qi Jingchuncarry one hand behind the back, flicks the sleevesingle-handedly, theseclean and smooth-lookingenter the basinin the liquor that the Cui Chanfootflows, presentstogether the ripplesintermittentmysteriouswater curtain.齐静春一手负后,一手拂袖,那些在崔瀺脚边流淌的酒水滑入水池,呈现出一道涟漪阵阵的玄妙水幕。Is exactly the same as beforehandCui Chan.
与之前崔瀺如出一辙。Worthilywasin years pastsame sidefellow apprentices.
不愧是昔年的同门师兄弟。Raises handto liftfully, isdistinguished and accomplished of scholaris all enjoyable.
举手抬足,皆是读书人的风流写意。In the water curtain, iscarries the youngster and little miss of back-basket.
The redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missis sidewaysto walk, is raising the headto ask this and thatwith the youngster, asked that eastasked the west.
The straw sandalyoungsteranswered the little misswith a smilepatiently the strangeissues of powerful and unconstrained style, difficult problem that ifcould not come across, the youngsterwill say that does not know.
The youngsterdo not feeldisgraced, the little missdoes not feeltasteless.
少年不觉得丢人,小姑娘也不觉得乏味。Qi Jingchunasked: „Hasn't Cui Chan, understood?”齐静春问道:“崔瀺,还没有明白吗?”Cui Chanobserves closelythatpicturestubbornly, is pale, the lipshivers, mutters: „Thisis impossible!”崔瀺死死盯住那副画面,脸色苍白,嘴唇颤抖,喃喃道:“这不可能!”Finallyheraised the head, the foreheadhasmoleyoungsterImperial Teacher, delicate and prettyfacetwiststo the fiercefearfuldegree, „Qi Jingchun, did youelect a womanasyouronlydirect discipleunexpectedly?!”
最后他抬起头,眉心有痣的少年国师,那张清秀脸庞扭曲到狰狞可怕的程度,“齐静春,你竟然选了一个女人作为自己的唯一嫡传弟子?!”Qi Jingchunlookstothatoriginally the strangeyoungsterface, asked backwith a smile: „Why not?!”齐静春望向那张本就陌生的少年脸庞,笑着反问道:“有何不可?!”
The Cui Chandeep breathone breath, the corners of the mouthturn upwards, „, but the youngsterdispositionis invariable, at the worstIwithdrawallsubsequent hands, on the contraryalsohelpshimseek forSharpening Blade Stoneall the way, Isamecanwin! Won less. What's wrong, Qi Jingchun, could it be thatyoutoblockmyGreat Dao, but can also insteadentrapthatChen Ping'anexcessively?”崔瀺深呼吸一口气,嘴角翘起,“可是少年心性不变,大不了我撤去所有后手,相反还一路上帮他找寻磨刀石,我一样能赢!只是赢得少一些而已。怎么,齐静春,难道你为了阻我大道,还要反过头来坑害那陈平安?”
The Cui Chancomplexionis demented, proud, „, IwiththatMud Vase Laneyoungster, butshares weal and woe, the intimaterelatedrelations, Qi Jingchun, how do youfightwithme?!”崔瀺脸色癫狂,得意至极,“哈哈,我与那泥瓶巷少年,可是荣辱与共、戚戚相关的关系,齐静春,你怎么跟我斗?!”Qi Jingchunsaidlightly: „Iurgeyouto cut offthisinvolvementnow, nowreceives the handmanyalsowith enough time, fallsfromTenth Floortosixbuildings, but alsocalculatesto keepFive Middle Boundaries.”齐静春平淡道:“我劝你现在就斩断这份牵连,现在收手还来得及,最多从十楼跌到六楼,还算留在中五境当中。”Cui Chancomplexiongloomysay/way: „Qi Jingchun, were youinsaneinsanely?”崔瀺脸色阴沉道:“齐静春,你失心疯了吧?”Qi Jingchunshot a look atCui Chan, sighed, stretches outgatherstwo fingers, gentlyin a flash.齐静春瞥了眼崔瀺,叹了口气,伸出并拢双指,轻轻一晃。
The straw sandalyoungster and redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss in picturenotdetected, butCui Chanlooks on the youngsterhelplessly, suddenlyare many a jasperhairpin, should not be in the middle of the chignonquietly.
