On the shelf. This chapterten thousandcharacter. ps: Welcometo pay attention to the WeChatpublicnumber: fenghuo1985
上架了。本章万字。ps:欢迎关注微信公众号:fenghuo1985Chen Ping'anfirstlook around, has not seen the difference, thisholds the hand of little miss, saidin a soft voice: „Elsewhere wegoto speak.”陈平安第一时间环顾四周,并没有看到异样,这才牵起小姑娘的手,轻声道:“我们去别处说话。”Chen Ping'anthinks,creek sideis peaceful, is easyto hideto evade the personinformer, since thattimedetectsincreek waterto have the dirtything, no longereasilylaunches.陈平安想了想,溪边安静,容易躲藏起来避人耳目,但是自从那次察觉到溪水里有脏东西之后,就不再轻易下水。
After the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missimpatientundersaidthese words, immediatelysomewhatregretted, becausesideChen Ping'anis standing a bystander, Sister Ruan of azure clothesponytail, althoughthattimeinAzure Ox Back, Li Baopingalreadyhad actually metwithRuan Xiubefore, at that timeDaoismthatpair of golden boys and jade maidenson the scene, raised the azureredtwobigfish, is pulling the snow whiteelk, has the originwith the family that the little misswas. Ruan Xiuat this moment, looks certainlynot to seem like the unprincipled person, but the little missmostfears that now, exactlyisthiskind of person, the half-cookedrelations, lookingare very good, finallydoes not seeto dispatch the knife, the sideintimatepersonwas heldonalready.
红棉袄小姑娘心急之下说出这句话后,立即有些后悔,因为陈平安身边站着一个外人,青衣马尾辫的阮姐姐,虽然之前那次在青牛背,李宝瓶其实已经跟阮秀见过一面,当时还有道家的那双金童玉女在场,一位豢养青红两尾大鱼,一位牵着雪白麋鹿,与小姑娘所在的家族有渊源。此时此刻的阮秀,当然看着不像是坏人,但是小姑娘现在最怕的,恰恰就是这类人,半生不熟的关系,瞧着很善良,最后不见递出刀子,身边亲近的人就已经被捅死了。From the beginninghorseMisterandthatsurnamed Cui, two peopletravels together, refers to the classicsto shoot the breeze, the poetrycomposes a poem in response to one receivedsings while drinking, in the Li Huaiwords, thissurnamed Cuieitheris Mr. horseillegitimate child, eitheris the grandson, otherwise the relationsare insufficient is so good. No onehas thought that high-spiritedhorseMister, dies, inthatnamemovedin the personNoblemanhand of the world, according to the horseold gentlemanearliestview, amongeasternTreasure Bottle ContinentallConfucianismNoblemantalented people, havingtwo peopleis especially outstanding, is honored as„big or smallMonarch”, CuiMisterisfamous„viewlakelittleMonarch”. Before the accidentcomes up in great numbers and from all sides, the almost allpeople'simpressiontoCui Minghuangare excellent, mild-mannered and cultivated . Moreover the knowledgeis enormous, probablyis omniscient, asked that hisanythingcanreply. OnlyLin Shouyimostdoes not likeCui Minghuang, butcomesLin Shouyi of Peach Leaf Lanefront doorwealthy and powerful family, probablyinbornisthatyouowesmeseveral milliontwomoney the solemnexpression, because ofhimwithrelationalfeel alienated of otherfouruntaught children, thereforeearliestLin ShouyihastoCuiNoblemanhas tauntedrepeatedly, no oneunderstands, onlyconsidersLin Shouyito envyCui Minghuangcompared withhishandsomergoodYoung Master.
一开始马先生和那位姓崔的,两人一路同行,引经据典高谈阔论,诗词唱和对酒当歌,用李槐的话说,这姓崔的要么是马老头的私生子,要么就是嫡孙,否则关系不至于这么好。谁都没有想到意气风发的马先生,就死在了那位名动天下的正人君子手中,按照马老先生最早的说法,东宝瓶洲的所有儒家君子贤人当中,有两人格外出类拔萃,被誉为“大小君”,崔先生即是大名鼎鼎的“观湖小君”。而在变故横生之前,几乎所有人对崔明皇的印象都极好,温文尔雅,而且学问极大,好像无所不知,问他什么都能回答上来。唯独林守一最早就不喜欢崔明皇,不过出身桃叶巷大门大户的林守一,好像天生就是那副你欠我几百万两银子的冷峻表情,因为他跟其余四位蒙童的关系疏离,所以最早林守一对崔君子有过多次冷嘲热讽,没有人心领神会,只当是林守一嫉妒崔明皇比他更加翩翩佳公子。AlthoughRuan Xiudoes not understand that the little miss is not quite why friendlytooneselflook, but was still proposed: „Otherwisewent toourthatjustto buildwellcasts the swordroomnewly?”阮秀虽然不明白为何小姑娘对自己的眼神不太友善,但仍是提议道:“不然去我们那间刚刚打造好的新铸剑室?”Is the little missbeing frightened by the slightest sound, grasps the hand of Chen Ping'anstubbornly, makes an effortto shake the head, the lookis full of the desire: „Chen Ping'an, don't wego tostrangermanyplaces, OK?”
