pgt; The Great LiBian Jing/frontiercountrymanpass/test, city gateopensgreatly, fewin the citylight cavalry, chooses the rarenight march, althoughthousandride, when the neatwarhorseoppression of the peoplesteps on the ground, was still the landvibrates, such as the intensiverapidbeating a drumsound, making one one's blood bubbles up to the brim.
pgt;大骊边境野夫关,城门大开,为数不多的驻城轻骑,选择罕见的夜行军,虽然不过千骑,但是当整齐的战马铁蹄踩踏在地面上,仍是大地为之震动,如密集急促的擂鼓声,让人热血沸腾。By the post road, rides the military commanderto force the reinsto stophorseinbeside, the complexionis dignified.
驿路旁边,一骑武将勒缰停马于旁,脸色凝重。Rideson the face the scarfierceyoungvice generalfast horseto rush, after slowing down the horse's hoof, with the commanding generalshoulder to shoulder, in a soft voiceasks: „Does GeneralHan, thisgo north the long-range raid, why the intention? NorthmyGreat Licountrymanpass/test will the length and breadthdomain, howpossibly have the large sharemounted banditroving bandit? Furthermoreeven isn't the appearance, one's turn our to ride the armyto go into action?”
The robustcommanding generalvoiceis low and deep, „should notaskdo not ask.”
身材敦实的主将嗓音低沉,“不该问的就别问。”youngrideswill grin, if reallyno longerclosely examines.年轻骑将咧咧嘴,果真不再追问。Thatcountrymanpass/testQijuncommanding generalhesitant, isalsosuppressesprobablysomewhatuncomfortably, after consideringone, smallsound said: „Not is only ourcountrymenclosesthissoldiers and horses, southBian Jing/frontierallmountain passarmytowns, reassign about halfmain forcefield operationlight cavalries, allturns out in full strengthintonight.”
那名野夫关骑军主将犹豫了一下,大概是自己也憋得有些难受,斟酌一番后,小声道:“不但是我们野夫关这点兵马,南方边境的所有关隘军镇,抽调出将近半数的主力野战轻骑,在今夜全部倾巢出动。”youngrodewill gawk, „did fouryears a roundspringcollect the summer sporelingsautumnxianwinterto hunt? But the timeis not right, the spring that weparticipated inlast yearcollects, even ifthis yearhasbigpracticing martial arts of thisgrade of scale, will still beplacesis rightin the summer.”年轻骑将愣了一下,“四年一轮的春蒐夏苗秋狝冬狩?可时候不对啊,咱们去年才参与的春蒐,今年就算有这等规模的大演武,也该是放在夏季才对。”
The commanding generalstrace the mild-manneredhorse hair of crotchmountsubconsciously, said: „After arriving at the temporarystation, the Imperial CourtMinistry of Warwill have the nextinstructionto issue, wedid not needto indulge in flights of fancy.”
The red candletown/subduestoward the western more than 200li (0.5 km), the surface of the rivervastembroideryHuajiangupstreamregion, the watercenterhas a Xiaogu, was calledMantouby the localcommon peoplevulgarly, mountain tophas an alonetemple housing the village god, burning incenseis unceasing, hands downextremelyeffectively, prayed for a son, seeking the wealthto result in the wealth, renowned, was the writerpoetmustgo boatingtour the place of shapevictory. But the localcommon people, almostnevercomethisto worshipto burn incense.
红烛镇往西两百多里,江面辽阔的绣花江上游地带,水中央有一座小孤山,被当地百姓粗鄙称为馒头山,山上有一座孤零零的土地庙,香火不绝,相传极其灵验,求子得子,求财得财,远近闻名,是文人骚客必须泛舟游览的形胜之地。可是本地百姓,几乎从不来此祭拜烧香。Late spring the dim light of nightwitherschilly, the river waterelapsesrolling, the sprayscatters, faintly visible, in the river waterhas a azurecarp of threechi (0.33 m)length, from the shoreroamingtoXiaogu, the extraordinaryplacelies above the backsits a vermilionclothesyoung ladfast, but the palm of the handaltitude, both handsmake an effortto grip the tightazurecarptwofish to, seems the knightto hold on the reins, Warawako, as the carpandriver waterfluctuate, the whole bodysoaks, is pale, was foul-mouthed, scolds the dayto scoldshouts 'motherfucker'.
