Someroomthat sidepeopleexclaimedhurriedly: „Surnamed Chen should not be loaf, without delaysaid,rollsto work!”
The youngstersighed, saidto the cart driver: „Has the wordsto speak frankly, is good?”
少年叹了口气,对车夫说道:“有话直说,行不行?”Manboth handsrubbed the cheeks, exhales the one breath, saidin a low voice: „Iam a Great LiImperial Courtperson ready dead, is responsible forprotectingthesechildrento studytoMountain Cliff Academy, naturally, Idid not deny that alsohasto supervisethemnotby the responsibility that the bystanderturnsto run, for exampleGreat Sui, for exampleViewing Lake Academy, theseyoucannot understandhave not related, do youbelievehave not related. However no matter how IyourelatewithMister Qi, no matteralsoyoudid know that horseZhanmaold gentleman, I hope youin the near future the carefulsecurity, becausehorseMister, indeliveringuswill go to the Mountain Cliff Academyhalfway, was killed. ButhorseMisterbefore then, chattedwithmeoccasionally, has mentionedyoutwice, said that onetimeherememberedlong before, sweeping the floortime, frequentlysawchild who likedsquattinginschoolout of the window, the secondtimewasto sayMister Qibeforeresigning fromschool teacherandacademyMountain Lord, said that you were also the studyingseed, hedid not only have the meansto leadyouto go toMountain Cliff Academypitifully.”
The mensmile bitterly saying: „Was a pitythesechildren, the present is really the homelesspoor man, academydoes not dareto go, the family/home of small towndid not have. MustknowMountain Cliff Academy that Mister Qiorganized, is noteveryonecango to study, ourGreat LiCapital City1 millionpeople, so manyyearsaccumulateit is said that also the disciples of more than tenMountain Cliff Academyfamily backgrounds, are the high officialnow.”
汉子苦笑道:“只是可惜了这几个孩子,现在真是无家可归的可怜人,书院不敢去,小镇的家也没了。要知道齐先生创办的山崖书院,可不是人人都能进去读书的,我们那座大骊京城百万人,据说这么多年累积下来,也才十几个山崖书院出身的弟子,如今一个个都当了大官。”Li Huailowers the head, cannot see clearly the expression.李槐低着头,看不清表情。Dong Shuijingstands in same place, unemotional.董水井站在原地,面无表情。Distant placeRuan Xiucoughsgently, Chen Ping'anhas turned the head, azure clothesgirlnodswith a smile.
远处阮秀轻轻咳嗽一声,陈平安转过头去,青衣少女笑着点点头。In the Chen Ping'anheartunderstands clearly, onlyshouted the Li Huainame, „Li Huai, you twocome, Ihave the words to firstaskyou.”陈平安心中了然,只喊了李槐的名字,“李槐,你们两个过来,我有话要先问你们。”Li Huai, drewDong Shuijingto proceed.李槐哦了一声,拉着董水井往前走。When the mandid not realizeright, Chen Ping'ansuddenlydrawsLi HuaiandDong Shuijingtooneselfbehind, heonestepforwards, sinkingsound said: „Xiexie/thanksyounotifiedme, latertheseschoolchildren, Iwill look afterforhorseold gentlemantheir, laterwasto go toCapital Citylooks fortheirparents, madeanything, Imustasktheiropinion.”
The mendoto say with a smile: „Chen Ping'an, thisimproper, Icannursetheirsafetycompared withyouafter all.”
汉子干笑道:“陈平安,这不妥吧,我毕竟比你更能看护他们的安危。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „All right, Iam richnow, moreoverknewcounty magistrateSirWu Yuan, Ministry of Ritesvice-ministerDonglake, ifreallyhas the matter, Iwill looktheir. Naturally, firstaskedourMaster Ruanto helpconvey a message.”陈平安笑道:“没事,我如今有钱,而且认识了县令大人吴鸢,还有礼部右侍郎董湖,如果真有事情,我会找他们的。当然,是先请我们阮师傅帮忙传话。”Thiscart driverpouts, the corner of the eyesplit visionshot a look, discovered that a staturenottallmanstandsunder the eaves.