已是风声鹤唳的小姑娘,死死抓紧陈平安的手,使劲摇头,眼神充满乞求:“陈平安,我们不去陌生人多的地方,好不好?”Chen Ping'angrasped the Li Baopingsmall handgently, supplesound said: „Believesme, the castingswordroom in blacksmithshop, is the safestplace.”陈平安轻轻握了握李宝瓶的小手,柔声道:“相信我,铁匠铺子的铸剑室,是最安全的地方。”
The little misseslook upChen Ping'anthateye, probably when sheyoung, arrives at the water's edgecreek water that for the first time when alonesees, clear enough to see bottom, the running waterflowedslowly, let the childfeelat that timeownis or isn'tcould not grow upforever. The little miss who at this time met with the life and deathdangerous situation, a lot ofputs in great inconvenience toinexplicableto well up, cried, sobs saying: „Chen Ping'anyoucannotdeceiveme!”
The Chen Ping'anlooksaidfirmly: „Does not deceiveyou!”陈平安眼神坚定道:“不骗你!”Ruan Xiubroughtone big and one small to cast the swordroom, pulled out the keyto open the door, shestood in same place, the gentle voicesaid with a smile: „Ido not go, givesyouto act as lookout outside, even ifmy fathercame, cannotheenter.”阮秀带着一大一小到了铸剑室,掏出钥匙打开门,她站在原地,柔声笑道:“我就不进去了,给你们在外边望风,哪怕我爹来了,也不许他进。”SomeChen Ping'anembarrassed, explainedlow voice: „can or cannotgivesherto bringeatingdrinking, Iestimated that under after underherdoes not haveis so anxious, essence, spirit and qiall of a suddenwill give way, when the time comesfills the bellyanythingis stronger, Iam youngtimefrequentlythis.”陈平安有些尴尬,小声解释道:“能不能给她带点吃的喝的,我估计等下她下没那么紧张后,精神气会一下子垮掉的,到时候填饱肚子比什么都强,我小的时候就经常这样。”Ruan Xiumakes an effortto nod, is sidewaysslightly, sees onlyherwrist/skillto turn, does not know where changed a smallsilkbag, gaveChen Ping'an, „giving on new yearsshopnewly-madefivepeachflower cakes, firsttook away. Iget the potwaterto comeagain, makinghernot eattooquickly, be not choking.”阮秀使劲点头,微微侧身,只见她手腕一翻,不知道从哪里变出了一只小绸袋,递给陈平安,“压岁铺子新制的五块桃花糕,先拿去吧。我再去拿壶水过来,让她别吃太快,别噎着。”Chen Ping'anandLi Baopingsit facing each other, sitson the smallbackless stoolrespectively, although the little girlreceived the peachflower cake, sign that butdo not eat.陈平安和李宝瓶相对而坐,各自坐在小板凳上,小女孩虽然接下了桃花糕,但是没有要吃的迹象。Chen Ping'ansaidin a soft voice: „What's the matter, said that looks.”陈平安轻声道:“到底怎么回事,说说看。”
The Li Baopingspeechis extremely slow, usuallymakesanythingurgentcharacterwithher, probablyis very contradictory. However the little missspeechis slow, justcanmakeChen Ping'anstroke the mentality, sees things in others'shoesputting oneself in another's place the issue. DiesbeforeschoolthatoldhorseMister, the road of exiling homefiveuntaught childtravelling farstudy, walksverysmoothly, the ox cartsandtwohorse-drawn vehiclestookseveral hundredli (0.5 km)road, horseMisterandViewing Lake AcademyCui Minghuangdiscussreallyhappy, becomes the junction of forgettingyear, butone day, horseMister, wheninspectstheirschoolwork, suddenlysaid that mustgoto chat the traveling schedulewithCuiMister, will havepossibilityboth sidesto go separate ways, since thenhas left, after all the banquet of the world allpowder.李宝瓶说话极慢,跟她平时做什么都火急火燎的性格,好像很矛盾。不过小姑娘说话慢,刚好能够让陈平安捋一捋思路,设身处地去换位思考问题。在学塾那位年迈的马先生死之前,五位蒙童远游求学的离乡之路,走得很顺风顺水,牛车和两辆马车走出了好几百里路,马先生和观湖书院的崔明皇相谈甚欢,成为了忘年之交,但是有一天,马先生在检查他们功课的时候,突然说要去跟崔先生谈谈行程,有可能双方会分道扬镳,从此别过,毕竟天下无不散之筵席。However the childrenwaitedto be very long, withoutseeinghorseMisterandCui Minghuangreturned, thereforeLi BaopingandLi Huairanto find the person, finallyLi Huaitook the leadto findto pourhorseMisterinbloody water, let alonewas the hands and feet, the old maninjuryis bleedingtoeven/includingYankuang, earagain, felt that the old manbody, like a bamboo basket that raisedfromcreek water, the waterleakscompletely. SuffocationhorseMistermakesLi Huaionlypermit a Li Baopingpersonbroughtto the side, after Li Baopingtohisside, old mangrabsherhand, does not knowold gentleman why a alreadycharacter said that possiblyreturned to consciousness just before dying, possiblywasspellsair/Qiwith every effortwrestlesstrongly, finallyoff and onconfessed the things to do after deathwithLi Baopingsimply.