The azurecarpswam the shore, suddenlystop, directlyvermilionclothesyoung ladflingingashore, the little fellowhitone after anotherrolled, dirty, is returning to that azurebigcarp of opposite shoreto the river waterinswayingly, shouted abuse, „if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous, yourPatriarchwas the showyoung married woman......”
The carpturns aroundsuddenly, observes closely the vermilionclothesyoung lad in ashorestubbornly, the latterfrightensscared shitless, puts downonemalenot to fightwith the femalewell, runsfasttoward the temple housing the village god.
The smalltemplehas not closed, the little fellowclimbs overdoorstepwith great difficulty, after turning over/standing upfalls to the ground, raised the headtothat the paintseriousfunnyclay figure, forks the waistangerto shout: „Siris almost drown to deathin the river water, haven't youknelt downto receive orders from the emperorquickly?! BelievesSirto govern your lese majestecrime, yourhead?”
小庙未关门,小家伙好不容易爬过门槛,翻身落地后,抬头对着那尊掉漆严重的滑稽泥像,叉腰怒喊道:“大爷差点淹死在江水里,你还不赶快跪下领旨?!信不信大爷治你一个大不敬罪,把你的脑袋咔嚓一下?”With a crash.
砰然一声。vermilionclothesyoung ladworked as the pebble a foot, kicks the temple housing the village god.
朱衣童子被人一脚当石子,踢飞出土地庙。Has the man of short statureto sitondoorstep, was foul-mouthed: „burning incenseyoung lad who in your thisruined templeis born, but alsodaresIto saySirwithSir?”
It is not the whole family, does not enter a home.
不是一家人,不进一家门。vermilionclothesyoung ladrunspantingly, climbs updoorstepto sitdifficultly, looking fierce, the lookis plaintive.
The menknit the browsto ask: „Whatmatter?”
The little fellowswhispered: „Is a little hungry.”
The menlift the armto strike an attitude to hit, vermilionclothesyoung ladgrasps the head, shoutedto shout: „Iwasjust the news that sideCity God Pavilionfrom the citylistens secretly, said that was the Imperial CourtMinistry of Rites and imperial observatorygot downtwosecretdecrees, requestingallmountains and rivers gods of place of red candletown/subduesall aroundthousand li (500 km)spirit, awaited orderscompletely, can not be absent without authorization, does not getseclusion, mustbe within call, whencalling the roll, is unable to appearon time, cutsto standdecides! YourSir, if it were not forIhand over the newstoyou, your wearytemper, has murdered with a borrowed knife......, forgetting you are not the person......”22
The little fellowsthistimewere fallenin the temple housing the village godby a palm of the hand.
The menstand up, lookto the red candletown/subduesdirection, looks solemn, does not forgetto remind: „Inincense burnerkept a mealstoyou, remembers that saves the pointto eat.”
汉子站起身,望向红烛镇方向,神情肃穆,不忘提醒道:“香炉里给你留了点伙食,记得省着点吃。”„Calculatesyoura littleconscience. Reallydoes not know how youmix, in a state, assignmenttemple housing the village godtimelongestpitifulegg, moreoverrelated the difference from the colleaguesalsoeven, embroideredinHuajiangcontinuallytheseineffective and worthless troops, darednot to pay attention toyou, yousaid that I was so unlucky, livedinyourstove? Oh, the next generationshouldlook for the goodpointstovereincarnation......”onvermilionclothesyoung ladmouthis complainingunceasingly, does not delayhisfamiliar houseto climb up the incense table, jumps intoto insert78fragrantbrassincense burnersscattered.
--Returns to the road in pillowpost, the child who side postassistjourneyShengfacomes, clenches jawsall of a sudden, kept sighingall of a sudden, probablyis making a criticalchoice.
