Chen Ping'anwakes, discoverson the table the oil lampalreadycompletely, out of the windowdayalreadydawn.陈平安醒过来的时候,发现桌上油灯已尽,窗外天已蒙蒙亮。Heonlyrememberedthattallfemalespeakfivespoken languagestohimself.
他只记住了那位高大女子对自己说了五段言语。„Isaidbeforeso manysecretinside stories, after yourdreamawakes, will forgetcompletely,youdo not needto tryto recall, isIwantsto speakpurely.”
“我之前所说那么多秘闻内幕,你梦醒之后,就会全部忘记,你也不用试图记起,纯粹是我想说话而已。”„I, ifpresentpresentworld, even ifallSaintdoes not suppressyourme, byyourpresentbody and spiritstate of mind, cannot withstand, insteadnot helpfuls but harmfultoyou, thereforewework outhundredyears of time, youwantwithinthesehundredyears, successfullyadvances intoQi RefinerTenth Floor, canreturn to the small townstone arch bridge, takes the iron sword.”
“我若是现在现世,哪怕各方圣人不来镇压你我,以你如今的体魄神魂,也根本承受不住,对你反而有害无益,所以我们订立百年之期,你只要在这百年之内,成功跻身练气士第十楼,就可以重返小镇石拱桥,取走铁剑。”„Selectsyouasmymaster, youcannotbe arrogant and complacentbecause ofthis matterfrom now on, cannotimproperly belittle oneself, in 8000 the years, Ihave experiencedtoomanystartledcertainlycolorfulHeaven's Chosen, recently, for exampleCao XiXie Shi, as well asMa Kuxuanand the others, have not enteredmyeye, thereforeselectsyou, naturallywill not be the limit, be forcedchoice.”
“选中你作为我的主人,你今后不可因为此事而骄傲自满,也绝不可妄自菲薄,八千年岁月,我见识过太多惊才绝艳的天之骄子,最近一些的,例如曹曦谢实,以及马苦玄等人,都不曾入我之眼,所以选中你,自然不是大限将至,迫于无奈的选择。”„Althoughis unable to go on an expeditionclose quarters fightingtemporarilyas you like, but the gift on first meetinghas, before 3000 years, thatslaughterdragonfights, Iidle the safe/without matter, looks that theirchildrenfight, livelyactuallylively, the thingthrewplace, Ipicked a physical appearancegoodwhite jade card, looksquitesimply and elegantlypleasing to the eyes, notdecorative carving, small and exquisite, canbe used for the info clerkthing, wassomeagesclosething, is all the rage the worldcompared with the present the mind/square incharsenalandmind/square inchswordtombclass/flow, wantedrankto be higher, the spacesizesuch asyourMud Vase Lanehomewas similar, moreoverdid not needdangerousto show, canwarmsupportin the middle ofacupoint., Myalreadymakesyouwithitsdivine willsame, yourhandtouches a thing, onlyneeds the intentionto move, canacceptin the middle ofacupoint that jadesignis, only ifAscension Boundarycultivatorbreaks openby the powerful, otherwisecannot the buckleslightly. The bad newsisonlywait/etc.youadvanced intoFive Middle Boundariescultivator, cancontrol the usejade pendant.”
“虽然暂时无法随你征战厮杀,可见面礼还是有的,三千年之前那场屠龙大战,我闲来无事,就看着他们小孩子打架,热闹倒是热闹,东西丢了一地,我就捡了一块品相不错的白玉牌,看着比较素雅顺眼而已,并无雕饰,小巧玲珑,可以用来收纳物件,属于有些岁数的咫尺之物了,比起如今风靡天下的方寸武库、方寸剑冢之流,要品秩更高,空间大小如你泥瓶巷祖宅差不多,而且不用悬佩示人,可以温养在窍穴当中,我已经让你跟它神意相同,你手触一物,只需心意一动,就能纳那块玉牌所在的窍穴当中,除非飞升境修士以强力破开,否则不会折损丝毫。坏消息就是唯有等你跻身中五境修士,才能驾驭使用玉佩。”„Un, finallyisElder Sisterdaoist immortalthisname, reallyaboutmyheart, thereforeIputthreewisps of minimumSword Qionyouadditionally.”
“嗯,最后就是神仙姐姐这个称呼,甚合我心,所以我额外在你身上放了三缕极小极小的剑气。”Chen Ping'anlost in thought.陈平安怔怔出神。Feeling of another era.
Before oneselfarewantsto leave the small town, cangetinhometo light a lampto endure the dawn, tomake up, eve of the Lunar New Yearthattimestaying up all night on new year's eve that is doomed unable to achieveahead of time.
自己不过是想要离开小镇之前,能够回到自己家里点灯熬到天明,为的是提前补上,今年大年三十那次注定无法做到的守岁。Chen Ping'anbigsuch asfights.陈平安头大如斗。Let aloneQi RefinerFive Middle BoundariesandTenth Floor, Chen Ping'anthisbodyalreadyeightleak outimmediately, in the ruinedthatched hutlikeprecariousness, hiding the windgathers the air/Qito be how difficult, thereforehowcultivatedpractices breathing exercises, whendaoist immortal? Chen Ping'an is not only doomed unable cultivated, but alsowantsto maintain a livelihood, but alsoneedsbypracticing boxingto nourish the body and spiritto be good.