但是孩子们等了很久,也没见到马先生和崔明皇返回,于是李宝瓶和李槐就跑去找人,结果李槐率先找到倒在血水里的马先生,别说是手脚,老人伤势重到连眼眶、耳朵都在淌血,感觉老人的身躯,就像一只从溪水里提起的竹篓,水全部漏了。奄奄一息的马先生让李槐只许把李宝瓶一个人带到身边,李宝瓶到了他身边之后,老人只是抓着她的手,不知为何原本已经一个字都说不出口的老先生,可能是回光返照,可能是拼尽力气竭力一搏,终于断断续续跟李宝瓶简单交代了后事。Timeat this point, redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missalreadychokes with sobs, criestearsperson.
说到这里的时候,红棉袄小姑娘已经泣不成声,哭成一个泪人儿。Chen Ping'anis notthattypewill comfort the personality of person, hasto move the stoolsilentlyclose tolittle misssome, puts out a handto helpherwipetears, talks overrepeatedly: „Doesn't cry......”陈平安又不是那种会安慰人的性格,只好默默搬凳子靠近小姑娘一些,伸手帮她擦眼泪,重复念叨道:“不哭不哭……”
The little girlsmade an effortto pull outsniffing, continued saying: „HorseMistergrabsmyhand, toldmemustto findyoualone, wantedyourcarefulViewing Lake Academy and people in Great LiCapital Citythesetwoplaces, no onemustbelieve!”
The Chen Ping'ancomplexionis dignified, asks: „Shi Chunjiatheirpeople?”陈平安脸色凝重,问道:“石春嘉他们人呢?”Li Baoping of whole facetear stainscracks into a smilesuddenly, said: „Theirfourare leadingthatoutsidercart driver, circlesnearMud Vase Lane. Lin Shouyithought that cart driveris not a good person, whatperhapswithis surnamed Cuiis a passer-by, formed a partnershipto killhorseMister. After welookhorseMister a placeburied, the cart driversaid that Mountain Cliff Academymust not, becausehorseMisterandCuiMisterjustobtained the news, Mister Qiheld the post ofMountain Lordacademy, alreadymovesenemyGreat SuifromGreat Li, nowdoes not havehorseMisterto guide, notwait untilGreat Sui, all of usarrived atGreat LiBian Jing/frontier, will be massacredby the reputation of militarycollaboration with the enemytreason. Wealsohad no ideaat that time, finallywhat to dohorseMistertohave not toldus should, isreturns to the small townschoolto wait fornextMister, goes toGreat Suito continueMountain Cliff Academyto study, horseMisteralsotoldus. Thereforehasto followthatcart driverto return tohere, but the cart driveralsosaid that ourelderfamiliesmovedGreat LiCapital City, ifdid not believe that canarrive atsmall townfamily/hometo ask the person, askedknowswhathesaidwas the truth, because the Great Ligovernment authoritiesmadeeachfamilykeep the personin the small town.”
After Ruan Xiutakespotwaterknocked on a door, enterscasts the swordroom, Li Baopingis silentimmediately.阮秀拿了一壶水敲门后走进铸剑室,李宝瓶立即闭口不言。
After Ruan Xiuwalks, does not forgetto close.阮秀走后不忘关上门。
The little girlwait untildoorclosure, thiscontinues saying: „Thatcart driveris very strange, askedintentionallywe, whoknows a youngsternamedChen Ping'an, livesin a placenamedMud Vase Lane. Said that hemusthelphorseMisterpass messagetoyou. Ihad not spokenat that time.”