这名车夫努了努嘴,眼角余光瞥了一下,发现一位身材并不高大的男人站在屋檐下。Originallykilling intentionalready the cart driveris streaming with sweatimmediately, saidto the Chen Ping'ansmile: „Ok, sincehorseold gentlemanis willingto believeyou, Itrust certainlyyourmoral behavior, read, Chen Ping'an, iflaterhas the matterto needmeto help, goes tonorth the small townthreefemaletomblanesto look forme, livesinlanenorthheadthatsmallhouse.”
原本杀心已起的车夫顿时汗流浃背,对陈平安笑脸道:“行,既然马老先生都愿意相信你,我当然信得过你的人品,读了,陈平安,如果以后有事情需要我帮忙,就去小镇北边的三女冢巷找我,就住在巷子最北边头上那栋小宅子。”Chen Ping'anpolite and amiablesaid with a smile: „Said it and meant it.”陈平安和和气气笑道:“一言为定。”
The cart driversturn aroundto depart.
The Chen Ping'anforeheadseeps out the sweat, wait untilthatpersonvanishesin the field of visionthoroughly, saidtotwo people: „Li Huai, Lin Shouyi, seesLi Baopingwithme.”Li Huaiasked: „Li Baoping did alreadyalltellyou?”陈平安额头渗出汗水,等到那人彻底消失在视野,才对两人说道:“李槐,林守一,跟我去见李宝瓶。”李槐问道:“李宝瓶已经跟你全说了?”Chen Ping'annods.陈平安点头。Dong Shuijingasked: „Shi ChunjiaandLin Shouyiwhat to do?”董水井则问道:“石春嘉和林守一怎么办?”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „alreadywas received.”陈平安笑道:“已经被接过来了。”Dong Shuijinglooked athisoneeyes, did not speak.董水井看了他一眼,不说话。Stillwasthattemporarilyin the emptycastingsword, the Chen Ping'anstand, is facing a row of platoonto sitfiveschooluntaught childrenontwobench, according to the agedivided, in descending order , areRiding Dragon LaneShi Chunjia, Peach Leaf LaneLin Shouyi, Almond Blossom LaneDong Shuijing, Good Luck and Fortune StreetLi Baoping, westsmall townLi Huai.
仍然是那间暂时空荡荡的铸剑室内,陈平安站着,面对着排排坐在两条长凳上的五个学塾蒙童,按照年纪来分,依次是骑龙巷石春嘉,桃叶巷林守一,杏花巷董水井,福禄街的李宝瓶,小镇最西边的李槐。Except thatLi Huaiis youngest, is quite disparately bigwiththem, actuallyotherfourpeople of respectivephase differencesare aboutseveralmonths.
除了李槐年纪最小,跟他们悬殊比较大,其实其余四人各自相差不过几个月。Chen Ping'anasked: „Li HuaiandDong Shuijingalreadysaid the situation, youfelt the outsider who thatsays the Great Liperson ready dead, whatactuallydoes wantto make?”陈平安问道:“李槐和董水井已经把刚才的情况说了,你们觉得那个自称大骊死士的外乡人,到底想做什么?”Lin Shouyi that the preciousfox fur coatdoes not seesaidindifferently: „Eventhatsurnamed CuiwhymustkillhorseMister, wedo not know the answer, whatdiscussedother?”
