The youngsterlook atgirlto walk, herfootstepsare lithe, walkin the lightsdimcorridor, likelyyoungelk in nightS.
少年看着少女走来,她脚步轻盈,走在灯火朦胧的廊道,像夜s里的年幼麋鹿。Zhu Ludoes not haveusualbeing bossyagain, as ifneighborgirl of friends from childhood, the winning smilehopes.朱鹿再没有平时的颐指气使,仿佛一位青梅竹马的邻家少女,巧笑盼兮。Chen Ping'anseems likesomenot to dareto believe that the footstepsslow down, tendsstands firm, stares the bigeye, is staring atthatsomewhatstrangedelicateface.陈平安似乎有些不敢置信,脚步放慢,趋于站定,瞪大眼睛,凝视着那张有些陌生的清秀脸庞。Zhu Lufrom the backtake outleft hand, wavesto greettowardChen Ping'an, walkswhilesaid: „Chen Ping'an, the matter in chesspillarmountainShiping, my fatherhopes that Icansayonetoyou......”朱鹿从背后抽出左手,朝陈平安挥手打招呼,边走边说道:“陈平安,棋墩山石坪上的事情,我爹希望我能够跟你说一声……”Fiveseparations, twoboundarypeakcultivation basegirl, before the figurecatches upsuddenlyto/clashes, merelytwostrides, arrived at the Chen Ping'anbody in an instant, almostlooks at one another speechless, twofacetiny particlecomplete(ly)present, on the girlfacehavefierce, angryandpleased, extrication, complex, youngsterlooklow-spiritedbeside, moreisswift and fierce, in the line of sighthasthattypewith the hatchetpoint that Dragon Beheading Platformwhets.
A Zhu Luleft handfistlong jabyoungsterforehead, this acttook the camouflage, girlevenslowed down the fistspeedintentionallyslightly.朱鹿左手一拳直击少年额头,此举作为障眼法,少女甚至故意稍稍放慢了出拳速度。Truetrump card, lies in the right hand, afterherlightningacts, the handgraspsthreesharpbamboo slips, holdsto the pit of the stomach of youngster.
真正的杀手锏,在于右手,当她闪电出手后,手握三根锋利竹签,直直捅向少年的心窝。When the bamboo slipmustpierce the youngsterchest, sticks out suddenly the murdergirl, shehad not saidbeforethatspoken language that justtakes advantage of opportunityto blurt out, „sorry!”
在竹签就要刺穿少年心口的时候,暴起杀人的少女,她之前未曾说完的那句言语,刚好顺势脱口而出,“对不起!”This momentgirlwherehaswhatlovely and innocentmanner, onlyis ruthless.
此刻少女哪有什么娇憨神态,唯有狠厉。However the nextquarter, the Zhu Luwhole faceis astonished, knows in the heartwonderfully, do not withdraw.
The Chen Ping'anright handliftsswiftly and violently, not only the standardkeeps off the left fist of girl, but alsodaresto show the enemytaking advantage ofherby the weakopportunity, the armtakes advantage of opportunityto forward, neck that seizesZhu Lu.陈平安右手迅猛抬起,不但格挡掉少女的左拳,还借着她胆敢示敌以弱的机会,手臂顺势向前,一把掐住朱鹿的脖子。Meanwhile, the youngsterleft handgrips the Zhu Luhiddenmurderous intentionright handwrist/skillstubbornly, pullsoutward, does not makethreetanghulubamboo slipsstabownpit of the stomach, gripstightens the hand of herneckto catch upsuddenly, towardoneselfpulls one of the girl, a kneehitshitsruthlesslyingirlabdomen, rudely, almosthitsgirlto put out the bilesuffering, the bodyis unrestrainedly curving, the whole personlost the strengthimmediately, Chen Ping'anhad nothingto treat it lightly, stilldid not give up, an overheadhammerknockedfiercely, whispered to one another headwith the forehead.