小女孩等到房门关闭,这才继续说道:“那个车夫很奇怪,故意问了一句我们,谁认识一个叫陈平安的少年,住在一个叫泥瓶巷的地方。说他要帮马先生捎话给你。我当时没说话。”Chen Ping'annods: „Doesright. Firstfills in the belly.”陈平安点了点头:“做得对。先填一下肚子。”Li Baopingwolfs downeatsthreecakes and pastriesone after another, filledwaterruthlessly, scratched a facewith the back of the handcarelessly, saidfast: „Afterwardourfivelooked for an opportunitysum total, alwaysthought that resigns oneself to extinctionis not absolutely good, found out a method, inreturned tothe day before the small townquickly, Shi Chunjiastartedto feign illness, Imusttake care ofherfrequently. ThenItoldLi HuaiMud Vase Lanethatalleydistributionin private, wantedhimto acknowledge that oneselfhas actually knownyou, the reasonwashis fatherLi Erhas been the partnerinYang Family shop, oncehad the Mud Vase Laneyoungsterto be surnamed Chen, frequentlywent to the shopto sell the herbal medicine, but the cart driveraskedfrom the beginning, hesimply did not remember this.”李宝瓶狼吞虎咽接连吃掉三块糕点,狠狠灌了一口水,用手背胡乱擦了一把脸,快速说道:“后来我们五个找机会一合计,总觉得束手待毙绝对不行,就想出了一个法子,在快回到小镇前一天,石春嘉开始装病,我就要时时刻刻照顾她。然后我私下告诉李槐泥瓶巷那一带的巷弄分布,要他承认自己其实早就认识你,理由是他爹李二在杨家铺子当过伙计,曾经有个泥瓶巷的少年姓陈,经常去铺子卖草药,只是车夫一开始问起的时候,他根本没想起这茬。”SomeChen Ping'andoubts.陈平安有些疑惑。Li Baopingblushesto explain: „Ithat sidesmall towncreek waternoticedfrequentlyyour one personclimb mountainsto pick the medicine, ordescends the mountain, at the back of a bigback-basketherbal medicine.”李宝瓶赧颜解释道:“我经常在小镇溪水那边看到你一个人上山采药,或是下山的时候,背着一大背篓草药。”Chen Ping'andoes not know whether to laugh or cry, the lookhinted itselfto understand.陈平安哭笑不得,眼神示意自己明白了。Chen Ping'ansimultaneouslysomelingering fear, sinkingsound said: „Youdo that is actually very dangerous.”陈平安同时有些后怕,沉声道:“你们这么做,其实很危险。”
The little missesnod saying: „Knows. Thereforeourfivediscussed before thismatter, Italked clearly the wordswiththem, Lin Shouyisaid that the Li Baopinglifeis most valuable, does not fear death, heis a loathfulillegitimate child, was indifferent. Shi Chunjiawas quite stupid, said that listenedin any casemy. Li Huaisaidfearsanything, the person the deadeggfaces upwards, saidhimagain, ifhad/left the matter, althoughhis fatherLi Eris very bad, the fartskilldoes not have, buthismotherwill certainly helphimrevenge. Dong Shuijingmostdirect and straightforward, said that hisstrengthis big, if the matterexposes, makingourfourfirstrun, hecomesto go all outwiththatcart driver.”
小姑娘点头道:“知道。所以我们五个商量这个事情之前,我就跟他们把话说清楚了,林守一说李宝瓶的命最值钱,都不怕死,他不过是个惹人厌的私生子,就更无所谓了。石春嘉比较笨,说反正都听我的。李槐说怕什么,人死卵朝天,再说了他如果出了事情,他爹李二虽然很孬,屁本事没有,但是他娘亲一定会帮他报仇的。董水井最干脆利落,说他力气大,如果事情败露,让我们四个先跑,他来跟那车夫拼命。”„Ithought that is actually not dangerous, if the cart driverreallymustkillus, does not needto delay the small town, hehas definitely schemed, one of the guesssecretevil behind-the-scenes manipulatortruegoals, is definitely relatedwithyou.”
“不过我觉得其实没那么危险,如果车夫真要杀我们,不用拖延到小镇,他肯定是有所图谋,猜测幕后黑手的真正目的之一,肯定跟你有关。”Li Baopingeats the finaltwopeachflower cakes, the deep breathone breath, „afterwardwearrived atthat sidesmall townAlmond Blossom Lanefinally, IletDong ShuijingandLi Huailead the cart driverto get out, said that cantake a short cutto arrive atMud Vase Lane, actuallyLi Huaimustleadhimto circle very bigcircle, Iand otherstheywalk, runs down the car(riage)immediately, goes toMud Vase Laneto look foryou, finallyyour familycourtyard doordooris locked, had the neighborhoodneighborto pass throughfortunatelyat that time, Iasked,knowsyouwork as the apprenticein the blacksmithshop, at that time was really anxiousI.”李宝瓶吃掉最后两块桃花糕,深呼吸一口气,“后来我们终于到了小镇杏花巷那边,我就让董水井和李槐带着车夫下车,说是可以抄近路走到泥瓶巷,其实李槐要带着他绕很大一个圈子,我等他们一走,就立即跑下车,去泥瓶巷找你,结果你家院门房门都锁着,亏得当时有个街坊邻居经过,我一问,才知道你在铁匠铺子当学徒,当时真是急死我了。”Chen Ping'anthistimeissomewhatshocking, asked: „Thisone after anotherplans, isyouwantsto come out?”