返回枕头驿的路上,驿丞程昇发现身旁的孩子,一下子咬牙切齿,一下子长吁短叹,像是在做一件生死攸关的抉择。Li Huaistops the footstepsfinally, has the courageto ask: „oldjourney, does mybodyhavethreetencoins, can or cannotgoes to the previousbookstoreto buythisbook? Is the therecheapestbook, how muchmoney? Also does can or cannotgivemeremaining?”李槐终于停下脚步,鼓起勇气问道:“老程,我身上有三十文钱,能不能去先前的书铺买本书?那儿最便宜的书,是多少钱?还能不能给我剩下点?”Was calledasoldjourneymansomewhatnot to know whether to laugh or cry, after consideringone, repliedearnestly: „Difficult. The book of thatshop, isourred candletown/subduesrecognizedis not materially beneficial, the scholar who if not the hobbycollects the rare bookrare book, no onegoes to that sideto buy the bookgenerally. Ifyoureallywantto buy the book, Iknow that east sidehastwoShufang, the Confucianismclassics and philosophersanthology, records strange or supernatural events the novel to have, Icanhelpyourcounter-offer there.”
A child of muscleshakes the head saying: „It is not good, mustbejust nowbookstore!”
一根筋的孩子摇头道:“不行,就得是方才的书铺!”Thesewereallsurplus grains that Li Huaiaccumulatedsecretly, stolemost probablyfrom the uncle's family, less than halfwas the elder sisterLi Liupin money.
Before the bookstore, thatput on the poor and pedanticfellow of straw sandalall year round, did not injure oneself in putting on a vain show, bought a brokenbook about 12moneywithout delay, did not rejectat the scene, is not willingto spendso much money forhim.
而是问他会不会看那本书。ThismakesLi Huaiveryaccidental/surprised. Althoughhesaidat that timewill look, in fact after buying, looked that naturallywill look, glances throughto kill the timeconveniently, Li Huaiactuallyhas little interest in this.
这让李槐很意外。虽然当时他说会看,事实上买下之后,看当然会看,随手翻阅打发时间而已,李槐对这本其实没太大兴趣。Whensomepeopleare willingto pull out12moneyforoneself, makingLi Huaifeelveryhappy.
但是当有人愿意为自己掏出十两银子,让李槐觉得很开心。Li Huaiis not silly. Otherstohimaregoodarebad, the childis well aware, clear.李槐不傻。别人对他是好是坏,孩子心知肚明,一清二楚。Straw sandal, has not the goodbook box, in additionthis, owedothersso many, thereforeLi Huaifelt , if notChen Ping'anmakesanything, oneselfwill feel sorry, is at heart suffocated.
一双双草鞋,还未打造好的书箱,加上这本,欠了人家这么多,所以李槐觉得要是不为陈平安做点什么,自己会过意不去,心里堵得慌。ActuallyLi Huaidoes not likeZhu Lu, Lin Shouyi that evenshares hardships, howalsonot to like, insteadbulliesownLi Baopingin the schoolfrequently, feelsalsowell.
其实李槐不喜欢朱鹿,甚至连患难与共的林守一,也不是如何喜欢,反而是在学塾就经常欺负自己的李宝瓶,觉得还不错。Li HuaimostlikescarelessA'Liang.李槐最喜欢吊儿郎当的阿良。As forthatpoor wretchfromMud Vase Lane, Li Huaisomewhatfearshim.
至于那个来自泥瓶巷的穷光蛋,李槐有些怕他。At this time, postassistjourneyShenglooks down the whole faceearnestchild, thought that worthilyis that fellowso-calledImmortalaptitude , something, trulywhen good luck comes the wits are sharpened, hebearssmile, is thinkingjustpushes the boat along, canhelpthischild, refers toerraticallyhas a hugeburning incensesentiment. Helps others do well, with1000mediocremasterforgood, is well belowto have the goodreasonwithImmortal, thisishepersonallysees, heardwith one's own ears, absolutely true.
此时,驿丞程昇低头看着满脸认真的孩子,心想不愧是那家伙所谓的仙人资质,有些事情,确实福至心灵,他忍住笑,想着刚好顺水推舟,能够帮这孩子一把,指不定就结下一桩天大的香火情。与人为善,与一千个凡俗夫子为善,远远不如与一位仙人结下善缘,这是他亲眼所见,亲耳所闻,千真万确。journeyShengleads the childto move towardalleys between twostreets, thatyoungshop owner, is sittingondoorsteplookstothem, whole facesmilling expression, is waiting fortheirarrivalsprobably.