与此同时,少年左手死死握住朱鹿暗藏杀机的右手手腕,向外一扯,不让三支糖葫芦竹签刺中自己的心窝,攥紧她脖子的手骤然发力,将少女往自己这边一扯,一记膝撞狠狠撞在少女腹部,势大力沉,撞得少女差点吐出胆汁苦水,身躯情不自禁地弯曲起来,整个人顿时失去了战力,陈平安没有任何掉以轻心,犹不罢休,当头一锤猛敲下去,以额头撞额头。girlstaggers the retreat.少女踉跄后退。
A Chen Ping'anlegtreads, abdomenis seriously batteredgirllikekite with broken string, fallslayer on layer/heavilyincorridorgreen slatgrounds beyond two, struggled is still not ableto set outtwice, the corners of the mouthseeped out the blood threads, the surfacelike the spirit money, the beautiful facewas dreary.陈平安一腿蹬去,腹部又受重创的少女如断线风筝,重重摔在两张之外的廊道青石板地面上,挣扎了两次仍是无法起身,嘴角渗出血丝,面如金纸,花容惨淡。do something at one go, is relentless.一气呵成,毫不留情。Zhu Luresists the groundwith the elbow, bears the rendingache, makes the bodyback upstronglybackward, as far as possiblefar away fromthatstraw sandalyoungster, even ifare manywelloneinchonefoot.朱鹿用手肘抵住地面,忍住撕心裂肺的疼痛,竭力让身躯向后倒退,尽量远离那个草鞋少年,哪怕多出一寸一尺也好。Chen Ping'anlook around, is not unusual, thismoves towarddistressedgirl that the strengthdoes not have, the whole bodymuscleties tight, is still careful.陈平安环顾四周,并无异样,这才走向战力几无的狼狈少女,浑身肌肉紧绷,依然小心谨慎。Zhu Lufalls intogreatestscared, cannot attend tocleaning the blood of corners of the mouth, bringing the weeping voiceto explain: „Do not killme, Chen Ping'an, Iplay a jokewithyou, reallyIdo not deceiveyou, ifImustkillyou, howIwill usethesetanghulubamboo slips, saidagainwhyImustkillyou......”朱鹿陷入莫大恐慌,顾不得擦拭嘴角的鲜血,带着哭腔解释道:“不要杀我,陈平安,我只是跟你开一个玩笑,真的我不骗你,如果我要杀你,我怎么会用这几支糖葫芦竹签,再说了我为什么要杀你啊……”Chen Ping'ansaidpertinently: „BeforeseparatedinviewShuijie, youdrew inyour fatherZhu He saying that wasstrolls the weaponshop, is or isn'twantsto choose the daggerand so onweaponwhile convenient, was easyto hidein the sleeve cuff, Iguess that shouldbe the shopcloses, thereforehasto replacewith the bamboo slip.”陈平安一针见血道:“之前在观水街分开,你拉上你爹朱河说是去逛兵器铺子,是不是想挑选匕首之类的趁手兵器,容易隐藏在袖口之内,我猜应该是铺子关了吧,所以只好用竹签代替。”Zhu Lusmilessuddenly, the chestfluctuatesfiercely, has a bad cough, coversto be quiet, the scarletblood was still seeped outfrom the fingerslitunceasingly, sheloosened the hand, as ifaccepted fategeneral, raised headto look atthatto occupy a commanding positionto overlookownyoungster, the line of sightfrom top to bottom, sees a roughhumblestraw sandalfinally, girlraised the headagain, seemed the demonto be startledto be insaneinsanely,朱鹿蓦然笑起来,胸膛剧烈起伏,咳嗽得厉害,捂住嘴,猩红鲜血仍是不断从手指缝隙渗出,她松开手,仿佛认命一般,仰头望着那个居高临下俯视自己的少年,视线从上往下,最后看到一双粗糙低贱的草鞋,少女再次抬起头,好似魔怔失心疯了,Does not cryinsteadto smile, observes closelystubbornlymore and moreclose toownyoungster, said with a smilehoarsely: „Never expected thatyoudo not havestupid that Iimagine, butIam very strange, howyousawIdo wantto killyour?”
不哭反笑,死死盯住越来越靠近自己的少年,沙哑笑道:“没想到你没我想象的那么蠢,但是我很奇怪,你是怎么看出我要杀你的?”girlenhances the voice, may the face of person, the distortionbe dementeddelicately, „Chen Ping'an, beforekillingme, canmakemedieto understand?!”少女提高嗓音,原本清秀可人的脸庞,扭曲而癫狂,“陈平安,在杀我之前,可以不可以让我死个明白?!”