陈平安这次是有些震惊,问道:“这一连串谋划,都是你想出来的?”Li Baopingshakes the head saying: „Lin Shouyihas also offered advice, for examplecannotfind the distanceMud Vase Laneveryfarplacefrom the beginningcasually, speaking thoughtlesslythisisMud Vase Lane, thisis very easyto reveal the secret, Iinsteadrun not far. Best is to make the car(riage)stopinAlmond Blossom Lane of Dong Shuijing, is not neartoMud Vase Lane, has the leeway of detouring . Moreover the cart driverarrived atAlmond Blossom Lane, certainlywill ask the ancestorsto inquire,determined after , wedeceivedhimeasilyto be manyagain.”李宝瓶摇头道:“林守一也出过主意,比如一开始不能随便找个距离泥瓶巷很远的地方,随口说这就是泥瓶巷,这样很容易露馅,我反而跑不远。最好是让车停在董水井家的杏花巷,离着泥瓶巷不远也不近,有绕路的余地,况且那车夫到了杏花巷,一定会找先人询问,确定是真的之后,我们再骗他就容易很多了。”Li Baopingsinkingsound said: „Finally showed that that's true.”李宝瓶沉声道:“最后证明,确实如此。”Chen Ping'ancould not bearrub the head of little miss, the appreciationsaid: „Very fierce.”陈平安忍不住揉了揉小姑娘的脑袋,赞赏道:“很厉害。”Li Baopingsaid with a smile: „Youwere not at the words of home, Li HuaiandDong Shuijingwere all right, did not needto be worried that was compelledto confrontface to face, reveals the truth.”李宝瓶笑道:“你不在家的话,李槐和董水井就更加没事了,不用担心被逼着当面对质,揭穿真相。”Li Baopingaskedcuriously: „WhyschoolhorseMister, withthatsmall towndialectsaid that not tooclearcart driver, does wantto look foryou?”李宝瓶好奇问道:“为什么学塾马先生,和那个小镇方言都说不太清楚的车夫,都想要找你?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „I am also very strange, temporarilyonlyknowspossiblygivesmyseveraltypes of thingswithMister Qi, has the relations.”陈平安摇头道:“我也很奇怪,暂时只知道可能跟齐先生送给我的几样东西,有关系。”Mister Qionceledto asklocust tree leaf, butfinallythatlocust tree leaf that hasYaocharacter, alreadyuses up.齐先生曾经带着自己去求槐叶,只是最后那张有姚字的槐叶,已经用掉。Thatjasperhairpin? ButMister QiandNing Yaohave saidthishairpin, ordinary material, butordinaryhairpin that is used fornot to send.
The Chen Ping'anmoodis dignified, mostlywasso.陈平安心情凝重,多半是如此了。Mister Qihas deliveredtwiceseals, amounts to the four directions.齐先生送过自己两次印章,总计四方。
Before Old Man Yang, how longto be many, had saidmakes itselfprobablycollectthatbelt/bringespecially„calmly” the seal of character.杨老头之前多多久,才说过让自己要格外珍藏好那枚带“静”字的印章。
The completesealarticlefor„calms the mindproud”fourcharacters.
完整印文为“静心得意”四字。In addition, Mister Qialsooncespoke thoughtlessly, ifwill seeto think that in the future the interestingscenerysituation map, cantowardmarkingdetainstoMountains and Rivers Sealwiththat.
After the relationBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfalls to the groundnowthousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers, will havemountainRiver Godto assume personal commandseriouslyspirit, thatAbjection Mountain that oneselfwill soon buyisso.
联系如今骊珠洞天落地后的千里山河,当真会有山河神灵坐镇,其中自己即将买下的那座落魄山就是如此。Li Baopingsuddenlypulls outthreewithered and yellowlocust tree leaf, holdsto looktoChen Ping'anin the palm, loves dearly: „emerald greenleafbecameyellow.”李宝瓶突然掏出三张枯黄的槐叶,捧在手心给陈平安看,心疼道:“翠绿叶子变黄了。”Chen Ping'anis suddenly enlighted, at that timedefinitelywasthesethreeancestral meritslocust tree leaf, helpingthatschoolhorseMistercontinue the life, canspeakseveralwords.陈平安恍然大悟,当时肯定是这三张祖荫槐叶,帮助那位学塾马先生续了命,才能多说几句话。In factthisis the truth, if notLi Baopingwhen good luck comes the wits are sharpened, is always collectingthesethreeancestral meritslocust tree leafpersonal, perhapsold manincluding a character saying that that unwillingheartdied.
事实上这就是真相,如果不是李宝瓶福至心灵,始终贴身收藏着这三张祖荫槐叶,恐怕老人连一个字都说不出口,就那么不甘心地死去。Chen Ping'an the alreadyvaluablefamily belongingsdepositnowcompletely the blacksmithshop, Master Ruangavehimthatclaythatched hut of formerNing Yaohousing, did not saythateightstilllusterusualsnakebluestones, other100every large or smallordinarysnakebluestones, respectivelycarries outfrom the Mud Vase Lanehomeandcourtyard of Liu Xianyang, piles upin the pattenroot of hereroomcompletely.陈平安如今已经值钱家当全部寄存在铁匠铺子这边,阮师傅把之前宁姚居住的那栋黄泥茅屋让给了他,不说那八颗犹然色泽如常的蛇胆石,其余一百来颗大大小小的普通蛇胆石,也分别从泥瓶巷祖宅和刘羡阳家的院子搬出,全部堆积在这边屋子的墙脚根。HoweversideJingziprintsandShaking Mountains Manual, thistwo distinct things, Chen Ping'analwayscarriesalong.