程昇带着孩子走向两街之间的小巷,那位的年轻店主,正坐在门槛上望向他们,满脸笑意,好像就是在等待他们的到来。In the meantime, alleyanotherend, walks intoricketsold man of hand heldlantern, with the Li Huaitwopeoplein opposite directionsline.
就在此时,小巷另一端,走入一位手提灯笼的佝偻老人,与李槐二人相向而行。youngBrotherYoung Mastersets outslowly, beckons with the handtopostassistjourneySheng, „nowimperial edictshopcloses for the day, thenleadsthischildto comethisto buy the bookagain.”年轻公子哥缓缓起身,对驿丞程昇这边摆摆手,“今天书铺关门打烊,回头再带这孩子来这买书。”journeyShengis drawingLi Huaiwithout delay, turns aroundwalks.
程昇二话不说拉着李槐,掉头就走。youngBrotherYoung Master of distinguished and accomplishedscholarly, afterdeterminingtwopeopleleaves the alley, thenno longerseesbeforehandindifferent to fame or gaincomfortable, slightlyis crampedly respectful, holds the fist in the other handsaidin a soft voice: „Clash/TopeacefulriverLi Jin, pays a visit the doctor of Chinese medicineSir.”风流儒雅的年轻公子哥,在确定二人离开小巷后,便不复见之前的恬淡闲适,略显恭敬局促,抱拳轻声道:“冲澹江李锦,拜见郎中大人。”
After silver-hairedold man conducts the back, carries the lanternsingle-handedly, nods, bridges overbookstoredoorstepdirectly, is sidewaysto give awayyoungster of pathto tag along after that old man the bookslow end of lanternhandleinsertionbookwallhigh place, turns the headto look at the surfaceconvenientlysuch asjade pendant adorning a hatyoungster, deeply movedsaid: „40years ago yourmyfirst meeting, youareso the appearance, nowsays goodbye, stillso, makes people jealous.”
白发苍苍的老人一手负背后,一手提灯笼,点了点头,径直跨过书铺门槛,侧身让出道路的年轻人尾随其后,老人随手将灯笼握柄插入书墙高处的书籍低端,转头看着面如冠玉的年轻人,感慨道:“四十年前你我初次见面,你就是这般容颜,如今再见,依然如此,羡煞旁人啊。”youngstergets hold of the folding fan, the smilesaid: „Toourthesedifferent kind, canliveis, is the hugegood fortune.”年轻人握紧折扇,微笑道:“对我们这些异类而言,能够生而为人,才是天大的幸事。”old mannods, has not refuted.老人点点头,并未反驳。youngsteraskedcuriously: „Thatgroup of peoplecanlivein the pillowpost, is the arrangement of Sir?”年轻人好奇问道:“那拨人能够住在枕头驿,是大人的安排?”old mankeeps silent.老人默不作声。youngsterno longerinquiredtactful.年轻人识趣地不再询问。Heopenedthissmallbookstorehundredyears ago, watches the human affairsindifferently, saw the worldly wisdom and official circledisturbance, was not strangeregarding the Great Ligovernment, wantsto set asideso manyarmorBposthousesin the pillowpost, almostshouldbe the skills of sixvice ministers, naturally, threedoctors of Chinese medicinewere an exception. Great LiImperial Court, undersixyamenvice ministershigh official, the doctor of Chinese medicineisvariousdivisioncommanding officers, the gentry officialis an adjutant, fromfive. The doctor of Chinese medicine and gentry officialgovernment positiondoes not reveal, butthreedoctors of Chinese medicine, big of authority, is above the imagination.