别说练气士中五境和十楼,陈平安当下这副身体已经八面漏风,就像风雨飘摇里的破败茅屋,藏风聚气何其难,所以如何修行练气当神仙?陈平安不但注定无法修行,而且想要活命,还需要靠练拳来滋养体魄才行。Ning Yaohad said that destroysrootboneacupoint of personto be very easy, likeCai Jinjianthis„direction”Chen Ping'an, straightens outforhimforcefully, butwantsto remould the completebody and spirit, particularlysuits the cultivatedbody, compared withascending to heavenalsodifficultly. Actually the truthis very simple, a leaf of gateway, chopsto cut the kitchen knifetoyoungchildtakecarelessly, butis the flowerstrength, butwantsthatleaf of tatteredfront doorrestoresuch asnew, naturallyis very difficult.宁姚曾经无意间说过,打坏一个人的根骨窍穴很容易,就像蔡金简这样“指点”陈平安,强行为他开窍,但想要重塑完整体魄,尤其是适合修行的身躯,比登天还难。其实道理很简单,一扇门户,给一个稚童拿把菜刀胡乱劈砍,不过是花些力气,但是想要将那扇破烂大门修复如新,当然很难。Place that actuallyChen Ping'anmostfears, lies incomplying withLi Baopingto escortherto go toMountain Cliff Academy, is far awayinevitably, oneselfcan or cannotlivedis returning tohometownto be difficult saying that alsoto be how manyhundredyears of making? Chen Ping'anhadsincerityat that time, butthatwhite clothingfemalea few wordssenthim, all right, mypresentalreadydid not have the leeway of regret, recognizedwould-beyourChen Ping'anto work as the master, ifyoudied, Iwaited for death, whichdaythatoldswordstripcrashed intocreek water, mystate of minddissipatedthoroughly, all right, youdid not needto think that had a deficitmyanything, mustblameto blamemebeing blind, cannot complain aboutothers.
其实陈平安最怕的地方,在于答应李宝瓶护送她去山崖书院,必然路途遥远,自己能不能活着回到家乡还难说,怎么就又多出一个百年之约?陈平安当时不是没有坦诚相见,但是那位白衣女子一句话就打发了他,没事,我现在已经没有后悔的余地了,就认准你陈平安当主人,你要是死了,我就等死好了,哪天那根老剑条坠入溪水,我的神魂彻底消散,没事,你不用觉得亏欠我什么,要怪就怪我自己眼瞎,怨不得别人。At that timeChen Ping'anthoughtyou said that inmyconsciencecould pass? Moreoverwhatis„cannot complain aboutothers”, notonyouwithmytwopeople?
当时陈平安心想你都这么说了,我良心上过得去吗?而且什么叫“怨不得别人”,不就你跟我两个人吗?Chen Ping'andoes not knowwhatQi RefinerTenth Floor, did not know that the closethingand a mind/square inchthingareanything.陈平安一点都不知道什么练气士十楼,也不晓得咫尺之物和方寸之物到底是什么。Are many a hugeburdenbesidesinexplicable, youngsteractuallyheart, some smalljoys.
除了莫名其妙多出一个天大的负担之外,少年其实内心深处,有一些小小的喜悦。Originallystarting today, inthisworld, were manyto needto depend uponownperson.
原来从今天起,这个世界上,就多了一个需要依靠自己的人。Final that in the dreamchatted, Chen Ping'anremembersoneself and white clothingfemaleside-by-side, saton a goldenstone arch bridge, was extremely long, cannot see the end, as ifinFlood Dragon that in the sea of cloudsshuttled back and forth.