After Chen Ping'anthinks deeply, saidslowly: „Nowthatcart drivershouldonmarching on the road in blacksmithshop, otherwiseyoufirsthidehere, Igokeepingox cartcarriagethat sideShi Chunjia, does the Lin Shouyibelt/bringcomesecretly? If the cart driver asked that Icanhereto tellhim, said that Ihad the custom that went outto take a walk. Also, isyoucircleslong journeymatter, when the cart driverarrived at the Mud Vase Lanemy familyhousetime, heshoulddetect,naturallyinhissurface may not sayanything, butafter this, yourreallydanger.”陈平安深思之后,缓缓道:“现在那车夫应该在赶来铁匠铺子的路上,要不然你先藏在这里,我去把留在牛车马车那边的石春嘉,还有林守一偷偷带过来?如果车夫问起,我可以让这边的人告诉他,就说我有外出散步的习惯。还有,就是你们绕远路这件事情,等车夫到了泥瓶巷我家宅子的时候,他应该就会有所察觉,当然他表面上可能不会说什么,但是在这之后,你们就真的危险了。”Chen Ping'ansaw that Li Baopingsomewhathesitates, sinkingsound said: „Believesme, ifyourfamily memberalreadymove out, then the small townonlyhasheresecurity.”陈平安看到李宝瓶还有些犹豫,沉声道:“相信我,如果你们的家人都已经搬走,那么小镇只剩下这里安全。”Li Baopingthinks,asked: „Do youtrustherehammeringMaster Ruanvery much?”李宝瓶想了想,问道:“你很信任在这里打铁的阮师傅?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „IbelieveMister Qihad saidcustom.”陈平安摇头道:“我更相信齐先生曾经说过的规矩。”Li Baopingsmilesbrightly, „Iunderstood!”李宝瓶灿烂一笑,“我懂了!”OnceLi Baopingsets firm resolve, erupts the astonishingdecision-making abilityinstantaneously, „, sinceyoubelieve that Sister Ruan, Imakeherleadmeto goShi Chunjia and Lin Shouyibelt/bringcome, thenfinds the placeto hide, youare relievedwiththatbastardcart driverare dealing withchatting, firsthad a look in hisbottle gourdto sellwhatmedicineto sayagain.”李宝瓶一旦下定决心,瞬间就爆发出惊人的决断力,“既然你相信那个阮姐姐,那我就让她带着我去把石春嘉和林守一带过来,然后找地方藏起来,你就安心跟那坏蛋车夫应付着聊,先看看他葫芦里到底卖什么药再说。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Ok.”陈平安笑道:“可以。”Chen Ping'anbringsLi Baopingto go outcasts the swordroom, toavoid suspicionprobably, Ruan Xiusitsin the outslightlyfarplace, sitson a colordeep greensmallbamboochair, being bored to deathZuo You/aboutsways the body.陈平安带着李宝瓶走出铸剑室,大概是为了避嫌,阮秀坐在门外稍远的地方,坐在一张颜色碧绿的小竹椅子上,百无聊赖的左右摇晃身体。
After wait untilChen Ping'an the request said that Ruan Xiuwithout hesitationsaid: „Does not have the issue.”等到陈平安把请求说完之后,阮秀毫不犹豫道:“没问题。”Then the Ruan Xiusquattinglower part of the body, turns the headto lookto the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, hintsherto lieonownbody's back.
A Li Baopingfacedoes not prefer, „Iranmaybe quick!”李宝瓶一脸不情愿,“我跑得可快了!”Ruan Xiusaid with a smile: „Iam definitely quicker.”阮秀笑道:“我肯定更快。”
The little missesturn the headto lookannoyedlytoChen Ping'an, obviouslyishopes that hecanproveoneselfindeedrunfast.
小姑娘恼火地转头望向陈平安,显然是希望他能够证明自己的确跑得飞快。Chen Ping'anjust about tospeaks, Ruan Xiutothisone big and one smallsinceresay/way: „Myback and forthseveral, youandChen Ping'anhave not gone to the small town.”陈平安刚要说话,阮秀对这一大一小正色道:“我来回好几趟,你和陈平安都还没有跑到小镇上。”Li Baopingcurls the lip, „Iknow that in the worldhas the daoist immortalghost, butyouthink that daoist immortalis so goodto work as.”李宝瓶撇撇嘴,“我知道天底下有神仙鬼怪,可是你以为神仙那么好当啊。”Chen Ping'angives the final word, „listens toSister Ruan'swords, quickly!”陈平安一锤定音,“听阮姐姐的话,快!”Li Baopingsighed, has the little darlingto lieonRuan Xiubody's back, was softly comfortablemakes the little missget sleepyto doze off.李宝瓶叹了口气,只得乖乖趴在阮秀后背上,软绵绵舒服得让小姑娘犯困打瞌睡。
Before Ruan Xiuwalks, saidtoChen Ping'an: „Ifthere is a matter, canlook formy father.”阮秀走之前对陈平安说道:“如果有事情,可以找我爹。”Chen Ping'annods.陈平安点了点头。Whiz.