名贵狐裘早已不见的林守一冷漠道:“连那姓崔的为何要杀马先生,我们都不知道答案,何谈其它?”Shi Chunjiacloselyis snuggling the shoulder of Li Baoping, complexionslightlywhite, somewhatwas still terrified, but after returning to the small town, particularlyseesrelativelyquitefamiliarChen Ping'an, the little girlheart of thissheep's-horn braidsdecided after few, did not needto be worriedto turn intohorseMisterdiedthat a pitifulappearancesuddenly, theyhelpedis digging a pitto bury, Shi Chunjiafrightenshidesin the distant place, cried on each other's shoulders, from beginning to end cannot help, Li Huaijust as bad, hidincompared withshefartherplace, the toothfights.石春嘉紧紧依偎着李宝瓶的肩膀,脸色微白,仍然有些惶恐不安,但是回到小镇后,尤其是见到相对比较熟悉的陈平安,这个扎羊角辫的小女孩心定了许多,最少不用担心突然就变成马先生死后的那么个凄惨样子,他们帮着挖坑下葬的时候,石春嘉吓得躲在远处,抱头痛哭,从头到尾也没能帮上忙,李槐也好不到哪里去,躲在比她更远的地方,牙齿打架。Thislittle whileLi Huaiis holding the belly, puts on a long face, whispers: „Is hungryandthirsty, so-calledsuffers hunger and cold, was mediocre. The parents, yoursonspassnowwellpainstakingly.”
这会儿李槐抱着肚子,哭丧着脸,嘀咕道:“又饿又渴,所谓饥寒交迫,不过如此了。爹娘啊,你们的儿子如今过得好苦啊。”Li Baopingturns headsays with a glare: „Li Huai!”李宝瓶扭头瞪眼道:“李槐!”Li Huaiis drooping the head, twitchedsitsin the rightmostDong Shuijingsleevesecretly, „well, are youhungry?”李槐耷拉着脑袋,偷偷扯了扯坐在最右边董水井的袖子,“水井,你饿不饿?”Dong Shuijingtranquilsay/way: „Icannot think ofhungrily.”董水井平静道:“我可以装着不饿。”Li Huaishows the whites of the eyes.李槐翻了个白眼。Li Baopingis disheartened, the subconsciousnessputs out a handto hold the sheep's-horn braids of nearbyShi Chunjia, made an effortto sway, „actuallynow anything, cannot see through is not fully correct, Lin Shouyisaidright, the opposite partyplay Gopersondefinitelywas a expert, wewere too tender, the urgent matter, preserveslife, after confirming the safe, discussedotheragain, for examplewithout delaywithmoving the Great LiCapital Cityfamily membergreeted, reportssoundPing'an(safe and sound).”李宝瓶灰心丧气,下意识伸手抓住一旁石春嘉的羊角辫,使劲摇晃了一下,“其实现在什么事情都云里雾里,看不穿猜不透的,林守一说得对,对方下棋的人肯定是高手,我们太嫩了,当务之急,是保住性命,确认安全无虞之后,再来谈其它,比如赶紧跟迁去大骊京城的家里人打招呼,报声平安。”
After Li Baopingreads smoothlymentioned„reportsoundPing'an(safe and sound)”thisview, everyonesubconsciouslylookstooppositethatfellow who wore the straw sandal.李宝瓶顺嘴讲出“报声平安”这个说法后,所有人都下意识望向对面那个穿草鞋的家伙。Chen Ping'anfor a long time, askedsilent: „Howsincecannot find outothersto think how wemake clear ourselvesto think.”陈平安沉默许久,问道:“既然想不出别人怎么想,那我们就搞清楚自己怎么想的。”Saw after oppositefivepeopledo not have the objection, Chen Ping'anasked: „Youwantto put downPing'an(safe and sound)secureto go toGreat LiCapital City, looksyourparentselders??”