The Chen Ping'andeep breathone breath, lieson the table, thinksfinally, thought that Old Man Yaoa few wordsare easiestto think through, „shouldbeyour, withgoodnot to lose. Should notbeyour, not thinks about it.”陈平安深呼吸一口气,趴在桌上,想到最后,觉得还是姚老头的一句话最容易想通,“该是你的,就拿好别丢。不该是你的,想都别想。”Chen Ping'anplacesin a smallback-basket the thing that shouldtidy up, the crossbow, the fishhookfishline, the flintwait/etc, were trivialcautiously, puts outsmallcloth sackfrom the clay jarfinally, thinks of a bagbrokenporcelain. Scattered, the thing of putting togetherare many, butis not heavy. Goes out the long journey, beforeChen Ping'anwalks into the mountainfrequently100-200li (0.5 km)mountain road, ifcarries a heavy loadtoo, isoneharms somebody without the person knowing or feeling anythingto shear the meatabsolutely the misdemeanor, howmustknowto make use of local resources, lives on water while being close.陈平安把该收拾起来的物件都放在一只小背篓里,弹弓,鱼钩鱼线,打火石等等,琐碎得很,最后小心翼翼从陶罐底部拿出一只小布袋子,装着一袋子碎瓷。零零散散,加在一起的东西不少,但都不重。出门远行,像陈平安以前进山动辄100-200里山路,若是负重太多,绝对是一件软刀子割肉的坏事,得知道如何靠山吃山,靠水吃水。Chen Ping'anat the back of the smallback-basket, after locking the front door, standsincourtyard, seesthatslantinglyafterlower part of wallscholartree, thinks, opens the door, putsinit the room, in order to avoid the windblown and sunburnt, is early decayed.陈平安背着小背篓,锁好屋门后,站在院子里,看到那根斜靠墙根的槐枝后,想了想,还是重新打开门,把它放到屋内,以免风吹日晒,早早腐朽。OnChen Ping'anholdsprevioustimeis walking into the mountain22money that picks the medicineto make, went tothat sideAlmond Blossom LaneandRiding Dragon Lane, the weatheralsoearly, the straw sandalyoungstersquatsoutside the closingshop, the patienceis waiting, after the wait untilshopbosshits the yawnis opening the door, the youngsterbought the incenses and candlesandpaper money, but alsoboughtpeach blossom of a potfrom the wineshopnamed the liquor that springburns, finallywantedto buyonepackage of bitterfestivalcakesfrom the giving on new yearsshop, remembers that in childhood mother had eatenonetime, saidis very delicious, addedand otherChen Ping'anfifthbirthdaystime, onboughtagainonetime, thereforeChen Ping'anrememberedspeciallyclearly, was only. Arrived the giving on new yearsshop, the partnersaidfinally the shopdoes not makethistype of cakes and pastries, has the teacherto make false analogiesactuallydoes, the shopsoonwent out of business, the master craftsman the followingstorekeeper they have also gone toCapital Cityto enjoy happiness. Chen Ping'an was only easy to buyonepackage of yesterday'sRuan Xiuto give the Li Baopingpeachflower cake.陈平安身上揣着上次进山采药挣来的二两银子,先后去了趟杏花巷和骑龙巷那边,天色还早,草鞋少年就蹲在关门的铺子外头,耐心等着,等到店铺老板打着哈欠开门后,少年买了香烛、纸钱,还从酒肆买了一壶名叫桃花春烧的酒,最后想要从压岁铺子买了一包苦节糕,记得小时候娘亲吃过一次,说很好吃,还说等陈平安五岁生日的时候,就再买一次,所以陈平安记得特别清楚,只是到了压岁铺子,结果伙计说铺子早就不做这种糕点了,倒是有老师傅会做,铺子都快要倒闭了,老师傅也早就跟着掌柜他们去了京城享福。陈平安只好买了一包昨天阮秀送给李宝瓶的桃花糕。
The youngstergo out of the small town, crossedat that timeandNing YaoavoidsMoving-Mountain Apethatsmalltempletogether, but must toward the south side, before arrive at a smallmountain ridgeagain, the youngsterthenstartsto walkupward, to the place of halfway up the mountainside, is more than one year does not plant the desolatedpaddies of crops, twosmallmounds of earth, on the paddies and mound of earthdo not have the weed, Chen Ping'anto standbeforethattwosmallheap, the squattinglower part of the body, takes off the back-basketslowly, puts awaythingone by one of theseancestor worships.
The small townmillenniums the millenniums, do not know that from the beginningareso, afterward the common social practicechanged, regardless of the common people the riches and honorwere lowly, when visiting a graveancestor worship, knelt downto kowtowoutmodedthatset, onlyneededto lightthreeto burn a joss stickto do obeisancethreeto do obeisanceis OK. Thisafter all was influenced by what one sees and hears„fouryears of family tradition” the Mud Vase Laneyoungster, is certainly no exception, but before selecting the fragrance, Chen Ping'anas usual, the symbolbefore the footgraspssoil, added the earthto the grave mound, thenunderpressesgently.
小镇千年又千年,不知道一开始就是如此,还是后来民风有变,百姓无论富贵贫贱,上坟祭祖之时,都不兴下跪磕头那一套,只需要点燃三炷香拜三拜就可以了。这个毕竟只有耳濡目染了“四年家风”的泥瓶巷少年,当然也不例外,只不过点香之前,陈平安像以往一样,在脚边象征性抓起一把泥土,给坟头添了添土,然后轻轻下压。Thistimeisbecausewalkssharply, can only nearbytake the earth, otherwise the youngsterwalks into the mountaineach time, will lay asideonesecretly a soil that is fromeachmountain top, thenbringshere, naturallyhas no special significance, isseeksto feel at ease. The youngsteralwaysthought that this whole lifenotfilialparentstiny bit, mustmakeanything, canmake itselfmore comfortable. In additionOld Man Yaohad said the person who the people of the older generationburn the porcelain, hasthispassing from generation to generationart, thereforeChen Ping'anso manyyearshave insisted.