他在百年前开了这家小书铺,冷眼看世事,见多了人情世故和宦海风波,对于大骊官场并不陌生,想要在枕头驿腾出这么多甲乙驿舍来,差不多该是六部侍郎的本事了,当然,三位郎中除外。大骊朝廷,六部衙门尚书侍郎之下,郎中为各司主官,员外郎为副官,从五品。郎中和员外郎官职不显,但是有三位郎中,权柄之大,超乎想象。ThisisMinistry of Appointmentstests the meritdivision, Ministry of WarmartialXuansi, and Ministry of Ritesancestral halloffers a sacrifice to the honest officialsdivision, thesethreedivisioncommanding officers, it may be said that the positioninferiorweight, the government and peoplefocus attention on, onceis released externally the place, makes an exceptionfor the governorinevitably.
这就是吏部考功司,兵部武选司,以及礼部祠祭清吏司,这三司主官,可谓位卑权重,朝野瞩目,一旦外放地方,必然破格为封疆大吏。Promotioninspections of dutiesdynastyallfourfollowinglocal officials.
Be responsible for screeningandverifiesmartial artistbeing promotedfor the dynastymilitary, especiallyis also having the offering amnestypower of rivers and lakesperson.
一位负责为王朝军方筛选、审核武人升迁,尤其还掌握着江湖人士的招安大权。Specificallyis responsible for a countrysacrificial offeringgrand ceremony, manytimekingsmustask that planinthisperson, thisrank not highcivil official, oftenis the ConfucianismstudypalaceandInstitutecomes.
一位具体负责一国祭祀大典,许多时候君王都要问策于此人,这名品秩不高的文官,往往是儒家学宫、学院出身。At presentthisordinaryold man, is one of them.
眼前这位貌不惊人的老人,正是其中之一。Li Jin40years ago, the masterasthisbookstore, oncedonatedpoorScholartwoancient books that go to the capitalto take the civil service exam, after never expected that impoverished scholaris promoted, becomes the Great LiMinistry of Ritesancestral hallto offer a sacrifice to the doctor of Chinese medicine of honest officialsdivision, clearexpensive/noble, andweight. However to the templeLi Jin of rivers and lakes, the Ministry of Ritesancestral halldoes not offer a sacrifice to the honest officialsdivisionalsoto haveanothersignificance, isthissmallyamen, it is saidmanyCapital Cityofficialscould not find the gate, is actually running the screeningevaluation of the world sceneryRighteous Godin secret, althoughdoes not have the finalsurveyingpower, has the importantrecommendationpower.
李锦在四十年前,作为这间书铺的主人,曾经赠予一位进京赶考的寒酸士子两本典籍,没有想到之后那位寒士一路升迁,成为了大骊礼部祠祭清吏司的郎中,清贵且权重。但是对不在庙堂远在江湖的李锦而言,礼部祠祭清吏司还有另外一层意义,就是这座小衙门,据说许多京城官员连门都找不到,却暗中掌管着天下山水正神的筛选评定,虽无最终的勘定权,却有至关重要的举荐权。Li Jinthroughpassing by the officialsbusinessman in red candletown/subdues, knew after old mansitsthisposition, sendsseveralcorrespondence, is the clay ox entering the sea, has not heard from, Li Jindoes not darehurriedly, to regretto give up.
李锦通过路过红烛镇的官宦商贾,得知老人坐上这个位置后,寄去数封书信,无一不是泥牛入海,杳无音信,李锦不敢造次,只得遗憾作罢。AliasLi Jin„youngster” since hundredyears, has made extraordinary painstaking efforts, seeksto the peaceful river waterRighteous Godpositionstrongly, usedmanymethodburning incense, flies back without any resultscompletely.