The Chen Ping'anfootstepskeep, asked back: „Why?”陈平安脚步不停,反问道:“为什么?”girljust about toattemptsto sitsets out, was stepped onbyChen Ping'ancollapseson the forehead, the back of the headhitslayer on layer/heavilyon the green slat, girlvomits a bigblood, thistimethoroughlyattempt that gives upstrugglingto set out, although the heart, the greatestshame, is to make a mean alleyyoungster of wearstraw sandalstandis speakingtooneself, butsheactually can only lie down, was implicatedto set outto become the expectation.少女刚要尝试着坐起身,就被陈平安一脚踩塌在额头上,后脑勺重重撞在青石板上,少女呕出一大口鲜血,这次彻底放弃了挣扎起身的企图,虽然她内心深处,最大的耻辱,是让一个穿着草鞋的陋巷少年站着跟自己说话,而她却只能躺着,连坐起身都成了奢望。Zhu Lucancels the bloodwith the back of the hand, said with a smile: „Stillremembers that my familytwoYoung Masterdo sendtoyoung lady'sthatletter? my familyYoung Masterfour artsnothing which is notfine, especiallyexcels at the running script, like the Young Mastermannerpersonality, confident and at easeis uninhibited, butmy familyYoung Masterbeforeleaving hometo rush toCapital City, suddenlysaid that mustlearn/study the Kaishu, becausehesaid that mustlearnto understandobserves the custom of outsideworld, hemuststartto restrainoneselfdisposition.”朱鹿用手背抹去鲜血,笑道:“还记得我家二公子寄给小姐的那封家书吗?我家公子琴棋书画无所不精,尤其擅长行书,就像公子的为人性情,潇洒不羁,但是我家公子在离家赶赴京城之前,突然说要学习楷书,因为他说要学会懂得遵守外边世界的规矩,他要开始约束自己的心性了。”
The Chen Ping'ansquattinglower part of the body, breaks offherfive fingers, takes outthatthreebamboo slips, oneselfgraspin the palm, thensitson the porchdaoist priestchair, observes closelyZhu Luunemotionally, does not makeherhaveanyto toss about the trick the opportunity. Howeverclear and easy to see, Zhu Lukills the homicideunambiguously, slovenlyhesitantdoes not have, maywantChen Ping'anin turn, killsherto kill the heartnot to have the obstruction, is very difficult, becausethismiddleis clampingthatredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, frankmanZhu He, as well asthiswhatLi FamilytwoYoung Master.陈平安蹲下身,掰开她的五指,取出那三支竹签,自己握在手心,然后坐在廊道长椅上,面无表情地盯住朱鹿,不让她有任何折腾出幺蛾子的机会。但是显而易见,朱鹿杀他杀得毫不含糊,一点拖泥带水的犹豫都没有,可要陈平安反过来,杀她杀得心无芥蒂,很难,因为这中间夹着那个红棉袄小姑娘,性情爽朗的汉子朱河,以及这个什么李家二公子。First that Chen Ping'aninseeingherwalksfrom afarfrom the corridor, knows that Zhu Luharbored evil intentions . Moreover the eyesight of youngsteris excellent, the hidden of girlconceals, is not very by far exquisite, the tremblingeyelash, bitesblowing upcheek of root, collects the line of sightlowlyruthlessspicy, Chen Ping'anis clear.陈平安在看到她从廊道远远走来的第一眼起,就知道朱鹿不怀好意了,而且少年的眼力极好,少女的隐藏掩饰,远远不够精湛,颤颤巍巍的睫毛,咬住牙根的鼓起腮帮,低敛视线的狠辣,陈平安一目了然。HowhoweverChen Ping'anhas not thought,shewill really kill people.
但是陈平安怎么都没有想到,她会真的杀人。Whengirlraisedthat„Young Master”, bearing of whole persononchange shape in a single shake, turned headto lookto the look of straw sandalyoungster, seemed like the personto look at the dog.
当少女提起那个“自家公子”,整个人的气态就摇身一变,扭头看向草鞋少年的眼神,就又像是人在看狗。„At that time the young ladymentioned the lettercontentin the pillowpostwithme for the first time, Young Mastersaidpeacefulfire that the Great Libeacon-firelights, be continuousten million/countless, has transmittedCapital Cityfrom the border pass. However the young ladydoes not know,all of youdo not know, Young Masterbefore then, had never toldmethis‚Bian Jing/frontierby the peacefulfire, to the kingreportedPing'an(safe and sound)’ the matter. Young Mastertoldmewhatinteresting anecdote, self-is sensible, Irememberclear!”