这次是因为走得急,只能就近取土,要不然每次少年进山,都会偷偷藏起一把取自各个山头的泥土,然后带来这边,当然没什么特殊意义,就是求个心安而已。少年总觉得这辈子没孝顺过爹娘一点半点,总得做点什么,才能让自己心里舒服一些。加上姚老头说过老一辈人烧瓷的人,有这个世代相传的讲究,于是陈平安这么多年就一直坚持了下来。Twosmallgravestightby, relies on one anotherto snuggle up.
两座小坟紧紧挨着,相依相偎。Without the tablet.
After Chen Ping'anlightsthreeburn a joss stick, the facinggrave mounddoes obeisancethreeto do obeisance, theninsertsbefore the grave mound, thisopensthatpotliquor, poursbefore the bodygently.陈平安点燃三炷香后,面朝坟头拜了三拜,然后插在坟头之前,这才打开那壶酒,轻轻倒在身前。FinallyChen Ping'anstands up, closeseyeboth handspalms together in greeting, they are speaking the innermost thoughtsto the parents.
最后陈平安站起身,闭上眼睛双手合十,跟爹娘他们说着心里话。For examplethistimebrings the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss who calledLi Baoping, went outtravelling fartogether, does not know that mustleavehometownseveral thousandtens of thousandsli (0.5 km).
A delicateyoungsterstandsin the roadsidesmalltemple, looks upon the wallwith the charcoal pencilswriteon the name, dense and numerous, crooked, every large or small.
一位清秀少年站在路旁小庙之中,抬头望着墙壁上一个个用炭笔写就的名字,密密麻麻,歪歪扭扭,大大小小。Possiblyin the small towncommon peopleeyes, playing of thesechildrenis not worth mentioningnoisily, isinthis timeyoungstereyes, in a radiantMilky Waylikehistoricalyears.
可能在小镇百姓眼中,那些小孩子的玩闹不值一提,可是在此时少年眼中,就像一条历史岁月里的璀璨银河。Situated ineasternTreasure Bottle ContinentGreat LidomainaboveBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, is36 Small Grotto Heavenssmallestone, thousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers, withoutmagecraftbanned,regardingcontrolling wind and soaring into skyQi Refiner, thatsceneryreallyinsufficientlylooks. Thesemagical treasureutensils that howeverBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenexcept for the the Hundred Schools of Thoughtmajorworthy people of former timesfounders, after dying in battle, leaves behind, the mouth-wateringthreechi (0.33 m), againare the characters who thissidewater and soilraises, really the attractivemystical, are at variance withotherplacesgreatly.
位于东宝瓶洲大骊版图上空的骊珠洞天,是三十六小洞天最小的一个,千里山河而已,如果没有术法禁制,对于御风凌空的练气士而言,那点风景真不够看。但是骊珠洞天除了诸子百家的各大先贤祖师们,战死后遗留下来的那些法宝器物,令人垂涎三尺,再就是这一方水土养育出来的人物,真可谓灵秀神异,大异于其余地方。Considers, twobigQi Refinerformpair of match made in heavenDao Companion, the descendant who thengives birth, advances intoFive Middle Boundariesbesides the necessity, laterreaches the Five Upper Boundariespossibility, how manyBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenactuallycannotcarry over these children in small townto be higher, how manypeoplecanknow a small town?
试想一下,两位大练气士结成一对天作之合的道侣,然后生下的后代,除了必然跻身中五境之外,之后登顶上五境的可能性,竟然并不比骊珠洞天能够被带出小镇的那些孩子高多少,要知道一座小镇才多少人?Thiswas equal to that the pondhas the flood dragon, moreovereachgenerationcanhave12, thereforethisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfallsshatter, variouseasternTreasure Bottle Continentkingstoward, so long asthere is a monarchy of littlesense of crisis, will feel relieved, Great LiSong Clanbrokethishugegold/metallineage/veinfinally, regarding the going southhegemony of laterGreat Licavalry, will inevitably have the influence.
The Cui Chanline of sightis not willingto take backfor a very long time, has mixed emotions, the dynastyimperial civil service examination, had the friendship of schoolfellow, the same year and fellow villagersince old times.崔瀺视线久久不愿收回,百感交集,王朝科举,自古就有同窗、同年、同乡之谊。In the cultivation road, isso.修行路上,也是如此。Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavensettles downnow, pays the body dies and dao vanishespricebysomebody, traded a goodresult.骊珠洞天如今尘埃落定,以某人付出身死道消的代价,换来了一个不错的结局。Bigcultivator that thenallwalksfromBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, will readthisburning incensesentiment, more or lessdifference. As forthesefoursurnametenclansas well astheirbackinfluences, isso.