The Li Huaipainwails saying: „Myparentsleadmyelder sisternot to know where enjoyed happiness, Capital City that Igo, mymaternal uncletheirfamily/homethattemperament, reallyhad money, will only bullyme, beforewaswhenverylooked, lateralsoinappropriatepersonal enemy? Hugelybig, unexpectedlywithoutmyLi Huai the place of taking shelter?”李槐痛苦哀嚎道:“我爹娘带着我姐不知道去哪儿享福了,我去个屁的京城,就我舅他们家那脾气,真有钱了,只会更欺负我啊,以前是当贼看,以后还不得当仇人?天大地大,竟然没有我李槐的容身之处啊?”Li BaopingbypassesShi Chunjiais a Chinese chestnutpounds, hitLi Huaiimmediatelynot to have the temperament.李宝瓶绕过石春嘉就是一板栗砸下去,打得李槐顿时没了脾气。Dong Shuijingthinks,is depressed saying: „Iwantto study, ifmyparentsstay in the small town, does not studydoes not study, helpingunderthemworkalsogood, maygo toCapital City, what can Imake? TheirGreat LiMandarin/bureaucratic languagewill not say,Iam notLi Baoping, studiesanythingquickperson. Alsomygrandfatherdied, wantsmealso to alsodiein the school, said that laterdoes not regard the scholar, do not goto visit a gravetohim, hedid not recognize my grandson. If the small townhereschoolcontinuesto manage, Istay in the town/subdues.”董水井想了想,闷闷道:“我想念书,如果我爹娘是留在小镇,不读书就不读书,帮他们下地干活也行,可去了京城,我能做啥?连他们大骊的官话也不会说,我又不是李宝瓶,学什么都快的人。再说了我爷爷死的时候,要我也要也死在学塾里,说以后当不成读书人,就别去给他上坟,他不认我这个孙子了。要是小镇这边学塾继续办下去,我就留在镇上。”Shi Chunjiais red the eye, shywas saying: „Iwantto go toCapital Cityto look for the parents.”石春嘉红着眼睛,怯生生道:“我想去京城找爹娘。”Sitsknits the browsinbenchleftmostLin Shouyi: „Wheresecurity, Igo.”
The Li Baopingdoublebraceletchest, the lookis bright, is in high spirits, saidloudly: „Imustgo toMountain Cliff Academy! Place that goes toMister Qito study!”李宝瓶双臂环胸,眼神熠熠,神采飞扬,大声道:“我要去山崖书院!去齐先生读书的地方!”Li Baopingstands up, standsbetweenChen Ping'anandfourschoolfellowuntaught children, sheput out a handto refer toDong Shuijing, „, let aloneGreat Li, entireeasternTreasure Bottle Continent, wasMister QiMountain Cliff Academyto be most famous, ifyourgrandfatherknows that youstayed in the small townto study, butdid not go toMountain Cliff Academy, Iestimated that the coffinboard of hisold manmust unable to cover. Naturally, fears deathyounot to go, herestudies, boilstenyears, cancalculate that the crude personscholar, the totalratiodiesin the road that studiesgood.”李宝瓶站起身,站在陈平安和四位同窗蒙童之间,她伸手指了指董水井,“别说大骊,整个东宝瓶洲,就属齐先生的山崖书院最有名气,你爷爷要是知道你留在小镇读书,而不去山崖书院,我估计他老人家的棺材板都要盖不住了。当然,怕死你别去,在这里读书,熬个十来年,也能算个半吊子读书人,总比死在去求学的路上好。”Dong Shuijingsuppresses the whole faceto become flushedtoLi Baopingthese words.董水井给李宝瓶这番话憋得满脸涨红。Li Baopingaims atLin Shouyi, „younotlooked down uponillegitimate child? Moreoveryoualsolook down upon my rich manchild from the bottom of the heartwas borninGood Luck and Fortune Street? After youarrived atMountain Cliff Academy, whodaresto look down uponyou? Naturally, Mister Qihas said that underNobleman not verticaldangerwall. ThereforeyourLin Shouyiis willingto stay here, Ibeing disinclinedmanageyou.”李宝瓶指向林守一,“你不是被人瞧不起的私生子吗?而且你也打心底瞧不起我这种出生在福禄街的有钱人孩子吗?你到了山崖书院之后,谁敢看不起你?当然,齐先生说过,君子不立危墙之下。所以你林守一愿意留在这里,我才懒得管你。”Shi ChunjiasawLi Baopingputs out a handto aim at itself, onecries.石春嘉一看到李宝瓶伸手指向自己,哇一下就哭出来。
A Li Baopingfacegets angryitnot the expression that strugglesto feel sad for their misfortunes, sits the home position, Li Huaiwonders saying: „Li Baoping, how didn't yousayme?”李宝瓶一脸怒其不争哀其不幸的表情,坐回原位,李槐纳闷道:“李宝瓶,你咋不说我呢?”Li Baopingreplied: „Does not wantto speaktoyou.”李宝瓶答道:“不想跟你说话。”Li Huaistayed, laterbeginssilentlysupinely, whole facegrief and indignation.李槐呆了呆,之后默默仰起头,满脸悲愤。Chen Ping'andoes not look atotherfourpeople, butlookstoredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, asked: „Does determinationneedto go toMountain Cliff Academy?”陈平安不去看其余四人,只是看向红棉袄小姑娘一人,问道:“确定要去山崖书院?”