“当时小姐在枕头驿跟我第一次提及家书内容,公子说大骊烽燧点燃的太平火,绵延千万里,一直从边关传递到京城。但是小姐并不知道,你们所有人都不知道,公子在这之前,从未跟我说过这‘边境以太平火,向君王报平安’的事情。公子跟我说了什么趣闻轶事,自我懂事起,我记得一清二楚!”„ThereforeIthoughtat that time the matteris not right, demandedto the young ladythatletter, sure enough, Isaw the knowledgeprofound and abstruse principles, inthisworld, only thenmyZhu Lucanlook!”
“所以我当时就觉得事情不对劲,向小姐索要了那封家书,果不其然,我看出了学问玄机,这个世上,也只有我朱鹿能够看得出来!”Chen Ping'anlooks downwhole facefranticgirl, youngsterwordlessly.陈平安低头看着满脸狂热的少女,少年一言不发。Zhu Luimmersesinownworld, at this moment, turned intoarroganttake responsibilityLi Familyservant girl, the Martial Daotalent of making a debut, shecontinues saying: „ThenIcarefullylookedtwo, onlyusedtwo, Ifound the right key, untiedmy familyYoung Masterto leavemyriddleproblemintentionally!”朱鹿沉浸在自己的世界里,这一刻,又变成了倨傲自负的李家婢女,初出茅庐的武道天才,她继续说道:“然后我仔细看了两遍,只用了两遍,我就找出了正确答案,解开了我家公子故意留给我的这道谜题!”Shelooks atyoungsterthatindifferentsuntannedface, girlscoffsto say with a smile: „Young ladyis the dispositionuncertainbraceletchild, naturallycannot comprehend the Young Masterpainstaking efforts, thereforeYoung Masterfrom the beginningnot wantingto pinon the young lady, butselectedme. Thatletter more than 2000characters, almostcompletelybyline of writing of passing clouds and flowing water, the onlysevencharacters, are the Kaishu!”
她看着少年那张冷漠的黝黑脸庞,少女嗤笑道:“小姐是心性不定的跳脱孩子,当然领会不到公子的良苦用心,所以公子一开始就没有把希望寄托在小姐身上,而是选中了我。那封家书洋洋洒洒两千余字,几乎全部以行云流水的行书写就,唯有七个字,是楷书!”girlalmostmustsmile the tears, saidoff and on: „The Great Licountry pillarsurname, eldest son of legal wifeChen Clan the grandson, kills the mounted bandit, the peacefulfire, reportedPing'an(safe and sound), mustinform the life.”少女几乎要笑出眼泪,断断续续道:“大骊柱国姓氏,陈氏嫡长孙,杀马贼,太平火,报平安,得诰命。”Thatsevencharacters, „killChen Ping'an to informlife”!
The scholarmurderdoes not use the blade.书生杀人不用刀。Chen Ping'anknitting the browshead.陈平安皱了皱眉头。Zhu Lucoverssharp painabdomenincessantly, overwhelming, letsherfullcold sweat, buton the mouth was still says with a sneer: „The is or isn'teven/including‚informedlife’thesetwocharacters, listenednot to listen?”朱鹿捂住绞痛不止的腹部,翻江倒海,让她满头冷汗,可嘴上仍是讥笑道:“是不是连‘诰命’这两个字,听也没听过?”Zhu Lustrugglesis backing on the youngsteroppositebench, thisChen Ping'anhas not preventedher.朱鹿挣扎着背靠少年对面的长椅,这次陈平安没有阻止她。Shelooks atthatto be calledbyheryoung ladyis the Little Master-Uncleyoungster, „knows that Ibesideskillingyou, whatmattermostwantsto handle? Youwere not literatemany, Iwantto hand overinyourhandthatletter, perhapsyouwill also feel inferior, thought that worldwill have such attractivecharacter, sogoodliterary talent, no matter whatyourChen Ping'anturnedto lookten100, actuallydoes not know that trueknowledge, was onlythatsevencharacters, is or isn't is very unexpectedly funny? Ifind itveryridiculous, soonwas funny!”