那么所有从骊珠洞天走出去的大修士,都会念这份香火情,或多或少的差别而已。至于那些四姓十族以及他们背后的势力,更是如此。OnlypitifullyGreat LiSong Claninthisturbulence, althoughhas not reducedminute/share, has not actually awarded marks. HoweverGreat Licandohas„touch of humanity” a point, for example the Ruan QiongrequestentersBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenahead of schedule, should notcomplythatquickly. Alsofor exampleknowsQi Jingchuntoearlyincludingexceedingly highcultivation baseto spellfinallyis not using, onlycontends withthatseveralbig shotwithtwocharacters, then the squareinfluencerequestedbrings backSaintto press the thing of victory the timeinitially, even if the Great LiMinistry of Ritesdoes not have the courageto reject, must the righteousnessexpressiondelay, said that thisdoes not gather the custom. For exampleGreat LiImperial Courtshould notin the name ofletter, nearlyinformfoursurnametenclangreat misfortunein privateswaggeringblatantlyalready, without delaywithdraws the burning incenseseeds of various clans, should not be involvedby the Qi Jingchunrebellingact, wait/etc, were too many.
只可惜大骊宋氏在这次动荡之中,虽未减分,却也没有加分。但是原本大骊可以做得更有“人情味”一点,比如阮邛要求提早进入骊珠洞天,不该答应得那么快。又比如早知道齐静春到最后连一身通天修为都拼着不用,只以两个字来抗衡那几位大佬,那么当初四方势力要求取回圣人压胜之物的时候,大骊礼部哪怕没胆子拒绝,也应当义正言辞拖延一番,说这不合规矩。还比如大骊朝廷不该私下以家书名义,近乎大摇大摆地公然通知四姓十族大劫已至,赶紧撤出各家各族的香火种子,不要被齐静春的悖逆行径所牵连,等等,实在太多了。OnceEmperorGreat Lihas gotten back one's composure, orgreedy, then his wieldshalfcountryroyal governmentandImperial Teacher outside mapping out strategic plans in an army tentthousand li (500 km), must reallybysettle scores at an opportune moment.
一旦大骊皇帝回过神,或是贪心不足,那么他这位执掌半国朝政、运筹帷幄千里之外的国师,恐怕就要真的被秋后算账。At this timestandsImperial TeacherCui Chanin the middle ofsmalltemple, the whole faceis satisfied, seems not furiousto placein the eye the emperor's countenance of EmperorGreat Li.
只是此时站在小庙当中的国师崔瀺,满脸惬意闲适,仿佛根本就不把大骊皇帝的龙颜震怒放在眼中。Cui Chanthought aloud: „Waits a bit.”崔瀺自言自语道:“稍等稍等。”Cui Chanobserves the situationall aroundwall, takes downallnames, will wield the sleeveto erasealltraces, in order to avoidwill make an issueby others with high aspirationsin the future, the instance that butmustmake a moveinhim, Ruan Qiongappearsin the smalltempleentrance, said with a smileferociously: „Young fellow, the courageis fatenough, was this several time?”崔瀺环视四周墙壁,记下所有名字,正要挥袖抹去所有痕迹,以免将来被其他有心人做文章,但就在他要出手的瞬间,阮邛出现在小庙门口,狞笑道:“好小子,胆子够肥,这是第几次了?”Cui Chansaidwith a laugh: „Hasn't my done?”崔瀺笑呵呵道:“我这不是还没做吗?”
A voiceappearsnear the smalltempleeasely, „yourhave free reinhitsby all means that Iam responsible fortidying uprottenbooththenam and ensure does not presentsimilarsea turtlefishto turn over/to stand up the situation that mountain rangecuts off, afteryoudecide the victory and defeat, thisthousand li (500 km)mountains and riversdamagesat mostat mostten12. Ruan Qiong, mounts the flour gruelwithit, sohas been hard to solvebythisfellow, Ithought that youmight as wellcometo mediatewithhimcleanly, does not fearverysteals, feared that verykeeps thinking.”
The Cui Chancomplexionis invariable, hahasaid with a smile: „Old Man Yang, kills without showing blood, but can also obtain without laborfisherman's profit, is really the goodwrist/skill.”崔瀺脸色不变,哈哈笑道:“杨老头,杀人不见血,还能坐收渔翁之利,真是好手腕。”Ruan Qiongnods, „Ilook at the line.”阮邛点了点头,“我看行。”Cui Chanwithout delaybows in saluteto apologize, begs for mercyto saywith a smile: „Okaygood, Ithenonlyloiterin the small town, is good? RuanbigSaint? Old Senior Yang?”崔瀺赶紧作揖赔礼,笑着讨饶道:“好好好,我接下来只在小镇逛荡,行不行?阮大圣人?还有杨老前辈?”Ruan Qiongis weighing the advantages and disadvantagesobviously.阮邛显然在权衡利弊。Cui Chansaidonesuperficially, „, even ifOld Senior Yanghas the skillto protecttenit**mountains and rivers, but if do IbeatGraceful Spirit MountainFlat Lance Peakwith all one's heart?”崔瀺轻描淡写说了一句,“就算杨老前辈有本事护得住十之**的山河,可如果我一门心思打烂神秀山横槊峰呢?”Does not wait forRuan Qiongto speak, the Old Man Yangvoiceresoundsagain, „changes intoisI, reallycannotendure.”