嗖一下。Grasps the cotton-wadded jacketlittle miss of RuanMissneck, suddenlyfrightens the whole personfine hairto be vertical, felt that the earhas the galeto howl.
抱住阮姑娘脖子的棉袄小姑娘,突然吓得整个人汗毛倒竖,感觉到耳边有大风呼啸而过。Sheturns headto lookdownward how the roomdoes become and green slat on Good Luck and Fortune Streetequallyis small? Thatcreek waterand was the stringequally thin?
她扭头往下一看,怎么屋子变得跟福禄街上的青石板一样小?那条溪水则跟绳子一样细了?In the ground, Chen Ping'anis dumb as a wooden chicken, lookshelplesslyRuanMissrises straight from the groundat the back ofLi Baoping, flashesto pass.
The youngsterthought that originallyRuanmissandMiss Ning are the same, isdaoist immortal.
--In a Erlang Lanelonesome and quietserenehouse, Cui Chanstandsby the basin, the simple-heartedyoungstersitson the smallbackless stoolpeacefully.
二郎巷一栋幽静安详的宅子里,崔瀺站在水池旁,木讷少年安安静静坐在小板凳上。Cui Chantoldin a soft voice: „Getsonecup of water.”崔瀺轻声吩咐道:“去拿一杯水来。”
The youngsterstand upimmediately, the doubleactioncomesonecup of cold water.
少年立即站起身,双手端来一杯凉水。Cui Chanhas taken the drinking glass, shakes the wrist/skill, onecup of watersprinkleat willto the basin, turns intotogether the lightazurewater curtain.崔瀺拿过水杯,一抖手腕,一杯水随意洒向水池,变成一道薄薄的青色水幕。
The Cui Chanthoughtmoves slightly, in the middle of the water curtain, presentedthatox cart and carriageentered the picture of small town, the person and thing, the tiny particlerevealed completely.崔瀺念头微动,水幕当中,随之出现那辆牛车和马车先后进入小镇的画面,人与物,纤毫毕露。Cui Chanboth handsgather together the sleeve, the whole personappears the leisurely and carefree mood, the tip of the toe and footheelcatch uprespectively, the whole personliketumbler, sways.崔瀺双手拢袖,整个人显得很闲情逸致,脚尖和脚后跟分别发力,整个人就像不倒翁似的,前后晃荡。
When does not have the least bitprove the Daoturning pointapproaches, Qi Refiner some are anxious.
全无半点证道契机来临之际,一位练气士该有的紧张焦躁。WhenCui Chansees the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misswith the contemporariesfarewells of twolumps of cheek rouge, jumps down the carriage, dasheson the street, thenthatcart driverwas deceivedAlmond Blossom Lanebytwoyoungster.
当崔瀺看到红棉袄小姑娘与两坨腮红的同龄人告别,跳下马车,在街道上飞奔,然后那个车夫被两个少年骗去了杏花巷。ThisGreat LiImperial Teachersaid: „BeforeIalsotaunted the spychild who Song Changjingraisesameat the excrementto grow up, spychild who never expected thatItrain, is similar, isdrinks the urineto grow up.”
这位大骊国师啧啧道:“之前我还嘲讽宋长镜豢养的谍子是吃屎长大的,没想到我调教出来的谍子,也差不多嘛,是喝尿长大的。”HoweverCui Chanfeels relaxedquickly, the water curtainhas presented the Li Baopingrunningform, thought aloud: „Herechild, originallyintelligent, particularlySong JixinZhao Yaothisgroup of people, old, againis this small girlsecondgroup, outstanding people and magical soil, the precocityvery much, straightens outalsoquickly, reallycannot be underestimated.”
不过崔瀺很快就释然,水幕一直出现李宝瓶的奔跑身影,自言自语道:“这里的孩子,本来就聪明,尤其是宋集薪赵繇这拨人,年纪稍大,再就是这个小丫头在内的第二拨,地灵人杰嘛,早慧得很,开窍也快,真是不容小觑。”Whensaw the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missrunsto the stone arch bridge, the brilliance in Cui Chaneyepupil, exudesintermittentsurgingripples, such as the rough seaspat the stone.