The Li Baopingnodsaid: „Mister Qihas said that ourMountain Cliff Academy the essence of book collection, excels by far a continent! Mister Qi added that all my issues, even ifhewere unasnwerable, butcanfromtherebooks, find the answercompletely!”李宝瓶点头道:“齐先生说过,我们山崖书院的藏书之精,冠绝一洲!齐先生还说了,我所有的问题,哪怕他无法回答,但是全部可以从那里的书本上,找到答案!”OurMountain Cliff Academy.
我们山崖书院。clear and easy to see, the little misshas treated as herselfthatacademystudentdisciple.显而易见,小姑娘早就把自己当做那座书院的学生弟子了。Chen Ping'anaskedfinally: „Doesn't fearbear hardships?”陈平安最后问道:“不怕吃苦?”On the little missesthatimposing mannerdropsslightlysome, „a person, a littlefeared.”
小姑娘身上那股气势微微下降些许,“一个人,就有点怕。”Chen Ping'ansmilebrightsay/way: „Good.”陈平安笑容灿烂道:“好的。”Li Baopingis bewildered, „?”李宝瓶一脸茫然,“嗯?”Chen Ping'ansaidseriously: „Iaccompanyyouto go tothatMountain Cliff Academy.”陈平安一本正经道:“我陪你去那座山崖书院。”Li Baopingstarts to speak but hesitates, the eye socketis red, thisfearlessredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, if notbecause the sidesitsfourcowards, shemustcry aloud.李宝瓶欲言又止,眼眶通红,这个天不怕地不怕的红棉袄小姑娘,如果不是因为身边坐着四个胆小鬼,她早就又要哭出声了。Beforefor a long time is very very long, for the first time goes tosmall stream„to hold”thatcrab, actuallyheralreadyoutside the main house gatehas criedsecretly, therefore after dashing the main house gate, canbe so proud.
就像很久很久之前,第一次去小溪“抓住”那只螃蟹,其实在家门外她已经偷偷哭过了,所以飞奔进家门后才能那么骄傲。Chen Ping'anbeckonstoLi Baoping, inLi Baopingarrives ataround the body, heonotherfourpeopleto the benchsaid: „Yourfourherea while, IandLi Baopingfind the person, said a matter, will have the relationswithyou. Thereforeleavesanxiously.”陈平安对李宝瓶招招手,在李宝瓶走到自己身前后,他对长凳上其余四人说道:“你们四个在这里等会儿,我和李宝瓶去找人,说点事情,跟你们也会有关系。所以别急着走。”ThenChen Ping'anis holding the hand of little miss, the trendcastsoutside the swordroomtogether.
The straw sandalyoungsterseems like thinking aloud,seems like speakingtowhom, „Ihave said that has complied with the matter, is doneonmust.”
草鞋少年既像是在自言自语,又像是在对谁说话,“我说过,答应过的事情,就一定要做。”Li Baopingis wipingtearswhilesaid: „Butthatlittle whileyouhave also said that the words that ifcannot achieve, cangreet.”李宝瓶一边擦着眼泪一边说道:“可是那会儿你也说过啊,万一做不到的话,可以打声招呼。”Chen Ping'anshakes the head, supplesound said: „Mister Qialreadynot. Igreeted, hecould not hear.”陈平安摇了摇头,柔声道:“齐先生已经不在了。我打招呼,他听不到。”
--Approximatelyshortoneburning a joss sticktime, even ifyoungsteralreadyleads the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missto walk away, School of MilitarySaintRuan Qiongstillsitson the smallbamboochair, somehave not gotten back one's composure.