她望着那个被自家小姐称呼为小师叔的少年,“知道我除了杀你之外,最想做什么事情吗?你不是识字很多了吗,我就想把那封家书交到你手上,说不定你还会自惭形秽吧,觉得世间怎么会有这么好看的字,如此好的文采,任你陈平安翻来倒去看十遍一百遍,却不知真正的学问,竟然只是那七个字,是不是很好笑?我觉得很好笑,都快要好笑死了!”Chen Ping'ansitson the benchpeacefully, the sidejustscatterstheseto icetanghulu, nobody will ask, the youngsterlooks atZhu Lu, the twitchedcorners of the mouth, „, if notZhu He, youreallywantdyingtodayfunnily‚’.”陈平安安安静静坐在长椅上,身边刚好散落着那些冰糖葫芦,一颗颗无人问津,少年看着朱鹿,扯了扯嘴角,“如果不是朱河,你今天就真的要好笑‘死’了。”Chen Ping'anstands up, saidslowly: „Iknow,thesewordsyouactuallysaidlistenstoyour father, moreover your timestrugglesto set out, totemptmeactstoyou, youmustmakeZhu Henot have the choice, eitherIkillyou, eitherhomicideI, is right?”陈平安站起身,缓缓说道:“我知道,这些话你其实是说给你爹听的,而且你这次挣扎起身,是为了引诱我对你出手,你要让朱河没有选择的余地,要么我杀你,要么他杀我,对不对?”Zhu Lufacesynsinks, no longerspoke.朱鹿脸syn沉,不再说话。Zhu Hedoes not know when standsin the corridor, the doublefistgrips tightly, the back of the handblue veinsticks out suddenly, the whole facepain, the manlookstothatpair of youngstergirl.朱河不知何时站在廊道之中,双拳紧握,手背青筋暴起,满脸痛苦,男人望向那一双少年少女。Oneisbeloveddaughter, a younger generation that isappreciates.
一个是自己心爱的闺女,一个是自己欣赏的晚辈。Zhu Lugives the thumbs-up, makes an effortto erase the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, lowers the headslightly, the eyeis actually staring at the straw sandalyoungster.朱鹿伸出大拇指,使劲抹掉嘴角的血迹,微微低头,眼睛却盯着草鞋少年。Sheturns the headslowly, girlunprecedentedfaceSis tranquil, saidtothatfamiliarform: „Withouryoung lady'stemperament, ifknewall these, even ifIdo not die, must peel a skin, this whole lifedid not have the hopeeven. The father, Iaskedyou, should not be softhearted, has not come backwhilethatWind and Snow TempleA'Liang, without delaybegan! Young Masterhas said that hesitants when a decision needed, mustforitschaotic!”
她缓缓转头,少女破天荒脸s平静,对那个熟悉身影说道:“以我们小姐的脾气,如果知道了这一切,我就算不死,也要脱一层皮,这辈子就算是毫无希望了。爹,我求你了,不要心慈手软,趁着那个风雪庙的阿良还没有回来,赶紧动手!公子说过,当断不断,必为其乱!”Chen Ping'anturns aroundto bend the waistsuddenly, picks uptanghuluconveniently, puts in the mouthto chew.陈平安突然转身弯腰,随手捡起一颗糖葫芦,放入嘴里嘴嚼起来。Then the youngsterstandsin the corridorcenter, confrontswithZhu He.
The youngstersaidtogirlin a soft voice: „Youwill die.”
The Zhu Luheartsinks.朱鹿心一沉。Her fatherandChen Ping'anare distancedroughly15steps.
她爹和陈平安相距约莫十五步。AlthoughChen Ping'anMartial Daorealmis not high, but the figureis vigorous, girlhas experienced.陈平安虽然武道境界不高,但是身形矫健,少女见识过。Sheis somewhat annoyed, the fathershould notappearin that farplacefrankly and uprightly.
Did the struggle of life and death, whatexpertstylespeak?!
生死之争,讲什么高手风范?!Zhu Luturns headto put outbloody watertoward the ground, „has the skillyouto give a try.”朱鹿扭头朝地上吐出一口血水,“有本事你就试试看。”Shelooksto the father, reminded: „Father, todayyou , if not make a move, Idietoyoulook! No matter how, firsttookChen Ping'ansaidagain!”
她望向父亲,提醒道:“爹,今天你要是不出手,我就死给你看!不管如何,先把陈平安拿下再说!”Aftertaking, her fatheris not willingto intendto kill people, shecomes is.