The Cui Chanwhole facedelay, shock and fear, put out a hand, aims atQi Jingchuntremblingly, „simultaneous/uniformstatic......”崔瀺满脸呆滞、震惊和恐惧,伸出手,颤颤巍巍指向齐静春,“齐静……”Hecould not even say the lastspringcharacter.
他甚至死活都说不出最后一个春字。In an instant.
刹那之间。Dao Heartfalls into enemy handsalmostcollapseCui Chanto bleed profusely from the head.道心失守几近崩溃的崔瀺七窍流血。Fallson the chair, CuiXunsuboth handsbefore the bodyties the Baopingseal, hoarsesay/way: „Calms the spiritsto decide the mortal form!”
跌坐回椅子上,崔迅速在身前双手结宝瓶印,沙哑道:“安魂定魄!”Qi Jingchunraised the head, looksto the courtyard, has not looked attragic sightCui Chan, said: „Suffering a loss to remember, withinThis, you, ifdaresunder the short rope/obstruction, Ito have the methodto makeyoudropordinary peopleagainfrom the Qi Refinerfifthbuildingcovertly. Naturally, hits the south wallbyyouonmust the temper that itdashes, definitelydoes not believe that doesn't matter, believesin any casebyyou. Earliestonetime, Iwantyounot to lose the confidencetoMister, youdo not believe that finallyfalls the boundary, before IcomeBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, wantsyounot to acttoMountain Cliff Academy, youdo not believe. Thereforethistime, isbyyou.”齐静春抬起头,望向天井,没有看着惨不忍睹的崔瀺,说道:“吃了亏要记牢,甲子之内,你要是再敢偷偷摸摸下绊子,我自有法子让你从练气士第五楼跌落成凡夫俗子。当然,以你撞到南墙就一定要把它撞破的性子,肯定是不信的,没有关系,信不信反正由你。最早一次,我要你别对先生失去信心,你不信,结果跌境,我来骊珠洞天之前,要你别对山崖书院出手,你还是不信。所以这一次,还是由你。”Qi JingchunleavesYuanHome in Erlang Lane, walksin the worldfor the last time, firstwent to the school, thenwent to the stone arch bridge, went to the Junior BrotherhorseZhangrave mound, finallyQi Jingchunalsoheavens above.齐静春离开二郎巷的袁家祖宅,最后一次行走于人间,先去了学塾,再去了石拱桥,又去了师弟马瞻的坟头,最后齐静春还去了一趟天上。Finalfinal.
最后的最后。Qi Jingchunreturns to the ground, walksquietlyside the straw sandalyoungster and redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, leads the waywiththemshoulder to shoulder.齐静春回到地上,悄然走在草鞋少年和红棉袄小姑娘身边,与他们并肩前行。Theydo not know.
只是他们不知道而已。Threepeoplego outevery timeonestep, thisMister Qiformthendissipates a point.
三人每走出一步,这位齐先生的身影便消散一分。Hestops the footstepsfinally, is looking attwochildren'sgoing southbacks, thisscholarworried,hasregrettable, hasdoes not abandon, hasgratified, has the pride.
他终于停下脚步,望着两个孩子的南下背影,这位读书人有担忧,有遗憾,有不舍,有欣慰,有骄傲。Hewavesgently, silentfarewell.
--„Well? Did yourhowheadleavejade hairpin?!”
“咦?你怎么头上别了一支玉簪子?!”„? Ido not know.”
“啊?我不知道啊。”„Whenmatter? Chen Ping'an! You are actually a rich man, is right?”
“什么时候的事情?陈平安!你其实是有钱人,对不对?”„Reallyis not. Leastpresentalreadynot, myrichscene, suchseveraldays.”
“真不是。最少现在已经不是了,我有钱的光景,就那么几天。”„Good. Inyourwicker basketreveals a section of wooden sword, yeswhat's the matter?”
“好吧。那你箩筐里露出一截的木剑,又是咋回事?”„I don't know either.”
“我也不知道啊。”„Chen Ping'an! Yourthis, Ireallydo not likeyouagaintoday!”
“陈平安!你再这样,我今天就真的不喜欢你了!”„Ireallydo not know......”
“我是真的不知道……”„Considers as finished, tomorrowwill not likeyoubeing good.”
“……”Beautiful scenerymountainyoung man, the sidefollows a little miss.
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