大约短短一炷香功夫而已,哪怕少年已经带着红棉袄小姑娘走远,兵家圣人阮邛依然坐在小竹椅上,有些没回过神。Ruan Xiualsositson the chair, looks atdesertedthatbamboochair, is utterly confused.阮秀也坐在椅子上,看着空落落的那张竹椅,心乱如麻。
The youngstermakeRuan Qionghelpbuyfivemountain tops, buthemustleave the small townquickly, ifdid not come back, four in fivemountain top, Abjection Mountain, the valuablelumountain, the colorcloud peak, the immortalgrassy hill, givesLiu Xianyangrespectively, Gu Can, Ning Yao, Ruan Xiu. Heonlyleaves behindthataloneTrue Pearl Mountain, leaves the 300years.
少年让阮邛帮忙买下五座山头,但是他很快就要离开小镇,如果回不来了,就把五座山头里的四座,落魄山,宝箓山,彩云峰,仙草山,分别送给刘羡阳,顾粲,宁姚,阮秀。他只留下那座孤零零的真珠山,留给自己三百年。In the small towngives on new yearswith the clovertwoneighboringshops, canaskMaster Ruanto hire the personhelpto safeguard, if poor management, having the day of doorclosureis also indifferent. Howeverhewill leave behindthathundredordinarysnakebluestones, makingMaster Ruanhelpsellingin that side, the money, is usedto maintain the revolution of shop. Althoughtwoshopsdo not needto considerto gainto make money, but the youngsterhopes that in the shopeachpartner, canbe informedhereshop owner, isMud Vase Lanefamilysurnamed Chen, istheirfamily/homeopens.
小镇上压岁和草头两间相邻的铺子,可以请阮师傅雇人帮忙看管,如果经营不善,有天店门关闭也无所谓。不过他会留下那百来颗普通蛇胆石,让阮师傅在那边帮着卖,赚来的银子,用来维持店铺的运转。两间铺子虽然不用考虑盈利挣钱,但是少年希望铺子里每个伙计,都能被告知这里的店主,是泥瓶巷一户姓陈的人家,是他们家开的。IsMaster Ruanmustsend toGreat LiCapital Cityfourschooluntaught childrenagainsafely.
再就是阮师傅必须将四个学塾蒙童安全送去大骊京城。As the reward, the youngsterhalfDragon Beheading Platform, as well as after buying the mountainbuys the shop, surpluscompleteAuric Essence Copper Coin, givesMaster Ruan.
作为报酬,少年把半块斩龙台,以及买山买铺子之后剩余的全部金精铜钱,交给阮师傅。Ruan Qionghas not rejected.阮邛没有拒绝。HoweverRuan Qiongsaid that can only guaranteeheandLi Baopingdeliver tosouthGreat LiBian Jing/frontier, after leaving country, the life and deathriches and honor can only meet one's fate with resignation.
The Chen Ping'annodcomplies.陈平安点头答应。In the twilight, after Chen Ping'anplacesfivechildren, moves toward the small townalone.
暮色里,陈平安安置好五个孩子后,独自走向小镇。Passes through the stone arch bridge, walks into the small town, walks intoMud Vase Lane, returning to the house, the dim light of nightto arrive, the youngsterlookis tranquil, lightslights.
The youngsterto the lights, are standing night watchdo not rest, was ordinarylikestaying up all night on new year's eve of pastevery yearSpring Festival.
The lightsdrag, shine upon the look that the youngsterenduressilent.
--Onstone arch bridge, some people of asked with a smile: „Millenniumdarkrooms, a lampis bright. Seniors, how?”
石拱桥上,有人笑问道:“千年暗室,一灯即明。前辈,如何?”Somepeoplereplied: „But.”