不等阮邛说话,杨老头的嗓音再次响起,“换成是我,真不能忍。”Ruan Qiongsaidill-humoredly: „without delayrollsreturns toErlang Lane.”阮邛没好气道:“赶紧滚回二郎巷。”Cui Chanassumes an air of self approbation, goes out of the smalltempleleisurely, withRuan Qiongbrushed past, but alsomade„youngsterdisposition”ugly face.崔瀺摇头晃脑,优哉游哉走出小庙,跟阮邛擦肩而过的时候,还做了个“少年心性”的鬼脸。wait untilCui Chan the creek wateropposite shore, Ruan Qionghad turned around, saw that old mansitson the witheredbench in templeis smoking the tobacco smoked dry.等到崔瀺过了溪水对岸,阮邛转过身,看到老人坐在庙里的干枯长椅上抽着旱烟。old manunprecedentedhas not taunted, insteadsmiles, „alsoreallycares aboutyourdaughter.”老人破天荒没有冷嘲热讽,反而笑了笑,“还真是在乎你闺女啊。”Ruan Qiongsighed, obviouslywas provokedbyCui Chanactuallyenduresnot to act, was aggrieved, satopposite ofOld Man Yang, depended on the wall, the twitchedcorners of the mouth, „did not owe the daynot to owe, nowalsopays off the founderthere, owedthatgirlhermotheronly, the persondoes not have, howalso? Onlycanhaving a deficither, placeson the daughter.”阮邛叹了口气,显然被崔瀺这么挑衅却忍着不出手,憋屈得很,坐在杨老头对面,靠着墙壁,扯了扯嘴角,“不欠天不欠地,如今连祖师爷那儿也还清了,唯独欠着那丫头她娘亲,人都没了,怎么还?就只能把亏欠她的,放在女儿身上了。”Old Man Yangsaid with a smile: „Byyourstatus and ability, youwith the relations of YingYinChen Clan, foundyourwife'sthis lifethis lifein addition, possiblyhas.”杨老头笑道:“以你的身份和能力,加上你跟颍阴陈氏的关系,找到你媳妇的今生今世,不是没可能吧。”Ruan Qiongshakes the head saying: „Onher the firstaptitudeis not good, before dying, has not advanced intoFive Middle Boundaries, thereforeeven ifreincarnationadult , the possibility that notstraightened outknew, causes trouble before certainly, in my opinion, withoutthesememories, was only left over a body, thenonalreadywas notmy wife, foundherto havewhatsignificance? Whenonlyshelivedinoneselfenough.”阮邛摇头道:“她上一世资质就不行,死前还没跻身中五境,所以哪怕转世成人,也绝无开窍知晓前生事的可能性了,在我看来,没了那些记忆,只剩下一副躯壳,那就已经不是我的媳妇了,找到她有何意义?只当她活在自己心里就够了。”
The Old Man Yangnodsaid: „Youcan look on the bright side of thingactually, School of MilitaryTenth Flooris most difficultbroken, youcancatch upamong the peer, have the reason.”杨老头点头道:“你倒是想得开,兵家十楼最难破,你在同辈人当中能够后来者居上,不是没有理由的。”Ruan Qiongis not willingdeeplyto chatatthismatter, asked: „Youthought that person of is or isn'tis blustering?”阮邛不愿在这件事上深聊,就问道:“你觉得那人是不是在虚张声势?”Old Man Yangshakes the headwith a smile, „thatyouunderestimatedthisperson. The thick patch of grassreal man, is willingto hackto dareto topple the emperor, this, Iestimated that belongsto be willingoneto hack, daresto topple the Dao AncestorBuddha. Naturally, Iam saying the disposition, did not discuss the ability.”杨老头笑着摇头,“那你就小看此人了。草莽好汉,舍得一身剐敢把皇帝拉下马,这一位啊,我估计属于舍得一身剐,都敢把道祖佛祖拉下马。当然,我只是在说心性,不谈能耐。”Ruan Qiongis half believing and half doubting.阮邛将信将疑。Old Man Yangreferred to the smalltempleentrancegroundwith the tobacco smoked drypole, was stepped onsolidalleyby the pedestrian the especially, saidslowly: „Thisfellow is not quite likeus, hethought that oneselfwalked a single-plank bridge, thereforehe, oncecomes face to face, thought that does not kill the opposite party, was really unfair to itselfvery much. Perhapsback, ifsomepeoplewantto crosshim, is the dead end. Thisperson, youcannotsaysimplyheis the good personor the unprincipled person.”杨老头用旱烟杆指了指小庙门口地面,有一条被行人踩得格外结实的小路,缓缓道:“这家伙跟我们不太一样,他觉得自己走了一条独木桥,所以他一旦与人狭路相逢,觉得不打死对方,就真的是很对不起自己了。或是后边如果有人想要越过他,也是死路一条。这种人,你不能简单说他是好人或是坏人。”