化名李锦的“年轻人”在百年以来,苦心孤诣,竭力谋求冲澹江江水正神的位置,用了许多门路香火,全部无功而返。old mansaidsuddenly: „Does not suppose the position of rivergodto the peacefulriver, youshouldknow the reason, thereforeyousend the correspondence of myyour family placequietly, whenIonlyhad not seen, is not not willingto help, butreallyhas a mindto be incapable.”老人突然说道:“冲澹江之所以不设江神之位,你应该是知晓缘由的,所以你悄悄寄去我府上的书信,我只当没有看到,并非不愿帮忙,而是实在有心无力。”
The youngstersmileis bitter and astringent, the nodsaid: „Understanding. So long asYour Majesty Emperordoes not nod, perhapsMinistry of Riteshigh officialopens the mouthto speakis not of use.”年轻人笑容苦涩,点头道:“理解。只要皇帝陛下不点头,恐怕礼部尚书开口发话都不顶用。”old mansmiled, is staring at presentthisyoungster, each20-30years, thispersonwill have replaced the facial skinappearance, old mannarrows the eye saying: „Butcurrentlyhas an opportunityto be placedin front ofyou, looked that youdo dareto strive.”老人笑了,凝视着眼前这个年轻人,每过20-30年,此人就会更换脸皮容貌,老人眯眼道:“但是现在有个机会摆在你面前,就看你敢不敢争取了。”youngsterhas not revealed the excitinglook, asked back: „Heard that oncewasinBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-HeavenDragon Springs County, EmperorGreat Li the imperial edictsealedDragon Beard RiverRiver God, an ironrune/symbolJiangjianggod, Scattering Clouds Mountain and pointDengshan and Abjection Mountainrespectiveimperial edictsealedMountain God, gave the three mountainstwowaterone time, amounted tofiveseats, thisalreadyused upYour Majesty Emperormanyfamily properties, howpossiblywhenthiswas soon beset with problems, did the hedgepeacefulriverlose a preciousquotaagain?”年轻人没有流露出激动神色,反问道:“听说曾是骊珠洞天的龙泉县境内,大骊皇帝敕封了一位龙须河河神,一位铁符江江神,披云山、点灯山和落魄山各自敕封了一尊山神,一次性给出三山两水,总计五个席位,这就已经用掉了皇帝陛下的许多家底,怎么可能在这个快要捉襟见肘的时候,再对冲澹江丢出一个宝贵名额?”old mansaid with a smile: „Relax, is notin view ofyourplot, said that coarse, youralsobeing insufficientmakesmego into actionpersonally.”老人笑道:“放心,不是什么针对你的阴谋,说句难听的,你还不至于让我亲自出马。”youngstersomewhatbecomes angry out of shame, immediately some helplesscolors of living under subjugation, no longerspoke.年轻人有些恼羞成怒,随即有些寄人篱下的无奈之色,不再说话。old manrestrainssmilling expression, said: „Is centered on the red candletown/subduessceneryRighteous God that in the surrounding areathousand li (500 km), allGreat LiImperial Courtimperial edictsseal, and landandRiver Matron of candidate, needto await ordersin the near futurecompletely, preparesto participate inoneencirclingat any time. In addition, the Great Licountrymanpass/testsouthernborder garrison, sent outeliteto ride the armymassively, scattered the countlessscoutingmounted scout. As foryourLi Jin, if not the friendship of thatpresentation copy, Iwill not informthisnewsinyouin the past. Hasyounot to haveyou, is undifferentiated.”老人收敛笑意,道:“以红烛镇为中心,方圆千里之内,所有大骊朝廷敕封的山水正神、以及候补的土地、河婆,近期全部需要待命,随时准备参与一场围剿。除此之外,大骊野夫关在内的南方边镇,出动了大量精锐骑军,撒出了不计其数的斥候侦骑。至于你李锦,若非当年那点赠书的情分,我绝不会将这个消息告知于你。有你没你,毫无差别。”Li Jinwas in the extreme shocked, „inGreat Li, whatexhibits such bigweaponryto make? Whatis encircling?”
李锦被震撼得无以复加,“在大骊境内,摆出这么大的阵仗做什么?到底是在围剿什么?”old manspoke bluntly, „a person.”老人直言相告,“一个人。”Li Jinlooksto the eyepupil of old man, does not fake, askedslowly: „Does doctor of Chinese medicineSir, whatneedmeto make?”
李锦望向老人的眼眸,不似作伪,缓缓问道:“郎中大人,需要我做什么?”old mansaid with a smile: „A pointsmallmatterin one's power, onlyneedsto help the man who observed closelyonejustto arrive at the red candletown/subdues, becauseIknow that went outto the peacefulriverlatter more than 200years, youoperatedverywellin the red candletown/subdues, compared withcity godtheirmore familiarwaterway, compared with the slightest sign of trouble of tworiverGodmore familiarsmall town, if the Capital Cityfilehas not recorded the mistake, youraisedseveralrare and preciousDeep Azure Fish, from the ancient book, in the most suitablesmallrangeto investigateandgive the message.”老人笑道:“一点力所能及的小事情,只需要帮忙盯住一个刚到红烛镇的男人,因为我知道走出冲澹江后两百余年,你在红烛镇上经营得很好,比城隍他们更熟悉水路,比两位江神又更熟悉小镇的风吹草动,而且如果京城档案没有记录错误的话,你豢养有几尾珍稀的青冥鱼,来自古书,最适合小范围内侦查、传递消息。”Li Jincomplexionis not quite attractive.