至于拿下之后,她爹不愿出手杀人,她来便是。Zhu Luhas raised the one breath, preparesto deal withChen Ping'anto coerce the fatherwithherat any time.朱鹿早已强提一口气,随时准备应对陈平安拿她要挟父亲。Her fatherhad said that onceto on thisfamily backgroundMud Vase Lanehumbleembryo, martiallearn/study who iftostopscompares notes, shehas the odds of success, butlife and deathpreying, shemustdiewithout doubt. At firstsheis the least bitdoes not believe that butthatdisturbance that hadinchesspillarmountainShiping, whensheandwhiteMangconfronted, Zhu Lufrighteneddoes not have the fighting spirit, can only resign oneself to extinction, reviewsChen Ping'ancourage and wisdombreadth of spirit, wasto the timeassurance, allaboveherZhu Lu.
她爹曾经无意间说过,一旦对上这个出身泥瓶巷的低贱胚子,若是点到即止的武学切磋,她有胜算,但是生死搏杀,她必死无疑。起先她是半点不信,但是那场发生在棋墩山石坪的风波,当她与白蟒对峙,朱鹿吓得毫无斗志,只能束手待毙,反观陈平安无论是胆识气魄,还是对时机的把握,全在她朱鹿之上。Thisactuallylets her heart of practicing martial art, almostdespaired, once the state of minddisintegration, the road of Martial Daocame to the endeven.
这其实让她的习武之心,几乎绝望了,一旦心境崩碎,武道之路就算走到了尽头。Thereforeeven ifinentering the chesspillarmountainboundary before red candletown/subdues, land godWei Bogivesthem every on point of departuregift, sheat the strongrequest of Zhu He, attainedthatso-calledImmortalrare book«Auspicious signBook», under the innumerablepersonmountains the martial artistlong-awaitedMartial Daoprecious book, girlhas not actually mentionedmanyframe of mind.
The frame of mindincident, changed/easyZhuinanraisedsince old times.
心气一事,自古易坠难提起。All these, Zhu He of roughman, is infatuated in puremartial artist that Martial Daoclimbs, howalsoto know?
这一切,粗糙汉子的朱河,醉心于武道攀登的纯粹武人,又如何晓得?However the arrival of thatcorrespondence, is briefing personallyjust likeownYoung Master, likeonegives opportune help, letsunderstandgirl of profound and abstruse principles, renews the hope, told itself, mustpracticed martial art, mustbecomefathersuchMasterMartial Daoat least, mustperformeddistinguished servicein the battlefield, makingthat„informassigns/lifemadame”to comeheaven's law and earth's principle.
但是那封书信的到来,宛如自家公子在面授机宜,就像一场雪中送炭,让悟出其中玄机的少女,重新燃起希望,告诉自己,一定要习武,最少要成为爹那样的武道宗师,一定要在沙场立下汗马功劳,让那个“诰命夫人”来得天经地义。Especially the father and daughter, have the True Martial Mountainherogutsnow, withthatmountain topdaoist immortalwriting skill«Auspicious signBook», saidlikeZhu Hepersonally,nowheincluding the scenery of seventhboundary, canthink. ThenherZhu Lu, whycannotthink before oneself, sightday that cannotthink?
尤其是他们父女二人,如今拥有了真武山英雄胆,和那部山上神仙手笔的《紫气书》,就像朱河亲口所说,如今他连第七境的风光,也敢去想一想了。那么她朱鹿,为何不敢去想一想自己以前不敢想的风光日子?Allbright futuresandallbright future, establishat a smallpremise.
只是所有锦绣前程、所有阳关大道,建立在一个小小的前提上。Chen Ping'anmustdie.陈平安必须死。Thereforeknew that upfrontpreyingis notgirl of youngsteropponent, needskilling of hidden place, truthsuch that such as the youngsterreveals, sheneeds a dagger. unluckily,
所以自知正面搏杀不是少年对手的少女,需要一场暗处的袭杀,如少年揭穿的真相那样,她需要一把匕首。不凑巧,unluckily, the weaponshopis out of business, cannot buy.不凑巧,兵器铺子关门歇业,买不到。Justhis fatherZhu Hespeaking of Chen Ping'anapology, butChen Ping'anandyoung ladyLi Baoping, raisesmustbuytanghulu.
The daggercankill people, icestanghulubamboo slip, usesintwoboundarypeaksmartial artist, Ok.