Ruan Qiongjumpstoanotherissueinsuddenly, saidslowly: „Chen Ping'anparentalancestry, butissmall townlocally bornordinary citizens, how does his fatherknowthislifeporcelain the mystery? Andis determinednot to hesitatelifeto breakthatchinaware? clear and easy to see, somepeoplepoint out frankly the secretintentionally, wantshimto makethis matter.”阮邛突然又跳到另外一个问题上,缓缓道:“陈平安的父母祖辈,不过是小镇土生土长的寻常百姓,他父亲如何知晓本命瓷的玄妙?并且执意要不惜性命地打破那件瓷器?显而易见,是有人故意道破天机,要他做出此事。”Old Man Yangfor a long time, puts outsmogsilent, finallysaid: „From the beginningIonlythink that is the struggle of commonfamily, whenIrealized not righttime, alreadywas too late. HoweverIam also disinclinedto mixthesefishymanipulating strategically, butis the boredtime, is usedto transferuses one's brains. To comethisin view ofQi Jingchunthatgeneral situation , a seeminglysmallidlehand, buttodiscoveredfinally,thistruekillingincurs, in the words of Go chess master, isdaoist immortal. Mentionedaccurately, tocope withlife good Qi Jingchunincessantly, buttransportedin view of the article of Culture Sagethatlineage/vein. Nowadays, Qi Jingchun the lastwar is too before death dazzling, everyonewas used to it the Qi Jingchunlife and death, was equal tothatarrangementlife or death, in factalsomissed not far.”杨老头沉默许久,吐出一口口烟雾,终于说道:“一开始我只以为是寻常的家族之争,等我意识到不对劲的时候,已经太迟了。不过我也懒得掺和这些乌烟瘴气的勾心斗角,不过是无聊的时候,用来转一转脑子而已。想来这都是针对齐静春的那个大局之中,一个看似小小的闲手,但是到最后才发现,这一手才是真正的杀招,用围棋高手的话说,算是一次神仙手吧。准确说来,不止是为了对付命太好的齐静春,而是针对文圣那一脉的文运。只是现如今,齐静春生前最后一战太耀眼,所有人都习惯了把齐静春的生死,等同于那支文脉的存亡了,事实上也差不远。”old manlooked atcomplexiondignifiedSchool of MilitarySaint, said: „I, whenyouenterBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenahead of schedule, had suspectedyou are also secretly, eitherwasWind and Snow TempleandYingYinChen Clanmade a deal, youhave tostrivefor the mastergate, eitherwasyourselffrom‚worldpure Confucian’YingYinChen Clanthere, obtained the greatestadvantagein secret, thereforeinthisquarrying a mountainverticalfaction.”老人看了眼脸色凝重的兵家圣人,说道:“我在你提早进入骊珠洞天的时候,怀疑过你也是幕后其中一员,要么是风雪庙和颍阴陈氏达成了一笔交易,你不得不为师门出力,要么是你自己从‘世间醇儒’的颍阴陈氏那里,暗中得到了莫大好处,所以在此开山立派。”Ruan Qiongsaid with a smileconfidently: „Old Senior Yangwas complex.”阮邛坦然笑道:“杨老前辈想复杂了。”old manscoffsto say with a smile: „Thoughtcomplex, was not equal tothinks certainly the branch, you can also have a clear consciencenow, butwasyourSchool of Militaryis good atsimplifying. Could not say, reveals the truthin the world, youlag behind, discoveredoneselfdegenerated into one of the Go piece.”老人嗤笑道:“想复杂了,不等于就一定是想岔了,你之所以现在还能够问心无愧,不过是你们兵家擅长化繁为简罢了。说不得以后真相大白于天下,你才后知后觉,发现自己不过是沦为了棋子之一。”
The Ruan Qiongthoughtsare still firm, like the rock, laughsto saysteadily: „Might as well, whichsideinfluenceif is really YingYinChen Clanor, daresto manipulateasGo piecemerecklesslyonGo Board, thatmyRuan Qiongplaces the goodmy familydaughterescape route, one day, Imustkill!”阮邛心思依旧坚定,稳如磐石,大笑道:“无妨,若真是颍阴陈氏或是哪方势力,敢将我作为棋子肆意摆弄在棋盘上,那等我阮邛安置好我家闺女的退路,总有一天,我要一路打杀过去!”In the Ruan Qiongheartsneers, „if so, suited meactually. 100years, most100years, Ican the castingusethatsword. Wheremust not, whocan't kill?”阮邛心中冷笑,“如果真是如此,倒是正合我意了。一百年,最多一百年,我就能够铸造出那把剑。何处去不得,何人杀不得?”Ruan Qiongtakes back the train of thought that askedcuriously: „Is difficultto be inadequatethatMud Vase Laneyoungster, is really the Qi Jingchunburning incensesuccessor?”阮邛收回思绪,好奇问道:“难不成那泥瓶巷少年,真是齐静春的香火继承人?”Old Man Yangraised the oldsmokepoleto knock the wooden chairgently, exchanged the leaf tobaccofrom the waistcloth sack, saidill-humoredly: „Heaven knows.”