李锦脸色不太好看。old manridiculed: „Felt relieved,Deep Azure Fishis truly once in hundred years, but under Iam also insufficientto achieve the tempted to rob by sight of wealth the situation.”老人讥讽道:“放宽心,青冥鱼确实百年一遇,可我还不至于下作到见财起意的地步。”Li Jinself-ridiculesto say with a smile: „Was the abdomen of mytreat a Nobleman with the heart of a villain.”
李锦自嘲笑道:“是我以小人之心度君子之腹了。”Heaskedimmediately: „Is thatperson?”
他随即问道:“那人是?”old manrepliedslowly: „A man who wears the bamboo hat, the waisthassilversmall bottle gourd, the sidefollowsonegroup of children, thesechildrencame fromonceBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, presentDragon Springs Countycity. As for the realstatus of man, the Great Liintelligence reporthad not learned.”老人缓缓答道:“一个戴斗笠的汉子,腰间别有一只银色小葫芦,身边跟着一群孩子,那些孩子来自曾经的骊珠洞天,如今的龙泉县城。至于汉子的真实身份,大骊谍报尚未获悉。”Li Jinstares dumbfounded, „before thatperson, has come to my shop.”
李锦瞠目结舌,“那人之前来过我这铺子。”old manvisionlikeelectricity.老人目光如电。Li Jinsaidcarefully: „Coincidence.”
李锦小心说道:“巧合而已。”old manbeckons with the hand, urges: „Did not matter, from now on, was sure to remember that do not give oneself away, even ifidle work, feels betterto have. Ifbecause ofyourcareless mistake, does not alert the enemycarefully, youdo not needto worry, becauseyouaffirmedat that timealreadydied, thatpersondoes not killyou, Iwill also beginpersonally.”老人摆摆手,叮嘱道:“无所谓了,从现在起,切记不要露出马脚,哪怕无功,也好过有过。如果因为你的纰漏,不小心打草惊蛇,你也不用担心,因为你那个时候肯定已经死了,那个人不杀你,我也会亲自动手。”„But ifthismatterbecame, Icannotguarantee that youbecometopeacefulriverJiangshen, butIcanmakeYour Majesty Emperorfirstrememberyourname.”
“但是如果这件事情成了,我不敢保证你成为冲澹江江神,但是我可以让皇帝陛下先记住你的名字。”Li Jinself-ridicules saying: „Is thisJane/simplein the emperorheart?”
李锦自嘲道:“这算不算简在帝心?”old manstopspulls out the movement that the bookglances throughconveniently, turns the headto ask: „What's wrong, doesn't want?”老人停下随手抽书翻阅的动作,转头问道:“怎么,不愿意?”Li Jinhahasaid with a smile: „search for riches and honor within danger, does not needmeto breach enemy lineslet alonepersonally, gains the business that does not compensatesteadily, did!”
李锦哈哈笑道:“富贵险中求,更何况又不需要我亲自陷阵,稳赚不赔的买卖,做了!”Hehit a soundto refer, nearby the shoulder, appearedtwotailextremelyslenderexquisitesmall fish, theyandhisdivine will were the same, the fishinstitutesaw, was the institute of Li Jinmu.
他打了一个响指,肩头附近,浮现出两条尾巴极其纤长的玲珑小鱼,它们与他神意相同,鱼目所见,即是李锦目之所及。Theydrag the long-tail, vanishesinstantaneously.
Before old mandeparts, is smilingdeeply moved saying: „The book of yourshop, the priceissuchexpensive/noble.”老人离去之前,笑着感慨道:“你铺子的书,价格还是这么贵啊。”Li Jinonly theninthis moment, feltold manvaguelysomewhatinitially the elegant demeanor of thatyoungimpoverished scholar.