--WhenChen Ping'an„waking up”, discoveredoneselfsawthatperson for the fourth time, hoveringinin the air, the snow whitesleevesswaycalmly.
当陈平安“醒来”,发现自己第四次见到了那人,悬停于空中,雪白衣袖无风飘曳。Thatperson of tip of the toefalls to the groundgently, moves towardChen Ping'an.
那人脚尖轻轻落地,走向陈平安。Every timewalksonestep, thatperson of facial featuresare clear a point.
每走一步,那人的面容就清晰一分。Thatpersonstillstaturetall, actuallydoes not give the personto feelextremely fat.
那人依然身材高大,却丝毫不给人臃肿感觉。Thatpersonunexpectedlyis a female.
那人竟然是一位女子。Regarding the youngster, can only say that shelivesattractively, tocannotextremelyattractivelyagainattractivelittle. Shestandsbefore the youngsterbody, finallystops the footsteps, shelowers the headto bend the waist, stares at that pair of cleaneyepupil of youngster, the voicegentleopens the mouthwas saying: „Myalreadywaited for in 8000. Chen Ping'an, althoughyourcultivatedtalent, cannot comparemybeforehandmasterby far, butdoesn't matter.”
对于少年而言,只能说她生得极其好看,好看到不能再好看一点点。她站在少年身前,终于停下脚步,她低头弯腰,凝视着少年的那双干净眼眸,嗓音轻柔开口道:“我已经等了八千年了。陈平安,虽然你的修行天赋,远远比不上我之前的主人,但是没有关系。”Shelowered the headto approachseveralpoints, almostwanted the foreheadto bump into the Chen Ping'anforehead, „Chen Ping'an, Iwantto askyouto helpmewith the outsidefourworld, spokea few words, Ok?”
她又低头凑近了几分,几乎就要额头碰到陈平安的额头,“陈平安,我想请你帮我跟外边的四座天下,说一句话,可以吗?”Chen Ping'annodssubconsciously.陈平安下意识地点了点头。
The tallfemalesmilessuddenly.高大女子蓦然一笑。Sheknees downsuddenly, even ifso, shestillraises headslightly, canwithstaturethinChen Ping'anlooking at each other.
她突然单膝跪地,哪怕如此,她依然只是微微仰头,就能与身材消瘦的陈平安对视。„Good, starting today, Chen Ping'an, youaremysecond, was the lastmaster.”
A Chen Ping'anfacedelay.陈平安一脸呆滞。
The tallfemale of whole bodysnow whitebrightnarrowsextremelylongeyepupil, the corners of the mouthbringssmilling expression, sheknees down, kneelstothatignorantyoungster, sheis in high spirits, inthatpair of eyespupil seems puttingten thousandli (0.5 km)mountains and riversscenery, hersinkingsound said: „Chen Ping'an, pleasereadonewithmethatpledge. Ok?”
满身雪白亮光的高大女子眯起极长的眼眸,嘴角带着笑意,她单膝跪地,跪向那位懵懵懂懂的少年,她神采飞扬,那双眼眸里仿佛放着万里山河风光,她沉声道:“陈平安,请你跟我念一遍那句誓言。可以吗?”Shestretches out the only one handpalm, raises upgentlybefore the youngsterbody.
她伸出一只手掌,轻轻竖起在少年身前。Chen Ping'analsostretches out the only one handpalm, joins the palms in greetinggentlyin the same place.陈平安也伸出一只手掌,轻轻合掌在一起。Shecloses the eye, saidslowly: „The Heavenly Daoavalanche, myChen Ping'an, a onlysword, maymove the mountain, breaks the river, pours the sea, Monster Subduing, the town/subduesdemon, the imperial edictgod, picks the star, destroys the city, opens the day!”
The youngsterfollowinherheartto discuss: „The Heavenly Daoavalanche, myChen Ping'an, a onlysword, maymove the mountain, breaks the river, pours the sea, Monster Subduing, the town/subduesdemon, the imperial edictgod, picks the star, destroys the city, opens the day!”...
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