杨老头提起老烟杆轻轻敲了敲木椅,从腰间布袋换上烟叶,没好气道:“天晓得。”Ruan Qiongknows that at presentthisdeeply concealingold man, in the longyears, in the bellysavestoomanytoomanysecrets.阮邛知道眼前这个深藏不露的老人,在漫长岁月里,肚子里积攒下了太多太多的秘密。Ruan Qiongasked with a smile: „To enter the small town, everyone needsfirstto paybagAuric Essence Copper Coin, gives the small towngatekeeper, thisgenerationisthatmannamedZheng Dafeng, Iknow that thesepricelesscopper coin, do not fall into the pocket of EmperorGreat Li, thereforewas the old seniorsyoufalls the bagissecure? What do the seniorsmakewiththesemoney?”阮邛笑问道:“想要进入小镇,每人需要先交纳一袋子金精铜钱,交给小镇看门人,这一代是那个叫郑大风的男人,我知道这些价值连城的铜钱,可不是落入大骊皇帝的口袋,所以是老前辈你落袋为安了?前辈用这些钱做什么?”old manasked back: „IaskedyourRuan Qiong, how the castingusedthat in mind the sword, will youreply?”老人反问道:“我问你阮邛,到底如何铸造出心目中的那把剑,你会回答吗?”Ruan Qionglaughsfrank.阮邛爽朗大笑。Old Man Yangsaidindifferently: „ThistempleImustmove out.”杨老头淡然说道:“这座庙我要搬走。”Ruan Qionggawkedstaring, butrepliedquickly: „Onlyif it were not formoves tooutside, Ido not have the opinion.”阮邛愣了愣,但很快回答道:“只要不是搬到外边,我没意见。”old mannods, says with a smile: „Looksinyousuchrefreshedshare, Icantellyou a smallsecret.”老人点了点头,笑道:“看在你这么爽快的份上,我可以告诉你一个小秘密。”Ruan Qiongnods, hints itselfto be willingto listen in reverent attention.阮邛点了点头,示意自己愿意洗耳恭听。old manputs outstrongsmog, dissipates the latersilk threadsto twine the entiresmalltemple, actuallybefore then, the smalltemplehas been coveringlightwhite fog, obviouslyold man is cautious, aggravatedcovering uptosmalltemple, old mansighed, opened the mouthto sayslowly: „Whereknows the Qi Jingchunfiercestplace?”老人吐出一口浓重的烟雾,消散之后丝丝缕缕缠绕住整座小庙,其实在这之前,小庙早就笼罩着一层薄薄的白雾,显然老人是为了小心起见,又加重了对小庙的遮掩,老人叹了口气,缓缓开口道:“知道齐静春最厉害的地方在哪里吗?”Ruan Qiongsaid with a smile: „Is the aptitudeis naturally good, the perceptionis high, cultivation baseterrifying. Otherwiseheavens abovethatseveralyour father will, howbe willing the facial skinto cope withQi Jingchuntogether?”阮邛笑道:“自然是资质好,悟性高,修为恐怖。要不然天上那几尊大人物,岂会舍得脸皮一起对付齐静春?”old manshakes the head, „supposed that Chen Ping'an is really the person who Qi Jingchunselects, thenoutside, somepeoplebyChen Ping'anas a move of skilled artist, in the surfaceleft unusedcertainly the entiretenyears, actuallyoperatesin secretcarefully, even during this, evenIwas also used. The wonderis wonderful, play Go of thatpersonbesideGo Board, movesto the hand, after thatGo piecebeginstakes root, the personis notinflexibleGo piece, will gradually liveto vent anger, thereforemore and morelikeGo piece, not killingto incuris getting more and more covert. Let alone, bythisGo piece, seems like that strengthenormouskeyGo piece, EmperorGreat LireposesSong Jixin that the entireSong Clanhopeis, helpsattractvariousgroup of attention, finallybuildsunder the lamp the blackexcellent situation.”老人摇摇头,“假设陈平安真是齐静春选中的人,那么外边,就是有人以陈平安作为一招绝妙手,表面上闲置了整整十年,其实暗中小心经营,甚至这期间连我也被利用了。妙就妙在,那人在棋盘之外下棋,行棋离手,那颗棋子落子生根之后,人到底不是死板的棋子,会逐渐自己生出气来,于是会越来越不像棋子,杀招就越来越隐蔽。更何况,这枚棋子旁边,还有一枚看似力气极大的关键手棋子,正是那大骊皇帝寄托整个宋氏希望所在的宋集薪,帮忙吸引各路视线,最终营造出灯下黑的大好局面。”
The Ruan Qiongcomplexionis serious, asks: „Qi Jingchunwas known as that is likelyto standteachesto callancestor'sperson, althoughsomepeoplekillQi Jingchunbythishandful ofintentionally, butdefinitelyalldid not talk nonsense, how to see the littletraces?”阮邛脸色沉重,问道:“齐静春号称是有望立教称祖的人,虽然是有人故意以此捧杀齐静春,但肯定不全是胡说八道,岂会看不出一点点蛛丝马迹?”
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