The old manrecaptionlantern, leaves the shop.老人取回灯笼,离开铺子。old mangoes out of the alley, the cornerstands a tall and strongman of doublebraceletchest, two peopleis walking side-by-side, the latterasked: „Did not fear that adds something superfluous and ruins the effect?”老人走出小巷,拐角处站着一个双臂环胸的魁梧男子,两人并肩而行,后者问道:“就不怕画蛇添足?”old mansaidat will: „Actuallythisencircling and hunting, drew in a netthissituation, even ifLi Jinwere insanesuddenlyinsanely, ran up to front ofthatmannamedA'Liang, divulgedalltruth, was immaterial. The mensaidill-humoredly: „ In the final analysis, canreturnhispastpresentation copyfavor?”老人随意道:“其实这场围猎,收网到了这个地步,那李锦就算突然失心疯,跑到那个叫阿良的男人面前,说破一切真相,都无关紧要了。男人没好气道:“归根结底,还是要还他当年的赠书人情?”old mansmilesto narrow the eye, revealsseveralpoints of take responsibility, saidin a soft voice: „Favor that Iowe, manyvaluemoney.”老人笑眯起眼,流露出几分自负,轻声道:“我欠下的人情,多少还是值点钱的嘛。”
--Zhu Lusaid that musteatto icetanghulu, althoughZhu Heis somewhat curious, howoneselfdaughterliked the sweetssuddenly, butthisrequestcould not be regardedanything, broughtgirlto look forboothtogether.朱鹿说要吃冰糖葫芦,朱河虽然有些好奇,自家闺女怎么突然喜欢上了甜食,可这点要求根本算不得什么,就带着少女一起去找摊子。Finallywas also really foundby the father and daughter, hasin a big wayto carryoneto string together the tanghulupeddler, drops from house to house, calledloudly.
The Zhu Heunhappythisthing, the Zhu Luone breathbuysthreeskewers, someZhu Hedoubts, girlsaidoneselfeatoneskewer, othertwoskewerscangive the young ladyandChen Ping'an.朱河不喜此物,朱鹿一口气买下三串,朱河有些疑惑,少女笑着说自己吃一串,其余两串可以给小姐和陈平安。girladded,shethinksto apologizewiththatyoungstertonight, the good and evilhimtold that sorry, canfeel at ease.少女还说,她想今晚就跟那少年道歉,好歹跟他说一声对不起,才能安心。Zhu Hefeels relieved, gives birth for the first time.朱河如释重负,开怀至极。Father and daughtertwo peoplereturns to the relay station, knew that Chen Ping'anandLi Baopingalreadyreturns to the pillowpost.
父女两人回到驿站,得知陈平安和李宝瓶已经返回枕头驿。Zhu Luoneskewericedtanghulunot to finish eating, selectedbehindfirst-classposthousecourtyard, making the fatherhelphimpass messagetoChen Ping'an, said that approximatelymetwithChen Ping'anhere.朱鹿一串冰糖葫芦还未吃完,挑了甲等驿舍后边的院子,让父亲帮他给陈平安捎句话,说跟陈平安约在这里见面。
The Zhu Hestridedeparts, somewhatis at heart funny, thisgirlfacial skin was also too thin, admits mistakes, havinganythingloses face.朱河大步离去,心里有些好笑,这丫头脸皮子也太薄了些,跟人低头认个错而已,有什么丢人的。In a while, the straw sandalyoungsterappearsincolored drawing on potterycorridorthathead, seesto sitafterZhu Lu on anotherendbench, the youngsterquickens paceslightly.
没过多久,草鞋少年出现在彩绘廊道那一头,看到坐在另一端长椅上的朱鹿后,少年微微加快步伐。On the bench of girlbodyside, is scattering15-16tanghulu.少女身侧的长椅上,散落着15-16颗糖葫芦。girlstands upwith a smile, both handsplacebehind, the stanceseems likelovely and innocent.少女笑着站起身,双手放在身后,姿态看似娇憨。Shewalkstoward the youngster.
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