当看到红棉袄小姑娘跑向石拱桥的时候,崔瀺眼眸里的光彩,泛起一阵阵激荡涟漪,如大浪拍石。Cui Chandiverts the attentionslightly, is no longer staring at the water curtain, closed the eyeslow, after wait untilopened eyes, little girlalreadyhas run the stone arch bridge.崔瀺稍稍转移视线,不再盯着水幕,闭上眼睛缓了缓,等到睁眼后,小女孩已经跑过了石拱桥。
The Cui Chanbrowslightlywrinkle, „isbecause the method of Great Liimperial familyis bloodycruelly, thereforemakesnaturaldisgusted of thatoldswordstrip? To the person of my Great Liraising dragon, producedwhile convenienthated the mood? Butproperly speaking, thisswordstriprealhistory, althoughalreadyhave evidence, only thensomeillusoryLittle Daoisthearsay, but since isancientsword, thenwhatclose quarters fightingscenehas not experienced, isn't the extent thatmean-spiritedly?”崔瀺眉头微皱,“是因为大骊皇室的手段过于血腥残忍,所以惹来那根老剑条的天然反感?以至于对我这位大骊扶龙之人,也顺带产生了一些憎恶情绪?可是照理说,这根剑条的真实历史,虽然已经无据可查,只有一些虚无缥缈的小道传闻,但既然是古剑,那么什么样的厮杀场景没经历过,不至于如此小气吧?”
The water curtainsceneapproachesthatblacksmithshopmore and more.
The water curtain that the cupwateraccomplishes, does not have the indicationto disruptwith a crash.
杯水造就的水幕,毫无征兆地砰然碎裂。Theseto the innumerablewater drops that splutterin all directions, hits the wallwindowafterroom and summer beamporch pillar, explodes the innumerableholeholesunexpectedly.
那些向四面八方溅射出去的无数水珠,撞击在屋内的墙壁窗户、大梁廊柱后,竟然炸出无数孔洞窟窿。Does not shoot at the bead of Cui Chanandyoungsterextremely, probablyhitsabove an invisibleimpregnable bastion, blasts open a slighterwater dropinstantaneously.
The Ruan Qiongvoicefallsfromcourtyardtogether, „do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch!”
一道阮邛的嗓音从天井处落下,“你不要得寸进尺!”Cui Chanbegins the laughterto saysupinely: „Saintismean-spirited, did not look that did not look, had the wordsto saywell, hereafter allwasYuanHome, laterIreturned toCapital Citybypersonsettle scores at an opportune moment, what to do?”崔瀺仰起头嬉笑道:“圣人就是小气,不看就不看,有话好好说嘛,这里毕竟是袁家祖宅,以后我回到京城被人秋后算账,怎么办?”Cui Chanthought aloud: „The losingpeoplepunishmentdisciple of Lu Clandynasty should also arrive.”崔瀺自言自语道:“卢氏王朝的遗民刑徒也该到了吧。”Cui Chanlowers the headshoots a look at a youngsterslantingly, after taking back the line of sight, hides the Zuo You/aboutindex fingerinsleeve, the rap, saidgentlyin a soft voice: „Provides against contingencies, provides against contingencies.”崔瀺低头斜瞥一眼少年,收回视线后,藏在袖中的左右食指,轻轻敲击,轻声道:“以防万一,以防万一啊。”
--Li HuaiandDong Shuijingbring the cart driverwas findingChen Ping'an the time, the latteris building a house.李槐和董水井带着车夫找到陈平安的时候,后者正在跟人搭建一座房子。Li Huaiis cunning, eyeballracing.李槐鬼头鬼脑,眼珠子急转。
The Dong Shuijingcomplexionis usual, has the great generaldemeanorvery much.董水井脸色如常,很有大将风度。Chen Ping'an of dustarrives in front ofthreepeople, the doubtssaid: „Do youlook forme?”
The cart driveris ordinary, is looking at the probablysimple and honesthonestfarmer, before rubbing handsarrives at the Chen Ping'anbody, smallsound said: „Did can or cannotchange a placeto say?”
那车夫貌不惊人,瞧着像是憨厚老实的庄稼汉,搓着手来到陈平安身前,小声道:“能不能换个地方说?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head the sinkingsound said: „Saidhere!”陈平安摇头沉声道:“就在这里说!”Although the cart driverson the facereveal the disgruntledlook, butrelaxesat heartslightly, thisis the commontownyoungstershouldhave the disposition that.
车夫虽然脸上流露出不悦神色,但是心里微微放松一些,这才是一般市井少年该有的心性。Middle-aged guyhesitant, „youris or isn'tunderstandingsmall townschoolMister Qi?”
The straw sandalyoungstersaidill-humoredly: „Small townwhodoes not knowMister Qi, but does Mister Qirecognizeus, did not say.”
草鞋少年没好气道:“小镇谁不认识齐先生,但是齐先生认不认我们,就不好说了。”Li Huaisuppressesin the one sideis smilingbadly.李槐在一旁憋着坏笑。Almond Blossom LaneDong Shuijingdeeplylooked atMud Vase LaneChen Ping'an.杏花巷的董水井深深看了眼泥瓶巷的陈平安。
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