匕首能杀人,冰糖葫芦的竹签子,用在二境巅峰的武人手里,也可以。In order tobe worried about a bamboo slipis easyto break off, girlthengave a pretexttakes to the Chen Ping'anLi Baopingtwoskewers, threebamboo slipsgraspedin the same place, shedid not believealsoholdsdoes not put on the pit of the stomach of youngster.
为了担心一根竹签容易折断,少女便借口带给陈平安李宝瓶两串,三根竹签握在一起,她不信还捅不穿少年的心窝。Being linked together.
环环相扣。Zhu Luresourcefulquick-witted, can be inferred.朱鹿之机敏急智,可见一斑。Li FamilytwoYoung Master that nevermakes an appearance, the clear(ly) of judge, personnel, similarlyclear and easy to see.
那个从未露面的李家二公子,识人之明,用人之准,同样显而易见。Because of the Zhu Lutruefierceplace, but alsolies inshenot onlylooked for an escape routetooneself, andasZhu He of Martial Daofiveboundaries, chose a notroadthenforher father.
因为朱鹿真正的厉害之处,还在于她既给自己找了一条退路,又给身为武道五境的朱河,替她爹选择了一条没有回头的路。Shedies, orChen Ping'andies.
她死,或者陈平安死。Zhu Helookstothatbunchsends the pooryoungster of otherjade hairpin, saidthreecharacters that shouldsaybyhis daughtersincerelysorry. ”朱河望向那个束发别玉簪的贫寒少年,说了一个本该由他女儿诚心诚意说出口的三个字对不起。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Doesn't matter, the roadiselects.”陈平安笑道:“没关系,路都是自己选的。”
The straw sandalyoungsterdoes not gather the common sensesmilling expression, dense/woodscoldmeaning.
草鞋少年不合常理的笑意,给人森寒之意。Thisincrediblefeeling, girl of not far awayis especially clear.
这种荒诞感觉,不远处的少女尤为清晰。Initiallyin the chesspillarmountaindistrict of jurisdiction, afterZhu Hecompared notes, the youngsterdetected that ownwithin the bodythreeQi Palace, letthatbatteringinternal qifire dragonunexpectedly, onlydares unable to get marriedinto, Chen Ping'anby that time, realized that three, hadthreewisps of minimumSword Qi, involvedwithhisintention, uses, did not havedoorstep.
当初在棋墩山辖境内,与朱河切磋之后,少年察觉到自己体内三座气府,竟然让那条横冲直撞的气机火龙,都只敢过门不入,陈平安直到那个时候,才意识到那三处,藏有三缕极小极小的剑气,与他心意牵连,使用起来,毫无门槛。Laterexploded the rottenthatwhiteManghead, the youngsterused upwisp of Sword Qi.
之后炸烂那条白蟒的头颅,少年用掉了一缕剑气。In order tomaintain a livelihood, withwisp of Sword Qi, Chen Ping'anthoughtagaindoes not owe.
为了活命,再用一缕剑气,陈平安觉得不亏。However the youngsterthought that usesSword Qinexttime, must gainis good, alwaysdoes not owe, is not a matter.
这场用心险恶的陷阱。girlZhu Lusaidare more.少女朱鹿说了很多很多。Chen Ping'anopened the mouthseveral times, put togetheralsofewcharacters.陈平安不过开口数次,加在一起也没几个字。Therefore the youngsterthought that mustsayanything, foroneself, forthatneedsto livesheto be ablelivingElder Sisterdaoist immortal, otherwisesomeare not at heart happy.
A youngsterstraw sandaltreadsforward, a straw sandalmovesbackward.
The youngsterkneesare curving, the figurefalls, two fingersgathers, points to the man in corridordistant place, the lipmoves slightly.
少年双膝弯曲,身形下坠,双指并拢,直指廊道远处的男子,嘴唇微动。Does not knowis of one mind, the ancestral meritsbless, girlZhu Ludoes not have the reasonto fill in a terrified way, shoutswith high voice: „Does not want!”
不知是心有灵犀,还是祖荫庇佑,少女朱鹿没来由满怀惶恐,尖声喊道:“不要!”Zhu Heisscalp tingles, the youngmasters of solemnMartial Daofiveboundaries, are the mindfall into the mudunexpectedly, the four limbscannot move.朱河更是头皮发麻,堂堂武道五境的小宗师,竟是心神陷入泥泞,四肢丝毫动弹不得。Youngdiscussed: „Sword!”
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